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Posts posted by phatman

  1. very good man... Looking forward to seeing what you can do with WrestleMania 21... Hopefully either Batista or Cena take the belt from JBL... Here are my predictions for WM 21...

    Dark Match

    Muhammed Hassan vs The Hurricane

    WWE Cruiserweight Title

    Funaki© vs Akio vs Paul London

    Rey Mysterio and Heidenreich vs Booker T and Rob Van Dam

    WWE Tam Team Titles

    The Dudley Boyz vs The Basham Brothers vs Luther Reigns/Mark Jindrak

    WWE Intercontinental Title

    Shelton Benjamin© vs Christian

    WWE United States Title

    John Cena© vs Charlie Haas

    Steel Cage Match

    Randy Orton vs Chris Benoit

    Last Man Standing Match

    World Heavyweight Title

    Triple H© vs Chris Jericho

    Fatal Four Way Match

    WWE Heavyweight Title

    John Bradshaw Layfield vs Big Show vs John Cena vs Batista

  2. I recently bought both of these DVD's off EBAY in Australia cause neither is available over here... Labyrinth comes out soon though i think... Anyway i bought the two of them for $13 which i thought was very good...

    Anyway to the point... What are everyone's opinion on these two old movies?

  3. Thier was only really one show i was pissed about when they cancelled it and that was Roswell...

    Tru Calling was ok until it got cancelled as well but that didnt really bother me...

    Dead Like Me is likely to be picked up by another channel... I've been reading somewhere that it will be picked up very soon, i cant remember where i read it either... i'll try and find the link and post it...

    Also John Doe sounds very interesting... I dont think it has ever been on TV over here in Australia but it sounds alright...

  4. YAY... Pez is back with a diary... Good luck with this one and i know you can go far with this...

    World Heavyweight Championship

    Batista vs. Triple H©

    WWE Championship

    John Cena vs. John Bradshaw Layfield©

    Gene Snitsky & Heidenreich vs. The Undertaker & Kane

    Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels

    Eddie Guerrero vs. Booker T

    Street Fight

    Mick Foley vs. Ric Flair

    Randy Orton vs. Edge

    The Return of Brock Lesnar

    30-Minute Ultimate Submission Match

    Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit

    WWE United States Championship

    Rey Mysterio vs. Orlando Jordan©

  5. ~WWE Wrestler Injured~

    Earlier tonight at a WWE RAW House Show, Sylvian Grenier was rushed to hospital for X-Ray's on his left arm. After the X-Ray's were completed it was said that Grenier suffered a very serious arm injury and he will be out of action for three months. Grenier's arm was broken in three different places and the muscle had been torn from his bone.

    Grenier will be sent to Stanford on Friday where he will be operated on and he should be back in the ring around SummerSlam.

    In other news WWE Betrayal is this Sunday and WWE Officials feel they have booked a solid Pay Per View that most fans should enjoy.

  6. WWE RAW

    April 11th 2005

    WWE RAW opens up with video footage from last weeks WWE RAW where we see more dissention between Ric Flair and Triple H as Triple H got Flair disqualified in his match against Randy Orton… We also see how the feud between Kane & Chris Benoit escalated last week with Benoit kidnapping Lita after he injured her earlier in the night… Pyrotechnics go off as WWE RAW hits the air live just 6 days before WWE Betrayal…

    Fire explodes from the stage and Kane’s music blasts over the titantron… The fans in the arena go wild as Kane appears on the stage… Kane comes down to the ring with an intense look on his face and he immediately grabs the microphone…

    Kane: Chris Benoit… You better be here and you better bring your ass out here RIGHT NOW!

    Kane is screaming this into the microphone and the fans are going crazy… Kane is really mad…

    Kane: Benoit, I can have your ass thrown in jail for kidnapping unless you bring yourself out here…

    Chris Benoit’s music hits and the fans boo… Benoit appears on the stage and he has a huge smirk on his face… Chris Benoit has a microphone in his hand and he looks down at Kane…

    Chris Benoit: Kane, you can’t have me arrested for kidnapping, only Lita can and guess what… She’s not here…

    Kane: Your forgetting one thing Benoit… Lita is my wife, so I can have you arrested…

    Chris Benoit: Yes very true… But if you have me arrested, than you will never again find Lita… You see Kane, I have something that you want and you have something that I want… You have a guaranteed WWE World Heavyweight Championship Shot and I have Lita… I will personally give Lita back to you at WWE Betrayal if you sign a contract that gives me, your shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship…

    Million Dollar Inc. blasts throughout the arena and the fans cheer him on… Ted DiBiase appears on the titantron with Christy Hemme at his side…

    Ted DiBiase: Whoa… Chris Benoit, Kane can not do that… His shot is within an iron clad contract that you all signed before WrestleMania… Kane has a guaranteed title shot… I’m sorry, that’s just the way things work around here… However, I do have something for you… This Sunday at WWE Betrayal, Chris Benoit, you will be facing KANE! Benoit, you will be releasing Lita and you will bring her to Betrayal because if you don’t, there will be serious consequences… You will get something out of this match as well because if you beat Kane, you will also get a guaranteed shot at the title… However seeing as though you’ve pissed the big red machine off, I’m thinking your going to have a tough time doing that…

    Ted DiBiase begins to laugh as the fans cheer him…

    Kane: This isn’t FUNNY… I want Lita and I want her back… NOW!

    Ted DiBiase: Calm down big man… Obviously Benoit hasn’t got her here tonight but if he did, he would be letting her go right now… I’m going to have you wrestle tonight Kane… In a one on one match against William Regal… You can take all your frustrations out on Regal and move ahead to Benoit this Sunday…

    Kane: Benoit, you better watch how badly I hurt Regal tonight… Because as bad as I hurt him, I am going to hurt you A MILLION… TIMES… MORE!

    Kane drops his microphone and raises his arms… Kane drops his arms and fire explodes out of the turnbuckles… The fans go crazy as Kane goes to leave the ring… Benoit quickly walks into the backstage area as the fans are cheering Kane on…

    Rating: 95%

    Triple H, Batista & Maven are in a locker room backstage and the fans boo when they come on the titantron…

    Triple H: Damn… Ric still hasn’t shown up at the arena yet…

    Maven: Calm down champ… He’ll be here…

    Batista: He has to come here… DiBiase made him the guest referee in the Orton versus Benjamin match tonight…

    Triple H: I just wanted him to know that I forgive him for his actions last week… After all I did smash his head in with a chair the week before… I would kind of expect some sort of punishment for that…

    Batista & Maven are laughing as Triple H turns around and Ric Flair is standing there…

    Ric Flair: Hello Hunter… I’m not apologizing for what I did last week… you cost me my match with Orton when I clearly could have won…

    Triple H: Ric, he had just given you the RKO…

    Ric Flair: Unlike you, Hunter, each time I’ve been given the RKO, I’ve still been semi-conscious enough to know what I’m doing…

    Triple H looks hot at what Ric Flair just said… The fans in the arena are going wild as Flair is smirking at Triple H…

    Ric Flair: You should really calm down… I’m only joking… You’ll need that anger actually… I almost forgot, I passed Christy Hemme on my way here and she wanted me to tell you, your defending you WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Rhyno tonight…

    Triple H: Yeah, I already knew that…

    Ric Flair: Did you know that your match is next?

    Triple H: WHAT? Damn… Ric, cant you see what DiBiase is trying to do to us… He is trying to split up Evolution… Ever since he came here two weeks ago, he has done nothing but drive a wedge between you and I… We are the heart of Evolution… We are what keeps this faction together… You need me, just like I need you… Are you going to come to the ring with me for my match?

    Ric Flair: Sorry champ, Evolution has been barred from ringside… Looks like you’ll have to do this one on your own…

    Flair pats Triple H on the shoulder before turning back to his gear… Triple H has a pissed off look on his face as he grabs the WWE World Heavyweight Championship… Triple H heads out of the locker room with Batista & Maven wishing him good luck… The fans in the arena are booing Triple H but once he leaves the locker room, Maven asks Ric Flair a question…

    Maven: Yo Ric… Have you and Hunter talked strategy for Betrayal?

    Ric Flair: Strategy? You don’t talk strategy with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship on the line… It’s EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF…

    The fans go crazy when Ric Flair says this… Maven turns to Batista with a smirk on his face… Batista has a confused look on his face as we cut back to the ring…

    Rating: 97%

    WWE World Heavyweight Championship

    Triple H © vs Rhyno

    Rhyno's music hits and the fans boo loudly. Rhyno appears on the stage and he looks pumped for action. Rhyno gets into the ring and waits as Evolution's music hits. Triple H appears on the stage and he has the WWE World Heavyweight Championship belt around his waist. Triple H makes his way down to the ring. Triple H avoids a charge from Rhyno. Triple H allows Rhyno to smash into the corner. Rhyno comes out of the corner as Triple H takes his belt off. Triple H takes Rhyno down and begins to pound on his face. Triple H gets back to his feet and begins to laugh. Triple H motions to the crowd that the only reason Rhyno is in the match is because of money. Rhyno sneaks up behind Triple H and rolls him up. 1..................2.................... Triple H rolls out of the roll up and the fans go boo. Rhyno gets back to his feet and stares as Triple H gets to his feet. Rhyno pushes Triple H off the ropes. Triple H bounces back towards Rhyno and Rhyno plants him into the mat with a powerslam. Rhyno covers Triple H and the fans cheer again. 1...................2......................... Triple H gets his shoulder up. Rhyno gets back to his feet and goes to the corner. Triple H is getting back to his feet groggily and the fans are cheering. Rhyno is about to go for the Gore when a pyrotechnic explodes from the top of the stage. CHRIS JERICHO's music hits and the fans go crazy. Rhyno sets his sights on the titantron now as Jericho's music continues to play and the fans are going wild. Triple H gets back to his feet and takes advantage of the situation. Triple H spins Rhyno around and nails him with a kick in the gut. Triple H grabs Rhyno and nails him with a PEDIGREE! Triple H covers Rhyno and the referee makes the count. 1.......................2.............................3! Triple H retains his WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Rhyno is down as Triple H grabs his championship belt. Ric Flair appears at the top of the stage and he is clapping for the champ as he walks up the ramp. Flair & Triple H embrace at the top of the stage and show that things are alright within Evolution. The fans boo as Evolution walks into the backstage area.

