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Resident Evil 4


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For El Gigante, it helps ALOT if you saved the dog at the start of the game. Once the fight starts, quickly shoot it a few times with your handgun and run away. Just keep shooting it, and pretty soon the dog should show up. Once it does, El Gigante will be distracted, allowing you to just keep shooting until the parasite shows up on its back. Instead of wasting ammo, you can jump on its back and slash it with your knife (one of those mash button rapidly thingys). After that, just switch to your shotgun (you do have one, right?) and repeat the pattern. If you need more help, just lure it towards the dog again - it should waste time trying to attack it, allowing you a couple more free shots.


I've reached the part where you have to chose between fighting another one, or a hoard of villagers. Haven't decided which to do yet though. The part where you have to defend the house with Louis (?) is crazy fun.

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Wow.....I'm at the Fish boss....its pure awseomness.

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my friend brought hsi gamecube and Res. 4 over last night . if any could make the gamecube enoyable its this game . I absolutely love it . Too bad I have to wait for a ps2 version .

I friggin hate the bear traps ;(

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I beat El Gigante and then chose to fight him again. He's easier the second time, as he takes less hits and I brought two flash grenades. He does kill Ashley rediculously quickly. I'm going to eventually double back for the second trail, as there's treasure there.

Right now, I fought my way down the lift. If you don't have the rifle yet, grab it and use it here. You can cut down the fight ahead by half, and use the TMG if you have it also... unless you're loaded with Shotgun shells, and I had zero.

I'm now fighting the village elder. Fucker is impossible. And I agree about defending the house, but it's almost too easy, running from window to window and throwing down the ladders. Next time I play, I'm fighting through that shit.

End Spoilers

A really solid game. Sucks that it goes back tommmorow.

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Well, I ended up doubling back, and did NOT regret it.

Be in for a fight if you take the camp route, but I came out with MORE health and spoils go me a R+G herb and a first aid spray. I'm rocking the mic right about now.

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The Friggin El Gigante was awseome....yet very frustrating...another intense boss battle...right now I've found Sarah and learned what I have to do next...any tips before I go and try to reach the helicopter.......with Sarah??

By the way I've actually never jumped so many times in any game but this one...best way to play it is in the dark, with the only light coming from the game.

Edited by Laice_
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Yeah, I'm on the last legs of the game. Regenerators. :mellow::mellow::mellow:


Holy shit fighting Krauser was fucking intense. The helicopter battle was also intense. This game has been going non-stop for like an hour.


This game rocks. If you don't have a GC, buy one now.

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Yeah, I know its sad, but work has been killer in school but I'm still managing to find some time for games. Plus I'm balancing out Resident Evil 4, Star Wars:Knights of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords and Metroid Prime 2, all excellent games!!

This game rocks. If you don't have a GC, buy one now.
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