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Everything posted by abundant

  1. Yeah, something is wrong, because it takes me no more then 30 seconds to get into a match every time. Even if it's a Domination match, which only has like 800+ playing.
  2. After finally playing Online, I see no reason to be mad at the unlockable playlist. 30 minutes in and I’m already at the 5th level. So unless you are really bad (I was averaging 5 kills per game for example) or you hate TDM, you’ll unlock everything except Search and Destroy, Team Objective and Tactical, Hardcore, Old School and OldCore in just an hour of play. As for my opinion on the Online, it is truly the best out there. I love the rush you get at the start of every game, where your team sticks together and searches for the other team. Once both teams find each other though, all hell breaks loose and it never lets up.
  3. I was a little mad at first, but it shouldn’t take that long to reach the required levels. Personally, I can see why they did that. In Objectives game, you can easily rack up the kills, since they don’t determine the fate of the game. So in a Sabotage game, you get about 30 kills easier then in TDM, and since every kill gives you 10 to 5 experience points, you would have people gaining 300 or 150 points per game just based on kills. You would have people getting to level 9 in one or two games.
  4. The reviews are coming in and the consensus is that the single player is the same balls to the wall game play from COD2, the multiplayer is only rivaled by Halo 3 with a less restrictive matchmaking process (The same as in Halo 3, but you can actually pick what game mode you want to play, no more BS like getting thrown into a mode you hate, when you just want to play a certain mode), and arguably the best graphics on the 360 all running at a crisp, smooth 60FPS. I can’t wait until tomorrow! Forgot to add, there’s technically 18 game modes to choose from. All six main modes can be played under Hardcore, Old School, and OldCore settings. From watching video of those three settings in action, they greatly change the flow of the game.
  5. Your friend is correct. Pressing Y sends you into eagle vision (head), which helps you find your target. X controls your weapon hand, B controls your free hand, so you use it to push/grab people, and A either makes you go into freerun mode (when RT is held down) or it can make you bow your head in prayer and walk slowly.
  6. Just rent COD4, because you’ll have it beat within 6 to 10 hours depending on your skill and the difficultly you play on. ME, on the other hand, is looking to be the deepest game released this year, with over 40 hours of single player gameplay.
  7. No, ME is released the following week. And again, everyone, except EGM, who has played the game loves the control scheme. It just take a little bit of time to get use to it, mainly because you don’t manually jump. Instead, you hold down the RT and the A button, then when you come to a gap you can jump, it’ll perform it for you. This is done because of the animation. You can’t have animation like in AC with manual jump, it’d look too clunky for most people playing.
  8. Ask yourself this; Do you prefer a deep online game or a deep single player game. If it is the former, pick up COD4, otherwise pick up ME.
  9. Release Date: (US) November 5th (Europe) November 9th (Australia) November 7th Game Details: -16 maps -16 to 18 players over XBL. -6 Multiplayer modes: Free for All, Team Deathmatch, Search and Destroy, Sabotage, Domination, HQ -At the start, you can only play FFA and Team Deathmatch. To unlock or be able to play in other playlist, you must be a certain rank. - Arcade Mode unlocks after your beat the game. It’ similar to Halo’s meta game. Playlist Free-for-All - Every man for himself. Team Deathmatch - Use teamwork to kill opposing players and reach score limit. Team Objective - Domination and Search & Destroy. Capture