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WWE RAW Television Preview

April 25, 2005

We are less than a week away from Backlash, and things couldn’t be any hotter. Tonight on RAW with just six days separating them from their big show down with Hassan and Daivari, Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty join forces to take on La Resistance. Surely their opponents at Backlash will have their eyes on this one.

After defeating Steven Richards last week, Chris Masters returns for another Masterlock Challenge, who will step up and answer the test this week?

The World Tag Team Champions William Regal and Tajiri will see action in Regal’s home country this week as they go head to head with the number one contenders for the World Tag Team Titles, Simon Dean and Maven. Plus we expect to hear from Triple H, Batista and RAW GM Eric Bischoff on the controversial ending to last week’s RAW. Be sure to tune in tonight on SPIKE TV!

Scheduled Matches:

- Non Title Match – William Regal and Tajiri versus Maven & Simon Dean

- Chris Masters versus *who ever answers his challenge*

- Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty versus La Resistance

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WWE Sunday Night Heat

Taping Results:

(No tapings due to Backlash PPV)

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WWE RAW Results:

Monday April 25

From: Birmingham, England

RAW started off with a highlights package recapping last week's events. It showed the limo pull up and Batista stepping out. The Champion told everyone that actions speak louder than words, and he'd prove that point to Triple H. Triple H was shown talking to Flair and saying after RAW it would be Triple H, the eleven time World Champion. From there it was clips of the main event. After Batista powered out of the Pedigree and landed a spine buster, it seemed he was on his way to victory. The colors turned red as the suspended Rhyno came in out of nowhere and charged the Champion taking him down with the Gore. Rhyno looked toward the entrance ramp and flipped the bird before disappearing. With the colors back to normal the video package ended with an enraged Triple H beating down Batista and posing with the World Heavyweight Title.

It's All About The Game, Didn't You Know?

After Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcomed everyone to the show, "The Game" by Motorhead blasted over the speakers. Triple H, dressed in black and grey workout pants, and a t-shirt came out with Ric Flair by his side. Helmsley didn't seem to be in a good mood as he marched methodically to the ring. No water bottle, no spitting of the water Triple H was all business tonight. He entered the ring and snatched the microphone out of Lillian's hand.

Triple H: "GET OUT OF MY RING!!"

Lillian did as she was told and dropped down before rolling out of the ring. Triple H paced a little bit as Flair stood behind him.

Triple H: "Last week I was WELL ON MY way to beating Dave Batista, and then.. and then.. IT WAS ALL TAKEN FROM ME! MY SHOT! It was taken from me by some guy…. some guy WHO HAS NEVER EVEN BEEN NEAR A WORLD TITLE! Some guy who was supposed to be SUSPENDED!"

The fan were mixed here, on one hand they were cheering the fact that Triple H's shot at the Title had been taken from him, but on the other hand Rhyno had attacked Batista making him a hated man.

Triple H: "I don't know where he came from and I don't know why he did it, but HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE MY PROBLEM! RHYNO WAS BISCHOFF'S PROBLEM! Eric I want you to come down to this ring right now, and I want you to make things right! I want you to come down to this ring, AND GIVE ME BACK MY SHOT AT BATISTA! I can wait in this ring for however long it takes, Bischoff. Hell I can wait here all night!"

EWR Rating: 84%

Enter Bischoff, And Who's The Big Guy?

Trips didn't have to wait long. "I'm Back" played over the speakers and the General Manager of RAW, Eric Bischoff came out. He wasn't alone however as there was a huge bearded man with him dressed in black pants, and a tight black t-shirt. The two men entered the ring, and Bischoff had a microphone. He began to speak and the big man stood beside him with his arms crossed.

Eric Bischoff: "Triple H, Triple H I know you're upset about this whole Rhyno situation, hell I'm very upset about it. And you're right last week on RAW your title shot was unfairly ripped away from you."

Triple H lifted him microphone up and pointed in Bischoff's face.

Triple H: "You're damn right it was! Now Bischoff make it right! Give me another shot at Batista and the World Heavyweight Title!"

Bischoff held up his hands to try and calm Triple H down.

Eric Bischoff: "Triple H I've already got it covered. This Sunday at Backlash it's going to be BATISTA versus TRIPLE H FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE!"

The crowd liked what they heard even if it was Triple H getting his rematch. Triple H smiled and patted Bischoff on his shoulder.

Triple H: "I knew you were a smart man, Bischoff. I knew it."

Eric Bischoff: "Yeah, I thought you would like that Hunter, and about this whole Rhyno situation, don't you worry about that either because I've got that taken care of."

