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Sticking it to the McMahon


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April 12, 2001-

“So, what do you think?”

I looked down at my glass of orange juice. Not much of it had been drained in the thirty minutes I’d been listening to Steve talk. He, on the other hand, had been downing beer like it was oxygen, and each sip seemed to make him more and more verbose.

“I don’t know, Steve. It sounds like the riskiest shit in the world, to be perfectly honest.”

His face fell. I didn’t know what to say. The guy had been sacked just over a week ago, and had taken it pretty hard. It wasn’t until he called me this morning and told me to meet him at Red’s that his voice sounded upbeat. Days of “I bust my ass and work with his punk kid” had finally come to close, and here I was, pissing on Steve’s new parade float? But still… Steve Blackman, wrestling promoter? It just seemed destined to fail.

“It’s risky, I’ll give you that,” said Steve. “That’s where you come in. With you on board, this thing gains a whole new dimension.” Well, I was never averse to compliments. I had known Steve for fifteen years, ever since we were both dirt-poor pit fighters with dreams of making it to the big time. Long story short, I found out I wasn’t cut out for any shooting after breaking an arm and a leg in the same match, and I pursued a career in writing instead. And here we were, a decade and a half later- I had six novels under my belt, and he had a lucrative pro wrestling career… until last week.

“You’ve never even mentioned this before,” I said, not wanting to be a nay-sayer, but speaking my mind. It was true; I had spoken to Steve routinely over the years, and he never once expressed an interest in the behind-the-scenes aspect of the business.

“It didn’t hit me until now,” he said. His voice dropped a little. “Listen,” he told me, “I’d be the owner, but I wouldn’t be running the business side of things, some execs would. And I wouldn’t be booking either. You would. I’d be handling some stuff, and wrestling.” I looked in his eyes. He really missed his job already. Plus, he was no youngster. The WWF wouldn’t be rehiring him anytime soon, and WCW and ECW, well, you know the story there.

But the truth was, I had always wanted to get involved in the wrestling business. When I was a kid, when I was writing in college, when I was getting kicked in the face for nothing more than the chance to do it again, pro wrestling was in my heart. Even when I was writing my novels, I watched WCW and dreamed of scripting the storylines. If that hadn’t been the case, turning Steve down would’ve been so much easier.

“I didn’t want to bring this up until after you agreed,” he told me, leaning closer, “I’ve been talking to a couple of other guys who got released, and they’re also trying to get something started up. Dean Malenko and Raven.”

“So they’re co-owners?” I asked.

“No,” he said. “They’re starting up their own companies. But we’re allies. We’re… gonna work together to try and get some notoriety.”

It sounded like an interesting idea, I had to admit. And I had no reason to be worried, as I had plenty of money on which I could fall back. I guess I had just been nervous for Steve’s sake. But hell, with all I’d seen him go through in the past week, it was worth a try.

“Sure,” I said. His face lit up. “Absolutely. I’m in.”

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Vince McMahon, the sole survivor. I couldn't believe it. I certainly couldn't just let it happen.

I'd left WWF on decent terms, citing creative differences as the reason behind my release request. Mr. McMahon didn't hesitate to agree, he knew I was aging and I was offering him a chance to get rid of me without losing money. Nobody knew the real reason I wanted out. Vince McMahon disgusted me. He considers himself a wrestling promoter, a wrestling fan, and at times, even a wrestler. To me, he's nothing more than a con artist. He didn't respect the wrestling traditions...hell, he'd sell out his own mother if it'd make him a buck. And I'm just supposed to sit back and watch him destroy what I was raised on?

My father poured his blood, sweat, and tears in the ring and he earned a lot of respect for it. To me, that's what wrestling is. Vince has a stranglehold on "sports entertainment", but he doesn't know anything about wrestling. Wrestling isn't just what I do, wrestling is what I am and I'm not about to let Vince McMahon take that away from me.

"I know you're feeling upset Dean, but what you're talking about, this could ruin you."

My brother spoke with concern and I knew he was only looking out for me. Joe felt the same way I did, but he was always the one who'd sit down and think things out. Me, I just do what feels right.

"I didn't come for your approval Joe."

"Then why did you come?"

"I came to ask for your help."

He turned off the television, leaning back in the couch, chuckling to himself.

"You remember when we were kids and Jacob Channing told us we had to give him ten dollars or he'd beat us both up? Remember, I went home that night and wrote up maybe twelve different ways that we could make money, trying desperately to come up with the money. But the next day, you walked right up to Jacob Channing and punched him in the stomach."

I smiled, remembering how the bully had bent over, trying to catch his breath while everyone looked on, shocked that the almighty giant had been slain.

"That's how it's always been Dean. If there was a problem, I'd think about how to fix it, but you just...fixed it."

"But this time, I don't know if I can do it on my own Joe."

He sat up on the couch this time, putting his hands on his bent knees, looking me in the eyes.

"I know you don't agree with how Vince McMahon does things. I know that, but opening your own promotion is crazy Dean. The second he hears about it, he's going to throw his money around, take whatever wrestlers you have, and make sure you never work in wrestling again. This is Vince McMahon we're talking about."

