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Posts posted by phatman


    NWA:TNA have just announced that they have released Raven from his contract.

    Raven's contract would expire in three months with them and they didnt feel that he could continue to bring in fans afer his contract expired.

    Sources within the WWE have informed me that both Shane & Stephanie McMahon would like to get in contact with Raven about possibly signing a short term deal with the WWE. If this deal was to go through both Raven and the WWE would have to come up with something that was better than Raven's last efforts with the company otherwise this deal would be worthless.

    Expect some deal between the two sides to be worked out as Raven still has a lot left to give in his career.

    This is not the only piece of news we have for today. Booker T, who suffered an injury back at Armageddon which put him on the shelf until June has announced he will be retiring at the end of May. No news has been given to anyone except Shane & Stephanie at the moment as to why he is retiring. WWE would like to offer him a job in the backstage as a Road Agent but nothing is set in stone at the moment.

    We will keep you posted on both these interesting news articles throughout the week as well as many other issues in the world of wrestling.

  2. WWE RAW

    March 28th, 2005

    WWE RAW opens up with a huge video vignette… The vignette covers the career and life of Vince McMahon & Linda McMahon… The video goes for a good ten minutes before it closes with a Rest In Peace symbol to both McMahon’s... Pyrotechnics explode and WWE RAW hits the air live on Spike TV…


    Evolution by Motorhead hits throughout the arena and the fans boo like mad… Triple H appears on the stage with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Belt over his shoulder and Ric Flair by his side… Triple H & Ric Flair strut down to the ring with big smirks on their faces and the fans show their disgust… Triple H & Ric Flair jump into the ring and Triple H grabs a microphone…

    Triple H: Well, Well, WELL… Look who still has the WWE World HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP firmly around his waist… I told all you morons that I would keep my belt at WrestleMania and that’s exactly what happened… isn’t it naitch?

    Ric Flair: Damn straight it is… The champ is still in the house… WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    Triple H: That’s not the only reason why Evolution is in a good mood… You see last week Eric Bischoff was fired from RAW and that leaves no one in charge except EVOLUTION… Evolution WILL run the show, whether you like it or not…

    Shelton Benjamin’s theme music interrupts Triple H and the fans go crazy… Shelton Benjamin makes his way out onto the stage and he has a microphone in his hand…

    Shelton Benjamin: Yo, shut the hell up… You might be the champ at the moment but that still doesn’t make me like you… As a matter of fact I still haven’t seen anything to make you worthy of being the champ at the moment and I think your nothing more than a CHUMP…

    Triple H: You’ve got some real nerve coming out here and telling me that… I think you should bring your ass down to this ring and ill show you why I am the champ…

    Shelton Benjamin drops his microphone and begins to walk down to the ring when… RANDY ORTON’S music hits… Randy Orton appears on the stage and the fans go wild with cheers… Orton picks up Shelton’s microphone and begins to talk…

    Randy Orton: Shelton, at WrestleMania you cost me the WWE World Heavyweight Championship when you interfered in the match but you do make a very clear point… Triple H, Flair, you two cowards are standing in the ring like you own it… I know for a fact that half the locker room is ready to rip your throats out at any given moment… You know though, there is two men in front of you that would do just about anything to take that title off of your waist…

    Triple H: Anything… Sorry son, there is nothing you can do to take this belt from around my waist… NOTHING…

    ~Here Comes The Money~

    Shane McMahon’s music hits loud throughout the arena… The fans go crazy as they hear his music and they are all wondering what he is doing here… Shane McMahon walks out on the stage and greets Randy Orton… Shane McMahon has a microphone in his hand and he looks to speak…

    Shane McMahon: I was sitting in the back and Triple H, I heard you say that Evolution is running RAW now…

    Triple H: Your damn right we are…

    Shane McMahon: Well think again Hunter… There is no chance in hell I would leave RAW in your hands… You see I’ve already appointed a new General Manager of RAW…

    Triple H: WHAT?

    Shane McMahon: You heard me… Before I give the power of RAW to this person though, there is a match that I would like to make for tonight… Seeing as though RAW still has no main event… I think we should have ourselves a little tag team contest… Tonight in that ring we will see Triple H & Ric Flair take on the team of Randy Orton & Shelton Benjamin…

    The crowd goes wild when they hear that match announced…

    Triple H: You think your smart don’t you Shane… You think that Evolution will be tamed by some new General Manager, well… YOUR WRONG… Evolution doesn’t back down from anybody…

    Shane McMahon: We’ll see, won’t we… Ladies and Gentlemen… The NEW RAW General Manager… TED DIBIASE!!!

    ~Million Dollar Inc.~

    Ted DiBiase’s music blasts over the titantron and the fans go crazy… DiBiase struts out onto the stage and he shakes hands with Shane McMahon and looks Randy Orton up and down before shaking his hand… Shane McMahon leaves and gives DiBiase the microphone…

    Ted DiBiase: Hello Boys… It seems we have a little problem out here, now don’t we… Triple H I think it is about time you need a little reality check… You wont control RAW as long as I am the General Manager… You hear me boy…

    Triple H: You can come out here and claim that you run the show but you know damn well you cant control me…

    Ted DiBiase: Is that right son… There’s a Pay Per View coming up called WWE Backlash… Well I’ve just cancelled that Pay Per View and made a new one… WWE BETRAYAL… You know what Triple H… I’ve just figured out the perfect main event for Betrayal… You WILL be defending the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in a Fatal Fourway Match against Shelton Benjamin, Randy Orton & just to even out the sides, RIC FLAIR…

    Triple H: WHAT? DiBiase, you cant make that match… Flair will never be apart of it…

    Ted DiBiase: Actually, he will be apart of it… Because if he doesn’t… Ric Flair will be FIRED on the spot… Let this be the beginning of something great wont you boys… Now to all the boys in the back… I will be a fair General Manager, and ill say one more thing… Whoever said Money Can’t Buy You Happiness, was either messing with you or really STUPID, because with Ted DiBiase, MONEY CAN AND WILL BUY YOU HAPPINESS…

    Money Inc. hits again and the fans in the arena begin to cheer as Ted DiBiase drops his microphone and disappears into the backstage area… Triple H & Ric Flair stare at each other in the middle of the ring in disbelief whilst Randy Orton & Shelton Benjamin have smirks on their faces…

    Rating: 95%

    Stacy Keibler is walking around the backstage area with the WWE Women’s Championship Belt around her waist… Stacy Keibler walks around the corner and bumps into Molly Holly…

    Molly Holly: Watch where your going air-head…

    Stacy Keibler: Sorry, you were the one with your head down though…

    Molly Holly: Wow, you think because you’re the WWE Women’s Champion you can do whatever you want… Well that’s not true… You better watch your back miss… There’ll be a lot of girls out to get you now…

    Stacy Keibler: I’m sure I can handle myself…

    Molly Holly smirks as Stacy Keibler goes to walk off… Stacy gets past Molly before Molly nails her… Molly grabs Stacy and throws her into the wall… Stacy bounces off the wall hard and lands face first on the concrete… Stacy Keibler is down and out… Molly Holly walks away dusting off her hands and the fans in the arena are booing wildly… The WWE Women’s Champion has been laid out by Molly Holly…

