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Posts posted by phatman


    Eric Bischoff has decided to leave the WWE! Writers are currently in a bind and both Shane & Stephanie McMahon have been trying to convince Bischoff to finish off his contract which expires next month.

    Bischoff has not been real happy with the amount of television time he has got recently and has announced that he will work the next Smackdown! and Judgment Day but will not be back after the Pay Per View.

    No news has yet to come about how Eric Bischoff will bow out on Smackdown! but it could be a way to move Edge & Christian to Smackdown! who recently did an angle on RAW where they quit.

    In other WWE news Ivory will not be given a contract extension when her contract runs out at the end of May.

    Christopher Nowinski, Garrison Cade & Antonio Thomas will all be called up to WWE RAW in the very near future. The three of them are no longer needed in oVw and will begin travelling with the RAW crew shortly after Judgment Day.

    More WWE News as it comes to us...

  2. WWE RAW

    May 9th, 2005

    WWE RAW opens up with video footage from last weeks RAW where Ted DiBiase lost to Ric Flair, which means that Triple H will now have to defend the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Ric Flair at WWE Fully Loaded in June, and after the match Triple H laid out Ric Flair… We also see footage from the final qualifiers for the RAW side of the King Of The Ring Tournament and how tonight, the RAW Quarterfinals will kick off with Magnus versus Batista… Pyrotechnics then explode after the RAW theme and the WWE RAW hits the air live…

    Over the titantron we see Randy Orton backstage with Test and Ted DiBiase walks up to both men and he has a smirk on his face. The fans in the arena boo when they see DiBiase as Test and Orton just watch him closely…

    Randy Orton: What the hell do you want?

    Ted DiBiase: You shouldn’t talk to the man in charge like that now should you Randy…

    Test: OK fine… What the hell do you want?

    Ted DiBiase: Oh your both very amusing… There is however something I thought I needed to tell Randy… Tonight, you will be taking on the current WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H in a one on one match and Test, if you interfere in that match then both of you will be fired on the spot…

    Randy Orton: Yeah I don’t have a problem with that and I know Test wont get involved in the match…

    Ted DiBiase: That’s good because your match will be in roughly 5 minutes… Yes that’s right… The first match off the night…

    BANG! Evolution attack both Randy Orton & Test from behind… Triple H grabs Randy Orton and begins to drive him into the concrete wall whilst Test is been dominated by Batista & Maven… The crowd is booing wildly as Maven is holding Test for Batista to pound on and Triple H is destroying Randy Orton with some help from Ted DiBiase… Randy Orton & Test have been busted open as Evolution begin to walk away smiling… Ted DiBiase turns back to Orton and laughs…

    Ted DiBiase: Oh yeah and Randy, if you don’t show up for your match tonight, then you and Test will also be fired…

    Evolution walks away smiling and the fans in the arena are booing them loudly… Both Randy Orton & Test are on the ground bleeding and in pain…

    Rating: 83%

    The camera cuts backstage area where Shelton Benjamin is standing around talking to Lita. The crowd goes nuts when they see these two together talking…

    Shelton Benjamin: Yo Lita… I don’t want to get involved in Kane and yours business but word going around the locker room is that Chris Jericho is somehow involved with Chris Benoit and Raven…

    Lita: Yeah thanks Shelton… I have heard that but Chris told us he wasn’t and we believe him…

    Shelton Benjamin: OK then… Just wanted to make sure you’d heard what was been said… If you or Kane ever need a tag team partner or a friend to help ya’s out… Don’t forget I’m always here for ya…

    Lita: OK thanks Shelton…

    Lita walks away with a smile on her face whilst Shelton watches her closely and the fans in the arena are going wild…

    Rating: 81%

    Randy Orton vs Triple H

    Evolution hits and the fans in the arena boo like mad. Triple H and Ted DiBiase appear on the stage and the fans boo even louder. Triple H has the WWE World Heavyweight Championship around his waist and he is proudly displaying it whilst the fans boo him on. Triple H gets into the ring and begins posing whilst Ted DiBiase waits on the outside. Randy Orton’s theme music hits and the crowd erupts. Orton doesn’t appear on the stage and this prompts the fans to boo. Triple H and Ted DiBiase are pointing at the stage and laughing until Orton appears. Orton is clutching his head and blood is still rolling down his face. Orton sprints down to the ring and Triple H looks on in shock. Orton slides into the ring and takes Triple H down and begins to brawl with him. Triple H rolls onto Orton and begins to brawl with him. The fans don’t look real happy until Orton reverses it again and starts beating away at Triple H before getting off him. Orton stands up and waits for Triple H to stand up. Triple H gets back to his feet and walks into a vicious clothesline from Orton. Triple H stands back up and quickly runs at Orton again. This time Orton picks up Triple H and drives him over his shoulders with a back body drop. Orton drops down and covers Triple H whilst the fans go nuts. 1………………2……………… Triple H gets his shoulders off the mat just in time. Orton stands up and begins to smile with a bloody face whilst he watches DiBiase on the outside. DiBiase jumps up onto the apron and begins to argue with Orton and the referee intervenes and grabs DiBiase. DiBiase holds the referee whilst Triple H lines up Orton from behind and hits him with a low blow. The fans in the arena begin to boo loudly as DiBiase jumps off the apron with a big goofy smile on his face. Triple H gets back to his feet and sets Orton up in the middle of the ring. PEDIGREE! Triple H drives Orton into the mat with a vicious Pedigree and covers him. The referee makes the count and the fans in the arena are booing wildly. 1……………………2………………… WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ric Flair’s music hits and Triple H gets up off Orton and begins swearing like a trooper. Triple H is looking on with DiBiase as Ric Flair walks out onto the stage with his trademark robe on. Flair begins to strut down to ringside and the fans in the arena are cheering wildly. Triple H is yelling at Flair and telling the referee to send him backstage. Flair stops at ringside and tells Triple H to get back to Orton. Triple H has the shits as he turns back to Orton. Orton is already back to his feet and grabs Triple H around the head. Orton drives a stunned Triple H into the mat with an RKO! Orton quickly covers Triple H and blood is still flowing from his face. The fans are going wild. 1……………………2…………………………3! Randy Orton picks up a huge victory over Triple H. Orton rolls out of the ring and gets right in the face of DiBiase. Orton spits right in the face of DiBiase. Bloody mucus is streaming down the face of DiBiase and the fans are going wild. Flair rolls into the ring and grabs Triple H. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK! Flair applies the Figure Four and Triple H begins to squeal in pain. Flair finally releases the hold and leaves the ring. Orton is already backstage and the fans are going wild. DiBiase rolls into the ring and helps Triple H up. The fans are going wild as we go to our next segment.

    Winner: Randy Orton

    OR:93 CR:87 MQ:100

    Shane Helms is backstage waiting as DiBiase comes back through the curtains… The fans in the arena are booing when they see both these men together…

    Ted DiBiase: What can I do for you Shane…

    Shane Helms: It’s that little piece of business we had to discuss about next week…

    Ted DiBiase: Oh don’t worry about that… We have plenty of time to talk about that during the week, you need to focus on destroying your former tag team partner Tajiri tonight…

    Shane Helms: OK then…

    Suddenly Val Venis walks up and he has a bandage wrapped around his head and the WWE Intercontinental Championship Belt around his waist whilst DiBiase looks at him and laughs…

    Ted DiBiase: WOW… Look at the WWE Intercontinental Champion…

    Val Venis: SHUT UP! Right now… I want to know who did this and I want to know NOW!

    Ted DiBiase: I really don’t know who did that to you Mr. Venis but rest assured I will find out who did that to you…

    Val Venis: You better find out… Because if you don’t… Everybody on the WWE RAW roster will pay and I mean everybody… Yes, that includes you Ted…

    Val Venis walks away and he looks very frustrated whilst Ted DiBiase doesn’t know what to do and the fans are going crazy…

    Rating: 84%

    Victoria vs Alexis Laree

    Victoria’s music hits and the fans in the arena gave her a cheer, especially the male audience. Victoria appeared on the stage and she looked very happy to be given some time in the ring. Victoria comes down posing and the fans are cheering her on. Alexis Laree’s music interrupts and the fans begin to boo her. Laree appears on the stage and whilst some male fans cheer the beautiful lady, most boo her. Laree comes down to the ring and immediately slaps Victoria in the face. As the match is starting the WWE Women’s Champion, Stacy Keibler, joins Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross at ringside. Victoria retaliates to the slap by punching Laree in the mouth. Laree turns back and nails Victoria in the gut with a knee. Victoria doubles over and Laree grabs her by the hair and throws her backwards to the mat. Laree covers Victoria and the fans are booing. 1………………2……………… Victoria gets her shoulder up off the mat. Laree stands up and stomps on the prone gut of Victoria. Laree picks Victoria up off the mat and whips her into the corner. Laree charges but Victoria moves out of the corner. Laree smashes into the corner hard and the fans are going nuts. Victoria quickly grabs Laree and nails her with a huge DDT out of the corner. Victoria drops and covers Laree and the fans think the match is over. 1……………………2………………… Laree kicks out and shocks the crowd. Victoria gets back to her feet and looks around and can’t believe Laree kicked out. Victoria picks Laree up off the mat and kicks her in the gut. Victoria sets up Laree in the middle of the ring for a Powerbomb. Laree counters the move in the air and drops down in front of Victoria. Laree punches Victoria in the throat and then kicks her in the gut. Victoria doubles over and is having trouble breathing as Laree picks her up and drives her into the mat with a Gut Wrench Powerbomb. Laree covers Victoria and the fans are booing as the referee counts. 1…………………2……………………3! Alexis Laree picks up a big victory over a former WWE Women’s Champion. Laree stands up and looks at the commentary desk where Stacy is. Laree motions that the belt will soon be hers and the crowd boos. Stacy looks a little worried before she leaves. Alexis Laree grabs Victoria’s head and drives it into the mat one more time and this prompts even more boos from the fans. Laree leaves and doesn’t smile once as the fans continue to boo her after her win.

    Winner: Alexis Laree

    OR:70 CR:73 MQ:65

    Kane is in his locker room backstage when there is a knock on the door and Chris Jericho walks in… The fans go crazy as both men appear to be on good terms…

    Chris Jericho: Kane… I just wanted to make sure we were cool about everything that happened two weeks ago…

    Kane just nods at Jericho, who then continues to talk…

    Chris Jericho: Alright, seeing as though your not saying much ill do the talking… I just overheard your lovely wife Lita, talking with Shelton Benjamin and it seems to me like they quite enjoy each others company… I mean did you see both of them smiling at each other before they walked away… Jesus, if I were in your boots, then I would have already kicked Shelton’s ass by now and shown him that nobody loves Lita like he does… Anyway man, I’ve got to go and get ready for my first blood match with Rhyno for later on tonight…

    Chris Jericho walks out of the locker room and the fans in the arena are booing wildly as they look at Kane… Kane is fuming as he stands there and thinks about things… Kane sits down and begins to apply tape around his wrists… The fans in the arena are confused by what Chris Jericho just said as we go back to the ring…

    Rating: 94%

    Shane Helms vs Tajiri

    Shane Helms old WCW music hits and the crowd begins to boo wildly. Helms appears on the stage and he has a cocky smirk on his face. Helms sprints down to the ring and begins posing whilst the fans are booing him. Helms waits as Tajiri’s buzz saw music hits. The fans immediately begin to cheer for him as he appears on the stage. Tajiri comes down to the ring and Helms immediately walks up to him showing no fear. Helms pushes Tajiri and Tajiri responds with a kick to the gut. The crowd erupts as Helms has been caught by surprise. Helms doubles over and Tajiri slides over his back. Helms turns around and is met with a big dropkick to the face from Tajiri. Helms falls out of the ring through the second rope and the crowd loves it. Tajiri waits as Helms stands up on the outside. Tajiri throws himself over the top rope and lands on Helms and the crowd goes nuts. Tajiri picks up Helms and rolls him into the ring and slides in after him. Tajiri covers Helms and the referee makes the count. 1…………………2……………… Helms gets his shoulder off the mat. Tajiri stands back up and watches as Helms begins to crawl back to his feet. Helms gets to his knees and Tajiri goes for the Kick Of Death but Helms ducks as Tajiri misses. Helms springs back to his feet and grabs Tajiri from behind. Helms goes for the Nightmare On Helms Street, formerly known as the Eye Of The Hurricane, but Tajiri counters it with a kick to the face. Helms falls backwards stunned as Tajiri lines him up for the kick once again. Suddenly the lights in the arena go out and the crowd is stunned and are booing wildly. Something is happening in the ring as the ring is shaking and the bodies are hitting the floor. Finally the lights turn back on and Tajiri is out cold in the middle of the ring and blood is pouring out of him. Very similar to the Val Venis situation from last week. Shane Helms falls out of the corner and on top of Tajiri and the referee makes the count. 1………………2………………3! Shane Helms gets the big pinfall victory over Tajiri thanks to some assistance from someone else that nobody could see. Shane Helms rolls out of the ring and is celebrating his win whilst the fans in the arena are booing him wildly. EMTs rush down to ringside and begin to check on Tajiri, who is out cold in the middle of the ring. The fans are booing as Helms walks into the backstage area with a smile on his face.

    Winner: Shane Helms

    OR:89 CR:79 MQ:100

    Over the titantron we get a video hyping the first blood match for later tonight and the vicious feud that has taken place on WWE RAW between Chris Jericho & Rhyno… Hopefully it will all come to a head tonight… Suddenly the video is interrupted though as Kane appears on the titantron and he has Shelton Benjamin around the throat and lifted up against a wall… The fans boo when they see this…

    Shelton Benjamin: Yo man… What are you doing… Put me down… Whatever has been said to you is obviously not true… I told Lita, that if you ever needed a tag team partner, then I’d always be willing to help man… Put me down…

    Kane: If I ever find out that you have touched Lita… You won’t have to worry about your wrestling career… The only thing you will need to worry about will be your… LIFE!

    Kane lets go of Shelton Benjamin and the crowd cheers as Kane walks away without doing anything damaging to Shelton… Shelton looks confused as he watches Kane walk away…

    Rating: 97%

    King Of The Ring – Sweet 16 Round

    Magnus vs Batista

    “The Unstoppable” by The Calling hits throughout the arena and the fans cheer. Magnus appears on the stage and he walks down to the ring calmly. Magnus gets into the ring and begins shadow boxing and the crowd loves it. Evolution’s music begins and the crowd show their appreciation with tons of boos. Batista appears on the stage and the animal has a smirk on his face. Batista comes down to the ring and is screaming at Magnus and telling him how tonight will be his first loss. Magnus just keeps looking at him and smiling. Batista leaps into the ring and the crowd are still booing him. Batista gets right in Magnus’ face and throws the first punch. Magnus blocks the punch and rocks Batista with his own shot. Batista rocks backwards and looks a tad humbled by the strength of Magnus. Batista goes for another right hand but Magnus blocks it again and this time sends Batista down on his ass with a shot. Batista gets back to his feet immediately and shakes off the effects of the right hand. Batista goes to hit Magnus but changes his mind and catches Magnus with a foot in the gut. Magnus is stunned and looks winded as Batista grabs him and throws him into the corner. Batista begins to pummel away at Magnus in the corner. The shots continue coming from left to right. Nobody in the WWE has been able to knock down Magnus yet in his short career. Batista grabs Magnus and goes for a suplex out of the corner but Magnus counters it and lifts Batista’s huge body into the air. Magnus drops Batista face first into the ground and the fans in the arena are going nuts. Magnus picks Batista up off the mat and nails him with a shot in the lower part of his back. Batista grimaces in pain and the crowd cheer. Magnus grabs Batista and lifts him over his shoulders and throws him down to the mat hard with a Gorilla Press Slam. The crowd is going wild as Magnus covers Batista and the referee is counting. 1…………………2………………… Batista gets his shoulder up off the mat and Magnus quickly gets back to his feet. Batista rolls out of the ring and is laying on the outside. The referee and Magnus begin to argue about something in the middle of the ring and neither man sees Test running down to ringside. Test’s face is still bloody after the attack from Batista earlier in the night. Batista stands up and Test nails him with a Big Boot to the face. The crowd is going wild as Test escapes through the fans. The referee and Magnus turn their attention back to Batista, who is out cold on the outside and neither know what is going on. The referee begins to make a count. 1……………2……………3……………4……………5……………6………………7………………8………………9……………………………10! The referee calls for the bell and awards the match to Magnus. Magnus is heading to the King Of The Ring Quarterfinals and the crowd is loving it. Magnus gets his arm raised in victory but is still unsure how he picked up the win in the first place. Batista is still out cold on the outside and Maven runs down to help him up. Maven helps Batista up and they both walk into the backstage area as Magnus celebrates his victory in the middle of the ring.

    Winner: Magnus

    OR:88 CR:85 MQ:92

    Ted DiBiase is shown on the titantron and he is standing in the parking lot with Triple H… Triple H is visibly angry and the crowd are loving it… Triple H sits in a limo and he has the shits…

    Triple H: Ted, Flair’s a 16 time world heavyweight champion but after he is done with me, he will be wishing that he never tried to win the belt for a 17th time…

    Ted DiBiase: Calm down champ… Next week is going to be a big night for Evolution… Our newest member will step up and show why he should be apart of Evolution plus the huge match between Kane and Chris Benoit… Where if Kane wins then Ric Flair will get to pick the stipulation for your match at Fully Loaded but if Chris Benoit wins, then you will get to pick the stipulation at Fully Loaded and something tells me that Kane will have a hard time beating Benoit next week…

    Triple H: Alright… I need to get some rest anyway…

    Ted DiBiase: OK Hunter… Go back to the hotel… I have some women waiting in your room for you… Don’t stay up too late…

    Ted DiBiase winks at Triple H as he smirks and the crowd begins booing… Some big news just announced for next weeks RAW though has the fans in the arena interested…

    Rating: 84%

    First Blood

    Rhyno vs Chris Jericho

    GORE! Rhyno’s music hits and the crowd boos like mad. Rhyno appears on the stage and he looks pumped up and ready for this match. Rhyno looks under the ring before the match starts and grabs a tray full of weapons. Rhyno throws each other weapons into the ring and the crowd cheers this. 5…………4…………3…………2…………… BANG! Chris Jericho’s music erupts and the crowd goes wild. Chris Jericho is waiting at the top of the stage after his pyrotechnics finish. Jericho struts down to the ring with a cocky smirk on his face. Jericho looks around at all the weapons in the ring and slides in. Jericho quickly takes down Rhyno and begins to belt away at his face. Jericho gets off Rhyno and rolls out of the ring. The fans begin to boo as Jericho just stands on the outside and watches Rhyno get back up. Jericho begins to look around the arena in surprise as the fans boo him. Jericho grabs an object from under the bottom rope and slides into the ring with it. Rhyno stops Jericho in his tracks though with a clothesline and then begins to stomp on Jericho. Rhyno grabs Jericho’ knee and lifts it into the air. Rhyno drives Jericho’s knee down into the mat and Jericho begins to scream in pain as it obviously hurt him. Rhyno grabs trash can off the ground and drives it down onto the body of Jericho. Rhyno throws the trash can outside the ring and picks Jericho up off the mat. Rhyno grabs Jericho by his hair and throws him over the top rope and to the outside. Jericho is getting back to his feet on the outside just as Rhyno slides out of the ring. Jericho turns around and quickly moves out of the way of a Gore attempt from Rhyno. Rhyno crashes into the steel steps on the outside. Jericho grabs Rhyno and begins to drive him face first into the steel steps. Jericho does this repeatedly and is showing a real mean streak. Jericho lets go of Rhyno and rolls into the ring. Jericho tells the referee to go check on Rhyno because he surely has to be busted open. The referee checks on Rhyno but there is no blood and the match will go on. Jericho picks up a steel chair that is inside the ring and throws it over the top rope and it lands on Rhyno with force. Rhyno grabs the steel chair off the ground and is holding it up as he climbs up onto the apron. Jericho does his running off the turnbuckle dropkick to the ring apron and smashes the chair back into the face of Rhyno. Rhyno falls down off the apron and to the outside. Jericho goes outside and grabs Rhyno. Jericho rolls Rhyno into the ring and follows in after him. Jericho is strutting around Rhyno in the ring and is been very cocky. Jericho picks up a club from inside the tray that Rhyno bought into the ring. Jericho waits as Rhyno climbs back to his feet. Rhyno turns around and ducks underneath a shot with the club from Jericho. Jericho turns back around to Rhyno and… GORE! Rhyno nails Jericho with the Gore. Both men are down in the ring but neither is bleeding and the referee isn’t stopping the match. Rhyno is the first man back to his feet and he walks over to the corner of the ring and begins to undo one of the pads. As he does this he exposes the steel buckle in the corner. Jericho gets back to his feet and charges at Rhyno. Rhyno moves out of the way and Jericho stops just before hitting the corner. Rhyno grabs Jericho and goes to slam him head first but Jericho nails Rhyno with a kick between the legs. Jericho spins around and takes Rhyno down. Jericho applies the Walls Of Jericho to Rhyno and the crowd is going crazy again for Jericho. Jericho isn’t letting go of the hold and Rhyno is tapping out in the middle of the ring. The referee cant stop the match though because neither man is bleeding. Jericho pulls back even harder before letting go of the hold and the fans in the arena are going crazy. Jericho walks around the ring before grabbing the last object from inside the steel tray and taking the lid off it. It’s a surgical scalpel and the crowd goes wild. Jericho walks over to Rhyno and is standing above him but Rhyno takes him down face first with a leg trip. Jericho throws the scalpel out of the ring and the fans boo. Rhyno and Jericho both climb back to their feet at the same time and Jericho goes for a dropkick but Rhyno moves and Jericho misses everything. Jericho goes to get up quickly but Rhyno grabs him and drives him face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle. Jericho falls through the second rope and to the outside and all the fans in the arena can see that Jericho is busted wide open. Chris Jericho is bleeding but the referee cant see it. Rhyno reaches out of the ring and grabs Jericho by the hair. Jericho picks the steel chair up off the ground and smacks Rhyno in the face with it. Rhyno lets go of Jericho and falls backwards into the ring and blood is rolling down his face. The referee immediately calls for the bell and awards the match to Chris Jericho. The fans in the arena begin to boo as Jericho was definitely the first man to bleed in the match. Jericho gets up on the outside and the referee looks at him confused as he sees he is bleeding to. The referee announces that Chris Jericho has won the match even though both men are bleeding because he thought that Rhyno was the first man to bleed. Chris Jericho is posing on the outside whilst Rhyno is coming in the middle of the ring. Jericho leaves whilst the fans are giving him a mixed reaction.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    OR:91 CR:95 MQ:83

    As WWE RAW goes off the air, Chris Jericho is walking into the backstage area after winning the first blood match between himself and Rhyno and the fans are cheering and booing…

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Television Rating: 5.80

  3. WWE Smackdown!

    May 5th, 2005

    WWE Smackdown! Opens up with video footage from last weeks main event where The Undertaker defeated Mike Sanders and Paul Heyman’s men got involved in the match… We saw The Big Show & John Cena come in for the save which led to the booking of tonight’s main event with Rob Van Dam, Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak versus John Cena, The Undertaker & The Big Show… We also see highlights of Brock Lesnar’s return to the WWE by giving Kurt Angle the F-5! Pyrotechnics explode as WWE Smackdown! Hits the air and the fans in the arena are going nuts…

    "Army Of Me"

    The fans immediately begin to boo as they hear the theme music of Paul Heyman's men... Heyman, RVD, Mike Sanders, John Heidenreich, Mark Jindrak & Luther Reigns appear on the stage and they all have big smirks on their faces. All six men get into the ring and don’t bother posing because the fans are already booing them loudly. Paul Heyman is the first man to grab a microphone...

    Paul Heyman: We don't care what you people think... We know you are only jealous at how good this entity standing in front of you is... We are not scared of anybody... We have the soon-to-be WWE Champion, Rob Van Dam... The man who will defeat Rey Mysterio at Judgment Day, Mike Sanders... The Current WWE Tag Team Champions, Mark Jindrak & Luther Reigns... Plus one of the greatest enforcers on WWE Smackdown!, John Heidenreich... For weeks we have gone un-named... Well that all changes right now! This group you see in front of you is a Fatal Attraction and that is exactly what we will be known as from now on... Tonight's Smackdown! main event will see Rob Van Dam, Mark Jindrak & Luther Reigns taking on the team of John Cena, The Big Show & The Undertaker and boys let me tell you something... After tonight, you will know why we are the greatest force the WWE has seen in many years... We are greater than anything ever assembled in the WWE...

    Paul Heyman begins to laugh like a maniac and the fans in the arena are booing wildly... Paul Heyman passes the microphone to Mike Sanders, who is smirking wildly...

    Mike Sanders: So, Rey Mysterio, you want to come and get yourself involved in one of my matches... I don’t like that! Originally, I had planned to walk into Judgment Day, beat you, 1-2-3 and walk away... But now, you've made things personal and my new plan is to walk into Judgment Day, beat your ass to within an inch of your life and then walk away with an easy victory and you laid out and not wrestling anymore... If you don’t like the sounds of that, it doesn’t really bother me because you don’t mean shit to me!

    Mike Sanders laughs as he shakes hands with Heyman... Sanders looks around the ring before finally handing his microphone over to Rob Van Dam...

    Rob Van Dam: Yo, all you morons in the crowd better start the chanting going because in 10 days, you'll be looking at a new WWE Champion... That's right... Moi, will be the WWE Champion... John Cena can bring his c-rap down to the ring and get it beat by Mr. PPV... Tonight, will be the first big step in the destruction of the homie, John Cena... You just have to watch tonight's match to believe me... There isn’t anything that is going to stop... R-V-D!

    The fans are booing loudly as RVD and the rest of Fatal Attraction are posing in the middle of the ring... "Army Of Me" hits by Chimaira and Fatal Attraction leave the ring with smirks on their faces... They walk into the backstage area with smiles on their faces and the fans booing them...

    Rating: 85%

    In the backstage area, the camera focuses in and we see Kurt Angle standing in a locker room and he looks pissed... A camera then looks around the room and its bumps into DDP and the crowd goes wild...