It was my turn to sit up. I wanted to make sure Joe knew exactly how serious I was.

"I'm not the only one who feels this way Joe. There's a lot of guys who will do whatever they have to in order to take this sport back. There's other people talking about opening feds. We're gonna help each other, form an alliance, whatever we need to do."

I paused, knowing I had to make it more personal if I was ever going to swing his thoughts.

"You grew up the same way I did, in the wrestling ring. You watched dad bleed, you saw him in pain, you saw what he went through, for the love of wrestling. You know that this is the right thing to do Joe. I've never asked you for anything our entire lives, but I'm asking now. Will you join me in the Revival of Wrestling?"

He paused, putting his head down and closing his eyes. After what seemed like an eternity, he lifted his head.

"Alright...but only on one condition."

"What's that?"

"You make sure we take it right to that son of a bitch."

I couldn't help but laugh and wonder how many people talked about taking down Vince McMahon, then I thought about how many had failed. Wiping the smile off my face, I looked at my brother.

"We're gonna take it to him...or my name isn't Dean Malenko."

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For the immediate attention of Scott Levy:

He didn't even need to read any more of that letter he already knew what it was going to say. Sorry but you're fired, we didn't have anything for you or whatever bullshit excuse they were using during these cuts, back on the outside with again this time however with nowhere else to go. WCW was now owned by Vince and ECW was dead.

Dean and Steve's idea was interesting, starting a federation of their own and so on, it could work... In theory at least. Philadelphia was looking for a new wrestling federation after all.

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RoW Roster

Dean Malenko

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A man of tradition, who wants nothing more than to bring respect back to wrestling. A very talented wrestler in his own right, it's unknown if he's going to step into the ring himself or strictly stay behind the scenes.

Joe Malenko

Brother of Dean. Joe grew up with the same respect for wrestling that Dean has. He never had much success in wrestling, but he has a decent wrestling mind and will back his brother until the end. Joe will serve as the play by play guy and have a role backstage.

Arn Anderson

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A close friend and mentor of Dean Malenko's, Arn was the first non-relative to offer his services. Arn will be a color commentator as well as playing a vital role backstage.

Nick Dinsmore

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A Malenko trainee, Dinsmore was once considered the top prospect for the WWF. They never brought him up to the main roster and after the buyout, decided he was too old to be considered their future. As soon as they released him, Malenko made the call and offered him the deal. At the time, Dinsmore was partnering with Rob Conway, who also got his walking papers, but he didn't wait for a joint deal, he seized the opportunity and signed on immediately.


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Formerly known as Rob Conway. Conway felt betrayed by Nick Dinsmore when he signed with RoW, not even waiting to see if his partner got an offer. Conway eventually did get an offer but things have changed. He's become a darker individual, almost emotionless, and will probably draw comparisons to Raven.

Chad Collyer

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Another Malenko trainee. Collyer wrestles a similar style to Malenko, using technical maneuvers to overcome size differences. He considers himself a student of the sport and tries to always learn something from every loss. Very methodical.

Shane Douglas

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Arguably, the biggest name on the roster, Shane Douglas has long been a critic of Vince McMahon and the established wrestlers. Much like he did with ECW, Shane is prepared to put RoW on his back and single handedly carry them within striking distance of WWF.

Torrie Wilson

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The beautiful woman by Shane's side. She's strikingly gorgeous and always willing to help her man.

Alex Wright

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At one point, many considered Wright a good prospect within WCW, but his body never developed and it became hard to take him seriously. He's got decent ability in the ring, but with the look of a 12 year old, will he ever make it?

Shawn Stasiak

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Exactly the type of guy that Dean Malenko was looking for. A second generation wrestler who understands the old school mentality and realizes that perfecting the basics can turn a decent match into a great one. Stasiak

Devon Storm

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Nobody is really sure what Storm's capable of. He tends to look like a hybrid wrestler, combining various styles, but doesn't have a superstar style about him. One thing's for sure though, he works harder than anyone and is always willing to put himself on the line.

Ken Shamrock

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A former Ultimate Fighting Champion, then a former Intercontinental Champion in WWF, then it all went downhill. He tried going back to the UFC, but he didn't find the same success, so he's trying to use RoW to rebound and get his name back on the map. You never know when Shamrock will snap and that unpredictability is a concern.

Big Vito

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Even though Vito's not a great technical wrestler, Malenko enjoyed his in-ring presence and felt he brought a unique personality to the forefront. The Italian's mafia connections are well known, but now that he's on his own, we'll see how bad this paisan really is.


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At one point in WCW, Wrath was on a hot streak and the main event looked to be within reach. He never quite got there, but as the lone powerhouse in RoW, he'll be looking to destroy the entire roster.

John Tenta

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Nobody knows why the man formerly known as Earthquake was signed or what role he'll have, but if nothing else, he brings a veteran viewpoint and a recognizable name.

"Maniacal" Marc Mero

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Mero always seems angry with the World and, much like Ken Shamrock, can seemingly snap at anytime. He relies more on pure fighting skills than out wrestling his opponents on the mat and winning never seems to be enough...he'd rather make an example out of the competition.