    Rating: 81%

    Matt Hardy vs Batista

    Twist Of Fate hits and the fans go crazy. Matt Hardy appears on the stage and he looks prepared for a fight. Matt Hardy comes charging down to the ring and the fans cheer him every step of the way. Matt Hardy runs into the ring and has a smirk on his face as Evolution’s music hits. Batista appears on the stage and he looks all business. Batista comes down to the ring and Matt jumps over the top rope and lands on top of Batista. Matt grabs Batista’s head and begins to viciously slam it into the floor. Matt Hardy gets off Batista and rolls into the ring. The referee rings the bell and the match officially starts. Batista pulls himself up and rolls into the ring under the bottom rope. Matt pounces on Batista and nails him with some rights and lefts. Batista shrugs off Matt Hardy which causes boos from the fans. Batista climbs back to his feet and dodges a dropkick attempt from Matt Hardy. Matt gets back to his feet and Batista nails him with a huge clothesline. Matt Hardy hits the mat with brute force and looks to be dazed. Batista grabs Matt Hardy off the mat and hoists him into the air. Batista plants Matt into the mat with a deadly spinebuster. Batista covers Matt Hardy and the referee makes the count. 1……………2……………… Matt Hardy just sneaks his shoulder up in time. Batista gets back to his feet and eyes off the referee. Batista grabs Matt Hardy and is suddenly stunned as Matt grabs him and plants him into the mat with a Twist Of Fate. Both Batista and Matt Hardy are down. The fans are chanting Hardy as they try to revive him. Matt starts to get back to his feet when MAVEN enters the ring through the crowd. Matt turns around and sees Maven in the ring. Matt has a confused look on his face. Maven walks up to Matt and grabs him. Maven shocks Matt and plants him into the mat with a vicious DDT. The referee calls for the bell and disqualifies Batista. Matt Hardy picks up the win. Batista gets back to his feet and smiles towards Maven. Maven grabs Matt off the mat and throws him towards Batista. Batista catches him and sets him up. SITOUT POWERBOMB! Batista drives Matt Hardy into the mat with the Sit-Out Powerbomb and the fans are booing in disgust. Batista grabs Maven’s arm and holds it high into the air. As he does this TEST comes running down the ramp. Batista & Maven both high tail it out of the ring as Test slides in. Batista & Maven walk up the ramp and into the backstage area with smirks as the fans in the arena cheer Test for making the save for his friend Matt Hardy.

    Winner via DQ: Matt Hardy

    OR:80 CR:81 MQ:81

    Chris Benoit is shown on the titantron and he is watching the footage from WrestleMania 21… We see Kane pick him up and slam him into the mat with a Chokeslam before pinning him and getting the three count… The fans are cheering as Kane is victorious… Chris Benoit grabs the TV set and throws it on the ground… There is an explosion and as the TV set his the ground… Benoit is standing there with a angry look on his face… The fans in the arena have no idea what is going on in the head of Chris Benoit…

    Rating: 83%

    The Hurricane vs Tyson Tomko

    Stand Back… There’s a Hurricane Coming Through. The Hurricane’s music hits and the fans in the arena go crazy. The Hurricane appears on the stage and he has Tajiri by his side. The Hurricane & Tajiri are wearing the WWE World Tag Team Championships as they walk down to the ring and the fans cheering them on. The Hurricane’s music is interrupted though as Tyson Tomko’s begins. The fans let out their disgust through boos as Tomko appears on the stage with his tag team partner, Chuck Palumbo. Tomko & Chuck cockily walk down to the ring. Tomko slides into the ring and gets right into The Hurricane’s face. Tyson slaps The Hurricane and the match begins. The Hurricane retaliates and tries to clothesline Tomko but ends up knocking himself down. Tyson grabs The Hurricane off the mat and nails him in the gut with a boot. Tyson sets up Hurricane for a Powerbomb but The Hurricane counters it and rolls off the back of Tomko. Tomko turns around and Hurricane nails him with a dropkick to the face. Tomko backs up against the ropes and The Hurricane runs through and nails him with another huge dropkick. Tomko falls over the top rope and lands on the outside just in front of Tajiri. Tomko quickly gets back to his feet with a look of shock on his face and the fans are going crazy. Tomko notices Tajiri and steps into his face. Tomko begins laughing as Tajiri doesn’t back down. Tomko turns to walk away but changes his mind and spins back quickly. Tomko nails Tajiri with a Yakuza Kick and the fans in the arena begin booing. The Hurricane comes off the top rope and splashes Tomko. Chuck Palumbo runs around the ring to check on his partner. The Hurricane begins to argue with Chuck Palumbo. Tyson gets back to his feet and slides into the ring. Tomko has the referee distracted as The Hurricane tries to re-enter the ring. Palumbo grabs him and throws him into the steel ring post. The Hurricane hits it hard and flies into the barricade. Chuck begins to laugh as he grabs Hurricane and rolls him back into the ring. Tomko grabs Hurricane off the mat and plants him in the middle of the ring with a Tombstone. Tomko covers The Hurricane and the referee makes the count. 1…………………2…………………3! Tyson Tomko wins the match thanks to help from his tag team partner, Chuck Palumbo. The fans in the arena are booing crazily as Tomko & Palumbo celebrate in the middle of the ring.

    Winner: Tyson Tomko

    OR:77 CR:71 MQ:84

    Backstage we see Steven Richards walking out of Ted DiBiase’s office with a huge grin on his face… As Richards walks past we get a glimpse into DiBiase’s office and we see him there fanning himself with a wad of money and a huge grin on his face… What the hell was that all about… The fans are booing as they think Steven Richards is up to no good…

    Rating: 82%

    WWE Intercontinental Championship

    Val Venis © vs William Regal

    William Regal’s music hits and the fans begin booing him. This is the man that ended Eugene’s career at the Royal Rumble after turning his back on the youngster and costing him a match against Ric Flair in a loser leaves town match. Regal appears on the stage and he begins waving to the fans which prompts more boos than cheers. Regal comes down to the ring and begins shadow boxing. HELLOOOO LADIES! Val Venis’ music erupts and the fans go crazy. Val Venis appears on the stage and he has the WWE Intercontinental Championship Belt around his waist. The fans go crazy and most of them are the female ones. Venis gets into the ring and begins to gyrate as he removes his towel. Regal has enough and attacks Venis whilst he is removing his towel. Regal begins to kick at the fallen Venis. Regal applies pressure to the shoulder of Venis with an arm bar. Venis reaches with his free arm and grabs the ropes to break up the submission. Regal continues to hold on though until the referee pulls him off at the 5 count. Regal gets back to his feet and begins to argue with the referee. Venis climbs up and Regal nails him in the face with a forearm shot. Venis flies towards the corner and hits it hard. Regal runs and nails Venis in the corner with a clothesline. Regal grabs Venis and nails him with a suplex out of the corner. Regal covers and gets the count. 1……………2…………… Venis gets his shoulder up at the last second. Regal gets back to his feet and turns away from the referee. Regal pulls a pair of brass knucks out of his trunks. The fans begin to boo like crazy. Regal begins to stalk Venis as he starts climbing back to his feet. Venis gets up and turns around. Regal lines him up and goes for the Power Of The Punch but Venis ducks out of the way. Regal turns around in shock and Venis grabs him. Fisherman’s Suplex delivered from Venis to Regal. Venis has the leg hooked and the referee counts. 1………………2………………3! Venis retains the Intercontinental Championship. Venis gets up and the referee hands him his belt. Steven Richards comes running down the ramp way and the fans are booing wildly. Venis turns around to leave the ring but gets blasted with the Steven Kick. Venis is out cold in the center of the ring. Richards picks up the WWE Intercontinental Championship Belt and poses with it. The fans in the arena are booing wildly though and Richards just smiles at then as he holds the belt. Richards throws the belt down on Venis before leaving to a monstrous amount of heat.