    Kurt Angle: What the hell... You better have some sort of punishment for Brock Lesnar after he attacked me for no good reason last week...

    Diamond Dallas Page: You've got to be kidding me Kurt... "For no good reason"?... I thought he had good enough reason for what he did... So NO! I do not have any sort of punishment lined up for Brock...

    Kurt Angle: This is the reason why I've never liked Smackdown!'s General Managers... You all discriminate against a true champion... an Olympic Gold Medalist... Even Eric Bischoff is by not stepping in and showing you how it should be done... Your going to suffer the same fate as the other Smackdown! General Managers... You'll soon be fired... It's just a matter of time...

    Kurt Angle walks away with DDP left standing around in his office thinking bout what Angle just said and the fans in the crowd are booing loudly...

    Rating: 87%

    The Dudley Boyz vs Orlando Jordan & Dean Portland

    The Dudley Boyz music hits throughout the arena and the fans give them a mixed reaction. Both men appear on the stage and neither looks real happy with the other. Bubba Ray is posing for the fans whilst D-Von Dudley just continues to walk down to the ring. Both Dudley Boyz get into the ring and they look set for the match but they continue to argue about who will start the match. Orlando Jordan & Dean Portland's music hits and the fans cheer both men. Both men come out and are playing to the crowd. They get down to the ring and we see that Dean Portland will start the match off with D-Von Dudley. Portland goes to tie up with D-Von but D-Von nails him with a cheap shot and the fans boo him. D-Von just smirks as he rips Portland into the ropes. Portland bounces back and runs right into a big elbow to the face from D-Von. D-Von drops down and covers Portland and the referee makes the count. 1.................2................ Portland gets his shoulder up and the fans cheer it. D-Von gets back to his feet and tags out to Bubba Ray Dudley. Bubba gets into the ring and picks Portland up off the mat and whips him into the corner. Bubba charges at Portland and goes to squash him in the corner but Portland lifts his leg and catches Bubba in the face with his foot. Portland runs out of the corner and nails Bubba with a body check. Both men hit the deck as Portland begins to try and scramble to his corner. Bubba eventually makes the tag before Portland does and the fans boo. D-Von runs into the ring and drives his elbow into the back of Portland before he tags out. D-Von gets back to his feet and is smirking as he pulls Portland up. D-Von goes to hit Portland but Portland blocks the attempt and grabs D-Von. Portland plants D-Von into the mat with a DDT. Portland scrambles back up and tags out to Orlando. Jordan enters the ring and the crowd gives him a pop. D-Von gets back up and Jordan nails him with a dropkick. D-Von stumbles backwards towards his corner but doesn’t tag out. Bubba gets the shits as D-Von stays in the ring even though he is dazed. D-Von stumbles forwards and Jordan grabs him and drives him into the mat with a version of the side effect. Jordan covers D-Von and watches as Bubba looks on. 1.............................2..................................3! Orlando Jordan & Dean Portland pick up the victory in their very first outing together. Bubba Ray Dudley gets into the ring and leaves Portland & Jordan posing and the crowd cheering them on. Bubba helps D-Von back to his feet and D-Von pushes him away and begins to argue with him. D-Von slaps Bubba but Bubba doesn't retaliate and the crowd are booing D-Von Dudley. Bubba Ray Dudley walks out of the ring and the fans continue to boo him for not retaliating to D-Von's slap. D-Von stands in the middle of the ring smirking whilst watching Bubba Ray walk into the backstage area.

    Winners: Orlando Jordan & Dean Portland

    OR:83 CR:80 MQ:86

    A Camera goes backstage and this time we are in a different office and we see Shannon Moore, with the WWE Cruiserweight Championship belt around his waist, and Eric Bischoff chatting...

    Eric Bischoff: Can you believe that Shannon... How dare Kurt Angle, say that I was discriminating against him... Fair enough, I haven’t been around much lately but that is because I've been working on something big... Which has officially been done... Nobody will find out though until Judgment Day, what that is...

    Shannon Moore: Mr. Bischoff... I don't really care... Just tell me what you wanted me for...

    Eric Bischoff: Oh yeah... I called you into my office for one reason... I've seen that you've had your problems with Akio lately and I've seen that you are quite determined to defend your championship belt at every opportunity... So I am ordering you, Shannon Moore, to defend the WWE Cruiserweight Championship at WWE Judgment Day 2005 against Akio...

    Shannon Moore: WOW...

    Shannon Moore says that sarcastically and the fans in the arena begin to laugh and cheer him on...

    Shannon Moore: Is that all you called me here for... You couldn't just have sent it in a message... Jeez....

    Eric Bischoff: You have some attitude problem Shannon and you know what... That's not the only reason I called you here... See next week, I'm going to give Kurt Angle something to discriminate against... It will be Kurt Angle versus Shannon Moore in a No Disqualifications match... I hope you don’t get yourself and injury before your title defense at Judgment Day...

    Eric Bischoff smirks as he waves Shannon Moore away... The fans are booing at Eric Bischoff as he looks on with a smirk on his face...

    Rating: 71%

    Charlie Haas vs Spike Dudley

    Spike Dudley's music hits and the fans go crazy with boos. Spike Dudley appears on the stage and he comes walking down to the ring stroking his goatee. Spike comes down to the ring and motions to the stage and begs his opponent to come out. Charlie Haas' music hits and the crowd erupts with cheers. Haas appears on the stage and the lovely Miss Jackie is by his side and this prompts more cheers from the crowd. Haas has the WWE United States Heavyweight Championship around his waist and he looks set to wrestle against Spike in this non-title match. Haas gets into the ring and takes his belt off. As Haas is passing the belt out to Jackie, Spike nails him from behind with a forearm shot. Spike grabs Haas and plants him into the mat with a reverse DDT. Spike rolls onto Haas and the referee makes the count. 1.......................2.... Haas gets his shoulder up off the mat and Spike retaliates by driving his forearm into the face of Haas. Spike picks Haas up off the mat and goes to whip him into the ropes. Haas counters it and grabs Spike and nails him with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Spike pulls himself up using the ropes and the fans are cheering. Haas grabs Spike as he turns around and lifts him into the air. Haas nails Spike with a hanging vertical suplex. Haas rolls over as Jackie cheers him on with the fans and the referee makes the count. 1.............................2....................... Spike gets his shoulder up off the mat. Haas gets back to his feet as Spike is getting up as well. Spike gets back up and Haas grabs him from behind and goes for a german suplex but Spike reverses it and nails Haas in the side of the head with an elbow. Haas lets go of Spike and Spike runs off the ropes and does for a running dropkick but Haas moves and Spike only hits the ground. Haas waits as Spike gets up dazed. Haas grabs Spike from behind and nails him with the german suplex and bridges over with the cover. The referee makes the count whilst the fans in the arena cheer. 1.......................2.................... Spike's foot ends up on the bottom rope and the referee stops the count. Haas doesn’t stop though and he quickly applies the Haas Of Pain to Spike Dudley. The match is almost immediately ended as Spike Dudley taps out almost straight after the submission move is applied. Charlie Haas releases the hold as Miss Jackie slides into the ring. Miss Jackie grabs Haas and plants a huge kiss on him and the fans go wild. Haas and Jackie hug and celebrate in the middle of the ring and they pose with the WWE US Championship. RICO runs down the aisle and slides into the ring. Rico catches Haas with a huge Stylist Kick and Haas is out cold. Miss Jackie looks at Rico and she is pissed at him. Rico slides out of the ring with a smirk on his face as Charlie Haas is out cold and the fans are booing him. Rico struts into the backstage area and Charlie Haas is coming to in the ring and Miss Jackie is helping him up.

    Winner: Charlie Haas

    OR:75 CR:71 MQ:79

    Billy Kidman is standing backstage with a microphone in his hand and the fans boo loudly when Kidman appears on the titantron...

    Billy Kidman: Eddie Guerrero... I've got a proposal for YOU! Two weeks ago you challenged me to a match at Judgment Day and I declined that match because their really isn't anything in it for me... It's not because I'm scared or anything like those jackass fans think... But I'm willing to give you one week to convince me as to why I should face you at Judgment Day... You can start tonight in our tag team match... So think about it and get ready because it will have to be one hell of an offer for me to fight you...

    Billy Kidman walks off and the fans are booing him loudly... Kidman just smirks as he struts off... The fans in the arena don’t like Kidman at all and he is drawing major heat from them by not accepting the one on one match for Judgment Day...

    Rating: 81%

    John Bradshaw Layfield vs Funaki

    JBL's American music hits and the fans in the arena let out their boos. JBL appears on the stage with a grin on his face as he waves at the crowd. JBL walks down the ramp and steps into the ring. The smile never leaves JBL's face as he poses for the fans. An image appears on the titantron which shows that JBL will face off against Paul London at Judgment Day, one on one. Funaki's music hits and the little Japanese competitor appears from backstage and the crowd goes crazy. Funaki runs down to the ring and begins posing on the turnbuckle before turning his attention to JBL. Funaki begins to point a finger at JBL and shaking his head at him. Funaki runs at JBL but JBL stops him in his tracks with a stiff right hand. Funaki is rocky as he falls backwards into the ropes. JBL smirks as he grabs Funaki and drives his knee into his gut. Funaki doubles over and JBL grabs him and sets him up. JBL hoists Funaki up and onto his shoulder and drives him into the mat with a wicked Powerbomb. Funaki is down in the middle of the ring and JBL turns his attention to the crowd and begins to taunt them and saying that Paul London better be ready for this in ten days. JBL turns his attention back towards Funaki, who is pulling himself up to his feet. JBL bounces off the ropes behind him just as Funaki turns towards him. Clothesline From Hell! JBL knocks Funaki out cold with his finisher and JBL cockily lays down on top of Funaki and the referee makes the count. 1.............................2...............................3! JBL picks up the very easy victory over Funaki and the fans are booing loudly as JBL looks very happy with himself. JBL gets back to his feet and stands over Funaki. Paul London's music hits and the fans go crazy. JBL smirks comes off his face and he looks pissed that London is interrupting him. Paul London doesn’t appear on the stage though and this infuriates JBL even more. Paul London enters the ring behind JBL, through the crowd and he nails JBL with a dropkick in the back. JBL flies over the top rope and to the outside. As JBL re-gathers on the outside Paul London is ascending to the top turnbuckle. JBL stands up and turns back towards the ring as London dives from the top turnbuckle. London catches JBL and hits a wonky looking Hurricanrana and the crowd goes crazy. Paul London walks up the rampway and back into the backstage area with a smile on his face now as the fans are cheering him on. JBL is laying on the ground on and looking up at the ceiling with an angry look on his face.

    Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield

    OR:67 CR:68 MQ:68

    Backstage we see Aaron Summers and Shane McMahon... The crowd cheers both men on as they appear on the titantron...

    Aaron Summers: I really wish you didn't give me the night off last week... I should of been the one fighting Carlito, not Lucas... He didn't deserve that...

    Shane McMahon: No, I gave you the night off for a reason... Lucas did what he had to do and was very admirable in his defeat... Granted he is at home tonight after suffering the injury last week but he will be in our corner at Judgment Day... Wait a second, do you hear that?

    In the background, the fans can hear screaming from a male and female... Aaron Summers recognizes the voices screaming and quickly runs away from Shane McMahon... The camera follows Summers... Summers runs around the corner and we see Carlito shouting at Torrie Wilson...

    Carlito: Your not cool! You were cool but you are not anymore... After you walked away from Carlito last week, you missed out on something cool...

    Aaron Summers: Yo man, back off...

    Carlito: I should have known you'd show up... You were in on this whole thing with this "SLUT!"...

    The fans in the arena erupt with boos as Carlito says that... Torrie Wilson runs away crying whilst Summers watches her leave... Carlito has a smirk on his face as he stares at Summers and Shane McMahon... Carlito walks away whilst Summers has an upset look on his face...

    Rating: 78%

    Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio vs Billy Kidman & Mike Sanders

    Viva La Rasa.... Eddie Guerrero's music hits and the crowd goes berserk. Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio both appear from behind the stage and Eddie is driving them out to ringside in his low rider. Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio fly out of the ring and begin slapping hands with the fans before getting into the ring. Billy Kidman's music begins and he appears on the stage with a smirk on his face as Eddie gets a frustrated look on his face as Kidman has interrupted his music again. Billy Kidman waits on the stage as "Army Of Me" hits over the titantron. Mike Sanders appears on the stage and he and Kidman walk down to the ring. Sanders and Kidman slide into the ring and try to attack Eddie & Rey but Eddie & Rey knock them down with right hands. Kidman scrams to the outside and Eddie follows him out there whilst Rey whips Sanders off the ropes. Sanders bounces back and Rey catches him with a dropkick to the face. Sanders falls to the outside of the ring. DAWN MARIE comes running down the rampway and she helps Sanders back to his feet. Sanders smirks at Mysterio and then tells the fans he isn't hanging around. Mike Sanders walks up the rampway with Dawn Marie and they both walk into the backstage area to the boos of the fans. Mysterio doesn’t know what to do and eventually gives chase to Sanders and leaves as well. Eddie and Kidman are still brawling on the outside until Kidman drives Eddie into the side of the ring and Eddie collapses on the outside in pain. Kidman slides into the ring and the fans begin an Eddie chant to get him back up. Eddie gets up slowly on the outside and rolls into the ring and gets stomped on by Kidman. Kidman picks Eddie up off the mat and whips him into the ropes. Eddie bounces back and catches Kidman by surprise with a high back kick to the face. Eddie springs back to his feet quickly but clinches at the lower part of his back. Kidman climbs back to his feet and Eddie begins to punch him in the face repeatedly. The referee tries to break Eddie off Kidman but Eddie pushes the referee away. The referee has had enough and he calls for the bell and calls this match a no contest. Eddie doesn’t care though as he continues to lay waste to Kidman. Backstage officials begin to run down to the ring but Eddie knocks them out of the ring with punches and clotheslines. Eddie turns his attention back towards Kidman as the officials stop trying to get into the ring. Kidman is up and Eddie grabs him and lifts him in the air. Eddie holds Kidman in the air for a very long time. Eddie finally drops Kidman to the mat with a vicious brainbuster. Eddie gets back to his feet and he doesn’t look like stopping. Eddie isn’t even responding to the officials on the outside as he climbs to the top turnbuckle. Eddie Guerrero comes off the top rope and delivers a Frog Splash to Billy Kidman. Billy Kidman is out cold in the middle of the ring whilst Eddie lays across Kidman and makes his own three count. 1.............................2...............................3! Eddie Guerrero climbs back to his feet and is smirking as the fans are cheering him on. Eddie Guerrero hops out of the ring and the officials quickly enter the ring and begin to check on Billy Kidman. Kidman is down and out as well as possibly injured whilst Eddie Guerrero walks away with a smile on his face and the fans cheering him on.

    Winners: No Contest

    OR:78 CR:79 MQ:78

    Eric Bischoff is on the titantron and he is watching the actions from earlier in the night... The fans boo him as he appears on the titantron... Suddenly his phone begins to ring and he answers it whilst he is surprised as he looks at the name of the person ringing him...

    Eric Bischoff: Hello... What can I do for you Miss Stephanie McMahon?... Really?... So you'll be here next week... Ummmm Yeah that won't be a problem... Oh, Page already said it's ok... What are you coming here for?... A Huge announcement... What kind of announcement?... One that will shake up the future of Smackdown!... Ok then, I guess ill see you here next week then... Bye!

    Eric Bischoff hangs up the phone and the fans are going crazy as a worried expressions rushes over Bischoff's face...

    Rating: 83%

    Rob Van Dam, Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak vs John Cena, The Undertaker & The Big Show

    “Army Of Me” hits and the fans in the arena begin booing like mad. The three members of Fatal Attraction appear on the stage and the fans continue to boo them loudly. Rob Van Dam has a smirk on his face as he poses every step of the way down to the ring whilst Luther & Jindrak pose with their WWE Tag Team Championship Belts. All three men get into the ring as “Basic Thuganomics” blasts over the titantron. The fans in the arena erupt with cheers. John Cena appears on the stage and he has the WWE Championship Belt firmly around his waist. John Cena takes off his belt and looks around at the crowd. Cena poses with the belt before dropping it and charging down to the ring. Cena immediately goes for RVD but a three on one begins and the fans start booing. All three men are stomping on Cena whilst the fans boo them… WELL… IT’S THE BIG SHOW! The Big Show’s music hits and the crowd cheers whilst Jindrak & Luther leave the ring to meet Show at the bottom of the ramp. RVD remains in the ring and is taking care of Cena with quick kicks to the gut. Show is coming down the ramp and walks right into rights and lefts from Jindrak and Reigns. Show palms Luther off though and nails Jindrak in the face with a head butt. DONG! DONG! DONG! Three bells sounded and the crowd erupted as The Undertaker’s eerie music hit. The Undertaker appeared on the stage and lots of smoke and fog began to pile up around him. Taker raised his arms and did exactly what Kane does and lightning struck and lit up the whole arena. The lights turned back on as Taker was walking down to the ring. Show grabbed Jindrak and nailed him with a short arm clothesline on the outside. Show jumped up onto the apron and waited for a tag. It seems as though RVD and Cena are the legal men in this match. Luther Reigns gets up off the ground and runs away from The Undertaker, as he is at the bottom of the ring. Jindrak & Reigns both climb up onto their part of the ring as Taker stands up next to Show. RVD nails a monkey flip on Cena out of the corner and the fans boo as RVD smirks before he tags out to Luther Reigns. Luther Reigns gets into the ring and picks up Cena off the ground. Luther nails Cena with a quick uppercut which sends him sprawling into the corner. Luther picks up Cena and walks backwards with him over his shoulder. Luther charges back and drives Cena, spine first into the corner. Cena bends over in pain as Luther drags him to his corner. Luther tags out to Jindrak, who then enters the ring. Jindrak walks over and says something smart to Show, who immediately tries to get into the ring. RVD and Luther are double teaming Cena in the corner with chokes whilst Jindrak adds kicks to the gut of Cena. The crowd starts a Cena chant and Cena begins to listen as he smacks Luther in the head with an elbow and kicks Jindrak in the gut. Cena gets back to his feet and motions to RVD, the “You can’t see me” pose and the crowd cheers. Cena grabs Jindrak and plants him into the mat with a modified spinebuster. Both Cena and Jindrak are down but Cena is crawling towards his corner. Cena leaps for the corner and tags out to The Undertaker. The crowd cheers as Taker steps into the ring and RVD goes to enter but changes his mind and sends Luther in. Luther runs into the ring and receives a boot to the face for his troubles. Jindrak stands up and Taker nails him between the eyes with a right hand. Taker pushes Jindrak into the corner and begins to beat away at him. RVD enters the ring from behind and nails Taker in the back with a huge kick to the back of the head. Taker falls forwards into Jindrak in the corner. Jindrak swings Taker around and now has the momentum. Jindrak nails Taker with a kick to the gut. Jindrak then proceeds to pick Taker up into the air and hit him with a vertical suplex which the crowd goes crazy for, for some reason. Jindrak realizes he needs to make a tag and tags out to RVD. RVD leaps over the top rope and nails Taker with a leg drop across the throat. RVD quickly covers Taker and the crowd gives boos whilst the referee makes the count. 1……………………2……………………… Taker throws RVD off of himself. RVD gets back to his feet and grabs Taker’s hair. RVD goes to pick Taker up off the ground but Taker grabs RVD around the throat. This surprises RVD and gets a cheer from the crowd. Taker sits up and stands whilst holding onto RVD’s neck. Taker lifts RVD into the air but Jindrak and Luther both nail him from behind with elbow shots. The Big Show enters the ring and grabs Jindrak and throws him over the top rope. Show grabs Luther and smacks him in the face with a head butt. Luther falls to the ground and rolls out of the ring. JOHN HEIDENREICH comes charging down the aisle and grabs a steel chair. The referee notices and tells Heidenreich to stay on the outside. Taker stands up and tags out to Cena whilst RVD is getting his breath back in the corner. Taker hops out of the ring and walks into a chair shot from Heidenreich. The referee never saw the chair shot and the crowd is booing wildly. RVD comes charging at Cena but Cena reverses it and sends RVD shoulder first into the corner. RVD turns out of the corner and Cena hoists him up onto his shoulders in position for the F-U! Heidenreich jumps up onto the apron and distracts Cena. Cena puts down RVD and goes after Heidenreich but he jumps off the apron before Cena gets him. RVD is waiting for Cena and nails him with a kick to the gut. RVD quickly goes to the top rope and comes off looking for a missile dropkick but Cena moves out of the way and RVD hits the mat. RVD begins standing up but Cena grabs him. F-U! Cena delivers the F-U to RVD and the crowd goes crazy. Heidenreich jumps up onto the apron and doesn’t have a steel chair in hand. He distracts the referee as Luther slides into the ring and nails Cena over the head with the steel chair. The fans in the arena boo loudly as Cena hits the deck and is out cold. Show reaches under the bottom rope and pulls Luther back outside but the damage is already done. RVD pulls himself together and slowly climbs to the top rope. RVD comes off the top rope and delivers the Five Star Frog Splash to Cena and covers him. Heidenreich jumps off the apron and lets the referee get back to the action. The referee makes the count and it is over. 1………………………2……………………3! Fatal Attraction pick up a huge win via help from John Heidenreich and a steel chair. RVD rolls out of the ring as The Big Show rolls in to check on Cena. RVD, Heidenreich, Reigns & Jindrak walk up the rampway groggy after they picked up the huge victory over John Cena, The Undertaker & The Big Show on Smackdown!

    Winners: Fatal Attraction

    OR:81 CR:83 MQ:79

    As WWE Smackdown! Is going off the air, The Undertaker is coming to on the outside and he looks pissed off whilst Show is helping a bloody Cena back to his feet in the middle of the ring. The fans are booing Fatal Attraction as they walk away with smirks on their faces…

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Television Rating: 5.78

  4. WWE RAW

    May 2nd, 2005

    WWE RAW opens up with numerous footage from last weeks WWE RAW where we saw the WWE King Of The Ring Tournament kick off with four qualifier matches and the final four qualifier matches will be on tonight’s broadcast… We also see what transpired between Ric Flair, Test & Evolution as Ric Flair managed to get the win over Batista & Maven in a handicap match that will allow him to face off against Ted DiBiase tonight and if Flair wins, then he will get a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H, at WWE Fully Loaded… The video stops and the fans are still going wild as pyrotechnics explode and WWE RAW hits the air live…


    BANG! Break The Walls Down!

    Chris Jericho’s music hits throughout the arena and the fans go wild… Jericho appears on the stage and he has a smirk on his face as he walks down to the ring… Jericho gets into the ring and the fans are going crazy… Jericho begins posing and the fans are cheering loudly… Jericho grabs a microphone and he looks happy…

    Chris Jericho: Last week, I defeated Kane to advance into the sweet sixteen round of the King Of The Ring tournament although the match wasn’t without controversy… controversy that I have been linked with for the past week… Everywhere I go, all I hear is that Chris Jericho has sold out and is going to join Benoit & Raven… Let me go on the record right now and say… NO! Chris Jericho had nothing to do with Chris Benoit & Raven getting involved in the match last week… I don’t care what everyone has to say… Jericho DID NOT SELL OUT!

    The crowd is going wild and chanting Jericho’s name and he gets a smirk on his face as he looks around the arena…

    Chris Jericho: Onto some more important news, next week, the Hi-Lite Reel is returning…


    Rhyno’s music hits and the fans begin to boo… Rhyno appears on the stage and he has a microphone in his hand… The fans in the arena are booing and intrigued as they don’t usually get to hear Rhyno talk…

    Rhyno: Chris Jericho… Ted DiBiase just approached me in the backstage area and told me that next week, there will be more than just the return on the Hi-Lite Reel… As next week, we will see Chris Jericho versus Rhyno in a First Blood Match…

    Chris Jericho: Wow… The beast actually can talk… It’s always been a mystery to me why you don’t talk more often but after hearing you just now I know why…

    Rhyno: Why Jericho?

    Chris Jericho: Because it sounds like you’ve had your head up another Rhino’s ass for a very long time…

    Rhyno runs down to the ring with a pissed look on his face and the crowd goes crazy… Rhyno gets into the ring and begins brawling with Jericho… Rhyno takes down Jericho and they begin to brawl with each other… Jericho rolls Rhyno over and begins to pound on his face… Jericho stands up and grabs Rhyno’s legs… Jericho goes to apply the Walls Of Jericho but Rhyno uses the power in his legs to roll out and throw Jericho to the ground… Jericho begins to get up as Rhyno is stalking him… Jericho stands up and turns right into Rhyno… GORE! Rhyno sends Jericho to the mat with a deadly Gore… Rhyno walks away snorting and puffing as he just took care of Chris Jericho and the crowd is booing wildly…

    Rating: 97%

    King Of The Ring Qualifying Match

    Batista vs Matt Hardy

    Twist of Fate hits throughout the arena and the fans go wild. Matt Hardy appears on the stage and he looks better than he did two weeks ago after William Regal defeated him. Matt Hardy has his ribs bandaged up though and that could be the downfall of him. Matt Hardy slides into the ring and he has the fans cheering him on. Evolution hits and the fans boo in disgust. Batista appears on the stage and he has a smirk on his face and he walks down to the ring. Batista slides into the ring immediately leaps forward and nails Matt Hardy with a cheap shot. Matt Hardy hits the deck after the hard right hand. Matt Hardy climbs back to his feet and Batista nails him in the gut with a knee. Matt Hardy doubles over and the fans in the arena are booing wildly as Batista starts to laugh at Hardy. Batista picks up Hardy and drives him into the mat with a spinebuster and blood starts pouring out of the mouth of Matt Hardy. Batista covers Matt Hardy and the referee makes the count to the boos from the fans. 1…………………….2……………… Batista picks Matt’s shoulder up off the mat and the fans are booing louder and they begin an asshole chant. Batista picks Hardy up off the mat and smirks at the crowd. Batista picks Hardy up into the air and drives him into the mat with a Sit-Out Powerbomb and the fans are booing as Matt hits the mat and blood sprays from his mouth. The referee takes one look at Matt Hardy and calls for the bell. Batista stands up and looks around the arena with a smile on his face. Batista has advanced into the next round of the King Of The Ring tournament after the referee awarded him the match via a TKO of Matt Hardy. EMTs quickly rush down to the ring and check on Matt Hardy, who is bleeding profusely from the mouth. Batista smirks as he walks up the rampway and into the backstage area after getting the job done against Matt Hardy.