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A decent wrestler when he first arrived on the American scene, Konnan's poor conditioning led to his downfall. Always entertaining, if not repetitive, on the mic, Konnan manages to have a strong fan following despite his mediocre abilities.

The Scholar

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Alan Funk's still trying to live down the Kwee-Wee gimmick, but rather than appearing to be angry, Funk's embracing one of his strengths...his intelligence. The "lectures" that his opponents may recieve pre-match may end up confusing them more than upsetting them.

Scott Norton

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As age set in, Norton's seen his strength begin to diminish and it probably won't be long before he calls it quits. RoW may be his last chance to leave his mark.

"Sick" Scott Vick

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He seems to enjoy taking punishment. He doesn't win a lot but never stops trying and never backs down. Prefers taking on the bigger guys and there is no amount of pain he can't handle.

Revival of Wrestling presents:

The Night It All Started, live from Tampa Bay, Florida.

John Tenta/Wrath vs. Scott Norton/Shane Douglas

Konnan/Nick Dinsmore vs. Marc Mero/Devon Storm

Myst/Chad Collyer vs. Ken Shamrock/Shawn Stasiak

Big Vito/The Scholar vs. Scott Vick/Alex Wright

Winners of Tenta/Wrath vs. Norton/Douglas plus Winners of Konnan/Dinsmore vs. Mero/Storm in a fatal fourway match

Winners of Myst/Chad Collyer vs. Shamrock/Stasiak plus Winners of Vito/Scholar vs. Vick/Wright in a fatal fourway match

Winner of each fatal fourway match in a one on one match for the RoW World Championship.

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April 23, 2001-

I hung up the phone. After literally making hundreds of calls over the past week and a half, I had made verbal arrangements with a number of workers. These guys were out of work and looking to make a dent in the industry. Many of them had worked for Vince before, and suffice to say, they didn’t object to working for his competition.

Main Event-

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Curt Hennig (Heel, 71)

Over the past 15 years, Curt Hennig has cemented his status as a legend, making a mark in the AWA, the WWF, and WCW. Now, he seeks to protect his reputation as “perfect” by making a mark in the UWWU. Will he win championship gold, as he has done so many times before? Only time will tell.

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D’Lo Brown (Face, 67)

In the late 1990s, wrestling experienced a popularity renaissance, the effects of which are still felt today. During that time, one of the most exciting new talents to emerge was D’Lo Brown. Now in the UWWU, D’Lo is looking to carve his place in wrestling history.

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Dustin Rhodes (Face, 74)

The son of the legendary “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, Dustin has left his own unique mark on the business, effectively stepping out of the shadow of his father. This tough Texan has held gold in the WWF and WCW, and the UWWU can’t be too far behind.

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Scorpio (Face, 67)

A multi-federation, multi-continental superstar, Scorpio returns to full-time United States wrestling for the first time in several years as a member of the UWWU roster. Does arguably the most innovative wrestler of the early-to-mid 90s still have enough gas in his tank to get the job done?

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Steve Corino (Heel, 70)

Steve Corino was on top of the world as ECW World Champion, but in a matter of weeks, his lost his title and saw the promotion close. Not one to take things lying down, Corino is more than happy to take his special blend of personality, technique, and viciousness to the UWWU.

Upper Midcard-

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Bam Bam Bigelow (Heel, 65)

What title belts are to other wrestlers, pain is to Bam Bam Bigelow. “The Beast from the East” has been a destructive force for over 15 years, annihilating anything that stands in his way. No matter which wrestlers compete for the UWWU, they would all do well to keep one eye out for Bigelow.

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Chris Candido (Heel, 65)

Journeyman Chris Candido is only 29 years of age, but he has been an active wrestler for a decade and a half. In that time, he has established himself as one of the most underrated talents in the entire industry. In the UWWU, he will be looking to get the respect he has deserved for so long.

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La Parka (Face, 59)

One of the strangest characters in recent pro wrestling history has also managed to gain one of the biggest followings. This mysterious luchadore is very talented, but is more popular for his dance moves and his propensity to swing steel chairs. There is little doubt that he will find his niche among UWWU fans.

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Nova (Face, 60)

“The Innovator of Offense” developed from a comedy character into a serious wrestler in ECW, but his talent was always evident. Nevertheless, it seems as though success has eluded him. Will he grab the proverbial brass ring now that he’s a part of the UWWU?

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Steve Blackman (Face, 60)

Steve Blackman may be the owner of the UWWU, but on the roster, he’s just another competitor looking to make it to the top. Will his martial arts skill and toughness take him there? Or will he be wearing a target on his back as the UWWU’s top dog?

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Vampiro (Heel, 61)

This odd, often sinister middleweight was one of the most intriguing aspects of WCW during its final months. With an unorthodox style and a deadly mean streak, Vampiro may be the sleeper candidate to dominate the UWWU for now.


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AJ Styles (Face, 49)

WCW fans maybe remember AJ Styles as one half of Air Raid, the exciting young cruiserweight tandem that burst onto the scene shortly before the company was bought out. In the UWWU, Styles will be going it alone in his quest to achieve pro wrestling greatness.

