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Everything posted by JStarr

  1. Saw these on Yahoo and thought they might be good for a little discussion-starter. The best and worst players ever chosen at each first-round spot. First, the best: I do agree with Elway at #1, and it'll take Manning knocking a lot more of Marino's numbers out of the books, and probably winning another Super Bowl, to change that. Not all that sure about Seymour over Riggins. I was surprised to see that #15 was essentially Mobley and a bunch of nothing. Mobley was okay, but damn. #19 seems to come up good on a solid basis. Two HoF players and two future HoF'ers as well. Not sure why Adam Archuleta's name is surfacing anywhere near a list like this. Swann over Moss in a heartbeat. I know Ray Guy made the Hall of Fame, but Jesus on a cracker, why would anyone ever draft a punter in the first round? And yeah, #32 was likely kind of pointless, but hey, Mankins isn't embarrassing himself by a long shot. Now for the real fun part... The fact that there are so many "Who the fuck is he?" guys makes me chuckle. Reading off that list of people from the #2 spot, Lions fans need to be very afraid. On the Best list, only three of the players listed are quarterbacks...on the Worst list, there's nine! The list of guys that the Bengals passed on to take Akili Smith is simply crazy, especially them rejecting New Orleans' offer. I remember hearing that at one point, Ditka was getting so worked up over Williams that he was prepared to offer his ENTIRE DRAFT, and I'd have made him pony up if I was in Cincy's front office. The line about Kevin Allen killing the grass reminds me...I really miss Buddy Ryan. And there's another one of those damn kickers in the first round. Oh, but wait, he kicked AND punted, so he was special...damn shame he couldn't do either in the NFL. The Bears are still trying to dig out from McNown as far as finding a solid QB. We can easily see who got the athletic talent in the McGwire family...for those who didn't know, Dan McGwire is Mark's brother. Ah, Vaughn Dunbar...that was back in the day when Indiana University actually had a decent football team. As a Purdue fan, I prefer them as the doormats they've been ever since. I remember thinking Marijuanavich was a pretty cool football player when I was a kid...until I saw that he couldn't play worth a damn. And...I'm spent. Feel free to discuss.
  2. And you were concerned...ha. You killed me in the World Cup. Ass. <_<

  3. I think we'll be taking this to the full-on NFL thread.
  4. And frankly, I have to give Thomas some big points for basically saying "screw the draft, I'm goin' fishin' with Dad." If Brady Quinn has to do the Matt Leinart Never-Ending Green Room wait and drops to, like, #16 or something, that would make my draft. But if the Lions don't do the smart thing and entertain some trade-down offers to some team that wants to snag Peterson out from under the Browns, the ONLY top 5 guy they need right now is Thomas.
  5. Periods are your friends, Demon. Well, except in the intergender relations sense. Anywho, yeah, I'd have to agree with the Cavs optimism. The Wizards would be a tough matchup, except for that whole no-Arenas, no-Butler thing. Second round? Nets. I'll not be the slightest bit surprised if VC goes off for 50 in Toronto at least once, just to give the old home fans a big fuck off. But, yeah, I take Nets in six in that series. Cavs/Nets would be a slugfest, but I like LeBron's chances of showing up for every game more than I like Carter's. Dwight Howard will pound on Detroit's bigs for, I'll say, six games, but he just doesn't have enough help. All told, though, I still don't see anyone who can handle the Mavs, Suns, OR Spurs in the Finals.
  6. 1. Scarlett Johansson 2. Kristen Bell 3. Eva Longoria 4. Keira Knightley 5. Tina Fey 6. Sarah Michelle Gellar 7. Lacey Chabert 8. Eliza Dushku 9. Alyson Hannigan 10. Rosario Dawson Really difficult to leave Natalie Portman off the list, but no more room. Bummer.
  7. I'll be even more impressed with Stern if he lets Duncan off for criticizing the official considering the circumstances. Any player talking about "the ref hates me/us" usually gets smacked in the wallet. Leaves us with one less ref who thinks someone paid money to see him. (Y)
  8. If the reports are right that I've read/heard, he has not been arrested for anything, let alone convicted. Sure, he's been questioned, but you can be at a high school football game, a fight can start that ends up with a kid getting a broken nose, and chances are if you were within 50 feet of the fight they'll question you. Why he should be punished because other people commit crimes while he is around is beyond me. Ahem... Full list of Pacman's...misadventures, let's call them...right here. Pacman needs to be down on his knees thanking Goodell that it was only a season.
  9. Yes, I'm sure he has a lovely soprano...since he has no balls and all. Once Bobby Petrino gets pissed off trying to deal with Vick, he can put Harrington in to do...absolutely nothing. Then two games later, Bobby can get fired. In totally unrelated news, Pacman got nailed with a suspension for the ENTIRE SEASON. And Chris Henry got eight games. :lmao: Maybe this'll help keep the rest of the league's players out of the bars, titty or otherwise. Roger Goodell is my new hero.
