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Posts posted by phatman

  1. nice show CK... good stuff giving Kidman the win over Steiner... Heyman, Jindrak, Morgan, RVD & Kane will be a great faction and im very interested in seeing where you take them... Hopeing for a Cena vs Kane feud after seeing that as well... keep it up!

  2. OCCW Heatwave Preview

    What will happen just 24 hours after OCCW Sunshine Massacre?

    As shown on a commercial during Sunshine Massacre last night, every single OCCW Champion will be defending thier championship against a worthy opponent...

    Both Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas will be in the house and rumours are flying around that Haas would like to get his hands on Shelton to gain some revenge from last night...

    Austin Lee will be defending the OCCW Cruiserweight Championship, in a rematch from last nights PPV, against Shark Boy... Will Shark Boy be able to capture the title or will Lee find someway to walk away with the belt still around his waist?

    The OCCW Universal Champion, Sonny Siaki, will put his OCCW Universal Championship on the line against an un-named opponent...

    Scott Bradly & Eli McAllister proved to be a huge hit with the fans last night at the PPV and word has it that the two stoners will be defending the OCCW Tag Team Championships against Liam & Conner Grey...

    So tune into OCCW Heatwave as it will definately be a night to remember...

  3. Predictions Contest:

    CerebralKiller9 - 3

    Blade 3310 - 3

    ADGray - 2

    RavenEffect16 - 1

    Grimlock - 1

    Hellfire065 - 1

    YellowDiscipline - 0

    I'll be sending CK9 & Blade a PM regarding thier choice of stipulations for the main events...

  4. user posted image

    “Broken” by Amy Lee & Seether hits as it is announced as the official theme song of OCCW Sunshine Massacre… As the song is playing we get a list of the matches for the very first ever OCCW Event and it looks like a great night of action… Pyrotechnics explode throughout the Staples Center as OCCW Sunshine Massacre hits the air…

    OCCW Cruiserweight Championship

    Shark Boy vs Austin Lee

    The score from JAWS plays throughout the arena and the fans go crazy. Shark Boy appears on the stage and the cheer even louder. Shark Boy is walking down the ramp when all of a sudden he is nailed from behind. Austin Lee came out of nowhere and attacked Shark Boy in the aisle. The fans in the arena let Lee know how they feel by booing him. Lee picks up Shark Boy and slams him into the side of the ring. Lee looks around the arena with a smirk on his face. Shark Boy begins to get back to his feet when Lee knocks him back down with a dropkick. Lee gets back up from the dropkick and grabs Shark Boy and rolls him into the ring. The referee officially starts the match once both men are in the ring. The fans in the arena continually boo Lee as he stomps away at the back of Shark Boy’s head. Lee picks up Shark Boy and whips him into the corner. Lee charges after Shark Boy and nails him with a vicious clothesline in the corner. Shark Boy stumbles out of the corner and hits the mat. Lee climbs to the second rope and begins posing for the fans. Lee turns his attention back to Shark Boy, who is still down on the mat. Lee leaps off the second rope and hits Shark Boy with a neat leg drop. Lee cockily covers Shark Boy without hooking the leg. The referee makes the count. 1……………2……… Shark Boy gets his shoulder up quickly. Lee gets up and begins arguing with the referee about the count. As Lee is arguing he doesn’t notice that Shark Boy is creeping up behind him. Shark Boy rolls up Lee and the referee makes the count. 1………………2…………… Austin Lee rolls out and gets up and nails Shark Boy with a clothesline. The fans in the arena were cheering for a second but boo once again as Lee gets in control. Lee grabs Shark Boy and applies a sleeper hold to him. The fans are cheering for Shark Boy to get out of it and make it back. He is listening to the cheers as he starts pumping up. Shark Boy nails Lee in the gut with a few elbows. Lee lets go of the hold as Shark Boy runs off the ropes. Shark Boy flies back in the direction of Lee and nails him with a headbutt in the gut. Lee doubles over and the fans in the arena are going nuts. Shark Boy grabs Lee and plants him into the mat with a DDT. Shark Boy covers Lee and the fans go crazy as the referee makes the count. 1………………2……………… Lee gets his shoulder up. Shark Boy climbs back to his feet and stalks Lee as he is climbing back to his feet. Lee turns around and Shark Boy nails him in the gut with a boot. Shark Boy grabs Lee and sets him up for a powerbomb. Shark Boy lifts Lee high into the air but Lee shifts his weight and slides off of Shark Boy. Lee rolls up Shark Boy and puts his feet on the second rope. The referee never sees the feet on the second rope as he makes the count. 1…………………2……………………3! The bell sounds as Austin Lee quickly scrambles out of the ring. Austin Lee has won the match and become the OCCW Cruiserweight Champion by cheating. Austin Lee gets a huge smirk on his face as the referee hands him the belt. Lee raises the belt as Shark Boy looks on. The fans in the arena are booing as Lee walks away with the OCCW Cruiserweight Championship whilst staring at Shark Boy.

    Winner & NEW OCCW Cruiserweight Champion: Austin Lee

    OR:78 CR:66 MQ:91

    A camera cuts backstage where we see a locker room door open and smoke comes billowing out of the room… Suddenly Scott Bradly & Eli McAllister both come out with huge grins on their faces… Crew members are looking at them funny as they walk past them…

    Scott Bradly: Whoa dude… that was some heavy shit…

    Eli McAllister: Come on bro… you gotta act straight…

    Scott Bradly: I am straight dude… man, I’ve got the munchies real bad…

    Eli McAllister: I knew we shouldn’t have being smoking that chronic… Dude we’ve got a match soon for the OCCW Tag Team Championships…

    Scott Bradly: But I’m starting to get more fungry…

    Eli McAllister: Hehe… Dude did you just say fungry?