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Brock Lesnar (Face, 49)

Brock Lesnar is notable not only for his intimidating presence, not only for his standout OVW tag team with Shelton Benjamin, but for his amateur wrestling skill, as well; he is a former NCAA and NJCAA wrestling champion. Time will tell if his amateur success translates into professional success, as it has for other notables in the industry.

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Christopher Daniels (Heel, 49)

As much as Christopher Daniels is shrouded in mystery, his credentials are crystal clear. Daniels was a standout in west coast independent promotion APW, the winner of the 2000 ECWA Super 8 tournament, and a member of the WCW roster. With his employment in the UWWU, it is clear that his career is just beginning.

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Julio Fantastico (Heel, 49)

Apart from a stint in ECW last year and an appearance at 1999’s Heroes of Wrestling Pay-Per-View, Julio Fantastico is an unknown commodity in the eyes of the fans. Fantastico wouldn’t have it any other way, as he is more than willing to seize the opportunity and make a splash in the UWWU.

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Mr. Aguila (Face, 45)

As Essa Rios, this high flyer captured the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship. As Mr. Aguila, he has wrestled throughout Mexico, putting on exciting matches with some of the country’s top stars. Undoubtedly, he will have several opportunities to wow the crowds at UWWU events.

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Shelton Benjamin (Face, 45)

A former tag team partner of Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin is considered by industry insiders to be one of the top young athletes in the entire world of professional wrestling. Though he has yet to establish himself in the business, it is clear that the UWWU has captured lightning in a bottle with Benjamin.

Lower Midcard-

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The Colorado Kid (Heel, 35)

Brash. Arrogant. Cocky. NWA Champion. All of these terms apply to The Colorado Kid, one of the top young guns in recent NWA memory. Whether the fans cheer him or boo him, his name always seems to be on their lips. With the skills he possesses, he is sure to draw attention in the UWWU.

Edited by Boulder
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I like the fact the photos are representative of what they looked like back then. A small matter but shows your putting more than a tad of effort into this, which is always cool :) And I like the Conway name change, though announcing it on a show in promo may of been a better idea, but still tis a nice touch.

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It's time, it's time, IT'S VADER TIME. Perhaps the world's best known big man will be looking to run roughshot over all comers in tne Extreme Wrestling Alliance. Having won World Titles on three different continents and destroying opponents on even more, Vader is a man not to get on the wrong side. Vader may be entering the twlight of his career but this behemoth is still a man to be scared of.

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Tommy Dreamer w/Beulah

'The Innovator of Violence' returns home to Philadelhia after having spent far too long in New York. The Philly fan favourite will be accompanied by wife Beulah when he returns to continue to add to his hardcore legacy.

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Stevie Richards

Long time fans will know never to underestimate this comedic wrestler, Stevie may act like a goof at times but he can get it done in the ring, having had only moderate success in the big three, Stevie comes to the EWA looking to live up to the hype and cement himself as a main player.

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Abdullah The Butcher

When you think of the origins of hardcore wrestling, you have to think of Abdullah The Butcher. Abby has fought and bled on six continents for more than thirty years, he has victories over legends such as Andre The Giant and Bruiser Brody under his belt and he looks to continue to prove why he is the original and best when it comes to hardcore wrestling here in the EWA.

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Masato Tanaka

A Japanese sensation, Masato Tanaka's last stint in Philadelphia is fondly remembered by fans and they will be looking for more of the same from the man with the iron skull. Will Tanaka's combination of hardcore antics and smooth Japanese wrestling see him shoot to the top in the EWA?

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Simon Diamond

Simon... Has a problem. Simon returns to Philadelphia once again to find himself surrounded by hardcore wrestlers, will Simon's in-ring talents be enough to keep him above water? Or will Simon be a sitting duck for those of a more extreme nature?

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CW Anderson

'The Enforcer' is a man who never backs down from a challenge, returning to Philadelphia to once again make a name for himself, CW Anderson is determined to put himself on the map at anyone's expense.

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The homicidal, suicidal, genocidal maniac is back with avengeance and will be looking to leave a path of destruction in his wake. Philadelphian fans will already know what to expect from this Indian, the rest of the world will just have to wait and see what the nephew of The Iron Sheik has in store for the EWA roster.

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The Messiah

The next generation of hardcore wrestlers is led by the man known as The Messiah, in the home of hardcore will The Messiah be able to make a name for himself?

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Disco Inferno

Yeah... He's just here to make up the numbers.

The Rest Of The Roster

Scotty Anton

Mike Sullivan

Chris Harvard

Ron Waterman

Billy Reil

Homeless Jimmy



David Flair

Tammy Sytch

Chet Jablonski

Dean Jablonski

Cassidy O'Reilly

Chase Stevens

Mitch Paradise


Mikey Henderson




Main Event

Battle of the Legends

Hardcore Rules

Abdullah The Butcher Vs. Vader

In what will sure be a bloody and bitter battle, Abdullah The Butcher and Vader take each other on under Hardcore Rules. What will happen when these two behemoths collide in Philadelphia?