    Winner & Still WWE Intercontinental Champion: Val Venis

    OR:78 CR:68 MQ:88

    Shawn Michaels is shown backstage on his cell phone and the fans give him a huge cheer…

    Shawn Michaels: Nice… Yeah, I haven’t had any problems since WrestleMania… It seems like I’m in the clear… Really… You’ll be here next week… Awesome, yeah ill be here to greet you man…

    Suddenly Edge appears from nowhere and cracks Shawn Michaels in the back of the skull with a wild chair shot… Shawn Michaels falls to the ground and looks to be in a serious amount of pain… Edge has a sick and twisted look on his face as he begins laying into HBK’s legs with the chair… Shawn Michaels is down and in a serious world of hurt as the fans are booing the actions of Edge…

    Edge: No Shawn, you wont be here next week… I’ve just been and seen Ted DiBiase… He has signed another match for Betrayal… Edge versus Shawn Michaels… I’m finally going to take care of your career and put you out of commission for good… These people don’t want to see you, they want ME!

    Edge drives the steel chair into the face of Shawn Michaels… The fans in the arena boo and begin an asshole chant as Edge drops the steel chair and walks away with a smile on his face…

    Rating: 99%

    Chris Jericho vs Maven

    5…4.36…3.25…2.01…1…0… BANG… Break The Walls Down… Chris Jericho’s music hits throughout the arena and the fans go absolutely nuts. Jericho appears at the top of the stage as the lights come back on. Jericho turns around and begins to walk down the ramp. Suddenly RHYNO comes running out onto the ramp and nails Jericho from behind with a wicked GORE~! Jericho is down and his back is in a serious amount of trouble following the Gore. Rhyno picks Jericho up off the ground and then slams him hard into the steel ramp again. Jericho is down and rolling around on the ramp in pain. Jericho begins to climb back to his feet and the fans are booing the actions of Rhyno. Jericho gets up and Rhyno grabs him and whips him into the steel barricades. Rhyno has a sick smirk on his face as he picks up Jericho off the ground. Rhyno charges Jericho backwards into the side of the ring. Jericho’s back torques against the ring and the fans don’t like what they are seeing. Rhyno picks Jericho up off the floor and nails him with a boot to the gut. Rhyno drives Jericho into the floor on the outside with a vicious jumping piledriver. Jericho is out cold as Rhyno scrapes him off the floor and rolls him into the ring. Maven cockily comes running down to the ring. Maven starts bouncing around the ring like he has done all the work. Maven places a foot on the chest of Jericho and the fans begin to boo. There is nothing the referee can do except make the count. 1……………2………………3! Maven takes the win over Jericho here and the fans hate it. Rhyno completely destroyed Jericho before the match even began. Why did Rhyno do that? What does Rhyno have against Jericho? Maven leaves the ring to the boos of the fans as EMTs rush out to check on Jericho.

    Winner: Maven

    OR:86 CR:89 MQ:81

    Kane & Lita are shown backstage in a locker room and the fans cheer loudly…

    Lita: You would never believe who I just spoke too… Matt came and saw me…

    Kane: He wouldn’t want to have touched you…

    Lita: No don’t worry he didn’t… He just wished us all the best and told me, that there were bigger things happening in the WWE than you and I… Kane, the whole time I was with you whilst you were recovering from what Snitsky did, I never got to tell you that I know it wasn’t your fault what happened and I never got to thank you properly for saving me from Snitsky…

    Lita grabs Kane and gives him a huge kiss… The fans in the arena cheer wildly…

    Lita: Thank You… Now you do realize you’ve got a match with Snitsky next week don’t you…

    Kane nods…

    Lita: Good… I want you to show him, the real meaning of pain… Then after we are through with him… We will move on to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship…

    Kane nods again as the camera fades out and the fans in the arena are cheering wildly…

    Rating: 72%

    Triple H & Ric Flair vs Randy Orton & Shelton Benjamin

    Evolution blasts over the titantron and the fans in the arena begin to boo loudly. Asshole chants pick up as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H and his partner Ric Flair appear on the stage. Triple H poses with the championship belt before walking down to the ring. Triple H & Flair get into the ring as Randy Orton’s music begins. Orton comes charging down to the ring and takes down Triple H. Orton begins to pound away at Triple H. Flair pulls Orton off of Triple H but Orton takes him down with DDT. Orton goes back to Triple H and begins laying into him. Flair slowly gets back to his feet. Flair kicks Orton low and from behind. Orton falls to the mat in pain. Flair grabs Orton’s leg and begins to drop his knee down into his thigh muscle. Orton is on the mat and is in pain. Shelton Benjamin’s music erupts and the fans cheer. Shelton comes charging down to the ring. Triple H meets Shelton as he slides into the ring. Shelton takes down Triple H and begins to pound on him as well. The fans are going crazy for Shelton. Evolution’s music blasts throughout the arena again and the fans erupt with boos. Batista & Maven appear at the top of the stage. Batista & Maven charge down to the ring and join the action. Batista grabs Shelton and throws him across the ring. Shelton gets up and turns around. Maven comes off the top rope with a missile dropkick. Batista picks up Shelton off the mat and plants him in the middle of the ring with a Sit-Out Powerbomb. Maven goes over and helps Triple H up. Triple H has a pissed look on his face as he gets back to his feet. Triple H leaves the ring and grabs a steel chair. Triple H slides back into the ring with a steel chair in hand. Triple H tells Flair to pick up Orton. Flair picks up Orton and holds him up for Triple H. Triple H goes to blast Orton with the chair but Orton moves and Triple H nails Flair in the face with it. Flair is down and looks almost out cold. Triple H gets frustrated and swings again at Orton. This time however Triple H drives the chair across the back of Orton. The referee has left the ring and thrown the match out. Orton & Shelton have been completely destroyed at the hands of Evolution here. Maven shakes hands with Triple H and it looks as though Evolution has a new member. Batista is trying to revive Flair after the wayward Triple H shot. Flair gets back to his feet and is eyeing off Triple H. The fans in the arena are booing this display from Evolution. Flair rolls out of the ring and leaves Evolution standing in the middle of the ring. TEST & MATT HARDY come charging down the ramp way and the fans go nuts. Test & Matt Hardy are carrying steel chairs with them. Evolution quickly scrambles out of the ring. Test & Matt Hardy stand tall in the middle of the ring as Evolution retreats with smirks on their faces. Flair stops and is standing between Evolution and the guys in the ring.