Bischoff turned to the big man and slapped him on his back.

Eric Bischoff: "My new hired gun, Matt Morgan is going to take care of it. If Rhyno even dares to show his face around here tonight, Mr. Morgan will put a stop to him once and for all, and should Rhyno want to make an appearance tonight will be spending the night BEHIND BARS! So Triple H, enjoy the rematch."

Bischoff turned and went to leave, but then he looked like he remembered something and turned around.

Eric Bischoff: "Oh, I forgot to mention, Triple H; enjoy the rematch with what's left of Batista because after tonight's Main Event when he faces GENE SNITSKY there might not be much left of him!"

"I'm Back" played once again and Triple H and Flair had smiles on their faces, not only did Triple H get his rematch this Sunday at Backlash, Batista would have to survive Gene Snitsky tonight to get there. Bischoff and Morgan were on their way to the back when RAW went to its first commercial break of the evening.

EWR Rating: 80%

Matt Morgan debuted his hired gun gimmick to a positive response, and gained overness

It's Not Just An American Epidemic...

When RAW returned Simon Dean's music was playing as he and his partner Maven made their way to the ring, Dean was carrying his gym bag full of the patented Simon System™ product. Maven stood in the center of the ring while Simon put his bag in the corner and grabbed a microphone.

Simon Dean: "You know, after flying a few hours over here I thought I'd get a breath of fresh air! After all, we are in a foreign country, one that supposedly has tons of beautiful sites and places to see. Well that's just a load of crap!"

Dean shook his head and Maven reassured him that he was correct with some subtle nods of his head.

Simon Dean: "When I look around here, I don't see ANYTHING beautiful! I see a bunch of lazy, fat, disgusting, sweat hogs! P - U!"

The fans booed Dean loudly even starting a "You Suck" chant, but Dean ever the soldier in the fight for physical fitness continued on.

Simon Dean: "After taking this trip over here to England it's convinced me that I have to make my patented Simon System™ an International Product because I’ve discovered that obesity isn't just a problem in America, its running wild all over England here tonight!"

More booing for Dean until William Regal's music overtook the public address. The Brit and his tag team partner Tajiri came out to a massive pop from the audience. Regal wore a black t-shirt with the Union Jack on it, and the Tag Team Title belt strapped proudly around his waist.

EWR Rating: 67%

Non Title Match

William Regal and Tajiri© versus Simon Dean and Maven

Jim Ross informed everyone that these two teams would be meeting this Sunday at Backlash for the World Tag Team titles, tonight however the belts were not on the line. Why were they basically giving away the same match people would be seeing Sunday with the titles on the line? Well they were in England so William Regal needed to be on Television. The Englishman started things off with Maven and took the former Tough Enough Champion to school with some crisp chain wrestling. Maven couldn't hang with the south paw and was soon eating the mat courtesy of a William Regal's hammerlock. After a while Regal broke the hold and stomped on the arm of Maven. He lifted the youngster to his feet and further worked his arm with an arm wringer. William tagged in Tajiri who unleashed some vicious kicks to Maven's arm while his partner kept the wringer applied. The Buzz saw enjoyed the offensive advantage until he tried to apply the Tarantula - Maven got his legs and arm free before shoving Tajiri off of the ropes. Tajiri landed head first on the outside in a scary situation. Maven tagged in Simon Dean, and the fitness expert rolled Tajiri back into the ring before making the cover for a two count.

Tajiri seemed to be out of it but continued on. Dean hit a Northern Lights suplex and nearly had the win but Regal made the save just in time. Maven hit the ring, but William Regal side stepped and used Maven's own momentum to send him over the top rope and outside the ring. The Tag Champion went back for some more of Simon Dean but the referee was holding him in his corner. Dean used the opportunity to go over into the corner and search in his gym bag, but whatever he was looking for wouldn't nearly do the damage of what was about to come next. As Tajiri got to his feet, Rhyno slid into the ring out of no where, and in full speed NAILED HIM WITH THE GORE!

Tajiri was turned inside out! Rhyno pounded on his chest and held his arms in the air to a tremendous disapproval. He rolled back out of the ring and exited through the crowd. Simon Dean had finally decided he was going to use the bottle of Simon System™ powder and turned around to find that the work had already been done. He looked surprised and just tossed the container. William Regal saw it all go down and was clawing desperately to get into the ring, only Charles Robinson was still holding him back and didn't see anything. Maven knocked Regal off of the ring apron and kept him from making the save as Dean made the cover and scored the upset win on the Tag Team Champions.