    Winner: Batista

    OR:82 CR:81 MQ:83

    Randy Orton & Test are shown in the backstage area and they are talking to each other… When the crowd see both men, they go wild with cheers…

    Test: Yo man… You hear that Evolution are gunning for us?

    Randy Orton: Yeah, just as long as I get a shot in on DiBiase ill be happy… Another legend that will be killed by the legend killer…

    Test: You know what Randy… I’m just sick of Evolution… Running around like their so big and tough… Triple H is nothing more than a has been and Flair will take that strap from around his waist… DiBiase is just a punk… Batista & Maven aren’t anything special either…

    Randy Orton: That all stopped last week Test… No more will Evolution run rampant on RAW… The fans need a couple of blokes to stand up and fight for what they believe in and that is exactly what we are doing… If Evolution doesn’t like us, too bad… We are here for the long run…

    Test: Your damn right there…

    Test and Randy Orton walk away with grins on their faces and the fans in the arena are going wild…

    Rating: 81%

    King Of The Ring Qualifying Match

    Steven Richards vs Maven

    Steven Richard’s music hits and the fans give out a mixed reaction. Richards appears and just walks down to the ring without playing to the crowd. Richards gets into the ring as Evolution hits again for the night. Maven appears this time though and the fans boo. Maven struts down to the ring and begins posing on the ropes. Maven leaps off the ropes and catches Richards by surprise with a dropkick. Richards falls into the corner and Maven runs at him. Maven leaps into the air and nails Richards in the corner with a splash. Richards falls out of the corner and Maven quickly covers him. 1…………….2…………….. Richards gets his shoulder up and the fans cheer him for once. Maven gets back to his feet and grabs Richards off the mat. Maven whips Richards into the ropes and as Richards bounces back, Maven goes for another dropkick but Richards ducks underneath it. Maven gets back to his feet and turns to face Richards. Richards grabs Maven and plants him into the mat with a Stevie T and the fans cheer loudly. Richards covers Maven and the referee makes a count. 1…………………2………………… Maven gets his shoulder up and the referee stops the count. Richards gets back to his feet and begins to argue with the count from the referee. Maven gets back to his feet and rolls up Richards from behind and the referee makes the count. 1…………………2………………………3! The referee didn’t see Maven pull the tights though and Maven manages to steal the victory. Maven quickly rolls out of the ring as Steven Richards gets back to his feet and he looks pissed off. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Maven walks into the backstage area after picking up the win and advancing into the next round of the King Of The Ring Tournament. Steven Richards turns around and grabs the referee. The fans in the arena are booing loudly as Maven leaves. Richards thinks better of it and lets go of the referee. Richards goes to leave the ring before turning back and nailing the referee in the face with a Stevie Kick! Steven Richards leaves and the fans are still giving him a mixed reaction.

    Winner: Maven

    OR:86 CR:80 MQ:92

    Magnus is shown on the titantron and he is in the backstage area… He has a huge smile on his face as he is walking around… Batista walks around the corner and walks right into him and the crowd are booing him…

    Batista: Well… Look what we have here… The rookie that thinks he is all that…

    Magnus: No I don’t… I don’t think anything of myself… I take everything as it comes to me…

    Batista: Well next you’ve got me… I’m not some easy beat like the rest of your opponents have been on RAW… I will beat your ass and I will go on to win the King Of The Ring tournament…

    Magnus: I’m not doubting your abilities Batista… But you better not be doubting mine either because the 2005 King Of The Ring tournament started with me and guess what… It’s going to end with me… Then after that, I will go to SummerSlam and I will become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion…

    Batista: Yeah whatever… Move punk, I’ve got some business to take care of…

    Batista nudges Magnus out of the way as he walks off and the fans are booing him as he leaves Magnus…

    Rating: 83%

    King Of The Ring Qualifying Match

    Test vs The Hurricane

    Test, Test, This is a Test! Test’s music hits and the fans in the arena go crazy. Test appears on the stage and the fans cheer even louder for him. Test comes down to the ring and steps into the ring. Test begins posing and the fans are cheering him on. The Hurricane’s music hits and the fans cheer loudly as well. The Hurricane doesn’t appear though and this causes the fans to boo. The music stops and suddenly a voice is heard from the backstage area but we don’t see any picture…

    Voice Over: I told you all last week that The Hurricane has retired and is now no more… I’m sick of listening to you people cheer someone for the poses he does and not for the abilities he had in the ring… So Please, hit my real music…

    The old music of “Sugar” Shane Helms hits and the fans in the arena begin to boo. Helms appears from behind the curtains and the fans are booing wildly. Shane Helms comes running down to the ring and gets right in the face of Test. Test begins to laugh until Helms slaps him in the face. Test turns his attention back to Helms and he has a enraged look on his face. Test grabs Helms around the throat and throws him across the ring. Helms nails the referee on the way through though and the referee falls to the outside. Test walks over and looks outside to check on the referee and Helms nails him with a shot between the legs. The fans erupt with boos as Helms gets back to his feet and has a smirk on his face. Helms looks at the referee on the outside and then shakes his head with a smirk on it. Helms turns his attention back to Test, who is clutching at his groin on the mat. Helms runs off the ropes and drops a sharp elbow into the throat of Test. Helms picks Test up off the mat and the fans begin to boo wildly. Test shocks Helms with a knee to the gut followed by a Gut Wrench Powerbomb. Test gets back to his feet and is looking down at Helms. Test walks away and begins to stalk Helms. The fans cheer as they are expecting the Big Boot to come. The cheers turn to boos though as Batista comes running down the aisle. Batista jumps up onto the ring apron and nails Test from behind with a right hand. Helms springs back to his feet as Test stumbles forward. Batista enters the ring just as Helms nails Test with a dropkick. Test stumbles backwards and Batista grabs him and plants him face first into the mat with a reverse spinebuster. The fans in the arena are going nuts with boos. Batista picks Test up off the mat… Sit-Out Powerbomb. Test is out cold as Helms covers him. Batista rolls outside and chucks the referee back into the ring. The referee slowly makes the count. 1…………………………………2……………………………………………3! Batista has just cost Test this match against Shane Helms and the fans don’t like it one little bit. Batista walks away with a smile on his face as Shane Helms is posing after his victory. Helms just advanced into the second round of the King Of The Ring tournament and he looks very pleased with his victory even though the fans are booing him.

    Winners: Shane Helms

    OR:87 CR:88 MQ:86

    There is a camera crew backstage and the camera focuses in on somebody on the ground… It’s Val Venis… Val Venis is out cold with blood pouring from his face and head… The WWE Intercontinental Championship belt is laying next to him as well and the fans are booing… There is a broken cinder block laying next to Venis and he is completely out of it… EMTs rush over to him and are quickly trying to resuscitate him and get him moving again… the EMTs load Venis onto a stretcher and there is not another person in sight backstage…

    Rating: 90%

    King Of The Ring Qualifying Match

    Randy Orton vs Chris Benoit

    Randy Orton’s music hits and the crowd goes wild. Orton appears on the stage and the fans are cheering him on. Orton struts down to the ring and begins posing on the turnbuckles. Orton gets off as Chris Benoit’s music hits. Benoit appears on the stage with no expression at all on his face and one half of the WWE World Tag Team Championship belts around his waist. Benoit gets half way down the rampway before turning his attention back to the stage where Raven appears with the other WWE World Tag Team Championship Belt around his waist. Benoit walks down and slides into the ring whilst Raven waits on the outside. Orton begins to watch Raven and Benoit nails him from behind with a shove. Orton stumbles into the corner and stumbles backwards out of it. Benoit doesn’t hesitate and grabs Orton. Benoit hits Orton with a german suplex, followed by another german suplex and another one. Benoit hits Orton with three german suplexes before covering him and the referee making the count. 1………………2……………… Orton gets his shoulder up. Benoit gets back to his feet and begins to stomp away at the shoulder of Randy Orton. The fans in the arena are booing wildly. Benoit picks Orton up off the ground and throws him between the ropes to the outside where Raven is. Benoit grabs the referee and begins arguing with him about something as Raven grabs Orton and drives him into the guardrail. The fans are booing and yelling at the referee as Raven picks up Orton and drops him on the outside with a snap suplex. Benoit lets the referee go as Raven walks away from Orton. Benoit leaves the ring just as fire explodes from the turnbuckles. Kane’s music hits and the fans erupt. Kane appears on the stage and Lita is by his side. Kane comes charging down to ringside and grabs Raven. Raven begins to fight back and begins to brawl with Kane. Benoit immediately rolls back into the ring and doesn’t want anything to do with Kane. The referee is watching the action on the outside as Orton rolls back into the ring. Benoit goes to grab Orton but Lita comes off the top rope with a Hurricanrana to Benoit. Lita rolls out of the ring with the damage done. Both Orton and Benoit are down and the fans are going crazy. Kane picks Raven up into the air and delivers a Chokeslam to Raven on the outside. The fans are going crazy as both Kane & Lita walk up the rampway and into the backstage area. Raven is out cold on the outside of the ring whilst Benoit & Orton are both scrambling back to their feet. Benoit gets up first but Orton springs up and takes him down. RKO! Orton gets a huge ovation from the crowd as he covers Benoit and the referee makes the count. 1……………………2………………………3! Randy Orton advances into the next round of the King Of The Ring tournament after knocking out Chris Benoit. Kane & Lita took care of business with Chris Benoit and Raven tonight. The fans are going crazy as Randy Orton is celebrating his huge victory over Chris Benoit.

    Winner: Randy Orton

    OR:93 CR:87 MQ:100

    Tajiri is standing backstage when Alexis Laree walks past him and he eyes her up and down and has an excited look on his face as she turns back towards him…

    Alexis Laree: What the hell are you looking at, you little Japanese prick…

    Tajiri shys up and looks away as Laree gets right in his face and the fans boo her…

    Alexis Laree: Next time you want to take a look at my ass… Ill kick yours… I hate jerks like you… Only want me for one reason and one reason only…

    Alexis Laree walks away as Tajiri sticks his head back up and watches her… You can see Tajiri’s eyes watching Laree’s ass as she walks away and the fans are cheering Tajiri on…

    Rating: 83%

    Ric Flair vs Ted DiBiase

    Evolution hit as Ted DiBiase appears on the stage in his old wrestling trunks. The fans in the arena were booing and giving the RAW General Manager asshole chants. DiBiase walks down to the ring and the fans are booing wildly. DiBiase begins posing as… WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ric Flair’s music hits. The fans in the arena go wild as Ric Flair appears on the stage with his trademark robe on and he is strutting down to the ring. Flair gets into the ring and begins strutting right in front of DiBiase. DiBiase has a smirk on his face as he watches Flair strut around. DiBiase tries to be good and nail Flair but Flair blocks the shot attempt and pushes DiBiase into the corner. Flair quickly takes off his robe and nails DiBiase with a chop across the chest. DiBiase is clutching his chest in the corner and Flair hits him with another chop. Flair struts out of the corner with a smirk on his face and the crowd is going crazy. DiBiase comes charging out of the corner with a red chest and nails Flair with a clothesline. The fans begin to boo as DiBiase mounts Flair and begins to punch away at his prone face. DiBiase gets off Flair and picks him. DiBiase whips Flair into the corner. DiBiase runs and squashes Flair in the corner and the fans are booing wildly. DiBiase picks up Flair and places him on the top of the turnbuckle. The fans are booing as DiBiase climbs upstairs with Flair. DiBiase takes Flair from the top with a superplex. Both men’s old bodies hit the mat hard and they are both down. DiBiase slowly rolls over and covers Flair as the referee makes the count. 1…………………2………………… Flair gets his shoulder off the mat and the fans in the arena cheer loudly. DiBiase climbs back to his feet and he doesn’t look real happy. DiBiase motions something from the top of the stage. TRIPLE H appears and he has a sledgehammer in his hand. Triple H walks down to ringside and the fans in the arena are booing loudly. Triple H stops at ringside and begins to talk strategy with DiBiase. Flair rolls up DiBiase whilst he is talking to Triple H and Triple H quickly jumps up onto the apron. The referee doesn’t get the chance to make a count though as Triple H is distracting him. The fans in the arena are booing wildly. Flair climbs up and is arguing with Triple H to get off the apron when DiBiase nails him with a low blow. The fans let out moans as Triple H gets off the apron and DiBiase is back in control. DiBiase grabs Flair from the mat and goes to pull him up from behind but Flair nails DiBiase with a kick between the legs that the referee doesn’t see. This time DiBiase is on the mat and the fans are cheering. Flair grabs DiBiase’s leg and begins to stomp away at his knee joint. Triple H once again jumps up onto the apron and yells something at Flair. Flair stands back up and begins to argue with Hunter. Flair runs forward and goes to nail Triple H but he jumps off the apron and keeps Flair distracted whilst DiBiase is getting back to his feet. Flair realizes what he is doing and turns back to DiBiase. Flair runs at DiBiase and goes for a clothesline but DiBiase moves out of the way and Flair misses him. DiBiase applies the Million Dollar Sleeper from behind and the fans in the arena are booing wildly. Flair is weakening and the fans in the arena begin to chant his name but it isn’t doing anything. Flair goes limp and DiBiase lets go of him. DiBiase is smirking in the middle of the ring and he begins strutting around like Flair does. DiBiase drops down and covers Flair and the fans in the arena are booing as the referee makes the count. 1………………………2……………………… Flair gets his shoulder up and the fans in the arena go nuts. Triple H starts jumping up and down on the outside whilst DiBiase’s eyes light up in the ring with shock. DiBiase gets back to his feet and tells Triple H to throw him the sledgehammer. Triple H slides the sledgehammer into the ring under the bottom rope but the referee grabs it and throws it back outside. The fans in the arena cheer the actions from the referee. DiBiase begins to argue with the referee as Flair is climbing back to his feet. DiBiase turns around and Flair trips him over. Flair grabs his legs and applies the Figure Four Leglock and the fans go nuts. Triple H is pleading with DiBiase on the outside not to give in. DiBiase cant hold on any longer and trying to reach for the ropes. DiBiase taps out and Flair has won the match. The referee immediately calls for the bell as DiBiase taps out. Ric Flair is going to Fully Loaded to face Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Triple H immediately slides into the ring and starts stomping away at Flair. Flair releases the Figure Four as Triple H stomps away at him. Triple H picks Flair up off the mat and sets him up in the middle of the ring. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Triple H is pissed off and beating the living hell out of Ric Flair. PEDIGREE! Triple H drives Ric Flair into the mat with a Pedigree and the fans boo like mad. Triple H helps DiBiase back to his feet and they leave the ring to a chorus of boos from the fans.

    Winner: Ric Flair

    OR:88 CR:91 MQ:82

    As WWE RAW is going off the air, Triple H & Ted DiBiase are walking up the rampway as Triple H eyes off Ric Flair who is down and out after a beating and the Pedigree from Triple H. Triple H and Ted DiBiase stop and look down at the ring to a huge amount of heat from the fans as RAW fades out…

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Television Rating: 5.69


    wwe.com have just posted that A-Train has been released from his contract. A-Train was recently in line to recieve a push but WWE writers were having trouble writing his character into permanent storylines so instead of sending him back to OVW, the WWE decided to release A-Train and let him sign a contract elsewhere.

    There were no hard feelings between the WWE and A-Train as he departed yesterday and the WWE hopes and wishes A-Train all the best of luck in future endeavours.

    This is the first release by the WWE in a while and word going around backstage is that there will be a ton more releases coming soon as the WWE is trying to focus on bringing in new and fresher talent. We will have more on this later...

  6. WWE Smackdown!

    April 28th, 2005

    WWE Smackdown! Opens up with video footage from last weeks edition of Smackdown! Where it was announced that Mike Sanders would face The Undertaker tonight and we also saw footage of Eddie Guerrero challenging Kidman to a match at Judgment Day and giving Kidman one week to answer the challenge… Pyrotechnics explode as WWE Smackdown! Begins and the fans in the arena are going crazy…

    “Army Of Me”

    Chimaira’s music hits and the fans in the arena begin to boo like crazy… They boo even louder when Paul Heyman appears at the top of the stage with his leading man, Rob Van Dam, by his side… Heyman and RVD come down to the ring and each grabs a microphone… The fans in the arena are booing both men before they even speak and this infuriates RVD…

    Rob Van Dam: You know something… You people are so ungrateful…

    Paul Heyman: You are so right Rob… You have busted your behind for the past couple of years and what do you have to show for it… NOTHING! These fans don’t care about you… As they are showing with their boos…

    Rob Van Dam: Yeah man… Your right… I have got nothing… This dude is no longer playing to the cheers of the crowd and is only out for HIMSELF!

    Paul Heyman: That’s right Rob, your finally getting it… This is what I’ve tried to explain to you these past couple of weeks… Your title match with John Cena at Judgment Day will go smoothly as long as you ignore these ignorant fans that don’t have any faith in you…

    Rob Van Dam: John Cena, you better be watching dude… Because at Judgment Day, you can rap or crap all you want but as Judgment Day is going off the air you will watch as R-V-D leaves with the WWE Championship belt around his waist and you will know that you... truly BLOW!

    Paul Heyman: Very funny Rob… You’re a poet and you didn’t know it!

    Rob Van Dam and Paul Heyman begin posing and laughing in the middle of the ring and the fans are going crazy with boos… RVD & Heyman leave and walk into the backstage area with the boos from the fans…

    Rating: 90%

    A camera is roaming around backstage when it catches Orlando Jordan & the black guy from last week… They are talking to each other and it looks like they are getting along great…

    Orlando Jordan: Yo man… How cool is this… Orlando Jordan & Dean Portland… Together in the WWE…

    Dean Portland: Ever since we was young brothers growing up in the hood, I always pictured us fighting for the WWE Tag Titles someday and guess what… We might just get that chance soon…

    Orlando Jordan: Whoa man, hold your horses… We need to get a few matches under our belts first… Which reminds me… I saw DDP earlier today and next week, we got ourselves our very first tag match together…

    Dean Portland: Awesome… Who’s it against…

    Orlando Jordan: No idea at the moment… We will find that out next week I guess…

    Orlando & Portland give each other high fives and seem to be happy with that… The crowd is cheering them on as they walk away together and seem all smiles…

    Rating: 71%

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship

    Shannon Moore © vs Chavo Guerrero

    Chavo Guerrero’s music hits and the fans begin to boo. Chavo Guerrero appears on the stage and he looks pumped to challenge for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. Chavo gets into the ring as Moore’s music hits. Moore is on an unbelievable winning streak and it seems like he cant be stopped. Shannon Moore appears on the stage and the fans erupt with cheers. Shannon Moore is proudly wearing the WWE Cruiserweight Championship around his waist as he walks down to the ring. Moore gets in the ring and hands his belt to the referee just as Chavo nails him from behind. The fans boo the antics used by Chavo as he stomps away at a fallen Shannon Moore. Chavo ignores the fans boos and continues to stomp away at Moore. The referee grabs Chavo and tells him to stop stomping. Chavo pushes the referee away and picks Moore up off the mat. Chavo whips Moore into the corner and goes to nail him with a clothesline. Moore raises his leg and drives his foot into the face of Chavo. Chavo stumbles back out of the corner and a dazed Moore comes out of the corner and grabs Chavo. Moore drives Chavo into the mat with a bulldog. Moore rolls Chavo over and quickly covers him. 1.............................2................. Chavo gets his shoulder off the mat and the referee stops the count. Moore gets back to his feet and drops a quick elbow down into the chest of Chavo. Moore climbs up the turnbuckle as Chavo is down on the mat still. The fans are going nuts as Moore comes off the top rope with a moonsault. Chavo rolls out of the way and Moore hits the mat hard. Chavo rolls onto Moore and the referee makes the count. Chavo quickly puts his legs up onto the second rope for extra leverage and the referee doesnt see this. 1.........................2............................ Moore just gets his shoulder off the mat in time. Chavo gets up and begins to argue with the referee as he believed he had the match won after putting his feet on the ropes. Moore is getting back to his feet and Chavo sees this. Chavo grabs him and ties him up in the ropes and nails him with repeated elbows to the face. The fans in the arena are booing as Chavo grabs Moore out of the corner and hoists him into the air. Chavo goes for a brainbuster but Moore reverses it and slides off of the shoulder of Chavo. Moore rolls up Chavo and the fans go nuts as the referee quickly makes a count. 1......................2.......................3! Shannon Moore retains the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. Shannon Moore rolls out of the ring and is given the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. Shannon Moore begins posing on the outside with the belt whilst Chavo Guerrero is in the ring arguing with the referee about the pinfall. Moore walks up the ramp and stops at the top to pose for the fans one more time. This is a bad idea though as AKIO comes from the backstage area and nails Moore with a jump kick to the back of the head. Moore stumbles forward but gathers himself and turns right into a kick to the side of the head from Akio. Moore hits the steel ramp and is down and clutching at his jaw. Akio picks up the WWE Cruiserweight Championship belt and begins posing with it whilst the fans boo him loudly. Akio throws the belt down on Moore before walking off, looking rather impressed with what he just did to the WWE Cruiserweight Champion.

    Winner & Still WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Shannon Moore

    OR:80 CR:71 MQ:89

    Charlie Haas is standing in a locker room backstage with the WWE United States Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder when Miss Jackie walks in with a video tape in her hand…

    Charlie Haas: Hey there beautiful…

    Miss Jackie: Hey sugar… I’ve got something to show you… Eric Bischoff just came and gave it to me… Supposedly it is something that he has already approved…

    Charlie Haas: What the hell is it this week…

    Miss Jackie walks over and puts the tape in the video player in the locker room… Suddenly Rico appears on the screen and Charlie jumps back in disgust as Rico blows a kiss… The fans in the arena begin to boo as Rico talks…

    Rico: Hi Charles… I gather if you are watching this then I am not at the building this week and Eric has granted me my match for Judgment Day… It’s simple Charles… You and I will fight each other with the winner getting more than just satisfaction in beating the other man… It will be a LADDER match with not one but TWO objects on the line… The first thing being the WWE United States Heavyweight Championship… The second, that pretty little vixen in the room… NO, I’m not talking about you Miss Jackie… That’s right… Charles, if I win the match then you will become my property… However if I lose, I will never ever bother you or Miss Jackie ever again… So Charles… You don’t really have a say in the matter if you watching this tape… So you better just come prepared at Judgment Day, I know I will…

    Rico winks at the monitor and Charlie Haas & Miss Jackie look on in disgust as Rico winks at them… The fans in the arena are going nuts at the match that was just announced for Judgment Day and it seems like it will be pretty important for both men to win the match…

    Rating: 91%

    The Big Show vs John Heidenreich

    Well… Well it’s the Big Show… The Big Show’s music hits and the fans go nuts. The Big Show will be teaming with The Undertaker at Judgment Day to face Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak for the WWE Tag Team Championships… The Big Show walks down to the ring and looks prepared to face John Heidenreich tonight. Army Of Me by Chimaira hits and the fans boo. The Big Show looks on from the ring with a smirk on his face as John Heidenreich appears on the stage and so do the WWE Tag Team Champions, Mark Jindrak & Luther Reigns. Heidenreich comes down the rampway with his buddies and they ignore all the boos from the fans. Heidenreich climbs into the ring and challenges Show to raises his arms. Big Show approaches Heidenreich, the whole time keeping an eye on Reigns and Jindrak on the outside. The obvious distraction allows Heidenreich to thumb Show in the eyes. Heidenreich lands some hard body shots on the big man and then shoots him to the ropes. Show holds on to the ropes and stops. Heidenreich goes after Show, but gets tossed over the top. Show goes after Heidenreich and pulls him up to his feet. Show tosses him shoulder first into the ring post. Show rolls Heidenreich into the ring, but before he can get in his leg is grabbed by Reigns. Show kicks him off and goes to the outside. Jindrak comes over and hits show from behind. Reigns kicks Show on both knee caps, taking the giant down to the floor. Jindrak grabs Show's arms and holds him there for Reigns to strike. The referee turns and sees this so he warms them that if they strike Show, Heidenreich will be disqualified. As Reigns reels back, a gong is heard and The Undertaker's music comes on. Jindrak releases Show and runs over to the protective rail and jumps over. Reigns stands his ground, but does the same as Jindrak when he hears the sound of thunder echo throughout the arena. Show gets to his feet and gets into the ring. Heidenreich is barely getting up and doesn't know Show is behind him. Heidenreich turns around, right into the grip of Show. Show lifts im up and slams him down with the Showstopper. Show covers Heidenreich and has a smirk on his face. 1.........................2...............................3! The Big Show defeats John Heidenreich. Mark Jindrak & Luther Reigns are still looking on from the other side of the protective railing as Heidenreich rolls out of the ring slowly. The Undertaker never appears and the fans are going nuts as Show poses and tells Jindrak & Reigns that those belts will be his soon. The fans in the arena are going crazy as The Big Show celebrates his win.

    Winner: The Big Show

    OR:68 CR:68 MQ:69

    Carlito is shown on the titantron in the backstage area and he looks to be searching for someone and Torrie Wilson is trying to stop him… The fans boo as they see him on the screen…

    Torrie Wilson: Come on Carlito… Just forget about it… Your already wrestling against him at Judgment Day, there’s no need for you to go after Aaron Summers right now…

    Carlito: Yes there is, Torrie… What Summers did to Carlito last week was NOT COOL! Carlito will not stand for this injustice…

    Just as he said that he walks around a corner and bumps into Shane McMahon & Lucas Newport… The crowd cheers as they see both men on the titantron…

    Carlito: Well looky what we have here… Two very not cool people… Carlito is sick of all these people on Smackdown! That think there cool when there not… Where’s your boy, Summers?