    Winners: No Contest

    OR:84 CR:85 MQ:84

    As WWE RAW goes off the air we see Ric Flair still eyeing off Triple H and Evolution whilst Test & Matt Hardy help Randy Orton & Shelton Benjamin up to the cheers of the fans…

    Overall Rating: 83

    Television Rating: 5.27


    Equals Heel

    Equals Face

    Equals Tweener

    Main Event

    Chris Benoit - Heel - RAW

    Edge - Heel - RAW

    Randy Orton - Face - RAW

    Shawn Michaels - Face - RAW

    Triple H - Heel - RAW

    Big Show - Face - Smackdown!

    Eddie Guerrero - Face - Smackdown!

    John Bradshaw Layfield- Heel - Smackdown!

    John Cena - Face - Smackdown!

    Kurt Angle - Heel - Smackdown!

    Undertaker - Face - Smackdown!

    Upper Midcard

    Batista - Heel - RAW

    Chris Jericho - Face - RAW

    Christian- Heel - RAW

    Kane - Face - RAW

    Rhyno - Heel - RAW

    Shelton Benjamin - Face - RAW

    Booker T - Tweener - Smackdown!

    Charlie Haas - Face - Smackdown!

    Rey Mysterio - Face - Smackdown!

    Rico - Heel - Smackdown!

    Rob Van Dam - Heel - Smackdown!


    A-Train - Heel - RAW

    Matt Hardy - Face - RAW

    Maven - Heel - RAW

    Rob Conway - Heel - RAW

    Steven Richards - Tweener - RAW

    Tajiri - Face - RAW

    Test - Face - RAW

    The Hurricane - Face - RAW

    Tyson Tomko - Heel - RAW

    Val Venis - Face - RAW

    William Regal - Heel - RAW

    Billy Gunn - Face - Smackdown!

    Billy Kidman - Heel - Smackdown!

    Bubba Ray Dudley - Heel - Smackdown!

    Chavo Guerrero - Heel - Smackdown!

    D-Von Dudley - Heel - Smackdown!

    Luther Reigns - Heel - Smackdown!

    Mark Jindrak - Heel - Smackdown!

    Rene Dupree - Heel - Smackdown!

    Lower Midcard

    Chuck Palumbo - Heel - RAW

    Garrison Cade - Heel - RAW

    Sylvan Grenier - Heel - RAW

    Gene Snitsky - Heel - RAW

    Akio - Heel - RAW

    Carlito Caribbean Cool - Heel - Smackdown!

    Danny Basham - Heel - Smackdown!

    Doug Basham - Heel - Smackdown!

    Funaki - Face - Smackdown!

    Hardcore Holly - Face - Smackdown!

    John Heidenreich - Heel - Smackdown!

    Johnny Stamboli - Face - Smackdown!

    Kenzo Suzuki - Heel - Smackdown!

    Nunzio - Face - Smackdown!

    Paul London - Face - Smackdown!

    Scotty Too Hotty - Face - Smackdown!

    Shannon Moore - Face - Smackdown!

    Spike Dudley - Heel - Smackdown!


    Carmella - Heel - RAW

    Christy Hemme - Face - RAW

    Dawn Marie - Heel - Smackdown!

    Gail Kim - Heel - RAW

    Hiroko - Heel - Smackdown!

    Ivory - Face - RAW

    Jazz - Heel - RAW

    Lita - Face - RAW

    Miss Jackie - Face - Smackdown!

    Molly Holly - Heel - RAW

    Nidia - Face - RAW

    Stacy Keibler - Face - RAW

    Torrie Wilson - Face - Smackdown!

    Trish Stratus - Heel - RAW

    Victoria - Face - RAW

    Ohio Valley Wrestling Development

    Aaron Aguilera

    Aaron Stevens

    Alexis Laree

    Antonio Thomas

    Bobby Lashley

    Brent Albright

    Chad Wicks

    Chris Cage

    Chris Masters

    Christopher Nowinski


    Jillian Hall

    Johnny Jeter

    Johnny Nitro


    Mark Magnus

    Matt Cappotelli

    Matt Morgan

    Melina Perez


    Nick Dinsmore


    Orlando Jordan

    Rodney Mack



    Shawn Daivari

    Tank Toland

  4. Chapter Three

    Funeral Happenings; The Beginning Of A New Era

    It was Thursday, the day in which the bodies of Vincent K. McMahon and his lovely wife Linda McMahon were due to be buried and they were buried very successfully… The funeral ran brilliantly with no interruptions… Numerous speakers spoke about Vince, Linda & The WWE...

    Shane & Stephanie McMahon sat down after the funeral with a number of their lawyers to discuss what Vince & Linda had left to them… The will had stated that everything belonging to Vince & Linda McMahon was too be sold with the exception of the WWE and all its trademarks and contracts… All the money proceeding from the sales would be divided equally between Shane & Stephanie McMahon… Everything WWE wise was left in control of Shane & Stephanie McMahon… Shane as of that moment was named the Chairman of the WWE whilst Stephanie got Linda’s old position at C.E.O… There was also a letter from Vince McMahon written personally to his children which stated that he wanted the WWE to continue immediately following his death and didn’t want them to close it down for anything… Shane & Stephanie both signed the contracts and inherited what had been left to them…

    They both left the funeral and were on their way back to Stanford where they told all the wrestlers that they were staying on their current shows and everything would be back to normal as of the following Monday night’s RAW event in Washington…

  5. I've been watching the pre-season games and ive liked what ive seen from most teams thus far, even Charlotte... Here's how i think it will be by the time the playoffs roll around...

    Eastern Conference

    1. Miami Heat - 54-28 *

    2. Indiana Pacers - 53-29 *

    3. New York Knicks - 50-32 *

    4. Detroit Pistons - 51-31

    5. Boston Celtics - 48-34

    6. Philadelphia 76er's - 46-36

    7. Cleveland Cavaliers - 45-37

    8. Chicago Bulls - 42-40

    I see Miami as the only team making it through from the Southeast Division with Orlando missing out by 2 or 3 games, same with Milwaukee & Toronto...

    Eastern Conference

    1. San Antonio Spurs - 63-19 *

    2. Minnesota Timberwolves - 57-25 *

    3. Sacramento Kings - 54-28 *

    4. Houston Rockets - 50-32

    5. Dallas Mavericks - 50-32

    6. Denver Nuggets - 47-35

    7. Phoenix Suns - 46-36

    8. Los Angeles Lakers - 43-39

    With Portland, Memphis, Golden State & Utah all coming within 4 games of the 8th seed...