    Scott Bradly: Yeah…

    Both Eli & Scott burst out laughing as they walk down the corridor and turn around a corner… The camera cuts back to the ring where we are ready for our next match…

    Jeff Hardy vs Chase Stevens

    A funky techno beat hits as Jeff Hardy appears on the stage. The fans in the arena cheer him on. Jeff Hardy jumps up onto the ring apron and then flips over the top rope and into the ring. Jeff Hardy starts posing for the fans as Chase Stevens music hits. Chase Stevens appears on the stage and he doesn’t acknowledge the fans at all. The fans are not cheering or booing him as he looks all business walking to the ring. Chase rolls into the ring and eyes of Jeff Hardy. Stevens and Hardy circle around each other for a moment before locking up. Stevens locks Hardy into a headlock, but gets shoved to the ropes. Stevens bounces back with an attempted clothesline, but Hardy arm drags him to the mat. Hardy locks on an arm bar, but Stevens quickly makes it to the ropes. Stevens rolls out of the ring and tries to buy some time. Hardy rolls out and goes after Stevens, who begins to run up the aisle. Hardy chases him on the aisle, but Stevens goes through the curtain. Hardy goes through as well, but suddenly flies out and lands on the floor. Stevens comes out with a smile on his face, pointing to his head as if saying that he is smarter than Jeff. Stevens kicks Hardy down while he's on the floor. Hardy rolls after every kick, thus making it closer to the ringside area. Stevens picks Hardy up and tosses him into the ring. Stevens leaps up onto the apron with a huge, cocky grin on his face. He climbs up to the top rope and waits for Hardy to get up. Stevens dives off the ropes when he sees Hardy standing up and hits a high impact clothesline. Stevens covers Hardy, but only manages to keep him down for a two count. Stevens picks Hardy up and goes for a piledriver, but Hardy holds on to his leg to prevent it. Stevens begins to club at the back of Hardy and prepares to lift again. Stevens manages to lift Hardy up, but Hardy wiggles his legs to shift his weight and then back body drops Stevens. The crowd begins to stir as Hardy begins to get fired up. Stevens gets up and gets taken down by a big right hand. Hardy nails him a couple more times before removing his shirt, which of course draws a huge reaction from the women in the crowd. Hardy grabs Stevens and hits a quick DDT. Hardy covers, but only gets a two count. Stevens tries to catch Hardy off guard, but it's no good. Hardy kicks Stevens in the gut and hits a Twist of Fate out of nowhere. Hardy covers Stevens and the ref counts but Stevens gets his foot on the bottom rope. Both men climb back to their feet gingerly. Stevens surprises Hardy with a right hand, which knocks Jeff back into the corner. Stevens drives his knee into the gut of Hardy in the corner. The fans in the arena are booing as Stevens begins to go feral on Hardy in the corner with tons of right hands. Stevens picks up Hardy and places him on the top. Stevens follows Hardy upstairs but Hardy nails Stevens with a headbutt. Stevens falls from the second rope to the mat. Hardy stands up on the top rope and doesn’t waist anytime. Jeff Hardy hits Chase Stevens with the Swanton Bomb and covers him. The referee slowly makes the count. 1…………………2……………………3! Jeff Hardy picks up the win over Chase Stevens. Both men showed some great skill tonight and Chase Stevens will be a man to watch out for in the future. Jeff Hardy poses in the ring whilst the fans cheer him on.

    Winner: Jeff Hardy

    OR:85 CR:78 MQ:91

    We see an advertisement over the titan tron for the new OCCW television show which airs Monday nights from 7 pm til 8:30 pm… OCCW Heatwave… We get a small preview for tomorrows nights show in that it says the very first OCCW Heatwave will be one to be remember as every OCCW Championship will be on the line… The fans cheer as they see this advertisement and realise that OCCW Heatwave could possibly contend with WWE RAW in the future…

    OCCW Tag Team Championships

    Liam & Conner Grey vs Phoenix Foundation vs Scott Bradly & Eli McAllister

    Liam & Conner Grey come out to the Ireland national anthem and the fans in the arena boo them. Liam & Conner are waving around a Irish Flag which gets more boos from the fans. Liam & Conner get into the ring as the Phoenix Foundation’s music blasts throughout the arena. Brian & Ryan Phoenix appear on the stage and they come running down to the ring. Both men look full of energy as they stand in a corner and begin to discuss what is going to happen. “Not Many” by Scribe hits as Scott Bradly & Eli McAllister appear on the stage. Both men look like they are off their chops. They both keep giggling and laughing as they look down at the ring and see who’s in there. Scott & Eli slide into the ring and the referee starts the match and explains the rules to the contestants. It’s basically a tornado tag match where you don’t have to tag your partners in and there is NO DQ. Scott & Eli both roll out of the ring in amazement as they begin talking to the fans on the outside. Phoenix Foundation & Grey Brothers look at them confused as they begin to brawl with each other. Ryan Phoenix grabs Conner Grey and throws him over the top rope. The Phoenix Foundation is getting cheered as they work on Liam Grey. Brian picks up Liam and holds him in the air as Ryan runs off the ropes and smacks Liam in the jaw with a flying boot to the face. Conner rolls back into the ring and nails Brian with a low blow. Brian hits the mat as Conner nails and unsuspecting Ryan with a flying clothesline. Scott & Eli jump the guardrail on the outside and begin playing around with one of the cameras. Scott & Eli begin filming themselves and the fans are hysterical with laughter as are Scott & Eli. Both men are glassy eyed and continually licking their lips. We go back to ring action where Conner is putting the boots to both Ryan & Brian. Conner tells Liam to go get a chair from ringside. Liam rolls out of the ring and slides a chair into the ring. Conner walks over and picks up the chair. Conner looks at Liam as he walks around the ring and grabs the Irish Flag. Conner turns around with the steel chair and Brian Phoenix nails the chair back into Conner’s face with a huge super kick. Brian quickly covers Conner and the referee counts. 1…………………2…………………… Liam breaks up the count as he nails Brian in the back with the Irish Flag. A camera catches Scott in the crowd as he walks up to some lady and sits down next to her. He points to something behind her and as she turns around Scott grabs her chips and walks away eating them with a smirk on his face. Eli is heading back towards the ring as he is laughing at Scott. Ryan picks up the steel chair in the ring and nails Liam in the back of the head with it. Eli jumps the guardrail and rolls underneath the bottom rope. Ryan turns around and sees Eli back in the ring. Ryan runs over and swings the chair at Eli but Eli moves out of the way and Ryan bounces the chair off of the top rope and smacks himself in the face. Eli looks around the ring and sees everyone down. Eli yells out to Scott and tells him to come back. Eli covers Ryan and the referee makes the count. 1………………………….2…………………………………3! Eli & Scott win the OCCW Tag Team Championships and they basically weren’t even involved in the match. Eli begins laughing as Scott is getting over the guardrail carefully and making sure he doesn’t drop any chips. Eli gets out of the ring and starts eating chips with Scott. The referee walks over to the two of them and hands them the OCCW Tag Team Championship Belts. Both men begin laughing as they look at the gold in their hands. The fans in the arena are laughing and going crazy with cheers. Scott Bradly & Eli McAllister walk into the backstage area off their chops with big grins on their faces.