Winners: Simon Dean and Maven

-OR:75% -CR:71% -MQ:80%

Dean celebrated as if he had just won the Tag Team Titles. On the outside Regal slammed Maven into the ring steps and slid into the ring, but Simon quickly rolled out. Regal checked on Tajiri, shouting in anger.

Operation Seek and Arrest...

RAW went backstage in Eric Bischoff's office where the GM was barking orders to his "hired gun" Matt Morgan and about twelve police officers.

Eric Bischoff: "WHAT IN THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE'S DOING HERE!!?? HE JUST RUINED ANOTHER MATCH ON MY SHOW!!! Go find him! I want that man arrested for trespassing!"

Matt Morgan: "Don't you worry Mr. Bischoff, I'll find him. Let's go guys!"

The huge Morgan opened the office door and led the policemen out in their search for Rhyno. Bischoff's face was beat red, and he picked up a container of writing utensils before throwing it against the wall and pounding his fist on the desk.

Eric Bischoff: "Damn him!"

From there RAW went to another commercial break.

EWR Rating: 65%

The Masterlock Challenge...

When RAW returned to the air Chris Masters was entering the ring, the commercial cut off the first half of his entrance. He was already unrobed, and stepped into the squared circle. Lillian announced him as "The Masterpiece" and he took the mic.

Chris Masters:  “I am out here again this week, and I am out here with same challenge to anyone back there."

Masters reached into the top of his trunks and pulled out a wad of cash.

Chris Masters: "One thousand dollars to anyone that can pin me in this ring, or break my Masterlock submission hold! So who's it going to be Steven Richards? HA! Hurricane? Please! Someone at least TRY to give the Masterpiece a challenge!"

Masters smiled arrogantly and held out the microphone waiting for an answer. Suddenly the Titan Tron came to life with a countdown 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. BOOM! "Break Down the Walls" played, and the fans in England applauded as Chris Jericho spun around on the ramp making a fist with his right hand. Jericho was answering the Masterlock Challenge. Masters looked shocked and Charles Robinson took the Money out of Masters' hand for safe keeping. The Masterpiece quickly stood in a stance waiting for Jericho to get in the ring, and tossed the microphone to the outside.

EWR Rating: 53%

Chris Masters versus Chris Jericho

Jericho slid into the ring and Masters quickly locked his hands and went for an axe handle on Jericho, but Y2J ducked the move and bounced off of the ropes. He propelled back and leaped into the air catching Masters with a flying forearm to the face! Masters stumbled backwards but didn't fall to the mat, Jericho was using his quickness to give him the advantage over the much larger Superstar and it was working. Chris grabbed Masters' arm and went for an Irish whip but Masters out powered him and Jericho took the ride. Masters fired off with an attempted clothesline - if it had connected it would have decapitated Jericho, but Y2J baseball slid under Masters' leg and got beck to his feet. With the Masterpiece still looking the opposite way Jericho jumped up and drop kicked him, forcing Masters to stumble through the ropes and to the outside! Jericho raised his hand in the air, and the crowd cheered him on. Chris Masters got back to his feet, and pounded the apron with a beat red face! He was frustrated and pissed off! Masters ordered Charles Robinson to hand him the thousand dollars and the referee did so. Jericho called him on but Masters stuffed the wad of cash into his tights and just raised his hand waving Jericho off. He walked right up the ramp and to the back! Charles Robinson counted Masters out giving the win to Jericho.

Winner: Chris Jericho (by count out)

-OR:75% -CR:73% -MQ:77%

An Enraged Animal...

From there RAW headed the back where the World Heavyweight champion Batista was shown standing next to Maria. He had a serious look on his face standing with the title over his shoulder.

Maria: "Batista, we heard it at the beginning of the show, this Sunday at Backlash you will put the world Heavyweight title on the line once again against Triple H. How do you feel about having to defend the title against him once again after what Triple H did to you last week?"

Batista: "You want to know how I feel about putting this title on the line against Triple H again, after he took advantage of me here last week and beat me down with a steel chair? (Batista started smiling) Ha, ha I CAN'T WAIT! I can't wait to step into the ring with Hunter once again and give him the payback he deserves. And if Hunter thinks he stopped the Animal last week, he can just watch my match with Snitsky tonight!"

Maria: "Well we all saw what Rhyno did to you last week, and he's already made an appearance tonight despite being suspended,"

Maria was going to continue but Batista's smile vanished from his face and the Champion interrupted her.