flags in Domination, with respawning. Destroy and defend objectives in Search & Destroy, no respawning. Team Tactical - Small team Deathmatch and Search & Destroy. Search and Destroy - Much like Counter-Strike's bomb planting mode, there are two teams: attackers and defenders. Attackers try to plant a bomb at one of two bomb sites, and defenders try to defend the bomb sites. If explosives are planted, defenders must defuse them. Players only have one respawn per round. A round is over when all players on one team are killed, or when the bomb explodes or is defused. Headquarters - A radio spawns somewhere on the map. Your goal is to capture the radio for your team. If Team A captures the radio, they must defend it from being destroyed by Team B. Team A will only have one respawn until the radio is destroyed or the max time limit for the radio is reached. Team B will respawn at set intervals. Team A earns points for every second the radio is held. To capture/destroy a radio, you must stand in the area of the radio. The more players, the faster you destroy it. A new radio spawns when time limit is reached or the radio is destroyed. Domination - There are flags at certain points around the map. All flags start neutral. Teams battle to hold the most flags. Game ends when the time limit is reached, or the score limit is reached. Sabotage - Similar to Search and Destroy, only the bomb is neutral and there are objectives located in both teams' bases. Each team's goal is to take the bomb and blow up the objective in the enemy's base. The bomb carrier can fire his weapons, but his position will be announced periodically throughout the game. Also, unlike Search and Destroy, players will have unlimited respawns as opposed to just one per round. Team Hardcore - Hardcore Team Deathmatch and Search and Destroy. Limited HUD, extra bullet damage, friendly fire on. Old School - Old School TDM and FFA. No classes. Weapons are pickups, health is increased, and jumps are higher. Oldcore - Old School pick-ups and jumping. Hardcore limited HUD and extra bullet damage. TDM. Ground War - Big team games (18 players) -TDM and Domination. List of Perks: Perk Slot 1: * Bomb Squad (detect placed C4 charges) * C4 x 2 * Claymore x 2 * RPG-7 x 2 * Special Grenades x 3 * Frag x 3 * Bandolier (adds more ammo to your clip) Perk Slot 2: * Juggernaut (More Health) * Sleight of hand (Reload quicker)-unlocked at Master sergeant (lvl20) * Stopping power (More weapon damage) * UAV Jammer (Jams enemy radar)unlocked at Sergeant lvl 11) * Sonic Boom (Bigger explosions) * Double Tap (increased rate of fire)-unlocked at 1st lieutenant (lvl29) * Overkill (carry two primary weapons, no pistol)-unlocked at lieutenant colonel (lvl 38) Perk Slot 3: * Extreme conditioning (Sprint longer) * Steady Aim (Steadier aiming) * Last Stand (Shoot your pistol while dying)-unlocked at Corporal (lvl 8) * Deep Impact (Better bullet penetration through walls) * Dead Silence (Less noise when running)-unlocked at Brigadier general 1 (lvl 44) * Iron Lungs (Hold breath longer when sniping)-unlocked at 2nd lieutenant (lvl 26) * Eavesdrop (Allows you to listen in on enemy chat)-unlocked at Major (lvl 35) * Martyrdom (While dying, player pulls a grenade)- unlocked at Gunnery sergeant 1 (lvl 17) Weapons Multi-player o Ac130 o Airstrike o Ak47 o Ak74u o Artillery o at4 o aw50 o barrett o beretta o binoculars o bomb o bomb defuse o c4 o claymore o cobra20mm o cobraFFAR o colt45 o concussion grenade o desert eagle o dragunov o flash grenade o frag grenade o g3 o g36c o hindFFAR o humvee50cal o m1014 o m14 o m16 o m21 o m4 o m40a3 o m60e4 o mp44 o mp5 o p90 o remington700 o rpd o SAW o Skorpion o usp o uzi o Winchester1200 Single-Player o 50cal turret technical o ac130(105/25/40mm) o agm114 o Airstrike o ak47 o ak74u o at4 o aw50 o barrett o barrett fake* (Don't know what is it) o beretta o binoculars o bm21 missile o bmp turret o bog mortar turret o bradley turret o