Asian Fury

2/3 Falls, Table Match

Sabu Vs. Masato Tanaka

Pride will be on the line in this match as Indian Superstar, Sabu takes on Japanese Sensation, Masato Tanaka. These two men are sick and will always take things to the extreme, but which of the two men will succeed in putting their opponent through two tables first?

Open Challenge - Tag Team Match

Simon Diamond and CW Anderson Vs. ???

Simon Diamond and CW Anderson through out an open challenge to any tag team in the Philadelphia area last week and it is as of yet unanswered, will anyone turn up at Resurrection to challenge Diamond and Anderson? Or will they go out and find opponents for themselves?

Hardcore Rules

Stevie Richards Vs. 'Mr. STD' Scotty Anton

The Clap Vs. The Stevie Kick, Riggs Vs. Stevie, there is no love lost between the former member of the American Males and the former leader of the Blue World Order, who will win when these two collide at Resurrection?

Hardcore Rules

Tommy Dreamer w/Beulah Vs. Chris Harvard

Tommy Dreamer will kick off his return to Philadelphia with a match against former WWE wrestler and Harvard graduate, Chris Harvard. Will The Innovator of Violence get the duke over the young, cocky upstart or will Chris have a few tricks up his sleeve to get him past Dreamer?

Hardcore Rules

Homeless Jimmy Vs. The Messiah

It doesn't matter where you've been before, if you haven't proved yourself in Philadelphia, you haven't proved yourself. The Messiah and Homeless Jimmy will be out to show the world why they have been given a shot on the EWA roster and both men will be out to pick up a win in their first match in what should be a hard hitting contest.

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I look forward to the first show from any of you, and I wish you all success. I do, however, think the EWA's roster is a bit off. Why would they sign Tammy Sytch and not Chris Candido? Why is Vader in an ECW-esque environment? How come Raven isn't also a wrestler? And most importantly, what in heaven's name is Chris Harvard doing on any roster in April 2001, before Tough Enough has aired even one episode?

Ah well, I write more about this in my blog (cheap plug). I wish you all the best of luck, and I look forward to seeing who takes Vince down first :)

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Saturday 5th May 2001

Viking Hall, Philadelphia, PA

Attendance: 1,698

Dark Matches

  • Sade d. Trajik via pinfall [450 Splash]

  • Jablonski Brothers d. The Hotshots (Cassidy O'Reilly and Chase Stevens) via pinfall [super Bomb]

  • Ron Waterman d. Billy Reil via pinfall [Water-Bomb]

  • David Flair d. Mikey Henderson via submission [Figure-Four Leglock]

The Show

The opening montage of clips seems to have come from a few smaller preview shows the company has been running in the build up to this show to generate interest in the Philly area, the majority of it doesn't even include a lot of the bigger names on the card.  There is a sick 450 Splash to the outside through a table shown though, apparently its by a guy called Sade, although he hasn't made the main show tonight.  The Hall is pretty full as Philly is out in force for the return of something Extreme to PA, Hat Guy and Sign Guy are even in the front row facing the camera.

Stevie Richards Vs. 'Mr. STD' Scotty Anton

Opening match duty for Stevie tonight, although I'm sure its just to get the crowd going instead of them shitting on some non-ECW guys.  Stevie has an old bWo top on and is seconded by Tammy Lynn Sytch! Stevie and Sunny are warmly received by the crowd.  'Mr. Soon To Deliver' Scotty Anton does not get such a warm reaction as he makes his way to the ring, Anton attacks Stevie before the bell and we are underway.  Anton takes control in the early going, working Stevie over with a Backbreaker and a Side Slam, Anton shows his class by kicking a man when he is down and then going over and mouthing off to Tammy.  Stevie gets up and Back Suplexes Anton down to the canvas to cheers from the crowd, Stevie looks for an early Superkick but Anton ducks and counters with a DDT for a two count.  They head outside for our first trip through the crowd of the evening, Scotty takes the advantage with a huge chairshot to the back of Stevie's head, this is followed up by a few more chairshots to Stevie's back before Anton gloats and showboats for the Philly fans, getting pelted by a plastic beer cup as he does.  Stevie gets back to his feet and ducks an attempted chairshot from Anton, Stevie pokes him in the eye to cheers and 'woooo's from the crowd and then uses the chair to waffle Anton over the head.  Richards drags Anton back to ringside, slamming him head first into the guardrail before throwing him over it onto the concrete.  Anton reverses an attempted Irish Whip into the ringpost and Richards gets a face full of STEEL POST~! Anton beats Richards around ringside before rolling him back inside for a cover and a two count, Anton complains to the referee, which leads to Tammy getting up on the apron and arguing with Anton, Anton swings for Tammy but she just drops down off the apron, Anton swings around straight into a STEVIE KICK! Cover, 1... 2... 3!

Winner: Stevie Richards [44%/31%/58%]

After the match Tammy and Stevie hug in the ring, a small 'bWo' chant breaks out, Anton tries to spoil the party by attacking Stevie and Tammy, Tammy hits a Low Blow of Anton which is capped off by another Stevie Kick from Stevie.  Anton walks to the back upset, complaining to anyone that is in earshot.

