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Captain Kirk

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Everything posted by Captain Kirk

  1. This may be a double post but it is worth it. Love Actually is an amazing film for any brits. Especially this scene: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5m2T5yfgsZ0
  2. Me and Baddar had an absolutely awesome game earlier for a friendly that went to penalties. It was a game were noone deserved to win from the chances we had each I wish it ended at extra time purely because it's the best game I've had on FIFA yet. It would be good if we could upload a whole game there was 20 minutes of pressure for each side at a time etc. until the other side got a bit of rythm together. Seemed like a game that mattered but didn't. Meant to say anyone up for starting an EWB Be A Pro Team? EDIT: Mind the spelling just in from my mate's birthday.
  3. Glasgow seems to have sprouted a ton of GAME's, there is one on top of Debenhams Argyll Street, one on Sauchiehall Street and one in Borders on Buchanan Street. All three of these streets are connected. I'm sure there are another few too.
  4. Nuno Capucho Filip Sebo Dragan Mladenovic Basile Boli Oleg Salenko Lionel Letizi
  5. Worded it wrong I was just meaning would it count as a christmas movie, and earlier someone asked if there were any good xmas films. Hence Home Alone, Die Hard 2 and Gremlins.
  6. Gremlins and Die Hard 2. Would the first two Home Alones not count too?
  7. I hope they don't mess this up, I've read the book about 5 times.
  8. Portsmouth 2 - 1 Aston Villa Good game and was lucky to come away with the win, although I did gift AJ his goal. Agbonlahor for Villa. Defoe and Kranjcar for Portsmouth. Would have been an absolutely amazing game if it hadn't been really laggy for the whole game think it might have been a much higher scoring game to then.
  9. If metalman could only play weekends does that not mean he can't play his game then? As presumably he'd be back at uni now?
  10. Christmas with the Kranks?
  11. Really want to buy this, but I also want to pass Uni coursework so I think it'll have to wait till the 12th of December.
  12. When do the next round of games start? I really need to some practising with Pompey still only played the one game with them!
  13. No, more because of the pitiful amount that they will offer you. Total rip off, much better off just selling on ebay or amazon if your getting rid.
  14. Legendary but getting bored of it, seem to find playing the computer is too easy while struggling in online games. :s
  15. I think it would be good to do just Premiership teams and if it goes well then we could do other leagues with whoever finishes last getting first pick of the teams etc.
  16. I hate Christmas in general. It's stressful, a waste of money and I abhor religion. Did you know: Gaby's last name is Scrooge. Now you know. You may have a Brooklyn cab driver come visit you about christmas past. Well it happened to Bill Murray.
  17. Think I need to change my formation the 3-5-2 is really weak against wingers.
  18. I lost 2-0 not too shabby considering its my first game with Pompey. Crouch and Utaka are bollocks.
  19. Could TheArsenal not join as the bye/no game?
  20. Think it shows up on the news part, the league will be the first time I use Pompey I hope Defoe is decent.
  21. League games are definetely unranked as it doesn't act as a proper league anyway just tallying up everyone's league games with each other. So one person can have 25 games to another's 4.
  22. Just realised my connection was turned off so that's why I've not joined yet, can't be playing Fallout with it freezing every 5 minutes. EDIT: Might have to change my team, forgot how pitifully bad I am at using Rangers. City were already taken though, mind if I change to Pompey?
  23. Scrooged was awesome bought it for a £4 the other day(not opening till nearer christmas though), Elf was decent to watch too. Do Christmas movies really need to be that great though?
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