    Winners & NEW OCCW Tag Team Champions: Scott Bradly & Eli McAllister

    OR:84 CR:80 MQ:88

    In the backstage area a camera shows each of the three main event participants, Shelton Benjamin, Christian & Charlie Haas… They are all working out and preparing for the huge OCCW Heavyweight Championship match where the very first OCCW Heavyweight Champion will be crowned… Who will it be?

    Sean Stylez vs Ryan Summers

    “New Born” by Muse hits throughout the arena and Ryan Summers appears on the stage. The fans in the arena give the guy a mixed reaction as he makes his way down to the ring. Summers gets into the ring as a funky beat hits throughout the arena and immediately grabs the fans attention. Sean Stylez appears on the stage and he poses for the fans. The fans begin cheering for him as he walks down to the ring. Stylez gets into the ring and stands face to face with Summers. Summers reacts first and nails Stylez with a huge right hand. Stylez rocks back and socks Summers in the face with a right hand. Both men begin exchanging right after right. Finally Summers takes the easy way out and nails Stylez with a knee to the gut. Summers picks up Stylez and nails him with a high, hanging vertical suplex. Stylez crashes down on the mat and Summers covers him and the referee makes the count. 1…………… Stylez gets his shoulder up. Summers gets back to his feet and waits as Stylez gets back up. Summers grabs Stylez and whips him into the ropes. Stylez bounces back and catches Summers by surprise with a flying forearm. Stylez runs off the ropes and catches Summers with a lightning quick leg drop across the face. Stylez gets back to his feet and poses for the fans. Stylez climbs up to the top rope and waits as Summers gets back up. Summers stands up and turns around. Stylez comes off the top rope and does a front flip into a Hurricanrana. Stylez flings Summers across the ring and as he does this, Summers flies straight into the referee. The referee flies out of the ring and is down. Stylez covers Summers but there is no referee to make the count. Stylez picks up Summers by the hair and Summers is very groggy. Summers gets out and nails Stylez with a low blow. Both men fall back to the ground. The fans in the arena begin to cheer wildly as a woman comes running down to the ring. It’s KIAHNEE LEWIS… Kiahnee reaches under the ring and pulls out an object. Kiahnee has a steel pipe in her hand as she slides into the ring. Kiahnee stands in between Stylez and Summers. Both men climb up to their feet and are eyeing off Kiahnee. Neither men look like they know why she is here. Kiahnee turns her back to Stylez and looks at Summers. Kiahnee tosses the steel pipe at Summers. Summers takes advantage of this. As Kiahnee moves out of the way, Summers slams the steel pipe in the face of Stylez. Kiahnee rolls out of the ring and the fans are booing what they’ve just seen in the ring. Kiahnee walks to the top of the stage as Summers watches her leave with a confused look on his face. Stylez is busted open in the middle of the ring and Summers covers him. The referee slides back into the ring and slowly makes the count. 1………………………………2………………………………………3! Ryan Summers picks up the win over Sean Stylez thanks to help from Kiahnee Lewis. Summers grabs the steel pipe from the outside of the ring and carries it up the ramp with him. Summers has a confused look on his face as he heads into the backstage area with all the fans booing him. EMTs rush down to the ring and check on Sean Stylez who is bleeding heavily.

    Winner: Ryan Summers

    OR:77 CR:65 MQ:84

    Lizzy Borden is chatting to someone on her cell phone but we don’t get any ideas to who it is… Suddenly she spots someone out of the corner of her eye and she immediately hangs up the phone… Lizzy Borden walks over and begins to talk to none other than… KOBE BRYANT…

    Kobe Bryant: Hey Girl… how are you?

    Lizzy Borden: I’m good how are you Kobe?

    Kobe Bryant: You know me… I’ve being better… I’m actually here to pick up my date… See this is the first date I’ve being on since my wife and I split back in December so I want to make a good impression…

    Then Amy Papanicaulao walks up and greets Kobe…

    Kobe Bryant: Well heres my Greek Goddess now…

    Lizzy Borden: HER?! Please tell me your joking…

    Kobe Bryant: Sorry… we gotta split… Ms. Amy is going to show me what Greek cooking is all about…

    Kobe winks at Lizzy as he walks away with Amy… The fans in the arena are going crazy as the Los Angeles Lakers star just left with one of the divas… Lizzy folds her arms and looks on in disgust as they walk away together…

    Max Parker vs Lash LeRoux

    A Cajun beat hits throughout the arena. Lash LeRoux appears on the stage and he begins to shout out how better he is than the crowd. The fans in the arena show their disproval by booing him. Lash LeRoux gets into the ring and starts shouting obscenities towards the crowd. Max Parker’s music hits and the crowd go wild. Parker’s music drowns out Lash’s obscenities and the fans are cheering him. Parker appears on the stage and he has a huge grin on his face as the fans go crazy. Parker sprints down into the ring and takes down Lash. Parker begins to pummel away at Lash. Lash rolls Parker over and begins to hit him. Parker pushes Lash off of him. Both men climb back to their feet quickly. Lash attempts a clothesline on Parker but Parker ducks underneath it and grabs Lash around the neck and delivers a neckbreaker. Parker gets back to his feet and grabs Lash’s leg. Parker begins to drive his knee down on Lash’s knee. The fans in the arena are going crazy. Parker lets go of the leg and runs off the ropes. Parker comes charging back and as Lash rolls over, Parker drives his elbow down into the middle of Lash’s back. Lash begins to writhe in pain on the mat as he starts clutching his back. Parker looks to be totally dominating Lash LeRoux here. Parker picks up Lash and drops him across his knee with a backbreaker. Lash LeRoux is squirming all over the mat in agony as he is clutching at his back. The fans in the arena are cheering Max Parker on as he signals to the fans for something. Parker walks over and grabs LeRoux by the legs. Parker applies a Sharpshooter to LeRoux. LeRoux begins to squeal in pain as Parker tightens the hold. LeRoux almost immediately taps out and the fans go crazy. Max Parker lets go of the hold as Lash LeRoux remains on the mat. Parker jumps up onto the top turnbuckle and begins to pose for the fans and he has a huge grin on his face after he destroyed Lash LeRoux in his first match for OCCW. Max Parker made Lash LeRoux tap out to the Sharpshooter and the fans love it. Max Parker walks up the rampway and into the backstage area with the fans cheering him on after his dominating performance.

