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Posts posted by VinnyT

  1. Late love for Becker. I had a friend in high school who LOVED it and I never got around to watching it cause I worked when it usually aired, but I've caught reruns lately during the morning and it's pretty fucking good.

    And Dinosaurs. We need Dinosaurs back because there hasn't been anything like it since and probably nothing will be like it ever again.

  2. Double post, but Soul Eater 47 is pleasantly early. So...

    Soul Eater 47

    So, who the hell told the Soul Eater guys they needed MECH FIGHTS FOR NO REASON?! It's like they just said fuck to the whole "invasion" thing and had Shinigami turn the entire city into a fucking mech Then that Mosquito guy I wish would just die turns Arachnophobia's castle into a little spider mech then they play grab ass for a bit then suddenly they grab Asura AND THAT'S IT. Even Death The Kid was bitching at how stupid it was.

    It started out well with the conclusion of Black Star/Mifune III (although Black Stars "revelation" was a bit weak) but overall it got to be a real mess. Hopefully the next episode (I didn't check the preview on purpose) makes up for it.

    Or, Soul Eater 47:



  3. I found a new series today called Michiko to Hatchin, and it's actually pretty good so far (Well, the first episode) It seems to take place in South America, and it's looking to get pretty dark before it's over. It's still in it's first season ( I think like, only 15 is translated so far ) so it wont take too long to catch up. So, check it out.

  4. Soul Eater 45:

    Wow, I was mostly right. I don't mind a lot of things happening at once like that. Stein and Medusa were both large but ultimately side stories to the major problem of Asura. Ragnarok died to give Excalibur room to take over as Krona's new weapon, but I'm not expecting them to do to much this late in the series. Marie needed a real power other than smashing toilets so I don't really even mind that, even though her personality goes back and forth so much I don't really care about her anyway. In the end, it's time for the final showdown...... YES MIFUNE AND BLACK STAR AGAIN!

    Soul Eater 46:

    The subs I read were a little off, but what I got was that all of Death The Kids worries were useless, and then forgotten about.....Okay then. Eibon is here now and that means we are getting close. The giant laser cannon of evil was actually pretty cool. Black Star and Mifune always have had awesome fights, and this is included. Black Stars dad is shown (or uncle, oh yeah) and it seems they want us to think that Black Star is going evil (Not happening, so it's worthless) We can finally see what Brew does, and EXCALIBUR HOLY POOP ON A STICK! And he's serious
  5. I actually didn't see 45-46 yet, but I'm planning on it today. I just meant that I was discouraged since I usually hear nothing but awesomeness about the show, and hearing that made me wonder. I'm guessing some people gonna die though in the next two episodes.

    Medusa, and just to completely turn Krona around, have Ragnarok die too, probably protecting Krona from Medusa before she goes. And Sid is probably dying for real some time soon.

    Shit, Soul Eater is over for good in April!

  6. So.....Anyone read this Pet Shop of Horrors? I thought it'd be a little juvenile when I saw the cover, but there's some good stuff so far. I guess what I found was a sequel manga that is only on it's third book officially in America.

  7. Dammit AMPAS!

    The last few years now AMPAS has been able to have wide spread nominees, and choosing what they really felt was the best film of the year. Not what the studios told them to vote for, but what they really thought to be THE BEST OF THE YEAR!

    Now this year, Supporting Actor excluded, it's all Drama. I mean, look what we lost this year:

    Sally Hawkins

    The Dark Knight ( Or at least Christopher Nolan FINALLY getting nominated )


    But Slumdog gets TWO best song nominations! I loved the film, but TWO songs while snubbing The Wrestler just doesn't go well at all.

    They were getting close to actually awarding everything instead of a small group, but it's a step back this year.

    Still, this will probably go down as a "Bad" year, or at least one of the weakest of the decade. There's some great films, but nothing that really screams "BEST PICTURE" to me. And there's a difference between a film that takes all the fun out of predicting by bandwagon effect and a truly AMAZING film that wins most awards.

    Best Actor

    Richard Jenkins for The Visitor (2007/I)

    "Didn't see it yet but it's the dad from Step Brothers, and we was kinda awesome in it, so cool"

    Frank Langella for Frost/Nixon (2008)

    "The bad guy from that Whoopi Goldberg movie where she coaches the Knicks! He was the best part of that movie ( And of Frost/Nixon )"

    Sean Penn for Milk (2008)

    "Dude! He might win again, but I don't see it. Good job though."

    Brad Pitt for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

    "Ya know, any other year I wouldn't mind Brad Pitt finally winning the big one, but here it just would feel wrong"

    Mickey Rourke for The Wrestler (2008)

    "Thank god! He needs to win!"

    Best Actress

    Anne Hathaway for Rachel Getting Married (2008)

    "Expected and greatly appreciated. She should have a chance to make a better speech!"

    Angelina Jolie for Changeling (2008)

    "Oh, I get it, nominate screaming and crying like the old days instead of Sally Hawkins; AND get Hollywoods power couple nominated! Genius!"

    Melissa Leo for Frozen River (2008)

    "No shit! That's cool"

    Meryl Streep for Doubt (2008/I)

    "It's Meryl, so she's getting nom'd, but I can't see her winning for this"

    Kate Winslet for The Reader (2008)

    "Anne's biggest threat. I'm going for either of them"

    Best Supporting Actor

    Josh Brolin for Milk (2008)

    "He had it on lockdown for a month or so now, but that's not a bad thing"

    Robert Downey Jr. for Tropic Thunder (2008)

    "THANK YOU! Looks to be another year of actually acknowledging ALL films and not all dramas!"

    Philip Seymour Hoffman for Doubt (2008/I)

    "Meh, he works I guess."

    Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight (2008)

    "If not, there would be riots in the streets of LA"

    Michael Shannon for Revolutionary Road (2008)

    "He looks like Richard Kiel"

    Best Director ( And here comes a much deserved nom for Nolan! Give it to me Forrest! )

    Danny Boyle for Slumdog Millionaire (2008)

    "Awesome. Loved that movie!"

    Stephen Daldry for The Reader (2008)

    "Well, there's the "Lone Director" spot, and it's not Nolan's! TDK is in!"

    David Fincher for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

    "I REALLY wish he wasn't winning for THIS films"

    Ron Howard for Frost/Nixon (2008)

    "Good on you Opie. Now, where' Nolan?"

    Gus Van Sant for Milk (2008)

    "Oh FUUUUUUUUDGE!" ( Only I didn't say fudge )

    Best Picture

    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

    "Ok, not a surprise, luckily 'D' is after 'C'"




    "Who cares.......Still not a bad movie at all"

    The Reader


    Slumdog Millionaire

    "Good, win and take the glory away from Benjamin Gump!"


  8. I remember months and months ago, someone mentioned they were surprised that no one did a song called "Your Place or MySpace".

    So, I wrote one....


    Ur Place or MySpace?

    Hey I saw you at the concert

    You were dancing right along

    And you were even singing

    Because it was your favorite song

    I was wary to approach you

    You were in love with the dance

    So finally I walked up

    Then I saw you in your trance

    I really wanted to say "Hi"

    But I figured you'd just say "Bye"

    I needed a perfect line

    Just to see if you'd be mine

    ( so then I went and said )

    *Ur place or MySpace

    I can't stop glancing at your face

    My mind says maybe I should go

    But I just can't

    I'm not one of those guys

    Who's gonna make you cry

    I'm hoping for a number

    Or at least your Myspace

    Hard to get is so passe ( bleh )

    So I found a better way

    I just want to know you

    *And your MySpace

    I was walking 'round the store

    Suddenly there was a girl

    My mind went seven ways

    She took it for a whirl

    How can I get close to her

    And have her stay where she's at?

    The store will be closing soon

    But she hasn't seen me yet

    There's gotta be something I don't see

    To get her talking to me

    I needed a line

    To make it all fine

    ( Suddenly I blurted out )


    You're sitting in the class room

    And guess who just walked in?

    It's the girl of your dreams

    You don't know where to begin

    You know straight away

    That what you're thinking is right

    She needs to know how you feel

    And have you both stay at night

    Rejections been your trusty friend

    But it's time to let those feelings end

    One more time

    Just use the line

    ( Just say it already )


    ( Chorus repeats and fades out )

  9. Give it time. Once nominations are out it'll grow.

    Or do you mean the race itself? Admittedly it's been a slow year for these movies. Last year I had three anticipated films come out ON THE SAME DAY during December and this year I'm not going nuts on anything other than The Wrestler, which wont be around most people till Jan 6th.

  10. Soul Eater 37

    Whole lot of nothing this time. Crona is back to being called a guy and finds out he is the one responsible for Stien going insane. Soul and Maka can only use the Demon Hunter when Soul plays the piano.......OK. And Kid starts to find out about his father. Not much else to say

    Anyway, finished 20th Century boys and the sequel. This needs to be read by pretty much everyone! It was a satisfying experience.

    And months ago someone mentioned Bartender. I just found it and love that now as well.

  11. Norro, I just discovered Wallflower from a random girl at the book store who told me to read it. She was just happy to see someone else in the manga section for once. I thought it was a little odd at the start, but if the anime is that good, guess I'll give it a second chance.

    Meanwhile, I'm probably the last person to discover it, but I'm addicted to 20th Century Boys. If anyone hasn't read it, it's near 300 chapters (that and the short spinoff) and it's the most I've been into anime of any kind in a LONG time. So....read it.

  12. I recently found Shura No Toki, which doesn't have the most memorable characters, but I love the fight scenes. And Peacemaker, which seems promising.

    Anyway, Soul Eater 36:

    Fucking A. Soul powers the crap out of the team and Mosquito is gone.....shit, he's still alive. Oh well. Not too much else this week, but with about 15 episodes to go, things are only getting better.
  13. So, saw it. Yeah.

    If you ignore the crap script, and watch for the violence, you'll love it. Some may not like how the blood got turned up a few notches, but I personally enjoyed the creativity of the deaths, for the most part.

    Frank is forced to choose between shooting Newman from Sienfield or Percy from The Green Mile. He chooses Percy, Newman dies anyway. Also, he punches people in the face and there entire skulls cave in. Then the father of the kid who just got his face punched in sits and awaits being arrested. Frank then shoots him point blank with a shotgun, while holding a small girl who is indifferent to the blood.

    Then there's some free runners, which Frank takes out in mid air with rockets.

    I loved it for the mindless violence alone.

  14. Well, I read through this (surprised at the response to my post) and tried out a few more songs.

    Ok, they're not a "One-Song-Wonder" (although anyone else I've showed Charmer to laughed and though it was a supposed to be a joke) I found a few others songs to be alright, but nothing to make me want to go out and grab their albums. It's not horrible, but I can't see my self getting to much into them.

  15. Soul Eater 34:

    Start of an epic battle, at least according to the titles. Have we seen this pink-haired girl before (not Crona). Anyway, the "new" three kids are pretty awesome them selves (I knew Ox would eventually come around!). Stein is finally going nuts and Sid is actually fighting! Overall, even if the eventual ending is disappointing, Soul Eater should at least be known for it's fight scenes.

    Soul Eater 35:

    Soul is about to go all Black Blood crazy, and Stein is already there! I'm hoping this Mosquito fight is short though, as I just can't get into his character at all. And Sid actually could keep up with Mifune, which surprised the hell out of me. Just a major set up for next week, which should be pretty awesome.
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