Homeless Jimmy Vs. The Messiah

Crowd seem split on whether or not to cheer either of these guys given their places of previous employment.  Jimmy and Messiah take it in their stride and begin the match quickly, Messiah Clotheslines Jimmy over the top rope in virtually the first move of the match and the two men go through the plunder hitting each other with various chairs, garbage cans, canes and whatever else they can find underneath the ring.  We get our first crimson mask of the night as Jimmy gets busted open following a big chairshot to the face from Messiah, Messiah follows up by Piledriving Jimmy on the concrete.  In a sick spot, Messiah places Jimmy's head on the bottom railing of the security railing and then places a chair over the top of Jimmy's head, Messiah takes a few steps back and then delivers a running Double Stomp to Jimmy! First 'Holy Shit!' chant of the night for that one as Homeless Jimmy rolls around on the concrete cradling his head.  Messiah picks up Jimmy and rolls him back inside but he only gets two, Messiah brings in another chair but gets cut off by Jimmy who then proceeds to beat The Messiah down with the chair, Jimmy hits a Double Armed DDT onto the chair, 1... 2.. Kickout from Messiah.   Jimmy scores with a sloppy Neckbreaker and then misses an Elbow Drop, Messiah scores with the Godsmack (TKO), 1... 2... Kickout from Jimmy.  Messiah brings in a few more chairs, along with a garbage bin, Jimmy manages to cut off Messiah once again with a shot to the gut, he places the garbage bin over the top of Messiah trapping him inside, Jimmy climbs to the second rope and comes off with a huge chairshot to the top of the can.  Jimmy sets up two chairs so that they stand facing each other and then places another between the gap in the two chairs, he pulls the garbage bin off of Messiah and looks for a Powerbomb through the set up chair structure, Messiah punches Jimmy in the face as he is lifted up to escape, Jimmy turns around into the Fall From Grace (Burning Hammer) straight through the chairs, cover, 1... 2... 3!

Winner: The Messiah [57%/51%/63%]

Tommy Dreamer Vs. Chris Harvard

The pop for Tommy is... Tommy-like in its awesomeness, there is just something about having 'Man In A Box' playing in the ECW Arena that sends chills down my spine, it is however strange to see Tommy not in an ECW shirt.  Chris Harvard is already in the ring, Harvard was a participant in the yet to be aired series of WWF Tough Enough, the fact that he is here in the EWA probably gives you a good idea of how well he did, apparently he is a Harvard graduate and former football player.  Harvard looks for a handshake before the beginning of the match, Tommy looks out to the crowd and then nails Harvard with a huge right hand to the cheers of the faithful.  This is basically a Tommy squash, Tommy punches and kicks Harvard around for the opening minute, also hitting a few Bodyslams and Hiptoss as it seems that is all Harvard is capable of taking at the moment.  Tommy brings in a chair and completely kills Harvard dead with a devastating shot to the head, Tommy pulls Harvard up and Piledrives him onto the chair to a huge pop from the crowd.  Tommy sticks his arms out by his side as the crowd begin to chant 'EWA', although I'm pretty sure some of them are chanting 'ECW' ... The lights go out, they flash on and off a few times, flickering breifly each time, they come back on fully... ITS RAVEN! Raven is stood behind Tommy doing the same crucifix pose, Tommy turns around... EVENFLOW DDT! Raven drags Chris Harvard on top of Dreamer and then sits in the corner, the referee makes the count, 1... 2... 3! Dreamer's return to Viking Hall has been ruined by Raven!

Winner: Chris Harvard [59%/60%/58%]

Raven pulls himself up and begins to put the boots to Tommy Dreamer, Chris Harvard gets up and begins to do the same but after every few kicks he turns to the fans with a big smile on his face while slapping Raven on the back.  Raven picks up Tommy Dreamer and delivers the Evenflow DDT once again to Tommy, Raven then turns to Chris Harvard and tells him to throw Tommy over the top rope, which he does.  Raven sits back down in the corner and looks out at the crowd, Harvard hands him a microphone and Raven begins to speak.

Raven: Never underestimate the harbinger of sorrow, Tommy, for every time you do it is then that he shall strike.  Did you really think that I would let you return to my playground without so much as word? Did you really think I would let you come in here, like some thief in the night and steal my time in the sun? Because that's what you're doing Tommy, just as always, they're not talking about Raven returning to Philadelphia, they're talking about Tommy, Tommy, TOMMY, TOMMY!!! Philadelphia is not your town and this is not your playground, its mine Tommy and every time you step in here you have to know that, because I do Tommy and I live just waiting for the next time I get to strike you down. **Raven pulls himself up to his feet and walks over to the side of the ring that Tommy stands on the outside of** Its a shame Tommy that it had to happen this way, I like you Tommy, I always have but you've never felt that way you've taken everything from me and now there is nothing left, you took Beulah, you took Kimona, you took The Sandman, you took everything in my life Tommy and left me with nothing and now... Now you come here and try to take Philadelphia away from me, you try to take all this away from me? Its not going to happen Tommy, I can't allow it to happen again **Tommy turns and walks to the back shaking his head** Where are you going Tommy? Tommy, come back! **Turning to Chris Harvard** You see what you've done! You, the small greenhorn that comes here asking me for help... You may be a Harvard graduate but you still have a lot to learn **Raven walks right up to Chris Harvard, boots him in the stomach and nails the EVENFLOW DDT, Raven drops down to his knees and looks Harvard right in the face** ... And your education has just begun.  Quoth the Raven, nevermore.