    Winner: Max Parker

    OR:85 CR:77 MQ:92

    In the backstage area we see Alex Shane talking with Danny Doring… We can not hear what they are talking about but they are scheming something… They both agree on something and shake each other’s hand before walking off… What was all that about?

    OCCW Universal Championship

    AJ Styles vs Sonny Siaki vs Paul London vs Billy Kidman

    As we come back from the backstage area we see all four men in the ring and ready to face off for the vacant OCCW Universal Championship. The match begins with a lock up between AJ and Siaki were Siaki manages to push AJ away. AJ goes to his back and London locks up with Siaki. Siaki pushes London back and he bumps into Kidman. Kidman starts to punch London because of this. Kidman whips London off the ropes and the backdrops him and London ends up hitting his feet on the ropes, which looks sick. London rolls out of the ring holding his ankle and Kidman is not far behind with a over the top plancha landing on London. This takes us back to the ring were AJ just stands with his arms out waiting for Siaki. Siaki walks up and goes for a punch but its blocked by AJ. AJ punches Siaki once but on the second its block by Siaki and AJ gets a poke to the eyes for his troubles. Siaki then begins to dominate styles with blow after blow, shot after shot, punch after punch. Whatever you want to say it is it looks brutal. We go to the outside where Kidman is laying the same kinda beating in on London. Kidman goes to drop London over the guardrail but London kicks away and goes over top the rail and lands on his feet. He quickly picks up a chair and throws it at the knee's of Kidman taking Kidman down. London then climbs on the rail and front flips off Landing on Kidman’s legs. London then gets in the ring and starts to help Siaki punch AJ. Siaki looks at London and London apologizes and leaves the ring. He takes a chair from the crowd and sets it up right on Kidman’s knee. London then sits on it and watches the match as Kidman screams in pain. The referee never even sees London using the chair on Kidman’s knee. We go back to the ring were Siaki goes to whip AJ off the ropes but AJ reverses and Siaki ends up running across the ring. However he hooks the ropes and stops and AJ ends up landing on his back from trying a dropkick. Siaki laughs and walks up and starts to punch AJ some more in the face. Siaki then lays one brutal punch in and stands up as AJ sort of twitches. AJ then lays still after twitching and the ref starts a count 1.....2.....3......4 mean while Siaki poses and looks at London. London apologizes again and hands Siaki the chair. Siaki sits on it as the ref gets to 7......8......9..... AJ gets to his feet and runs and dropkicks Siaki in the face. Siaki falls back through the bottom rope. He grabs London and blames it on him for giving him the chair. He throws London into the guardrail, which gets Kidman the advantage on London back. Siaki gets back in the ring and AJ runs at him and jumps him into the corner. AJ starts to beat the hell out of him with punch after punch to the face. AJ then dropkicks Siaki with a very nice dropkick might I add. Siaki falls to his face from the corner and AJ starts to stomp on him. AJ goes to the top rope and goes for a rolling senton but Siaki moves. AJ lands nice and hard on his back. Siaki springs to the second rope and nails a moonsault on AJ. 1…………………2……… kick out by AJ. Siaki gets angry and starts to punch AJ in the face, chest, and shoulder and goes for the pin again 1.…………2.………. kick out. Siaki gets angry again and starts with the punches then covers again 1.…………….2………… Kidman pulls Siaki off of AJ and pins AJ himself. Siaki picks Kidman up after a 2 count and whips him over the top rope were he has no problem landing right on top of London. But London doesn't ho down. GANSO BOMB!!!! LONDON GANSO BOMBS KIDMAN! But you can't pin on the outside so theirs a problem. We go back to the ring were Siaki lifts AJ and gives him a powerbomb. Rolls him and another powerbomb. Rolls him goes for the powerbomb twists it so AJ is on his shoulder DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!!! Pinfall 1.………………2..…………… kick out from AJ making Siaki angry which is fair. Siaki lays AJ infront of the turnbuckle and goes to the top. Siaki then goes for the rolling senton leg drop from the top but AJ moves and Siaki lands hard on his backside. Siaki just sits in total pain as AJ gets up and kicks Siaki so hard in the back that you hear a loud pop through out the building. AJ then waits for Siaki to get up and goes for a hurrican-rana. But Siaki reverses it and nails AJ with a sit out powerbomb. Siaki however can't capitalize and they end up just laying there for a bit. During that time we go to the outside were London understandably after the Ganso Bomb has the advantage. London gets Kidman over the guardrail similar to the way RVD does for the spinning legdrop. But this time London comes flying off with an elbow drop. However London hits his head. So by the time he gets up Kidman is up as well. Finally those two get back in the ring were we see Siaki and AJ fighting with Siaki with the advantage. Siaki hits AJ with a backbreaker and AJ just goes into total pain from it. London whips Kidman into Siaki and low and behold Kidman ends up head scissoring Siaki. This doesn't sit well with Siaki who in turn gets up and clothesline the hell out of Kidman then kicks London in the gut and hits a gross Brainbuster. However this gives AJ time to get up in which he waits for Siaki to turn. He ends up kicking Siaki right in the face with his backflip kick type move. The crowd goes crazy as AJ stands to his feet and poses. But then turns around only to get kicked right in the knee by Siaki sending AJ to the ground holding his knee. Siaki goes back with punches to the face. He then gets AJ into the corner and starts to chop him and forearm him in the head. Eventually he Irish whips him. London stands in the way and drops down, AJ jumps over. Kidman is in the way and leapfrogs over AJ. Siaki then has to go through the same obstacle, which gave AJ time to springboard to the second rope. AJ back flips and catches Siaki's head at the same time kicking both London and Kidman who are exchanging punches. London and Kidman go rolling back out of the ring as AJ hits the reverse DDT on Siaki. They then just lay on the ground for a minute as London and Kidman beat the hell out of each other. During the minute though Kidman goes for an SSP off the top to the outside and misses and lands right on his gut on the ground as the crowd just cringes from it. London then goes to the top and does the perfect SSP onto Kidman. We go back to the ring were Siaki somehow has the advantage. He sets AJ up in the corner and call for the rolling heel kick. Siaki flips to kick AJ but AJ catches his legs and walks out of the corner he sets up for the Styles Clash. London looks and sees Styles has Siaki set up for the Styles Clash. London runs and nails Styles in the face with a dropkick. Styles lets go of Siaki and hits the deck. London is standing above both Siaki & Styles and the fans are booing like mad. Kidman is slowly getting back to his feet. London walks over to him but Kidman rolls through and throws London out of the ring. London hits the floor on the outside with impact. Kidman gets up and slowly walks towards Siaki & Styles. Siaki leaps up and catches Kidman unaware. Siaki drives Kidman spine first into the mat with a vicious spinebuster. Kidman is down and Siaki starts smiling. Siaki turns around and sees Styles slowly getting back up. Siaki sneaks up behind him and yells out to the referee to check on Kidman. As the referee is checking on Kidman, Siaki nails Styles with a low blow. Siaki grabs Styles and sets him up… Siakalypse! Siaki drives Styles into the mat and the fans are booing. Siaki covers and Styles and yells out to the referee. The referee comes over and makes the count. 1…………………2……………………3! Sonny Siaki has won the OCCW Universal Championship. Paul London tried to break up the count but was too slow getting back into the ring. Siaki gets up and the referee hands him the belt. Siaki begins posing with the belt as he looks at the carnage in the ring. The fans in the arena are booing as Siaki is posing with the belt and standing over AJ Styles.

