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Posts posted by Marsh

  1. I want to buy it but I noticed there are two versions available. a six CD version and a DVD version.

    Six CD version costs £10, DVD version costs £18.



    Is there any difference between the two? Obviously DVD is more convenient but is there any difference beyond that? It just seems like the DVD is £8 (roughly $14) more for no reason.

    Please help. :blush:

  2. I loved this show and saw it a few times over several years. It is no longer running however, and I recently tried to explain it to someone but it's difficult for them to understand why it is so awesome. As it's no longer running, there's no show for them to see performed live, so I thought I would buy a DVD of the show and use that so they can see it.


    It doesn't seem they released any footage of the show, even now, years after it closed. I think this is insane as it's a definate way for them to make more money. I also remember seeing a TV programme following someone that performed on the show, complete with clips from the show. Thus I know it must have been recorded.

    I now need to find footage of this show, because the CD is not enough. I need to see this, the coolest thing ever to involve roller skates.

    Any help?  :crying:

    Erm, it's running in Southampton from the 11th of May until some time in June. My parents saw it and absolutely loved it. I must admit the concept sounds interesting. And a couple of the songs are good, too <_<

  3. I loved this show and saw it a few times over several years. It is no longer running however, and I recently tried to explain it to someone but it's difficult for them to understand why it is so awesome. As it's no longer running, there's no show for them to see performed live, so I thought I would buy a DVD of the show and use that so they can see it.


    It doesn't seem they released any footage of the show, even now, years after it closed. I think this is insane as it's a definate way for them to make more money. I also remember seeing a TV programme following someone that performed on the show, complete with clips from the show. Thus I know it must have been recorded.

    I now need to find footage of this show, because the CD is not enough. I need to see this, the coolest thing ever to involve roller skates.

    Any help? :crying:

  4. Yeah. I'm not really feeling it either. It just doesn't flow for me, it looks really disjointed. If I'm completely honest it looks rushed (Wallpapaer). I think the main text is supposed to fit the character of whoever that is, and because I haven't ever heard of them I'm not sure if you've accomplished that with the font, but it doesn't look very good. It looks quite tacky to be honest. Perhaps you tried too hard and added too many effects to the text?

  5. I went to see them tonight at Leas Cliffe Hall because a friend had a spare ticket after someone pulled out. I went there knowing nothing about The Bootleg Beatles and the bare minimum about The Beatles.

    Although I didn't know many of the songs, and although it was aimed towards Beatles geeks, I enjoyed it. It was a fun night out with some decent music.

    It was a bit too insider for me though with loads of jokes for Beatles fans that went over my head. Such as "How is everyone tonight? I don't know, I can't see you.."

    An innocent enough comment, but some people giggled at it, and those giggles turned into roars of laughter from everyone in the hall with the follow up line, "..I don't get my glasses until '66!"

    Oh the hilarity. :mellow:

    However, there were a few jokes that I did find funny, such as how some songs had a dedication, and on about the third birthday dedication they pulled out this line; "And this song is for John who turned 67 today. I can't believe how many birthdays there are this year."

    Here are some pictures I took.



    Overall though, it was a fun evening out. Has anyone ever seen the Bootleg Beatles before and if so, what do you think of them?



  6. Kezman scored, but Chelsea are playing Watts and Nuno Morais at the back... why?

    It's all well and good that they are resting their better players, but this is the kind of game they need to win and could lose due to underestimating the other team, who will be fielding their best squad and going balls to the wall to win.

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