We come back from the intermission to find Disco Inferno and Kurrgan dancing in the middle of the ring to the boos and jeers of the fans, seriously they are getting pelted with pretty much everything the fans can lay their hands on.  Disco, however, the trooper that he is continues to bust a move like a legend while Kurrgan just shuffles around.  Simon Says by Drain STH hits and Simon Diamond and CW Anderson make their way out to the ring, Anderson does his one facial expression... Intense, Simon and CW then look at each other and then charge into the ring.

Simon Diamond and CW Anderson Vs. Disco Inferno and Kurrgan

Simon heads straight for Disco while CW takes on Kurrgan, all four men brawl around the ring for a few moments until Anderson scores with a nice looking Spinning Powerslam on Kurrgan.  Anderson then picks up Kurrgan and whips him to the ropes... ANDERSON SPINEBUSTER! Kurrgan rolls out of the ring leaving Disco alone with Anderson and Diamond, one Problem Solver later and this one is over.  Well, that was short.

Winners: Simon Diamond and CW Anderson [64%/60%/69%]

Sabu Vs. Masato Tanaka - Best two out of three falls, Table Match

Yup, here we go.  First man to put his opponent through two different tables is the winner of the match.  Both men come out to big reactions for the Philly fans, which is no surprise, neither man really seems to be playing a heel here, but Sabu seems to be the more over face which would make Tanaka the defacto heel for the evening.  The match starts off pretty badly for the man from India as Tanaka suplexes him out of his boots with a nice Head and Arm Suplex, followed up an Exploder~! Tanaka wastes no time in bringing in the first table of the evening, setting it up resting against one of the turnbuckles.  Tanaka boots Sabu down into another corner and then stomps away on him before running off of the ropes opposite and delivering a huge knee to the face of Sabu!  Sabu gets up and tries to shake it off but gets caught once again by Tanaka, who scores with an impressive Death Valley Driver.  Tanaka makes sure the table is still standing before picking up Sabu and German Suplexing him through the table for the first fall! 1-0 to Tanaka.  Tanaka looks to pick up Sabu again but is cut off by a poke to the eye, Sabu throws Tanaka to the outside and then scores with a suicide dive through the ropes to the floor.  The two men fight around ringside with Sabu dishing out the majority of the punishment, Sabu throws Tanaka over the guardrail and the two men begin to fight through the crowd, Sabu picks up a chair and smashes it over Tanaka's head, who just stands there with a big smile on his face to the cheers of the fans.  Sabu hits Tanaka three more times over the head barely moving the man from Japan, Sabu then hits Tanaka in the stomach with the end of the chair and DDTs Tanaka on the concrete.  Sabu drags Tanaka back to the ringside area and throws him into the STEEL POST~! That crazy Sabu.  Sabu pulls a table out from under the ring and then sets it up in the ring, Tanaka is pulled into the ring by Sabu and laid on top of the table, Sabu stands on the apron, slingshots in, spins around and hits a Slingshot Moonsault on Tanaka driving him through the table to take the second fall! 1-1.  Sabu quickly rolls out of the ring and brings in another table, he sets it up in the middle of the ring but is cut off by a Tanaka low blow before he can attempt to take the final fall, Tanaka throws Sabu to the outside and the two once again begin to brawl around the ring, Tanaka sends Sabu hard into the safety barrier around the ring and then follows that up by delivering a T-Bone Suplex straight into the barrier itself, Tanaka throws Sabu headfirst into the STEEL POST~! and then rolls him into the ring, Tanaka gets up onto the apron but Sabu manages to hit him with a Shoulder to the gut, Sabu Suplexes Tanaka into the ring, Tanaka's leg just grazing the table set up in the ring, Sabu grabs a chair and sets it up in the middle of the ring but Tanaka is back on his feet before Sabu can do anything, Tanaka looks for another Suplex but Sabu manages to block the move and send Tanaka to the corner, Sabu puts Tanaka up on the top turnbuckle and brings him down again with a Top Rope Hurracanrana, Sabu climbs the ropes and comes off with a Legdrop, he picks up Tanaka and places him on top of the table, Sabu uses the set up chair to go for a modified version of the Triple Jump Moonsault.. But Tanaka moves out of the way! Sabu goes through the table, the bell rings and Tanaka is announced as the winner of the match!

Winner: Masato Tanaka [68%/56%/81%]

Sabu goes crazy after the match yelling at the referee and then attacks Tanaka to the cheers of the crowd! He manages to knock Tanaka down and then heads to the top rope with a chair, Sabu nails the ARABIAN FACEBUSTER! And then throws the chair down on the mat, he returns to the back to huge cheers from the Philadelphian crowd.