    Shane McMahon: Not here man… He’s got the night off…

    Carlito: That’s not cool… Looks like I’m going to have to take my frustrations out on somebody else…

    Torrie Wilson: Whatever you do Carlito… Your on your own… I’ve had enough of this… All you want to do is fight…

    Torrie Wilson walks off and leaves Carlito all alone and the fans go crazy…

    Lucas Newport: Seems like you just lost the girl, Mr. Cool…

    Carlito: Oh you think your funny, don’t you… Well, lets see how funny you are in the ring… Mr. Lawyer… You think you can make your wrestling debut tonight against Carlito and win? Because if you do… Step up… Torrie knows how I feel about her… She’ll still be here after I kick your ass tonight… Which sounds pretty cool to me…

    Lucas Newport: You know what… It does sound cool… Ill give you the chance to kick my ass tonight when I make my Smackdown! Wrestling debut… but don’t be disappointed when I walk away the winner… Now you better go find Torrie, because she sure as hell wasn’t happy when she left…

    Lucas Newport smiles as the fans go crazy and Carlito turns and walks away… Lucas turns back to Shane, who is standing behind him with a smile on his face…

    Lucas Newport: So think I can win?

    Shane McMahon: Doesn’t it really matter if you don’t… Your just like Aaron… You don’t have to win… to WIN?!

    Lucas Newport: Man, you never make any sense…

    Lucas Newport and Shane McMahon walk away all smiles as the fans cheer them on…

    Rating: 82%

    Rene Dupree vs Paul London

    Rene Dupree's music hits and the fans begin to boo loudly. Dupree appears on the stage and he has a huge grin on his face. Dupree struts down to the ring and this annoys the fans. Dupree gets into the ring and begins posing with that stupid smirk on his face. The fans erupt as Paul London's music begins. Paul London appears on the stage and runs down to the rampway. London slides into the ring and leaps up onto the middle rope. London begins posing and the fans are going wild. London turns around as Dupree goes to hit him with a clothesline. Dupree misses his clothesline attempt and London nails him in the back with a dropkick. Dupree flies out of the ring over the top rope and the fans in the arena are going crazy. London is telling Dupree to get back into the ring when BANG! JBL attacks London from behind with a steel chair. JBL cracks London across the back with the steel chair. The referee immediately calls for the bell as Dupree gets back to his feet on the outside and watches what is going on in the ring. Dupree is disqualified and Paul London picks up the victory over him. JBL is standing over London as he tries to pull himself back to his feet. London finally gets back to his feet just as JBL runs off the ropes. London turns into a massive Clothesline From Hell and hits the mat. Paul London is out cold as he hits the deck and JBL is smirking as he stands over him. JBL looks to the outside and nods at Dupree. Dupree leaves with a smile on his face and it looks like his business is done here. JBL looks done at London and is smirking as the fans in the arena are booing wildly. "See you at Judgment Day, little boy!"... JBL just confirmed that at WWE Judgment Day 2005, it would be John Bradshaw Layfield versus Paul London. JBL walks away from Paul London with a smile as the fans boo him and Paul London is out cold in the middle of the ring. JBL walks into the backstage area just as EMTs rush out to check on the fallen Paul London.

    Winner via DQ: Paul London

    OR:79 CR:73 MQ:85

    Eddie Guerrero is backstage when someone knocks on the door… Eddie Guerrero answers the door and the person gives him a note… Eddie Guerrero opens the note and the fans are going nuts for him… Eddie looks angry as he screws up the note and throws it against the wall… The fans are booing as Eddie is getting even more frustrated in his locker room…

    Eddie Guerrero: We’ll see Kidman… We’ll see… Next week!

    Eddie Guerrero heads over to his stuff and picks up his bag and walks out of the locker room as the fans are booing… Obviously Billy Kidman turned down Eddie Guerrero’s challenge for Judgment Day… What did Eddie Guerrero mean though when he said next week? This leaves the fans booing Kidman…

    Rating: 88%

    Carlito vs Lucas Newport

    Carlito's music hits and the fans in the arena are booing wildly. Carlito appears on the stage and he looks to be alone as Torrie Wilson still hasnt rejoined him. Carlito slowly walks down to the ring and he has a smirk on his face. Carlito hops into the ring and begins posing and the fans let their feelings be known. "No Chance", The McMahon's former music hits and the fans go wild. Lucas Newport appears on the stage and Shane McMahon walks out behind him. The fans are cheering as both men walk down to the ring and Newport does not take his eyes off of Carlito. Newport slides into the ring whilst Shane stays on the outside. Carlito immediately runs at Newport but Newport counters it and sends Carlito into the mat with a hiptoss. Carlito springs back to his feet surprised by the attack from Newport. Newport is smirking as Carlito charges at him again. Newport does the exact same thing only harder this time and Carlito hits the mat and quickly grabs his back. The fans are cheering as Carlito climbs back to his feet and runs at Newport again. Newport lowers his head this time and nails Carlito with a back body drop and the fans go nuts. Carlito is on the mat and Newport quickly covers him. 1...................2................. Carlito gets his shoulder up just in the nick of time. Newport gets back to his feet and smirks at Shane, who is telling him to get back to Carlito. Newport walks over and grabs Carlito and pulls him off the mat. LOW BLOW! Carlito nails Newport with a low blow and the referee doesnt see it. Newport doubles over in pain and looks very green now as he sells the move like it has ended his career. Carlito grabs Newport and nails him with a quick snap suplex. Carlito climbs back to his feet and begins posing and smirking at Shane McMahon on the outside. Shane doesnt pay any attention though as he sees Newport getting his head together. Newport stuns Carlito by rolling him up and the fans cheer. 1......................2.................. Carlito kicks out. Carlito gets up before Newport does and Carlito hits a massive clothesline to Newport. Carlito starts stomping on Newport and then he straddles him and begins to beat on the prone face of Newport. The fans are booing wildly as Carlito nails Newport between the eyes and busts him open. Carlito gets back to his feet smirking as Newport is bleeding profusely in the middle of the ring. Newport pulls himself back to his feet using the ropes and Carlito grabs him from behind. Carlito drives Newport's neck into the mat with a vicious reverse DDT. Carlito covers Newport and the fans are booing loudly. 1.......................2......................... Newport gets his shoulder up off the mat and Carlito is very suprised. Carlito stands up and pulls Newport off the mat. Carlito sets up Newport in the middle of the ring for his piledriver finisher but Newport breaks free and grabs Carlito. Newport drives Carlito into the corner on his shoulder. Newport begins punching Carlito in the face until Carlito swings Newport around kicks him in the gut. Carlito grabs Newport's head and slams it into the corner. Newport stumbles backwards out of the corner and the fans boo loudly. Newport turns back around and recieves a kick to the stomach. Shane McMahon just watches on from the outside and cant really do anything. Carlito picks up Newport and drives him into the mat with a Piledriver and the fans are booing wildly. Newport is out cold in the middle of the ring as Carlito is still standing around smirking. Carlito flamboyantly places his foot on the chest of Newport and the referee makes the count. 1............................2............................3! Carlito picks up the win over Lucas Newport much to the fans delights. Carlito walks over and grabs the head of Newport and shows it to the fans. Newport is still bleeding in the middle of the ring as the fans boo Carlito. Shane McMahon slides into the ring and grabs Carlito. Shane McMahon throws Carlito over the top rope and the fans cheer him. McMahon tends to his friend in the middle of the ring as Carlito walks up the rampway with a smirk on his face after getting the better of one of Aaron Summers' friends. Will this be the same fate for Aaron Summers at Judgment Day or will Summers be able to defeat Carlito?

    Winner: Carlito

    OR:84 CR:74 MQ:94

    “Self High Five”

    DDP’s music hits and the fans go wild… Diamond Dallas Page appears on the stage and has a big toothy grin on his face… The fans are cheering him on as he walks down to the ring… DDP gets into the ring and grabs a microphone…

    Diamond Dallas Page: It’s Me… It’s Me… It’s DDP! Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve entered a WWE ring and got a response like that one… It feels good as well… Tonight isn’t about me though… Tonight is about someone else… Someone that is returning home to the WWE tonight… When Shane McMahon appointed me as a General Manager of Smackdown!, he also gave me the power to bring back anyone I would like… I’ve been in contact with a lot of people over the past few days and let me tell you something… I’ve got some big plans for the future of Smackdown! However, I am not going to waste anymore time tonight… Ladies and Gentleman, without further a due… Let’s give it for a former WWE Champion…

    “Here Comes The Pain”

    Diamond Dallas Page: BROCK LESNAR!

    Brock Lesnar’s music hits and the fans give him a mixed reaction… Brock Lesnar appears on the stage and he looks pumped for his return… Brock Lesnar walks down to the ring with a smile on his face… as he enters he shakes hands with DDP… Brock gets a microphone given to him… Brock goes to the speak to the crowd when suddenly…


    Kurt Angle’s music hits and the fans in the arena begin to boo wildly… Kurt Angle appears on the stage… He puts his hands on his hips and begins to laugh as he sees Brock standing in the middle of the ring… Kurt Angle already has a microphone with him and he cuts his own music off and begins to speak whilst the fans boo him…

    Kurt Angle: Is this the big comeback! Brock Lesnar… Come on… Why did you waste your time with that when you should have been trying to organize a WWE Championship match for me… I mean come on… These people don’t care about Brock Lesnar… Why should they? I mean come on… He did just walk out on the WWE after losing to Goldberg at WrestleMania 20…

    Brock Lesnar: You know Kurt… Your right… I did just walk out… I’m not asking for forgiveness… I cant change what I did… But I can change where my future lies… My future lies with the WWE and these fans…

    Kurt Angle: Oh please… What a crock of poo… You don’t have what it takes anymore… You’ve grown soft… I can see it in your eyes as I walk down to the ring… Every step I take… You wish I wouldn’t… You wish that I would of stayed completely away from you because deep down inside, you know that your not half the athlete that Kurt Angle is…

    Brock Lesnar: Was that a challenge?

    Kurt Angle: NO! The only thing I’m challenging is my right for the WWE Championship…

    Brock Lesnar: You don’t deserve that belt… You LOST it! Fair and square at WrestleMania… You then proceeded to lose your rematch the next night on RAW as well… You don’t deserve the WWE Championship… You’re a disgrace to professional athletes all over the world… You need to step aside and give someone else a chance now…

    Kurt Angle: Oh says who… You… The big softy standing in the middle of the ring… If you think your such an athlete, then why did you not make the Minnesota Vikings NFL team… You know why… It’s because YOU SUCK!

    Brock Lesnar: Why don’t you come say that to my face and see just how soft I really am…

    Kurt Angle steps into the ring cautiously and the fans are going crazy… Kurt Angle gets right in Brock Lesnar’s face…

    Kurt Angle: Your nothing… You never will be ever again… You’ve lost your touch Brock… Face it, your no longer that indestructible force that first entered the WWE… Your tainted… You couldn’t defeat Mighty Mouse if he flew into the arena tonight…

    Brock Lesnar: If I’m so soft… Why don’t you face me… One on One in my first match back… TONIGHT!

    Diamond Dallas Page: Whoa calm down boys… Brock, I cant sign that match for tonight… However, if Kurt Angle accepts the challenge… Then I will make the match for Judgment Day… and hows about I throw in something a little extra for the match… The winner, can have a WWE Championship shot on the very next Smackdown! So how about it Kurt… You scared of Brock Lesnar…

    Kurt Angle: No, I am not scared of that big idiot… You got your match Lesnar at Judgment Day and I’m going to show the world that you don’t have what it takes anymore... SOFTY!

    Kurt Angle smiles as he points at Brock whilst looking at the crowd… The crowd is booing wildly until Brock Lesnar snaps and grabs Angle… Brock picks Angle up onto his shoulders and nails him with the F-5! The fans in the arena are going nuts as Brock walks out of the ring smiling as Kurt Angle is out cold on the mat… Diamond Dallas Page looks impressed at what just happens and walks away looking pleased with himself for getting Brock Lesnar back into the WWE…

    Rating: 94%

    The Undertaker vs Mike Sanders

    "Army Of Me" by Chimaira hits and the fans go wild with boos. Mike Sanders appears on the stage and he has The WWE Tag Team Champions, Mark Jindrak & Luther Reigns as well as John Heidenreich & Paul Heyman... All five men walk down to the ring in unity and the fans are booing them on. The only person missing is Rob Van Dam. Sanders rolls into the ring and gets ready for his fight with Taker. BONG................. BONG................ BONG! The fans go crazy as thunder and lightning hits throughout the arena followed closely by the rest of The Undertaker's theme music. The lights are still out in the arena and a shadowy figure appears on the stage. One big thunder clap later and the lights turn on to reveal The Undertaker at the top of the stage. The Undertaker slowly walks down to the ring and enters it. The Undertaker is standing tall in the middle of the ring and the fans are going wild. Sanders' buddies begin to circle the ring and jump up onto the apron until... Basic Thuganomics hits. John Cena appears on the stage with the WWE Championship belt around his waist and he isnt alone either. The Big Show & Rey Mysterio appear next to Cena and the fans are all three men on. All four men jump off the apron and leave Sanders in the middle of the ring. Sanders nails an unsuspecting Taker with a dropkick to the knee. Taker drops down and Sanders nails him with a dropkick to the face. Taker is on the mat and sits up and doesnt seem fazed by the attack from Sanders. Sanders tries to stand tall against Taker but Taker overpowers him and sends him into the corner with a mighty throw. Taker nails Sanders with a big right hand. Sanders is rocked in the corner as Taker grabs him. Taker twists his arm and climbs to the top rope. We get some vintage Undertaker as he comes off and drives his fist down into the back of Sanders. Sanders is down on the mat and The Undertaker signals to the fans that the end is near. The crowd is going crazy until Luther & Jindrak slide into the ring. Show follows them into the ring and grabs both of them before they can attack Taker. Show nails each man with headbutts that knocks them straight out of the ring. Cena begins to brawl with Heidenreich on the outside as Heyman jumps up onto the apron. Rey Mysterio continues to watch Sanders get back to his feet in the middle of the ring. The Undertaker grabs Heyman off the apron and pulls him into the ring. The fans are going crazy as The Undertaker grabs Heyman around the throat. CHOKESLAM! The Undertaker nails Heyman with a huge Chokeslam. Heyman is out cold in the middle of the ring and Sanders is climbing back to his feet. Sanders turns around and walks right into The Undertaker. Taker hoists Sanders up onto his shoulder and the fans cheer. Taker drives Sanders into the mat with a Tombstone and covers him whilst sticking his tounge out and his eyes rolling into the back of his head. The referee makes the count and the fans are cheering. 1...............................2...............................3! The Undertaker picks up the dominating victory over Mike Sanders. RVD jumps over the guard rail and grabs a steel chair and the fans are booing loudly. RVD cracks Mysterio in the back of the head with a vicious chair shot. This grabs Cena's attention and Cena leaves Heidenreich and goes after RVD. Cena chases RVD up the rampway and into the backstage area to the fans boos. Mysterio is down and out on the outside. Heidenreich is reeling after copping a beating from The Big Show & John Cena in the one night. The Big Show is eyeing off Mark Jindrak & Luther Reigns on the outside as is The Undertaker from inside the ring. Paul Heyman is out cold and the fans begin to cheer The Undertaker on for his victory.

    Winner: The Undertaker

    OR:80 CR:82 MQ:77

    As WWE Smackdown! goes off the air, the fans are going crazy for The Undertaker, The Big Show, John Cena & Rey Mysterio as most of them got the better of Paul Heyman, RVD, Mark Jindrak, Luther Reigns & John Heidenreich for the night and The Undertaker is posing over both Mike Sanders & Paul Heyman...

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Television Rating: 6.23

  7. WWE RAW

    April 25th, 2005

    WWE RAW opens up with video footage from last weeks RAW where we saw Ric Flair challenge Triple H to a World Heavyweight Championship match only to have Ted DiBiase declare that Flair will only get a title shot if he defeats Batista & Maven in a handicap match tonight and then him next week… We also see how tonight the 2005 King Of The Ring tournament will kick off with qualifying matches… Pyrotechnics explode from the stage as WWE RAW hits the air live…

    Evolution minus Ted DiBiase is in their locker room backstage and when they appear on the titantron, the fans in the arena boo loudly...

    Triple H: You guys remember what you have to do tonight don’t you?

    Maven: Sure do man... Ric Flair wont survive and even if he does... DiBiase will kick his ass...

    Triple H: NO! He won't survive the match, WILL HE!

    Batista: You got that right Hunter... It's cool we know the plan...

    Batista winks at Triple H and Triple H smiles. The fans in the arena are booing as they realise Evolution is up to no good and have something instore for Ric Flair and thier handicap match for later tonight...

    Rating: 87%

    Randy Orton is walking around a corner in the backstage area when he bumps into Ted DiBiase...

    Ted DiBiase: Well if it isnt the young gun... Randy Orton...

    Randy Orton: What the hell do you want DiBiase...

    Ted DiBiase: Nothing your the one that ran into me, "Legend Killer"... So remind me... What was the name of the last legend that you killed?

    Randy Orton: If your not careful... It will be your name...

    Ted DiBiase: Oh big words from a nobody... You havent done anything for a long time Orton...

    Randy Orton: I told you to watch yourself...

    Orton leaps forward and grabs DiBiase... RKO! RKO! RKO! Randy Orton knocks DiBiase down and out on the cement with an RKO! Orton walks away with a huge smile on his face as DiBiase is out cold and the fans in the arena are going wild, cheering Randy Orton on for what he just did to DiBiase...

    Rating: 92%

    King Of The Ring Qualifying Match

    Magnus vs Rhyno

    "Unstoppable" by The Calling hits throughout the arena and the fans begin cheering. Magnus appears on the stage and he has a smile on his face as he walks down to the ring. Magnus gets into the ring and waits... GORE! Rhyno's music begins and the fans begin to boo loudly. Rhyno appears on the stage and he looks all business. Rhyno comes down to the ring and gets right in Magnus' face. The fans in the arena are going wild as Rhyno strikes Magnus first. Magnus doesnt flinch though as Rhyno's attack didnt take him by surprise. Magnus grabs Rhyno around the throat and the fans cheer even louder. Magnus picks up Rhyno and lifts him over his head. Magnus drives Rhyno into the mat with a gorilla press slam. Magnus picks up Rhyno off the mat and whips him into the ropes. Rhyno bounces off the ropes and ducks underneath a clothesline attempt from Magnus. Rhyno runs off the ropes behind Magnus. Magnus turns around just as Rhyno lunges forward to hit the Gore. Magnus moves out of the way and Rhyno misses everything and bounces back off the ropes again. Rhyno gets nailed by a wicked clothesline from Magnus. Rhyno is down on the mat and could very well be out cold. Magnus picks up Rhyno and hoists him onto his shoulders. Magnus applies a torture rack like manuever. The fans are going crazy as Magnus begins to bend Rhyno. The referee continues to check on Rhyno and when he doesnt respond the fans cheer loudly. The referee calls for the bell as Magnus picks up another easy win in the WWE. The fans are cheering and they cant believe that Magnus defeated Rhyno so easily. The referee raises Magnus' arm in victory as Magnus becomes the first person to advance into the next round of the King Of The Ring tournament. Magnus leaves as the fans cheer his victory on.

    Winner: Magnus

    OR:89 CR:87 MQ:91

    Edge & Christian are walking around in the backstage area and they walk straight into the Evolution locker room without knocking and we see Ted DiBiase sitting there with an icepack on his forehead whilst Batista & Maven jump up and get in Edge & Christian's face...

    Edge: You better get out of my face... I've got some business I want to talk to DiBiase about...

    Batista: Are you talking to me?

    Ted DiBiase: Yes, I guess he was Batista... So move and let me hear what he has to say...

    Edge: I told the world last week, you better have something for me when I arrive at the arena tonight... Otherwise I would be taking matters into my own hands...

    Ted DiBiase: Cant you see I'm a little pre-occupied to worry about either of you two at the moment...

    Edge: Well i guess thats alright then... because in my hands I have Christian and mines, WWE RAW contracts and you know what... I QUIT!

    Ted DiBiase: YOU WHAT?!

    Edge: and so does Christian...

    Ted DiBiase: WHAT?!

    Christian: WHAT?! Yeah I guess I do...

    Edge throws the two RAW contracts at Evolution and walks out of the locker room with the shits as the fans go crazy... DiBiase gets crankly and rips up the two contracts in a fit of rage...

    Rating: 91%

    King Of The Ring Qualifying Match

    William Regal vs Tajiri

    Tajiri's music hits throughout the arena and the fans go nuts. The former WWE World Tag Team Champion appears on the stage and he doesn’t look real happy. Tajiri walks down to the ring and is immediately ready for this contest. William Regal's posh British music hits and the fans begin to boo. Regal appears, center stage, and the fans are booing him every step of the way. Regal continues to wave and smile at the crowd, even when they boo him. Regal gets into the ring and ducks an immediate kick to the head from Tajiri. Regal goes to hit Tajiri but Tajiri backs up and Regal misses the punch. Tajiri leaps forward and nails Regal in the gut with a kick. Regal doubles over and Tajiri nails him with a kick to the face. Regal falls backwards and Tajiri covers him whilst the referee makes the count and the fans cheer. 1..................2................... Regal got his shoulder up. Tajiri gets back to his feet and waits as Regal pulls himself together. Regal stands up and Tajiri pushes him into the corner. Tajiri begins to nail Regal in the gut with his shoulder. Tajiri nails about eight shoulder charges into the gut before grabbing Regal and placing him on the top turnbuckle. Tajiri goes up-stairs with Regal and the fans go nuts. Tajiri goes to nail Regal with a hurricanrana but Regal holds on and Tajiri crashes down to the mat. The fans are booing as Regal begins to stand up and smiles on the top rope. Tajiri stands up and Regal jumps off the top rope. Regal nails Tajiri with a double axe handle to the face. Regal covers the fallen Tajiri much to the fans delight. 1...................2....................... Tajiri gets his foot on the bottom rope and the referee stops the count. Regal gets back to his feet and he begins to argue with the referee about the count. Tajiri gets back to his feet and goes to spit something into Regal but Regal moves and Tajiri sprays the referee in the face with it. The referee calls the bell and doesnt hesistate to DQ Tajiri for using the mist. Regal quickly leaves the ring whilst Tajiri checks on the referee and helps him out. William Regal just advanced into the next round of the King Of The Ring after Tajiri inadvertantly sprayed the referee with the mist. The fans in the arena are booing the decision just made by the referee to disqualify Tajiri. Tajiri helps the referee out by wiping the mist off him. Tajiri leaves the ring with his head hanging low and the fans in the arena booing.

    Winner via DQ: William Regal

    OR:80 CR:73 MQ:87

    Stacy Keibler is standing backstage with the WWE Women's Championship belt around her waist and the fans are going crazy... Stacy is ran into from behind by a women that is running...

    Stacy Keibler: Sorry... You really shouldnt run with your head down...

    Mystery Women: Excuse me... You cant talk to me like that...

    Stacy Keibler: OK sorry... Who are you?

    Mystery Women: Who am i... How dare you... You cant talk to me like I'm nothing... Alexis Laree is the name and if you ever and I mean ever talk down to me again... Then ill do what every other chick on RAW cant do... I'll kill you...

    Stacy Keibler: Sorry I didn’t mean to offend you...

    Alexis Laree: See I knew you'd be scared of me... and you better watch yourself, because sooner of later, that belt is going to be around my waist...

    Alexis Laree walks off whilst Stacy watches her walk away… The fans in the arena don’t know what to think of this new chick but they are going wild for Stacy…

    Rating: 75%

    King Of The Ring Qualifying Match

    Val Venis vs Raven

    Hello… Ladies… Val Venis’ music hits and the fans go nuts. The WWE Intercontinental Champion appears on the stage and the fans cheer even louder. Venis makes his way down to the ring and begins to pose with the Intercontinental Championship Belt around his waist. Chris Benoit’s music hits and the fans begin to boo loudly. Raven appears on the stage and Chris Benoit is walking out behind him. Both men look unified as they walk down to the ring with the WWE World Tag Team Championship belts around their waists. Raven gets into the ring and begins posing much to the fans disgust. Venis turns his attention to Benoit on the outside and as he does this, Raven blasts him from behind. Raven knocks Venis down to the mat with a vicious clothesline. Raven drops three quick elbows across the throat of Venis and makes the cover. 1……………2…………… Venis gets his shoulder up. Raven climbs back to his feet and picks up Venis. Raven whips Venis into the corner and charges at him. Raven goes for a clothesline but Venis moves out of the way and Raven crashes in the corner. Venis grabs Raven from the corner and nails a suplex in the middle of the ring. Benoit quickly jumps up onto the apron and begins to distract Venis. Venis nails Benoit with a right hand and the fans go crazy. Raven nails Venis from behind and throws him over the top rope. Raven grabs the referee and begins to argue with him whilst Benoit picks Venis up on the outside. Benoit whips Venis into the barricade. Venis bounces off the barricade and Benoit throws him into the side of the ring. Venis’ back cracks against the ring and the fans in the arena begin to boo as Benoit rolls Venis into the ring. Raven lets the referee go as he covers Venis. 1………………2……………… Venis kicks out and the fans cheer. Raven gets back to his feet and begins to stalk Venis. Venis pulls himself up using the ropes. Venis turns into Raven and Raven goes for the Evenflow DDT but Venis counters it and pushes Raven into the corner. Raven bounces out of the corner and Venis grabs him. Venis nails Raven with a brainbuster in the middle of the ring. Venis signals for the corner and the crowd erupts. Venis climbs the ropes and stands upstairs. Venis comes off the top rope but misses the Money Shot as Raven rolls out of the way. Both men begin to climb back to their feet. Venis gets up first and turns into Raven. Raven leaps off the mat and pulls Venis down with the Evenflow DDT. The fans erupt with boos as Raven covers Venis and the referee makes the count. 1…………………2………………………3! Raven advances into the next round of the King Of The Ring tournament after a hard fought battle with the WWE Intercontinental Champion. Chris Benoit and Raven celebrate as they head into the backstage area with the fans booing them.