    Winner & Still WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H

    OR:83 CR:70 MQ:97

    Edge & Christian appear on the titantron and they look bruised and beaten after last weeks mysterious attack… They both walk straight into Ted DiBiase’s office, where he is sitting with a smile on his face…

    Ted DiBiase: Well… If isn’t the two Canadian brothers… What can I do for you…

    Christian: Take a hard look at us…

    Ted DiBiase: Ok… You want me to tell you how bad you guys look after you got your asses handed to you by Shawn Michaels last week…

    Edge: DiBiase, with all due respect, if you think that it was Michaels that attacked us, your sadly mistaken… Michaels couldn’t do THIS to us…

    Ted DiBiase: He might just do it to you this Sunday at WWE Betrayal…

    Christian: I’ve had enough… I want to know who did this to us and I want to know now… Nobody attacks Edge & Christian and gets away with it… This so totally sucks…

    Ted DiBiase: Yes, I want to know who attacked you as well Christian and if you want this person in the ring at WWE Betrayal, you got it… On one condition…

    Edge: Don’t worry about the condition… Whatever it is, we’ll take it… Christian is so going to make him regret messing with us…

    Ted DiBiase: I’m glad you didn’t have a problem with me changing the Edge versus Shawn Michaels match at WWE Betrayal from a singles match to a LAST MAN STANDING match… Oh and tonight, Christian, you will be going one on one with Shawn Michaels…

    Edge gulps and Christian has a worried expression on his face… The fans in the arena go crazy when they hear this announcement…

    Christian: Well… Well… Well DiBiase, you now need to worry because it doesn’t look like Shawn Michaels will make it to WWE Betrayal seeing as though he has to face me tonight…

    Ted DiBiase laughs as Edge & Christian turn and walk out of the office with worried looks on their faces… The fans go crazy because at WWE Betrayal, we will find out who it was that attacked Edge & Christian when he goes one on one with him…

    Rating: 83%

    Kane vs William Regal

    Regal's music hits and the fans begin to boo wildly. Regal appears on the stage and the fans boos get louder. Regal comes down to the ring waving at the crowd when fire explodes from the stage. Regal turns around and has a scared look on his face. Kane appears on the stage and he looks all business. Kane comes down to the ring and Regal tries to back off and tell Kane something but Kane has none of it. Kane shoves Regal into the corner and begins to pound away at him. Kane is hammering at Regal in the corner. Regal falls out of the corner bloody once Kane finishes with the final blow. Regal's nose looks busted as he climbs back to his feet. Kane grabs Regal and whips him into the ropes. Regal bounces back and Kane nails him with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Regal is down on the mat and is clutching at his back. Kane isnt done though as he gets back to his feet and picks up Regal. Kane has Regal around the neck and he picks him up into the air. Kane nails Regal with a Chokeslam. Kane picks up Regal again and hits him with another Chokeslam. Kane has a furious look on his face as he picks up Regal and gets him near the ropes. Kane nails Regal with a Chokeslam from inside the ring to the outside. Regal hits on the outside and is out cold. Regal's head bounced off the ground with vicious force. Kane rolls to the outside of the ring where he picks up an unconscious and hurt Regal. Kane hoists Regal onto his shoulders and plants him into the floor with a TOMBSTONE! Kane grabs Regal off the ground and rolls him back into the ring with the fans cheering him on. The referee is checking on Regal and eventually calls for the bell. Kane wins this match via TKO when Regal cant respond to the referee. Kane gets into the ring and is standing above Regal when the cheers from the fans turn to boos. Kane turns around and sees CHRIS BENOIT sliding into the ring. Kane immediately goes for him but Benoit catches on quickly and slides back out of the ring. Benoit begins to laugh at Kane as he walks back towards the backstage area. Benoit disappears with a smile on his face as the fans are cheering Kane on for his dominating performance and hope he can do it again this Sunday against Chris Benoit.

    Winner: Kane

    OR:81 CR:82 MQ:80

    Chris Jericho is shown walking down a corridor in the backstage area… The fans go wild when they see Jericho… Jericho walks around the corner and Rhyno blasts him with a GORE! The fans are booing as Rhyno just attacked Jericho… Rhyno grabs Jericho by his hair and starts to shout something at him… Rhyno is shouting at Jericho, saying how he cost him the WWE World Heavyweight Championship earlier in the night and now this is payback… Rhyno picks up Jericho and throws him through a huge plate glass window… The fans in the arena are booing wildly as the camera shows Jericho on the other side of the window and there is blood everywhere… Chris Jericho is out cold with blood everywhere and Rhyno walks away with a smile on his face…

    Rating: 91%

    Val Venis, Test & Matt Hardy vs Steven Richards, Batista & Maven

    Steven Richards’ appears on the stage as his music is blaring over the titantron. Richards is motioning to the crowd that he will be the new Intercontinental Champion after WWE Betrayal. Richards gets into the ring as Evolution’s music hits and the fans boos get even louder. Batista & Maven appear at the top of the stage and they look hyped as they have huge smirks on their faces. Batista & Maven make their way down to the ring and they join Richards in the ring. Test, Test, This is a Test. Test comes out onto the stage and Matt Hardy is by his side. The fans go crazy when they see these two men together. Test & Matt Hardy eye everyone off in the ring and they charge down to the ring. It’s three on two and Test and Hardy are cleaning house. Maven goes over the top rope with a dropkick from Hardy and Richards scrams under the bottom rope after a right hand from Test. Test and Batista begin to brawl when Maven trips Test from the outside. Hardy comes over the top rope and lands on Maven. Richards slides back into the ring and begins to stomp on Test. Batista picks Test off the mat and holds him whilst Richards gets a couple of shots in. HELLLLLLLO LADIES… Val Venis’ music hits and the fans go crazy. Val Venis appears at the top of the stage with the WWE Intercontinental Championship around his waist. He comes running down to the ring and immediately takes down Richards. Venis is in complete control over Richards and the fans are going nuts. On the outside Matt Hardy gets whipped into the steel steps by Maven. Maven grabs Hardy and drives his lower back into the side of the ring. The referee is having too much trouble trying to control all the action and he just can’t. Batista goes for the Sit-Out Powerbomb to Test but Test reverses it and sends Batista crashing into the mat with a back body drop. Test gets on Batista and starts hammering away at his face. Venis nails Richards with a Fisherman’s Suplex and hooks the leg for the pin and the referee notices and goes to make the count. 1………………2……………… Richards kicks out and the fans begin to boo. Venis leaves Richards on the mat and goes to the top rope. Venis signals to the crowd and comes off the top rope, looking to hit Richards with a Money Shot. Richards rolls out of the way and Venis comes crashing down into mat. The fans boo as Richards gets back up with a cocky smirk on his face. Without the referee looking, Maven smashes a steel chair down on the skull of Matt Hardy. The fans in the arena are booing at the cheaters. Test gets back to his feet and he is stalking Batista. Test is waiting for Batista so he can hit him with the Big Boot. Steven Richards grabs the referee and distracts him whilst Maven jumps up onto the apron and nails Test in the back of the head with a steel chair shot. Maven hops off the ring apron and throws the chair away. Batista suddenly springs back to his feet and grabs a dazed Test. Batista plants Test into the mat with a vicious Spinebuster. Batista covers Test and Richards lets the referee go to make the count. 1……………………2…………………………3! The fans in the arena are booing in disgust as Batista, Maven & Steven Richards celebrate their victory as though they didn’t cheat to do it. All three men leave with smirks on their faces as Test, Matt Hardy & Val Venis are coming to all around the ring.

    Winner: Steven Richards, Batista & Maven

    OR:79 CR:80 MQ:80

    Million Dollar Inc. hits throughout the arena and the fans go crazy… Ted DiBiase appears at the top of the stage… DiBiase walks down to the ring and near 10 RAW Superstars follow him down to the ring… They all wait on the outside though as DiBiase gets on the microphone…

    Ted DiBiase: Wow… you fans really love RAW action don’t you? Well after watching that match just then, I’ve got the final match for WWE Betrayal… It will be Test & Matt Hardy taking on Batista & Maven in a Tornado Tag Team match… That is not the reason I came out to the ring though, you see MOLLY HOLLY has a little bit of business that she has to attend to tonight… You see, I have 9 RAW superstars with me… A-Train, Garrison Cade, Gene Snitsky, Rob Conway, Sylvan Greiner, The Hurricane, Tajiri, Chuck Palumbo & Tyson Tomko… They will each bid on Molly Holly and the person with the highest amount will get the services of Molly Holly next Monday night on RAW… So without further a due… Molly could you please come out on stage and if you don’t, your match for the WWE Women’s Championship will be revoked…

    Molly Holly appears on the stage and the fans in the arena boo her wildly… Molly Holly looks disgusted as Ted DiBiase begins to shout stuff into the microphone again…

    Ted DiBiase: Alright ill start the bidding off at 1 dollar…

    Nobody makes a bid for Molly though and the fans begin to laugh…

    Ted DiBiase: Come on people… Molly Holly is worth more than a lousy dollar…

    Suddenly The Hurricane & Tajiri get into a brawl on the outside with Chuck Palumbo & Tyson Tomko… The fans are going wild as Tajiri & The Hurricane get the advantage… A-Train jumps up onto the apron and grabs the microphone from DiBiase…

    A-Train: DiBiase, this is so degrading… Molly Holly is going to become the WWE Women’s Champion this Sunday and you have her out here, auctioning off her services… What kind of a man are you?

    Ted DiBiase: I’m a RICH MAN! I’m a business man… A-Train think about this… Do you know what Molly’s services could provide?

    Ted DiBiase whispers something into A-Train’s ear and both he and A-Train begin pissing themselves laughing…

    Ted DiBiase: No on second thought she wouldn’t give you that…

    DiBiase whispers something into A-Train’s ear again…

    A-Train: You trying to be funny… Cause if you are, its working… Molly is too much of a prune to do that to any man…

    A-Train & Ted DiBiase agree whilst laughing hard… Molly stands up on the stage disgusted and the fans are going nuts…

    A-Train: Ah what the hell… Molly your mine… $10 I place on her…

    A-Train pulls a $10 note out of his trunks… This makes Molly begin gagging as he hands the money to DiBiase… The fans are going crazy as DiBiase asks around the ring and nobody else wants Molly…

    Ted DiBiase: Here is your winner… A-TRAIN… A-Train, you will have the services of Molly Holly next Monday night on RAW…

    A-Train begins licking his lips at Molly who looks on disgusted… The fans in the arena are going wild as Molly walks away upset and DiBiase is in the ring laughing…

    Rating: 74%

    Christian vs Shawn Michaels

    H-B-K! Shawn Michaels’ music hits and Shawn Michaels comes out onto the stage. The fans are going nuts. Shawn Michaels has a bandage wrapped around his head after the attack last week from Edge. Shawn Michaels comes down to the ring and begins to strut around and the fans are going crazy. Christian’s music interrupts HBK’s and the fans boo loudly. Shawn Michaels has an annoyed look on his face as Christian appears on the stage and he has a smile on his face. Shawn motions for Christian to come down to the ring and the fans go crazy. Suddenly Edge appears from behind the curtains and the fans boo. Edge follows Christian down to the ring. Christian slides into the ring and Edge jumps up onto the apron. Shawn Michaels is watching Edge closely as Christian tries to pounce on him from behind. HBK nails Christian in the face with a right hand which surprises him. The fans go crazy. HBK grabs Christian and whips him into the ropes. Christian bounces back and HBK catches him with a clothesline. Christian quickly rolls out of the ring and regroups on the outside with Edge. The fans are going crazy as Shawn Michaels continues to taunt both men. Edge jumps up onto the apron and receives a right hand from HBK. Christian grabs HBK and trips him onto the top rope. Christian quickly slides back into the ring and grabs HBK and nails him with a Tornado DDT. Christian covers HBK and the referee makes the count. 1………………2…………… Shawn gets his shoulder up and the fans go nuts. Christian gets up and begins to argue with the referee about the count. Christian picks up HBK off the mat and tosses him out of the ring. Christian grabs the referee and begins to argue about the count again whilst Edge grabs HBK on the outside and whips him into the barricade and then tosses him into the ring post. The bandage comes off HBK’s head and blood is flowing everywhere. Edge rolls HBK back into the ring under the bottom rope. Christian goes over and covers the bloody HBK and the referee just makes the count. 1…………………2…………………… HBK gets his foot on the bottom rope and the referee breaks the count. Christian gets up and has a very moody look on his face. Christian grabs HBK and whips him into the corner. Christian looks like he is about to snap. Christian walks over to HBK and begins to pound on him in the corner. Christian grabs HBK and begins to choke him in the corner. Christian has just lost complete control and he is snapping. Christian grabs HBK and whips him with force across to the other turnbuckle. HBK’s back snaps with force and he falls to the mat in pain. Christian begins to smile as he sees HBK clutching at his back in the ring. Edge also laughs on the outside as the fans are booing at what is going on. Christian picks up HBK from the mat and attempts the Un-Prettier but HBK counters it and pushes Christian into the ropes. Christian bounces off the ropes and is surprised by some SWEET CHIN MUSIC from Shawn Michaels. HBK covers the fallen Christian and the referee makes the count. 1……………2…………………3! Shawn Michaels pins Christian. Edge quickly rolls into the ring. HBK gets back to his feet and turns right into a Spear from Edge. Edge grabs HBK and picks him up off the mat. EDGE-U-CUTIONER! Edge delivers the Edgeucution to HBK and the fans in the arena are booing like mad. Edge grabs his brother Christian and leaves the ring. The fans in the arena are booing like mad as HBK is out cold in the ring. Edge takes one final look back at Shawn Michaels before walking into the backstage area.

