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Everything posted by JStarr

  1. I WILL say that Jeni was one of my favorites, one of the first guys that ever got me chewed out for quoting his dirty material at the dinner table. (Well, I was ten at the time.) He was one of those guys who could be just raunchy enough to add some zing to the joke, but not, like, Dice-level raunchy where you felt dirty just watching him. I saw one of his old specials a couple of years ago when I was staying with my dad and stepmom, and she sat down to watch. Proceeded to laugh harder than I did. Jeni was criminally underappreciated, and how he could only get a UPN launch sitcom (for one season, no less) when people like Norm MacDonald could make the major networks for years is beyond me. I wish Rich a fond RIP, and I'm off to find Platypus Man on DVD.
  2. A cookie for anyone who can explain to me why half of the East Region is being played in Spokane.
  3. And besides, I don't recall hearing anyone insult the Raiders per se...we're just all making fun of Al Davis's incontinence and senility, which as a sport is fast approaching that of hockey. Rhodes is a very good pickup for Oakland, as it never really seemed like Justin Fargas was going to do much of anything. And $2.5 million per year tells us that Dominic's going to be doing something more than just waiting for Jordan to blow a tire.
  4. Of course, I'd have to have a Prince album near the top, and Sign o' the Times is a true all-time classic. Bounces from pop to rock to funk to gospel to atmospheric New Wave-kinda sounds...and that's just Disc One. But then, there's Introducing the Hardline According to Terence Trent D'Arby, also. TTD's got one of the best voices I've ever heard, and this first album came before he tried to become a spaced-out new age poet. Beatles' Revolver, definitely. That was the first album that really made me understand what my friend Ben was on about when he kept gushing over the Beatles in junior high. "Taxman" and "Tomorrow Never Knows" are the best bookend tracks on any album ever. But...I have to put one other atop the list, and it's Tricky--Pre-Millennium Tension So many songs on here can get me pumped for whatever the day might bring. It's been called a paranoid, claustrophobic album, but I can't help but get chills when the wild guitar loops kick in on "Vent" or the runaway train bass line on "Sex Drive" starts tearing out of the speakers. Genius at work.
  5. Yep, the Raiders see a guy get arrested for driving 20-some miles over the speed limit at 3 AM, half-lit, and proceeding to piss himself, and Al Davis goes, "MY KINDA FOOTBALL PLAYER!!!" Especially since Davis is probably pissing himself at this moment. If there's any justice in football (not likely where Tom Coughlin's concerned, but I digress), Droughns will be collecting his cash to "impart veteran wisdom" to Brandon Jacobs.
  6. And now, if I'm Cleveland, I'm on the horn to Buffalo immediately. "Say, would you be interested in one practically mint-condition #3 pick with which you can take one slightly dinged-up stud running back from Oklahoma? Only cost you your first and, say, third or fourth."
  7. Really soft hands or something...leave me alone, I was tired. :ohwell:
  8. Because someone's got to say it, just to honk off VP: Matt Millen's gotta be looking real close at Johnson... And the Eagles not keeping Garcia is moronic, seriously. He seems to be perfectly content to play a backup role on a winning team, rather than go get his head handed to him on a crappy team...like Cleveland...or Detroit. Not sure what A.J. Feeley's got on everyone that keeps them convinced he'll be a serviceable QB. He's got Heather Mitts. And she's hot in that "Oh my lord, you're ripped" kinda way. If you're into that sorta thing....and I know you are. After checking out her site, I can honestly say...I so wish I could get into that. Again, to borrow Ron Simmons...DAMN! Although I must admit, when I first saw your post, I thought Heather Mitts was some colloquial term, like alligator arms or lead feet.
  9. Because someone's got to say it, just to honk off VP: Matt Millen's gotta be looking real close at Johnson... And the Eagles not keeping Garcia is moronic, seriously. He seems to be perfectly content to play a backup role on a winning team, rather than go get his head handed to him on a crappy team...like Cleveland...or Detroit. Not sure what A.J. Feeley's got on everyone that keeps them convinced he'll be a serviceable QB.
  10. No, at that point, Adrian Peterson is the best player available, and they pitch Kevin Jones out on his ass. Or maybe trade down.
  11. And a Merry Xmas in February looks a bit goofy, doesn't it?

