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Posts posted by Marsh

  1. nachopete01story.jpg


    Tolerable, but underwhelming.

    Without the subject matter (aspiring wrestler) I wouldn't have gone to see it, and the lack of humour outside of the trailer snippets that have been overplayed to DEATH in the past month is a big negative.

    I thought I'd like this film more because I like wrestling and Jack Black. Neither of those facts could prevent me from being disappointed at this sub-par film.



    I didn't want to go and see it but I was dragged along as part of a group. Thus, I went into this film negatively, not wanting to be there and not wanting to watch it. We had the shittiest seats in the theatre because we arrived late and I was prepared to snooze off -- but despite the negativity I attached to the opening half hour (I hated it, hadn't seen the first one and was bored by the pirate concept that I'm not overly fond of) I was laughing by the end and enjoyed it overall.

    It did a good job of being an entertaining film, but a poor job of being a standalone film. Maybe I wasn't paying attention, but there were some things that followed on heavily from the first film, and it wasn't until the end of the film that everything made sense to me... So yeah. Watch the first one before going to see this one and you'll enjoy it.

  2. IMO he'd be 41 years old now and everyone would be calling for him to step aside for the younger talent. He'd definately have had a run at the top eventually though, based on the dire lack of WWE talent at the moment that can actually draw. If Benoit, Guerrero & Mysterio got their runs at the top of the promotion, Owen would have definately been placed in a similar role.

    As for the image (I digress...lol) -- good job on the image. I like it. The image looks vibrant and alive, good choice of colour in the background (pink/purple, so it suits his character) as well as suitable images blended into the background rather than abstract shite.

    Good text, a nice cut of Owen to draw the eye and a stylish border.

    Thumbs up. Well done.

  3. Feedback:

    • I think it would look better with a splash of colour to draw attention to a focal point of the image. (Text? Cut?)

    • More work on the jagged edges of the cut would be cool as well.

    • A border is always a plus, too.

    Overall, not a terrible starting point for an image, but it could be something nicer with some alterations.

    I agree with junkd about Bunky - please give reasons for your negative opinions as otherwise it's not helpful at all.

  4. Dude - that is cool. Very neat.

    If I were being awkward, I'd suggest moving the England / One Game Changes Everything text up a bit so I can still see the text when I have a taskbar that's two levels high rather than one. Because I wanna use it.


    I'm using it anyway though - just cuts off the One Game Changes Everything text. Still looks wicked regardless.

    Great job, dude.

  5. No way is Ballack just there for footballing reasons. He might claim that, but turns his £120,000 /week and turn it into £120 / week and I think he'd be singing a different tune.


    ^ According to that, Chelsea have bought Jon Obi Mikel for £16m. Even I disagree with this. Chelsea have enough top class players already. Stop wasting money! Even if Chelsea win everything next season, they won't make enough money back to justify adding all these players into an already jam packed team that's forced to rotate and already encounters morale issues as a result.

    Paying £16m for this dude is absurd, especially considering £12m of it goes to their Premiership rivals, Manchester United.

  6. Arsenal vice-chairman David Dein says the club turned down two £50m offers for striker Thierry Henry before he agreed to sign a new four-year deal.

    Henry's decision ended any chance of him replacing £47m Zinedine Zidane as the world's most expensive player.

    "We turned down two world record deals from Spanish clubs. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to work out who they were," he told the Sunday Express.

    "Our message was clear - he wasn't for sale. I'd like to think he heard that."

    Dein also revealed that the contract Henry signed was one that he was offered back in January.

    "We made an offer in January, prodded Thierry now and then, but never put pressure on him," he said.

    "Money wasn't really mentioned. He wanted to know where we were going, but in reality I think he knew."

    Dein said the chance to influence the next generation of youngsters at Arsenal, who want to play with him, may also have persuaded Henry to stay on.

    "He had seen the youngsters emerge after a dark period.

    "We have three teenagers at the World Cup - how many other clubs can say that?

    "The reason they are here is because of Thierry. The first question Theo Walcott asked was "Will Thierry still be here?".

    "I believe he also knew that if he went to a club like Barcelona or Real Madrid, he would just be a prince. Here he knows he is a king."

  7. Wogan confused me, mainly because I don't remember ever seeing a sole commentator that openly mocked and criticised their own product. Most presenters try to polish a turd, whereas Wogan ripped the turds to shred, and shit on the passable stuff too.

  8. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCwnbazzsSY"></param><embed'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCwnbazzsSY"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCwnbazzsSY" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>




    I wanted Lithuania to win. So much for them being the winners. =(

  9. A decent performance against an in form Man U. 3-0. It just goes to show what Chelsea are capable of when Mourinho fields the right team.

    As for Rooney, hope he's alright but you can hardly blame Chelsea for his injury. A fair challenge that didn't even look painful until we saw his reaction.





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