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Everything posted by PkmnTrainerJ

  1. Personally I wub my DS, but will have a PSP and own both a GBA & GBASP. But what about ye?
  2. Speaking of THUG I designed my THUG guy how I wanted to look when I was slightly older, and now I do look like that guy, minus the green hair because work are whores about it.
  3. Most people design CAW's that look like themselves for season mode and things (I do anyway), so what way do your CAW's of yourself differ in how you look? My CAW's of me are usually taller, have more of a beard, but still have the same hair style as me and the same kind of clothes i.e a t-shirt, jeans and trainers.
  4. Today I went to Nintendo All Stars '05 so I've played a lot. NEW Super Mario Bros. - 7/10 Only got to play three levels, some parts zoomed out when they didn't need to. But overall good, needs a fecking name though. Mario Kart DS - 9.2/10 Only got to play three courses, but won all of them. Will surely get this game. Pokémon XD - Gale Of Darkness - 9.7/10 I caught a shadow Metang and saw a Bonsly, which was brilliant! Legend Of Zelda: The Twilight Princess - 8/10 Hmmm...should be better for a Zelda game. Although if you see my review in NOMUK, you'll know exactly how I felt about it.
  5. I think I may have seen that advert. Where they're all hooked to Civ and Sid comes in and talks too. It is awesome. Cannae wait for the game to consume all of my free time.
  6. Put Hwoarang or Steve in my clutches and I assure you, you wouldn't stand a chance. Just ask J. ←
  7. Donkey Kong (GBA NES Classics) - 6/10 A great game when I originally played it on my NES when I was just a wee Nintendo fan in the making. However, since then Mario's jumping ability has severly improved so it's odd doing such little jumps, and 3 levels isn't long enough these days even though the jumping jack things on level 2 still piss me off.
  8. I finished Nuklear Age again, and have now started reading 'A Child Called It' by Dave Pelzer, basically a story of how he was viscously and I mean mental torturing too, as a child. And how he was called It instead of David and never regarded as a human by his mother. There are three books in the storyline, the end one being called 'A Man Called Dave', I can't remember the second one. Either way, it's a great story, must admit, it's an emotional book. Made me gasp, laugh and cry.
  9. A DJ maybe. I have no idea, and I'm intrigued by it.
  10. Basically saw an advert for this in a video games magazine and had to check it out. Weekender Site Sony seem to have big events going on at Alton Towers and Thorpe Park. Thorpe Park has the musical side of things with Feeder, Faithless and Razorlight. But screw Thorpe Park it's too far away from where I am. Alton Towers is better anyway, and the event is too. - Strap on a Sumo suit and have a Sumo battle with your mates - Make a request at the Human Jukebox - Drop in at the legendary Playstation Free To Speed Tuning Garage - Have a pop at the mind bending rope maze - Try your luck at a Singstar contest and win PS2 goodies - Get carried around the park in a luxury Sedan chair if you win the spacehopper challenge - Visit the Free To Fight arena and battle other fans on the best fighting games on PS2 (This event is for over 18's only, which means Mortal Kombat!!! Mwhahahahahaha!) I'm going to try and go for all three days at the Alton Towers event, so if anyone else is planning to go and wants to meet up so you'll know it's me beating you at Mortal Kombat and screaming like a little girl on Nemesis then feel free to say. Anyways, it's all good in the hood.
  11. PkmnTrainerJ


    PictoChat is very pointless and if you didn't draw a gigantic cock in PictoChat then you're not normal. Can't wait for online Pokemon Diamond & Pearl obviously. Also Mario Kart online will kick major amounts of arse. And you will be able to send crude pictures to anyone else with a DS using your wireless broadbandness or one of the 1,000 wireless hot spots in the UK at least that Nintendo will be setting up. They are also putting 5 or so just in the Nintendo World Store & NY Pokémon Center(formerly just the Pokémon Center). Did that make me sound like a Nintendo fanboy at all? Just a tip, Keith. Don't use the stylus to throw Bowser. It's very irritating. Use the D-Pad.
  12. Okay, forget all manlyhood and trying to look tough. What has been your saddest video game moment? One that you may have cried at. For me - Aeries' Death on FF7 = Tears Also Tidus talking to Jecht and saying 'I Hate You' to him. = Tears
  13. Well, I like the Kingdom Hearts, but thought it'd be wierd to play a game with Final Fantasy & Disney characters. The storyline of the first game is good, Chain Of Memories is by far the best card based battling game I've ever played and I'm eagerly awaiting Kingdom Hearts 2.
  14. Morrowind, Baldur's Gate 2, Diablo.
  15. Fantastic 4 - 9/10 I want a sequel. Now.
  16. Could be that your PS2 has decided not to read PS1 discs anymore. Seems to happen to old blocky (not slimline) PS2s.
  17. Blockbuster had a 4 for £20 offer so I've played many games today. Sonic Heroes - 8.5/10 This is a cool game, obviously, because it's Sonic. I love Team Dark and want to work through Story Mode to unlock more things. Multiplayer is fun because I beat Benji. (Y) SSX3 - 5/10 So far, not impressed. Need to unlock a hell of a load of things though. Bloody Roar: Primal Fury - 6.5/10 One thing I will say about this. It's too freakin' hard. Great fun, but hard. Goldeneye: Rogue Agent - 9/10 Yes, I wasn't looking forward to a Goldeneye sequel either, but this is well done. Haven't tried Campaign mode yet, so the rating is purely on multiplayer. Well, thats all for today.
  18. In the last week I've read 'Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince' and managed to coax Benji into conversation about it, despite the fact he hates it As people haven't finished Harry Potter yet and I'm going to say spoiler things, then avec le spoiler tags.
  19. The Legend Of Zelda show was great but only went on for 12 episodes, and Super Mario, I loved back then but watching on DVD now, I hate it because of all my Mario knowledge and how the show is inconsistent.
  20. I think there is one called Combat Chess, as that's what I was instantly reminded of when I saw the chess on Harry Potter, whether you'll be able to pick a copy up now, I don't know.
  21. Screw Birmingham and everywhere else, come to Leicestershire, I can't be bothered with going any further than that.
  22. This has been announced for ages. Although from all the trailers and everything I've seen it looks very cool and I will purchase it.
  23. I echo Benji's post. Why did you need to transfer your PS2 saves? If it's corrupted you should be able to delete it. I've had some corrupted data before and have been able to delete it.
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