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Everything posted by Kyle_

  1. Kyle_


    Well, anyone got it besides myself and Mr. Ruckus? It's a pretty fun game, and the mics are kickass.
  2. I'm pretty sure it is, along with Merc Team Deathmatch.
  3. Fitzy got an acheivement without even playing a song, hence, he is a hacker
  4. All you L4Der's, playing it on DoubleXP weekend on COD *shakes head*
  5. It's not gay, it's not ass and I'd forgotten it was on GH3, but you're not able to play drums on GH3, so fucking get it. Also missing from my proposed Benatar pack, All Fired Up.
  6. I was doing a drumroll on the red pad when it happened. Plus I was playing GH, so I was pissed off at something I'm sure( ) which added to it. And no Bad Reputation? And more Nickelodeon?
  7. i tried. It makes the noise, but nothing comes out
  8. Shut up and let us have our DoubleEXP
  9. So I have a problem calibrating lag. Does it let anyone else go in the negative milliseconds? Because it doesn't for me.
  10. Ugh, although I disagree with the way the media covers every little things that happens to the Cowboys, they aren't helping themselves with this.
  11. My point is that you shouldn't be put into a game near it's end and lose. I'm willing to wait longer to find a game than be given a loss for nothing.
  12. Halo 3. COD(both 4 and WaW) have spawn problems, and they will have you join in the middle of a game when your team is about to lose, giving you a loss for nothing, Also, if the host turns off his X-Box, you are taking back to the lobby and everyone gets a loss. Why these problems haven't been fixed, I will never know. Don't get me wrong, they are both good games, and they have a lot more features than Halo like perks and classes, but in Halo, all the guns are equal, and the matchmaking is much better IMO. The only other FPS's I can think of is Battlefield:Bad Company, which is a great game but not many people have it and it is an EA game so the servers suck, and Farcry 2, which is much more for the single player.
  13. How's he being a prick? And my roommate fixed his himself. I don't recommend it though, unless your warranty is up.
  14. When will you guys learn? LL is correct, zombies is BBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIINNNGGGGG.
  15. Batman: Arkham Asylum and Ghostbusters will get a rent for sure. same fro GH: Metallica. Nothing else really grabs my attention.
  16. I'm up for WAW for a little bit
  17. I wouldn't say Rock Band is far superior, but it is better in my eyes. Both games are good though.
  18. I'm sure it had something to do with the game only being rated T.
  19. You get 10 points per kill and 100 points for capturing "territory" or whatever you want to call it. Game modes include Conquest, Team Deathmatch, Capture The Ring, and Hero Team Deathmatch. Haven't got the game yet as I have no money, but I did go 34-2 last night in a game.
  20. You guys are spamming this thread with L4D crap
  21. They are different on different maps.
  22. Been playing the shit out of the demo. Should be a blast.
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