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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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I was wandering around San Fierro last night and saw some guy with a cardboard box on his head. There was something written on his shirt, but I forget what it was, so it probably wasn't important

Second time I've heard of that guy. I've still yet to see him, damnit.

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Kay! All you people who have done a vast majority of the R3 missions, at least some of which in Los Santos, which ones would you say I should be able to complete in LS while the Ballas are busy raping me?

Taxis are done, and I want to get more out of the way before leaving LS this time 'round, but the Ballas are mean pricks.

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Do the ambulance missions up north where there's no gang members. Firetrucks I did with gang members about, they didn't really bother me. East beach I spent most of the time.

Uhhhh, pimping is useless early on, don't bother. And you really have no control over where police missions take place, so just give it your best shot.

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Alright, the last GTA game I played was GTA3, which I completed, and loved to bits. I wasn't going to bother with SA, but after reading reviews and topics on this forum, I decided to get it.

Firstly, Its taking a bit of getting used to (only because I Instinctively go for the d-pad).

Anyway, I begin the first mission, and use the L-Stick to move CJ as instructed. Get on the bike. Hold down X as instructed. I want to move CJ forward, so I press up on the L-Stick. Only CJ decides, so kinda pedal half round, and then stop, start, stop, start, so it takes me ages to get anywhere (with me shouting "MOVE! FUCKING MOVE!" at the top of my voice. I finally get going, even though I didnt seem to be doing anything different, and it suddenly reverts to its stop start motion - then gets going properly, then changes back and so on.

On one occasion when I finally get moving, I run someone over. On a bike! Why use a machine gun to kill someone when I have the bike of doom!?!? Anyway, this guy I ran over had some mates with him, and they all start shooting me. Naturally, being weaponless and gutless, I want a quick escape - again hold forward on the d-pad and hold down X - only now CJ feels like doing wheelies.

I turned the PS2 off at this point, after my parents shouted up to ask why I was once again shouting "GET FUCKING MOVING............MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" At the top of my voice.

So, in short, I fucking hate bikes, and if I ever get past these otherwise easy looking first mission(s) I will never use one again, and make a point to kill anyone I see riding one.

And I suck at this.

And I'm taking my frustration out now on GTA3, running round the Portland Island with a Uzi gunning everyone down :(

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Doesn't the game tell you to hold down X???????????

It's that fucking simple?????? :blush:

Yeah, I remember how to run. I was thinking of just running my way back actually.

*Cries* It's that simple.............

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Guest LegionCageFan

Doesn't the game tell you to hold down X???????????

It's that fucking simple??????  :blush:

Yeah, I remember how to run. I was thinking of just running my way back actually.

*Cries* It's that simple.............

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