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Everything posted by Jook

  1. We were awful. Absolutely shite. I'm going to go kill myself.
  2. Graham Coxon - People of the Earth Feeder - Satellite News Portishead - Sour Times Placebo - I'll Be Yours Radiohead - Permanent Daylight Muse - Bedroom Acoustics White Stripes - Do Muse - Time Is Running Out Goldfrapp - Twist The Rapture - House of Jealous Lovers Bjork - Come To Me The Smiths - This night has opened my eyes Gorillaz - Faust Muse - Shine RATM - Bullet In The Head Beck - Where It's At Garbage - Drive You Home Blur - Song 2 Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Man Soulwax - Too Many DJ's
  3. I've never got the Dizzee thing...just not my type of music. Razorlight's album sounds 10 times better after seeing them live. Libertines new album is disappointing, it's alright though.
  4. Yay! I can hate Newcastle again. I found it hard to hate Chelsea and Newcastle last season, because their managers both kicked arse, but now they both have cunts for managers, so I can go back to hating them
  5. Aston Villa - Chelsea 0-1 Liverpool - West Brom 2-1 Man City - Everton 1-1 Portsmouth - Crystal Palace 2-0 Tottenham - Norwich 1-1 Ipswich - Millwall 2-1 QPR - Plymouth 0-0 Sheffield United - West Ham 1-2 Port Vale - Huddersfield 0-0 Leyton Orient - Bristol Rovers 2-2
  6. Muse - Unintended Radiohead - Exit Music [For a Film] Placebo - My Sweet Prince
  7. Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas) Genie (Aladdin)
  8. I so missed it Damn Auf Der Maur playing a good set and keeping me away from the main stage
  9. Jook

    The Thrills!

