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Posts posted by Marsh

  1. FIFA 08 to feature 10-player online single matches

    Be A Pro feature extended to 10 players online in one match; feature only available to US and European gamers.

    By Randolph Ramsay, GameSpot AU

    Posted Aug 23, 2007 6:02 am GMT

    When EA Sports first announced its Be A Pro feature for the upcoming FIFA 08--a new mode which allows players to take control of a single-player throughout an entire offline match--many immediately started speculating about the possibility of online matches where entire teams are controlled by real players. It seems EA has come halfway to that ideal, with confirmation today that the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of FIFA 08 will feature five-versus-five play on a single online match.

    The Be A Pro Online Team Play mode will be made available as a free download six to eight weeks after FIFA 08's launch, which is set for Q3 2007. This mode locks a gamer into controlling a single, fixed player for the length of an entire match. Up to five "real" players can be on each team, with rest controlled by the game's AI. In a press statement, FIFA 08 producer Joe Booth said this was the first step towards a full 11-versus-11 online mode.

    Only FIFA 08 owners in the US and Europe will be able to take advantage of Be A Pro Online Team Play mode, however. An EA Australia spokesman said lag was the main factor in locking off competitors from Australia, as dropped connections will result in all players having to restart the Be A Pro Online Team Play mode. One-on-one matches will still be supported for players outside of the US and Europe.

  2. I've got C&C3 on the 360 and it's pretty good, although the missions fuck me off. It fucks me off because it has main objectives and bonus objectives, and if you miss out / forget about a bonus objective (such as use an engineer to take over an enemy building) then you don't get awarded the ribbon for completing the mission. This is fucking annoying when I realise that I have to redo the mission from scratch, for some vague and generally lame reason. Skirmish is still awesome though.

  3. GRAW2.

    I bought it from HMV for £25 in their sale. (Which was ideal because I had a £25 gift card, and had been stalling on using it for months because their prices are so darn expensive that I feel like I'm wasting the vouchers just to discount their prices to the same level as other retailers, thus no benefit to me. For example, Viva Pinata in HMV- £45. Viva Pinata in Argos- £25. So I saved the vouchers for another day and bought it from Argos. Screw the fiver, it's not worth blowing the vouchers on) This is doubly pleasing because I was very close to buying it using the vouchers pre-sale, when it was £40. Oh, the benefits of waiting a couple of weeks. Seriously, that's some awesome luck.

    I had a couple of local multiplayer games where you wipe out a map of computer controlled enemies, then did the same game mode over XBL.

    I'll fire up the single player at some point too >_>

    If anyone has this game and wants to play, let me know. :)

  4. The Lion King is my favourite movie, by far. That's not because I dislike other Disney films, I just REALLY like The Lion King.

    In fact, I like The Lion King to such an extent that I took my (now) fiancee to see the stage musical for our first date. We go every year now.

  5. I have this DVD. I won it in a competition at BritWres.com.

    It's an entertaining movie, worth a rental or looking out for in the second hand bargain bin (if you have an interest in wrestling & horror movies). An entertaining way to spend a couple of hours, but far from a memorable classic.

  6. Bomberman, the old formula would have been cool on Xbox Live. Customizable players, create-a-map, online play, now that would have been fucking cool. Downloadable maps as well would have been great. And I liked the 1P mode as well, especially with Mega Bomberman with all the kangaroo things (as seen in Keith's racing game cover).

    I'd have bought that. :(

  7. Bank holiday Monday sees the release of Microsoft's free 'spring update' for the Xbox 360, bringing with it a host of tweaks and improvements to the system.

    Most significant will be the ability to chat with friends on Windows Live Messenger using a virtual on-screen keyboard or a new Xbox 360 Text Input Device, which will be available in the summer and is essentially a controller with a built-in qwerty keyboard and a new wired headset.

    A number of interface tweaks will also be featured in the update and when a user sends a message a pop-up window will appear allowing you to quickly send a reply.

    Some of the improvements featured within the update will include:

    Enhanced family settings features for Xbox Live communications enable different defaults for video chat and voice chat.

    A new Xbox Live Marketplace blade lets Xbox Live members access the content they seek—whether it is game content or TV shows and movies (available in the United States).

