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Posts posted by VinnyT

  1. Dafoe's scenes were filmed three times, one with Dafoe's character knowing Patrick was the killer, one with him being unsure, and one where he though Bateman was innocent. She then spliced in the different takes into the same scene to give that uneasy feeling that we don't really know what Dafoe knows.

  2. Won tickets to see The Fray last night in Cleveland. With Richard Swift.

    Richard Swift was pretty much getting booed by the end, especially when his last song sounded like it was over, and the crowd cheered, then he kept playing and everyone went "Awwwwwbooooooo!" He ended the song and looked a little pissed. Boring.

    The Fray got a lot of people leaving early and our group left early as well, but pretty much when the encore started and the guitar player (can't be assed to look him up) came out alone and started doing a cover of Heartless. We all yelled "Don't you know I'm a Gayfish!" then we left.

    Oh yeah, Jacks Mannequin was there too, and I swear at least half of the crowd was there for them only. And they fucking rocked. I loved them ever more than I did before, and we converted at least one person in our group who hadn't heard of them and just came for The Fray. She loves some Mannequin now.

  3. Had a couple buddies in the car today and someone popped in their Ipod. Some Ska song starts playing and I liked it. It sounded familiar but I couldn't place it. Near the end I asked who it was and they responded with "That's Smash Mouth dude"

    I refused to believe him. Then I checked his Ipod and was right. It was "Flo" by Smash Mouth, and I completely forgot I used to not hate them years ago. Walking on the Sun was on the same album, but I started listening to most of Fush Yu Mang, and actually liked it a lot. I mean, I'm not back into them or anything, but this is still worth listening too.

    Has anyone else had this happen to them?

  4. Ed Wood: Karloff? Sidekick?.....FUCK YOU! Karloff doesn't deserve to smell my shit!

    Falling Down:

    Now you're gonna die wearing that stupid little hat! How does it feel?

    Ma'am, are you enjoying your meal? *woman vomits* Oh, I don't think she likes your special sauce Rick!

  5. Am I?

    It's not my site or anything. I just posted the first link I found. I pasted all the dates below like I should have done first.

    EDIT: Oh, I see now. The link was for some site that lets you vote for a concerts set list, but it's getting swamped. Sorry, should've check that out first.

    July 24: Las Vegas (the Joint)

    July 28: Vancouver (GM Place)

    July 30: Calgary, AB (Saddledome)

    July 31: Edmonton, AB (Rexall Place)

    Aug. 1: Saskatoon, SK (Credit Union Center)

    Aug. 2: Winnipeg, MB (MTS Centre)

    Aug. 4: Milwaukee (Marcus Amphitheater)

    Aug. 6: Boston (Comcast Center)

    Aug. 7 Quebec City, QC (Colisee Pepsi)

    Aug. 8: Montreal (Bell Centre)

    Aug. 9: Wantagh, N.Y. (Nikon Theater at Jones Beach)

    Aug. 12: Hershey, Pa. (the Star Pavilion)

    Aug. 13: Cincinnati (Riverbend Music Center)

    Aug. 14: Pittsburgh (Post Gazette Pavilion)

    Aug. 15: Chicago (First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre)

    Aug. 16: Omaha, Neb. (Westfair Amphitheater)

    Aug. 18: Minneapolis (Xcel Energy Center)

    Aug. 20: Indianapolis (Verizon Wireless Amphitheater)

    Aug. 21: Buffalo, N.Y. (Darien Lakes Performing Arts Center)

    Aug. 22: Detroit (DTE Energy Music Theatre)

    Aug. 23: Toronto (Molson Amphitheater)

    Aug. 25: Holmdel, N.J. (PNC Bank Arts Center)

    Aug. 27: Saratoga, N.Y. (Saratoga Performing Arts Center)

    Aug. 28: Camden, N.J. (Susquehanna Bank Center)

    Aug. 29: Hartford, Conn. (New England Dodge Music Center)

    Aug. 30: Washington, D.C. (TBD)

    Aug. 31: Wantagh, N.Y. (Nikon Theater at Jones Beach)

    Sept. 2: Cleveland (Blossom Music Center)

    Sept. 3: St. Louis (Verizon Wireless Amphitheater)

    Sept. 4: Kansas City, Kan. (Capitol Federal Park at Sandstone)

    Sept. 6: Denver (Fiddlers Green Amphitheater)

    Sept. 7: Salt Lake City (David O. McKay Events Center)

    Sept. 10: Seattle (White River Amphitheater)

    Sept. 12: Sacramento, Calif. (Sleep Train Amphitheater)

    Sept. 13: Mountain View, Calif. (Shoreline Amphitheater)

    Sept. 14: Santa Barbara, Calif. (Santa Barbara Bowl)

    Sept. 16: San Diego (Cricket Wireless Amphitheater)

    Sept. 17: Irvine, Calif. (Verizon Wireless Amphitheater)

    Sept. 19: Phoenix (Tempe Beach Park)

    Sept. 21: Albuquerque, N.M. (Journal Pavilion)

    Sept. 23: Woodlands, Texas (Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion)

    Sept. 24: Dallas (Superpages.com Center)

    Sept. 26: West Palm Beach, Fla. (Cruzan Amphitheater)

    Sept. 27: Tampa, Fla. (Ford Amphitheater)

    Sept. 29: Atlanta (Lakewood Amphitheater)

    Oct. 1: Charlotte, N.C. (Verizon Wireless Amphitheater)

    Oct. 2: Virginia Beach, Va. (Verizon Wireless Amphitheater)

    Oct. 3: Atlantic City, N.J. (Borgata Events Center)

  6. I think still just the first one. The subs seemed to have come out yesterday.

    And I'm throwing Pandora Hearts out there too, since I have the feeling that if it's properly taken care off, it'll be the next Death Note in terms of popularity.