    Winner & NEW Universal Champion: Sonny Siaki

    OR:87 CR:82 MQ:93

    Over the titan tron we see a huge announcement that very soon on OCCW Heatwave an OCCW Commissioner will be announced… No hints are giving except for the fact that this person was a former WWF/E Super Star… The fans in the arena start questioning as to who the new Commissioner is going to be?

    OCCW Heavyweight Championship

    Shelton Benjamin vs Christian vs Charlie Haas

    “Price To Play” by Staind hits and Shelton Benjamin appears on the stage. Shelton Benjamin has a cocky smirk on his face as he makes his way down to the ring. Shelton has a cocky strut happening as he rolls underneath the bottom rope. Ill Nino’s “Unreal” blasts over the titan tron and suddenly Christian appears on the stage. Yellow pyro’s fire down from the ceiling and explode on the stage right in front of Christian. Christian walks down after the explosion clears and he has that cheeky grin on his face as he warms his arms up. Christian gets into the ring and goes face to face with Benjamin. “Enemy” by Sevendust hits and Charlie Haas comes running down to the ring. The fans are cheering him on as he gets into the ring and looks ready for business… Haas, Benjamin & Christian are all standing around and pushing each other in the middle of the ring. Benjamin & Christian both turn on Haas and begin pummelling him into the ground. Christian picks Haas up off the mat and holds him as Benjamin nails him in the face with a right and left. Christian drives Haas into the mat with a reverse DDT after the two punches. Christian gets up and begins to laugh at Haas on the mat. Shelton tells Christian to pick up Haas. Christian picks up Haas and whips him towards Shelton. Shelton leaps up and smacks Haas in the mouth with a huge knee. Haas is down on the mat and Shelton turns his attention to Christian. Shelton tells Christian that they will get rid of Haas before facing each other. Christian agrees and both men begin to stomp away at Haas. They stop stomping on Haas and begin posing over him. The fans in the arena just let out their disgust by booing the two athletes. Christian just turns around and picks up Haas. Haas starts nailing Christian in the stomach with right hands. Christian retaliates with a right hand to the face of Haas. Haas is bleeding from the forehead as blood is shown on Christian’s hand. Christian starts smiling as he grabs Haas and drives him into the corner. Christian begins pummelling Haas face first into the top turnbuckle. Meanwhile a camera catches Shelton Benjamin at an opposite turnbuckle and he is taking off the pad. Shelton takes off the pad and exposes the steel. Christian looks over at Shelton and signals something. Christian grabs Haas and whips him but Haas reverses it and sends Christian towards Shelton. Shelton makes a quick decision and he picks up Christian and drops him face first onto the exposed steel turnbuckle. Christian hits the deck and looks out cold. Shelton looks over and sees Haas getting back to his feet. Shelton runs over and nails Haas with a clothesline. Shelton begins strutting around the ring and posing. The fans boo Shelton as he walks over and covers Christian. The referee makes the count and we could have a champion. 1…………………2………………… Haas slides over and pushes Shelton off of Christian. Shelton climbs back to his feet before anyone else does in the ring. Shelton has an intense look on his face as he turns and faces Haas. Shelton grabs Haas around the neck and lifts him up off the mat. Shelton applies a neck wrench hold on Haas and the fans in the arena begin to cheer, hopefully getting Haas to power out of the move. Christian is slowly pulling himself up in the corner. Haas is trying to get out but Shelton has it firmly placed on him. Christian charges forward and goes to nail Haas but Haas moves out of the way quickly and Christian nails Shelton with a flying forearm. All three men are down in the center of the ring and the fans in the arena are going crazy and a “HAAS” chant starts in the arena. Haas starts tapping his foot on the mat and gets into it with the fans. Haas jumps back to his feet and looks around the ring. Blood is flowing from his face as he grabs Christian. Haas picks up Christian and nails him with a snap suplex. Haas rolls over and covers Christian and the referee counts. 1…………………2………………… Christian puts his foot on the bottom rope. Haas gets back to his feet as Shelton Benjamin is standing up. Haas grabs Shelton from behind in a waist lock. Haas nails Shelton with a german suplex. Haas holds on with a bridge and gets the referee to count. 1…………………2…………………… Christian jumps on Haas and breaks up the count. Christian and Haas both get back to their feet and Christian spins Haas around and the bottom falls out for Haas. Christian drops Haas backwards onto the mat and hooks the leg. The referee makes the count. 1………………2………………… Haas gets his shoulder up and Christian gets up and looks extremely pissed. Christian begins arguing with the referee about the count. Haas gets back to his feet and Shelton takes advantage of the referee not looking. Shelton nails Haas with a low blow. Haas drops to his knees. Shelton drops back to the mat and waits. Christian turns around and grabs Haas. Haas gingerly stands up as Christian grabs him. Christian spins him around and gets him in position for the Un-Prettier. Shelton leaps back to his feet and catches Christian off guard. Shelton nails Christian with the All About The Benjamins! Christian flies out of the ring and hits the steel steps on the outside. Shelton looks outside of the ring and Christian is out cold. Shelton turns around and Haas nails him with a kick to the knee. Shelton drops down to the ground and is off his feet. Haas signals to the fans for his signature move. Haas applies the Haas Of Pain to Shelton Benjamin. The fans in the arena are going crazy. Shelton begins to squeal in pain as Haas is making the hold hurt more. Shelton tries reaching out but is nowhere near the ropes. The fans are screaming and cheering as it looks like Haas could be the firs OCCW Heavyweight Champion. Shelton cant move at all as Haas is holding him in middle of the ring. Christian is slowly getting back to his feet on the outside. Christian looks into the ring and sees the submission move. Christian quickly reacts and grabs the referee’s foot and pulls him out of the ring. The referee slides out of the ring and hits the floor on the outside. Shelton begins tapping out frantically. Haas lets go of the hold and raises his arms. Haas thinks he has won the match but the referee never saw Shelton tapping out. Christian grabs the OCCW Heavyweight Championship Belt and slides into the ring. Christian waits for Haas to turn around. Haas turns around after not hearing a bell sound and Christian levels him with the championship belt. There is blood all over the ring as Haas is down in the middle of the ring. Christian throws the belt back to the timekeeper on the outside and goes and rolls the referee back into the ring. Christian slides over and covers Haas. The referee slowly makes the count. 1…………………………………………2…………………………………………… Haas gets his shoulder up. The fans in the arena go wild. Christian gets up and it looks like he is about to cry. All three men are in a world of pain at the moment and none of them can get the pinfall. Christian looks down at Haas and Shelton and decides to leave the ring. Christian grabs a steel chair and slides it back into the ring. Christian begins to stalk Haas, who is climbing back to his feet. Haas turns around and Christian nails him in the gut with the steel chair followed by a shot to the head. Haas is down and out cold in the middle of the ring. Christian throws the chair to the outside. The referee never saw any of that because he is busy pulling himself up with the ropes in the corner. The referee turns around and sees Christian standing above Haas. The fans in the arena are booing frantically after what just happened. Shelton surprises Christian as he grabs him from behind and throws him over the top rope. Christian lands on the outside with a sickening thud. Shelton quickly covers Haas and hooks the leg. The referee makes the count. 1……………………2………………………3! SHELTON BENJAMIN IS THE FIRST EVER OCCW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! Shelton Benjamin just pinned Charlie Haas after Christian levelled him with numerous objects. Shelton rolls out of the ring and grabs the OCCW Heavyweight Championship. The fans in the arena are booing as Shelton is declared the winner of the match. Shelton walks up the ramp and stands on the stage with the OCCW Heavyweight Championship Belt in his hands and he has a sick smirk on his face as he looks back into the ring.

