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Ring Of Honor

Guest Muthafawkkinmatt

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Guest Muthafawkkinmatt

Samoa Joe, stepped in to the large room, with the huge conference table in the center, he was told he was going to meet the new owner of ROH in this room but looking up and down the table, he saw nobody. Joe walked over to the window and looked out trying to get a sneak peak as to who the owner is. Joe saw nothing, there were no cars, no people, just garbage flying around in the wind.

Joe took a seat at this large, expensive, 100% oak table after about 10 minutes, it was just now approaching 7:30 AM, the time he was supposted to meet with his new handler. Joe suddenly heard a noise, never to be the paranoid one, he never thought twice about it, he just sat there, staring across the room at the wall.

Suddenly someone grabed Joe by the neck, and applied slight pressure, slowly choking him. Samoa tried to fight back but it just wasn't working. The man suddenly let Joe go and as he turned around he was surprised to see CM Punk.

Punk laughed as he took a seat, next to Joe awaiting the arrival of the new owner, Joe asked Punk if he had any idea but Punk said no, all he heard was the rumors that the stupid little internet fans were giving him, Punk would go on to say that he wishes the new owner doesn't make him be nice to the fans like Gabe and company did because deep down, he doesn't give a shit about the internet fans, all they do is ruin wrestling. Joe agreed with him. The two wrestlers talked for a few moments later, until the new owner walked in to the room.

Both wrestlers were shocked. Sitting there with a stunned look on their faces, neither man could come to his sense to say a word.

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Guest Muthafawkkinmatt

The owner, walked over to the men and extended his hand, Punk and Joe both did the same shaking hands with. Joe went to introduce himself but the owner said introductions weren't neccessary. The owner, Vince Russo sat across from the boys, looking at both of them carefully studying them as they stared back studying him. Russo began talking..

Russo: I have alot of ideas for this company and the reason I wanted to speak to both of you is because I have big plans for you both. I want this company to go far, and the only way it goes far is with Samoa Joe and CM Punk helping to run the show. You two guys, are my booking team, when I need help I will come to you. If you want someone held down, then you hold that cock sucker down. Ring Of Honor will now be a sports entertainment federation. Are both of you getting what I say? Do you have any questions or comments?

Joe: No, Sir.

CM Punk looked around the room a little bit, everytime he looked at Russo's face he looked away as if he couldn't look into his eyes.

Russo: Whats on your mind, Punk? Say anything you gotta say, you're on the booking team now. Nothing you say will be held against you, ever.

Punk looked up into Russo as he was speaking.

Punk: I know who you are, and I know what you are about. I was in TNA. I know what you're about, Russo. But most importantly I am glad to be on your side this time.

CM Punk smiled as he spoke the last line.

Russo: Our first show is a week from today, January 8th, ROH will be running "The Battle Lines Our Drawn." I don't have much time, you have to convince the locker room that sports entertainment is what is best for this company. Everybody gets a gimmick, everybody is important. If anyone gives you a fight, fire them on the spot. You have the power guys, you have the power.

The wrestler looked at each other and then back at Russo, shaking their heads up and down to indicate "Yes." Russo pulled out some business card's and handed one to each of them saying

I want both of you to call me later tonight so I can talk about gimmicks and matches for the PPV. CM Punk I have a very special gimmick for you.

Russo smiled as he walked out the door.

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I just want to say, good luck on this, and I have a feeling you're going to need it. The ROH marks will probably rip this apart, but if you've got a direction you want to take it, more power to you.

Only bit of advice I can give you is make sure that everything about this diary is perfect (spelling, grammar, punctuation, moves names, etc) because it's gonna be tough enough as it is.

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Safe to say I won't be reading this thing. Vince Russo is;

A: not into wrestling anymore.

B: ROH would DIE the second it became sports entertainment. Hell, and it would die the milisecond Vince Russo took over.

C: If Punk and Joe hate internet fans, why would they bother writing live journals, knowing the majority of people reading them would be those same internet fans?

D: ROH is nowhere near big enough to do PPVs. They'd probably be bankrupt before the second show.

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Guest Muthafawkkinmatt

Safe to say I won't be reading this thing.  Vince Russo is;

A: not into wrestling anymore.

B: ROH would DIE the second it became sports entertainment.  Hell, and it would die the milisecond Vince Russo took over.

C: If Punk and Joe hate internet fans, why would they bother writing live journals, knowing the majority of people reading them would be those same internet fans?

D: ROH is nowhere near big enough to do PPVs. They'd probably be bankrupt before the second show.

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I really don't like the direction you're taking RoH. Turning the promotion into Sports Entertainment would just alienate all of its fans and leave you reaching in your pockets for lint, because you won't be able to put the butts in the seats. I'll read though, just to see what you do with the first show.

Just my two cents. Good luck with this, I have a feeling you're going to need it.