    Winner: Shawn Michaels

    OR:86 CR:85 MQ:88

    A Video package airs for WWE Betrayal… We hear the official theme song for WWE Betrayal is “Wonderwall” by Oasis… We see the card for the Pay Per View followed by tons of hype for the main event… The final card for WWE Betrayal looks like this: Christian versus Mystery Wrestler, Chris Jericho versus Rhyno, Edge versus Shawn Michaels in a Last Man Standing Match, Kane versus Chris Benoit, Stacy Keibler defends the WWE Women’s Championship against Molly Holly, Test & Matt Hardy versus Batista & Maven, The Hurricane & Tajiri defend the WWE World Tag Team Titles against Tyson Tomko & Chuck Palumbo, Val Venis puts the WWE Intercontinental Championship on the line against Steven Richards whilst Triple H faces off against Shelton Benjamin, Randy Orton & Ric Flair with the richest prize in the game, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship on the line… The video stops and the fans are impressed with the lineup for the huge PPV…

    Rating: 90%

    Special Guest Referee: Ric Flair

    Randy Orton vs Shelton Benjamin

    Evolution’s music hits throughout the arena and the fans boo loudly. Ric Flair appeared at the top of the stage and he had a referee’s uniform on. There were mixed cheers and boos when it was Flair that appeared on the top of the stage. Flair struts down to the ring and waits as the two competitors come out. Randy Orton’s music hits and he comes out to a huge ovation from the fans. Orton comes down to the ring and eyes off Flair as he poses on the turnbuckle. Orton gets off and waits. Shelton Benjamin’s music hits and the fans cheer even louder. Shelton Benjamin appears on the stage and he is mocking Flair all the way down to the ring. Shelton gets into the ring and gets right in Flair’s face. Flair backs off stating that he is simply the referee in this match. Shelton turns around and locks up with Orton. Orton pushes Shelton in the ropes and bounces off. Orton bounces back and Shelton nails him with a shoulder charge. Shelton runs over Orton and Orton trips Shelton. Shelton crashes into the middle of the ropes. Orton gets back to his feet and grabs Shelton. Orton nails Shelton with a backbreaker. Orton drives his knee into the face of Shelton and applies pressure. Flair pulls Orton off Shelton though and says he was choking Shelton. Orton and Flair are arguing when Shelton rolls up Orton and Flair makes a count. 1……………2…………… Orton gets his shoulder up though. Suddenly the cheers in the arena turn to boos though as Evolution appears on the stage and begin walking down to the ring. Triple H, Batista & Maven are walking down to the ring. Ric Flair yells at them to head to the back but they don’t listen to him. Triple H stands up on the apron only to have Shelton nail him with a flying forearm shot. Orton gets back to his feet and Flair turns to him. Orton grabs Flair and plants him with an RKO for no reason. Batista & Maven slide into the ring behind Orton and nail him with a chair shot to the back. Shelton turns around and sees Batista & Maven coming straight for him. Triple H sneaks in behind Shelton and nails him with a low blow. Triple H grabs Shelton and nails him with a Pedigree onto the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Belt. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Evolution have destroyed Orton & Benjamin once again. Triple H leaves the ring without even looking back for Flair. Batista & Maven help Ric Flair up and help him out of the ring. Flair is still groggy from his RKO off Orton. The fans in the arena are booing as Evolution walk into the backstage area with Shelton & Randy down in the middle of the ring.

    Winner: No Contest

    OR:84 CR:74 MQ:94

    As WWE RAW goes off the air Triple H is standing at the top of the stage with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Belt raised high into the air before his Fatal Fourway Match at WWE Betrayal this Sunday…

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Television Rating: 5.74

  7. WWE Smackdown!

    April 7th, 2005

    WWE Smackdown! opens up with video footage from last weeks Smackdown! where new WWE C.E.O, Shane McMahon, announced that there was two going to be two General Managers on Smackdown! with Eric Bischoff & Diamond Dallas Page sharing the duties... After that video finishes we see highlights from John Cena retaining the WWE Championship against Kurt Angle and how tonight The Undertaker will face Rob Van Dam with the winner set to be the #1 Contender for John Cena's WWE Championship Belt... Pyrotechnics explode from the Smackdown! fist as WWE Smackdown! hits the air...


    Kurt Angle's music hits throughout the arena and the fans begin to moan. Kurt Angle appears on the stage and the fans boo loudly. Angle walks down to the ring with pyrotechnics exploding behind him all the way. Angle gets into the ring and dances around for a minute before grabbing a microphone from the ring announcer. The fans dont let Angle talk though as they continue thier "You Suck" chants. Finally Angle breaks out and starts to talk...

    Kurt Angle: There's been a travesty in the WWE... Your American hero has been robbed... Yeah, thats right, you heard me... Kurt Angle has been robbed... You see, tonight, yes tonight, was supposed to be MY night... I was supposed to walk out here tonight with the WWE Championship Belt around my waist but Nooooooooooo... The Phenom, Dead Man Walking, all that jack... The Undertaker is the man responsible for this... The Undertaker stuck his nose in my business and if it wasnt for him, than i would be standing here tonight with the WWE Championship... I'm sick of it... I always get mistreated... It's time for a change... No more Mr. Nice Guy...

    ~Self High Five~

    DDP's music hits and the fans in the arena go wild. DDP appears on the stage and he has a microphone in his hand...

    Diamond Dallas Page: It's Me, It's Me, It's DDP... Kurt, i was sitting in the back listening to you whinge like a baby... What are you? 12 years old again... Last week, Shane McMahon gave me the General Managers spot and he didn’t just give it to me cause of my good looks…

    Kurt Angle: What are you getting at Page?

    Diamond Dallas Page: If you would give me a second then I will answer that for you… Now I know I should have consulted Eric Bischoff before I made this match but I thought it was just too good to wait for him to get to the arena… You see, tonight in this ring, we are going to have ourselves a number one contenders match where the winner will face off against John Cena for the WWE Championship at WWE Judgment Day in May… In that match we will see Kurt Angle versus Rob Van Dam…

    Kurt Angle: Me versus RVD… Not a problem…

    Diamond Dallas Page: Whoa, you didn’t give me time to finish… It will be Kurt Angle versus Rob Van Dam versus… THE UNDERTAKER!

    Kurt Angle throws down his microphone and he looks scared and pissed off at the same time… The fans are going crazy as DDP laughs at the expression on Kurt Angle’s face…

    Rating: 91%

    Eddie Guerrero is standing backstage when Torrie Wilson walks by… Eddie’s eyes light up as he sees Torrie walk past…

    Eddie Guerrero: Orale mammie…

    Torrie Wilson: Hello Eddie... You getting ready for your match with Carlito?

    Eddie Guerrero: Sure am Mama Cita!

    Torrie Wilson: Would you like some help… “Warming Up”?

    Eddie Guerrero’s eyes go even wider and the fans go crazy… Eddie Guerrero nods at Torrie…

    Torrie Wilson: If you do… Come to my dressing room in a minute… Let me just go and freshen up…

    Torrie Wilson struts off as Eddie watches her closely without taking an eye off her and the fans in the arena are going wild…

    Rating: 82%

    Rey Mysterio vs John Heidenreich

    Heidenreich’s music hits throughout the arena and the fans let out loads of boos. Heidenreich appears on the stage and Paul Heyman is at his side. Heyman & Heidenreich walk down to the ring to tons of heat from the fans. As soon as they get into the ring though, “Who’s That Jumpin’ Out The Sky”, Rey Mysterio’s music blasts over the titantron and the fans go crazy. Mysterio comes running down to the ring with the fans cheering him on. Mysterio gets into the ring and Heidenreich immediately begins the match by smashing Mysterio in the back with a clubbing forearm. Heidenreich picks up Mysterio and slams him hard into the corner. Heidenreich begins to slam his shoulder into the mid-section of Mysterio. Heidenreich does this repeatedly until Mysterio stumbles out of the corner and hits the mat. Heidenreich begins to laugh as Heyman tells him to keep going. The fans boo as Heidenreich picks Mysterio off the mat and whips him into the ropes. Heidenreich ducks and gets in position for a back body drop but Mysterio counters it. Mysterio rolls over the back of Heidenreich. Heidenreich gets cranky and turns around. Heidenreich immediately goes for a powerful clothesline but once again Mysterio ducks out of the way. Mysterio catches Heidenreich off-guard with a dropkick. Heidenreich falls off his feet and hits the mat. Heyman immediately jumps up onto the apron and Mysterio runs and dropkicks him off the apron. Mysterio turns around as Heidenreich is getting back to his feet. Mysterio jumps up to the top rope and comes flying off with a missile dropkick. Heidenreich bounces back and falls into position for the 6-1-9! Rey Mysterio signals for it and the fans go crazy. Mysterio runs off the ropes and cracks Heidenreich with the 6-1-9! Mysterio covers the dazed Heidenreich and the referee makes the count. 1………………2………………… Suddenly someone enters the ring and drops an elbow across the back of Mysterio’s head. It’s MIKE SANDERS! Mike Sanders picks up a dazed Mysterio and nails him with a low blow followed by a Rocker Dropper. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Sanders has just laid out Mysterio. Sanders quickly exits the ring and helps Paul Heyman back to his feet. Heyman & Sanders both get into the ring and Heyman has a huge smile on his face. The referee has awarded the match to Rey Mysterio via DQ after the attack from Sanders. Heyman helps Heidenreich back to his feet and he looks stunned at what Sanders just did. Heyman raises both Heidenreich and Sanders arms into the air and the fans in the arena boo loudly. Heyman quickly leaves with Sanders & Heidenreich by his side and Mysterio still down in the ring.