Abdullah The Butcher Vs. Vader

Main event time.  Abby and Vader both come out to big pops from the Philly crowd, Abby takes control from the opening bell and busts Vader open inside the first minute with a fork to the head, big cheer for that one from the Philly crowd unsurprisingly.  Abby works over Vader with some Forearms and eventually takes Vader down with a Shoulderblock, to say Abby is looking immobile is like saying Terry Funk has bad knees, Abby hits an Elbow Drop but it only gets two.  More fork to the head from Abby and bleeding from Vader, who eventually decides to get into this match by blocking an Abby right and whipping him into the corner.  Big Splash in the corner from Vader is followed up by the 'Who Da Man?' routine, Vader knocks Abby back to the mat with a Clothesline but only gets two.  Vader brings in the plunder, garbage cans, chairs and so on, but Abby gets the fork to the arm of Vader before the 'Mastadon' can attack.  Abby throws Vader out of the ring and the two men fight around ringside, the crowd actually get behind the trading of punches that the two men go through, Abby wins that battle and throws Vader into the safety barrier, a trip into the STEEL POST~! for Vader is followed up by Abby trying to Splash Vader against the post... But Vader moves out of the way and Abby goes into the STEEL POST~! Abby comes up bleeding from the head and thrown into the ring by Vader, Vader hits a few chairshots but Abby once again makes the comeback with the fork, Vader manages to cut him off and whip Abby into the corner, Vader scores with a Big Splash that sends Abby down to the mat.  Vader comes off of the second rope with the Vader Bomb! Cover, 1... 2... 3! This one is over

Winner: Vader [62%/63%/62%]

Picture of the night

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Edited by Natural Born Thrilla
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The Extreme Wrestling Alliance cordially invites you to join us at Viking Hall, Philadelphia, PA, on Saturday 2nd June 2001 for a

Symphony of Destruction


The EWA Staff.


Main Event

Hardcore Tag Team Match

Raven and Vader Vs. Abdullah The Butcher and Tommy Dreamer

As we all saw at Resurrection, the enigma known as Raven returned to once again become the thorn in Tommy Dreamer's soul costing Tommy a victory in his highly anticipated return to Philadelphia.  At Symphony of Destruction, Tommy Dreamer will receive his first chance to get back at Raven as he teams with Abdullah The Butcher to take on Raven and Vader.  Vader and Abdullah went through a bloody war in the main event of Resurrection and with Raven and Tommy squaring off in the same ring as well, the carnage is bound to be high, this is one match you do not want to miss.


Last Man Standing

Sabu Vs. Masato Tanaka

Sabu and Tanaka locked horns at Resurrection in an amazing two out of three falls table match, Sabu however was none to happy with the end result and ended up attacking Tanaka after the match and demanding a rematch.  The EAW, never ones to stand in the way of two wrestlers wanting to kick the crap out of each other, have booked a Last Man Standing match up between the 'Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal' Sabu and the man with the iron skull, Masato Tanaka.  Who will win when these two asian warriors go head to head for a second time?

Hardcore Rules

Stevie Richards w/Tammy Vs. Disco Inferno

Stevie Richards and Disco Inferno's first night in the EWA were exact opposites, while Stevie was cheered and adored by the fans, Disco was booed out of the Arena for wanting to dance and entertain.  While Stevie picked up an impressive win over Scotty Anton, Disco was defeated in quick fashion by CW Anderson and Simon Diamond.  So at Symphony of Destruction, Disco will be looking to be making some victory music of his own as he takes on Stevie in a one on one match up to be contested under Hardcore Rules, will Disco's search for approval end in success? Or will Stevie with Tammy at his side continue his winning ways here in the EWA?

David Flair Vs. Billy Reil

To be the man, wooooooo, you gotta beat the man.  If you're a wrestling fan there is no doubt that you will have heard of the name Flair and there is no doubt that you know it is forever linked with talent, world championships and great matches.  David Flair arrives in the EWA looking to continue his father's legacy as 'The New Nature Boy' takes on Billy Reil in what should be an interesting match up.  Will David continue the Flair legacy? Or will Reil show that who you're related to means nothing in this business?

Simon Diamond and CW Anderson Vs. Jablonski Brothers

Following their quick demolition of Disco Inferno and Kurrgan at Resurrection, Simon and CW came to the EWA staff and demanded that we find them some competition for this show.  After scouting the surrounding areas, the Jablonski Brothers, Dean and Chet, are the men we have brought forward for Simon and CW to test themselves against.  Will Simon and CW destroy these contenders as quickly as they did Disco and Kurrgan? Or will the unknown Jablonski Brothers deliver an upset that no one is expecting?

Sade Vs. Trajik Vs. Mitch Paradise

The EWA is all about exposing new talents to our audiences and at Symphony of Destruction we will do exactly that as three cruiserweights take on each other in what should be a high paced, high octane match.  With each man out to make an impact on their debut here in the EWA, will it be the 'Highlight of the night' Sade, 'One Night Stand' Mitch Paradise or the gothic Trajik that'll walk away with their arm raised and their head held high?

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