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Posts posted by VinnyT

  1. All-Star game right now. Nothing much so far.

    Sheets going well.

    Cliff Lee showing that the Indians season isn't all for naught.

    And Tim McCarver constantly interrupting Yogi Berra because he's borderline retarded. McCarver I mean.

  2. This was a new story and had little to do with the comics, so that gave Del Toro full permission to fill it with his own creations. I was kind of distracted by it though especially around the end when you just wanted to get to the final fight and they just kept shoving monsters in your face.

    But the quote I'm talking about was when Strauss is talking to this baby and says "Good baby" and the baby just says "I'm not a baby, i'm a tumor." then it snuggles closer to the creature who just holds it like a child anyway. At least my whole theater couldn't stop laughing and it was the moment that the movie gained steam and got to be pretty awesome.

    And Hellboy and Abe sing Barry Manilow drunk, and it is amazing.

  3. I caught the midnight release, and the film was pretty good, but it has it's moments where you know that it's just not going to touch the first one.

    Mainly, the screenplay bogs it down, even with some shining moments (and one particular line that hopefully becomes the "I Drink Your Milkshake" of 2008) the movie starts off with relationship jokes, and I was actually worried it was gonna be like National Treasure Two, but it fixes it around the ending.

    So, see it if you saw the first one, if not maybe wait for the cheap theater, or DVD.

  4. Seeing Medusa being one of the teachers seems like it's been done before, but i've felt that way already about this show, and was pleasantly wrong. I hope that happens again.

    Still, another great fight, if not a bit over before it began. The blood staying in air just so it can turn into a thousand little spikes to attack Stein were pretty sweet. And the girl with the pink hair reminds me of a Dr. Suess cartoon for some reason.

    And just when you think Black Star is taking a week off, he comes in to steal the show!

    Next Thursday is SOOOO long away.

    That was such a classic, too... gah, no room for it on my list D:

    Also, Reflecto joins the cool kids club, and Ruki will too if he ever gets around to picking up GL and amending his list shortly after >_>

    Damn, me too! Can we edit our lists, or is it set in stone after posting?

  6. 1. FLCL. It was pretty much the first series I really watched way back when (that wasn't Dragonball anyway) it was first shown on Adult Swim. It actually got me then watching the other shows that were on at the time, and isa main component of why I'm still taking the time and money to watch today.

    2. Princess Mononoke. I watched Castle in the Sky in the past and thought it was pretty cool, and figured that pretty much any Miyazaki was going to be generally for the younger crowd. I was wrong. This movie could get almost any movie goer into watching anime, and if not it's STILL just a great piece of film overall.

    3. Lupin III. It's ancient, but I still buy the books when I find them, and when Starz feels like showing Castle of Cagliostro I stop whatever i'm doing to watch. It's a classic for a reason, and I would still choose it over most anime I've watched lately.

    4. Trigun. It's a classic, and should be high up on the list, so I don't mind it going here. It's fun as hell to watch, and you just feel like it was worth it when it's all over.

    5. Cromartie High School. It was either this or Azumanga Daioh, which I also love. Cromartie though is something that doesn't require as much knowledge of Japanese culture, and is just as funny wherever you live. The show is just awesome, and so is the damn movie.

    6. Detective Conan. I LOVE THIS SHOW, but it needs to go a bit down the list since things get a bit formulaic at times (Convenient murder, obvious conclusion, some adult get's knocked out, Conan uses voice changer, bad guy gives up even when he doesn't have too, Rachel wants Jimmy but can't find him, Conan laughs, end credits) but it's somewhat saved by the movies that have been made overtime that I'd rather watch in the end.

    7. One Piece. I know. I know. I got started on the books years ago when my library first started getting them in, but soon lost interest for awhile. When I was able to start watching the shows on Youtube, and on Cartoon Network when I can, I remembered why I was reading before. The overall look of the show just keeps you going, and it's easy to pick out a favorite character early on, and then ignore that character because a even more awesome on popped up. How it hasn't become the next DBZ in terms of American overkill I don't know.