    Winner via DQ: Rey Mysterio

    OR:77 CR:72 MQ:82

    Eddie Guerrero is walking down a hall way in the backstage area and the fans are cheering him on… Eddie Guerrero walks up to Torrie Wilson’s locker room and knocks on the door… Torrie opens the door in a bathrobe and the fans go nuts… Eddie Guerrero nearly collapses… Torrie invites Eddie into the room and Eddie immediately follows her… The lights are out in the room as Torrie closes the door behind Eddie… The fans are going crazy… Suddenly it sounds like something is going on in the locker room… Something slams hard up against the door… The door swings open and Carlito is standing over Eddie Guerrero and the fans are booing like mad… Torrie Wilson walks up behind Carlito and places a arm around him… The fans boo as Carlito turns to Torrie and gives her a huge kiss… Carlito & Torrie Wilson walk off whilst Eddie is struggling to get up off the floor… The fans in the arena are booing in disgust as Torrie Wilson just turned on Eddie Guerrero and joined with Carlito…

    Rating: 91%

    Luther Reigns vs Nunzio

    The F.B.I music hits in the arena and the fans go crazy. It was announced that Johnny Stamboli was injured by Reigns & Jindrak the week before on Smackdown! Before the match and the fans booed that. Nunzio appears on the stage and gets cheered from the fans. Nunzio comes charging down to the ring and waits as Luther Reigns appears on the stage. His music is playing and the fans hate it. Reigns is wearing one half of the WWE Tag Team Championship belts whilst he is laughing at Nunzio, who is standing in the ring. Nunzio motions for Luther to come down to the ring. Luther begins to walk down but looks behind him as Mark Jindrak appears from behind the curtains. Jindrak is wearing his tag title belt as well and this just enrages the fans even more. Luther & Jindrak walk down the aisle and Nunzio flings himself over the top rope and takes out both Luther & Jindrak on the outside. Nunzio grabs Luther off the ground and rolls him into the ring under the bottom rope. Nunzio jumps up onto the apron and flies over the top rope and drops his leg across the throat of Reigns. Nunzio covers Reigns and the referee makes the count with the fans cheering him on. 1…………………2…………… Luther throws Nunzio off of him with brute force. Nunzio gets back to his feet and waits as Luther slowly gets up. Luther pulls the referee towards him as Jindrak grabs Nunzio’s ankle. Nunzio turns to Jindrak, who releases his foot. Nunzio looks pissed and Luther sneaks up behind him and nails him with a kidney shot. Luther grabs Nunzio and drives him into the mat with the Reign Drop! Luther begins to laugh as he places his foot on the chest of Nunzio. The referee makes the count against his will. 1………………2……………………3! Luther Reigns picks up the win over Nunzio. Jindrak grabs a steel chair from the outside and the fans in the arena are booing as Jindrak enters the ring. Luther picks up Nunzio and throws him towards Jindrak. Jindrak drives the chair over the skull of Nunzio. The chair bends in half with the force that Jindrak used to swing the chair. Nunzio is out cold and is bleeding everywhere in the ring. Jindrak picks the steel chair back up and begins to lay waste to Nunzio on the mat. Jindrak drives the chair straight down into the neck of Nunzio. The fans in the arena are booing madly as Jindrak & Reigns are laughing at Nunzio, who is completely out cold and could have a broken neck as a result of this vicious beating. Jindrak & Reigns grab their WWE Tag Team Championship Belts and leave to mega heat from the fans. EMTs rush down to the ring to check on Nunzio.

    Winner: Luther Reigns

    OR:75 CR:72 MQ:78

    Eric Bischoff is backstage with Rico in his office…

    Eric Bischoff: Rico, I’m a very disappointed man… It’s been one week and already DDP has undermined my authority… He went ahead and made a number one contenders match without even consulting me… However, you don’t need to hear my problems because I know you’ve got a problem of your own… Please explain it to me…

    Rico: Well you see Mr. Bischoff… Charlie Haas is a maniac… He is out to destroy me and my credibility… First he left me, not to mention he stole Miss Jackie from me and I know how much she hates him, then he went ahead and took away my shot at the WWE United States Heavyweight Championship… He is just always in the way…

    Eric Bischoff: Ok… Ok… Enough already… I’ve got just the solution for this little problem… If DDP wants to make matches… Then I’m going to make a match for next weeks Smackdown! It will be Charlie Haas defending his WWE United States Heavyweight Championship against Rico… AND THE DUDLEY BOYZ in a HANDICAP match… If one of the Dudleyz pin Charlie Haas than you will automatically become the WWE US Champion… You happy with that?

    Rico: You bet your sweet bottom I am happy with that!

    Rico walks out of the room shaking his ass as Eric Bischoff looks on in disgust… The fans are booing because of the predicament that Bischoff just put Charlie Haas in next week…

    Rating: 85%

    John Bradshaw Layfield & Orlando Jordan vs Paul London & The Big Show

    JBL’s music hits and JBL appears on the stage with his right hand man Orlando Jordan. Both men come out to the ring with the fans booing them. JBL & Jordan come down to the ring and begin to get ready as Paul London’s music hits. JBL looks on from in the ring and he begins to laugh just like he did the previous week when he saw London coming into the ring for a match. London comes down to the ring and stands opposite JBL, eyeing him off. The fans are cheering him on and cheer even louder as… WELL, WELL IT’S THE BIG SHOW! The Big Show’s music hits and the crowd go nuts. The Big Show appears on the stage and the smile on JBL’s face quickly disappears. JBL tells OJ that he can start the match off if Show starts. Show enters the ring and tells London he can start. JBL tells OJ not to worry he will start the match and the fans boo him. JBL goes to tie up with London but London ducks underneath JBL and nails him with a dropkick in the back. JBL flies into the corner, where The Big Show grabs him. London charges in and nails JBL with a splash. London runs around the ring and the fans are going nuts for him. JBL slumps out of the corner as London tags out to Show. Show gets into the ring and grabs JBL. Show slaps JBL across the chest and the fans go wild. JBL falls down hard on the mat and OJ tries to step into the ring however Show glares at him and OJ steps back through. Show turns around to drop the leg on JBL but JBL rolls out of the way. JBL goes to tag out to OJ but OJ steps down off the ring and begins to walk away. JBL shouts out to OJ but OJ just ignores him and walks up the rampway. JBL looks at The Big Show, who is glaring right at him. JBL pleads with Show not too hurt him but Show doesn’t listen and grabs JBL around the neck. SHOWSTOPPER! Show drives JBL into the mat with a Showstopper and then he looks around at London. The fans go crazy as Show tags out to London . Show steps into the corner where London climbs onto his shoulders. London comes off Show’s shoulders and delivers a perfect LONDON CALLING to JBL. London covers JBL and the fans are going wild. The referee makes the count. 1……………………2……………………………3! Paul London just got the biggest win of his short WWE Career. The fans are wondering why OJ left JBL in the ring but they don’t really care as they celebrate the win by Paul London & The Big Show.

    Winners: Paul London & The Big Show

    OR:77 CR:68 MQ:87

    Over the titantron we see Kurt Angle who is in his locker room preparing for the main event… Then cuts to Rob Van Dam, who is stretching in another locker room and he has a big cocky grin on his face… Then we enter a dark graveyard where The Undertaker is bowing before a casket… It seems as all three men are getting pumped for their huge main event match…

    Rating: 99%

    Eddie Guerrero vs Carlito

    Carlito’s tropical style theme music hits throughout the arena and the fans begin to boo loudly. Carlito comes out from behind the curtain and surprise, surprise, Torrie Wilson is by his side. Carlito and Torrie Wilson enter the ring and receive more boos from the crowd as they wait. Viva La Rasta. Eddie Guerrero’s music hits and the fans go crazy. Eddie Guerrero stumbles out onto the stage and he doesn’t look real healthy. Eddie Guerrero is saying something from the top of the ramp way when suddenly… Billy Kidman’s music hits. Eddie Guerrero turns around on the stage and gets blasted with a wicked chair shot in the face from Kidman. Kidman comes out onto the stage and begins to beat away at a prone Eddie Guerrero. Kidman looks down at the ring and tells Carlito that he owes him one. Carlito nods his approval as he and Torrie begin to make out in the ring. Kidman begins to stomp on Eddie and taunt him from above. Kidman picks up Eddie off of the stage and begins to slap him. Eddie powers out and takes down Kidman. The fans go wild as Eddie is getting some good shots in on Kidman. Kidman scrambles back to his feet and manages to nail Eddie with a low blow. Eddie drops to the ground once again but he isn’t there for long though. Kidman grabs Eddie by his hair and pushes him off the stage. Eddie Guerrero flies off the stage and lands on his back on the hard concrete floor. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Billy Kidman has a sick look on his face. Billy Kidman is getting major heat from the fans for what he just did to Eddie Guerrero and he loves it. Billy Kidman walks away as if nothing has happened and he seems happy with himself. Eddie Guerrero is out cold below the Smackdown! Stage. The referee never actually started this match so technically it was announced as a No Contest

    Winner: No Contest

    OR:82 CR:79 MQ:91

    We cut to some video footage that looks like it was taped earlier in the day… Shane McMahon is sitting in a jail cell with the man who ran in from the crowd and attacked Eric Bischoff last week…

    Shane McMahon: What’s your name?

    Jail Kid: What do you care?

    Shane McMahon: Never mind, I know who you are… Aaron Summers… I read your file… You know what you did last week was illegal, don’t you?

    Aaron Summers: Yeah…

    Shane McMahon: Yeah you do… This isn’t your first time either… I know you’ve grown up on the wrong side of the tracks… You’ve never had money like I’ve had… I’ve grown up all my life with money around me… When I look at you, I see the complete opposite from me… That’s why I want to give you a chance…

    Aaron Summers: A chance at what?

    Shane McMahon: A chance to leave this lifestyle behind you… A chance to change… You can reform… Your only 18 years old… Your only young and this is your perfect opportunity… I’ve seen that you can fight… I want you to do it on a more regular basis…

    Aaron Summers: You want me to come join you…

    Shane McMahon: Yes… This is your dream opportunity… Having this dream is going to be what makes you smart…

    Aaron Summers: Where I'm from, having a dream doesn't make you smart... Knowing it won't come true, that does…

    Shane McMahon: Listen… As I’ve said… This is your chance… To get out from the shadows… You deserve a second chance at life and I’m presenting you with your best opportunity to date…

    Shane McMahon extends his hand to Aaron Summers… Aaron looks at it before accepting the hand and shaking it… Shane McMahon smiles as he helps Aaron up…

    Shane McMahon: Now, just give me a little while and I will see what I can do to get you out of this jail cell…

    Aaron Summers nods at Shane McMahon as he leaves the cell… The video stops and we cut back to the arena…