Batista: "If I run into Rhyno tonight, after I'm done with him - he won't be a problem to anyone!"

Batista scowled for a few seconds, and then walked off. Maria fixed her hair before the scene closed.

EWR Rating: 82%

A commercial hyping the Draft Lottery next week on RAW aired claiming that RAW and Smackdown! would be "changed forever." Then a commercial break followed.

Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty versus La Resistance

RAW returned with La Resistance waving their flags on their way to the ring. The British crowd booed the cocky French Canadian, and "French Sympathizer." La Resistance's music was soon over taken by a vintage theme song - that of the Rockers as Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels came out. Jannetty had new ring attire on, black tights with red and white stars on them - much like HBK's tights with the white and red broken hearts. They raced to the ring and in unison landed a double drop kick to Rob Conway! Grenier came charging but HBK dropped down and grabbed the top rope forcing Sylvain to tumble to the outside. Jannetty called to Michaels and they landed a double vertical suplex on Conway. As Michaels took his corner Muhammad Hassan and Daivari joined JR and the King at the announce booth, to the dismay of the fans. Hassan would go on to degrade Americans and take shots at both Jannetty and Michaels throughout the match.

Jannetty had been doing a number on Conway, and backed him into the corner where he tagged in HBK. Shawn came in and landed ten punches to the face of the La Resistance member with the crowd counting each shot. HBK went to whip Conway on the opposite side but the Kentucky native reversed and sent HBK into enemy territory. Sylvain proceeded to choke out Michaels and over the next few moments it was all La Resistance as they utilized quick tags and double team moves. After a back body drop on HBK Grenier grounded him with a headlock. Marty stomped on the apron and pounded on the turnbuckle to get the fans behind them - it worked as Michaels was soon able to power out and make the tag to Jannetty. Marty cleared house and after tossing Conway though the ropes, planted Grenier with the Rocker Dropper for the win.

Winners: Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty

-OR:70% -CR:72% -MQ:67%

Hassan and Daivari left the announce position as soon as the bell rang and attempted to spoil the Rockers celebration by attacking them from behind. Hassan pounded on Michaels while Daivari attempted to take out Jannetty, but Marty tossed him out of the ring and went after Hassan. He and Michaels whipped Muhammad across the ring and went to nail a double super kick - but Daivari grabbed his leg and pulled him out of the ring in time. HBK and Jannetty finished their celebration as Hassan and Daivari talked trash.

From there JR and the King talked everyone through a video graphical run down of Sunday's Backlash card;

*WWE Women's Title Match - Trish Stratus© versus Christy Hemme

*World Tag Team Title Match - William Regal and Tajiri© versus Simon Dean and Maven

*Chris Jericho versus Chris Masters - just added*

*WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Shelton Benjamin© versus Christian

*Muhammad Hassan and Daivari versus Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty

*World Heavyweight Title Match

Batista© versus Triple H

And Things Keep Getting Better...

After the run down was complete the show once again went backstage to Eric Bischoff's office. Edge was shown standing in front of Bischoff's desk garnering a mass of boos from the British crowd.

Eric Bischoff: "That's exactly what I'm saying Edge, this Sunday at Backlash you will go one on one with Chris Benoit in a NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH! I know there's bad blood between the two of you and what better way to settle it than LIVE on PAY PER VIEW!?"

Edge smiled and stroked his chin.

Edge: "No disqualification, I can deal."

Bischoff was about to respond to Edge but suddenly the office door barged open. Matt Morgan and the dozen police officers entered the room, Edge decided to take his leave.

Matt Morgan: "Mr. Bischoff, we've searched the entire premises, every square inch and he's not here."

Eric Bischoff: "What do you mean he's not here!?"

Matt Morgan: "He's not here; we've searched the whole building."

Bischoff locked at his desk and then in an instant ran his arm across it, knocking everything off and onto the floor.

Eric Bischoff: "DAMN IT!"

With that RAW went to its final commercial break of the evening.

EWR Rating: 73%

"IT WASN'T MY FAULT!" was heard on the public address, marking the entrance of Gene Snitsky. Snitsky marched to the ring stroking his fully grown goatee and doing his best to look menacing. But all of the trying in the world wouldn't make him look half as intimidating as the World Heavyweight Champion who stepped out from behind the curtain before flexing and posing to the approval of the fans in the arena. Batista was all business; he unstrapped the World Title and dropped it on the ramp before charging into the ring.