    Winners: Raven

    OR:80 CR:81 MQ:80

    Tajiri walks into a locker room in the backstage area and he has an annoyed look on his face. The crowd goes wild when they see him on the titantron. Tajiri walks into a locker room where The Hurricane is standing...

    The Hurricane: I know what your going to say... I know you saw the footage from last week... I know you saw what DiBiase offered me and i did think about it...

    Tajiri reacts and slaps The Hurricane in the face... The fans in the arena go crazy... The Hurricane comes back and gets right in Tajiri's face...

    The Hurricane: What I was about to say was... It was an accident... I got knocked outside and couldnt get back in for the save... You know what though... I'm NOT sorry... I'm glad we lost the belts... You werent doing anything that holding me back... The Hurricane is NO MORE! I dont know what all these people see in him... It's time for this super hero to retire...

    The Hurricane takes off his mask and throws it in the face of Tajiri... The fans in the arena are booing wildly as The Hurricane walks out of the locker room with his head hanging down... The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Tajiri just watches The Hurricane shut the door on his way out...

    Rating: 81%

    King Of The Ring Qualifying Match

    Kane vs Chris Jericho

    Fire explodes from the stage and Kane’s music begins. The fans in the arena are going wild as Kane appears on the stage and his wife, Lita, is by his side. Kane & Lita walk down to the ring and Kane poses in the ring whilst fire explodes from the turnbuckles. The countdown begins on the titantron and the fans go crazy again. An explosion of pyrotechnics happens and suddenly Jericho appears on the stage and he has a huge grin on his face. Jericho walks down to the ring and the fans are going crazy. Jericho gets into the ring and begins eyeing off Kane. Kane walks up to Jericho and Jericho nails a dropkick. The fans go nuts as Kane stumbles backwards after been caught off-guard. Kane comes forward looking for a clothesline but Jericho ducks underneath. Kane turns back around and Jericho nails him in the face with a right hand. Jericho pushes Kane into the ropes. Kane bounces off the ropes and Jericho leaps forward and nails him with a flying forearm shot. Jericho covers Kane and the referee makes the count. 1……………2…………… The referee stops the count though as Kane throws Jericho off of him. Jericho gets back to his feet and turns into a big right hand from Kane. Kane picks Jericho up off the mat and whips him into the corner. Jericho hits the corner hard and Kane follows him there. Kane nails Jericho with a clothesline in the corner. Jericho is groggy in the corner as Kane starts to beat away at him. Lita is cheering Kane on from the outside and the fans love it. Kane grabs Jericho and tosses him from one side of the ring to another. Suddenly Chris Benoit & Raven appear at the top of the stage and they have the WWE World Tag Team Championship belts around their waists. The fans are booing wildly as they begin to smile at Kane. Kane looks up and begins to argue with them. Lita tells Kane to turn back to Jericho and pay him attention because of what this match could do for him. Kane turns around and catches a kick from Jericho. Kane grabs Jericho around the throat and lifts him into air. Chokeslam! Kane nails the Chokeslam to Jericho. Benoit and Raven run down to the ring and the fans in the arena are booing wildly. Raven jumps up onto the apron and the referee quickly intervenes and stops him from getting into the ring. Benoit slides into the ring and cracks Kane in the face with one half of the WWE World Tag Team Titles. Kane is down and Benoit places Jericho on top of Kane as he leaves. Lita begins arguing with the referee and pleading with him about what happens but he turns around and makes the count. 1…………………2……………………3! Chris Jericho advances into the next round of the King Of The Ring tournament after Chris Benoit and Raven helped him pin Kane. Chris Jericho gets back to his feet and looks up the top of the ramp where Chris Benoit is shouting at Jericho, telling him he owes him one. Jericho looks on confused whilst Kane sits up. Jericho leaves the ring as Kane gets up and looks pissed. Lita stops Kane from going after Benoit & Raven, who enter the backstage area to boos from the fans.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    OR:89 CR:93 MQ:83

    Over the titantron the fans get to the see the brackets for the King Of The Ring Tournament... Well the RAW brands brackets anyway... It's an interesting tournament bracket and the fans love some of the matches...

    Val Venis


    Steven Richards


    William Regal


    Randy Orton

    Chris Benoit


    The Hurricane


    Chris Jericho



    Matt Hardy


    The ones highlighted in bold have already advanced into the next round after their wins earlier tonight... The fans go crazy when they see the brackets and what they can expect in the coming weeks...

    Rating: 85%

    Ric Flair vs Batista & Maven

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ric Flair’s music hits and the fans go crazy. Ric Flair appears on the stage with his robe on and the fans cheer even louder and begin doing their own “WOOOOS”. Ric Flair struts down to the ring and the fans are cheering him on. Flair stops just before the ring though as Evolution hits. Batista & Maven appear at the top of the stage and they have huge grins on their faces. Batista & Maven begin to run down the ramp to the boos of the fans and Ric Flair meets them at the bottom. Flair nails Maven with a kick between the legs and the fans cheer. Batista goes to hit Flair but Flair ducks and nails Batista in the ass with a kick. Flair grabs Maven and picks him. Flair begins to chop away at the chest of Maven. Flair turns back to see that Batista is back to his feet. Flair runs at Batista but Batista ducks and picks up Flair. Batista nails Flair with a back body drop on the outside. Flair is down and hurt on the outside and the referee slides outside to help him. Batista grabs the referee and nails him with a big right hand. The referee is down and out cold on the outside. Batista picks Flair up off the ground and whips him into Maven. Maven nails Flair with a big dropkick. Flair bounces back towards Batista. Batista spins him around and drives him into the outside with a vicious spinebuster. Ric Flair is out cold and the fans are booing loudly. Triple H & Ted DiBiase appear at the top of the stage and they have huge smiles on their faces as they watch what is happening at the bottom of the ramp. Maven picks up Flair’s knee and drives it into the concrete floor. Batista moves the protective matting from underneath Flair on the outside of the ring to reveal some more bare concrete. TEST & RANDY ORTON appear behind Triple H & Ted DiBiase on the stage and they both have steel chairs in hand. Test smacks Triple H in the back with a steel chair whilst Orton hits DiBiase. The fans are going wild as Test & Orton come charging down the ramp. Batista sets Flair up for a Sit-Out Powerbomb on the concrete until WHAM! Test nails Batista with a Big Boot to the face. Orton grabs Maven and drives him into the concrete with an RKO! The fans are going wild as all four members of Evolution are down and out. Test grabs Batista and rolls him into the ring. Orton helps Flair up on the outside and shows him what is going on. Flair slides into the ring and nails Batista with a low blow as the crowd cheers loudly. Flair grabs Batista’s leg and lifts it into the air. The fans cheer as they know exactly what is about to happen. Flair twists the knee and applies the Figure Four Leglock! The crowd goes crazy as Batista writhes in pain. Test & Orton wake the referee up and throw him back into the ring. Batista starts tapping out and the referee calls for the bell. Ric Flair has won the match and will meet Ted DiBiase next week and if he wins that match then he will meet Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WWE Fully Loaded in June. Test & Orton slide into the ring and begin to pose as the fans cheer them on. Test, Orton & Ric Flair are going wild, celebrating Ric Flair’s win as Batista and Maven are regrouping on the outside. Triple H is getting back to his feet at the top of the stage and he looks pissed at what Test did. Evolution are regrouping at the top of the stage as the fans are going nuts for Test, Orton & Flair.

    Winner: Ric Flair

    OR:84 CR:85 MQ:82

    As WWE RAW goes off the air Triple H is wanting to come down to the ring and fight but Evolution hold him back as Test, Orton & Flair celebrate Flair’s win with the fans…

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Television Rating: 6.11

  8. Great diary... first time I've read it and i love it...

    Am i the only one that sees Randy Orton turning on Batista soon... I dont know why but i can see that happening and i would love for it to happen...

    Hassan should win the IC belt at WrestleMania from Shelton and then hold it for a while, a long while...

    WrestleMania 21 is shaping up very nicely and im liking the direction your taking your WWE...

    Keep it up...

  9. :WCW Cruiserweight Championship:

    -2 OUT OF 3 FALLS-

    Eddie Guerrero © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    :WCW Television Championship:

    Curt Hennig © vs. Chris Jericho

    :WCW United States Championship:

    Diamond Dallas Page © vs. Disco Inferno

    Sting, Kevin Nash & Konnan vs. Lex Luger, The Giant & Bam Bam Bigelow

    :WCW World Heavyweight Championship:

    Bret Hart © vs. Raven vs. Kanyon

    Ric Flair vs. Chris Benoit

  10. © Edge vs Rob Van Dam/w Bill Alfonso

    WWE Championship Match

    © Brock Lesnar vs Batista

    WWE American Championship Match, Stipluation TBA

    Christian vs Sean O'Haire

    Final Encounter Match, No Rules

    Randy Orton vs Matt Stryker vs Kane

    Christopher Daniels vs Tajiri

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Rhyno vs Triple H

    No Interference Match, Anyone interfering will be suspended for 90 Days.

    AJ Styles vs Jamie Noble ©

    WWE European Championship Match

  11. WWE Smackdown!

    April 21st, 2005

    WWE Smackdown! Opens up with video footage from last weeks Smackdown! Where we saw the WWE Tag Team Champions, Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak separate beat downs on The Undertaker & The Big Show before joining Paul Heyman’s new group… We see how Shane McMahon has bought Aaron Summers & Lucas Newport into the WWE and how Billy Kidman left Eddie Guerrero injured in the parking lot last week… Pyrotechnics explode and WWE Smackdown! Hits the air…

    Over the titantron we see Eric Bischoff in an office and the fans in the arena are booing… The camera pans over and DDP is sitting in a chair… The fans in the arena begin to cheer loudly as DDP grins…

    Eric Bischoff: I’m sick you making things without consulting me first… I get to the arena today and what do I hear… A crewman walked up to me and said that he saw you with Rey Mysterio and that Rey Mysterio signed a contract to face Mike Sanders at Judgment Day…

    DDP: So what’s wrong with that… You made a 3 on 1 handicap match on Smackdown! Last week without consulting me…

    Eric Bischoff: That’s not the point… I also saw last week that you just handed that rebel, Aaron Summers a Smackdown! Contract even though he broke the law and attacked me just a few weeks ago…

    DDP: Yeah that was funny too…

    Eric Bischoff: I’m sick of it… You do everything without consulting me about it… So you know what… I’m going to do stuff right now without consulting you… Aaron Summers will take part in his first match at WWE Judgment Day against none other than Carlito and tonight, Rey Mysterio can take on Kurt Angle… Whatever happens to Rey Mysterio in that match is on you…

    DDP: I should probably tell you about someone that is coming back next week…

    Eric Bischoff: NO… I don’t want to hear it… I’m leaving… You want me for anything else, too bad…

    Eric Bischoff leaves DDP’s office and he is pissed off… The fans in the arena are going wild and are wondering just who will be coming back next week…

    Rating: 83%

    Miss Jackie is shown on the titantron and she is getting some food in a lobby backstage… Rico appears behind her and the fans in the arena begin to boo… Miss Jackie turns around and is startled as she is face to face with a smiling Rico…

    Rico: Hello Jackie… I’ve missed you… and I know you’ve missed me…

    Miss Jackie: Actually… No I haven’t…

    Rico: Oh don’t lie… I see the way you look at me from a distance still… It’s all going to go back to normal soon though sweetie… You’ll see…

    Miss Jackie: What do you mean by that?

    Rico: You’ll see… Tell Charles I said “Hi Baby”…

    Rico walks away with a big grin on his face as he walks away posing and walking like a little girl… The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Miss Jackie watches Rico leave with a confused look on her face…

    Rating: 82%

    WWE Tag Team Championship

    Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak © vs The Dudley Boyz

    The Dudley Boyz theme song hits and the fans in the arena give them a mixed reaction. D-Von Dudley appears on the stage and Bubba Ray walks out behind him. It doesn’t look as though the two are on speaking terms though after Bubba Ray walked out on D-Von last week because he didn’t want to take part in the 3 on 1 beating of Charlie Haas. The Dudley Boyz get into the ring as “Army Of Me” by Chimaira hits. The fans in the arena boo loud as Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak appear on the stage with the WWE Tag Team Championship belts around their waist. Reigns & Jindrak get into the ring and immediately attack The Dudley Boyz. Reigns grabs Bubba and drives him into the corner. D-Von gets out of the ring and watches from the outside. D-Von has a smirk on his face as he looks at Bubba been pounded on in the corner by Reigns. Jindrak is in his corner, eyeing off D-Von on the outside. Bubba begins to power out of the corner and he rocks Luther with an elbow to the face. Bubba grabs Luther and nails him with a DDT in the middle of the ring. Bubba gets up and looks at D-Von on the outside and asks him what he is doing. D-Von just ignores him and turns away. D-Von looks at the crowd who is booing him. D-Von turns back to his brother and yells at him that this is exactly what he did to him last week. D-Von walks up the steel rampway and into the backstage area whilst Bubba Ray just watches him. Luther walks up behind Bubba and nails him in the back with a stiff right hand. Luther grabs Bubba and hits him with the Reign Drop in the middle of the ring. Luther covers Bubba and the fans in the arena begin to boo as the referee makes the count. 1………………2……………………3! Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak retain the WWE Tag Team Championship belts after the falling out between Bubba Ray Dudley & D-Von Dudley continues. Reigns & Jindrak grab their WWE Tag Team Championship belts and begin to pose with them… BONG! The Undertaker’s eerie music hits and the fans in the arena go nuts. Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak look on from inside the ring but The Undertaker doesn’t appear and the music stops. Jindrak & Reigns head up the ramp quickly and into the backstage area.

    Winners & Still WWE Tag Team Champions: Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak

    OR:82 CR:77 MQ:87

    A video vignette airs over the titantron… It’s a darker promo and we don’t get any clues to who it is… At the end of the video though… It says that next week, Pain will recommence… The fans are cheering but are also puzzled by who it is that is coming back to the WWE…

    Rating: 97%

    Shannon Moore & Scotty Too Hotty vs Akio & Kenzo Suzuki

    Shannon Moore appeared on the stage to his music and the fans went crazy. Moore appears with the WWE Cruiserweight Championship belt over his shoulder and Scotty Too Hotty comes out with him. Both men look to be cool, calm and collected as they walk down to the ring with the fans going nuts. Akio’s music interrupts their music as they are posing on the turnbuckle and the fans in the arena begin to boo. Akio comes out on stage with Kenzo Suzuki & Hiroko. Akio and Suzuki come down to the ring and are eyeing off Moore & Scotty every step of the way. Akio gets into the ring and will start the match off with Scotty. Scotty goes to tie up with Akio but Akio snaps Scotty in the gut with a stiff kick. Scotty doubles over in immediate pain and the fans boo. Akio bounces off the ropes and catches Scotty with a super kick to the top of the head. Scotty hits the mat hard as Akio looks at Moore with disgust. Akio then drops a leg across the throat of Scotty and covers him. 1………………2…………… Scotty gets his shoulder up. Akio gets up and grabs Scotty off the mat. Akio tags out to Kenzo, who enters the ring to big boos from the fans. Kenzo picks up Scotty and nails him with a sidewalk slam. Kenzo gets back to his feet and begins to stomp away at Scotty. The crowd is booing Kenzo as he looks at them and smiles after his attack on Scotty. Kenzo kicks Scotty one more time for good measure before tagging out to Akio. Akio climbs to the top rope and looks down at Scotty. Akio comes off the top rope with a splash but Scotty rolls out of the way and the fans go nuts. Scotty quickly looks up and tags out to Shannon Moore. Moore leaps into the ring over the top rope and the fans go nuts. Kenzo gets into the ring and Moore nails him with a dropkick. Kenzo stumbles back against the ropes and Moore nails him with a second dropkick. Kenzo flies over the top rope and lands on Hiroko on the outside. Akio climbs back to his feet in the ring and Moore sneaks up behind him and quickly rolls him up. The fans go crazy as the referee makes the count. 1……………2……………… Akio gets his shoulders off the mat at the last second. Moore climbs back to his feet and waits as Akio gets back up. Akio stands up and grabs him and attempts a Powerbomb but Akio counters it and rolls up Moore. 1………………2…………… Moore reverses it into another pin and the fans cheer louder and the Moore gets a bridge over Akio. 1……………………2…………………3! Shannon Moore gets off Akio and rolls out of the ring. The fans are going nuts as Shannon Moore & Scotty Too Hotty celebrate on the ramp way whilst Akio is shouting at him and giving him a death stare in the ring. Shannon Moore’s winning streak continues as he pins Akio in a tag team match.

    Winners: Shannon Moore & Scotty Too Hotty

    OR:79 CR:70 MQ:89

    Aaron Summers is sitting in his locker room backstage when Shane McMahon walks in with Lucas Newport by his side…

    Shane McMahon: Well… I guess its official… You got what you wanted… Carlito at Judgment Day…

    Aaron Summers: Yeah guess so…

    Shane McMahon: It’s all about first impressions… I know you can more than handle yourself in the ring but just remember… winning isn’t everything in life…

    Aaron Summers: What’s the point of fighting if your not willing to win…

    Shane McMahon: That’s the point… WILL…

    Lucas Newport: Alright buddy… Carlito is taking on Billy Gunn tonight… We have to watch the match and focus on his strong points and his weaknesses…

    Aaron Summers: I’ve already got something planned for tonight… It’s cool, ill meet up with you after the show Shane… Is that alright?

    Shane McMahon: Um, OK… I guess you deserve some time to yourself seeing as though we’ve got you organized already… Lucas and I will watch the match…

    Aaron Summers gets off his chair and pats Shane McMahon on the back as he walks out of his locker room… Shane McMahon & Lucas Newport look at each other confused as the fans in the arena go crazy…

    Rating: 87%

    Special Guest Referee: Paul London

    John Bradshaw Layfield vs Orlando Jordan

    Orlando Jordan’s music hits and the fans give him a mixed reaction. Orlando Jordan appears on the stage and he begins to slap hands with fans on his way down to the ring. OJ gets into the ring and is posing whilst the fans give him a different reaction. JBL’s music hits and the fans begin to boo loudly. JBL appears on the stage and he has a grin on his face as he looks at the crowd. The grin disappears though after he sees Jordan in the ring. JBL only gets halfway down the rampway though as Paul London’s music begins. JBL turns around and looks disgusted as he turns around and sees London standing at the top of the stage with a referee’s shirt on. JBL just walks down to the ring when suddenly someone from underneath the stage pops out and blasts JBL in the back with a clothesline. It’s a black man that the fans have never seen before. He grabs JBL and whips him into the steel steps on the outside. Paul London just watches on and doesn’t know what to do. London slides into the ring but because JBL hasn’t entered the ring, the match cant officially start. The fans are cheering this black man on as he rolls JBL into the ring. JBL is out cold on the mat and the fans are cheering. Orlando goes to grab JBL and London intervenes. London starts the match by telling Orlando to hold on. London climbs to the top rope and leaps off. London nails JBL with a picture perfect London Calling. Orlando doesn’t do anything other than drop down on JBL, a little surprised and London made the count. 1………………………2………………………………3! Orlando Jordan defeats JBL with help from Paul London and a mystery black man. The black man slides into the ring and grabs Orlando Jordan’s arm. Jordan gets his arm raised by the black man and the fans go nuts. London leaves whilst looking down at JBL as Jordan and this new guy keep playing the fans.

    Winner: Orlando Jordan

    OR:57 CR:43 CR:71

    Paul Heyman is backstage and he walks into an office… DDP stands up straight away and he looks at Heyman…

    DDP: Yes I did want you for something Paul… I see your men are constantly interfering in matches and I was watching footage from last week when Mark Jindrak & Luther Reigns attacked not only The Big Show but The Undertaker as well… Are you stupid or something… You don’t attack The Undertaker whatever you do… I learnt that mistake a few years back…

    Paul Heyman: Why not its not like any of my men are scared of him…

    DDP: Well that’s good to hear… Cause as of this moment… Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak will be defending the WWE Tag Team Championship belts at Judgment Day against The Big Show and The Undertaker…

    Paul Heyman: What?!... No you cant do that…

    DDP: Well actually yes I can… and seeing as though you want to argue about it… next week, Mike Sanders will go one on one with The Undertaker...

    Paul Heyman starts jumping up and down and then leaves with his face hanging down… DDP cracks up as Heyman leaves the room and the fans in the arena are going crazy…

    Rating: 95%

    Carlito vs Billy Gunn

    Billy Gunn’s music hits and the fans go nuts. Gunn appears on the stage and the fans are cheering him on. Gunn walks down to the ring and waits as Carlito’s music hits. Carlito appears on the stage and Torrie Wilson is right by his side. Carlito & Torrie Wilson make their way down to the ring with the fans booing them. Carlito tells Torrie to wait on the outside as he enters the ring. Carlito gets right in the face of Gunn and slaps him. Gunn retaliates by knocking Carlito down with a huge right hand. Gunn picks up Carlito off the mat by his hair and the fans are going crazy. Gunn whips Carlito into the corner. Gunn runs at Carlito and goes to splash him but Carlito moves out of the way and Gunn crashes in the corner. Carlito grabs Gunn in the corner and slams his head into the turnbuckle. Carlito grabs Gunn and lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle. Carlito goes up stairs with Gunn and the fans are booing. Carlito sets up Gunn and takes him off the top rope with a superplex. Carlito covers Gunn and the fans boo. The referee makes the count. 1………………2…………… Gunn gets his shoulder up at the last second. Carlito gets back to his feet and begins to walk around the ring whilst staring at the crowd. Suddenly Aaron Summers slides into the ring through the crowd and the fans go nuts. Carlito turns around and sees Summers standing on the other side of the ring. The fans in the arena are going nuts. Carlito walks up to Summers. Carlito begins to argue with Summers whilst Summers just looks on. Carlito spits on the face of Summers and the fans in the arena boo loudly. Torrie Wilson quickly slides into the ring and grabs Carlito’s arm. Carlito quickly turns around and pushes Torrie over. Carlito turns his attention back to Summers and Summers nails him with a big right hand. Carlito drops to the mat and quickly rolls out of the ring in shock. Carlito is clutching at his jaw. Summers looks down at Torrie Wilson on the mat who is dazed at what Carlito just did. Carlito is pleading with her, saying he didn’t know it was her. The referee calls for the bell and awards the match to Carlito via DQ. Torrie Wilson leaves the ring after looking at Summers for a while. Torrie walks up the ramp and grabs Carlito’s hand and takes him into the backstage area. Summers stands in the middle of the ring before leaving through the crowd. Summers gets a huge ovation from the fans as he leaves.

    Winner via DQ: Carlito

    OR:73 CR:71 MQ:75

    After the match is over Eddie Guerrero appears on the titantron and he is laying in a hospital bed with bandages around his midsection… The fans go crazy as cheer as Eddie Guerrero looks like he has something to say to the crowd…

    Eddie Guerrero: Billy Kidman… I’ve got a message for you… I’ll make it short and sweet… I will be out of this hospital bed and back at Smackdown! Next week… Here’s the deal essa… You want to try and injure me in a car park, huh… Well how about trying to injure me in the ring… What I’m saying is, Eddie Guerrero versus Billy Kidman at WWE Judgment Day… I’ll give you one week to think about it… and Kidman, if you cower out… Don’t think I wont take matters into my own hands… I’m not KIDDING MAN!

    Eddie Guerrero looks psyched up as the camera fades out… Billy Kidman has one week to answer the challenge of Eddie Guerrero otherwise Eddie will take matters into his own hands…

    Rating: 97%

    Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio

    Who’s That Jumpin’ Out The Sky… Rey Mysterio’s music hits and the fans in the arena go nuts. Rey Mysterio appears on the stage and the fans go even louder. Mysterio is running around on the stage as the fans cheer him on. Suddenly though the fans cheers turn to boos as Kurt Angle nails Mysterio from behind with a shoulder charge. Angle grabs Rey Mysterio off the rampway and nails him with a german suplex on the ramp. Angle holds on to the hold and hits another two german suplex on the steel. The fans in the arena are booing in disgust whilst Angle is motioning to them that he told the GM he would hurt people until he got his championship shot. Angle picks up Mysterio off the ramp way and drags him down to ringside. Angle whips Rey into the steel steps and they fly from the side of the ring. Angle begins laughing as a sick smirk appears on his face. Angle walks over and grabs Rey and rolls him into the ring under the bottom rope. Kurt Angle slides into the ring and the match officially begins. Angle covers Rey and the referee makes the count much to the disgust of the fans. 1………………2………………… Rey kicks out and the fans go nuts. Angle gets back to his feet and he begins to argue with the referee. Rey gets back to his feet and nails Angle with a dropkick. Angle falls forward and the referee flies out of the ring to the outside. Angle is lying in the middle of the ropes and doesn’t even motion for it but Rey runs off the ropes and nails Angle in the face with the 619! The fans go crazy as Angle falls off backwards into the middle of the ring. Rey is standing on the apron on the outside and the fans are going nuts. Rey leaps onto the top rope and bounces off hitting Angle with a wicked leg drop. The fans are going crazy as Rey covers Angle. There is not a referee though to make the cover. Rey gets back to his feet and starts pleading at the referee on the outside to get back into the ring. The referee starts to come to on the outside. The fans in the arena begin booing as MIKE SANDERS enters the ring. Sanders waits as Mysterio turns around. Sanders nails Mysterio with a low blow and the fans boo and begin an asshole chant. Mysterio doubles over in pain and Sanders takes full advantage by knocking Mysterio down to the mat with a Rocker Dropper! The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Sanders leaves the ring and walks backstage just as the referee slides back into the ring. Angle climbs back to his feet in the middle of the ring and notices Mysterio down and out. Angle takes down his strap and begins posing as the fans are booing him. Angle grabs Rey’s ankle and applies the Angle Lock. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Rey is writhing around on the mat in pain. Rey has no other choice but to tap out and the referee awards the match to Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle doesn’t let go of the hold though and he threatens to break the ankle of Mysterio. Angle lets go though and has a smirk on his face as he walks into the backstage area. The fans are booing Angle as he takes one final look down at the ring where Mysterio is laying, clutching at his ankle.