    Rating: 80%

    #1 Contenders Match

    Kurt Angle vs The Undertaker vs Rob Van Dam

    Medal hits throughout the arena and the fans boo loudly. Kurt Angle appears on the stage and he looks ready for this match. Pyrotechnics explode from the stage behind him. Angle walks down to the ring and his music is interrupted by One Of A Kind. RVD’s music blasts throughout the arena and Angle turns around and has a pissed look on his face. RVD appears on the stage and he has a cocky smile. RVD comes down to the ring and gets right in Angle’s face. Angle takes down RVD and puts him in a waist lock on the floor. The fans are booing as the two superstars are starting the match. RVD sneaks a low blow in on Angle whilst on the ground and he has control. RVD gets back to his feet and nails Angle with a kick to the jaw. Angle rolls backwards on the mat and RVD runs off the ropes and hits the rolling thunder on Angle. RVD covers Angle and the referee makes the count. 1…………………2…………… DONG! The Undertaker’s music begins and the lights in the arena go out. The ring fills with a blue light and mist. After a while the lights come on and the fog disappears and The Undertaker is standing in front of RVD. RVD goes for a jab but Undertaker counters it and pushes him off the ropes. RVD bounces towards him and Taker nails him with a boot to the face. Angle is back to his feet and he turns right into Taker. Taker grabs Angle around the throat. Taker lifts Angle into the air and looks to hit him with a Chokeslam but RVD nails Taker with an elbow to the back of his knee. Taker lets go of Angle and drops to his knees. Angle & RVD both begin to take shots at Taker. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Taker lets them both get some shots in on his face. Angle and RVD look at each and both agree to continue to work on Taker. Angle is holding Taker as RVD nails him in the midsection with some wicked spin kicks. Angle nails Taker with a german suplex off one of RVD’s kicks. Taker is down and Angle tells RVD to grab Taker. As RVD goes for Taker, Angle reacts quickly and rolls up RVD and the fans boo. 1…………………….2……………………… RVD gets his shoulder up. RVD quickly gets back to his feet and is eyeing off Angle. Angle smirks and tells RVD that he has all the brains. Meanwhile neither man sees The Undertaker getting up behind them. Taker gets back to his feet and nails both men with right hands. RVD slumps into the corner and Angle falls to the outside. Taker charges at RVD but RVD pulls the referee in between himself and Taker. Taker squashes the referee and knocks him down. Taker grabs RVD around the throat and picks him up. CHOKESLAM! The Undertaker hits RVD with a Chokeslam and the fans go wild. Angle rolls back into the ring and grabs Taker. Angle goes for an Angle Slam but Taker is too big and counters it. Angle turns around and Taker hoists him up onto his shoulders. TOMBSTONE! The Undertaker delivers the Tombstone to Angle and the fans cheer even louder. The Undertaker gets down and covers Angle. There is no referee to make the count though and the fans begin to boo. PAUL HEYMAN appears on the stage and he has a huge smirk on his face. Heyman shouts something to the back and suddenly MIKE SANDERS & JOHN HEIDENREICH come charging down to the ring. Both men jump Taker from behind. Heidenreich picks up Taker and drives him into the mat with a reverse Spinebuster. Sanders tells RVD to go to the top rope. RVD gets up and slowly makes his way to the top. RVD flies off the top rope and nails The Undertaker with a 5 Star Frog Splash. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Heyman shakes the referee to make the count. Sanders & Heidenreich are on the outside and they are both holding Kurt Angle’s ankles down on the mat. The referee slowly makes the count as RVD is pinning The Undertaker. 1…………………………………………2………………………………………………3! RVD is the #1 Contender for the WWE Championship. The fans are booing wildly as RVD rolls out of the ring and joins Paul Heyman at ringside. RVD jumps forward and gives Heyman a huge before shaking his hand. Heidenreich and Sanders join RVD & Heyman as they are celebrating the huge victory. Kurt Angle looks pissed off in the ring and he grabs The Undertaker’s ankle and applies the Angle Lock! The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Angle is really pissed off and is breaking the ankle of The Undertaker whilst Heyman and his crew look on from the outside with smirks on their faces.

    Winner: Rob Van Dam

    OR:93 CR:91 MQ:96

    As WWE Smackdown! Is going off the air, Kurt Angle has finally let go of The Undertaker and he is upset in the middle of the ring whilst RVD is celebrating his victory on the outside with his new allies, Paul Heyman, John Heidenreich & Mike Sanders…

    Overall: 81%

    Television Rating: 5.91

  8. Heavyweight Championship Match

    John Cena © vs Kane

    TLC Match

    Rob Van Dam vs Eddie Guerrero

    Last Man Standing Match

    Brock Lesnar vs Batista

    Intercontinental Title Tournament Finals

    Billy Kidman vs Mark Jindrak

    Cruiser-X Championship Match

    Paul London © vs Jeff Hardy

    Canadian Express vs Triple X

    Miss Jackie vs Madusa

    Bonus Questions

    Will Kurt Angle get involved in a match? Yes

    Will anybody be injured during the ppv? If yes, how many? Yes... Two people...

  9. Randy Orton vs Kane vs Edge

    Triangle WWE Championship Match

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Brock Lesnar

    WWE American Championship Match

    Triple H vs Rhyno

    Sean O'Haire vs Christian

    AJ Styles vs Spanky

    WWE European Title Match

    Christopher Daniels vs Hurricane

    WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

    Chris Benoit vs Rob Van Dam

    #1 Contendership for the WWE Title

    Asai vs Psicosis

    #1 Contendership for the WWE Cruiserweight Title

  10. WWE RAW

    April 4th 2005

    WWE RAW opens up with video footage from last week where we saw the main event announced for WWE Betrayal which is Triple H vs Randy Orton vs Shelton Benjamin vs Ric Flair for the WWE Heavyweight Championship… After that the footage from the main event aired in which the world saw Triple H “inadvertently” strike Ric Flair in the head with a steel chair… This finishes and pyrotechnics explode as WWE RAW hits the air live…


    Evolution’s music hits and the fans in the arena boo like mad… Triple H appears on the stage and following him is Batista & Maven…Triple H, Batista & Maven walk down to the ring to the boos from the fans… Triple H gets into the ring and immediately grabs a microphone…

    Triple H: Ric, I know your in the back already… Please come down here…

    The Nature Boys old music hits and Ric Flair appears on the stage… Ric Flair begins to strut down to the ring and he doesn’t look real happy… Triple H is smiling at him and the fans are cheering him on… Flair gets into the ring and snatches the microphone out of Triple H’s hand… Triple H looks pissed but lets Ric Flair carry on…

    Ric Flair: What do you want Hunter?

    Triple H grabs another microphone from the ring announcer…

    Triple H: I want to apologize for the shot last week… I’m sor…

    Ric Flair: Save it… You don’t need to apologize… I know you were only aiming for the other man…

    Triple H: Yeah that’s right… I knew you would understand… So everything is cool… Evolution is the same unit it was at the top of the show last week… The four of us…

    Ric Flair: Woo… Now boys I got to head to the back because I have a match tonight against Randy Orton…

    Ric Flair leaves the ring with Triple H and the rest of Evolution following behind him… The fans in the arena begin booing as it seems that everything is fine in the foundations of Evolution…

    Rating: 85%

    Val Venis is backstage in his locker room when there is a knock on the door… A lady walks in immediately after knocking…It’s WWE Diva, Christy Hemme…

    Val Venis: Well Hello Christy… How are you?

    Christy Hemme: Very good thank you Val… If you don’t know by now, I am the Million Dollar Man’s new assistant and he has told me that I have to inform you of your title defense at WWE Betrayal… Supposedly, Steven Richards, has put in a bid that was very substantial and enough for Mr. DiBiase to make the match… It will be Val Venis vs Steven Richards with the WWE Intercontinental Championship on the line…

    Val Venis: I think I can handle that… Thanks for telling me…

    Christy Hemme: Just doing my job…

    Christy Hemme walks out of the locker room with a smile on her face… The fans are going wild as another match just got announced for WWE Betrayal…

    Rating: 81%

    Chuck Palumbo vs Tajiri

    Before this match got underway, Ted DiBiase appeared on the titantron and announced that if Chuck Palumbo won this match against Tajiri, then at WWE Betrayal, Tajiri & The Hurricane would be defending the WWE World Tag Team Championships against Chuck Palumbo & Tyson Tomko. Palumbo came out to huge boos from the fans. Palumbo stood on the ramp with a smile on his face as his partner, Tyson Tomko appeared behind him. Palumbo & Tomko cockily strutted down to the ring with the fans booing them. Suddenly the boos turned to cheers as Tajiri & The Hurricane appeared on the stage with the WWE World Tag Team Championship belts around their waists. Tajiri ripped off his tag belt and handed it to his partner. Tajiri sprinted down to the ring and ducked underneath a clothesline attempt from Palumbo. Palumbo turned around and got nailed with a kick in the ribs. Palumbo doubled over and Tajiri jumped up and nailed him with a dropkick to the top of the head. Palumbo fell down and Tajiri quickly covered him. 1………2……… Palumbo got his shoulder up and the fans in the arena booed wildly. Tajiri stood up and waited for Palumbo. Palumbo started to get up and Tajiri went for the Kick Of Death but Palumbo moved out of the way. Tomko jumped up onto the apron and distracted Tajiri. Hurricane ran around and pulled Tomko’s feet out from underneath him. Tomko fell face first into the side of the ring and the fans were going crazy. The referee was watching the actions on the outside and completely missed Palumbo nail Tajiri with a low blow. Palumbo nailed Tajiri with the Jungle Kick as Tajiri got up from been given a low blow. Palumbo covered Tajiri and the referee made the count to the fans boos. 1………………2…………………3! Chuck Palumbo & Tyson Tomko have stolen the right to face Tajiri & The Hurricane for the WWE Tag Team Championships at WWE Betrayal. Palumbo quickly leaves the ring and grabs Tomko. Both men leave into the backstage area whilst the fans boo them. The Hurricane tends to his partner in the ring whilst they leave.

    Winner: Chuck Palumbo

    OR:70 CR:66 MQ:75

    ~Never Gonna Stop~

    Edge’s old theme by Rob Zombie hits and he appears on the stage with a microphone in his hand…

    Edge: I was sitting in my hotel room a couple of nights back and I thought to myself, why? Why am I always trying to entertain you morons instead of getting the job done… and I said to myself, who cares… I don’t care what you all think… There was only ever one person who helped me excel in my career… I went and saw this person and discussed some current situations and we thought it was mutually beneficial for a reunion… So baby, get ready because… EDGE & CHRISTIAN are back baby…

    Christian appears on the stage behind Edge and he has a huge grin on his face… The fans in the arena are booing wildly… Edge & Christian are high-fiving each other and hugging when suddenly…


    Shawn Michaels music hits and the fans explode with cheers… The lights in the arena go out for a good two-three minutes and when they come back on, Edge & Christian have been laid out on the stage… The fans in the arena are cheering loudly… Shawn Michaels is nowhere to be seen, there is nobody but Edge & Christian out there… The fans in the arena are going nuts… EMTs come out and escort Edge & Christian into the backstage area to do some tests on them…

    Rating: 94%

    Maven vs Test

    Evolution hits throughout the arena and the fans boo wildly. Maven appears at the top of the stage and he has a cocky smile on his face. Maven struts down to the ring and poses whilst the fans boo him. Test, Test, This Is A Test. Test’s music hits and the fans boo quietly turn to cheers. Test appears on the stage and he begins to mouth off at Maven. Test comes down to the ring and moves out of the way of an immediate dropkick attempt from Maven. Maven gets back up and Test grabs him and nails him with a full nelson slam. The fans are going crazy as Test drops an elbow firmly across Maven’s chest. Test covers Maven. 1…………2……… Maven gets his shoulder up. Test gets back up and picks up Maven. Test whips Maven into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Maven ducks underneath and continues to run off the ropes. Maven runs back and Test picks him up and nails him with a spinebuster. Test is dominating Maven and the crowd loves it. Test gets off the mat and climbs to the top rope. Test signals for the Elbow and jumps off the top rope. Test drives his elbow deep into Maven. The fans in the arena begin to boo as Batista runs down to ringside as Test covers Maven. The referee makes the count. 1……………2……………… Batista pulls the referee out of the ring and begins to argue with him. Matt Hardy comes running down to ringside and nails Batista from behind. Batista flies into the referee, who drops to the ground. Test gets up and sees the action on the outside and cant believe he didn’t just win the match. Test turns around and Maven nails him with a low blow. Maven grabs Test and puts him into the mat with a DDT. Maven rolls to the outside of the ring and grabs a steel chair. Maven runs around the ring and clobbers Matt Hardy in the back with a wicked steel chair shot. Batista rolls into the ring and picks Test up off the mat. Maven places the steel chair underneath Batista as he picks Test up into the air. SITOUT POWERBOMB! Batista plants Test onto the steel chair with a Sit-Out Powerbomb and the fans in the arena are booing like crazy people. Batista slides out of the ring and rolls the referee back into the ring. Maven covers Test and the fans continue to boo as the referee makes the slow count. 1………………………2…………………………3! Maven steals a second straight win, this time over Test, thanks to help from his Evolution buddy, Batista. Maven & Batista leave as Matt Hardy & Test are out cold around the ring.

    Winner: Maven

    OR:79 CR:80 MQ:78

    Ted DiBiase is backstage in his office with Christy Hemme when Rhyno comes barging through the door… Christy screams and hides behind DiBiase… Rhyno looks intense…

    Ted DiBiase: It’s ok Christy… I know what he’s here for… Did you bring the amount?

