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John Stones' Paint Trophy

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Everything posted by John Stones' Paint Trophy

  1. What I got from it was that he was watching everyone else dying. But, then again, he only saw the woman die. So yeah, I have no idea what the fuck that was. Or the thing with the bottles.
  2. Isn't there some form of net vote? I've never heard their music but a heavy metal band in the Eurovision deserves my support.
  3. What the fuck did I just watch?
  4. This almost makes me want to sit through the Eurovision. Almost.
  5. BYOP should come to Newcastle. I'm poor so I can't afford to go all the way to London because that seems to be the only place they go. And, I'd sex her.
  6. I think this may be my favourite song ever in the world. My anticipation for "...Arcadium" has went from "I'll listen to it when it's out" to "I must hear it now". It's just a perfect single to promote the album with.
  7. I usually air drum when I'm listening to something. I have no idea why but I guess it's less effort than air guitaring. I sing as well, bop my head, tap my feet, drum out the beat. It all depends on what I'm listening to and how I'm feeling at the time.
  8. After the fuck-up that was AoD, I'm in two minds whether to get this or not. If it's so short, what's the replaybility like? If that's crap, I may just rent it.
  9. Well, numbersixvalverde wins it. And I bag £13. Noice.
  10. I picked "Sixvalverde" or something like that. I always choose the horses that are around 10-1, just so if I put a quid on, I'll get £10+ back. I'm greedy like that.
  11. I'm the first to mention 3 Lions? For shame.
  12. Crazy - Gnarls Barkley Hands - The Raconteurs Ten Speed - Coheed and Cambria Colossal - Wolfmother
  13. I am so recording Dylan Moran. I watched that the first time not known what to expect and I was pissing myself at the end.
  14. That's Sonic Waffle. I'm pretty sure he's talking about when he went to see him up in Newcastle on his last tour. It's a shame I didn't go that night rather than the Friday. It sounded fucking brilliant.
  15. Is it wrong I still watch the anime before Soccer AM on Saturdays? For some reason, I love it. It could just be nostalgia but I'm addicted to it and I'll sit for an hour, watch two episodes and then play on the games during ad breaks of Soccer AM. I got a Gameboy Colour for Pokemon Red and I think I had to pried away from it to eat.
  16. I'm already a fan of Mew and Coheed so I just need to search out the other bands you've suggested. Thanks a lot. I have plenty listening to do.
  17. Oasis are a great band when drunk and with mates. There's always going to be a singalong somewhere along the line. How you get there is up to you.
  18. They don't have to be identical to Mars Volta but I would prefer something more rocky rather than a funk-jazz fusion with guitars thrown in. I'll listen to whatever you suggest though.
  19. I've read lots of reviews and articles at different places that grouped them under Prog Rock so I just put them down as that. Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone. EDIT: Oh, and I'm already heavily into Wolfmother and At The Drive-In but there were the only two bands that anyone recommended to me elsewhere. So, thanks again to everyone that recommended different bands. I'm liking what I've heard of thisGirl and I'll search out the other ones later.
  20. I'm really into The Mars Volta at the moment and I'm looking for bands that are similar. I know the two albums have quite different sounds so, I'm looking for either stuff in the style of De-Loused or more jazzy stuff like some of Frances the Mute. Any suggestions will be most welcome.
  21. The Movies springs to mind but that was a mixture of my computer not being good enough to play any sort of PC game and my impatience over not making a movie. I bought Phantasy Star OnlineIII for a fiver and thought it was a good bargain, especially after I had read some rave reviews. I played it for about 2-3 hours, put it back in the box and just let it stay there until I traded my Cube in.
  22. Is this the one that was on Soccer AM this morning? If so, I love it.
  23. Yeah, Rain was awesome. The times I'd use his roundhouse kick. You know, the one that used to knock them off the screen, only for them to reappear on the other side? I infuriated many a friend using that.
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