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Turbo Yannis

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Everything posted by Turbo Yannis

  1. I'm disapointed about Parker going to Newcastle. On the other hand, he would have neded to dislodge either Lampard, Cole or Makalele from the team, which just isn't happening. All the best of luck to Parker, here's hoping he gets his first team football he deserves. By the way, the girl that does the Speedway crap is way better looking...
  2. Jackie McNamara is having a medical at Wolves, according to Sky Sports. Ha!
  3. And that always means they're guilty. ←
  4. I think he's guilty. I've got no proof, I just think he's a weird motherfucker...
  5. Ah, knowing that then it becomes mre logical
  6. Personally, I don't rate Kirkland that highly. I believe the exact way I would describe him would be "flapper". And with Celtic going for him now, he looks to be finished at Liverpool.
  7. When I download the game from the link in the first post, I'm getting the EWR icon but nothing else at all. Is there any where else I can download the game properly or at least all the files?
  8. I don't get the point of Kirkland going to West Brom. Hoult is okay and that other goalie's good as well.
  9. Using players from every country (with Notheren Ireland, not ROI), I'd go: GK: Paul Robinson DF: John Terry © DF: Steven Pressley LB: Wayne Bridge (yes, Chelsea bias) RB: Aaron Hughes MF: Frank Lampard MF: Steven Gerrard ML: Stewart Downing MR: Shaun Wright Phillips FW: Wayne Rooney FW: Robert Earnshaw
  10. That new Spurs one is okay, not as cool as last seasons. Is it just me, or do Leeds seem to be going from one crap kit maker to another since they got relegated? I really holpe that's just a model Chelsea top and not next seasons, it's just the same as the last one. BTW, the new Scotland top is the shit.
  11. It's Chelsea's next year, I tells ya
  12. If the shoe was on the other foot you wouldn't be saying that... I think the whole tapping up devate is a pile of shit. Normal people can talk to other companies when they're still working for another, why should footballers be any different?
  13. West Ham 1 - Preston 0 Bobby Zamora. Bollocks.
  14. Personally, I'm glad it was Southend. I've had a soft spot for them ever since I took them from the 3rd Division to the Champions League in FIFA 2004 And my money's going to Wednesday and Preston.
  15. The best option for Richardson is to spend another season at West Brom and then go back to United if Ferguson is ssuitably imperessed, IMO. I thought it was quite funny when one of the American players, whose name I don't know, but he was the number 12, started pushing and shoving with Glen Johnson. He was getting hauled away shouting "Fuck you! Fuck you, bitch!". You don't see that very often.
  16. Does Cisse look at his hair and think "Hmmm, I look good"?
  17. Baros is lucky he's going off now. He'd have been sent off soon enough.
  18. And? I'm not saying that as a bitter Chelsea fan, I've just never been a big Liverpool fan. I do actually want them to win since they've got themselves back into it.
  19. I'm not bitter, just anwsering a question.
  20. How fucking lucky was that. Get shot of that donkey Dudek now.
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