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Free CD's.


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Ya'll know I don't like illegal downloading of music, but legally downloading things that aren't available in stores is fine by me, and I encourage it.

So, on that note. Here are two CD's I really like, that you can download for nothing. (Mp3 format, obviously)

DJBC Presents The Beastles - Beastie Boys Vs The Beatles (Complete with cover art)

Taco Zip Collection - Collection of Beastie Boys remixes, constantly adding more, so it's not a finished cd like the first, but its enough MP3's to count as an album.

And er, less legally, I guess, sort of a grey area...


Contains the Grey Album (Jay-Z Vs the Beatles), The Double Black Album (Jay-Z Vs Metallica) and the Banned Music collection, featuring the AWESOME Beastie Boys - Rock Hard (Which contains an ACDC sample that ACDC don't approve of).. I don't have the banned music collection, the Beastie Boys song is the only one that interests me and I already have two versions of it on different formats. However the Double Black album is fantastic, and the grey album, although I don't like it, seems to have a lot of fans.

Anyway, yeah. Anyone else got any Free Legal not-in-stores CD's they wanna share?

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Blade has two Jerzee Kid albums that can, I suppose, be legally downloaded. They aren't in stores or anything. He made a topic about it..

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Just thought I should mention, that the Double Black album is a torrent.

I only mention this because I know some people rather download directly from the site instead of torrent it, but I've been downloading ALOT of stuff through torrent sites, so it's all good.

Thanks Keef. I've been looking for the Double Black album for awhile.

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free mp3s offerd by the band homepage, they play around a bar here next month so i checkt up on how they sound, not bad for a young band, a bit like sparte.

this song was around on the net as free mp3 to suport an album a few years ago, havent found it annywere tday, but heck wen you put something for free on the net don´t expect people to pay for it 2 years later.

http://www.fan-only.de/schmand/eaglesofdea...onlywantyou.mp3 (this si my space so don´t link it all over the net, trafic issues)

i abslutly love that song

Edited by Michael Matzat
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