    Winner: Kurt Angle

    OR:82 CR:86 MQ:75

    As WWE Smackdown! Goes off the air, Kurt Angle is been booed heavily by the fans after he picked up the win over Rey Mysterio albeit thanks to help from Mike Sanders…

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Television Rating: 5.37

  12. WWE RAW

    April 18th, 2005

    WWE RAW opens up with video footage from WWE Betrayal… The fans love the footage and we see how Ted DiBiase & Triple H fooled the world as they turned on Ric Flair and Triple H retained the WWE World Heavyweight Championship… Elsewhere on the show the world saw the debut of Magnus as he completely destroyed Christian and Edge sent Shawn Michaels to the hospital after dominating him in the Last Man Standing match… Pyrotechnics explode as WWE RAW hits the air live with the fans going crazy…


    Evolution by Motorhead hits and the fans in the arena quickly begin to boo in disgust. Triple H appears on the stage and he has the WWE World Heavyweight Championship around his waist, Ted DiBiase appears at his side and Batista and Maven appear behind the two of them… Evolution walks down to the ring with smirks on their faces as the fans in the arena continue to boo them. Evolution get into the ring and Triple H grabs the microphone…

    Triple H: You people really are naïve… The hints are left right in front of you and still YOU NEVER SEE IT COMING… I told you something was going to happen and guess what it did… I am still the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and that should not surprise anyone… Ric Flair, Randy Orton & Shelton Benjamin just are not in my league… I’ve said it time and time again that I am the single greatest wrestler that this industry has ever seen and once again, I PROVED IT…You jackasses can boo all you like but it doesn’t change the fact that I am even greater than Ric Flair… Ric Flair is nothing more than a moronic old man, who believed that he could rejuvenate his career by sticking with Evolution… Well Ric, Evolution just passed you by… Evolution is in control of RAW and there will be nothing stopping us…


    Ric Flair’s music hits and the fans in the arena go wild… Ric Flair appears on the stage and he looks ready for a fight… Ric Flair has a microphone in his hand and he begins to talk and the crowd is going wild for him…

    Ric Flair: Triple H, if you think I suck that much… Why don’t you put your title on the line against me, one on one with no interference from your buddies…

    Ted DiBiase takes the microphone out of Triple H’s hand and he has a smirk on his face…

    Ted DiBiase: Ric Flair… Triple H might want you that bad but I wont be sanctioning that match… You had your shot at the title last night and you need to earn your shot at the title…

    Ric Flair: Don’t you start DiBiase… You were never in my league and I guess if I cant have the champ, then, well, I want YOU! Woooooooooooooooooooo

    Ted DiBiase: I’m flattered really… but NO, NOT HAPPENING! Not tonight, not ever!

    Ric Flair: Scared? Woooooooooooooooooooo

    Ted DiBiase: Nothing scares Evolution… You know what… Next week, you’ve got a match a handicap match against Maven & Batista, if you win that match than you can have me in the ring in two weeks… Ted DiBiase versus Ric Flair…

    Ric Flair: Sounds good… Those two chump stains over the back better realize that there isn’t a chance in hell they will beat the NATURE BOY… WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    Triple H takes the microphone back from Ted DiBiase and the fans are booing again…

    Triple H: You know Ric… I’ll give you your shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship… only if you manage to win those two matches though… If you lose, than you will NEVER AGAIN, get a shot at this belt… Now you need to get out of the way because I have a match to prepare for…

    Triple H drops his microphone as Ric Flair eyes him and Ted DiBiase off in the ring… The fans in the arena are going wild as Ric Flair walks away with a smile on his face…

    Rating: 97%

    Over the titantron we see Magnus warming up backstage and he looks physically impressive… Suddenly Christy Hemme walks into the locker room and the fans in the arena begin to cheer like mad…

    Christy Hemme: If you didn’t know already, Ted DiBiase fired me as his assistant and now I am the new interview girl… You don’t mind if I try and uncover the secrets of Magnus do you?

    Magnus: No go ahead, although I don’t really have any secrets…

    Christy Hemme: Well just how did you destroy Christian, the way you did at Betrayal?

    Magnus: I’m not real sure, once I set my mind to something it just sort of happens that way…

    It seems as though Magnus is hiding something though and Christy acknowledges that he doesn’t want to talk too much about it…

    Christy Hemme: Well, what about the name Magnus… Where did it come from?

    Magnus: Don’t have the answer for that either… My parents adopted me when I was three and that’s the name they gave me… I’m just a farm boy from Kansas… Nothing more, nothing less…

    Christy Hemme: If you say so… You got any words for Christian before your match tonight…

    Magnus: Yeah, don’t hold back and bring you’re A game and we should be able to entertain the fans…

    Christy looks puzzled as Magnus excuses himself and walks out of the locker room… The fans in the arena are going crazy as they seem to like Magnus…

    Rating: 85%

    Matt Hardy vs William Regal

    Twist Of Fate hits and the fans in the arena go crazy. Matt Hardy appears on the stage and he looks sore from his match at Betrayal still. Matt Hardy walks down to the ring and he has bandages around his waist. Hardy gets into the ring as William Regal’s music hits and the fans begin booing wildly. The fans still haven’t forgiven William Regal for putting Eugene on the sideline with an injury at Armageddon. Regal appears on the stage and he has a cocky smirk on his face as he walks down to the ring. Regal gets to the side of the ring and Matt Hardy leaps over the top rope and takes down Regal. Matt begins to brawl with Regal on the outside before picking him up and rolling him back into the ring. The referee starts the match with the bell now as both men are in the ring. Hardy is already clutching at his stomach after going over the top rope. Hardy picks up Regal and whips him into the corner. Hardy charges and leaps forward, squashing Regal in the corner with a splash. Hardy stumbles out of the corner though clutching at his mid section again though. Regal takes advantage and sneaks up behind Hardy. Regal blasts Hardy in the middle of the back with a devastating punch. Regal grabs Hardy from behind and begins to nail him in the back of the head with some forearm shots. Regal pushes Hardy into the corner and begins to drive his shoulder into the mid-section of Matt Hardy. Blood starts pouring from the mouth of Matt Hardy and the fans in the arena are booing as Regal continues the assault. Hardy reverses the move as Regal goes for another shoulder charge. Hardy has Regal in a pinning predicament and the referee makes the count. 1………………2………………… Regal gets his shoulder off the canvas just in time. Hardy gets back to his feet and grabs Regal as he tries to stand up. Hardy goes for the Twist Of Fate but Regal reverses it and pushes Hardy into the ropes. Hardy bounces back and Regal knees him in the gut. More blood flows from Hardy’s mouth as Regal sets him up in the middle of the ring. William Regal picks up Matt Hardy and nails him with a Butterfly Bomb in the middle of the ring. Regal covers the bloody Matt Hardy and the referee quickly makes a count. 1……………2……………………3! William Regal picks up a huge win over Matt Hardy. As soon as the match finishes, the referee calls for the EMTs to come out and check on Matt Hardy. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as William Regal is taunting the crowd on his way up the ramp.

    Winner: William Regal

    OR:77 CR:79 MQ:94

    The Hurricane is standing in his locker room backstage when there is a knock on the door and Ted DiBiase walks into the locker room… The fans in the arena begin to boo…

    Ted DiBiase: Just thought I would come and personally tell you, that your match at Betrayal was great and you guys did a good job in retaining the belts…

    The Hurricane: Thank you Citizen DiBiase…

    Ted DiBiase: However, you two will be defending the WWE World Tag Team Championships tonight against the new duo of Chris Benoit & Raven…

    The fans in the arena are booing as Ted DiBiase begins to walk out of the room whilst The Hurricane has a puzzled look on his face… Ted DiBiase quickly turns back around though…

    Ted DiBiase: Oh before I go… Just thought id ask you something… What was the go with blasting Tajiri last night…

    The Hurricane: That was just an accident…

    Ted DiBiase: It didn’t look like any accident to me… I thought superhero’s couldn’t afford accidents... You do know your wasting your time here on RAW… You should be wrestling for the title by now but instead your stuck teaming with Tajiri… You know what, I’m going to give you a chance to shine… If Tajiri & yourself lose the WWE World Tag Team Championship belts tonight than I will automatically give you a shot at the WWE Intercontinental Championship somewhere down the line… You like that and I know you do… If Tajiri was in your shoes I’m sure he’d jump at the opportunity to wrestle for the gold… You just think about that and get back to me…

    Ted DiBiase goes to walk out the door when Tajiri opens the door into DiBiase…

    Ted DiBiase: Watch what your doing slap head…

    Ted DiBiase walks out of the locker room with the shits whilst Tajiri walks up to The Hurricane who seems to be mulling over the chance that DiBiase just put in his head…

    Rating: 93%

    Magnus vs Christian

    “Unstoppable” by The Calling hits and the fans in the arena give cheers as Magnus appears on the stage. Magnus walks calmly down to the ring as the fans still don’t know whether they like him or not. Christian’s music hits and the fans begin booing wildly. Christian appears on the stage and he begins to shout stuff in the direction of Magnus. Magnus doesn’t look fazed by any of the comments though and just continues to smile at Christian. Christian charges down to the ring and Magnus goes for a clothesline but Christian ducks underneath it. Magnus turns around into a dropkick from Christian. Magnus stumbles back and Christian nails him with a second dropkick. This time though Christian just bounces off Magnus and hits the mat. Magnus doesn’t budge. Christian gets back to his feet and Magnus nails him with a clothesline from behind. Christian hits the mat with brute force as Magnus picks him up off the mat. Magnus whips Christian into the corner and Christian hits the turnbuckle hard. Christian is on the mat and could possibly be out cold. Magnus walks over and picks Christian up off the mat again. Magnus hoists Christian into the air and above his head. Magnus drives Christian into the mat from high up with a huge Gorilla Press Slam. The fans in the arena are going crazy. Magnus picks up Christian off the mat again and lifts him onto his shoulders. Magnus applies pressure onto Christian with a Torture Rack, very similar to Lex Luger’s. The referee checks on Christian, who isn’t responding at all and he calls for the bell. Magnus wins the match after another brutal beating of Christian. Magnus puts Christian on the mat and walks out of the ring with the fans cheering him. Christian is slowly coming too in the middle of the ring as the referee checks on him. Magnus picks up another easy victory and is 2-0 in the WWE.

    Winner: Magnus

    OR:79 CR:81 MQ:95

    Over the titantron, video footage airs which shows the upcoming WWE RAW Pay Per View events… We see that RAW will be involved in two PPVs in June… One been King Of The Ring which will be Live, June 12th and will be a split PPV with the Smackdown! Brand as well… The other will be WWE Uncensored which will also be live, June 26th. Uncensored will be a RAW only Pay Per View… The King Of The Ring tournament kicks off next week with qualifying matches on RAW…

    Rating: 75%

    WWE World Tag Team Championship

    The Hurricane & Tajiri © vs Chris Benoit & Raven

    Chris Benoit’s music hits and the fans in the arena let out boos. Chris Benoit appears on the stage and Raven is soon behind him. Benoit & Raven walk down to the ring and the fans are booing them. Both men have cold and calculating expressions on their face as they hop into the ring. Stand Back… There’s A Hurricane Coming Through… The Hurricane’s music hits and the fans go wild. The Hurricane & Tajiri appear on the stage and they have the WWE World Tag Team Championship belts around their waists. Both men play to the cheers from the crowd and jump into the ring. The Hurricane & Tajiri stand on the top turnbuckle and begin to pose with the belts when Raven runs over and pushes The Hurricane over the top rope and Benoit grabs Tajiri and nails him with a german suplex off the second rope. Benoit holds onto Tajiri and nails him with another two german suplexes. The Hurricane is still down on the outside after the attack from Raven. Benoit lets go of Tajiri and goes over and tags in Raven. Raven gets into the ring and waits as Tajiri climbs back to his feet. Tajiri stands up and Raven blasts him with a clothesline. Raven picks Tajiri up off the mat and nails him with a quick snap suplex. Raven covers Tajiri and the referee makes the count. 1………………2…………… Tajiri gets his shoulder up. Raven stands back up and grabs Tajiri off the mat. Raven holds Tajiri and tags out to Benoit. Raven & Benoit are showing great unity. Benoit comes in and nails Tajiri with a kick to the gut. Benoit whips Tajiri into the ropes. Tajiri bounces back and ducks underneath a forearm shot from Benoit. Benoit turns around to face Tajiri and Tajiri nails him with a side kick to the jaw. Both Tajiri & Benoit are down. The Hurricane is back up and in his corner. Tajiri inches his way closer to the corner and eventually tries to tag out but The Hurricane is dazed in the corner and looking down at his shoes and doesn’t see Tajiri wanting the tag. Raven comes charging into the ring and grabs The Hurricane’s head and rams him face first into the top of the turnbuckle. The Hurricane falls to the outside again and this time is rolling around on the floor in agony. Raven grabs Tajiri and plants him into the mat with a neck breaker. Raven goes back to his corner after the referee forces him to. Benoit gets back to his feet and grabs Tajiri. Benoit takes Tajiri to the corner and tags out to Raven. Tajiri reverses Benoit’s hold on him and sends him crashing into Raven. Raven falls down in the corner and looks stunned. Tajiri nails Benoit in the side with another kick and as he doubles over Tajiri rocks him and kicks him with another vicious kick to the side of the head. Benoit falls out of the ring. Tajiri turns his attention to Raven who is still down in the corner. Raven springs out of the corner though and plants Tajiri into the mat with an Evenflow DDT! The fans in the arena are booing as Raven covers Tajiri. The referee makes the count and The Hurricane is still down on the outside. 1………………2………………………3! We have new WWE World Tag Team Champions. Raven & Chris Benoit pick up the victory and the belts. The Hurricane gets up and climbs into the ring. The Hurricane helps Tajiri up in the ring and begins to argue with him. Both men are arguing when… BOOM! Fire explodes from the stage. Kane & Lita appear at the top of the stage and Raven and Benoit grab their newly won belts and leave through the crowd. Kane & Lita are getting a huge ovation from the fans as they watch Benoit & Raven leave through the crowd.

    Winners & NEW WWE World Tag Team Champions: Chris Benoit & Raven

    OR:76 CR:80 MQ:90

    Edge is standing around backstage and the fans in the arena boo in disgust as they see Edge standing there… The camera pans over and we see Christian been checked on by the EMTs…

    Edge: This isn’t right… I should be getting a chance at the World Title… I should be the one that is given the opportunity… Not Ric Flair… I left Shawn Michaels out cold last night and he wont be back in the WWE for ages and what do I get to show for it… NOTHING… I keep been overlooked… Everywhere I go… Well I’m sick and tired of it… Take next week for example… King Of The Ring qualifying matches… I’m a former King Of The Ring winner and I don’t even get a qualifying match… Ted DiBiase worked out the brackets without putting either of us in… I’m telling you Christian, things better pick up on RAW otherwise Edge and Christian… We’re out of here…

    Edge looks at Christian who looks busy with the EMTs… Edge gets annoyed and walks out of the locker room… Christian then turns to the lady EMT…

    Christian: What did he say?

    The EMT shrugs and the fans in the arena are booing like wild at Edge & Christian…

    Rating: 96%

    Test vs Rhyno

    Test, Test, This Is A Test… Test’s music hits and the fans in the arena go wild. Test appears at the top of the stage and he has a smirk on his face as he walks down to the ring. Test gets into the ring and waits as Rhyno’s music begins. Rhyno appears on the stage and he looks primed and ready for this match. Rhyno fell short in his match against Chris Jericho at WWE Betrayal and he will look to get a much needed victory against Test. Rhyno gets into the ring and gets right into Test’s face. Test and Rhyno are staring each other down and the fans are going nuts. Rhyno takes down Test and begins to brawl with him. Test counters it and rolls Rhyno onto him. The fans in the arena are going nuts as Test brawls with Rhyno. Test gets back to his feet and pulls Rhyno up with him. Test backs Rhyno into the corner with multiple blows to the face. Rhyno falls back into the corner and Test charges at him and clotheslines him in the corner. Test doesn’t stop though as he drives a few elbows into the side of Rhyno’s head. Rhyno falls out of the corner dazed as Test poses for the crowd. Test picks up Rhyno and Rhyno nails Test in the gut with a shoulder. Rhyno picks up Test on his shoulder and drives him into the corner. Rhyno begins to drive his shoulder into the mid-section of Test. Rhyno whips Test from the corner off the ropes. Test bounces back and Rhyno picks him up and drives him into the mat with a back body drop. The fans in the arena are booing as Rhyno drives his knee into the throat of Test. Rhyno covers Test and the referee makes the count to the fans boos. 1…………………2…………………… Rhyno gets lifted off Test as he breaks the count. Rhyno gets back to his feet and goes and waits in the corner as Test stands up. Rhyno is in position for the Gore. As Test stands up and turns around though Chris Jericho appears at the top of the stage. Rhyno’s attention turns towards Jericho and the fans in the arena are going nuts. Jericho is pointing behind Rhyno and Rhyno turns around to see what it is. Big Boot to the face from Test to Rhyno. The fans go crazy as Test covers Rhyno. 1………………2……………………3! Test picks up the victory over Rhyno and the fans love it. Chris Jericho disappears into the backstage area as he knows he got the better of Rhyno again tonight. Test leaves with the victory and Rhyno is left on the mat in the ring.

    Winner: Test

    OR:75 CR:83 MQ:85

    Backstage we see A-Train & Molly Holly standing in a locker room and it looks like they are talking…

    Molly Holly: Why did you tell DiBiase that I didn’t have to be your slave tonight…

    A-Train: Cause I’ve got something better for you to think about… I want to know if you would like to be my manager… Starting next week on RAW… Behind every great man, is a great woman and I want you to be that great woman behind me…

    Molly Holly: Let me think about it and ill get back to you…

    Molly Holly walks out of A-Train’s locker room with a confused look on her face and the fans in the arena don’t know what is going on…

    Rating: 68%

    Triple H vs Shelton Benjamin

    Shelton Benjamin’s music hits and the fans in the arena go crazy. Shelton Benjamin appears on the stage and he looks really prepared for this match even though it’s a non-title match. Shelton comes charging down to the ring and he looks back at the top of the stage as he waits for his opponent to come out. Evolution hits and the fans in the arena begin to boo. Ted DiBiase comes out onto the stage and he has a smirk on his face. Triple H appears behind DiBiase and he has the WWE World Heavyweight Championship belt wrapped firmly around his waist. Triple H & Ted DiBiase walk down to the ring with big smirks on their faces. Triple H gets into the ring and eyes off Shelton Benjamin. Shelton steps up and gets right in Triple H’s face. Triple H begins the match by slapping Shelton in the face. Shelton retaliates and takes down Triple H. Shelton begins to pound away at Triple H and the fans are going nuts. DiBiase quickly jumps up onto the apron and gets Shelton’s attention. Shelton goes to nail DiBiase but DiBiase quickly jumps off the apron. Shelton turns his attention back towards Triple H and Triple H catches him off guard with a running knee to the face. Triple H smirks and thanks DiBiase as he lifts Shelton off the mat. Triple H whips Shelton into the corner and runs at him. Triple H nails Shelton in the corner with a clothesline. Triple H keeps Shelton in the corner as he starts driving his shoulder into the gut of Shelton. Shelton doubles out of the corner after Triple H hits the last shoulder charge. Triple H grabs Shelton and sets him up for the Pedigree. Triple H waits too long though and Shelton reverses it and rolls up Triple H. 1………………2……………… Triple H just rolls out in time and the fans boo loudly. Shelton gets back to his feet and Triple H is already up. Shelton gets knocked back down via a clothesline from Hunter. Triple H picks Shelton up off the mat and whips him into the ropes. Triple H bends over looking for a back body drop but Shelton slides over Triple H’s back and the fans cheer. Triple H gets up and turns around. Shelton rocks him with a boot to the gut followed by an uppercut. Shelton grabs Triple H and plants him into the mat with a neck breaker. The fans are going nuts. Shelton stands back up and is standing over Triple H. Shelton looks outside at DiBiase and drops a leg across the face of Triple H. Shelton quickly covers Triple H and the fans are going nuts. 1………………2…………………… DiBiase distracts the referee from the count before he reaches three. Shelton gets back to his feet and begins to argue with the referee. Ric Flair comes out onto the stage and the fans go nuts. DiBiase looks up at the top of the stage and sees Flair and he walks around the opposite side of the ring to get away from Flair. Triple H pulls himself up using the ropes and notices Flair as well. Triple H begins to shout stuff towards Flair and Shelton rolls him up from behind. 1……………………2………………………… Triple H gets up again. DiBiase jumps up onto the apron and distracts the referee. Shelton climbs back to his feet and notices DiBiase again. Shelton walks over and begins to argue with him. The referee pushes Shelton away and DiBiase grabs the referee and distracts him. Shelton turns back to Triple H and receives a boot to the gut. Triple H grabs Shelton and signals to the fans for the Pedigree. Just before Triple H throws Shelton between his legs though, Flair jumps up onto the apron and nails Triple H between the legs with an uppercut. Flair nails Triple H with a low blow and quickly jumps off the apron. The fans are going crazy as DiBiase is screaming at the referee to DQ Shelton for what just happened. Shelton recovers and nails Triple H with The All About The Benjamins. The fans are going crazy as Shelton drops down onto Triple H and the referee turns around and sees the count. 1………………………………2…………………………………3! Shelton Benjamin has defeated Triple H thanks to some interference from Ric Flair. The fans are going crazy as Shelton rolls out of the ring and is posing to the crowd. DiBiase gets into the ring and is checking on the champ as he eyes off Flair & Shelton.

    Winner: Shelton Benjamin

    OR:82 CR:90 MQ:94

    As WWE RAW is going off the air, Ted DiBiase is trying to get Triple H to regain consciousness whilst Shelton Benjamin is posing after his win on the rampway and Ric Flair is smiling as he heads into the backstage area…

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Television Rating: 5.27

  13. King of the Ring 2005 Card

    KotR tournament Semi-Final

    Singles match

    Batista vs Chris Harris

    KotR tournament Semi-Final

    Singles match

    Charlie Haas vs AJ Styles

    WWE Tag Team Titles

    Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em match

    The Dudley Boyz© vs Heidenreich and Booker T

    WWE Cruiserweight Title

    Singles match

    Paul London© vs Akio

    United States Title Number One Contender

    Singles match

    Christopher Daniels vs Eddie Guerrero

    WWE Heavyweight Title

    Triple Threat match

    John Cena© vs The Undertaker vs John Bradshaw Layfield


    Who will win the King of the Ring tournament?: Charlie Haas

    How many new stars will appear at King of the Ring?: 3

    How many of those new stars will appear during a match?: 2

    Will the Masked Man try to cost John Cena the WWE Championship?: Nah, it's a swerve and he will help Cena retain the belt

  14. World Heavyweight title match

    Triple H © vs. Batista

    Chris Jericho and Edge vs. Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels

    WWE Intercontinental title match

    10-Man Battle Royal

    Shelton Benjamin ©, Al Snow, Garrison Cade, Gene Snitzky, Mark Henry, Maven, Rhyno, Rosey, Simon Dean, Val Venis

    Rhyno and Tajiri vs. Muhammed Hussan/Khosrow Daivari

    World Tag Team title match

    La Resistance © vs. William Regal and Mystery Partner

    Grudge Match

    Christian vs. Steven Richards

    Who will be William Regal's mystery tag team partner? Adam Windsor

  15. ~Post WWE Betrayal News~

    Too many backstage within the WWE, Betrayal felt right. WWE Betrayal boasted some great ratings and the critics loved the quality of wrestling that was put on. Many are wondering where the WWE is heading after the event and questioned some of the turns but in the end the WWE feels they did what was right for business.

    It seems as though the WWE has decided to give Ric Flair one last run at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship before he retires for good. That was the reason for the Flair face turn and DiBiase replacing him in Evolution. Look for the feud between Flair & Triple H to heat up in the coming weeks.

    It is official, Raven, has signed a one-year deal with the WWE. It is expected that he will stay in an alliance with Chris Benoit against Kane for a while now before eventually breaking off on his own and possibly been pushed heavily.

    At WWE Betrayal we also saw the debut of Magnus. Magnus showed the fans incredible strength as he completely demolished Christian. Magnus is very well liked by Shane & Stephanie McMahon and could be pushed straight away.

    Speaking of Stephanie McMahon, with her brother on Smackdown!, we could very well see Stephanie McMahon show up on RAW in the coming months. She is trying to get herself into a managers role on the roster but the right spot hasnt been found just yet. Edge's name has been the one thrown around lately but after his big victory at Betrayal. It doesnt seem like he needs a manager.

    On one last tidbit, it seems the WWE is leaning towards a split between The Hurricane & Tajiri. Tajiri is expected to be the one to make the heel turn especially after the incident from the PPV, even though they retained the belts.

    Stay tuned for more news as it comes to us...

  16. Awesome show man... would have loved a swerve ending with Haas winning or something and then he could have given up his shot to Benoit for an IC Shot or something like that... Was a good RAW though and the lottery was handled very well... Not a big fan of HBK vs Show but id like to see what you can do with it anyway...