  12. Um...there were none?

  13. Hell, I'll agree with that... ...plus the video will melt your fucking retinas with all the hotness onscreen. Jessica, Christina Applegate, Eva Longoria, AND...um...I wanna say Christina Milian was the fourth girl, but don't quote me.
  14. Maybe it's just some vague impression I get, but it seems to me that Billick would be a lot harder for a GM to get along with than Schottenheimer. I've just always gotten the feeling that Billick's ego walks into the room about five minutes before he does. And VP, who DO the Lions have at MLB? For some reason, I always associated that position with Boss Bailey, and always thought of Boss as being, well, kind of good.
  15. If the Nets trade Kidd for what the Lakers are supposedly peddling, there'll be a few thousand other people that won't see any reason to go to a game ever again. Mr. Triple Double for Luke Walton, Jordan Farmar, and other assorted spare parts? If that trade went down, it would officially signal that winning means nothing in Jersey. Even if they get Andrew Bynum, which still appears to be the big sticking point...ugh.
  16. I seriously enjoy all the All-Star Weekend stuff (bar the Slam Dunk contest, which I can take or leave), but the game itself doesn't do much for me. I did love the fact that last year, a 5'7" guy won the Dunk contest and a 7-footer won the 3-Point Shootout. (Y)
  17. Zero, you are officially my hero. I've been jonesing to get on that show ever since I stumbled across one of the first-round matches late at night. And...um...if either of your teammates should have to cancel, consider me as a replacement, wouldja? I'd kill at the game and I'm in Gainesville, just a couple of hours from Orlando.
  18. Even as a hardcore Colts fan (back since the Dickerson days...born and raised an hour from Indy...nice try, syck), I still for the life of me can't figure out who keeps voting Tarik "Captain False Start" Glenn to go to Hawaii every year. The next Colts game I see that doesn't involve him making MULTIPLE goofy penalties or other mistakes may just be the first. And quite honestly, the NFL is a brutal enough game without having to subject these guys to one more meaningless exhibition. IMO, the Pro Bowl simply needs to just go away.
  19. As much as I'm happy to see my two favorite teams teeing it up in the big one, the weather tried its damndest to be the star of the game. As much as I'm happy that Peyton's getting a ring, since he didn't throw for 700 yards and 8 TD's in a monsoon, it still won't shut up all the "overrated" tripe that keeps flying around the guy. He's going to the HOF when he's done, guys like Roethlisberger, Grossman, and Romo are not, full stop. Should he have won the MVP tonight? No, I'd have split it between Addai and Rhodes. Like Biggz said, the Colts have an abundance of class, Manning included, no matter how much people want to complain about him "complaining." Guys like Michael Jordan and Larry Bird weren't above dressing down their teammates in front of God and everyone when somebody fucked up, and they weren't above working the refs a bit, either. That gets written off as competitive fire, but Manning's a "whiner." Now we spell that "winner," as in "Super Bowl winner." He dissected a highly talented defense in some pretty shitty conditions. Deal with it. Praise to the Bears, praise to the Colts, praise to both Tony and Lovie, and here's to the Bears getting to do it next year. And an interesting point there, jase...Grossman IS from Bloomington, Indiana, after all.
  20. From FoxSoccer.com: Not real sure how I feel about this particular move. Sure, Hicks is all about building new stadia, but he's also known for slinging retarded contracts around. Hopefully, Liverpool doesn't get spent silly from him trying to assemble an English "galactico" type side. Also, I guess I missed the part where Lerner bought Villa.
  21. SHEEP'S BACK!!!!!@!@@#$#$#!!

  22. If Thurman Thomas ever gets inducted, the only thing I'll be able to take solace in is the fact that he'll forget where he put his plane tickets and miss the start of the ceremony.
  23. Rod Woodson only retired in 2003, so he's still got another year before he's eligible. Out of this group, I agree with Irvin and Matthews. I'm surprised Derrick Thomas and Art Monk aren't in already. Grimm and Dent are outside shots, and I'd see Tagliabue going in sooner rather than later. And Jerry Jones can blow me, too.
  24. The topics, of course, being TGC's cock and whiskey...
  25. I have to give a little bit of credit to his owners, since they knew it was extremely unlikely that he'd ever be able to be used for breeding purposes, but they still strove to keep him alive because...GASP...they actually loved their horse! Everything in sports these days seems motivated by money, and it's nice to see a story that has some kernel of respect for life at its core. RIP Barbaro, and hopefully the Jacksons can train another one just like him.
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