    They're irish but pretend they're american. They piss me off.
  10. And we all know how.... EDIT:- **wonders just how many Manure fans don't know how.......damn glory hunters** ← You do know that all the kids nowadays support Arsenal? You're the glory hunters of the new generation ←
  11. Yeah they did, Golden Touch and an awesome new song called 'Keep the Right Profile'. Another episode is on in like 7 minutes. I'm not watching, it was shit last night.
  12. And we all know how.... EDIT:- **wonders just how many Manure fans don't know how.......damn glory hunters** ←
  13. The Departure are playing in Northampton for £6 soon...shame it's on a Tuesday so I've got school
  14. I thought festivals sucked Squancho?
  15. /forum/index.php?showtopic=9232">http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9232 Reading for me, fucking great fun.
  16. I just noticed that. Dude, Green rocked. We were in Green D opposite the Oxfam tent, occasionally going over to Green E to see some other mates. It all dried up come Sunday. Where were you? ←
  17. Whoopsiedoodle. Oh well, if someone could kindly delete this for me then
  18. Am I going insane or did Squancho and PlagueUK both post in this thread in the last hour or so?
  19. Pah, Placebo kick arse you barstardo.
  20. Austria - England 0-2 Azerbaijan - Wales 0-2 Burkina Faso - Uganda 1-2 Canada - Honduras 2-1 Denmark - Ukraine 2-2 Italy - Norway 1-1 Northern Ireland - Poland 0-2 Peru - Argentina 0-3 Rep of Ireland - Cyprus 2-1 USA - El Salvador 4-2
  21. I wanted to see the Rasmus and Fiddy cos they got booed off, and I thought it would've been fun. As for Soulwax, they were good, but they lacked something live. And Carl was singing for the 'Tines.
  22. In order from Worst to Best....enjoy The Fiery Furnaces - Radio 1 - Sunday - 0/10 BWAHAHAHAHA. You can't be serious? Pink Grease - Carling - Friday - 1/10 Utter shite. Like The Darkness meets Slipknot meets Nursey Rhymes. Yuck. Agent Blue - Carling - Saturday - 2/10 Bollocks. The Cribs - Carling - Sunday - 2/10 Shit. I can't believe they got good write-ups. New York Dolls - Main - Saturday - 2/10 When half the crowd fall asleep you know it's time to stop.. Kaiser Cheifs - Carling - Sunday - 3/10 Ugh...not too good. Goldie Lookin Chain - Main - Friday - 3/10 Am I the only person who doesn't get these? The Futureheads - Radio 1 - Sunday - 3/10 Don't see what the attraction is to be honest. Shit. Read Yellow - Radio 1 - Saturday - 3/10 Pretty shite really. The Distillers - Main - Friday - 4/10 Pretty fucking awful live. Dogs Die In Hot Cars - Radio 1 - Sunday - 4/10 Pathetically inoffensive. Franz Ferdinand - Main - Saturday - 4/10 Bollocksy Bollocksy shitty shite. Boring as hell. Ordinary Boys - Radio 1 - Saturday - 4/10 Bleh. Pretty shit. Yourcodenameis:Milo - Carling - Sunday - 5/10 Better than I thought they'd be. But still shit. The Hives - Main - Friday - 5/10 BOOOOORING. Every song sounded the same, not that good. Hundred Reasons - Main - Friday - 5/10 Meh, not that great, they were okay, nothing special. Bloc Party - Radio 1 - Saturday - 5/10 The biggest disappointment of the weekend. I love them on record, but they didn't cut it live. Pretty Girls Make Graves - Carling - Friday - 6/10 Meh, average. Not bad, nothing ground breaking. Infrasound - Carling - Friday - 6/10 Not too bad. The Streets - Main - Saturday - 6/10 They were okay, not brilliant. Ash - Main - Friday - 6/10 Very....'so what?'. Disappointing. Har Mar getting naked almost saved it, but they weren't very exciting. The Von Bondies - Radio 1 - Sunday - 6/10 Not too bad, enjoyed them, but some of the stuff was quite shit. Terra Diablo - Carling - Friday - 7/10 Not too shabby. Fairly good, they were tight, very well organised. The White Stripes - Main - Saturday - 7/10 Huge disappointment. I've got every one of their albums, so I should be familiar with all there songs, but they all ran together. The only highlights were 'Apple Blossom', 'Seven Nation Army' and 'St.James Infirmiary'...they slaughtered 'Maps' by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Har Mar Superstar - Radio 1 - Saturday - 7/10 Perhaps the busiest the Radio 1 Tent got, he was suprisingly good. 'DUI' was class. Soulwax - Radio 1 - Friday - 8/10 Rather good. Dodgy setlist, and it lulled a bit in the middle, but alltogether it was fucking great. 2 Many DJ's and Any Minute now were brilliant. The Stills - Radio 1 - Sunday - 8/10 Suprise hit of the weekend I think, they were very good. Madrugada - Carling - Sunday - 8/10 Great band. I'd never heard of them before, and they were fantastic. Super Furry Animals - Radio 1 - Friday - 9/10 Amazing. I had no idea how eclectic these were. Even a 15-minute inturruption from Goldie Lookin' Chain didn't spoil it. The Libertines - Main - Saturday - 9/10 Very enjoyable. Every song sounded like it should've been released as a single. Random stand in guitar guy did quite well. Auf Der Maur - Radio 1 - Sunday - 9/10 I was shocked at how good they were. Mellissa said it was her 10th anniversary of playing live music, as she debuted at Reading 1994. Very enjoyable. The Secret Machines - Carling - Sunday - 9/10 Shame, they had sound problems, and if they didn't then they would've been the best band of the weekend, they were fucking amazing. The Subways - Carling - Friday - 10/10 One of my favourite new bands, they were great, really enjoyed them. The Departure - Carling - Friday - 10/10 Fucking great. Second time I've seen them, they were even better this time, they were brilliant. Next year they'll be on the main stage. Morrisey - Main - Saturday - 10/10 Just brilliant, a true showman. Amazing. 'There Is A Light' was the best song of the festival, he's funny as fuck too. Placebo - Main - Sunday - 10/10 Great stuff. They started early so I missed the first two tracks, but they were fantastic. Razorlight - Main - Saturday - 10/10 Absolutely fantastic. In 20 years we will be talking about Johnny Borrell in the same way as we do about Morrissey and Mercury now. Fucking amazing. Graham Coxon - Radio 1 - Friday - 10/10 Fucking brilliant. He was so full of energy and angst, I went out to buy his latest album on the Saturday morning he was that good. He also took the piss out of the Darkness a lot, which was cool. Supergrass - Radio 1 - Sunday - 11/10 Wow. Just wow. I reckon they were held back at the end, I was sure they were going to do an encore, as they still had 'Alright' and 'Richard III' to play...still though, amazing. I was in the second row with a rather attractive girl shoved up in front of me, which made the experience even more enjoyable . They were simply incredible, the 3rd best live band I've ever seen. Biggest regrets: Not going to see the Rasmus or Fiddy. Camping in Green....puddles ahoy. Missing the start of Placebo.
  23. Jook

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    The Secret Machines.
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