  7. After I watched the finale today I contemplated, wrote up my opinions, then scouted for a new show via 4chan.

    Then I watched the new FMA (which looks to be pretty badass so far, even though the first episode feels the need to cram a lot of story in at once) and K-ON, which seems to be Lucky Star with guitars and a plot.

    I'll be keeping up on both for now.

    There's a couple others that are coming out right around now that look worth a look:


    Ristorante Paradiso

    Soten Koro

    Rainbow Nisha

  8. Soul Eater Finale:

    *sigh* I know that it was only 52 episodes, and I know that not everything was getting tied up in a neat little bow for the end, but seriously? Maka goes all Fist of the North Star and DEFEATS ASURA. One punch, because of SUPER COURAGE! Not even Soul was involved ( You know, the guy the show is NAMED AFTER ) Maka goes from scared to weapon in 3 seconds, then it's like she's not even Maka at all! Kid and Black Star wake up just in time to kiss her ass some more near the end; ( and I have a feeling that Asura saying things like "This makes no sense" was the shows way of saying "we're out of time, so it doesn't make sense to us either and we write this stuff!" ) then it's one punch to the face that makes his head explode. It was pretty rushed, but I understand it was, so it's not as bad as it could be. There's plenty of questions to answer, and not in a good way. We hopefully can get a OVA eventually to finish everything off.

    I'm happy to see it end. I followed since ep7 ( or whenever Norro first jumped in and told everyone to start watching ) and it was my favorite series that was currently running.

    Btw, I was actually ticked to see Shinigami still alive

  9. The show always felt different to me since I'm from Cleveland. We never really knew who Drew was so when suddenly this new show came on that had this cartoon singing about cities I actually heard of and been too ( instead of every other show featuring New York/LA landmarks and such ) it blew us away. As big as the show got at one time, it always felt different to me since it was all local.

    I still drive by the Warsaw building at times, and when I can find it I actually have been to the actual house used in the shoe. It was always a good show overall, except for the last season where I would always watch and just ask myself why he felt the need to continue the show.

  10. Soul Eater 49:

    <div><div style="background: #B7E5CE;border: 1px dotted #000; border-bottom: 0; border-left: 4px solid #429E6F; color: #000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10px; margin: 8px auto 0 auto; padding: 3px;">Spoiler: Click here to view</div><div style="color: #000000; background: #FAFCFE; border: 1px dotted #000; border-left: 4px solid #429E6F; border-top: 0; padding: 4px; margin: 0 auto 8px auto;display:none;"> So.......I guess it's getting down to the end. Looks like we're getting a major final reveal on Soul soon, and possibly some foreshadowing on Krona's new weapon (Starts with "E", ends with "xcaliber") So....fun times.</div></div>

  11. Soul Eater 48:

    Black Star gets kicked in the nuts! That's about it.

    Oh, AND SHINIGAMI IS DEAD! No hallucination mindfuck, no tricks from Shibusen. Shinigami is gone. Fucking gone. I had to pause right when Kid walks over to the body. I couldn't believe it! I mean, I guess this means Kid will be the new Shinigami but still, it's pretty sudden. Then Asura kills Arachne.


    Death the Kid: What?! This is horrible! How can this be?! This isn't symmetrical at all! Idiot!

  12. Watchmen brings so many damn questions to mind it's impossible to just review it in a few words. It's incredible, even with moments that kinda made me go "Well, that wasn't needed...."

    I mean, forget BLUEPENISLAWL and take this for what it is. I mean, I never saw the comics, and only found out the ending in the film differed slightly after looking it up on IMDB after seeing it last night. Anyway though, holy shit! I mean, even with the prison scene with the guys arms getting sliced off ( I mean, there's MORE METAL! CUT AROUND HIM!) I took most of what happened in the film pretty positively. Some random thoughts though.

    How did Rorschach's magic head-sock work?

    Why kill Rorschach? I mean, he was that protester in the first half of the film, and most of the general public just ignored him. Who would really believe him now? He was the coolest character and got the oddest death in the film.

    So, were supposed to be sad at Comedians funeral. Someone killed him, and it's OBVIOUSLY NOT THE GENTLE MILLIONAIRE OH NO! Lets see some of Denn- I mean Comedians history.....

    Oh, he's a rapist and shoots pregnant women. Why are we sad when he dies?

    Because he created the being that helped save the world?! Oh, I get it. Dr. Manhattan needs to witness a miracle! His love was created by a fucking asshole, so he can't believe the odds of her being born. I'll buy it! I get it!

    But....Dr. Manhattan coming back means nothing anyway.....so now Comedian has no point again.....

    Fuck you movie!

    I liked how for the most part this could been seen as a realistic look at "Superheros" in the real world (except for Dr.Manhattan) I took the Comedian thing for a bit to be how even though he was a fuckhead he still had a heart, and that not everyone gets to be that fairy tale character. It's a realistic look on life....

    Wait, there's a blue guy who is pretty much a god.

    FUCK YOU MOVIE! Lets me rationalize something!

    It was one incredible movie, but I don't think I could see it again for a long time.

  13. Reading what I said a few days ago, I realized that I think I really hated the whole devouring thing at the end, but everything else was cool. Even Black Star. I must have been in a bad mood. Apparently the show went all FMA on the manga right during the end of that fight in the hurricane thingy, so I'll accept it a bit as a way to just get the final fight(s) going. I'm happy with it now for the most part.

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