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Everything posted by THIR13EN²

  1. THIR13EN²


    So, I ordered this show on Amazon.com after seeing a preview for it at the beginning of several other movies this year. I've watched some of the episodes, and I believe that this is a truly amazing show. I can't believe that no one turned this into an original tv series and kept this going. James Nesbitt is amazing at playing both Dr. Jackman & Mr. Hyde, he is a truly great actor next to Christopher Eccleston from Heroes & Doctor Who. The shows also got Michelle Ryan from Bionic Women, which completely caught me off guard, as I didn't notice it was her from the previews, and wasn't expecting to see her on the show. Anyway, has anyone else seen this this?
  2. Spoiler: Click here to viewI was kinda thinkin' this week, that what if the guy that is going around killing people like Sulu and Nathan's mother is really Takezo Kensei? I mean, he and Clarie both have the same power to heal, but what if that same power also allows you to live forever?
  3. I set this to record several weeks ago, and completely forgot about it. I wasn't expecting a lot, but when I watched it I was completely blown away. It had me thinkin', that this was going to be a crazy show from the beginning, but turned out to be very enjoyable. It really reminded me of Big Fish for some reason, I don't know why. I hope this show sticks around, because it's great.
  4. I tried watchin' a couple episodes of the first season of Dexter, but couldn't really get into it. they were random episodes, I believe that this show is one that you really need to see from the beginning to truly understand. I did watch the premiere of the second season, and I can honestly say that I'm hooked now on this show.
  5. I heard that it has gotten great ratings on showtime, I believe one of their highest rated shows. I've enjoyed every episode so far, it's been great. The only problem I have is the little girl that plays David Duchovny & Natascha McElhone's daughter...she just seems strange to me.
  6. I saw a video on youtube, I'm not sure if it's the same one as from IGN, but I noticed that everyone was kicking the shit out of The Sandman, what's up with that...
  7. Do you happen to know what would be the best to set it under? Currently my computer is saving them under 20%. Also, another question would be, why would this problem be effecting pictures that I've already created and or have saved onto the computer before this problem started?
  8. I wasn't really sure where I should put this, either in the photo forum, or in here. It's kinda got to do with both. Anyway, my question is...a while back when I would make pictures with Paint Shop, I'd save them and they'd be perfect resolution. Well, here the past couple of weeks it seems that all the pictures I make graphics with or any graphic that I make using Paint Shop, the resolution seems to be terrible, and the pictures continues to deteriorate. I tried loading the picture into photobucket, and these pictures get even worse. Does anyone know what the problem might be?
  9. I don't know I think that the episode at the tuberculosis hospital was way amazing. The new VH1 show went there for one of the celebrity paranormal project shows. I think that that was one of the best episodes of Ghost Hunters so far.
  10. I saw Feast just last night, it was pretty decent movie. The beginning of the movie started out well, and I got really into it, but the movie seemed to get more and more comical. Gotta love the movie with Krista Allen in it, I'm also a big fan of the project greenlight series.
  11. kinda the problem, I've seen a lot of films...some of the older ones are still good though. Old Freddy movies, etc. There really aren't that many movies that just scare the hell of you. I think I might check out the Evil Dead movies. My favorite would have to be ones that invovle zombies, but I've seen just about every zombie movie made. Horror movies I haven't really seen, or seen a long time ago that I don't remember anymore would probably be Hellraiser, Wishmaster, or Candyman...Freddy & Jason movies I've pretty much seen. The Exorcist was a movie that for me, just was more funny and cheese then anything.
  12. just wanted to know if there are any good horror movies out that would be worth lookin' into seeing, I've seen my fair share of films. one film I'm interested in learning more about is Evil Dead, could someone explain if those are any good films to see.
  13. Top Ten List: 1.) Stacy Keibler 2.) Kelly Carlson 3.) Elisha Cuthbert 4.) Kate Beckinsale 5.) Jessica Alba 6.) Amy Smart 7.) Jessica Biel 8.) Natalie Portman 9.) Carmel Electra 10.) Michelle Trachtenberg Notable Mention: 1.) Shannon Elizabeth 2.) Eva Mendes 3.) Vida Guerra 4.) Rose McGowan 5.) Liz Hurley Negatives: 1.) Lindsay Lohan 2.) Paris Hilton 3.) Brittney Spears 4.) Jessica Simpson 5.) Scarlett Johansson
  14. I'm thinkin' about getting maybe a little portable Sony PSP, just so I have somethin' hand held to play when I'm not around my PS2 or Xbox 360. I just wanted to know if there are any fun games out for it, is there anything worth getting?