    Winner & NEW OCCW Heavyweight Champion: Shelton Benjamin

    OR:90 CR:89 MQ:91

    As OCCW Sunshine Massacre is going off the air, Shelton Benjamin is raising the OCCW Heavyweight Championship on the stage as he looks back into the ring at the chaos he has left. The fans are booing as Shelton just pinned Haas to win the match. A final image of Shelton and the Heavyweight Championship are shown before we fade to black...

    Overall Show Rating: 84%

    Pay Per View Buyrate: 1.31

    OOC: Thanks to a couple of my friends for helping with some info for this PPV

  5. KEY:

    1. Who should, logically, win;

    2. Who you are rooting for;

    3. How well the match has been built;

    4. How much of an asset/liability it is to SummerSlam;

    5. How much of a chance it has to be the match we remember.


    Toronto, Ontario

    August 15, 2004

    World Heavyweight Title Match

    Rhyno © vs. Chris Jericho -

    1. Jericho

    2. Rhyno

    3. Definately had the best build up of all the SummerSlam matches

    4. Big Asset

    5. 7/10

    WWE Heavyweight Title Match

    Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge -

    1. Edge

    2. Edge

    3. Just the usual #1 Contender faces off against Champ IMO

    4. After the final outcome of the match is revealed i believe we will know why this match was put on the card

    5. 8/10

    Intercontinental Title Match

    Molly Holly © vs. Chris Nowinski -

    1. Chris Nowinski

    2. Nowinski

    3. IC Belt on Molly sucks lol.. Get it off her now!

    4. Meh

    5. 3/10

    WWE United States Title Elimination Match

    Matt Hardy © vs. Konnan vs. Eric Angle vs. Bull Buchanan

    1. Matt Hardy

    2. Matt Hardy

    3. Not too badly

    4. Will have an average affect on the people who read the results

    5. 4/10

    World Tag Team Title Match (Special Referee: Chris Benoit)

    Nick Mondo and Tommy Dreamer © vs. Batista and Michael Shane -

    1. Batista & Michael Shane

    2. Mondo & Dreamer

    3. Hasnt really had any faults but i dont really think Batista & Shane need tag gold at the moment...

    4. Just a title defense... No real liability.

    5. 5/10

    WWE Tag Team Title Match

    Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio © vs. Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar -

    1. Billy Kidman & Rey Rey

    2. Kidman & Rey

    3. Great build up

    4. Definately the match of the night i believe...

    5. 9/10

    Grudge Match

    Sting (w/Chris Harris) vs. Randy Orton -

    1. Orton

    2. Orton

    3. Nice build up

    4. Has potential... Randy can gain a lot with the win....

    5. 6/10

    2 out of 3 falls for the Vacant WWE Cruiserweight Title

    Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble -

    1. Ultimo

    2. Noble

    3. Excellent build up on the CW front!

    4. This match will be very entertaining for everyone...

    5. 8/10

    WWE All-Star Match

    RAW: Eric Bischoff, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kane, Christian

    SD!: Roddy Piper, Undertaker, Rob Van Dam, Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin -

    1. SD!

    2. RAW

    3. Meh

    4. All-Star match looks to be a good idea... Even though i think the match will suck as far as ratings are concerned...

    5. 4/10


    1. Which match will open the show? Mondo & Dreamer vs Batista & Shane

    2. Who will be the special surprise appearance I said would occur? No Idea...

    3. There will be one swerve at SummerSlam. What? Either Nowinski lays down for Molly or Mondo turns on Dreamer and Benoit...