    Now heres a quick look at my Playoffs

    East First Round

    1. Miami Heat vs 8. Chicago Bulls - 4-1 Miami

    2. Indiana Pacers vs 7. Cleveland Cavaliers - 4-3 Indiana

    3. New York Knicks vs 6. Philadelphia 76er's - 4-2 New York

    4. Detroit Pistons vs 5. Boston Celtics - 4-2 Boston

    West First Round

    1. San Antonio Spurs vs 8. Los Angeles Lakers - 4-1 Spurs

    2. Minnesota Timberwolves vs 7. Phoenix Suns - 4-3 Phoenix

    3. Sacramento Kings vs 6. Denver Nuggets - 4-1 Sacramento

    4. Houston Rockets vs 5. Dallas Mavericks - 4-0 Houston

    East Conference Semi's

    Miami Heat vs New York Knicks - Miami Heat win 4-3

    Indiana Pacers vs Boston Celtics - Indiana Pacers win 4-2

    West Conference Semi's

    San Antonio Spurs vs Sacramento Kings - San Antonio win 4-3

    Phoenix Suns vs Houston Rockets - Houston win 4-2

    Conference Finals

    Miami Heat vs Indiana Pacers - Miami win 4-1

    San Antonio Spurs vs Houston Rockets - San Antonio win 4-3


    Miami Heat vs San Antonio Spurs - Miami win 4-2

    *- denotes the conference winners

    Just my take on things at the current moment... Although anything can happen in the season...

  6. Chapter Two: Part II

    An Era Comes To An End: March 21st 2005

    ~VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED~ This next piece of writing is supposed to in NO WAY offend anybody and should only be taken as that, a piece of writing. This next part may offend some people and if it does, I am truly sorry…

    Just as it was announced that Vince McMahon had died something else was about to found… Something that nobody in their right mind would have liked to have seen…

    Police officers arrived at the McMahon residents to deliver the news to Linda McMahon about the death of her husband… Upon arrival at the mansion though, nobody answered the door… Shane McMahon & Stephanie McMahon both said that their mother was at the mansion when RAW went off the air, so the police officers found this very odd… The officers kicked down the door and searched the place… Upon entering the main bedroom, the officers found a very disturbing scene…

    Linda McMahon was found tied up on her bed… There was blood everywhere throughout the room, it was all over walls, the bed, the ceiling, the lot… Her pants had been ripped clean off and her underwear was torn and down around her ankles… Linda had been strangled, raped & tortured to death…

    The ambulance arrived and took Linda’s body away… It was announced that both Vince McMahon & Linda McMahon had been murdered on March 21st, 2005… The police will be investigating both deaths and think that they are both related…

    The next Smackdown! Has been canceled and it is the day in which the funeral for both McMahon’s will be held…

  7. Chapter Two: Part I

    An Era Comes To An End: March 21st 2005

    RAW had run along smoothly for the evening thus far and it was just about time for Vince McMahon to make his way out onto the stage to give his “YOUR FIRED” speech to Eric Bischoff…

    Both Eric Bischoff & Vince McMahon were standing face to face in the center of the ring and the crowd was hot and really into the segment…

    Then the moment came…

    Vince McMahon: Eric, YOUR FIRED!!!

    The fans erupted as he said those two very words… What fans weren’t erupting for or expecting was what happened next…

    Vince McMahon suddenly dropped to his knees and was clutching at his chest… RAW went off the air at that very second… Eric Bischoff dropped down and was helping Vince McMahon… Eric Bischoff saw the blood pouring from Vince’s chest and the fans in the arena were in shock… EMTs rushed down to the ring and attended to Vince McMahon however there was nothing they could do…

    Vince McMahon was announced dead on arrival at the hospital… Vince McMahon had been shot, clean in the heart and nobody in the arena heard anything because of the crowd noise…

    Police filed a report stating that the death of Vince McMahon was that of a murder and that there would be an on-going investigation with every single employee in the WWE… The police have come to the understanding that only someone within the company could have known when to make the shot and from where the position Vince was shot from…


  8. Chapter One

    WrestleMania 21 Quick Results: March 20th, 2005

    WWE World Tag Team Championship

    Tajiri & The Hurricane defeat La Resistance ©

    La Resistance came prepared to defend their world tag team titles except Tajiri & The Hurricane had other ideas. Whilst Conway and Tajiri were busy brawling, The Hurricane managed to roll up Greiner and get the pinfall. Tajiri & The Hurricane are your new WWE World Tag Team Champions.

    WWE Women's Championship

    Stacy Keibler defeats Trish Stratus ©

    Trish & Stacy’s feud would come to a one on one match at WrestleMania 21 where Trish could not control the attack from Stacy. Stacy showed her improved in-ring skills and managed to make Trish tap out applying a leg scissors on her. Stacy Keibler won the WWE Women’s Championship for the very first time.

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship

    Shannon Moore © defeats Chavo Guerrero

    Shannon Moore’s run of wins had escaladed to 20 straight and he didn’t plan on stopping there. Chavo had other ideas though and wanted to once again become the WWE Cruiserweight Champion. Chavo’s attempts would fall short however as Moore hit the Moore-Gasm and took his win count to 21 straight.

    WWE Tag Team Championship

    Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak © defeat Nunzio & Johnny Stamboli

    Luther Reigns & Mark Jindrak have showed themselves to be true champions even if the fans don’t like it. Luther & Jindrak demonstrated their monster force and showed The F.B.I why they are the WWE Tag Team Champions as Jindrak pinned Nunzio are a huge neckbreaker.

    Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio & Paul London defeat Rene Dupree, Kenzo Suzuki & Billy Kidman

    Rey Mysterio enlisted the help of an old friend in Eddie Guerrero to even out the sides after numerous three on two attacks against London & Mysterio. Eddie managed to score his team the pinfall victory after nailing Kidman with a frog splash.

    WWE United States Heavyweight Championship

    Charlie Haas defeats Rico ©

    Rico’s growing hatred towards Charlie Haas & Miss Jackie relationship continued to grow. Rico would do anything to get his hands on Haas even if he had to defend the WWE United States Heavyweight Championship which he won the previous month. Haas took full advantage of Rico and pinned him to win his first major title in the WWE.

    The Undertaker defeats Rob Van Dam

    RVD’s new found attitude against The Undertaker and the fans would help him in his battle against the phenom and his undefeated WrestleMania streak. However it would not help enough as The Undertaker rolled over RVD and nailed him with a Tombstone for the huge victory.

    WWE Intercontinental Championship

    Val Venis © defeats Batista, Maven & Steven Richards

    Val Venis surprise victory over Batista for the Intercontinental Championship just six days earlier was thought by many as a fluke. Venis wanted so badly to show the world that his win was not a fluke and he did just that. Venis waited for the perfect opportunity to strike. Venis nailed and unsuspecting Batista with a fisherman’s suplex and picked up the win to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship.

    Kane defeats Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho & Christian

    Kane made his dramatic return to the WWE with his wife Lita by his side. The winner of this match would be granted a WWE World Heavyweight Championship shot somewhere down the line. Jericho thought he had the match won after applying the Walls Of Jericho to Christian but Kane nailed Benoit with a Chokeslam and got the pinfall before Jericho got the submission.

    If Edge wins Shawn Michaels is fired but if HBK wins then Eric Bischoff will be fired

    Shawn Michaels defeats Edge

    Shawn Michaels bitter feud with Eric Bischoff and Edge would come to a close at WrestleMania 21 because if Edge won then Shawn Michaels would be personally fired by Eric Bischoff from RAW whereas if good ole’ HBK could get the victory over Edge, then Eric Bischoff would lose his job as the General Manager of RAW. The Latter of the two is precisely what happened as HBK managed to overcome Edge’s cheap tactics to hit some Sweet Chin Music and leave with his job in tact.