  10. I weep for the fact that none of you have noted EPMD as of yet. Crap, I'd love to catch one of these.
  11. And he's an intimidator to boot...score on him and he'll come after you swinging his helmet.
  12. Clearly, UNC were given 32 free throw attempts (to Georgetown's ten or so before the desperation fouling started) strictly because they're handsome and charitable young men. Clearly. Hibbert and Green are both fucking beasts, and I'm really anxious to check out that Hibbert-Oden matchup next week. If the Hoyas and Gators win...Hibbert/Green v. Noah/Horford? Damn.
  13. Johnson needs to drink lots of milk so he has nice strong collarbones...unlike other Lions "freak of nature" draft choices.
  14. He needs to blow out his knee so an unheralded backup can take his job, win a Super Bowl and the MVP, only to turn into the backup to anybody drafted #1 for the next 5 years? :blink: Actually, I was talking about the guy who recovered from said injury to have four years like these: Of course, if the Texans won the Super Bowl next year, I think we'd all be checking reality at the door.
  15. On the favorite teams thing, it should be somewhat obvious from my giddiness around Super Bowl time: 1. Bears--Mom was and is a die-hard Bears fan, and indoctrinated me early. 2. Colts--About the age of six, I learned that I was only an hour from Indy...and that Indy had snagged a team. 3. Texans--I always have a soft spot for expansion teams, and even though they've done their best to fuck things up over their existence, I still enjoy this bunch of oafs. Which brings me to Matt Schaub. I'm always of the opinion that the draft builds the really great teams, so if they're forking over three picks, including a top 10 this year, Schaub needs to be the next Trent Green, at the very least. Speaking of Green, the rumor's circulating that the Dolphins are looking to deal for him. Could be a nice fit, and possibly rid the league of either Culpepper or Harrington...neither one would make me sad at all.
  16. I've lost two Sweet 16's, but no Elite 8's, which is a major victory for me after one round. And I'd be much better off if I'd had more faith in the Indiana schools. IU and Butler both winning both screwed me, especially since I had Gonzaga knocking off UCLA in my money bracket. Grr. But, Purdue FTW over Arizona, and may they not get COMPLETELY throttled by Florida.
  17. Whole tournament's been that way so far...I've never seen so many games where teams can't even break 20 by halftime. Now, I need Kansas to flame out like they always do, Winthrop to stick it to Oregon, and Memphis to get stuffed by Nevada. Not too much to ask, I hope.
  18. I was DAMN happy to see Winthrop finally pull it out. Hopefully, they can do it again, as I've got them knocking out Oregon as well. And I seriously need Nevada to stop dicking around and finish Creighton. In a money bracket I'm playing, they're my Elite Eight surprise package. Of course, I am usually missing one of my Elite Eight before the first round ends, so why should this year be any different? And now Fazekas has fouled out. FUCK!
  19. 1) Five complete musical albums. Prince--Purple Rain Aerosmith--Pump Terence Trent D'Arby--Neither Fish Nor Flesh Tricky--Pre-Millenium Tension Nellie McKay--Get Away From Me 2) Five books (fiction or non-fiction). Stephen King--The Stand Stephen King--Christine Clive Cussler--Golden Buddha Ric Flair--To Be the Man Mick Foley--Foley is Good 3) Three video games (remember you can't play multiplayer). GTA San Andreas Football Manager 2007 Amplitude 4) Also, there's one takeaway on the island for food. What would it be or which country's cuisine would it serve? Pizza Hut. Period.
  20. Fixed. Can't believe ODU was one of my upset specials. Next, I'll get to watch Winthrop lose by twenty, I bet.
  21. lol, Kansas. I've been burned by them way too many times over the years. I no longer bet on them to make the Sweet 16...ever.
  22. So who does everyone have as their Final Four? In one bracket, I have: Florida, Pitt, Georgetown, and Ohio State. Florida and OSU for the title, with Florida winning. In the other, I have: Wisconsin, UCLA, Texas, and Ohio State. UCLA and OSU for the title, with UCLA winning. Yours? Go.
  23. Skummy just made a quite compelling argument. I personally agree with his grandfather...if I ever get to the point where I'm nothing but a burden on my family, good for not much but one more "thing to take care of," I want the option to tell someone to get me the hell out of this body. A perfectly healthy person who offs themselves because, I don't know, their girlfriend left them=pussy. Person who chooses to end an existence defined by nothing else but physical suffering=...well, I dont want to say noble, but it's a lot more dignified than shitting and drooling all over yourself for however many years.
  24. Aw, look, it's a mini-mod...they're so cute, aren't they? And that is a classic, right there. (Y) To keep it "strictly football," how about this? Does anyone like the idea of Anthony Thomas getting another chance to be The Man, now that he's re-signed with the Bills? Or should they keep fishing? Me, I'd say they need to be seeing how likely it is that Marshawn Lynch is gonna fall to them.
  25. Either there's a decimal point missing from that Washington contract amount, or the Patriots have been slipped some highly potent shit. Somehow I'm seeing Brady falling short of 2500 yards next season. Of course, I see that every year when they sign retread receivers, and it never happens. Bastard. And speaking of Brady, did anyone hear confirmation of whether or not he's also knocked up Gisele Bundchen?
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