    8. Full Metal Alchemist. If were counting manga here, then this works. Even though I've seen the anime, I still am even more excited for the actual manga's story. It doesn't feel stretched out, and it's just an awesome story that could potentially be a satisfying, if not extremely depressing finish.

    9. Yu Yu Hakusho: I was so happy when this show first came on, as now I would really be able to watch something new (DBZ was through, I think, it's 4th run through). The whole concept is awesome, and the fights just keep you going to the end.

    10. Flame of Recca. Again, it's the manga i'm mostly basing this off of. While the anime leaves out somethings, it still has some awesome fight moments, even with the style being somewhat lacking. It's not the most original story, but it was just fun overall.

  7. I know they're saying that Death is Shinigami's son, but there was a moment where they showed Spirit on his hands and knees crying, then a bit later we see Death doing a similar pose, then that transitions to Maka doing the same. It just seemed liked foreshadowing to me.
  8. Soul Eater looks awesome so far! I watched all 7 so far after reading through here, and can't wait for No.8 to pop up (Which I'm guessing happens tomorrow morning.

    Maka: Looked to be a generic female lead for a few minutes, but quickly shows she's gonna be an interesting person.

    Soul Eater: Reminds me of the Gorrilaz when I see him move and talk.

    Black Star: Funny, and has some awesome moves, but seems to be a bit generic at times.

    Tsubaki: I hope she gets a more important part later on in the story (I'm sure she will)

    Death the Kid: First he looked like a generic "dark/brooding" type, but the neurotic-ness is refreshing and I can't wait for him to improve.

    Liz/Patti Thompson: I want to find out more about these, and I refuse to just read about them in the manga synopsis's.

    Franken Stein: He kicks everyone's ass all while flying around in a computer chair, and has a giant screw in his head. Awesome.

    DeathScythe: Or whatever his name is. It seems a bit obvious that

    He is Death the Kids father as well as Maka's
    but he is still a pretty fun character to watch and should be interesting later on.
  9. "This decal is distracting and possibly dangerous, but I sure do love Fig Newtons"

    "I'm his assistant. We've had sex"

    "Wish I could have been there to see that."

    "Quick, stick a second knife to get the first one out!"

  10. Just going out of things you didn't type:

    Hellboy 2

    You don't mess with Zohan (If just because I know it'll be worth a couple cheap laughs)

    Wall-E (HUGE expectations for this)

    Get Smart (PLEASE don't screw this up!)

    Wanted (Looks sort of generic at a glance, but the trailer gives it hope)

    Hancock (Looks goofy as all hell! Will Smith is super-hero hobo)

    Meet Dave ( It's Eddie Murphy, but early word is it's looking to be better than most of the junk he's put out in the last 5-7 years)

    Step Brothers (More of a $1 movie, but it shouldn't be horrible)

    Pineapple Express (Another Apatow film that I hope doesn't try to hard)

    The International (Clive Owen acting like 007, but obviously not 007, probably another $1 film)

  11. Little Miss Sunshine was an amazing movie, and should have won best picture instead of AMPAS suddenly deciding to finally honor Scorsese with probably one of his lesser quality (yet still awesome) films.

    I saw it three times in theaters, including walking out the first time, and turning around to watch again, then taking everyone I knew to see it a third time. I still find random reasons to quote it whenever I can and it's always something make you smile.

  12. For anyone who's actually seen There Will Be Blood, do you think Paul Dano was ROYALLY snubbed this year? He was awesome, and should be in that top 5. Not for a win, but definitely the 3rd place nom that could break through after vote splitting.

  13. Wow, this was pretty much forgotten...

    Anway, the movie was pretty funny, but wasn't perfect. I liked it, and am already getting the soundtrack.

    Oh, and this:

    All you want to do is eat fruit and touch your self! FUCK YOU!

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