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Everything posted by PkmnTrainerJ

  1. Of course Toon Disney is awesome. But when is Power Rangers shown, and how far are they with it? I mean...erm, manly things.
  2. That should really be in spoiler tags as it's majorly spoilerly.
  3. I feel stupid for making a thread like this but oh well. In the movie a guy writes things all over his body because he can't remember anything when he wakes up, or something like that. Sorry it's so vague, that's all I can remember. Don't know any of the actors/actresses.
  4. Since when is Eminem in Advent Children? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0385700/fullcredits It'll be silly if he plays anyone in it.
  5. As now stated in my original post, this list is fake. Shut. Up.
  6. Hmmm...I like the odd design, I will be able to play, but I'll have to hold it sideways, it's not like my money didn't belong to Nintendo since Day One anyways.
  7. Well, in NOM, they mentioned Mario Kart (SNES & 64), Mario Party (1,2 and 3) and Pokémon Stadium (1 & 2) being free, so I'm set with that. Actually shove Marble Madness in there and I'd pay £500 for that console.
  8. Arse. Although NOM has confirmed many games anyway if this isn't true.
  9. The main example being the Harry Potter, with Quidditch being a mini-game in the main games, and then being released as Quidditch World Cup. I would have liked to have seen a Blitzball game (FFX style, mind you) for the PSP or DS. And a chocobo racing game for the DS. So many things could be expanded, and the unlockables and oh god yes. Blitzball - Wireless matches - Proper tournaments and leagues - A city where you can freeroam and pick up players - More abilities - Keepa, Botta, Datto etc. obtainable as unlockables - Create a player - Fan interaction - Program formations/plays to trigger words using the DS's microphone Chocobo Racing DS - Create a player/chocobo - Wireless races - Acessories, and other unlockables - Guest appearances by Chocobo Joe, Cloud, Tifa and Cid - Gold Chocobo sidequest - Proper tournaments Just my ideas... So erm...what does EWB want proper gamed?
  10. I played the game at Nintendo All Stars and it's brilliant. More fun than a tamagotchi, and playing with other people's dogs is great. By the way Tamagotchi DS is out soon too.
  11. February? That's good. Not in USA until November. And as you said Lost spoilers ahoy, I'm sure I can say this: From the trailers I've seen there are other survivors, from the tail of the plane, on the other side of the island. Including Ana Lucia Cortez (Michelle Rodriguez), who flirted with Jack in Season 1 at the airport and also Rose's husband, Bernard may still be alive. He was in the bathroom, in the tail of the plane, and Rose has always insisted that he's still alive. Also, according to a new trailer I've watched Lost starts Sept 21st, 2005 in USA.
  12. Well for excellence, I'd reccomend the Sony Handycam HC-19E. Pricey though. But has mini DVDs.
  13. I know it's been shown before, but you cannot disagree that the GBM is sex. Especially the green one. I've just pre-ordered one at GAME, so will you be getting one? Also, a question to Americans. what is the release date for this over there? Cheers.
  14. Oh my god, the crazy frog should die. I thought the US would resist it and not be chavlike and actually like it.
  15. Yeah, but the Nintendo library is far superior than Sony's. ←
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