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Your Mom

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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. 1. Gwen Stefani 2. Masuimi Max 3. Milla Jovavich (Sp?) 4. Asia Argento 5. Angelina Jolie 6. Jessica Alba 7. Lita (Amy Dumas) 8. Shannyn Sossamon 9. Christina Aguilera: I wanna get dirty 10. Maggie Gyllenhaal I would bring every single one of them along for 3 ways!
  2. I'm curious as to why some people are just now hearing about them.
  3. They Live: 9/10 The term "Cult Classic" was made for movies just like this one
  4. This is exciting for some reason. I dont even like Football games and I was all happy when I heard this. Kind of weird
  5. Some of you dont listen to nearly enough bad music
  6. Not for $150 Not quit trying to start trouble.
  7. Well to be fair I do buy stuff too. It's just this seems a bit silly to pay this much for a like 3 or 4 DVDs.
  8. The whole point of this is the fact I dont want it in the first place. I guess maybe I should be happy he isnt buying anymore of those?
  9. Shut up and help nerd! Besides it's not me you're helping. It's my potential murder victim Edit: Ok it's the whole series. Isnt that still alot of money though?
  10. Someone tell me why something called Trigun is worth $150 when he told me I shouldnt waste money on a Gameboy Advance. It's only a couple DVDs. Ridiculous I say!
  11. PS2 with a network thing. :thumbs-up:
  12. I cant stand watching these awful guys. They make me embarassed for them Edit: PABLO MADE IT!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!! GO PABLO!!!
  13. Pablo had better make the actual show. He is freaking hilarious!
  14. If I remember it right they show it on NBC first and on Comedy Central a different night.
  15. Budd and Go-Go were both great. Too close to choose.
  16. Hey there everyone. I have been really in the mood to take my game playin to the next level. So I have been thinking about getting a GBA to pass some time when I am not around the apartment. The retro Nintendo one looks awesome and so do those retro games that just came out. Anyone else own one and have some suggestions? Like good games? Should I not even buy one? I tend to prefer platformers and stuff like Zelda.
  17. Jak and Daxter: 7/10 Grade might go higher once I get enough power cells to get the hell out of town
  18. The Day After Tomorrow: 8/10: Neato keen to say the least
  19. Paycheck: Yuck/10. Why do movie makers ruin an author's awesome stories almost constantly?
  20. Thank Tristy or me. Biggz didnt do anything Yeah same here. It is a fun little song, but after a couple months its a bit old.
  21. I wouldnt call it "nutting" but yeah I'm excited
  22. I thought the same thing when I saw STP on your list actually.
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