Main Event: Non Title Match

Batista versus Gene Snitsky

The bell rang and the two monsters began trading blows, Snitsky refused to back down from Batista. He blocked a shot from the Champion and kneed him in the midsection before whipping him into the ropes. The Champ fired back and steam rolled over the big man with a shoulder block. Batista proceeded to mount Snitsky and hammer him with closed fists. Batista proceeded to make a complete example out of Snitsky, hammering him in the corner. Snitsky would regain a semblance of the offensive lead catching Batista with a boot after the Champion charged the corner looking for an avalanche. That would be the last offensive move from Snitsky however because when he charged at Batista the Champion lifted him up and slammed him down with a spine shattering spine buster! Batista lifted Snitsky up and tucked his head between his legs before nailing the Batista Bomb! He covered but pulled Snitsky's shoulder up at two. Triple H had come out to the top of the ramp, and was watching the action in the ring. Batista looked straight into Triple H and landed another devastating Batista Bomb on Snitsky for the win!

Winner: Batista

-OR:74% -CR:75% -MQ:75%

Triple H stood at the top of the ramp applauding Batista sarcastically as the Champion stared him down in the ring. With that the credits hit the screen and JR & the King reminded everyone to purchase Backlash this Sunday.

Overall Rating: 72%

Best Segment: Triple H's promo in the ring

Worst Segment: Chris Masters opens up the Masterlock Challenge

Edited by Idolized
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World Wrestling Entertainment RAW Brand Presents:

The Backlash Predictions Contest…


Predict the winners and the order that the matches will be held.

(1-7 with 7 Being the Main Event, and 1 the Opener)…

Match #__*World Heavyweight Championship

Batista© versus Triple H

Match #__*Hassan & Daivari versus Michaels and Jannetty

Match #__*World Tag Team Titles

William Regal and Tajiri© versus Simon Dean and Maven

Match #__*No Disqualification Match

Chris Benoit versus Edge

Match #__ WWE Women's Title Match

Trish Stratus© versus Christy Hemme w/ Lita

Match #__*WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Shelton Benjamin© versus Christian w/ Tomko

Match #__*Chris Jericho versus Chris Masters

Tie Breakers:

*Who will score the pinfall in the World Tag Team title Match?

*How long will Benoit versus Edge Match go?

*How long will the World Heavyweight Title Match go?

*Who will score the pinfall in the Hassan & Daivari versus the Rockers Match?

Winner will get a sneak peak at the draft picks to happen on RAW the following night.

Edited by Idolized
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Guest HardKore06

Match #__*World Heavyweight Championship

Batista© versus Triple H

Match #__*Hassan & Daivari versus Michaels and Jannetty

Match #__*World Tag Team Titles

William Regal and Tajiri© versus Simon Dean and Maven

Match #__*No Disqualification Match

Chris Benoit versus Edge

Match #__ WWE Women's Title Match

Trish Stratus© versus Christy Hemme w/ Lita

Match #__*WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Shelton Benjamin© versus Christian w/ Tomko

Match #__*Chris Jericho versus Chris Masters

Tie Breakers:

*Who will score the pinfall in the World Tag Team title Match? Maven

*How long will Benoit versus Edge Match go? 20 Minutes

*How long will the World Heavyweight Title Match go? 25 Minutes

*Who will score the pinfall in the Hassan & Daivari versus the Rockers Match? Hassan

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Match #__*World Heavyweight Championship

Batista© versus Triple H

Match #__*Hassan & Daivari versus Michaels and Jannetty

Match #__*World Tag Team Titles

William Regal and Tajiri© versus Simon Dean and Maven

Match #__*No Disqualification Match

Chris Benoit versus Edge

Match #__ WWE Women's Title Match

Trish Stratus© versus Christy Hemme w/ Lita

Match #__*WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Shelton Benjamin© versus Christian w/ Tomko

Match #__*Chris Jericho versus Chris Masters

*Who will score the pinfall in the World Tag Team title Match? Maven

*How long will Benoit versus Edge Match go? 25 minutes

*How long will the World Heavyweight Title Match go? 20 minutes

*Who will score the pinfall in the Hassan & Daivari versus the Rockers Match? Hassan

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World Wrestling Entertainment RAW Brand Presents:

The Backlash Predictions Contest…


Predict the winners and the order that the matches will be held.