    Rhyno hands a huge amount of cash into the hands of Ted DiBiase…

    Ted DiBiase: Alright then… I will trust that you gave me the right amount… So it’s a deal… Next week, you get a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and at WWE Betrayal, you will go one on one with Chris Jericho…

    Rhyno begins snorting and he looks even more pumped… Rhyno walks out the door as DiBiase looks at him and has a smirk on his face…

    Rating: 83%

    No Holds Barred

    Kane vs Gene Snitsky

    Fire Explodes from the stage as Kane’s music hits. The fans in the arena go wild as Kane & Lita appear at the top of the stage. Kane & Lita walk down to the ring and the fans are going wild for them. Lita stays on the outside whilst Kane gets in the ring and watches at the top of the stage. Gene Snitsky’s music hits and the fans begin to boo. Snitsky appears on the stage and he has a smirk on his face as Kane is staring him down. Snitsky walks down the ramp and spots Lita. Snitsky walks around and begins to chase Lita around the ring till Kane slides outside. Snitsky immediately rolls into the ring after seeing Kane go to the outside. Kane rolls into the ring and gets stomped on by Snitsky. Kane powers out of the kicks from Snitsky and stands up. Snitsky looks worried as Kane stands up. Snitsky’s offense doesn’t look to stop Kane. Kane gets right in Snitsky’s face and shoves him into the corner. Kane begins to punch away at Snitsky. Kane is pummeling Snitsky in the corner. Kane kicks Snitsky in the gut and sets him up. Kane picks up Snitsky and powerbombs him into the mat. The fans are going crazy as Kane covers Snitsky. 1……………2…………… Snitsky gets his foot on the bottom rope and the referee stops his count. Kane rolls to the outside and grabs a steel chair. Kane slides underneath the bottom rope with the steel chair. Kane waits as Snitsky gets back to his feet. Kane takes a swing at Snitsky but Snitsky moves out of the way. Kane turns around and gets a boot to the face from Snitsky. Kane drops the steel chair and Snitsky picks it up. Snitsky smashes the chair down in the back of Kane. Then another shot to the head of Kane. Kane hits the mat hard and Snitsky drops the chair. Kane sits up and shocks Snitsky. Snitsky quickly grabs the chair but Kane grabs him around the throat. Kane gets back to his feet and lifts Snitsky into the chair. Kane Chokeslams Snitsky onto the steel chair. Kane isn’t done though as he picks Snitsky up by his throat and delivers another Chokeslam to him. The fans are going crazy. Lita jumps up onto the apron and tells Kane to pick up Snitsky again. Kane grabs Snitsky and hoists him up onto his shoulder. TOMBSTONE! Kane delivers the Tombstone to Snitsky onto the steel chair. Kane drops and covers Snitsky and the referee makes the count. 1…………………2…………………3! Kane defeats Gene Snitsky. The fans cheers turn to boos quickly though as Chris Benoit enters the ring through the crowd. Benoit picks up the steel chair off the mat and cracks Kane across the back with it. Kane doubles over and Benoit drives the chair into the back of Kane’s head. Lita climbs to the top rope and tries to nail Benoit with a Hurricanrana but Benoit catches her and plants her into the mat with a Powerbomb. Benoit snorts snot on Lita and the fans in the arena are booing wilding. Benoit picks up the steel chair and nails Lita across the shoulder with it. Benoit doesn’t stop there though as he places the Crippler Crossface on Lita. Lita is squealing in pain as Benoit rips at her shoulder. Kane sits up and Benoit quickly lets go of the hold and leaves the ring. Kane goes over and tends to Lita as Benoit walks into the backstage area with a smile on his face and the fans booing him.

    Winner: Kane

    OR:86 CR:78 MQ:94

    We cut backstage where Ted DiBiase is standing by with Molly Holly… The fans boo loudly when they catch a glimpse of Molly Holly…

    Ted DiBiase: Molly, last week, you attacked Stacy for no apparent reason. The attack put her in the hospital for the next two weeks and because of that, I have no other choice than to…

    Molly Holly: Wait… Don’t say anything else… Let me explain myself… Stacy does not deserve to be the WWE Women’s Champion… She cant wrestle… The only way she wins is if the match is a Bra and Panties or some kind of gimmick match… How about you give me a shot at the WWE Women’s Championship at WWE Betrayal in a straight up wrestling match…

    Ted DiBiase: You know I could give you that match… Actually I WILL give you that match… On ONE condition… Next week on RAW, you put yourself up for sale in the middle of the ring to any male superstar…

    Molly Holly: What do I have to give the winning bidder though?

    Ted DiBiase: Whatever I tell you to give him next week on RAW… You have my promise that I wont make you do anything “too” embarrassing…

    Molly Holly: OK, as long as I get my shot…

    Ted DiBiase smiles as Molly Holly walks out of the room… The fans are going wild as they like the idea of what could happen next week…

    Rating: 77%

    Matt Hardy vs Steven Richards

    Live For The Moment hits and Matt Hardy appears on the stage. The fans are cheering wildly as Matt Hardy appears on the stage. Matt Hardy is in pain after the attack from earlier tonight. Suddenly from nowhere Richards appears and nails Matt Hardy in the back of the head with a Steven Kick. The fans in the arena are booing as Steven Richards didn’t even wait until Matt Hardy had entered the ring. Steven Richard’s new attitude could see him win the WWE Intercontinental Championship at Betrayal against Val Venis. Richards picks up Hardy and drives him into the rampway with a DDT. Suddenly Batista & Maven appear at the top of the stage and they both have smiles on their faces. Richards grabs Hardy off the mat and whips him into the steel steps. Richards grabs Hardy and rolls him into the ring. The referee rings the bell and starts the match as Richards covers Hardy. The referee begins the count. 1……………2……………… Hardy gets his shoulder up and surprises everyone. Batista & Maven look pissed off at the top of the stage. Richards stands up and waits for Hardy. Hardy gets back to his feet very slowly and the fans in the arena cheer wildly until Richards hits him with another Steven Kick. The fans are booing as Richards covers Hardy. The referee makes the count and the fans continue to boo. 1………………2…………………3! Steven Richards picks up the win over the injured Matt Hardy. Batista & Maven are smiling at the top of the rampway. Test appears behind Batista and Maven. The fans go wild. Test nails Batista in the back of the head with a Big Boot. Batista hits the steel hard and is out cold. Test grabs Maven and throws him off the stage. Maven falls from the stage and crashes through tables. The fans are going wild as Test stands at the top of the stage and he has just destroyed two members of Evolution.

    Winner: Steven Richards

    OR:91 CR:90 MQ:92

    We cut to the backstage area where Lita is been loaded into an ambulance… Kane is getting into the back of the ambulance as well when suddenly the door gets slammed in his face… The fans begin to boo as a grinning Chris Benoit appears from inside the ambulance… Benoit hops out of the ambulance and waits for Kane to stand up… Benoit grabs a fire extinguisher and blasts Kane in the side of the head… Kane is down and looks out cold… Benoit spits on Kane before pulling the driver out of the ambulance… Chris Benoit drives off in the ambulance that Lita is stuck in the back of… The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Benoit has just kidnapped Lita…

    Rating: 94%

    Ric Flair vs Randy Orton

    Randy Orton’s music hits and the crowd erupts. Randy Orton appears at the top of the stage and he has a cocky smile on his face. The crowd loves Orton and he plays off them all the way down to the ring. Orton hops into the ring and waits as Evolution’s music hits again. The fans boo as Ric Flair walks out onto the stage with Triple H at his side. Ric Flair and Triple H walk down to ringside. Trips takes Flair’s coat off and Flair rolls under the bottom rope. Flair and Orton immediately tie up in the middle of the ring. Flair lets go of the hold and thumbs Orton in the eye. Flair proves why he is the dirtiest player in the game. Flair grabs Orton and whips him into the ropes. Orton bounces off the ropes and ducks a forearm shot from Flair. Orton stops behind Flair and delivers a neck breaker to Flair. Orton covers Flair and Triple H jumps up onto the apron. The referee doesn’t even get to count as Orton jumps up. Orton clocks Triple H with a right hand. Orton turns back and receives a right hand from Flair. Flair whips Orton off the ropes again but Orton counters it and sends Flair into the ropes. Flair bounces back and Orton delivers a back body drop to him. Flair is down again and Orton looks around and finally covers Flair again. 1………………2……………… Flair gets his shoulder up. Orton gets back to his feet and begins to stalk Flair as he climbs up. Triple H once again jumps up onto the apron and as soon as Orton heads towards him he jumps back off. Orton begins to shout at Triple H on the outside whilst Triple H just smirks at him. Flair sneaks up behind Triple H and rolls him up. The fans in the arena are booing as the referee makes the count. 1………………2……………… Orton rolls out. The fans cheer as Orton & Flair both climb back up to their feet. Flair goes for a right hand shot but Orton counters it and nails Flair with a left. Flair wobbles back and receives another shot to the face. Flair walks around the ring dazed and then falls flat on his face. The fans in the arena are going crazy. Orton climbs to the top rope and waits as Flair begins to pull himself back up. Flair stands up and turns right into a flying cross body from Orton. Orton doesn’t cover Flair and begins stalking him again. Triple H watches on this time as Flair gets up and turns around. RKO! Orton delivers the RKO to Flair and the fans go crazy. Triple H slides into the ring as Orton gets back up. Triple H blindsides Orton with a clothesline and the referee immediately calls for the bell. Randy Orton has won this match via DQ as Triple H is brutally assaulting Orton on the mat. Flair gets back to his feet and is eyeing off Triple H. Flair is shaking off the effects of the RKO and he looks pissed at Triple H. Triple H gets back to his feet and Flair begins to argue with him. Flair is arguing saying he was in control and he could have won the match. Triple H ignores Flair for the mean time and goes to beat on Orton some more. Triple H grabs Orton off the mat and goes for the Pedigree. SHELTON BENJAMIN comes charging down to the ring. Flair leaves the ring and Triple H lets go of Orton. Triple H meets Shelton in the ring and they exchange blows. Flair watches from the outside as Triple H and Shelton go at it. Orton sneaks up behind Triple H and nails him with a low blow. Shelton nails Triple H with The All About The Benjamins. Triple H is down and out cold. The fans in the arena are going wild as Ric Flair looks at Triple H and then walks up the ramp and into the backstage area. Flair just left Triple H high and dry in the middle of the ring. Shelton picks up Triple H and tells Orton to get up. Orton climbs back to his feet and grabs Triple H. Orton plants Triple H in the middle of the ring with an RKO! Randy Orton & Shelton Benjamin are both standing above Triple H and are eyeing each other off.

    Winner via DQ: Randy Orton

    OR:80 CR:84 MQ:74

    As WWE RAW goes off the air, Ric Flair has left Triple H in the ring to take a beating from Randy Orton & Shelton Benjamin as the fans cheer them on…

    Overall: 82%

    Television Rating: 5.74

  11. NBA Announces Suspensions From

    Pistons-Pacers Game

    NEW YORK, Nov. 21 -- The following suspensions were announced today by NBA Commissioner David Stern, resulting from the events during the Indiana Pacers at Detroit Pistons game on Nov. 19.

    Pacers forward Ron Artest has been suspended for the remainder of the season.

    Indiana guard Stephen Jackson has been suspended for 30 games.

    Pacers forward Jermaine O’Neal has been suspended for 25 games.

    Indiana guard Anthony Johnson has been suspended for five games.

    Detroit forward/center Ben Wallace has been suspended for six games.

    Pistons forwards Elden Campbell and Derrick Coleman and guard Chauncey Billups have each been suspended for one game for leaving the bench during an on-court altercation.