    4. What individual will score the pin in the All-Star match? Eric Bischoff

    5. Will anyone get at least 8 of 9 matches correct? No!!!

  6. Press Conference News

    · It was announced that after their first Pay Per View, Orange County Championship Wrestling, would begin airing shows live on Monday night in the early evening spot on USA Network and after a month or so, USA would review the show and see if it can be promoted to Prime Time… OCCW Heatwave will be the name of the show… Heatwave will be live from the Staples Center in Los Angeles every week…

    · It was announced that a few surprise celebrities will appear at each show…

    · OCCW Sunshine Massacre was announced as the title for the Pay Per View on April 29th 2007… Here is the card that was released with it…

    OCCW Cruiserweight Championship

    Shark Boy vs Austin Lee

    Jeff Hardy vs Chase Stevens

    OCCW Tag Team Championship

    Liam & Conner Grey vs Phoenix Foundation vs Scott Bradly & Eli McAllister

    Sean Stylez vs Ryan Summers

    Max Parker vs Lash LeRoux

    OCCW Universal Championship

    AJ Styles vs Sonny Siaki vs Paul London vs Billy Kidman

    OCCW Heavyweight Championship

    Shelton Benjamin vs Christian vs Charlie Haas

    Tie Breaker

    Which Celebrity will show up at OCCW Sunshine Massacre:

    Please feel free to make predictions for the first ever OCCW PPV... Winner will get to pick the stipulations of the double main event at the next PPV...

  7. user posted image

    Company Details

    Public Image: National 20%

    Money: $25,000,000

    Risk Level: 66%

    Production Values: 85%

    Sponsors: Los Angeles Lakers, Castrol GTX, 1-800 Collect, Dodge

    Male Roster

    Aaron Proctor


    Aaron Winsor

    Air Paris

    AJ Styles

    Alex Shane

    Alix Kidd

    Arch Kinkaid

    Austin Lee

    Bill McNiel

    Billy Kidman

    Brian Phoenix

    Charlie Haas

    Chase Stevens


    Conner Grey

    Danny Doring

    Drew Whitman

    Eli McAllister

    Giovanni Roselli

    Jeff Hardy

    John Moss

    Jonah Adelman

    Josh Price

    Kid Rage

    Lash LeRoux

    Liam Grey

    Matt Jackson

    Max Parker

    Paul London

    Ray González

    Ryan Phoenix

    Ryan Summers

    Scott Bradly

    Sean Stylez

    Sebastian Night

    Shark Boy

    Shelton Benjamin

    Sonny Siaki

    Stevie Fabulous

    Triston Dallas

    Wesley Stevenson

    Female Roster

    Alicia Webb

    Amy Papanicaulao



    Kiahnee Lewis

    Kristen Forbes

    Lizzy Borden

    Madeline Thompson

    Simply Luscious



    OCCW Heavyweight Championship: Vacant

    OCCW Universal Championship: Vacant

    OCCW Cruiserweight Championship: Vacant

    OCCW Tag Team Championship: Vacant

  8. Chapter Three: A New Beginning

    Date: April 1st, 2007

    Scene: The King's Palace in Orange County

    Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Christian, Paul London & Billy Kidman are all sitting at a table in Jerry Lawler’s palace and are throwing down some drinks as they prepare to sign contracts…

    Christian: Dude, what you guys did at WrestleMania was totally awesome… I mean you guys had Vince fuming backstage after the event…

    Charlie Haas: Your damn right they did… Vince was taking about suing the two of you, and you Shelton for breach of contract but everyone calmed him and down and said that a little bit of healthy competition will do em good…

    Shelton Benjamin: Aw well, that fool hasn’t used any of us properly since we’ve being in the WWE, I mean c’mon Christian, my man, you should have held the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at least once by now but no, you’ve being held back… As a matter of fact everyone here should have held the belt, well except you Kidman… Nah just playing man…

    Jim Ross: He didn’t sue us and that’s it… I think we need to get these contracts signed and make sure we are all happy with the decision… You all sure you want to go through with this?

    Each man nods yes towards JR. JR slides a pen to each man in the room and at the same time they each sign a contract…

    Jim Ross: Now here is what King and I have planned… On the 12th of April, you five men have a press conference at the staples center in Los Angeles… You will need to promote our first event, which will be on April 29th… Whilst you will be doing that, King and I will be getting talent prepared and signing contracts… Let’s have some fun with this boys and lets be a real threat to Vince… Go out there and let him know that there’s a new company in town…

    King & JR both nod as the other five men continue to carry on drinking and screaming down out across the room…

    With that done, OCCW takes off with five huge stars signing… Questions still remain though… Who else will be signing with OCCW? Will OCCW have a television deal? Will OCCW be able to compete with Vince McMahon and the WWE? Only time will tell the answers to these questions…

  9. the reason i had them cheering was to highlight the fact that the fans havent really seen anything different for the past few years... This new company could spark some interest in the wrestling world... More later...

  10. B00006I09A.01._PE_SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg

    1. Everything by Pacifier

    2. Greater Than/Less Than by Saliva

    3. Cave by Celebrity

    4. Deny by Default

    5. Slow Down by Wayne

    6. Black by Sevendust

    7. Whole by Flaw

    8. Down In Me by Allergic

    9. Roll Over And Play Dead by Portable

    10. Clueless by Pay The Girl

    11. Too Much Too Soon by Llama

    12. Jesus Say's by Ash

    This is probably my favourite soundtrack from a movie... With songs 5 and 10 probably being my favourites...

  11. Prediction Contest:-

    Undisputed World Title

    Eddie Gurrero v Chris Benoit

    Elimination Ingural Brawl

    Rock/Foley/AJ Styles/Abyss/??? v Raven/Lynn/Sabu/Justin Credible/Mikey Whipwreck

    Inter-States Title

    Randy Orton v Rene Dupree

    Undisputed tag Titles

    Punk/Danielson v Team Tough Enough

    Cruiserweight ladder Match

    Ultimo Dragon v Rey Mysterio v Billy Kidman v Jamie Noble v Chavo Gurrero v Tajiri

    Womens Title Lumberjack Match

    Jazz w/Victoria & Nidia v Trish w/ Molly & Gail

    Flair/Edge v WGTT v La Resistance

    Tech 2/3

    Chris Jericho v Lance Storm

    John Cena v Batista

    Huston Street Fight

    Booker-T- v RVD

    Inferno Cage

    Kane v Matt Hardy

    Dudleu Boyz v Spike/Rico


    Which Main Event Superstar will turn - Chris Benoit

    Who is Eric Bischoffs Returning Back Up Plan - The Big Show

    Who are the 3 men sending Gothic Messages to WWE Superstars - Slash, Vampiro & Gangrel

    Who is Team Angles Final Partner - Kurt Angle

  12. Chapter Two: The Arrival

    Date: March 26th, 2007

    Scene: An Office Situated Somewhere In Orange County

    Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler are sitting in an office as they watch WWE RAW. RAW finishes and JR and King begin to talk about where they are taking OCCW…

    Jim Ross: Well that was very interesting stuff King… Joey Styles & The Coach replacing us… Matt Hardy winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in a battle royal... Kevin Dunn being fired for not cutting the Pay Per View last night... What about Vince giving his speech on how the WWE will survive and how OCCW will never even be shown on Television... Boy is he in for a surprise...