(1-7 with 7 Being the Main Event, and 1 the Opener)…

Match 7:

World Heavyweight Championship

Batista© versus Triple H

Match 6:

Hassan & Daivari versus Michaels and Jannetty

Match 5:

No Disqualification Match

Chris Benoit versus Edge

Match 4:

WWE Women's Title Match

Trish Stratus© versus Christy Hemme w/ Lita

Match 3:

WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Shelton Benjamin© versus Christian w/ Tomko

Match 2:

Chris Jericho versus Chris Masters

Match 1:

World Tag Team Titles

William Regal and Tajiri© versus Simon Dean and Maven

Tie Breakers:

*Who will score the pinfall in the World Tag Team title Match? Simon Dean

*How long will Benoit versus Edge Match go? 22 Mins

*How long will the World Heavyweight Title Match go? 24 Mins

*Who will score the pinfall in the Hassan & Daivari versus the Rockers Match? Hassan

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Match #7 *World Heavyweight Championship

Batista© versus Triple H

Match #3_*Hassan & Daivari versus Michaels and Jannetty

Match #5 *World Tag Team Titles

William Regal and Tajiri© versus Simon Dean and Maven

Match #6 *No Disqualification Match

Chris Benoit versus Edge

Match #2_ WWE Women's Title Match

Trish Stratus© versus Christy Hemme w/ Lita

Match #1 *WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Shelton Benjamin© versus Christian w/ Tomko

Match #4 *Chris Jericho versus Chris Masters

Tie Breakers:

*Who will score the pinfall in the World Tag Team title Match? Maven

*How long will Benoit versus Edge Match go? 21 minutes

*How long will the World Heavyweight Title Match go? 13 minutes

*Who will score the pinfall in the Hassan & Daivari versus the Rockers Match? Hassan

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World Wrestling Entertainment RAW Brand Presents:

The Backlash Predictions Contest…


Predict the winners and the order that the matches will be held.

(1-7 with 7 Being the Main Event, and 1 the Opener)…

Match #__*World Heavyweight Championship

Batista© versus Triple H

Match 7

Match #__*Hassan & Daivari versus Michaels and Jannetty

Match 3

Match #__*World Tag Team Titles

William Regal and Tajiri© versus Simon Dean and Maven

Match 4

Match #__*No Disqualification Match

Chris Benoit versus Edge

Match 6

Match #__ WWE Women's Title Match

Trish Stratus© versus Christy Hemme w/ Lita

Match 2

Match #__*WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Shelton Benjamin© versus Christian w/ Tomko

Match 1

Match #__*Chris Jericho versus Chris Masters

Match 5

Tie Breakers:

*Who will score the pinfall in the World Tag Team title Match? William Regal

*How long will Benoit versus Edge Match go? 22 minutes.

*How long will the World Heavyweight Title Match go? 20 minutes

*Who will score the pinfall in the Hassan & Daivari versus the Rockers Match? Hassan

Winner will get a sneak peak at the draft picks to happen on RAW the following night.

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Match #7*World Heavyweight Championship

Batista© versus Triple H

Match #2*Hassan & Daivari versus Michaels and Jannetty

Match #1*World Tag Team Titles

William Regal and Tajiri© versus Simon Dean and Maven

Match #6*No Disqualification Match

Chris Benoit versus Edge

Match #3 WWE Women's Title Match

Trish Stratus© versus Christy Hemme w/ Lita

Match #5*WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Shelton Benjamin© versus Christian w/ Tomko

Match #4*Chris Jericho versus Chris Masters

Tie Breakers:

*Who will score the pinfall in the World Tag Team title Match?Regel

*How long will Benoit versus Edge Match go?15:00 min

*How long will the World Heavyweight Title Match go? 24:00 min

*Who will score the pinfall in the Hassan & Daivari versus the Rockers Match?HBK

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user posted image

World Wrestling Entertainment RAW Brand Presents:

The Backlash Predictions Contest…


Predict the winners and the order that the matches will be held.

(1-7 with 7 Being the Main Event, and 1 the Opener)…

Match #7*World Heavyweight Championship

Batista© versus Triple H

Match #5*Hassan & Daivari versus Michaels and Jannetty

Match #2*World Tag Team Titles

William Regal and Tajiri© versus Simon Dean and Maven

Match #6*No Disqualification Match

Chris Benoit versus Edge

Match #3 WWE Women's Title Match

Trish Stratus© versus Christy Hemme w/ Lita

Match #4*WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Shelton Benjamin© versus Christian w/ Tomko

Match #1*Chris Jericho versus Chris Masters

Tie Breakers:

*Who will score the pinfall in the World Tag Team title Match? Tajiri

*How long will Benoit versus Edge Match go? 24 Mins

*How long will the World Heavyweight Title Match go? 16 Mins

*Who will score the pinfall in the Hassan & Daivari versus the Rockers Match? Marty Jannetty

Winner will get a sneak peak at the draft picks to happen on RAW the following night.

