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Captain Kirk

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Everything posted by Captain Kirk

  1. Is Goncalves the portuguese guy? He's always been ridiculously over rated in recent FM games.
  2. I read somewhere it is coming out in the US but going to be called something to with National Geographic.
  3. Can't beat his cut joke though. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4-S_TIwoMx8
  4. Legendary was made by the same people as Turning Point so by default it sucks, I'd go for Bioshock and Gears.
  5. That is an awesome scene, but I can't help but wonder what would've happened if the bloke answered the door Brilliant film. Just feels like it's perfectly crafted. My favourite arc is probably the Keira Knightley one too. Just because she looks absolutely stunning in every scene. I think the only reason we like it is because we wish we could do it ourselves. Which would be infinitely awesome. On a sad note the guy that was signing at the wedding died only a few years after this.
  6. Captain Kirk


    He is my guilty pleasure, anyone else on EWB like him?
  7. Don't think there is any point except showing your one was the only one to really survive I think, but there is a bobblehead in the Gary vault.
  8. Got my new desktop ordered and just need to stay in this weekend to get most of my coursework done, so what's the verdict on it? How much of an improvement is it on 08?
  9. Fuck I've got it for PS3. Stumbled in to the middle of Emerald Hills I think the slaver place. Almost got killed by the load of raiders that ambushed me, then proceeded to kill the Behemoth without taking a bit off damage with a bunch of Frag Mines and to finish it a Tire Iron.
  10. I don't really like playing online unless its someone from forum's I go on or mates. Just too many people who only care about their score as such rather than having a fun match. Wether using one same method or through hacking. In FIFA the other day I was playing someone who would routinely pause and leave it for the full 40 seconds hoping I would just quit so he could get the win. It was bittersweet in the end though seeing as I won on penalties with me rattling the bar before it bouncing off the back of Cech and in to the back of the net.
  11. Just picked up Beijing 2008 for £5. Anyone play it online?
  12. It's not TheArsenal it's the EA servers I had trouble in a league connecting to one person but could connect to everyone else first time. Did you both set it up as a league game or as a normal game? Just that I know it freezes on the team selection bit.
  13. Black Books, Red Dwarf and Spaced. I did really like That 70's Show but it got horrible towards the end.
  14. The normal ones always depend on who you are, it your Pirlo or Ronaldo you can aim for the middle and still hit the top corner with curling.
  15. To add to this list: Andrei Kanchelskis (£5.5m for a player WAAAAAY past his prime) Tore Andre Flo Emerson Stephane Guivarche Colin Scott (Yes he came through the youth system but I knew he sucked the moment I saw his picture in a match day programme in 1993. Floppy blonde curtain hair was never a good luck.) Flo is hardly the worst, he was overpriced but scored a goal every 2 games which is a good return and we also got a good bit back for him. Pippo Maniero, Dan Eggen and Egil Ostenstad however.... It scares me the amount of shite we had under McLeish.
  16. Looks quite cool shame I've only got the PS3 version.
  17. It just assigns them a number itself but a number relevant to their position, 2-5 for defenders, 6-8 midfielders etc.
  18. I've had that happen several times with different people while being able to connect fine with others, not sure what causes it though. Perhaps the update shall fix it?
  19. It's lucky a lot of you don't read GamesTM most of their reviews are the critisicms.
  20. I have always liked the start of Day of the Dead with the whole HELLO! on the megaphone and a massive army of zombies start going towards them, plus the new Dawn of the Dead made me think it was going to be a good movie.
  21. Seeing as it's nearing christmas I think it deserves a thread of appreciation, what is everyone's favourite couple in it?
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