  15. I'm with a lot of people, when Tweener showed up on Season 1 I just wanted the kid to die, but this season they really turned this character around. I was really shocked when they killed him off. Not as pissed as they they killed of abruzzi (one of my favorite characters). I mean he almost died once in the first season, why couldn't they have done that again! I love his VW commercials by the way. Having to wait three weeks to see another new show is gonna kill me, dumb fox! Stupid sports, do it during the day, and don't take away from the good stuff. This is what I hate about not watchin' these shows on DVD. Sucre I can't believe is turnin' on the group, it really pisses me off, because I've had a soft spot for him, as he just wants to be with his girl and unborn child. I have no idea what is Patoshik's deal, it's alright. They killed of the the doc's father, which also upset me as well. They should have done what Battlestar did before they return for their next season, and during this three week break have web shows on fox's site during the break to get more people interested.
  16. Playmakers = This show was cancelled due to ESPN getting bullied by the NFL, cause the show was to accurate to what real life portrays. Playmakers was a very awesome show, and I didn't find out about it, until it came out on DVD. This is one of those shows that really needed a good send off, cause it's kinda left open at the end of the first season. Arrested Development = This is one of those shows that just clicks, and everything is great. Not only was this show funny, and well written, the cast worked very well together. We all should be happy that it got several good seasons out of it, but again, it was one of those shows that was cut to short, because it only had a cult following. Titus = I'm a huge fan of Christopher Titus, and I loved everything about this show. I was shocked to find it released on DVD about two years ago, and I quickly picked it up. Had to be one of the funniest shows at the time. I was sad to see the show got cancelled among the rest of them. It got three seasons on Fox, but I enjoyed every minute. Oh, and Stacy Keach is a bad ass. I've got a lot more, but these are my top three.
  17. For someone who has the PS2 version, and has played franchise mode. Are you still able to run as a GM of the franchise, being able to move the team from state to state, or change aspects of a stadium? Also, are the various uniforms to choose from. As previous madden's I've played, some teams have had three uniforms to choose from, as their normal colors, etc. I've got the 360 version, and have to wait before any uniforms are available to download.
  18. I got the xbox 360 version tuesday, does anyone happen to know or heard when they plan on releasing uniforms for download on xbox live? Or if there is anything else that's cool to download? Also, are you able to switch rosters from NCAA '07 to Madden '07 like you could with older versions on PS2? Another silly question, that i'm sure has been talked about. How much different is the 360 to the other consoles? It seems to me from what I've heard from other people, that they are pretty different.
  19. I always marked for Aaron Peirce from the very first season of 24, but this season I've gone to complete love the man, and would love to see him continue a major role in next season too.
  20. I think that if they do go with a complete new star ship, they should go with my favorite. I've enjoyed a lot of ships, including the new Enterprise, but I think no ship stands to one of the newer ships in the Prometheus-class. Prometheus-class
  21. I finally was able to catch up with the end of the first half of the season. This was the best season I feel, and I think that The Shield is one of the best shows on television. I can't believe that this is going to be the last season. So much has been coming into play, I was kinda shocked that I've seen Julian on another television show, which freaked me out, because I expected something to happen to him before the first half of the season was over. It's the same shock that I had when that one chick from Rescue Me showed up on Numbers. I already miss LEM!!!
  22. I've always been a fan of Star Trek, I've almost finished with Star Trek: Titan which I thought from reading it would have been a good series or maybe even made into a movie. I don't like the idea of going back to the beginning, who are they going to get to play those parts. It's like they are trying to do the same thing for Star Trek, that they did with Star Wars, even though there really isn't any need to go back to the beginning. There is plenty they can do with the future of Star Trek, there is no need to go back to the past. Personally I would have enjoyed a Star Trek: Voyager movie, as that happened to be my favorite show.
  23. Can someone please ID these guys from OVW, so that I can cut them and label them. Thanks. http://www.scottromerphoto.com/ovwguerrero...?page=1&delay=3 http://www.scottromerphoto.com/ovwguerrero...page=12&delay=3 http://www.scottromerphoto.com/ovwmattcapp...page=18&delay=3 http://www.scottromerphoto.com/ovwmattcapp...page=19&delay=3
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