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WWE Backlash Results:

Sunday May 1, 2005

From: Manchester, NH

The WWE opening video played (the one with all of the show logos and such) then after a short delay of blackness the Pay-Per-View opening video started to play…

"Can you save me?

Will you fail me now?"

A few clips of Daivari and Hassan beating down HBK were shown from RAW with Marty Jannetty making the save for his former partner.

It's almost over cause you've faded out, again

Will you break me?

Clips of Edge and Benoit's confrontations leading up to the Pay Per View are shown with Benoit getting wins over Edge, and Benoit wrenching back on the Crippler Cross face.

When you're holding me down

I will escape you!

Chris Masters was shown applying the Masterlock on a bunch of guys, then some shots of his match with Chris Jericho on RAW where he walked out.

And I'll push you closer to the ground

Cause you're the one that's going down!

Batista and Triple H clashed and more shots of their buildup toward tonight’s Main Event were shown. Trust Company's "Stronger" continued on building the night's card. Trish and Christy, Shelton and Christian were all shown. when "Stronger" stopped the video cut out and a voice over took control as a swing blade swung back and fourth on the screen “World Wrestling Entertainment RAW Brand Presents…” One more swing of the blade and it appeared to rip through the screen, then the little rip shredded and behind it the show's logo gleamed…“WWE Backlash!” After a few moments the cameras went to the arena where a pyro show erupted on stage, and the thousands of fans were shown holding signs while jumping up and down. From there Jim Ross and Jerry the King Lawler welcomed everyone to the Pay Per View.

Jim Ross: "We are live in Manchester New Hampshire where 16,000 plus have piled in, and welcome everyone to Backlash! I'm Jim Ross sitting here alongside the King as always, and what a night we have in store for you!"

Jerry Lawler: "Definitely JR! Batista and Triple H for the World Heavyweight Title! The Rockers are back and they're going to face Hassan and Daivari!"

Jim Ross: "Tonight Chris Jericho goes one on one with the "Masterpiece." The Intercontinental and Tag Team Titles will be on the line as well as"...

Jerry Lawler: "Ooh! Ooh! My favorite match of the night JR! The Playboy Playmate herself, RAW's own Christy Hemme will once again challenge Trish Stratus for the Women's Title! That's going to be good JR! It's going to be great!"

Jim Ross: "Well calm yourself King; I'm getting word that a camera crew is being sent to the back."

Barricade The Doors...

In the back, RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff was leading a group of policemen, and his new "Hired Gun," Matt Morgan around. They stopped at the entrance doors and Morgan directed the policemen to stand in front of the entrance.

Eric Bischoff: "Alright! Things didn't go according to plan last week on RAW, so tonight we're going to do things a little differently! I don't want to see Rhyno's face tonight! He will not interrupt any of tonight's matches, do you understand!?"

The policemen nodded in unison, while Morgan stood with his arms crossed.

Eric Bischoff: "Now there are only two ways in and out of this arena; this front entrance and the one in the back. Matt, how about you take the back and let these men handle things here?"

Matt Morgan: "You've got it Mr. Bischoff."

Eric Bischoff: "And remember, I better not see his face tonight!"

The policemen stood lined up in front of the doors while Morgan and Bischoff walked away. Bischoff seemed to have the solution to the Rhyno problem solved, for now at least.

EWR Rating: 78%

Matt Morgan gained overness

Back in the arena the number one contenders to the World Tag Team Titles, Maven and Simon Dean raced down the ramp way. Simon had his trusty gym bag with him, and tossed it in the ring before he and Maven rolled in and taunted the fans. If they were hoping to hear cheers they certainly failed because the crowd was anything but supportive of them.

The Tag Team Champions were next, Regal and Tajiri definitely had the fans on their side as they came out from the back - the World Tag Team Titles strapped around their waists. Regal and Tajiri quickly stepped into the ring, last Monday Rhyno cost them a match with Dean and Maven. Losing was not on their mind tonight.