Edited by Magus978
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Ok, not to be a picky little bitch, but you DID say something about PPV. You had Russo say "I want both of you to call me later tonight so I can talk about gimmicks and matches for the PPV. "

Sorry, but if you're going to start criticising other's critiques, maybe YOU need to start reading. And he does have a valid point. ROH isn't big enough to have a PPV right now, unless they were ok with losing money on it. Which might be the case, but if so, needs to be explained.

And I'm out.

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There are so many ways you can take a situation like this and make a good comedy diary out of it. Unfortunately, it looks like you're playing this straight and ignoring all logic and/or fact in your backstory, not to mention screwing with people's personalities.

This is also the third diary I've seen with your name on it in a little over a week.

Good luck. You are unquestionably going to need it.

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Can you not stick to one diary for more then a week?! Every week a new diary is started by you. Go read the Diary Dome rules dude.


And why don't you go and read the forum description. Here, I've gone to the trouble of copying it for you:

Diary Dome

The EWB Diary Dome is home for the creative lot of you to bring your Extreme Warfare games to life, in the forum of in-game diaries. Not the creative type? Enter the Dome, sit back, and read about EWR games that are brought to life by the EWB writing community.

Subforums: Diary Hall of Fame, Questions and Polls

Forum Led by: lafunkenstein

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Guest Muthafawkkinmatt

Ring, Ring, Vince Russo's cell phone in his hotel room begans to ring as he lays in bed, dreaming of what Ring Of Honor can become. He reaches over and to answer the phone.

Russo: Hello, who is this?

CM Punk: What's up Vince? It's Punk, you said you have big plans for me well lets hear them.

Russo: Punk, with your new character, you will become the greatest entertainer of all time.

Punk: Well coming from you, I'm not quite sure if I should be happy or if I'm going to end up like Shark Boy.

Russo: Yes, but we can't talk on the phone, the internet writers have the phones tapped. They think I'm stupid, to find out, they will have to wait for the first show. And Punk.. If you don't like the gimmick you don't have to go along with it, you have the power baby.

Punk: Well yea, I know but

Before Punk could finish his comment Russo hangs the phone up.

Thanks everyone for the comments kind of, but if you want to give me pointers and help me on the diary instead of bashing me I would greatly appreciate it.

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Alright, I'll give you some helpful comments;

Since it's apparent your hellbent on turning ROH into a sports entertainment fed, I think you should bring in some of the hardcore guys that ROH never would. The CZW guys like Nick Gage, Nate Hatred, Messiah, Justice Pain, guys you'd never see in ROH. Also, you might wanna go after guys with no talent like Goldberg, or A-Train. Sign some really over guys as well, since apparently money is no object to you. Steve Austin would probably be the best choice, if he's still around.

I'd rename the Pure title to something like an IC title, maybe International or World-wide or something like that.

You'd also have to take the belts off the Havana Pitbulls and Joe, because people with talent holding belts in sports entertainment feds for long periods of time just doesn't work.

Also, try and get a TV deal as soon as possible. Building the overness of your main roster is essential for a sports entertainment company.

And change the name of ROH, because for one thing, that's also the name of a thing the Dallas Cowboys do to show appreciation for their players and staff, they put them in the Ring of Honor. Also, change it because the thought of ROH as a sports entertainment fed is going to piss alot of people off, including myself.

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Guest Muthafawkkinmatt

Alright, I'll give you some helpful comments;

Since it's apparent your hellbent on turning ROH into a sports entertainment fed, I think you should bring in some of the hardcore guys that ROH never would.  The CZW guys like Nick Gage, Nate Hatred, Messiah, Justice Pain, guys you'd never see in ROH.  Also, you might wanna go after guys with no talent like Goldberg, or A-Train.  Sign some really over guys as well, since apparently money is no object to you.  Steve Austin would probably be the best choice, if he's still around. 

I'd rename the Pure title to something like an IC title, maybe International or World-wide or something like that. 

You'd also have to take the belts off the Havana Pitbulls and Joe, because people with talent holding belts in sports entertainment feds for long periods of time just doesn't work. 

Also, try and get a TV deal as soon as possible.  Building the overness of your main roster is essential for a sports entertainment company.

And change the name of ROH, because for one thing, that's also the name of a thing the Dallas Cowboys do to show appreciation for their players and staff, they put them in the Ring of Honor.  Also, change it because the thought of ROH as a sports entertainment fed is going to piss alot of people off, including myself.

Edited by Muthafawkkinmatt
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Well Matt, I'm going to disagree with my esteemed colleague GoGo and say that you've at least got your head in the right place. In my eyes, the worst thing to do is to make it openly comedy, since these diaries only work if they're played straight without letting it become a total slap-dash "Captain Toilet Man" bit.

Now your real challenge is getting a show up and not losing the audience.


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Guest Muthafawkkinmatt

Later that same night, CM Punk is alone his hotel room. Face sweating, there is obviously something on his mind. Punk races back and forth across his room, pacing.

