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- Trips -

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Everything posted by - Trips -

  1. The temptation..... I always end up wanting to go to my main save and slaughter everything
  2. It probably was one of the early Ultima games. I remember seeing them in PC Gamer back in the day and thinking it was a cool idea.
  3. Victory (well near-victory) WILL BE MINE~!
  4. Fraser Dutch - Red Bull Car 2 (Again)
  5. Team Red Bull will put an end to your evil Aryan plot McLaren.
  6. Thats what I get for missing qualifying and testing. Blast. Hamster claims pole though!
  7. Red Bull takes the win! (Y)
  8. You have lots of time for the first mission, up until 6:00 am day 2. You can get the SMG in Paradise Plaza. It's on the blue awning above the photography shop. To get there, go up the first staircase on your right when you enter the plaza from the warehouse. You should be able to jump onto the blue bit about halfway up the stairs. You can also rush to the gunshop at the start of the game (check you map, it's in the North Plaza), and pick up the Snipers and Shotguns there. Alternatively, one of the survivors who gets owned at the start of the game has a shotgun, and you can pick it up from him.
  9. Zero's tips were all kinds of awesome. How the hell do you beat the bomb collecting bit though? There's too many damn zombies and Carlito running me over was seriously harsh. Advice! (It should be noted I'm Lvl 42 now.....)
  10. Anybody play on EU Turalyon....?
  11. Has anyone played Ridge Racer on 360? If so how does it stack up against Project Gotham?
  12. Thats it, I'm driving Hammy's Red Bull next race
  13. Is there anything written on the old one? The small ones usually have like "LR17" or something similar on them.....
  14. Second Pole Position in a row Lets see if I can retain this one longer than 4 seconds.
  15. Bah. I can handle hordes of Zombies, I can handle the weird cultist type dudes but for the life of me I get my ass kicked when I end up against the major psychopaths. So with that in mind any tips for: The Clown (At the ride controls in Wonderland) The Fat Cop Bitch (In some shop in Wonderland) The Convicts (The Park) The Big Psycho with the knife (Some shop in the North Plaza) The Gun Store Psycho (North Plaza) I'm thinking I probably need better weapons, a SMG/Handgun doesn't seem to cut it against most bosses and the Katana/Battle Axe never last very long with me.
  16. Another retirement. I rock :thumbsdown:
  17. Metal Gear Solid (PSX) Resident Evil Directors Cut (PSX) Resident Evil 2 (PSX) Final Fantasy 7 (PSX) Edits to come.
  18. Theraven5586. Go on, shoot me. Usually playing COD.
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