    WWE World Heavyweight Championship

    Triple H © drew Randy Orton

    Triple H & Randy Orton both came prepared for a fight but neither man predicted what would go down before the end of the match. The referee was inadvertently bumped during the match and was out for a majority of it. As Orton hit Triple H with the RKO, Flair took full advantage of the referee’s down time and nailed Orton in the back of the head with a steel chair. Batista came out as well and nailed Orton with a huge Sit-Out Powerbomb. The fans started going crazy though as Shelton Benjamin came running down to the ring. Shelton jumped into the ring and began to help Orton but eventually the numbers game was just too much. Evolution left Shelton laid out in the ring until a returning Test & Matt Hardy came storming down to the ring. Test & Matt Hardy cleared the ring of Evolution. Ric Flair, Batista & Triple H retreated to the backstage area with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship as Matt Hardy, Test, Shelton Benjamin & Randy Orton were cheered by the fans in the ring.

    WWE Championship

    John Cena defeats Kurt Angle ©

    After winning the 2005 Royal Rumble, John Cena finally got his shot at main eventing a WrestleMania. Kurt Angle’s dream of holding onto the WWE Championship was put to the test as Cena bought everything into the match with nothing to lose. Angle had the belt within an inch of his grasp after hitting Cena with an Angle Slam but Cena managed to kick out. Cena nailed Angle with not one but TWO F-U’s and made the cover. Cena captured his first ever WWE Championship with a huge win over Kurt Angle in the main event of WrestleMania 21…

    ~Stay Tuned for more info into this diary a little later... This is only a minor part of the backstory but i just thought id tell you people what went down at WrestleMania 21~

  9. OCCW Daily News Update

    OCCW Heatwave got it's first television rating in early today from the USA Network. 3.68 were the figures for Heatwave. The network is said to be very happy with these results and if the company keeps up these ratings, then anywhere from as early as next month we might see Heatwave in the prime time slot up against WWE RAW.

  10. OCCW Heatwave

    30th April, 2007

    OCCW Heatwave hits off for the very first time on the USA Network to its official theme song... "Vindicated" by Dashboard Confessional hits as we see photo's from last nights PPV in which Shelton Benjamin captured the OCCW Heavyweight Championship from Christian & Charlie Haas in a brutal match... Pyrotechnics fly from the ceiling and the stage and collide as OCCW Heatwave kicks off with a bang...

    "Price To Pay" by Staind

    Shelton Benjamin's music hits and the fans in the arena boo like mad. Shelton Benjamin appears on the stage with the OCCW Heavyweight Championship Belt wrapped around his waist. Shelton has a cocky smirk on his face as he struts down to the ring. Shelton gets into the ring and the fans are going nuts with boos. Shelton stands tall in the middle of the ring and unbuckles the belt from his waist. Shelton raises the OCCW Heavyweight Championship high into the air as the fans continue to boo him. Shelton has a huge smile on his face as he grabs a microphone from the ring announcer...

    Shelton Benjamin: You fools can boo all you want but it doesnt change the fact that last night i became the first ever OCCW Heavyweight Champion... It doesn't change the fact that i pinned that punk, Charlie Haas, 1......2......3, in the middle of this ring... Now i heard along the grapevine that Charlie Haas will be here tonight and i heard that he thinks he has some unfinished business with me in the ring... Well Mr. Haas, today when i arrived at the arena i found a letter attached to my locker room... It went something along the lines of, "Next Week, there will be two major announcements, one will be that the Commissioner of OCCW will be named and the other will concern both Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas but it will only happen if Haas can restrain himself from attacking Shelton Benjamin tonight in his OCCW Heavyweight Championship defense"... So there you have it Haas, if you dont touch me tonight, then next week, we will find out what this is all about... Now onto tonight, i still haven't being informed who i will be defending this belt against but let me tell you something... I will do whatever it takes to keep this belt around my waist... so you better come prepared because i am ready for a fight and i will be walking out of LA tonight with the OCCW Heavyweight Championship firmly around my waist... The waist of The World's Greatest Wrestler!

    Shelton Benjamin drops his microphone and begins to pose with the OCCW Heavyweight Championship. The fans in the arena are booing like crazy people as Shelton rolls underneath the bottom rope and walks up the stage with the belt firmly established around his waist...

    Rating: 92%

    OCCW Cruiserweight Championship

    Austin Lee © vs Shark Boy

    The score from Jaws hits throughout the arena and the fans go crazy. Shark Boy appears on the stage and the fans go nuts. Video stills from Sunshine Massacre appear on the titan tron and we see how Austin Lee picked up the cheap win over Shark Boy to win the cruiserweight championship. The fans boo as they see this footage. Shark Boy gets into the ring and begins posing, which the fans cheer for. Austin Lee's music hits and the boos suddenly begin to drown out his music. Austin Lee appears on the stage and he has the OCCW Cruiserweight Championship Belt around his waist. Austin Lee comes down to the ring and takes off the belt. Austin Lee drops the belt and rolls into the ring. Lee goes right after Shark Boy. Shark Boy counters a clothesline attempt from Lee and nails him with a hip toss. Lee quickly gets back up and Shark Boy nails him with another hip toss. The fans go crazy. Lee stands up and turns around. Lee runs at Shark Boy again and this time Shark Boy nails Lee with a back body drop. Lee crashes into the mat and Shark Boy covers him. 1................2............. Lee gets his shoulder up and the fans boo. Shark Boy gets back to his feet and talks with the referee for a minute. Lee stands up and Shark Boy walks over to him. Lee catches Shark Boy in the eye with a finger. The referee gives Lee a warning and the next time he will disqualify him. Lee grabs Shark Boy and nails him with a knee to the ribs. Shark Boy immediately doubles over, clutching at his side. Lee stands next to Shark Boy and has a huge smirk on his face. Lee grabs Shark Boy and plants him in the middle of the ring with a body slam. Lee climbs to the second rope and doesnt hesitate. Lee nails Shark Boy with a leg drop from the second rope. The fans boo as Lee cockily makes the cover. 1.....................2.................. Shark Boy gets his shoulder up and the fans cheer. Lee jumps back to his feet and begins to argue with the referee. Shark Boy grabs Lee from behind and gets him in a roll up. 1......................2..................... Lee manages to get lose from the pinning predicament. Lee gets up befor Shark Boy and nails him with an elbow drop to the ribs. Shark Boy stays on the mat, clutching his ribs. Lee gets up and smirks to the crowd. Lee picks up Shark Boy and kicks him in the gut. Shark Boy doubles over as Lee sets him up in the middle of the ring. Lee gets Shark Boy ready for a powerbomb move but Shark Boy reverses it and rolls up Lee. The referee makes the count as Lee is still stunned. 1.........................2..............................3! Shark Boy wins! Shark Boy becomes the OCCW Cruiserweight Champion. Lee gets back to his feet and he looks pissed. Shark Boy gets handed the belt by the referee and then gets clocked from behind by Lee. Austin Lee begins to stomp away at Shark Boy. Just 24 hours after winning the belt, Austin Lee loses the belt to Shark Boy. Austin Lee picks up the OCCW Cruiserweight Championship and waits as Shark Boy climbs back to his feet. Shark Boy turns around as Lee cracks him in the face with the championship belt. Austin Lee has a pissed off look on his face as he leaves the ring still carrying the OCCW Cruiserweight Championship. The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Austin Lee leaves with the belt after Shark Boy won it from him. Shark Boy is down and in pain as the fans boo whilst watching him scramble around on the mat.

