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Posts posted by VinnyT

  1. "You have to be careful Stanley! Beware of Drive B"

    "The Drive Bee?"

    "Yes, any error you make with it could be fatal!"

    "I knew it, my life may already be in danger!"

    * A bee flies in the car and lands on the dashboard *

    "Silly bee, can't you see I'm trying to drive here?"

    * 2 second pause *


    * Pulls car over and jumps out *

    "Fight! Fight for your life Stanley!"

    * The bee lands on the hood of the car, Stanley takes off his shoe *

    "And now the hunter, becomes the hunted!"

    * Stanley smashes the bee with his shoe, this is exactly the same second that the bomb on the car explodes *

    "There's no way he could have survived that blast."

    * The smoke clears. Stanley is seen standing with a shoe in his hand, and his car vaporized except for a fraction of the hood of the car. Stanley is covered in ash *

    * Looks at his shoe * "Now that's a well made shoe!"

    Seriously, the most underrated comedy of all time.

  2. I watch it...kinda. Not through choice. The girlfriend watches that and Scrubs pretty much constantly, neither program do I have that much admiration for. But I make her sit through really bad horror films so it evens out.

    It would be better if at least one person on that show was attractive.

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