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Captain Kirk

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Everything posted by Captain Kirk

  1. Just had an amazing game online with me(Fiorentina) vs Barcelona, I missed a penalty then they scored from the counter attack, trailed all game but had all of the shots and possession before scoring in the last 20 minutes. Went to Extra Time and was 3-1 down by the 99th minute, cue a goal just before half time and then a goal just in to the second half, I threw away a hatful of chances to win after it too. Had the most epic shootout I have had yet with me winning on the 16th penalty.
  2. 8 is usually enough though.
  3. Yeah that sounds good, are we counting the groups by goal difference or head to head(like in the CL)?
  4. I better start playing with Milan then. First game online with them was a 4-1 drubbing of Bayern Munich.
  5. Not played with Milan before so should be fun. Did well with Portsmouth last time though.
  6. How did you fix it? Just got a new router so mines might have the same problem. I'd be up for still playing.
  7. Seen an advert for Demons on BBC I think that looks alright. The Doctor Who specials and hopefully some more Peep Show.
  8. Is the full game better than the demo? Also is it worth getting if I already have FIFA?
  9. I get it in Comet all the time with people looking for discounts on tickets for even the cheapest stuff. There is a price ticket for a reason! The worst is when they seem to think if they bring in cash they should get a discount, cash creates more fucking work.
  10. I really wish they would fix the not getting called up furore if a player is injured. Of course he's not going to be called up he's got a broken leg!!!
  11. Don't know it's been posted already but you can download Champ Man 01/02 for free on the eidos website.
  12. Couldn't be that Everton are a hard team to beat and the system they play works well against yours?
  13. Were you surprised? Don't think I've used Gamestation since they were taken over by GAME.
  14. European and South American teams don't go in till the semi finals. Other continents teams have to qualify for the semi's with the teams going out their qualifiers facing off.
  15. Bought Mirror's Edge for £25 no need to worry its excellent! You get the feeling that you are actually being chased with no time to think.
  16. My striker has only about 65 for finishing and still scores a barrel load on legendary, try upgrading your speed and strength related stats first, stamina is also very important as if your done after 60 minutes your rating will dive towards the end losing you points to use.
  17. Just wait to see how Spurs do once they've came off the 'new manager' syndrome that they had under Ramos last season.
  18. Three times before they split in to six too.
  19. Sorry. I go on too many football forums where people probably would come out with rubbish like that. Crazy to think how much better Anderton could have been if he had been so limited with injuries though.
  20. Not as bad as being a hun though. >_> Could be worse my teams biggest claim to fame could be the pies they sell.
  21. Started a game with Rangers but have transfer windows off, tried to bring in Appiah and Trabelsi on frees but both couldn't get work permits. John Fleck and Aaron are excellent though. EDIT: Just got beat 1-0 by Aberdeen. Bloody sheepshaggers.
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