    Winner & NEW OCCW Cruiserweight Champion: Shark Boy

    OR:78 CR:66 MQ:91

    We cut backstage where we see Billy Kidman standing in front of the camera... Billy Kidman looks like he has something to get off his chest...

    Billy Kidman: I'm going to make this short and sweet... Paul London, you need to watch yourself... Whatever stunt you were trying to pull last night, didn't work... We both lost that Universal Championship match, there was no need to do what you did after the event last night... Oh that's right, nobody in the arena knows what you did...

    Then from nowhere Paul London attacks Billy Kidman from behind with a steel chair... London knocks Kidman down with vicious chair shots... Kidman is on the ground and is in serious trouble... London continues to drive the steel chair down into the spine of Kidman... EMTs and Officials rush over and pull London away from Kidman... The EMTs check on Kidman as London is smiling at the damage done to Kidman... The fans in the arena are booing Paul London for his unprovoked attack on Billy Kidman...

    Rating: 82%

    OCCW Tag Team Championship

    Scott Bradly & Eli McAllister © vs Liam & Conner Grey

    The Irish national anthem hits and Liam & Conner Grey appear on the stage. The fans in the arena booing them as they bring out an Irish Flag with them. Liam & Conner Grey get into the ring and wave the flag around and the fans boo wildly. "Not Many" by Scribe hits and the fans erupt. Scott Bradly & Eli McAllister appear on the stage and they have the OCCW Tag Team Championship belts wrapped firmly around thier waists. Scott & Eli come down to the ring and once again, they dont look like they should be wrestling. Scott gets into the ring and Liam attacks him. Liam nails Scott with a huge right hand. Scott rocks back and falls against the ropes. Liam grabs Scott and whips him across the ring. Scott comes back, still shaken from the effects of the punch and Liam nails him with a powerslam in the middle of the ring. Liam gets up and picks up. Liam carries Scott over to the corner and tags out to Conner. Liam grabs Scott and holds him whilst Conner nails him with a huge right hand. Scott rocks back as Liam leaves the ring and Conner nails Scott with a suplex. Scott crashes into the mat and Conner gets up with a grin on his face. Conner picks up Scott and whips him towards the corner. Conner charges at Scott in the corner and nails him with a clothesline. Scott crumples up in the corner and falls out onto his face. Conner covers him and the referee makes the count. 1................2......... Eli gets in and breaks up the count. The referee grabs Eli and makes him leave the ring. Conner gets up and tags out to Liam. Liam comes over the top rope and lands on Scott with a splash. Liam gets back to his feet and stomps on Scott for good measure. Scott starts to get back to his feet and the fans begin cheering him on. Liam looks around and cant believe the fans are cheering for Scott. Scott gets back to his feet and Liam goes for a huge right hand but Scott blocks it and nails Liam in the face with a forearm shot. Scott takes Liam down and begins to beat away at him. Scott's punches are getting slower with every one he throws. Scott gets back to his feet and starts walking over to tag out. Liam grabs Scott's ankle and trips him. Scott flies face first into the mat. The fans boo as Liam starts getting up. Scott springs back up and tags out to Eli. Eli comes charging into the ring and nails Liam with a spear. Liam starts rolling around on the mat whilst clutching his ribs. Conner jumps into the ring and goes to nail Eli but Eli grabs him and tosses him over the top rope. Eli turns around and grabs Liam. Eli drives Liam into the mat with a devastating DDT like move. Eli covers Liam and the referee makes the count. 1.................2....................3! Scott & Eli retain the OCCW Tag Team titles. Conner was too late to make the save for his brother. Scott & Eli get handed thier tag titles as they leave the ring. The fans in the arena are going crazy as the two stoners head into the backstage area with the belts after thier win over the Grey brothers.

    Winners & Still OCCW Tag Team Champions: Scott Bradly & Eli McAllister

    OR:84 CR:80 MQ:88

    Kiahnee Lewis is shown in the backstage area... A majority of the male fans cheer as she is standing around in bra and panties... There is a knock on the door...

    Kiahnee Lewis: Come In...

    The door swings open and Ryan Summers walks in... Summers drops a steel pipe from his hand as he walks into the room and sees Kiahnee standing in front of him...

    Ryan Summers: Oh... ummmmmm.... sorry... I'll turn around if you want to finish getting changed...

    Kiahnee Lewis: No, its alright... I suppose you want to know what the other night was all about...

    Ryan Summers: Well yeah actually... That would be nice...

    Kiahnee Lewis: Well you see... i was sitting backstage at the event last night and i saw that you needed some assistance in the ring and...

    Ryan Summers: Whoa, hold on a second... I did not need any help last night... I would have won that match whether you came down or not...

    Kiahnee Lewis: As i was saying... I saw that you were in need of some assistance and i thought to myself... maybe just maybe, Ryan Summers, will do the same for me one day...

    Ryan Summers: Anything you want.... Anytime you want it... I'm your man...

    Kiahnee Lewis: That's good to hear... Oh here you go...

    Kiahnee Lewis walks up to Summers and bends over in front of him... Kiahnee picks up the steel pipe and hands it back to Summers... The crowd is going nuts as Summers stutters before turning and walking out the door... As Summers leaves, Kiahnee stands in her dressing room with an evil smirk on her face...

    Rating: 74%

    OCCW Universal Championship

    Sonny Siaki © vs Ray González

    "Living La Vida Loca" by Ricky Martin hits and the fans in the arena begin to laugh as Ray González appears on the stage and he starts dancing. González dances his way down to the ring and the fans are cheering him on. González gets into the ring as a dongs are heard. Dongs of drums are playing throughout the arena and Sonny Siaki appears on the stage with the OCCW Universal Championship over his shoulder. Sonny Siaki slowly walks down the ramp with the drum beats. Siaki walks up the steps and into the ring. González has a scared look on his face as Siaki climbs through the ropes and into the ring. Siaki walks up to González and is easily bigger than him. González nails Siaki with a slap and the fans cheer. Siaki turns back to González and has a huge smirk on his face. González goes to smack Siaki again but Siaki grabs González' fist before he connects. Siaki begins to squeeze González' fist and he looks to be in immense pain. Siaki pulls González closer and picks him up. Siaki drives González into the mat with a vicious spinebuster. González is down on the mat and looks to be out cold. Siaki picks up González and puts him in a bear hug. The referee immediately calls for the bell as he doesnt see González respond at all. Siaki continues to apply pressure to González, even though he is out cold. The referee continues to ring bell as he has awarded the match to Siaki by TKO. Siaki retains his OCCW Universal Championship after completely destroying Ray González. Siaki once again drives González into the mat with a spinebuster. Siaki looks around the arena and the fans are booing him. Siaki looks pissed as he grabs González off the mat and sets him up in the middle of the ring. Suddenly AJ Styles' music blasts over the titan tron and the fans go crazy. Siaki releases González before giving him the Siaki-lypse as Styles enters the ring. Siaki quickly grabs the OCCW Universal Championship Belt and goes to nail Styles with it. Styles ducks underneath the belt shot and nails Siaki with a dropkick. Siaki flies over the top rope and lands on the outside. The fans in the arena are going crazy as AJ Styles looks at Siaki whilst tending to González. Siaki picks up his championship belt and walks away. Siaki & Styles are eyeing each other off and the fans love it.