    Updates to Xbox Live Arcade allow owners to see which Xbox Live Arcade games their friends are playing and join in the fun. Xbox Live members can also compare progress of leaderboard scores and achievements directly with all friends on their friends list.

    A new option in auto downloads will provide access to the entire collection of free, trial-version Xbox Live Arcade games.

    New download controls provide access to viewing options by letting users fast-forward, rewind, pause and resume as their video is downloaded from Xbox Live Marketplace.

    Extension of the background download functionality will allow owners to set their Xbox 360 console to turn off automatically after downloads are complete.

    Switchable aspect ratio will become available during video playback (Auto to Letterbox, Zoom, Stretch, Native).

    Bookmarks will now be stored for each video that the user plays remembering the last location in the file as well as the aspect ratio.

    Video trick modes (fast forward, rewind, chapter skip) can now be used while downloading Video Marketplace content.

    Skip forward and backward functionality has been updated to skip to the next or previous chapter. Each video is divided into 10 chapters allowing users to skip around video content.

  8. Hinder are awesome.

    I went to see both them and Black Stone Cherry in London at the same time in some tiny little University hall in London.

    They did a cover of 'Born To Be Wild'.

    It was great.

    They are great.

  9. Boom Boom Rocket -

    Trying to get the achievement for all fireworks. I have all the fireworks on easy & medium, and a firework for the first six tracks on hard. These last four however, are infuriatingly difficult. I only managed to complete the seventh track once, and I didn't get a firework for it (I almost hit the fucking roof).

    Feeding Frenzy -

    Time Attack mode is a piece of shit, because you can't save your progress and it's a lengthy game from start to finish. I got to a few levels from the end, ran out of time and got the Game Over screen (I almost hit the fucking roof again). I'm edging closer to the 'Play For 10 Hours' achievement, as well as the various food bank achievements (I'm at 7,000 in the bank at the moment).

    3D Ultra Mini Golf -

    Bought this one today and it's rather fun, especially in multi-player with a friend. This one managed to frustrate me because I went through the entire single player campaign and beat all my opponents with an overall score of -1 (one below PAR), only to find that I need to not only win the trophy to unlock the achievement, but I also need to win with a score of -4 or better. Shit.

  10. Is it laid down flat / properly ventilated with room for the console to breathe?

    When I first got mine it would freeze, but that was because in my 'new toy' haste, I just stuck it on top of the TV. This didn't work very well because the top of my TV is not flat, it gets quite warm and the console wasn't laid down flat meaning part of the console would touch the TV and the air vents etc were blocked.

    Thus I assume it would overheat and crash.

    Since I moved the 360 down into its permanent home on a shelf inside the TV cabinet, I haven't had a problem with it since in that regard.

  11. If I were slightly more cynical, I'd agree with the theory that everyone else is cheating. It has certainly crossed my mind.

    What I think is more likely though, is that they are 13 years old and spend all day playing this game (as evidenced by their 500 match win total).

    There's just something wrong with The Rock losing to a female CAW called Emily, though.

  12. I am embarrassingly bad in online games.

    And whenever I am winning (which is very rarely), my opponent will quit the game.

    I can't seem to reverse anything, although the opponent has no problem reversing my stuff... and I spend the majority of my time on the floor, tapping all the buttons to try and get up (whilst the opponent casually picks me up and knocks me down again; repeat ad nauseum).

    I seriously might as well just put my controller down and let them get on with it.

    At the beginning of most matches, the opponent will have sprinted across the ring and knocked me over before I have a chance to react to the opening bell.

    This is shit.

    I'd blame it on lag, but I don't have any. It just seems as though my buttons have lag. For example, when in a submission where I have to stop the bar in the blue? I'll press the button and the line won't stop for a couple more seconds, making it incredibly inaccurate and more a case of pot luck than any discernible talent. Is this just me? If so, it may explain the poor reversal controls.

    I'm not amused by this game.

  13. No, I think its graphics are tremendous. The problem is that I don't care for these amazing graphics (and the lack of a HDTV means I cannot fully experience the cinematic cut-scenes as they are intended anyway). I'd rather play something like Hexic, but then that's just my personal preference when it comes to games.