    Indiana guard Reggie Miller has been suspended for one game for leaving the bench during an on-court altercation.

    In announcing today’s actions Commissioner David Stern issued the following statement:

    “The penalties issued today deal only with one aspect of this incident – that of player misconduct. The actions of the players involved wildly exceeded the professionalism and self-control that should fairly be expected from NBA players. We must affirm that the NBA will strive to exemplify the best that can be offered by professional sports, and not allow our sport to be debased by what seem to be declining expectations for behavior of fans and athletes alike.

    “There are other issues that the NBA must urgently focus on at this time. First, we must redefine the bounds of acceptable conduct for fans attending our games and resolve to permanently exclude those who overstep those bounds. Participants in and around the court must be assured complete protection from unacceptable fan behavior. Second, we must re-examine the adequacy of our current security procedures in Detroit and our other 28 arenas. The actions at Friday’s game, though unprecedented, must now be factored into all efforts to guarantee the well-being of our fans. Third, we must develop and implement new NBA rules to assure that the unavoidable confrontations likely to occur in the heat of competition are not allowed to escalate to the level we witnessed on Friday even prior to the egregious behavior by individuals in the stands.”

  12. Just to try and get off the Piston/Pacers for a little while....

    ALL IT took was a four-game losing streak by the Raptors and some awkward play from Vince Carter to get the rumour mill running loudly again. Carter, who demanded a trade before the season began, yesterday was at the heart of a serious multi-player rumour involving the Raptors and the Portland Trail Blazers.

    According to sources, the two teams have discussed several possible combinations for a blockbuster swap that would see Carter head west, possibly with Jalen Rose and maybe even a couple of other players.

    Coming back would be Shareef Abdur-Rahim, along with a couple of teammates that might include Nick Van Exel, Derek Anderson and Vladimir Stepania.

    The most talked-about versions of the deal were Carter and Rose for Abdur-Rahim and either Van Exel or Anderson; and Carter, Rose and possibly another player for Abdur-Rahim, Anderson and Vladimir Stepania. Depending upon the ballast, a variety of similar scenarios could be made to fall within the salary-matching guidelines that are crucial to any NBA transaction.


    However, if things bog down, the most simple deal to make would be Carter for Abdur-Rahim.

    According to sources, the machinations were continuing late last night, with the Blazers essentially waiting for the Raptors to decide if they want to proceed.

    Meanwhile, the Blazers obviously quietly were looking for some sort of assurance from Carter that he won't balk at the deal, since his representatives indicated in the past that he is not keen on a move to the Western Conference.

    However, there's a good chance Carter will be willing to go west this time, if it comes down to it.

    New Raptors coach Sam Mitchell has not been shy about benching Carter at crucial junctures. The team isn't running many plays for him and he largely has been ineffective at the defensive end.

    "I don't make comments on trade talks," said Raptors general manager Rob Babcock, adopting the same mantra as his predecessor, Glen Grunwald. "You'll have to figure this one out for yourself."

    That certainly falls far short of confirmation, but Babcock also did nothing to throw cold water on the rumour, which first was reported by a Portland radio station. Blazers GM John Nash also declined to comment on specifics.

    As word of the rumour spread around the league, there also were rumblings that some other teams might be interested in at least talking to the Raptors about Carter before Toronto decides to ship him elsewhere.

    Looking at the potential swap simply as a talent-for-talent endeavour, it might appear the Raptors would be coming out on the short end. However, the advantage of acquiring Abdur-Rahim and Anderson would be that both players are in the final years of their contracts, which would aid the Raptors' salary-cap situation next summer.

    Keep in mind, however, the Raptors currently are well over the cap, and there aren't scheduled to be many marquee free agents in 2005.

    If the Raptors made the deal, they would have to sell it to their fans that they're going to rebuild around Chris Bosh, who many believe is a franchise player-in-waiting.

    From the Blazers' perspective, they don't want to keep Abdur-Rahim beyond this season, but they don't necessarily want to lose him for nothing, either. What's more, the Blazers have been struggling a little at the gate, and Carter might provide a bump in that regard, at least in the short term.

  13. living in australia... I witnessed the game on ESPN earlier and because i hate Indiana & Detroit i wont be too biased on the whole thing...

    After watching replays after replays on sportscenter and everything... I still do not see how Artest was attempting to play at the ball when he fouled Wallace... I do believe that Wallace reacted as any normal person would if they were losing at home by that much but i DO think it was a flagrant foul, because if you watch the foul, one arm is up in the air and the other is been cracked into the back of Wallace's head... I really dont see how that is making a play for the ball...

    Just like everyone is whinging about players entering the stands, i dont see why fans should be entering the court either... They are both exactly the same thing...

    I do think it was the fans fault that everything erupted and not the players themselves. I am by no means saying what the players did was right cause they probably shouldnt have done it. However i know if i was in the same position i would wanna kick someones ass if they threw shit at me for nothing really...

    The fans involved in throwing stuff at Artest & O'Neal were dispicable and i believe they should be banned from The Palace for life...

    Artest, Jackson & O'Neal will serve suspensions but i do believe they only deserve 3-5 games suspensions maybe Stephen Jackson with a little more as he had no real reason for entering the stands to beat on the fans other than sticking up for Artest...

    I dont really see any need for people to be charged here but i think the NBA really needs to take a step back and look at the security issues they have in arenas...

    On another more satisfying note, how great are my Phoenix Suns doing? I think they have what it takes to bring them to the conference finals this season, if not further...

  14. yeah its true... been in australia sucks... however i got the region 1 dvd set of the first season of The O.C and i have downloaded both episodes that have aired thus far in the second season... So im not too worried... We wont get season 2 over here until next year because once The O.C finishes here next week, that new show, "One Tree Hill" begins in the time slot of the OC...

    Has anyone seen One Tree Hill before? Is it any good?

  15. WWE Smackdown!

    March 31st, 2005

    WWE Smackdown! Opens up with the same video vignette that aired on RAW about Vince & Linda McMahon… After this vignette stops we see some highlights from WrestleMania 21 where John Cena won the WWE Championship from Kurt Angle… The fans went wild when they saw this video… Pyrotechnics exploded from the huge fist and WWE Smackdown! Hit the air…

    ~Here Comes The Money~

    Shane McMahon’s music hits loud over the titantron and Shane McMahon appears on the stage. The fans go crazy when they see Shane McMahon walking down to the ring. Shane gets into the ring and starts dancing around whilst the fans cheer for him. Shane McMahon gets handed a microphone and he looks to speak…

    Shane McMahon: Wow, it feels good to be on Smackdown! I’ve got a few things to talk about tonight… First thing, tonight’s show will be ran by yours truly… Next up, you people may be wondering why I have this steel cage in the arena above my head tonight… Well it’s simple, tonight John Cena has asked for another match with Kurt Angle… It will be for the WWE Championship and it WILL be inside this steel cage… Now I know I told you I would be running the show tonight but that doesn’t mean that I will be running the show from here on out… You see I’ve organized a new General Manager for this spot and he will take over the reigns as of next week on Smackdown! You see, you people might not like this guy and I know I sure as hell don’t like this guy, but he did manage to pull RAW out of the ground for a little while and make it an interesting show… Yeah, you people have guessed it, ERIC BISCHOFF! Don’t be sad though, because what Eric Bischoff doesn’t know is that I have appointed another General Manger for Smackdown! Because after Bischoff was fired from RAW, I thought hmmm he might try and sabotage Smackdown!, well he wont be doing that because ladies and gentlemen, the co-GM of Smackdown!, DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE!

    The fans go crazy when they here that announcement. ~I’m Back~ Eric Bischoff’s music hits and he appears on the stage and he has a pissed off look on his face. Eric Bischoff storms down to the ring. Eric Bischoff gets right into Shane McMahon’s face. Suddenly a fan from the crowd gets past security and jumps into the ring. The fan tackles Bischoff into the ground and begins to pound away at him. Security gets into the ring and pulls the fan off of Bischoff. Security rough handles the man to the backstage area where he will be charged. Bischoff gets up and has an even pissed look on his face. Bischoff gets a microphone giving to him.

    Eric Bischoff: What the hell do you think your doing Shane? You gave me the spot of General Manager, NOT DDP!

    Shane McMahon: Actually I gave both of you the job…

    Eric Bischoff: I don’t care what you did Shane… You are going to reverse it and only give me, the general manager position…

    Shane McMahon: You want to know why I appointed two GMs Eric… It’s because you eventually ran RAW into the ground… I don’t want that to happen again… So this way I have a guy who can watch out for the best interests of Smackdown! Now if you will excuse me, I have some business to attend to in the back…

    ~Here Comes The Money~ Shane McMahon drops his microphone as the fans go crazy for the announcements made by Shane McMahon. Shane McMahon leaves Eric Bischoff standing in the middle of the ring with a confused look on his face…

    Rating: 92%

    Rob Van Dam is walking around in his locker room backstage. Suddenly the light in the locker room turns off and a blue-ish light comes on. RVD has a scared look on his face as smoke starts to fill the room. RVD quickly looks around to find the door but smoke fills the room and nobody can see anything. The smoke clears and the light comes back on as the fans cheer. RVD is on the ground, hiding under a table from, who everyone believes is, THE UNDERTAKER…

    Rating: 79%

    Rico vs Funaki

    Kaientai’s old music hits and Funaki appears on the stage. Funaki comes out on to the stage and begins to walk down to the ring. Funaki is waving at the fans as he slides into the ring and waits for his opponent. Rico’s music hits and Rico appears on the stage. Rico has an upset look on his face as the fans continue to boo him. Rico comes down to the ring and walks up to Funaki. It seems as though Rico is explaining something to Funaki. Funaki turns around to walk away and a smile bursts out on Rico’s face. Rico nails Funaki from behind in the back of the head with a vicious spin kick. Funaki is down and looks out cold. Rico covers Funaki and the referee makes the count. 1……………2………………3! Rico picks up the win over Funaki and the fans in the arena are disgusted by this attitude change in Rico. Rico rolls to the outside of the ring and grabs a steel chair. The fans are booing wildly as Rico slides back into the ring with the steel chair. Rico is lining up Funaki with the steel chair and the fans are booing. CHARLIE HAAS comes running down to the ring with Miss Jackie and the WWE US Championship over her shoulder. The fans in the arena go wild. Haas slides into the ring and Rico slides out and has a huge smirk on his face. Rico walks up the ramp and into the backstage area. Rico is looking Haas up and down as he walks into the backstage area. Haas & Jackie help a helpless Funaki back to his feet as the fans cheer Haas on.

    Winner: Rico

    OR:80 CR:66 MQ:95

    Billy Kidman’s theme music hits and the fans let out their boos. Billy Kidman appears on the stage and he is in street gear. Kidman comes down to the ring and he has a sour look on his face. Kidman gets into the ring, ignoring the growing boos from the fans. Kidman grabs a microphone as he has something to say…

    Billy Kidman: All you rednecks better shut up… SHUT UP I SAID! This is the kind of attitude that gets you people nowhere… I on the other hand have a positive attitude that will take me to far places… Eddie Guerrero, shows the same attitude that you losers show… He got lucky at WrestleMania, when he pinned me in that six man tag team match… Very lucky… If he didn’t cheat though, he wouldn’t have got that victory over me… Eddie, you were the poorest excuse of a WWE Champion last year… You know you were, everyone here knows you were… I know for a fact that I can beat you, anytime, anywhere… I know your watching this in the back Eddie… I went and saw Shane McMahon and he has granted me a match for tonight… Eddie, you need to find yourself a tag team partner because tonight… It will be you and your partner versus me and my partner… You understand homie or is it HOMO! Just be ready because I will show you that I am no KID… MAN!

