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Posts posted by Marsh

  1. Chelsea striker Didier Drogba has withdrawn an admission that he sometimes tries to con referees.

    Drogba, speaking to the BBC's Match of the Day after the Blues' 2-0 defeat of Manchester City, initially said: "Sometimes I dive, sometimes I stand."

    But he then quickly retracted that statement, saying: "No, I don't dive."

    And he has subsequently told his club's website that his comments "came across in the wrong way - I want to be clear, I do not dive".

    Drogba had been asked about conning referees following Alan Shearer's accusations that Shaun Wright-Phillips dived in Newcastle's FA Cup defeat to Chelsea last week to get Robbie Elliott sent off.

    He got both goals in the champions' win on Saturday, though he did admit to handling the ball in the course of scoring the second.

    He said: "Yes, it was handball, but that's part of the game.

    "If City had done it, no-one would have mentioned it. But everyone is out to make a big mess about Chelsea."

  2. I agree actually, his postmatch interview pretty much buried himself. Perhaps it just came out worse because of his limited English. Someone with a more extensive vocabulary might have been able to prevent themselves from sounding like such pricks.

  3. (Y) They were fair points, but there wasn't much I could do about the image quality of the box. It was a poor quality picture taken on my mobile phone (as you can see with the image I uploaded :P) and I had to take that image and enlarge it to meet the 550x550 specification. I'm actually surprised it came out as well as it did to be honest.

    Text is also a fair point, but I wanted the focus to be on "monster box". I didn't cater for the other text in the design, so didn't think it needed to be highlighted as a focal point.

    Thanks for the feedback guys, and well done to FSF as well. Good luck in the next round. :)

  4. I want to go but can't find any tickets.

    Can someone hook me up with a couple of tickets for London on the Saturday?

    Use this thread for discussion if you're going. If you are, I hate you. :thumbsdown:

    Line up #1:

    My Chemical Romance

    The Ataris



    Panic! At The Disco


    The Bled

    Line up #2:

    Lost Prophets

    Taking Back Sunday

    Angels and Airwaves


    We Are Scientists



    ....... I need tickets to see My Chemical Romance in London.

    EDIT --

    Soldouteventtickets.com are taking the piss. I'd rather face the wrath of my girlfriend than pay £85 a ticket. Help?

  5. I hadn't ever heard of Hinder until now, but I just checked them out and :wub:

    Paidy they are awesome.

    I have attached a couple of tracks from a friend's band. I have no idea if it's the kind of thing that you're after, but I think they're pretty good.

  6. I'd have made the text a much more prominent and important part of the image because it's an image to serve a purpose, and the text being so small is just making it more difficult for the viewer to see the purpose of the image.

    I also wouldn't have used 4 images blended into the background, because it's a bit too much. Each one is too small to be a significant part of the image, and they all take away from each other IMO. I would have focused on just the one, and used the rest of the space for some bigger text.

  7. I'd have voted for Awitts too. It looks nicer and I believe it represents the theme better. I knew straight away what Awitts was aiming for with the wheelchair and think it's a clever thing to incorporate and is likely a graphical interpretations of his own feelings since he's in a wheelchair himself. (I think?)

  8. I'd imagine this decision has been reached now rather than at the end of the season because McCarthy has just lost heart. In his interview after Sunderland's last loss to Man City he had a few comments to make that I doubt the board appreciated.

    I'm sick of trying to talk up a lousy position from a lousy season.
  9. I'm not fussed by this either. I waited a couple of years after the PS2's release before I bought that, and that was when I was younger and computer games were semi-important to me. Although I do have loads of friends that have bought the 360 and want to batter me at it online, so I might buy one of those. PS3 is so far off my radar at this point. I don't care when it's released. Maybe I'll buy it, maybe I won't, but until it's released there's nothing I can do either way and thus I don't really care.

  10. $500,000 inside the suitcase.

    Next go, I had the $75,000 suitcase and was left with the final three as $5, $75,000 and $1,000,000. I was offered several hundred thousand for it, but gambled and lost the million dollar suitcase. Bugger.

  11. I ordered this book from Play.com a long time ago in conjunction with a £5 off voucher and I just realised that it's out on the 16th so I'll be getting hold of it soon. Has anyone else ordered this book, or if you're in the U.S., bought it already? After reading some of the stuff on Tucker Max's website I think having some of his stories in book format would make for an entertaining read on the train or whatever.

    I'll write up what I thought of the book once I read through it.

  12. I was really looking forward to the first one, but when I got it I thought it was a bit shit. I couldn't get on with the box in the bottom left (my trustly old bar down the right has gone from games like Red Alert) and the blocks for building on were incredibly limiting. I just couldn't get on with it. At all. I'll see what I think of this demo later. If it's good I'll look into getting it, so I can whoop AJ in multiplayer skirmish.


    Looking at AJ's screenshot, I don't think I'll bother. It looks far too complicated for me to bother with it. Loads of things going on all over the screen, and billions of bars along the bottom to muck about with. Not for me.

  13. Jack Black is one of my favourite actors and wrestling is my favourite subject matter. This could well be the greatest movie ever. Fuck the critics that are bound to think otherwise. In theatres June 2nd? I can't wait that long. *explodes*

    This project almost allows me to forgive Jack Black for ditching the Tenacious D project so much lately.

  14. They have used Flash to get the effect you're after with the transitioning images.

    As for the news script, you could use PHPnuke but I have found it to be very clunky and a pain in the arse to modify the skin in a way dramatic enough to make it any different than the 50 billion other PHPnuke websites out there.

    I have no idea what it is, but try this one. It looks like what you're after.


    If it's not, search google for a free php news script.

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