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Guest Muthafawkkinmatt

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American Idiot - Green Day

I think it counts because I only bought it a month ago :D

Pure brilliance. Every single song on the album is great, and it's a CD I can't stop listening to

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Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine providing your into that sort of music, it is a blistering album, with the title track being there best single ever IMO and gilded c*** is pretty awesome too. Go on. Tell me im just some punk ass rock kid who should listen to "real" cradle of filth

I won't call you a "punk ass rock kid" because punk has nothing to do with Cradle Of Filth or your argument, but I'd argue against your point that Nymphetamine is the best single ever. The whole album's fantastic, I'll give you that, but it's far from their best work, being too overblown in pomp and too over-produced compare to their earlier work.

I'm not enough of a fan to suggest albums, I can't really listen to them for that long, after a couple of tracks I'm done, but I suggest you listen to their cover of No Time To Cry by Sisters Of Mercy, Death Comes Ripping by The Misfits, the techno remix of Cradle To Enslave or Suicide & Other Comforts to hear all sides of their performance.

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Guest Muthafawkkinmatt

Talib Kweli's "The Beautiful Struggle" is probably the only one in the last 2 or 3 months.

Anyways, The Beautiful Struggle is just an all out awesome album. Though I enjoyed some songs more than others, there isn't really one bad track, in my opinion. The opening track, "Going Hard", Kweli sets the tone, that being a fully listenable, enjoyable, insightful, conscience hip hop album. Lyrically, there are few better than Talib Kweli, and it shows on this record. Even "Around My Way", a song that has an R&B base, is fantastic and easy to listen to. In fact, the first verse of this song is probably one of the best pieces of lyrical work I have heard in a long time. My personal favorite tune is the title track, "Beautiful Struggle", clear cut best song on the album, in my opinion at least. It may be my favorite Kweli song ever, next to "Eternalist" and "Guerrilla Monsoon Rap". It has an incredible mix of lyrical content and flow that complements the instrumentals extremely well. There is just something about the song that I love, not quite sure what it is, but it is something. All in all, The Beatiful Struggle was a refreshing album, something different. One of my favorite CD's of the year, maybe even my number one favorite. Certainly not your run of the mill rap/hip hop records, though, so not everyone can get into them like a commercially successful album that Eminem or 50 Cent release. I do believe, however, everyone can appreciate the nature of it. So if you are looking for something different and haven't already discovered Talib Kweli, I suggest going out and purchasing Reflection Eternal, Quality, and The Beautiful Struggle.

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Live - Awake

I know it is a best of album but the tour passed Holland this week, I went to see it and it just rocked so much I had to buy the CD. Play it non-stop when I'm home.

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