    Resident Evil on the Playstation was just as infuriating, because that forced you to sit through cut scene after cut scene. I much prefer a game like Crackdown, where you can do as you choose. GOW has a predetermined path, and IMO is too much of a story/film and not enough of a game.

    Online is much better, you are right (although I suck at it lol)

    As for Viva Pinata, I didn't get it in the end. £45 ($89)? I think not. HMV have it advertised online at £30, but is priced at £45 in store. What the fuck?

    Really? (In regards to Viva Pinata) I surprised to see it in Wal-Mart of all places, the other day, for only 30$. (Even though I had been seeing it for 40-50 for months...) So I guess the price is going down, or has gone down already, and they just haven't changed in that store yet.

  14. Boom Boom Rocket

    I bought this game last night and thought I'd write up what I thought about it for this thread, because not everyone will be like Krauser and send me a PM to ask me what I think of it.

    It's shockingly good. My favourite game on the Xbox Live Arcade service is Geometry Wars, and this is made by the same people and has a similar vibe to it. I assume this plays in a similar fashion to Guitar Hero, but without the immense price tag associated with all the controller peripherals you have to buy to play it. As such, I'd happily recommend it to people like myself that like the concept behind the Guitar Hero franchise, but don't have the money to spend on it. I'm not going to suggest that Boom Boom Rocket is as good as Guitar Hero, far from it, but as far as cheaper alternatives go - this isn't bad at all.

    I dig the simplistic gameplay and classical music. I dig the multiplayer aspect, and the pick-up and play factor. (Easy is accessible for EVERYONE, whilst Hard is only for those for three hands and those that don't mind using a fourth hand to waft away the steam rising from the controller, such is the speed of the hectic level of difficulty.)

    Its plus sides are that it is a cheap alternative to the more expensive rhythm games, and is good family fun the likes of which I haven't seen since we discovered 'Bop It'.

    Thumbs up, 800 Microsoft Points well spent in my opinion. Great fun.

  15. No, I think its graphics are tremendous. The problem is that I don't care for these amazing graphics (and the lack of a HDTV means I cannot fully experience the cinematic cut-scenes as they are intended anyway). I'd rather play something like Hexic, but then that's just my personal preference when it comes to games.

    Resident Evil on the Playstation was just as infuriating, because that forced you to sit through cut scene after cut scene. I much prefer a game like Crackdown, where you can do as you choose. GOW has a predetermined path, and IMO is too much of a story/film and not enough of a game.

    Online is much better, you are right (although I suck at it lol)

    As for Viva Pinata, I didn't get it in the end. £45 ($89)? I think not. HMV have it advertised online at £30, but is priced at £45 in store. What the fuck?

  16. I've heard that from a lot of people actually, and the lack of local multi-player is downright farcical, however Bomberman is a game I used to play with a friend of mine on the SNES. I don't see him much anymore but he has a 360 as well, and we agreed to buy it for some online Bomberman nostalgia, despite it being raped of its original glory. True, we're buying it for the name, but it's just a personal thing really rather than expecting a great game... although the video footage of the game doesn't look ALL that bad.

    Hearing that you can't save during the 99 level single player mode, however, is bad.

    ...... I'm only buying it if I can find it on the cheap, but the bomberman franchise interests me. A release of the SNES bomberman games on Xbox Live and I'd be there like a SHOT. As it is, this will have to do :(

    Who knows though, I might just like it :P

  17. I got it from Gamestation. It was advertised online but wasn't mentioned at all in my local store. I had to tell the cashier what I wanted, and he wasn't sure that I was correct so had to check for himself on the store's computers to verify it. Since then, I don't see the deal advertised online anymore, but it wouldn't hurt to ask for it in store like I did.

    I'm buying Viva Pinata tomorrow from HMV. It's £30 in store, and I have a £25 gift voucher to use. I'll let you know what I think of it. :pervert:

    Bomberman: Act Zero and FIFA 07 are also on the horizon, however I refuse to pay full price for them. Most shops have them for £50, but I'll wait until I can find them for ~£20. Whether that's through a special offer, waiting for a price drop, or eBay - I don't care. I'm not paying £50, especially for FIFA 07, which will plummet in price as soon as FIFA 08 is released.

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