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Posts posted by VinnyT

  1. I just watched the 2nd episode of the two-part School Rumble Sangakki (3rd Semester) OAV. The two episodes are supposedly to be taken as 'episodes 25 and 26 of the third and final season', except that episodes 1-24 of said season will never be animated.

    Presumably I'll have to keep buying the mangas to fill in the blanks. However, with volume 11 only just released over here and 22 volumes total, I'll probably be waiting until the second half of 2011 to complete it all, on the assumption they'll stick to their typical release rate of one per quarter. >_<

    Either way, I miss School Rumble! :crying: Why couldn't they have done a proper 3rd season? Or more to the point, why couldn't they have done a conclusive ending? Instead of one of those "and everything's as it always has been" type endings.

    On the plus side, Harima remains one of the great male anime leads. And now I want to start a new Dome diary just so I can find some way of slotting in a new tag team based on the pairing of Tougou and Harry Mackenzie, who are utterly hilarious.

    I can't check it now, but does One-Manga have the whole series?

    (Not a shill. I figured everyone knew about this site already)

  2. So.....Soul Eater? Yeah....

    It's honestly been getting a little boring when you know nothings really gonna happen for a good while. Finally watched 31-32.

    31 should at least be some good foreshadowing, and

    Medusa returns and forces Krona to spy for her. I hope Krona doesn't go all evil again. I'd actually be a bit sad.


    Someone actually could stand Excalibur and took him as a weapon! And went to Shibusen! And wrecked EVERYONES shit! Not kidding. Other than that, nothing
  3. Angry Patty is awesome :shifty:

    Also, just watched the first episode of Hellsing last night, it's not bad. And it made me wonder...are there any good zombie animes?

    Seems Soul Eater's getting ignored more and more....

    But yeah, Angry Patty stole the show, and this time Death The Kid going ADD actually helped them out this time so maybe he's getting better.

    And next week mentions Excaliber! Hopefully in a serious role!

  4. Soul Eater 26:

    Not really too much to say this time around. Getting (most of) the Death Scythes together and playing basketball. Still, we've got Stein starting to go mad (if anyone is actually going to die by the end of the series it's Stein) and now there's this girl (forgot the name already....) who may be able to help him keep in control, but I hope she actually builds a personality other than "I want to be married NOW WAAAAH!". And she wanted to marry a toilet, then she got pissed at it and destroyed it, so I guess there's hope.

    And Justin better pull some badass power out soon or he's just comic relief, about religion.

    BTW, this video is ALMOST perfect.

    Smash Eater

  5. I don't think so. He seems to have a whole other side that she helped unlock simply by fighting him. He's nuts enough without her injecting him with the Black Blood. Shinigami/Asura was a brief taste (although satisfying to me at least) of what we are going to see soon enough. I'm pumped!
  6. Soul Eater 24:

    Finally! Epic battle time! We get to see Shinigami start kicking ass a bit, a bit of a backstory on why he doesn't seem as menacing as he should (the mini-flashback had me laughing) Asura looks like he's leaving to fully recover, then should come back soon. I'm 5%-10% sure that Asura is Death The Kids real father. Next weeks flashback on his origins should be pretty cool. Maybe finally get a glimpse of Maka's mom.

    As for Medusa, I guess the rule of Soul Eater is that pretty much NO ONE DIES (except for the first couple episodes, but those don't count :shifty: ) She dies, comes back for "one last scare", dies again, and now she's a snake. Yeah.

  7. Soul Eater 23

    That's pretty much how Black Star HAD to be handled. He doesn't get scared, so his ego was the thing that instead was his downfall. I loved it!

    I'm sure Maka, Soul, and Krona are walking towards Asura, but they really had nothing to do this time. When they jump in next episode it'll make up for it.

    And Medusa's dead. Not that it matters since this new guy is GOING TO KILL EVERYONE (maybe). I'm pretty sure this is where Werewolf is going to die. Shinigami-Sama isn't really going to die (at least I don't think he really could anyway) Will he be extremely worked over and exhausted? Yeah, but he's done this whole thing before. I mean, if Sid can keep coming back every 5 episodes then I'm sure THE GRIM REAPER is fine.

    And will we learn who the blonde kid was that Stein whupped? That's the real cliff-hanger :shifty:

    How many episodes were made? I was under the impression that the show was currently running in Japan.

  8. Soul Eater 22

    Yeah....so fuck all with any villain before this episode! Asura is going to wreck some shit up before the day is over. And it looks like Stein is getting ready to really come out of his shell and wreck some shit up himself. One of the real few times I really couldn't wait for the next episode!

    And am I the only one that thinks Death's symmetry thing is getting a little old? It's getting formulaic now. Death chases bad guy-gets close-fights-suddenly becomes distracted because there's a dust pile on one side of the room and not on the other and he has a stroke-nearly loses battle-notices small problem with bad guy-kills bad guy. Maybe it's just me.

    And mini-Ragnarok shows that maybe he's staying along afterall, but eventually will become an anti-hero weapon for Krona.

  9. He can act, and that shows in Click, and even with Punch Drunk Love. I'm surprised there isn't more love for Wedding Singer. On the label it seems like a "LOL 80's!" flick but it is really an great movie and I've heard some people say it's pretty much his peak, full on comedy wise.

    And no-one mentioned Mr. Deeds. Good.

  10. I remember the first season being great, then the second not really doing much until the Harry Potter one ("Virgin!" "Second Base" and Tracy Morgan playing Dumbledore because he changes every movie). Anymore the show seems to rely too much on violence and vulgarity, instead of just being funny like it used to be.

  11. That is correct.....it's.....fucked.

    Ok, I know the episode was supposed to be a random Excaliber one, but I think someone took a few liberties with the sub. This doesn't seem like the subs usually are, like it's someone completely different. A lot more vulgarity that usual, and around the end it even starts saying "I'm not typing that again, fuck that sword!".

    I was laughing throughout the whole thing, but it just seemed like a REALLY crazy sub.

  12. Or Black Star being bloody, beaten, and tied up on the chalk board for cheating. Then when he starts writing something in blood Soul Eater thinks it's to help him beat the test, then it's really just "Black Star" written on the bored, just because he can.

  13. I was getting worried around ep 11-12 (whenever it gets all Tsubaki-centralized) that things were going downhill, then with the werewolf who keeps missing his attacks for no other reason than "He's kinda dumb". But then we get the hilarious episode with major test everyone needs to take (And Patty turns her test into a giraffe, because it's like she's fucking FIVE!), then the pirate ship episode brought the awesomeness back in full force.

    Yeah, it's looking like Shibusen has a huge secret that we'll see soon. And is Sid dead, or just really hurt (since he's technically already dead) and bound to return again? I can't wait for Wednesday! And it looks like Ox could be getting Excalibur, unless I'm entirely wrong and he already has a weapon that I forgot about.
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