  17. user posted image

    April 17th, 2005

    WWE Betrayal opens up with a video vignette hyping tonight’s PPV. We see the three big matches for tonight… Kane vs Benoit, The Last Man Standing & World Heavyweight Championship matches… These are all played to the theme song for WWE Betrayal, “Wonderwall” by Oasis… As the video vignette winds down we are left with the closing picture of Triple H holding the championship belt high in the air and the fans in the arena let out boos as they see this… Pyrotechnics explode from the stage and ceiling as WWE Betrayal hits the air live on Pay Per View…

    user posted image

    Chuck Palumbo & Tyson Tomko’s music hits and the fans boo. Palumbo & Tomko appear on the stage and they have grins there faces. Both men walk down to the ring as the fans continue to boo them. Palumbo & Tomko get into the ring as The Hurricane & Tajiri’s music hits. The crowd erupts with cheers as The Hurricane & Tajiri appear on the stage and they are wearing the WWE World Tag Team Championship belts around their waists. Hurricane & Tajiri get inside the ring and Tajiri will start the match off with Palumbo. Palumbo & Tajiri go to tie up but Palumbo cheap shots Tajiri with a boot to the gut. The fans let Palumbo know what they think with boos. Palumbo picks Tajiri up and slams him into the mat with a side slam. Palumbo gets back to his feet and picks Tajiri up off the mat. Palumbo whips Tajiri into the ropes and Tajiri ducks underneath a forearm shot but catches a knee to the back as he bounces close to Tomko. Tajiri stumbles forward and Palumbo picks him up and drops him into the mat with a hanging vertical suplex. Palumbo covers Tajiri and the referee makes the count. 1………………2……… Tajiri gets his shoulder up. Palumbo gets back to his feet and tags out to Tomko. Tajiri reaches to Hurricane but Tomko gets to him before a tag can be made. Tomko has Tajiri around the neck as he lifts him into the air. Tomko throws Tajiri throat first down onto the top rope. Tajiri stumbles around the ring and walks into the kick to the side of the head from Tomko. Tomko has a smirk on his face as he covers Tajiri and the referee makes the count. 1………………2…………… Hurricane breaks up the count by jumping over the top rope and nailing Tomko with a leg drop. Hurricane leaves whilst Tomko & Tajiri are both down. Both men are inching there way closer to the corner but Tomko gets to his and tags in Palumbo. Palumbo gets into the ring and grabs Tajiri. Palumbo pulls Tajiri away from his corner but gets stunned with a quick kick to the gut. Palumbo doubles over and Tajiri nails him with a kick to the side of the head. Tajiri & Palumbo are down but Tajiri is making his way to his corner. Palumbo climbs back to his feet as Tajiri tags out to Hurricane. Hurricane comes into the ring and nails Palumbo with a dropkick. Tomko flies into the ring and Hurricane nails him with a back body drop. Hurricane turns around nails Tajiri with a right hand. Hurricane realizes the accident he made and helps Tajiri. Both men sort things out and go back to work. Hurricane grabs Palumbo and rolls him up. Tajiri nails Tomko in the head with a kick whilst the referee makes the pinfall count. Hurricane grabs the middle rope for extra leverage. 1……………………2……………………………3! The Hurricane just cheated to get the victory over Chuck Palumbo and retain the titles for their team. The Hurricane gets back to his feet and the referee awards The Hurricane & Tajiri the WWE World Tag Team Championship belts. The fans in the arena are going wild. Tajiri starts asking Hurricane why he did that and Hurricane is too buys laughing and posing for the fans. The Hurricane & Tajiri have just retained their WWE World Tag Team Championship belts.

    Winners & Still WWE World Tag Team Champions: The Hurricane & Tajiri

    OR:80 CR:72 MQ:88

    Over the titantron we see footage from earlier in the day where all four competitors for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship were arriving at the arena and they all seemed ready for their huge main event championship match for later tonight…

    user posted image

    Christian’s music hits and the fans begin to boo like mad. Christian appears on the stage and he is alone. Christian has a big smirk on his face as he struts down the ring. Christian gets into the ring and begins posing whilst the fans boo him. Suddenly the lights in the arena go out and a flash of light appears on the stage and “Unstoppable” by The Calling hits. The fans in the arena are going crazy as… MAGNUS… appears on the stage. Christian looks at Magnus and doesn’t know what is going on. Christian begins to laugh as Magnus is climbing into the ring. Magnus walks over to Christian and is standing over him. Christian turns away and then spins back with a right hand. Christian nails Magnus with right after right and Magnus continues to stand still. It doesn’t look like these shots are fazing him at all. Christian backs off and runs off the ropes. Christian goes to nail Magnus with a clothesline but Christian falls down as he bumps off Magnus. Christian is scramming on the mat in the middle of the ring. His face goes almost white, like he had just seen a ghost or something. Magnus grabs Christian off the mat and lifts him over his head. Magnus drives Christian into the mat with a press slam. The fans in the arena are going wild as Magnus grabs Christian again and whips him into the corner. Christian bounces out of the corner hard and he looks out cold on the mat. Magnus picks Christian up again and Christian is very wobbly. Magnus picks Christian up and hoists him onto his shoulder. Magnus delivers a Running Powerslam to Christian. Christian is out cold as Magnus covers him and the referee makes the count. 1…………………2………………3! Magnus gets a huge win in his very first match. Christian is out cold in the middle of the ring and the fans love it. Magnus is celebrating his win in the middle of the ring by posing for the fans. Edge comes running down to ringside but declines getting into the ring. Edge pulls Christian out of the ring and helps him into the backstage area. Magnus just looks on as he walks away. The fans in the arena are going crazy as Magnus picked up the victory over Christian.

    Winner: Magnus

    OR:85 CR:76 MQ:94

    Ted DiBiase is in his office in the backstage area and he is watching the action on a TV monitor and Christy Hemme is standing behind him…

    Ted DiBiase: Christy, my dear… Would you go and inform Magnus that I would like to see him in my office immediately…

    Christy Hemme: Sure thing boss…

    Christy Hemme leaves with Ted DiBiase sitting there with a big grin on his face…

    user posted image

    Molly Holly’s music hits and the fans boo. Molly Holly appears on the stage and he looks ready for this match. The challenger comes down to the ring and is eyeing off the fans in the crowd who are booing her. Molly gets into the ring as… She’s Got Legs hits over the titantron. The fans go crazy as Stacy appears from backstage. She has the WWE Women’s Championship belt around her waist and the beautiful lady makes her way down the ramp. Stacy gets into the ring and passes her belt to the referee. Molly attacks Stacy without warning. Molly knocks Stacy off her feet with a DDT. Molly gets back up and begins to stomp away at the champion. Molly walks away and she motions that the belt is hers as the fans boo her. Stacy gets back to her feet and Molly grabs her and nails her with a snap suplex. Molly quickly covers Stacy and the referee counts. 1…………………2……………… Stacy gets her shoulder up. Molly gets back to her feet and is stalking Stacy. Stacy is groggily climbing back to her feet when Molly knocks her straight back down with a clothesline. Molly is laughing as walks to the corner and climbs to the top rope. Molly begins to pose to the fans and taunt them as she waits for Stacy to stand up and turn around. Molly comes off the top rope, looking to hit Stacy with the Molly-Go-Round but Stacy moves out of the way and Molly hits the mat hard. Stacy takes full advantage of this and places Molly in a tight, Leg Scissors Hold. Stacy is using her long legs to her advantage as Molly cant reach Stacy to break the hold. Stacy continues to tighten the grip and finally Molly Holly taps out. Molly has no choice but to tap out and the fans go crazy. Stacy Kiebler retained the WWE Women’s Championship. The referee passes Stacy her championship and the fans go nuts as she poses with the belt. Molly tries to get back to her feet but she collapses and is holding her stomach. The fans in the arena cheer as Stacy leaves with the belt and Molly cant get back to her feet. A-Train comes running down the ramp and gets into the ring. A-Train helps Molly up and he carries her out of the ring. A-Train carries a dazed and beaten Molly Holly into the backstage area and the fans are going crazy.

    Winner & Still WWE Women’s Champion: Stacy Kiebler

    OR:74 CR:84 MQ:53

    In the backstage area a camera goes into Evolution’s locker room and we see Triple H, Ric Flair, Batista & Maven…

    Ric Flair: You two ready for your match tonight?

    Maven: Your damn straight were ready… Test & Matt Hardy wont know what hit em…

    Triple H: You seem like your in a good mood tonight Flair… Your not thinking bout winning my title from me are you…

    Ric Flair: Just trust me champ… Everything will be fine… Evolution will not have any problems after tonight…

    Triple H is eyeing off Flair as Flair’s concentration is locked in on Triple H’s WWE World Heavyweight Championship belt that is hanging in the corner…

    user posted image

    5… 4.56…3.95…2.72…1.01…0… BANG! Break The Walls Down… Chris Jericho’s music hits and the fans go nuts. Jericho appears on the stage and he has cuts and bruises all over his face. The fans in the arena are going wild for him. Jericho walks down the ramp and climbs into the ring. Pyrotechnics are exploding on the stage as the fans cheer Jericho on. Rhyno’s music hits and Rhyno comes out onto the stage and he looks very intimidating. Rhyno charges down to the ring and doesn’t wait for anything. Rhyno immediately goes after Jericho. Rhyno and Jericho are brawling in the center of the ring. Rhyno takes Jericho down and now both men are brawling on the mat. Rhyno nails Jericho in the face with a forearm shot and a cut from last weeks RAW busts open on Jericho’s face. Jericho is bleeding heavily in the middle of the ring and the fans are booing. Rhyno gets back to his feet and lays the boots to Jericho a couple of times before picking him back up. Rhyno whips Jericho into the ropes and as Jericho bounces back Rhyno catches him. Rhyno nails Jericho with a spinebuster. Rhyno covers Jericho as the referee makes the count. 1……………2………… Jericho gets his shoulder up. Rhyno gets back to his feet and waits as Jericho climbs back up. Rhyno nails Jericho in the back with a right hand. Jericho is in some serious pain in the middle of the ring as Rhyno whips Jericho into the corner. Jericho falls out of the corner with force as Rhyno starts stalking him. Jericho is slowly getting back to his feet when Rhyno charges full steam at Jericho. Rhyno goes for the Gore but Jericho moves out of the way and Rhyno charges into the ring post. Jericho rolls up Rhyno and the referee makes the count. 1……………2…………… Rhyno gets out of the hold and the fans boo. Jericho gets back to his feet and he has blood flowing from his face. Rhyno is back up and Jericho whips him into the ropes but Rhyno reverses it and sends Jericho into the ropes. Jericho bounces off the ropes and ducks underneath a clothesline from Rhyno. Jericho runs off the next ropes and flies back at Rhyno and nails him with a flying clothesline. Jericho covers Rhyno. 1…………………2………………… Rhyno kicks out. The fans go nuts as Jericho gets back to his feet. Jericho picks up Rhyno and whips him into the corner. Jericho grabs Rhyno in the corner and lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle. Jericho goes upstairs after Rhyno. Jericho takes Rhyno off the top turnbuckle to the mat with a superplex. Jericho gets back to his feet and is a little dazed himself. Rhyno starts getting back to his feet but Jericho notices this and bounces off the ropes. Jericho takes Rhyno down with a bulldog. Jericho quickly runs off the ropes and leaps off the second rope. Jericho looks to hit Rhyno with a Lionsault but Rhyno rolls out of the way and luckily Jericho lands on his feet. Jericho turns around as Rhyno goes for another Gore. Jericho moves again and Rhyno gets tangled up in the ropes. Rhyno gets out and Jericho takes him down and applies the Walls Of Jericho. The fans in the arena are going crazy as Jericho is not letting go of the hold. Blood is streaming down Jericho’s face as the fans cheer him on. Jericho is pulling the hold as Rhyno inches closer to the ropes. Rhyno finally grabs the ropes but Jericho wont let go. The referee counts to four before Jericho pulls Rhyno off the ropes and drags him back to the middle of the ring. Jericho has the hold firmly applied and Rhyno has no choice. Rhyno taps out to the Walls Of Jericho and the fans are going crazy. Chris Jericho has forced Rhyno to tap out in the middle of the ring. Jericho falls to the mat and blood is pouring all over the mat. EMTs quickly rush down to the ring and help Jericho up and they leave the ring. Jericho walks up the ramp way as he poses for the fans after his big win over Rhyno.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    OR:89 CR:92 MQ:83

    Backstage we see Magnus standing in Ted DiBiase’s office, we don’t know what is going on but Magnus shakes DiBiase’s hand and then walks out of the office. The camera went into the room too late though to see what was said. The fans in the arena go wild as Magnus leaves and DiBiase is smiling…

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    Steven Richard’s music hits and the fans in the arena are booing wildly. Richards appears on the stage and he doesn’t even worry about the boos from the fans. Richards calmly walks down to the ring. Richards gets into the ring and begins taunting fans at ringside. Hello Ladies! Val Venis’ music hits and the fans go crazy. Val Venis appears on the stage and he has the WWE Intercontinental Championship around his waist. Val Venis comes charging down to the ring and takes off the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Venis shows the belt to Richards before passing it to the referee. Richards doesn’t hesitate and he takes down Venis and begins to nail him with some rights and lefts. Richards gets back to his feet and lets Venis get back up. Richards runs off the ropes and nails Venis with a clothesline just as he stands. Venis is knocked down and Richards has a smirk on his face. Richards runs over and drops his elbow deep into the chest of Venis and then he covers him. The referee makes the count as the fans in the arena boo. 1………………2…………… Venis gets his shoulder up. Richards gets up and begins to argue with the referee over the count he just made. The fans in the arena are booing in disgust at his arguing. Richards turns around and is surprised as Venis rocks him with a right hand. Venis pushes Richards off the ropes and nails him with a back elbow on his way back. Richards is down and Venis makes the cover this time. 1………………2……………….. Richards gets his shoulder up just in time. Venis gets up and grabs Richards off the mat. Richards nails Venis in the gut and catches him off-guard with a Stevie-T. Venis’ head plowed into the mat with force and he looks hurt on the mat. Richards covers Venis and the referee makes the count. 1…………………2………………… Venis gets his foot on the bottom rope and the referee sees this and stops the count. Richards gets back to his feet and he looks around the arena at the fans in disgust. Steven Richards gets Venis off the mat and whips him into the corner. Richards runs over at Venis and Venis counters him and nails him in the face with an elbow. Richards is stunned and Venis grabs him and sets him up. Venis delivers a Fisherman’s Suplex to Richards. The fans in the arena are cheering as Venis has the cover. 1……………………2………………………… Richards gets out of the hold. Venis gets back to his feet and waits as Richards gets up. Venis goes to grab Richards as he stands up but Richards reverses it and sends Venis into the ropes. As Venis bounces back, Richards goes for the Steven Kick but Venis ducks underneath it. Venis grabs Richards from behind and sends him crashing into the mat with a Russian leg sweep. The fans in the arena go wild as Venis climbs to the top rope. Venis starts signal for something off the top rope when Richards stands back up. Richards shakes the ropes and Venis falls and straddles the top turnbuckle. The fans in the arena boo wildly as Richards starts climbing the top rope to go upstairs with Venis. Venis however nails Richards with a head butt and pushes him off the turnbuckle. Richards hits the mat hard as Venis stands back up. Venis comes off the top rope and delivers the Money Shot! Venis hits Richards with the Money Shot and makes the cover. The referee makes the count. 1…………………2………………………3! Val Venis retains the WWE Intercontinental Championship after a hard fought, back and forth battle with Steven Richards. Val Venis gets back to his feet and grabs the WWE Intercontinental Championship. The fans in the arena are going crazy as Val Venis holds the belt high into the air. Venis leaves with belt and the fans going crazy for him.

    Winner & Still WWE Intercontinental Champion: Val Venis

    OR:89 CR:81 MQ:97

    In the backstage area we see Christian been worked on by the EMTs and Christian is on dream street. Edge walks in and starts talking to Christian…

    Edge: Christian, don’t worry about Magnus for now… We’ll both teach him a lesson tomorrow on RAW after all he attacked me two weeks ago as well… We know he is Michael’s buddy and after what I do to Michaels tonight, Magnus isn’t going to want to mess with me…

    Edge slaps Christian on the back of the head and the fans begin laughing as Christian is barely conscious…

    Edge: You listening to me or not?

    Christian doesn’t respond so Edge leaves the locker room and the fans are laughing at what just happened…

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    Test, Test, This Is A Test. Test’s music hits and the fans go crazy. Test comes out on the stage and Matt Hardy is right behind him. Test & Matt Hardy walk down to the ring and the fans are going wild for them. Test & Matt Hardy get into the ring as Evolution by Motorhead hits. Batista & Maven appear on the stage and they have huge smirks on their faces as the fans in the arena are booing them. Batista & Maven walk down to the ring and look prepared for this tornado tag team match. Batista is staring down Test whilst Maven is staring down Matt Hardy. Evolution leap forward and attacked the opposite guy that they were looking at and this takes the other team by surprise. Batista nearly takes Matt Hardy’s head off with a vicious clothesline whilst Maven sends Test flying out of the ring with a dropkick. Batista picks up Matt Hardy and whips him into the ropes. Matt flies back and nails Batista with a flying shoulder block but Matt ends up on his backside instead of Batista. Batista grabs Hardy and whips him hard into the corner. Batista charges at Hardy but he moves out of the way and Batista crashes into the corner. Meanwhile Maven is stomping away at Test on the outside and the fans are booing him. Maven picks up Test and whips him into the steel steps. Maven rolls back into the ring as Matt Hardy takes Batista to the mat with a Hurricanrana. Maven nails Matt Hardy with a shot to the back of his knee and Matt Hardy crumbles. Maven grabs Hardy by his hair and lifts him off the mat. In one smooth motion Hardy is sent flying back into the mat with a reverse DDT from Maven. Test is slowly getting back to his feet on the outside and when he does he rolls into the ring under the bottom rope. Batista is standing back up and he kicks Matt in the gut before walking over to Test. Batista picks Test up off the mat and whips throws him into the corner. Batista starts laying into Test with numerous punches. Batista grabs Test and throws him across the ring with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Maven decided to take a break and he went and sat in the corner. The fans in the arena booed wildly as Maven did this. Matt Hardy starts to crawl back up to his feet and Maven pounces out of the corner and kicks Hardy in the gut. Batista has Test in the other corner and now and goes to hit him but Test reverses it and sends Batista into the corner. Test starts to lay into Batista in the corner and he follows it up with a shoulder to the gut. Batista doubles over and the fans go nuts. Test grabs Batista out of the corner and sets him up. Pumphandle Slam from Test to Batista. Test gets back up and Maven turns around to see. Maven runs at him and Test nails him with a Big Boot right to the face. The fans in the arena are going nuts as Test drops down and covers Maven. 1…………………2……………………… Batista breaks up the count. Ric Flair comes running down to the ring and the fans in the arena were giving him a mixed reaction. Flair grabs a steel chair from ringside and throws it into the ring under the bottom rope. Flair runs around the other side of the ring and jumps up onto the apron. Flair grabs the referee and begins to argue with him. Batista grabs the steel chair and waits as Test gets back to his feet. Batista nails Test in the skull with the steel chair. The fans in the arena are booing wildly. Batista nails Matt Hardy in the gut with the steel chair and then tosses it out of the ring. Batista grabs Matt Hardy and plants him in the middle of the ring with the Sit-Out Powerbomb. The fans in the arena are booing as Batista covers Matt Hardy and Flair lets the referee go. The referee turns around and sees the cover and makes the count. 1……………………2…………………………3! Batista & Maven win the match for Evolution. Batista grabs a dazed Maven and leaves the ring. Batista & Maven meet Ric Flair on the rampway and the fans in the arena are booing wildly. All three men leave together and it seems as though Ric Flair has just patched things up with his Evolution buddies.

    Winners: Batista & Maven

    OR:81 CR:80 MQ:83

    A camera goes inside the women’s locker room where Molly Holly is in the shower. We don’t see anything yet the male fans still cheer and whistle. A-Train appears at the corner of the camera and he has a towel in his hand. A-Train walks into the shower and Molly screams at him…

    Molly Holly: I thought I told you id be alright… Go away… I didn’t need you to bring me back… I was fine…

    A-Train: Ok then sorry…

    A-Train walks away and puts his head down. Molly looks on with a confused and upset look on her face as she just hurt A-Train’s feelings…

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    Fire Explodes from the stage and Kane’s music hits. The fans in the arena erupt with cheers. Kane appears on the stage and he looks very mad. Kane walks down to the ring with a purpose and waits as Chris Benoit’s music hits. Benoit’s music is playing and the fans hate it. The fans in the arena are booing Benoit as he appears on the stage. Benoit has a toothy grin on his face. Benoit points to the curtain where Lita comes out. Lita walks out behind Benoit and she has tears running down her face. Benoit is smiling as he walks around the ring and Lita climbs into the ring to join Kane. Kane is checking on Lita and making sure everything is alright when Benoit nails him from behind. Kane falls into Lita and she flies out of the ring. Benoit is nailing Kane with clubbing shots to the back of his head. Benoit grabs Kane and nails him with a german suplex. Benoit doesn’t let go of the hold though and he nails Kane with another german suplex. Benoit holds on and delivers a third and slow german suplex to Kane. Benoit keeps the bridge and gets a pinning position on Kane. The referee slides in and makes the count. 1…………………2……………… Kane gets his shoulder up off the mat. The fans go crazy. Lita is back up on the outside and she is cheering on Kane. Benoit drops a few quick elbow drops across the chest and neck area of Kane. Benoit gets back to his feet and begins to eye Lita off on the outside. Kane sits up and then climbs back to his feet. Benoit begins to nail Kane across the chest with some hard chops but Kane has had enough and he throws Benoit into the corner. Kane begins to pound away on Benoit in the corner. Kane isn’t showing any mercy as he continues to drive wild shots into Benoit’s prone body. Kane finally stops when the referee threatens to disqualify him and Benoit falls out of the corner and to the mat. Kane picks up Benoit and whips him into the ropes. Kane goes to nail Benoit with a boot to the face but Benoit pulls the referee in the way and Kane nails the referee with a boot to the face. The referee is down and out. Kane grabs Benoit around the throat and lifts him high into the air. CHOKESLAM! Kane nails Benoit with a Chokeslam but there is no referee to make the count. Kane goes over and tries to revive the referee but he wont budge. Suddenly RAVEN appears at ringside and he grabs a steel chair. Raven slides into the ring and cracks Kane over the back of the head with the steel chair. Kane turns around slightly dazed after the shot and Raven lines up another shot and he hits Kane in the face with the chair. Lita jumps up onto the apron and climbs the turnbuckle. Lita comes off the top rope and looks to take down Raven but Raven blasts her across the legs with the steel chair. Lita is down and clutching at her knee. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Kane sits up. Kane gets back to his feet and Raven nails him with a shot to the stomach via the chair. Kane doubles over and Raven places the steel chair underneath him. EVENFLOW DDT onto the steel chair from Raven to Kane. Raven grabs Benoit and pulls him on top of Kane. Raven gets the referee to see the count and the referee makes the slow count. 1……………………………………2………………………………………………3! Chris Benoit pulls out the win over Kane thanks to plenty of help from Raven. Benoit will now have a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship whenever he wants it. Raven rolls into the ring and helps Benoit up. Raven & Benoit shake hands and hug as the fans in the arena boo wildly. Raven & Benoit leave the ring with big smirks on their faces as the fans are booing them and they leave both Kane & Lita down in the middle of the ring.

    Winner: Chris Benoit

    OR:91 CR:95 MQ:82

    Backstage Ric Flair, Batista & Maven walk into Evolution’s locker room where Triple H is standing by…

    Ric Flair: See champ… I’m telling ya, I’ve forgiven everything that has happened and I am ready to move on… What’s best for Evolution is that you keep that belt and we continue to reign supreme on RAW…

    Triple H: I knew you were a smart man Ric… I’m glad to have you back and I’m glad we sorted this all out…

    All four men hug in the locker room as the fans in the arena are booing wildly. It seems as though everything is fine in Evolution now…

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    H-B-K! The fans go crazy as Sexy Boy blasts throughout the arena. Shawn Michaels appears at the top of the stage and is strutting his stuff. The fans are cheering until Edge comes out from the backstage area and levels HBK from behind. Edge is down and pounding away at the face of HBK with the fans in the arena booing like crazy people. Edge gets back to his feet and he looks intensely ready for this fight. Edge lets HBK get back to his feet and Edge drags him down to ringside. Edge drives HBK into the side of the ring. HBK’s back snaps against the side of the ring and the fans boo in disgust as HBK is down and hurt bad. Edge gets up snickering and he rolls into the ring where the referee rings the bell to start the match. HBK gets up on the outside and crawls into the ring with great difficulty. Edge doesn’t stop the abuse though as he starts pounding away at the lower back of HBK. Edge rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair from ringside. Edge chucks the chair into the ring and the fans in the arena boo. Edge rolls into the ring under the bottom rope and immediately grabs the steel chair. Edge drives the chair down into the lower part of HBK’s back. Edge tells the referee to count out HBK cause he aint moving. The referee starts the count. 1………………2………………3……………4……………5……………6………………7…………. Shawn Michaels is getting back up…8………………9… HBK manages to pull himself up and Edge is very mad. Edge starts pulling his hair out in the middle of the ring and the fans are loving it. Edge grabs HBK and whips him into the corner. Edge charges at HBK and HBK jumps out of the corner and delivers some Sweet Chin Music to Edge. Edge is down and is very dazed. HBK falls to the mat as well and the referee starts the count again. 1………………2…………………3…………… Both men are crawling around the ring… 4……………………5………………………6………… HBK is back up and Edge is just about as well… 7…………… Edge is back to his feet now. Edge goes to nail HBK with a right hand but HBK blocks it and nails Edge with a right of his own. Shawn Michaels bounces Edge off the ropes and as Edge flies back HBK goes for a clothesline but Edge ducks underneath it and stops quickly behind HBK. Edge kicks HBK in the small of his back and HBK crumbles to the mat. The fans in the arena are booing as HBK pulls himself back to his feet. Edge grabs HBK from behind and the bottom falls out for HBK. HBK is laying on his back in the middle of the ring as Edge gets back up with a smirk on his face. The referee starts the count again as HBK looks all glassy-eyed in the middle of the ring. 1………………2…………………3……………………4……………………5………………………6… HBK is back on his knees and the referee sees fit that this is enough. Edge grabs HBK by the hair and pulls him back to his feet. Edge whips HBK into the corner and HBK hits hard. HBK is dazed in the corner whilst Edge rolls out of the ring and searches underneath the ring. Edge pulls out a table from underneath the ring and slides it into the ring. Edge lays the table up against one of the corners of the ring. Edge turns around and HBK flies at him with a flying forearm shot. HBK picks up the steel chair that is laying in the ring and waits as Edge gets back to his feet. Edge stands up and looks stunned as he turns around. HBK has a swing at Edge with the chair but Edge ducks underneath it. Edge grabs HBK and plants him into the mat with an Edgeucutioner. Shawn Michaels is down and Edge is down with him. The referee begins to count both men out. 1…………………2…………………3……………………4……………………5………………………6……………………7………… Edge is just about back to his feet but HBK still hasn’t moved… 8…………… Edge is back up………………9……………… Suddenly HBK springs up off the mat and catches Edge by surprise. HBK nails Edge with some right hands before dropping him down to the mat with a DDT. HBK grabs the steel chair again and instead of waiting for Edge to get up. HBK drives the chair down onto Edge. HBK begins to lay out Edge with the steel chair and the fans in the arena are going nuts for HBK. HBK drops the steel chair and is clutching at his back. HBK climbs to the top rope and signals to the fans. HBK comes off the top rope and drives his elbow deep into the heart of Edge. HBK hurt himself though with that moves as he is rolling around on the mat in pain. The referee makes the count again as HBK pulls himself back to his feet. 1…………………2……………………3………………………4……………………………5………………………6………… Edge is starting to get back up… 7………… HBK begins to tune the band as he starts stomping in the corner… 8………………… 9……… Edge pulls himself back to his feet. Edge turns around and sees HBK fly at him with some Sweet Chin Music. Edge ducks underneath the Sweet Chin Music attempt. Edge quickly bounces off the ropes and HBK turns around. SPEAR! Edge delivers the spear to HBK and puts him through the table in the corner. Both Edge & Shawn Michaels are down on the mat. The referee begins to make the count and the fans in the arena are going wild at the action from this match. 1………………2……………………3……………………4………………………5…………………6……………………7………………… Edge is the only one making any movement in the ring… 8………………… Edge grabs the ropes and begins to pull himself up but HBK isn’t moving at all… 9……………………… Edge is back to his feet but HBK looks to be out cold… 10! Edge is the Last Man Standing and has just destroyed Shawn Michaels in this contest. Edge is groggy in the ring but he is still taunting the fans. Edge drops out of the ring posing as the EMTs rush down to check on HBK. EMTs load HBK onto a stretcher and he is out cold and could be seriously hurt after that brutal assault from Edge.