brick blaster(also on multi) o brick bomb o c4 o camera(10/20/30/45/5fov) o claymore o cobra20mm o cobra air support o cobra FFAR o cobra hellfire o cobra seeker o cobra sidewinder o cod3mg42 turret o colt45 o default vehicle weapon o desert eagle o dog bite o dragunov o facemask o flash grenade o frag grenade o g3 o g36c o gp25 o heli minigun o heli small arms o heli spot light o hindFFAR o hind tmp rocket o hind turret o humvee50cal o hunted crash missile o javelin o m1014 o m14 o m16 o m1a1 o m203 o m4 o m40a3 o m4m203 o m60e4 o mark19 o mg42 o mi28 o minigun player turret o mp44 o mp5 o p90 o parabolic
  10. From impressions from those who’ve already played it, this is going to be a beefy game. There are nine main assassins to make, but before that, you have to get information on them through pick pocketing, eavesdropping and interrogation. You can do the bare minimum and do the assassin, or do them all and plan your assassin and escape out. Through the research, you’ll find out things like certain alleyways to escape, key guard positions so you can take them out beforehand, and the location of the target. On top of that, you can also help people and in doing so, they’ll help you during your escape. There are five locations you visit, four huge, detailed cities, and the assassin HQ. Much like crackdown, whatever you see, you can get to. Couple that with the flags, which are just like the green orbs on Crackdown, the exploration aspect is huge. As for the controls, everyone except EGM have said the same thing; They take getting use to, but once you do get use to them, they are great. Here is a description of the controls from someone who has the retail copy:
  11. Another thing that balances out the FS is that when you get it, the other people can beat the FS out of you, thus restarting the fight for it. This makes things interesting, because some FS like Samus, Mario, Ike, and Meta Knight can’t be used right way, or they may not be as effective or in the case of Meta Knight, it could fail. Others like Sonic can use their FS right away, but they may wait for a few seconds, so everyone else’s damage % increases, increasing the chances of getting a KO. I’m sure you can turn the FS off, because I’ve seen a video where more then one FS appears in a single game, proving that you can alter the amount of FS.
  12. Yeah, I hate 2Fort now. It’s either what you described or it turns into a giant stalemate where half of the people playing turn to Engineers and camp out in the Intel room
  13. I experienced one of the strangest glitches ever yesterday. Somehow I joined a game with a 16 player limit, but there where 23 people playing (11 vs. 12). Apparently, this glitch or whatever has happened to others as well. This is for the 360 by the way.
  14. They always have a message like “Warning! New Challenger Approaching” before showing a new playable character. So if the message doesn’t show, it’s an assist trophy.
  15. Bungie, EPIC, Valve, and Infinity Ward aka 4 of the best FPS developers around.
  16. Played some more TF2 and right now, the three classes I always stick to are the Engineer (defense), Medic (offence), and Demoman (for taking out enemy sentries.) People are still getting the hang of TF2. The most common mistakes I see are: - engineers laying down sentries without a dispenser and then leaving it alone. - Spies who ignore my sentry in 2Fort, grabbing the intelligence, thus removing their disguise, leaving them open for my sentry to destroy them. - people running away from fights when their ubercharged. Also, Dust Bowl is a bitch to win on offence. The first capture point goes down quickly, but the second one is always guarded by pyros, heavies, and sentries.
  17. I’m in love with the Engineer! In my first game, which lasted 5 rounds, my kill to death ratio was 24 to 11, all thanks to my sentry. ^_^ I have to guard it though, because those damn spies, demomen, and soldiers always target it.