What should I do? What are you doing to do? He asks himself as he paces, quicker and quicker across the small room. He looks into the mirror but its so dark, he can't even see him own face so he continues to pace.

Mean while in another hotel across the city, Vince Russo awakes in the middle of night from a deep sleep. He pokes his head out from under the blanket.

"Who, Who's there?" Russo, always the one to be paranoid sense there is something wrong. He rolls over and turns on the light, as the light comes on there is nothing in front of him. He checks under his bed, he checks under the bed next to his. He goes into the bathroom and turns on the light but he sees nothing. Russo grabs his bag, with all the important documents and ideas and puts it under the blanket. Feeling safe again, Russo turns off the light and goes back to bed.

I promised them, I promised my family, I promised my friends and I promised the boys in the back I would never sell out. But I'm not selling out, this is what's best for the company. Am I wrestler or an entertainer? Punk stops pacing and falls to his knees, with his thoughts he's driving himself crazy....

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Guest Muthafawkkinmatt


New signing, Wrestler Threatens to leave ROH

Ring Of Honor superstar, Low-ki also known as Loki, has threatened to leave ROH, for NOAH if he doesn't like the new direction of the promotion. Although Ki, hasn't spoken to Vince Russo at all, he spoke to our own Mr. Indy in an exclusive interview that you can read by clicking here.

Mike Quackenbush, of IWA-MS and CHIKIRA has signed a contract with ROH. The contract is flexible which will allow Quackenbush to work all promotions he choses. Quackenbush is a solid technical wrestler who comes up with original moves all the time. Quackenbush was recently rated number 47 on our top 50 indy stars of 2004. This move is said to be surprising, especially since Vince Russo wants ROH to be more sports entertainment then wrestling, for Quackenbush's full biography click here.

Reading this with his bloody shot eyes from not getting sleep for the past few days, CM Punk was torn. Low-Ki, one of ROH's top stars was on his way out, while Quackenbush a friend of his in IWA-MS will be getting an opportunity of a life time.

Punk grabs the telephone and puts it up to his hear, he grabs Vince Russo's business card and begins to dial the number but before he finished touching the 5th letter he hung up.

Punk thought to himself, what should I do? What can I do?

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Guest Muthafawkkinmatt

CM Punk arrives at the arena, he hands the taxi driver 10 dollars and grabs his bag from out the trunk. Punk looks to his right and then to his left before entering the arena, there are no cars present so he expects to be the first person there but when he opens the door to the locker room he has another thing coming.

All he hears is people shouting back and forth, unable to quite make out what they are screaming and yelling about he is grabed and pulled outside the locker room, Colt Cabana and Ace Steel push him against the wall.

Cabana: What the fuck are you thinking man? Sports Entertainment? I mean its bad enough we got this Russo Fuck running this shit but

Colt tightening his grip on Punks shirt, Punk puts his hands on Cabana's chest as if to push him away but he doesn't

you're on his side? What's your problem man, don't forget what you got you this far. We are wrestlers, not sports entertainers. Some guys back here, they can be Sports Entertainters but not us man. Get your head out of your ass man. We have to fight this fuck.

Punk turns his head the other and push Cabana, trying to walk away Steel puts a hand on his shoulder and turns him around

You have to do something bro, Joe, he told us everything. Its up to you to fight for us. He's clearly on the other team.

Punk: I know, I'll see what I can do.

The Briscoe brothers come bursting out of the locker room and look straight towards Cabana

Did you do it? asked Jay, the older Briscoe brother. CM Punk glanced back as he was making his away around the building, searching for a place, a place to be alone. All week he was alone and he couldn't wait to be anything but, but now he can't wait to leave the kaos that is the RoH Locker Room. Cabana, Steel, Jay and Mark huddle up close together and walk in the opposite direction together speaking, but Punk can't make out what they are saying.

New signing Mike Quackenbush, comes walking through the door of the RoH Locker Room, he too hears all the comotion of wrestlers arguing back and forth, he spots Low-Ki sitting in the corner of the locker room all by himself, he walks over and drops his bag on an empty chair and sits by Low-Ki. He extends his hand but Ki just looks straight ahead.

Low-Ki known for his intensity in the ring, but he was just the same in the locker room, seemingly hearing nothing thats going on around him he just continues to stare in front of him. Quackenbush pulls his hand away and ask Low-Ki if he doesn't want to be bothered but he recieves no answer as Mr. Intense stares straight ahead. Ki closes his eyes and begins to relax.

Samoa Joe the cause of all this mess stands there in the middle of the room, holding back guys as they look to do battle in an un marked battlefield. The Havana Pitbulls and Homicide help him.

Its 3 hours before the show and no one knows whose on the card yet, things are getting crazy in the locker room and there is no sign of Vince Russo. With there being no word on who is wrestling and who is not, most workers have showed up and the others should be on there way.

Edited by Muthafawkkinmatt
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