    Jerry Lawler: Yeah it was interesting… Have you phoned the other guys yet?

    Jim Ross: Yeah… I did that earlier and they will be here tomorrow… There contracts don’t officially run out until Sunday but we can talk to them until then…

    Jerry Lawler: Are you sure this is what you want to do JR?

    Jim Ross: Definitely… This is something we’ve being planning for a long time now and its going to happen…

    Jerry Lawler: Yeah… I just didn’t think that Orange County, California would be a place that JR would like to go…

    Jim Ross: It’s not a place that I would love to stay in for the rest of my life but it does have its advantages…

    Jerry Lawler smirks at Jim Ross as he says that…

    Jerry Lawler: So is OCCW officially opening for business on April 12th?

    Jim Ross: No… It’s open as of now… Our first show will be Monday April 12th…

    Jerry Lawler: Alright well I’ve got to make a couple of phone calls and stuff to make sure we’ll have enough staff and be ready for that date…

    Jim Ross: OK… I’ll talk to you in the next few days…

    Jerry Lawler: I got the strangest feeling that Vince McMahon is going to have the biggest heart attack in the next few days when he finds out who else is leaving…

    Jim Ross: No he wont... He's expecting it to be young stars that are on the verge of breaking out... So he really won't do anything... I'm surprised he hasnt checked to see who's contracts are running out... Actually show up here tomorrow... We can explain to Shelton, Christian, Paul, Billy & Charlie where we want OCCW to go...

    Jerry Lawler: Ok... See You tomorrow JR...

    Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross both begin laughing as Lawler walks out of the office…

  13. Chapter One: The Departure

    Date: March 25th 2007

    Scene: WrestleMania XXIII

    This was to be Jim Ross’ last night as an announcer in the WWE, as his contract was coming to an end and Vince thought it was time for him to move on. Vince would give Ross a chance to give a final speech to the fans and to his partner Jerry Lawler after WrestleMania XXIII went off the air…

    WrestleMania ended in dramatic fashion as Shelton Benjamin pinned Randy Orton in the main event to capture his first ever WWE World Heavyweight Championship and the fans were going wild. There was still 15 minutes left of the broadcast and No Chance hit throughout the arena. Vince McMahon appeared on the stage and he was applauding the two wrestlers in the main event, who were both standing in the middle of the ring. Vince McMahon came down and grabbed a microphone from ringside and began to speak…

    Vince McMahon: Tonight was a very special night for all of us. It will be a night that will not be forgotten for a very long time. Not only is it the first time that Mr. Benjamin is wearing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship but it is also Jim Ross’ final night as a WWE announcer… Please everybody give it up for the man that has worked long and hard to please you people… Give it up for Jim ‘JR’ Ross…

    The fans in the arena erupted as Jim Ross should up from the announcers table. Jerry Lawler shook his hand and smiled at him as Ross left the table and up and into the ring. Ross shakes hands with Randy Orton, Shelton Benjamin & Vince McMahon before taking the microphone…

    Jim Ross: Vince it felt like only yesterday that wrestling was going down the tubes and we weren’t going to make it through but we did. We were the only company to make it through. They were the darkest times for me in the WWE and you know something, they weren’t that dark at all because I had my family here to help. The WWE is my family and it always will be my family. However its time for me to move on and leave the family that I know will always be here for me… Vince something you said earlier was correct… I have worked long and hard to please the people and it will be my final night in the WWE… BUT… What Vince McMahon and the majority of the WWE don’t know is that I am not the only person leaving tonight…

    Vince McMahon has a confused look on his face as Ross looks around the arena and the fans are going nuts…


    Vince McMahon’s jaw drops as King stands up from the announcers position and joins Ross in the ring. The fans in the arena are going crazy…

    Jim Ross: You see Vince, over the past few years Jerry and myself have being saving our money… Saving our money for something special… we saved just over 4 million dollars over the past 5 years… Jerry wasn’t happy that the WWE wasn’t going to offer me a contract extension, so he has decided to leave… The WWE has no competition at all… You’re the only company in America and making money every single day… But that’s all about to change…

    Vince McMahon starts choking and is signalling to the backstage area to cut all the cameras but they cant because the PPV isn’t finished yet. Jim Ross hands the microphone over to Jerry Lawler as the fans in the arena are still going wild…

    Jerry Lawler: Vince… There’s a new company in town… OCCW! Funded by Jim Ross, Myself and a small multi-million dollar business in Orange County… We give you ORANGE COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING!

    Vince McMahon starts laughing as he hears the name. Vince gets another microphone handed to him…

    Vince McMahon: You two cant really be serious… I mean you won’t have enough money to fund it… As a matter of fact you don’t even have any wrestlers…

    Jerry Lawler: Whoa Vince… Hold that thought… You see, there are five wrestlers in the WWE who are about to end their contract and one of those men is someone I’m looking at right now…

    Jerry Lawler glances in the direction of Shelton Benjamin & Randy Orton… Vince McMahon starts gulping as he looks at them… Orton has a smirk on his face as Vince looks at him… Vince walks up to Orton and begins to abuse him… As Vince turns around though Shelton nails him in the face with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship… Vince McMahon is down and out as Randy Orton looks on with a surprised look on his face… Randy Orton leaves the ring and walks into the backstage area… Shelton Benjamin is in the middle of the ring with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder… Shelton grabs the microphone that Vince dropped…

    Shelton Benjamin: That’s right punk… You wanna treat me like I'm nothing... You should have being treating me with some respect for the past couple of years... I could of being the biggest superstar since The Rock... Well this is your fault Vince... You mis-used something great and now I'm going to run with something great... Because Shelton Benjamin has just become the first employee of OCW…

    Shelton puts the microphone down and places the WWE World Heavyweight Championship over Vince McMahon… Shelton proceeds to spit on Vince McMahon as the fans in the arena are cheering and going nuts… Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross each grab an arm of Benjamins and they raise it high in the air in the middle of the ring as WrestleMania XXIII closes out…

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