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Everything posted by DFF

  1. DFF


    Use Your Illusion I
  2. I would have liked to see Nolan take to the WC. Maybe in place of Jenas. Jenas is hugely over rated. He's never more than "moderately good".
  3. Bridge is a fine under study for A. Cole.
  4. big fecking ejits! How can he not take Bent!?!?!? Walcott I'm not that bothered about - he could be suprise, but Bent should be there anyway - instead of Hargreaves (who is over rated, but isn't as bad as you guys make out). And anyone who suggest P. Neville should be in the squad should commit suicide now...
  5. DFF

    ZE POLLS~!

    ah ok. That makes much more sense now. lol. Maybe less generic titles for the polls? lol.
  6. DFF

    ZE POLLS~!

    Does Benji hate polls? And this was the least apealing of the polls. Went with Tool, simply cos you have to vote in both. Went with Mars Volta in the latter. They are the best ofthe 3, but grossly over rated.
  7. After. Don't ask me why. Just prefer the songs.
  8. DFF


    S & M it's an immense album, with the best version of Nothing Else Matters. Ever.
  9. DFF

    Todays POLL!

    Pulp. For two reasons. 1. I love "Common People". 2. They are from Sheffield. Oasis are generally good though, as are Blur.
  10. Muse > Radiohead. Easily.
  11. I'd have preferred Mickey and Rose use the TARDIS anyways and accidentally find him....
  12. Not too bothered about the easy overcoming. Makes peeps likethe Cybermen uber hard if he can't beat them with the same ease...
  13. The Rasmus - up to "Dead Letters" they were a ska-punk band. Afterwards they were rock...
  14. DFF

    Great Scott!

    Die Hard would be the best trilogy if Die Harder didn't suck... Lethal Weapon was the best trilogy.. until it became the best quadrilogy. (The Alien Quadrilogy can fuck right off).
  15. Well, I quite enjoyed tonight's episode. Tennant was good throughout, showing a decent range of emotions. Plus, it had a random white horse... Cybermen next wekk!!! w00t! With Trigger!!! "Now then, Dave, the Cybermen are taking over..."
  16. Cool. So, what other "crazy" polls have we in the pipe-line? Best ever Emo band? Most rockingest pop group? etc etc ad infinitum...
  17. I've heard only a few STP songs and they seem... boring. Stain'd were good for "Outside" and that's about it...
  18. I'd actually consider Bullets metal. Or hard rock... or heavy rock/metal... and My Sacrifice is blatantly a "metal bands ballad"...
  19. Erm, Weathered mainly... granted, the earlier album possibly lean towards grunge slightly... As for PoM, I was thinking of bands who were considered to have ripped of some or a lot of the "grunge" elements. Some of Nickelback's stuff lean's that way too. And as for someone saying Nirvana were pop-punk - when did theybegin sounding like Blink-182? Oh and Alter Bridge > Creed. In fact Alter Bridge > All the bands in this poll... by fucking far.
  20. Nirvana from the first group. Creed from the second. I'm not sure Creed should be in there, though. I'd have had Puddle of Mudd, maybe. Creed were more metal...
  21. Can't be arsed to order them but... Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden), Freddie Mercury (Queen), Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day), Matt Bellamy (Muse), Justin Hawkins (The Darkness), Anthony Kiedis (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin), Steven Tyler (Aerosmith), Paul Rogers (Free, Bad Company). CAn't think of any others off the top of my head.
  22. Jeff Buckley is soooo over rated. Ugh... I just don't get why people are into him so much. His songs were average and his lyrics ok. I've heard many a-better lyricist and vocalist.
  23. Haven't heard much of any of them - but like "Rose of Sharyn" so HJ KsE get my vote!
  24. DFF


    Gotta go with Maiden, atlhough all those bands are good. Anyone seeing Maiden on the next tour? I've got front row standing at the Hallam FM Arena.
  25. Deftones are boring, from the little I have heard. KoRn are ana verage band that pull out some good songs on occasion. There better be some good bands in the next poll. lol. (e.g. Who's the best NWOBHM band? Then again, we know it's between Maiden and Priest, and Maiden win every time... )
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