    Billy Kidman drops his microphone and he has a huge smirk on his face. The fans in the arena are disgusted at the insults thrown towards Eddie Guerrero from Billy Kidman and continue to boo Kidman…

    Rating: 76%

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship

    Shannon Moore © vs Spike Dudley

    Spike Dudley came down to the ring on his own for this contest and the fans booed him every step of the way. Spike Dudley got into the ring as Shannon Moore’s music comes from the titantron. Shannon Moore has won his past 21 matches in a row and doesn’t look like stopping tonight. Shannon Moore is the man who upset Spike Dudley for the Cruiserweight belt back at the rumble. Shannon Moore appears on the stage with the WWE Cruiserweight Championship around his waist. Shannon Moore walks down to the ring whilst the fans are cheering him on. Moore gets into the ring and poses with the belt. Moore hands the belt over to the referee and gets blasted from behind by Spike. Spike drives Moore into the mat with a reverse DDT. Spike quickly covers the champion as well and the referee makes the count. 1…………2… Moore gets his shoulder up. Spike gets back to his feet and stomps on the fallen Moore before climbing to the second rope. Spike leaps off the second rope and drops an elbow firmly into the chest of Moore. Spike gets back to his feet with a smirk on his face. Spike picks up Moore up off the ground and whips him into the corner. Moore hits the corner hard and bounces back out of it. Spike grabs Moore around the head and attempts a Dudley Dog but Moore reverses it and drops Spike throat first onto the top rope. Moore jumps up onto the top turnbuckle and the fans are going crazy. Spike turns around and Moore leaps off. Moore nails Spike Dudley with the Moore-Gasm! The fans go crazy as Moore hooks the leg and the referee makes the count. 1………………2…………………3! Shannon Moore retains the WWE Cruiserweight Championship after defeating Spike Dudley for his 22nd straight win. Shannon Moore gets the belt from the referee and climbs to the second rope. Shannon Moore begins celebrating with the title whilst the fan go crazy. AKIO enters the ring behind Moore without him noticing. As Moore gets off the second rope, Akio leaps up and nails him with a jumping kick to the face. Moore is down as Akio leaves the ring. The fans in the arena are booing wildly after Akio just attacked Moore for no reason. Akio walks into the backstage area whilst Moore is laying down in the ring holding his jaw.

    Winner & Still WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Shannon Moore

    OR:69 CR:63 MQ:75

    The F.B.I are walking around the backstage area and chatting to different people as they walk past. Out of nowhere Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak appear and lay out Nunzio & Stamboli with vicious tag team championship belt shots to the face. Reigns and Jindrak have huge smirks on their faces as they continue to stomp away at the fallen F.B.I. The fans in the arena are booing wildly. EMTs and officials rush over and pull Luther & Jindrak away from Nunzio & Stamboli. They walk away with huge smiles on their faces as they leave the F.B.I a bloody mess…

    Rating: 71%

    Eddie Guerrero & ??? vs Billy Kidman & ???

    Viva La Rasta. Eddie Guerrero’s music hits and he appears on the stage. Eddie points back towards the entrance way as Rey Mysterio appears. Rey Mysterio will be Eddie’s partner in this contest. Eddie & Rey both come down to the ring high-fiving the fans and celebrating as they cheered them on. Billy Kidman’s theme interrupts their celebrations though as Billy appears on the stage. Kidman doesn’t come out alone though as Carlito appears behind him. Kidman & Carlito come down to the ring and begin taunting Eddie & Rey. Eddie & Rey come over the top rope and land on Kidman & Carlito. Kidman & Carlito are down. Eddie & Rey pick them both up and roll them into the ring. Eddie immediately begins to pound on Kidman as the referee starts the match. Eddie picks Kidman and whips him into the corner. Kidman reverses it and sends Eddie into the corner. Kidman quickly scoots out of the ring under the bottom rope. The fans begin to boo as Carlito looks at him in amazement. Kidman walks up the ramp way whilst Eddie & Rey Mysterio look on in the middle of the ring. Carlito follows his partner up the ramp. The referee makes the count and counts out Kidman & Carlito. Eddie & Rey are begging Kidman & Carlito back into the ring but they don’t come back. They both walk into the backstage area whilst the fans are booing them. Eddie & Rey climb up to the top turnbuckles and celebrate as the referee awards them the match.

    Winners: Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio

    OR:79 CR:80 MQ:79

    Shane McMahon is standing in his office when there is a knock on the door…

    Shane McMahon: Come In…

    The door opens and Diamond Dallas Page steps into the office…

    Shane McMahon: Hello Mr. Page… Welcome to your new office…

    DDP: Thank you for the opportunity Shane… I will make sure Bischoff keeps Smackdown! In check…

    DDP reaches out and shakes hands with Shane McMahon… Shane McMahon walks out of the office and leaves DDP alone in his office… Once Shane leaves DDP gets a huge smile across his face… The fans go crazy when they see that DDP is settling in…

    Rating: 90%

    Paul London vs John Bradshaw Layfield

    Paul London came down to the ring to his music and the fans cheered him on. London looked ready to go for this contest as the fans gave him all the support he needed. London gets into the ring as JBL’s music hits. JBL appears on the stage and he has a huge grin on his face. JBL looks down at the ring and points at London and begins to laugh. JBL is laughing at the fact that he has to face Paul London. JBL gets as far as ringside before London comes from the very top rope with a picture perfect shooting star press. JBL gets knocked off his feet and London gets up and slides back into the ring. JBL gets up quickly and is shocked. JBL goes to climb into the ring but London nails him with a baseball slide. As he does this the referee starts the match. JBL gets back to his feet and rolls into the ring. London runs across the ring and as JBL stands up, London blasts him in the face with a dropkick. JBL falls backwards into the corner. London runs and splashes JBL in the corner. JBL is still in the corner dazed when London grabs his head and begins to slam it repeatedly into the turnbuckle. JBL stumbles out of the corner and London grabs him and puts him into the mat with a tornado DDT. The fans are going crazy as London drops down and covers JBL. 1…………………2…………………… JBL kicks out. The fans in the arena boo loudly as they thought London was about to get the win over JBL. London gets back to his feet and climbs to the top rope. London waits as JBL groggily gets back to his feet. JBL gets up and turns around as London comes off the top rope. London goes for a double axe handle but JBL nails London in the face with a boot. JBL drops to the mat and tries to recover from the assault from London. JBL gets up just as London does. JBL goes to nail London with a vicious clothesline but London ducks underneath it and runs off the ropes. London turns around and WHAM! CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! JBL connects with the Clothesline From Hell to London. JBL drops down and covers London and the fans boo as the referee counts. 1………………2………………3! JBL gets the victory over London after London had JBL down for the majority of the match. JBL gets up and leaves the ring quickly. JBL walks up the ramp way and keeps looking back in the ring at London in shock. JBL leaves with London getting back to his feet and the fans cheering him on for his efforts.

    Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield

    OR:80 CR:81 MQ:80

    Shane McMahon is shown walking out of the arena in the backstage area. There is a bunch of police officers outside the arena and they are taking away the fan from earlier in the night. Before the police car pulls out Shane McMahon stops the car. Shane taps on the window and tells the officers to keep the kid at the station until he and a lawyer gets to the station. Shane & the kid in the back of the car lock eyes as the police car pulls out of the arena. Shane McMahon stands there and watches the car drive out of the arena and he has a look on his face that makes him look as if he has thought of something.

    Rating: 94%

    WWE Championship Steel Cage Match

    John Cena © vs Kurt Angle

    Medal hits and the fans begin to boo loudly. Kurt Angle appears on the stage and begins motioning to the crowd that he would win back the belt tonight. Angle walks down to the ring with pyrotechnics going off behind him everywhere. Angle gets into the ring with the fans booing him and the cage begins to get lowered around him. Angle is waiting as WORD LIFE blasts throughout the arena. The fans go crazy as John Cena’s music hits. John Cena appears on the stage with the WWE Championship belt around his waist. John Cena walks calmly down to the ring. Cena opens the steel door and gets into the ring. Cena takes off the championship belt and holds it in front of Angle before handing it to the referee. Cena gets right in Angle’s face and Angle retaliates with a slap to the face. Cena comes back and takes down Angle and nails him hard in the face with a couple of blows. Angle rolls over and Cena is under Angle now. Angle applies and arm bar to Cena and continues to put the pressure to Cena. The winner though can only escape the cage and the first person to achieve that will be the WWE Champion. Angle lets go of the arm bar and quickly puts Cena in the Angle Lock. Cena begins to writhe in pain but won’t tap out, even though tapping out wont lose him the match. Angle lets go of Cena’s ankle and begins to walk over to the door. Cena manages to get up and nails Angle before he can leave the ring. Cena grabs Angle and begins to brawl with him in the corner. Angle counters and throws Cena in the corner. Angle nails Cena with some rights before nailing him with a suplex out of the corner. Angle picks up Cena and goes to throw him into the cage but Cena reverses it and sends Angle crashing into the side of the steel cage. Angle bounces back towards Cena groggily. Cena grabs Angle again and throws him into the opposite side of the cage. Angle bounces off the cage and hits the mat hard. Blood begins to flow from the forehead of Angle and the fans are going crazy. Cena grabs Angle and lifts him up. Angle counters Cena as he lifts him up and plants him into the mat with an Angle Slam! Both men are down in the ring and the fans are going crazy. One Of A Kind hits and the fans begin booing like crazy. RVD appears on the stage and he has a smug look on his face. RVD comes running down to the ring and begins to climb the side of the cage. RVD gets to the top of the cage and the fans are booing him. RVD leaps from the top of the cage and nailed John Cena with a 5 STAR FROG SPLASH! RVD climbs back to his feet whilst clutching at his gut after the huge move. BONG! The Undertaker’s music hits and the fans go nuts. The Undertaker appears and is slowly coming down to the ring. RVD is watching from the ring and looks almost frightened. The Undertaker comes down to the ring and goes to enter through the door but RVD blocks it. Kurt Angle climbs back to his feet with blood everywhere and goes to leave through the door but RVD won’t let him open it. Angle grabs RVD and plants him with a German suplex. The fans in the arena go crazy. The Undertaker climbs into the ring through the door. Kurt Angle turns around and sees Taker. Taker responds by grabbing Kurt around the neck and planting him into the mat with a Chokeslam. The Undertaker picks RVD up off the mat and hoists him over his shoulder. The Undertaker delivers the Tombstone to RVD and the fans go nuts. Smoke starts filling the ring and when it all clears, The Undertaker is no where to be seen. The fans are going nuts as both Cena and Angle climb back to their feet. Angle quickly springs up and grabs Cena and looks for the Angle Slam but Cena counters it and grabs Angle. Cena plants Angle into the mat with an FU! The fans go crazy. Cena gets back up slowly and makes his way to the door. Cena stumbles out the door and to the outside. The fans in the arena go crazy as the bell sounds and the referee awards the match to John Cena. John Cena has defeated Kurt Angle for the second time in two weeks to hold onto the WWE Championship. John Cena grabs his WWE Championship belt and falls to the ground with it. Cena looks into the ring and sees both RVD & Angle down in the middle of the ring. Cena has the WWE Championship and the fans are cheering him on.

    Winner & Still WWE Champion: John Cena

    OR:85 CR:90 MQ:75

    As WWE Smackdown! Goes off the air, John Cena is holding the WWE Championship whilst posing and celebrating his win with the fans in the arena…

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Television Rating: 5.37

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