  18. Actually, it’s more like December. I can’t wait for Team Fortress 2, because I like class based shooters more so than frag fests. Halo 3 is awesome when playing with people on your friends list, but I’m getting sick of playing with random people who either don’t know what we’re playing, or don’ do anything, thus crippling our team. I’ll probably be an Engineer or Medic, because I love assist classes. For those who don't know, here are the 9 classes: ● 1) Demoman Primary Weapon: Sticky Bomb Launcher Secondary Weapon: Grenade Launcher Melee Weapon: Bottle Valve says: A versatile combat class packing an absurd amount of high explosives, the Demoman is great at holding a map's choke points. Whether he's shutting down an enemy route by laying sticky bombs along it, shelling an area with long distance grenade fire, or simply blowing up anything that blocks the team's way, the Demoman is the class of choice for anyone interested in making a lot of noise. ● 2) Engineer Primary Weapon: Shotgun Secondary Weapon: Pistol Melee Weapon: Wrench Other Weapon: Construction PDA Valve says: The defensive backbone of any team, the Engineer builds useful devices such as sentry guns, health & ammo dispensers, and personal teleporters. Tactical placement of these devices and the ability to maintain them under fire are the keys to being a successful Engineer. If you're better at planning and thinking than fighting, you're a natural born Engineer. ● 3) Heavy Primary Weapon: Minigun Secondary Weapon: Shotgun Melee Weapon: Fists Valve says: The slowest, most powerful class, the Heavy carries a massive minigun capable of clearing roomfuls of enemies. He's vital on defense to deal with Scouts, who can easily avoid Soldiers and Demomen. If you're a player who wants to be in the thick of the action, but your aim is a little rusty, the Heavy is the perfect class for you. ● 4) Medic Primary Weapon: Syringe Launcher Secondary Weapon: Medi-Gun Melee Weapon: Bonesaw Valve says: The core support class, the Medic is invaluable on both offense and defense. When attached to an offensive squad, he's critical to keeping it alive inside the enemy base (while also boosting its offensive capability.) On defense, his ability to keep defenders healthy means they won't have to leave their posts. If you want to be loved by your entire team, or to indirectly kill a horde of enemies without firing a shot, then the Medic is just what the doctor ordered. ● 5) Pyro Primary Weapon: Flamethrower Secondary Weapon: Shotgun Melee Weapon: Fire Axe Valve says: The nastiest class to run into when turning a corner. The flamethrower produces a massive amount of damage over a short range, making the Pyro the most lethal close-quarter class there is. Pyros are often seen playing a defensive role near the front line, ambushing enemies as they enter tight spaces. On offense, they're terrific at harassing the enemy's defense, since it's hard to maintain a solid defensive line when you're on fire. ● 6) Spy Primary Weapon: Revolver Secondary Weapon: Disguise Kit Melee Weapon: Butterfly Knife Other Weapon: Sapper Valve says: The Spy excels at the black arts of infiltration and assassination. With the ability to disguise himself to look like an enemy, or even become fully invisible on command, the Spy creates havoc behind enemy lines. He's an enemy's worst nightmare -- a dangerous foe indistinguishable from a friend. If you prefer guile to brute force, the Spy is what you're looking for. ● 7) Sniper Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon: Submachine Gun Melee Weapon: Machete Valve says: Nobody beats the Sniper at long-range combat. With a little time to find a perch and dig in, he can significantly slow an enemy advance. If knocking the helmet off a Soldier at 400 paces sounds fun, then the Sniper is the class for you. ● 8) Soldier Primary Weapon: Rocket Launcher Secondary Weapon: Shotgun Melee Weapon: Shovel Valve says: The core of any offensive push, the Soldier comes armed with a devastating rocket launcher. Faster and slightly more fragile than the Heavy, the Soldier's a true all-arounder. From taking out Engineer sentry guns to using his rockets to launch himself into the air, the Soldier is useful in a wide variety of situations. If you're an old school deathmatcher, or just quick on your feet in the middle of combat, the Soldier's your man. ● 9) Scout Primary Weapon: Scattergun Secondary Weapon: Pistol Melee Weapon: Aluminum Baseball Bat Valve says: The fastest and lightest of all the classes, the Scout uses his speed to punch through enemy lines before opposing defenders can react. What he lacks in health and weaponry, he makes up for with his incredible speed and aerial maneuverability. If you'd like to sprint gracefully through enemy fire, look into the Scout.
  19. Swords or hammers rule. Juggernaut or any other variations, not so much. Damn you Halo 3 for kicking me out of the Juggernaut match because I turned on my partners! It was all I could do to have fun, thanks to the douche that decided hiding was more fun than fighting.
  20. As soon as my Dad finishes the last Warthog section, I’ll be on.
  21. Skulls serve two purposes. They alter the game like making the AI dodge grenades more (Tough Luck), making the AI throw more grenades (Catch), and so on. The second purpose of the Skulls ties into the meta game. Every Golden Skull you have turned on has a multiplier tied to it. Basically, it’s almost impossible to get the meta game achievements without any Skulls turned on. More About Skulls
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