    Winner: Edge

    OR:96 CR:97 MQ:97

    Over the titantron we get a video package that starts at WrestleMania XXI where Triple H & Randy Orton faced off for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and it ended in a no contest after interference from Evolution and Shelton Benjamin… We see the heat between Triple H & Ric Flair lately and we see how newly appointed RAW GM, Ted DiBiase made this match… The video stops and we see quick glimpses of all four men heading to the entrance way for the match…

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    Evolution by Motorhead hits and the fans in the arena are booing wildly. Ric Flair appears on the stage and the fans are not giving him a mixed reaction anymore its just plain boos. Flair struts down to the ring without even noticing the boos from the fans. Flair gets into the ring as Shelton Benjamin’s music hits. Shelton appears on the stage and he looks all business tonight as he walks down to the ring. The fans are cheering him on as he makes his way into the ring. Randy Orton’s music is next and the fans erupt even louder. Randy Orton appears on the stage and he has a smirk on his face. Orton comes down to the ring and poses in one corner whilst the others look at him. Evolution by Motorhead hits again and the fans begin booing and moaning as they know who is it. Triple H appears on the stage with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. Triple H comes down to the ring and he looks pumped and ready for the match. Triple H walks around the ring to where Ric Flair is and he joins Flair in the ring. Flair & Triple H begin to discuss a strategy as the bell sounds. Orton & Benjamin waist no time though as they pounce on Flair & Triple H. Shelton nails Triple H in the face with a stiff forearm shot and Triple H stumbles into the corner. Shelton charges forward and nails Triple H with a splash in the corner. Orton takes Flair off his feet with a devastating neckbreaker. Orton covers Flair and the referee makes the count. 1………………2……………… Flair gets his shoulder up though. Triple H doesn’t even have to be pinned and he can lose the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in this match. Shelton steps up onto the turnbuckle and begins to pound away at the face of Triple H. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10! The fans count along with Shelton as nails Triple H with 10 consecutive punches. Orton stuns the crowd as he leaves Flair on the mat and grabs Shelton. Orton plants Shelton into the mat with a Powerbomb. Orton covers Shelton and the referee makes the count. 1……………2……………… Triple H jumps onto Orton and breaks up the count. Triple H grabs Orton and pushes him into the corner. Triple H starts driving his shoulder into the midsection of Orton in the corner. Flair pulls himself back to his feet and is standing up against the ropes. Shelton charges forwards and flies into Flair. Both Flair & Shelton fall to the outside of the ring. Triple H nails Orton with a suplex out of the corner and the fans in the arena boo as Triple H covers Orton. 1…………………2………………… Orton gets his shoulder up. Triple H gets back to his feet and begins to argue with the referee about something. Orton gets back to his feet and leaps into the air. Orton nails Triple H with a dropkick in the back. Triple H stumbles forward and pushes the referee out of the ring. The referee is down and out on the outside. Triple H bounces off the ropes and Orton catches him and delivers an RKO! Triple H is down on the mat and could be out cold. TED DIBIASE comes charging down to ringside to check on the referee. DiBiase is trying to revive the referee as Orton has Triple H covered in the ring. The referee is down and out though. Suddenly BATISTA & MAVEN come charging down to the ring as well. Batista grabs Shelton off the floor on the outside and delivers the Sit-Out Powerbomb to him. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Shelton Benjamin is out cold on the floor. Maven grabs a steel chair from ringside and slides into the ring. Orton gets up and turns right into a steel chair shot from Maven. Orton is down and blood starts flowing from his head. Maven grabs Orton off the mat and chucks him over the top rope and to the outside. Batista clears the Spanish announcers table and lays Orton on top of it. DiBiase is pleading with Batista & Maven not to take out Orton and Shelton but Maven is standing on the top rope. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Maven comes off the top rope and nails Orton with a leg drop right through the Spanish announcers table. Shelton & Orton are both out cold on the outside. Flair and Triple H are both just about standing in the ring. DiBiase rips off the referee’s shirt and puts it on himself. DiBiase slides into the ring and checks to make sure that both Triple H & Flair can continue. DiBiase kicks Flair right between the legs and passes him over to Triple H. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Triple H sets Flair up in the middle of the ring. PEDIGREE! Triple H drives Flair into the mat with a Pedigree after Ted DiBiase nailed Flair with a low blow. Triple H drops down and covers Flair. Ted DiBiase drops to the mat and makes a very slow count just to rub insult into the wound. 1…………………………………2…………………………………………3! Triple H retains the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Batista & Maven slide into the ring with the championship belt and help Triple H back to his feet. DiBiase has a big smirk on his face as Batista passes the championship belt to Triple H. Triple H looks down at Flair and then looks up at DiBiase with a grin on his face. Triple H & DiBiase hug in the middle of the ring and the fans in the arena boo wildly. Orton is a bloody mess on the outside and Shelton is still down as well. DiBiase grabs the championship belt and puts it around the waist of Triple H. Ted DiBiase just turned his back on the fans and has aligned himself with Evolution. The fans in the arena are disgusted by what just happened.

    Winner & Still WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H

    OR:84 CR:85 MQ:82

    As WWE Betrayal 2005 finishes… The WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H, Ted DiBiase, Batista & Maven are all standing around the ring over Ric Flair and celebrating Triple H’s huge championship victory…

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Pay Per View Buyrate: 1.85

  18. Very awesome my man... Disappointed to see Kane lose but you cant have everything... I'm looking forward to the rest of the road to WrestleMania... Batista better be getting a big push cause i think you could do wonders with him... The Booker T gimmick is going to go through the roof, im loving it... Keep it up man...

  19. user posted image

    user posted image

    The Hurricane & Tajiri © vs Chuck Palumbo & Tyson Tomko

    user posted image

    Christian vs Mystery Opponent

    user posted image

    Stacy Kiebler © vs Molly Holly

    user posted image

    Chris Jericho vs Rhyno

    user posted image

    Val Venis © vs Steven Richards

    user posted image

    Test & Matt Hardy vs Batista & Maven

    user posted image

    Kane vs Chris Benoit

    user posted image

    Shawn Michaels vs Edge

    user posted image

    Triple H © vs Shelton Benjamin vs Randy Orton vs Ric Flair

    Tie Breaker Questions:

    1. Who will Christian's opponent be?

    2. Will there be a screwjob in the World Heavyweight Championship Match and if so, how?

    Please post predictions for WWE Betrayal... The person who has the most predictions for the show will get one of two options...

    A) They will go into ovw as a wrestler and they will develop into a wrestler until i see fit to bring them up onto either show.

    B) They can pick the next contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Belt.

  20. WWE Smackdown!

    April 14th, 2005

    WWE Smackdown! Opens up with video footage of Rob Van Dam winning the #1 contenders match for the WWE Championship. RVD wins the match thanks to help from his new buddies in Paul Heyman, Mike Sanders & John Heidenreich. The footage ends with Heyman & RVD embracing with Sanders & Heidenreich at their sides. Pyrotechnics explode from the top of the stage and WWE Smackdown! Hits the air…

    “You Think Your Untouchable”

    John Cena’s music blasts throughout the arena and the fans go crazy… John Cena appears on the stage and he has the WWE Championship around his waist… The fans are going crazy as Cena makes his way down to the ring… John Cena gets on the microphone and before he starts the fans are cheering for him…

    John Cena: Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo… YO! The Champ is here… Now I see, I got an opponent for WWE Judgment Day… It’s the stoned mullet man, Rob Van Dam… I’m sure he aint gonna come alone though, he’ll bring his crew with him for sure… That really doesn’t bother me though cause I will kick all their asses raw… There is no way I am going to be dropping this belt to that chump…

    “Army Of Me” by Chimaira hits and the fans look on not knowing what is going on… Suddenly Paul Heyman appears on the stage and he has a microphone in his hand…

    Paul Heyman: Did I hear you correctly… Did I just hear you say that Rob Van Dam is a chump? You wouldn’t want to have because RVD is the man who in the same night defeated Kurt Angle & The Undertaker… RVD is the very man that one week after beating those two will go one on one with The Undertaker in a No DQ match… Yeah that’s right, tonight RVD will take on The Undertaker…

    John Cena: Wow Paul, isn’t RVD just so great…

    Paul Heyman: Yes he is Mr. Cena and he will show that to you when he defeats you at Judgment Day and takes that WWE Championship belt from around your waist…

    John Cena: I really don’t see that happening Paul… I mean, I had to win the Royal Rumble just to get my shot at the belt and I took full advantage of that and I aint letting this belt slip away from me…

    Paul Heyman: Say what you want Mr. Cena but after tonight you will see just how strong my “crew” really is… Apart from RVD taking on The Undertaker… Mike Sanders issued a challenge to The Big Show for a match tonight and it was gladly accepted… So after Sanders defeats The Big Show & RVD defeats The Undertaker, you better take notice because it will be you next…

    “Army Of Me” hits again and the fans in the arena are booing wildly as John Cena has a smirk on his face in the ring… Cena watches calmly as Paul Heyman walks into the backstage area…

    Rating: 99%

    Kurt Angle appears on the titantron and he is walking around in the backstage area… Kurt Angle has a pissed look on his face as he continues to walk… Angle walks straight into Eric Bischoff’s office without knocking…

    Eric Bischoff: Whoa, you cant just come barging into my office like that…

    Kurt Angle: Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do…

    Eric Bischoff: Well now that you’re here… what is it that you want Kurt?

    Kurt Angle: I want what should be mine… I want a title shot…

    Eric Bischoff: I cant give you a title shot Kurt until RVD takes his shot at the belt and he has requested the title match for Judgment Day… I’m sorry…

    Kurt Angle: Sorry just doesn’t cut it Eric… You’ll be sorry… People on the roster are about to get hurt…

    Kurt Angle storms out of Eric Bischoff’s office with the shits as the fans in the arena are booing like mad…

    Rating: 92%

    Funaki vs Akio

    Kaientai hits over the titantron and the fans cheer loudly. Funaki appears on the stage and he has a big goofy smile on his face as the fans cheer him on. Funaki comes down to the ring and begins posing for the fans. Akio's music hits and the fans begin to boo loudly. Akio appears on the stage and the fans boo louder as he is smirking. Akio comes down to the ring and is eyeing off Funaki. Funaki offers a hand to Akio and instead of returning the hand, Akio nails Funaki in the side of the head with a hard kick. Funaki stumbles back into the ropes, seemingly dazed from the kick that Akio just nailed him with. Akio grabs Funaki and nails him with a snap suplex followed by a pin. The referee makes the count whilst the fans boo. 1................2.............. Funaki gets out of the pinning predicament. Akio gets back to his feet and then suddenly drops his leg across the neck of Funaki. Akio gets back to his feet and he has a cheesy smirk on his face. Akio grabs Funaki and pulls him up to his feet. Akio drives Funaki back into the mat with a reverse DDT and the fans are booing as Akio ascends to the top rope. Akio comes off the top rope and nails Funaki with a Corkscrew Moonsault. Akio lays on top of Funaki and the referee makes the count. 1..................2...................3! Akio picks up the quick victory over Funaki. Akio gets back to his feet and he begins to put the boots to Funaki. Akio is just laying waste to Funaki and the fans dont like it one little bit. SHANNON MOORE comes running down the rampway and the fans boos turn to cheers. Shannon Moore hasnt been defeated in so long and thats why the fans love him. Moore slides into the ring and Akio quickly scrams to the outside. Moore goes over to check on Funaki as Akio watches on from the outside with a smirk on his face.

    Winner: Akio

    OR:72 CR:65 MQ:98

    Backstage we see Shane McMahon talking to Aaron Summers...

    Shane McMahon: Just wait here… I’ll go see what I can work out with DDP…

    Shane McMahon knocks on the door and walks into the office with a smile on his face… Aaron Summers waits outside the room and he pulls out a cigarette… Suddenly something catches Summers’ attention… The camera pans up and we see Torrie Wilson heading in his direction… Torrie Wilson stops in front of Aaron Summers and there eyes meet…

    Torrie Wilson: You do know those things will kill you?

    Aaron Summers: You have to die of something right?

    Torrie Wilson: How come I’ve never seen you around… Actually, you the kid that was locked up after beating Bischoff weren’t you…

    Aaron Summers: Yeah that’s me… Aaron Summers…

    Torrie Wilson: It’s nice to meet you Aaron… Guess ill be seeing you around…

    Aaron Summers: Yeah hopefully you will be…

    Carlito walks around the corner and sees Torrie Wilson chatting with Aaron Summers and he looks angry…

    Carlito: Yo… Is he bothering you Torrie?

    Torrie Wilson: No he isn’t Carlito… We are just getting to know one another…

    Carlito: Well he wouldn’t want to getting to know you too well… Cause that just wouldn’t be cool…

    Aaron Summers: Hey man… What’s your problem?

    Carlito: You’re my problem… Your trying to steal my girl away from me… without me even knowing… That isn’t cool and you are not cool… you want to know what I do to people who aren’t cool…

    Torrie grabs Carlito’s arm and drags him away as the fans in the arena are going crazy as Aaron Summers just stepped up to Carlito…

    Rating: 85%

    Mike Sanders vs The Big Show

    Army Of Me by Chimaira hits and the fans begin to boo as they know that someone affiliated with Paul Heyman. Mike Sanders appears on the stage and he appears to be all alone as he walks out. Sanders walks down to the ring and he is smirking all the way. Sanders gets into the ring and waits patiently as... Well, It's The Big Show, blasts over the titantron. Mike Sanders cocky smirk suddenly turns as he sees the huge monster appear on the stage. Show comes down to the ring and Sanders goes right after him. Sanders surprises Show with a dropkick to his knee. Sanders gets back to his feet and nails Show with another dropkick to the knee. Show drops down onto his knee. Sanders runs off the ropes and goes to elbow Show right in the face but Show grabs Sanders' elbow and pushes him away. Show gets back to his feet by the time that Sanders gets back up and turns around. Show begins to smile as Sanders backs down into the corner. Show charges and tries to splash Sanders in the corner but Sanders quickly moves out of the way. Show turns around and swings his forearm at Sanders but Sanders moves again and Show inadvertantly collects the referee. The referee is down and dazed as Show turns back and swipes away a missile dropkick attempt from Sanders. Show grabs Sanders around the throat off the mat. Show lifts Sanders high into the air and drives him into the mat with a Showstopper. Show covers Sanders however there is no referee to make the count. Show stands up and looks annoyed. JOHN HEIDENREICH appears on the stage and all the fans begin to boo. Show starts shouting something at Heidenreich when he suddenly gets jumped from behind. MARK JINDRAK & LUTHER REIGNS entered the ring through the crowd and they begin to lay out The Big Show. Reigns has a steel chair in his hand and he continually blasts The Big Show in the back of the skull with steel chair shots. After a fifth steel chair shot, Jindrak grabs Show and drives him into the mat with The Mark Of Magnificence. Show is down and looks to be out cold. Reigns puts Sanders on top of Show and they get the referee to come to. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as the referee makes a slow count. 1.....................................2.......................................3! Mike Sanders wins his first match in the WWE thanks to help from Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak. Heidenreich enters the ring and grabs Sanders. All four men leave together with smiles on thier faces and the fans booing in the arena. Show is starting to come to in the middle of the ring which makes the four guys leave even quicker. The fans in the arena are disgusted as it looks like the WWE Tag Team Champions, Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak just joined Paul Heyman's new group.

    Winner: Mike Sanders

    OR:59 CR:73 MQ:52

    Video footage is shown from earlier in the day when Eddie Guerrero was getting out of his car and Billy Kidman brutally assaulted him… Kidman slammed the door on Eddie as he was getting out of the car… Eddie was left out cold on the cement after the attack from Kidman… Kidman ran away after the attack with a huge grin on his face… As the video stops the fans are booing… We hear that Eddie Guerrero has been hospitalized because of the attack from Kidman…

    Rating: 83%

    Carlito vs Paul London

    Carlito's music hits and the fans boo madly. Carlito appears on the stage and Torrie Wilson is by his side. Both athletes kiss before walking down to the ring. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as they are disgusted by these two wrestlers. Carlito & Torrie Wilson are in the ring as Paul London's music hits. The fans go wild. London is appearing on the stage though. Suddenly Paul London appears on the titantron and he is out cold in the backstage area. The camera pans up and we see JBL standing above him. JBL has a steel chair in his hand and a big grin on his face. The fans begin booing and moaning as JBL throws the steel chair down onto London. EMTs rush around backstage to check on how injured London really is whilst Carlito makes the referee award him the match in the middle of the ring. Carlito picks up the win after Paul London cant even make it down to the ring. JBL has beaten London backstage before his match and the fans dont like it at all.

    Winner via No Show: Carlito

    OR:64 CR:71 MQ:74

    Aaron Summers & Shane McMahon are backstage when a man walks in wearing a black suit...

    Shane McMahon: Aaron, let me introduce you to the best Lawyer in the USA... Lucas Newport...

    Lucas Newport: It just so happens that i am also a wrestler... Well at least i try to be anyway...

    Aaron Summers: What do i need a lawyer for?

    Shane McMahon: Well we still have the mess with Eric Bischoff to clear up as well as ive just got a contract handed to me from Diamond Dallas Page that will allow you to be an active member of the WWE Smackdown! roster with me as your manager...

    The fans cheer as Shane McMahon passes the contract over to Lucas Newport to read... Lucas scans the contract and passes it to Summers with a pen...

    Shane McMahon: You sign this and your new life will begin...

    Aaron Summers reluctantly signs the contract and passes it back to Shane McMahon... Shane McMahon passes the contract back to Lucas Newport...

    Shane McMahon: You'll need to sign one of these also... Now come on guys, lets go celebrate to a new beginning...

    Shane McMahon grabs Aaron Summers and they walk off with Lucas Newport smiling behind them... The fans in the arena are going wild...

    Rating: 91%

    WWE United States Heavyweight Championship

    Charlie Haas © vs Rico & The Dudley Boyz

    Charlie Haas' music hits and the fans in the arena go wild. Charlie Haas appears on the stage and he has the WWE United States Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder. Miss Jackie appears to be right by Haas' side and the fans are going nuts for him. Haas gets into the ring and poses with Jackie and the championship belt. Dudleyz music explodes out of the titan tron and the fans boo loudly. Bubba Ray Dudley & D-Von appear on the stage and they look pumped for this match. Rico follows them out onto the stage and he has a huge smirk on his face. Rico spanks both Dudleyz on the ass and then all three men run down to the ring. Miss Jackie quickly leaves as they pounce on Haas. Haas manages to throw D-Von out of the ring and knock Bubba Ray off his feet with a clothesline but Rico smashes him from behind with a forearm shot. Rico grabs Haas and plants him into the mat with a german suplex. D-Von rolls back into the ring and puts some boots to Haas and the fans dont like what they are seeing. D-Von picks up Haas and puts him into the mat again with a neckbreaker. Rico pushes D-Von away and nails Haas with an elbow drop followed by a pin. The referee makes the count. 1.................2............... Haas gets his shoulder up. The fans in the arena go crazy as Haas manages to kick out. Rico gets back to his feet and he has a dissapointed look on his face. Rico picks up Haas and throws him in Bubba Ray's direction. Bubba grabs Haas and plants him into the mat with a Bubba Cutter. The fans are booing as Rico quickly makes the cover before Bubba can. Bubba Ray and D-Von look on and Bubba walks out of the ring. Bubba walks up the ramp and into the back and the fans are going nuts. D-Von doesnt know what to do and he stays in the ring. D-Von and Rico try to work something out. Rico goes to the side of the ring as D-Von picks up Haas. D-Von goes to whip Haas to Rico but Miss Jackie grabs Rico's ankle and distracts him. Haas reverses D-Von and sends him flying into Rico. Rico flies out of the ring and D-Von staggers back. Haas rolls D-Von up and the referee makes the count. 1........................2...........................3! Charlie Haas retains the WWE US Championship after been beaten for the majority of the match. Haas gets up and quickly leaves. Haas grabs his title and Miss Jackie and walks up the rampway to huge cheers from the fans. Rico looks on from the outside of the rng and his eyes are watering as he sees Haas leave with the gold and Miss Jackie again.

    Winner & Still WWE US Champion: Charlie Haas

    OR:69 CR:75 MQ:79

    JBL is walking down a coridoor backstage when DDP appears out of nowhere and is standing in front of JBL. The fans go crazy when they see DDP...

    JBL: What the hell do you want?

    DDP: Well obviously i want to talk to you... JBL, why are you picking on Paul London? You know he could beat you anytime, just like he did last week...

    JBL: I am not picking on Paul London... He is just always in the way... And the only reason he won last week was because Orlando Jordan betrayed our friendship...

    DDP: Oh so he was in the way because he was wrestling tonight... You know what though, im going to give you something you want... Next week it will be JBL versus Orlando Jordan...

    JBL: Yeah that sounds great to me...

    DDP: Good because Paul London is going to be the referee in the match...

    JBL: WHAT?!

    DDP: You heard me...

    JBL walks off with the shits whilst DDP snickers and smirks to himself and the fans cheer loudly at the match just made for next week...

    Rating: 81%

    NO DQ

    Rob Van Dam vs The Undertaker

    Dong... Dong... Dong... Deadman Walking... The Undertaker's music hits and the fans in the arena go wild. The Undertaker appears on the stage and he eerily walks down to the ring. The Undertaker starts walking up the steel steps as smoke starts filling the ring. The Undertaker gets into the ring and poses as the fans go crazy. Army Of Me by Chimaira hits and the fans boo. Rob Van Dam appears on the stage and Paul Heyman comes out with him. RVD and Heyman walk down to the ring with cocky smirks on their faces. RVD slides into the ring and Taker charges forward. RVD quickly slides out of the ring and the fans boo like mad. Suddenly the lights in the arena go out and then when they turn back on, Luther Reigns, Mark Jindrak, John Heidenreich & Mike Sanders are standing behind The Undertaker. The Undertaker has a smirk on his face as he turns around. All four men jump The Undertaker and begin to beat him down. Heidenreich grabs Taker and plants him into the mat with Chokeslam. Sanders rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair and throws it back into Luther. Luther starts to rain down chair shots on the prone body of The Undertaker. The fans in the arena are booing like mad as The Undertaker is out cold in the middle of the ring. The referee cant do anything though as it’s a NO DQ match. RVD rolls into the ring and he is smiling and cheering at the action. Luther stops with the chair shots as The Undertaker looks dead almost. The Undertaker sits up and scares the shit out of all six men. RVD nails The Undertaker with a spin kick to the top of the head. Luther & Jindrak pick The Undertaker back up and nail him with blows to his knee caps. The Undertaker bends down in perfect position for Sanders to lay him out with the Thriller Killer. The Undertaker is down and Paul Heyman is laughing at the chaos that is ensuing. The fans in the arena are disgusted at what is happening in the ring and are showing it by booing and chucking things into the ring. RVD climbs to the top rope and signals to the fans for the five star frog splash. The fans are booing as RVD leaps off the top rope and drives his body into The Undertaker with a Five Star Frog Splash! The fans in the arena are booing as RVD covers The Undertaker and the referee has to make the count. 1……………………2………………………3! RVD wins a match that never really begun all because of the assist from his new buddies. All six men are posing when… YOU THINK YOUR UNTOUCHABLE! John Cena’s music hits. Cena appears on the stage and the fans are going wild. Cena has two chains wrapped around his fist and he comes charging down to the ring. Paul Heyman and his group hightail it out of the ring. John Cena is in the ring yelling stuff out at RVD as they walk into the backstage area and the fans in the arena are going crazy.

    Winner: Rob Van Dam

    OR:82 CR:94 MQ:88

    As WWE Smackdown! Goes off the air we see John Cena walking back and forth in the ring with the fans cheering him on and RVD staring him down as he walks into the backstage area…

    Overall: 82%

    Television Rating: 5.98

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