    Winner & Still OCCW Universal Champion: Sonny Siaki

    OR:85 CR:71 MQ:100

    Max Parker is shown walking around in the backstage area... Suddenly out of nowhere, Alex Shane & Danny Doring attack him... Doring clocks Parker from behind with a wicked forearm shot...Parker doubles over clutching the back of his head... Alex Shane comes out of nowhere and delivers a Rocker Dropper to Parker... Parker goes face first into the concrete floor...Alex Shane & Danny Doring shake hands while laughing and smiling... Doring & Shane quickly run off with huge smirks on thier faces... The fans in the arena are booing wildly as Max Parker is down and out on the concrete floor...

    Rating: 81%

    OCCW Heavyweight Championship

    Shelton Benjamin © vs ???

    "Price To Pay" by Staind hits and the fans begin booing. Shelton Benjamin appears on the stage and he has the OCCW Heavyweight Championship around his waist. Shelton Benjamin comes down to the ring and begins posing with the championship belt. Shelton hands his belt over to the referee and looks to the top of the stage and waits to see who his opponent is. Jeff Hardy's music hits and the fans in the arena go wild. Jeff Hardy appears on the stage and he has a huge grin on his face as the fans cheer. Jeff Hardy comes running down to the ring and ducks underneath a clothesline attempt from Shelton. Shelton turns around and Jeff nails him with a dropkick. Shelton falls back into the corner after been startled. Shelton tries to come exploding out of the corner with another clothesline attempt but Jeff Hardy moves out of the way again. Shelton turns around and catches one of Jeff's legs before it connects with him in the gut. Jeff Hardy changes his mind and nails Shelton Benjamin with an enzuguri. The fans in the arena cheer like mad. Jeff Hardy covers Shelton and the referee makes the count. 1...................2................ Shelton gets his shoulder up. Jeff Hardy was so close to becoming the OCCW Heavyweight Champion there. Shelton Benjamin starts getting to his feet and he looks very groggy. Jeff Hardy stands behind him and waits as he gets back to his feet. Shelton turns around and Jeff catches him and nails him with a monkey flip. Shelton lands on his back in the middle of the ring. Shelton gets back to his feet and Jeff grabs him and attempts a twist of fate but Shelton counters it and pushes Jeff into the ropes. Jeff bounces back and Shelton nails him with a side kick to the face. Jeff hits the mat and Shelton has a smirk on his face. Shelton grabs Jeff by the hair and pulls him to his feet. Shelton whips Jeff into the corner. Jeff hits the corner with force and lands flat on the mat. Jeff Hardy struggles to pull himself back to his feet as Shelton watches him with a smile. Shelton grabs Jeff as he stands up and sends him flying into the opposite corner. Jeff lands in the corner and keeps himself standing. Shelton runs at Jeff and attempts a huge body splash in the corner but Jeff moves out of the way and Shelton flies face first into the turnbuckle. The fans in the arena cheer crazily. Shelton turns around and Jeff grabs him and nails him with the Twist Of Fate. The fans cheer as Jeff Hardy hits the move. Jeff Hardy signals to the corner and the fans cheer. Jeff Hardy ascends to the top turnbuckle and begins posing. CHRISTIAN comes running down the aisle and the fans boo loudly. What the hell is Christian doing out here? Christian runs up the steps and pushes Jeff Hardy off of the top turnbuckle. Jeff Hardy flies to the outside and smashes into the guardrail. The referee calls for the bell as he has given the win to Jeff Hardy by DQ. The fans in the arena are booing as Christian grabs Jeff Hardy on the outside and plants him with the Un-Prettier. Why has Christian made this unprovoked attack on Jeff Hardy? Shelton Benjamin gets back to his feet in the middle of the ring and the referee gives him the OCCW Heavyweight Championship. "Enemy" by Sevendust hits and the fans erupt. Charlie Haas comes running down the ramp and nails Christian from behind. Haas grabs Christian and whips him into the side of the ring. Haas helps Jeff Hardy up and begins to walk up the stage with him. The fans are going nuts as Haas helps Hardy. Shelton Benjamin is standing in the middle of the ring with the OCCW Heavyweight Championship held high in the air and Christian is down on the outside of the ring.

    Winner via DQ: Jeff Hardy

    OR:88 CR:87 MQ:89

    As OCCW Heatwave goes off the air, Charlie Haas turns around and shouts to Shelton, that next week he is coming for him and he better watch himself. The fans are going crazy for Haas & Hardy as they leave...

  11. WCW “Time Crisis” Match featuring…..

    Sid, Ric Flair, Booker T, Sting, Dustin Rhodes, Dusty Rhodes, Buff Bagwell, Jeff Jarrett, The Cat, Mike Awesome, Mike Sanders, Chris Kanyon, Lance Storm, Sean O’Haire, Chuck Palumbo and 5 mystery entrants!

    WCW World Heavyweight Championship (Steel Cage Match)

    Scott Steiner © vs. Goldberg

    WCW World Tag Team Championships

    The InSiders © vs. KroniK

    WCW United States Championship

    General Rection © vs. “The Franchise” Shane Douglas

    WCW Hardcore Championship

    Terry Funk © vs. Justin Credible

    Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Straight Outta Samoa

  12. Smackdown! was pretty good man... i didnt really like Test losing to Noble but yeah i guess Noble's push is coming... Eddie vs JBL should be an interesting match at the PPV, although there is no way Eddie will lose the match... Keep it up man... looking forward to Decimation...

  13. nice work man... just read the diary from the start... loved Unforgiven & RAW... glad to see you kept the belt on Orton and are not allowing HHH to challenge for the belt as long as he's got it... Triple H/X-Pac feud is something i can smell at the moment... Val Venis' push is awesome, i think you should turn him heel against Jericho and have him join Evolution in the process... The Rock vs Eric Bischoff in a steel cage would be amusing to watch... Keep it up Concrete...

  14. OCCW Daily News Update


    Early on Sunday evening, WWE Superstar Maven was released from his WWE contract after publically speaking out against current backstage politics after seeing Triple H regain the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in a tournament on last weeks RAW defeating Maven in the final match. This marked the 13th time Triple H has won the belt.

    Maven wasnt the only one to be released from his contract... Mark Jindrak, Jackie Gayda, Rico & Orlando Jordan have also being released. No word has being given as to why the other four athletes have being released.

    As of this moment all five athletes have being in negotiations with OCCW but none have signed contracts. With the opening of OCCW, it has sparked more interest in the wrestling business and athletes are jumping at the chance for a bit of competition.

    Maven will be a high priority for OCCW as they look to build upon younger superstars in the fight against the WWE whilst the other four will be looked at and will talk with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler later in the week...

    We'll keep you posted with any more news regarding this topic and many more in the wrestling business...

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