World Tag-Team Title Match

Regal and Tajiri© versus Simon Dean and Maven

Tajiri and Maven started things off by locking up in the center of the ring. Maven took Tajiri down with a side headlock, wrenching his arm into the Tag Champion's head to ensure a vice like grip. Maven stood back up to his feet, and switched to the arm of the Japanese Buzz saw before whipping him into the ropes. Tajiri slid through Maven's legs and fired back with a pinning wheel kick to the head! Maven leaned against the ropes, and Tajiri utilized an Irish whip to send him into the corner where he tagged in William Regal. Regal came into the ring and Tajiri twisted the arm of Maven allowing William Regal to stomp and punch the exposed ribs. A final boot to the side sent Maven to the mat holding his ribs in agony. Regal placed his forearm over the face of Maven before making the cover. One.. Two.. kick out from Maven. The Black Pool native picked his challenger up and whipped him into the ropes. Regal followed it up with a knee, sending Maven flying over and crashing onto the mat. Regal grabbed Maven by his shaven head and once again sent him flying, this time into the corner. Regal followed him and began working Maven over with some European uppercuts, but Simon Dean landed a right hand on Regal's face allowing Maven to push him backwards and land a dropkick. Maven tagged in Simon Dean and rolled out of the ring.

Dean mounted the Tag Team Champion and delivered some more clenched fists to Regal's face. Charles Robinson forced Dean to break his mounted position, and William Regal rolled to the corner for some aid in returning to his feet. After a brief argument with the referee, Dean returned to work and began stomping the hell out of Regal in the corner. Again Robinson was forced to intervene and while Dean held his attention, Maven used the opportunity to his advantage - choking William Regal out with the Tag Rope. Tajiri entered the ring, but Robinson quickly ran over cutting him off. Maven and Dean used the time to send William Regal into the ropes, and toss him into the air with a double hip toss. Tajiri finally returned to his corner and Dean went for the cover. One... Two.. kick out from Regal.

Dean looked pissed at the fact that Regal still wanted to continue on. He grabbed Regal by the hair and tagged Maven back into the match. Dean and Maven whipped William Regal into the ropes and hit a double dropkick to the face before Maven quickly made the cover. One… Two… Tajiri made the save on his partner’s behalf! Maven was irritated and rubbed the sting off of his head from Tajiri's stiff kick as Referee Robinson brought him back to the corner. Maven returned his attention to William Regal who quickly rolled him up with a small package cradle! One … Two … Maven kicked out. Maven was the first to his feet, and he dropped an axe handle on William's head and neck. He stomped on the shoulders and back as well. Simon Dean had been in his bag and was cupping something in his right hand. Maven walked over and tagged Dean back into the match.

The fitness expert stood taunting Regal as he tried to get to his feet. Still he had something in his right hand. More taunting from Dean when Regal finally was standing back up, and just as it seemed Dean was going to use whatever it was that he had Regal hauled off and kicked his right hand - blinding Dean in a cloud of white. Simon flung about and scratched at his eyes, he had reached into his bag and took a hand full of the Simon Powder, and not it was used against him. Regal tagged in Tajiri and Maven charged into the ring. Tajiri quickly took him down with a drop toe hold, and as Maven stood back to his knees, Tajiri nailed him with the Kick of Death! Simon was still walking around the ring rubbing his eyes, and Tajiri gave him a firm kick to the legs, dropping Dean down to his knees. The fans cheered as Tajiri measured the blinded Dean up and nailed the Kick of Death! Tajiri made the cover, One.. Two.. Three!

Winners: @ 10:13 and still World Tag Team Champions William Regal and Tajiri!

-OR:68% -CR:68% -MQ:69%


And For All Those Peeps Out There...

After a few moments of the Tag Team Champions celebrating there successful title defense the camera went to the back. The Interview Position was where the scene was set, and standing next to Maria where Christian and his "Problem Solver" Tyson Tomko.

Maria: "I am standing here alongside the man who in just a few moments will challenge Shelton Benjamin for the Intercontinental Title, Christian. (A lot of fans cheered, while some booed and Christian smiled at the reactions the fans gave him.) Christian, is there anything you'd like to say before you your match?"

Christian flashed another arrogant smile, with Tyson Tomko folding his arms over his chest in the background.

Christian: "Do I have something to say before my big match!? Does Captain Charisma want to address all of his PEEPS here in Manchester, New Hampshire!?"

Christian paused and waited for a reaction from the fans.

Christian: "You're damn right he does! You see Maria, tonight I am going to kick Shelton Benjamin's ass all over this arena, and take back MY Intercontinental Title. Then after that I figured, me and the Problem Solver (looked over to Tomko who had a grin on his face) Tyson Tomko were going out and live it up. Ha, ha but then I realized we're in NEW HAMPSHIRE! What in the hell is there to do in this place?"

The fans booed Christian's cheap shot at their state as he and Tomko laughed.

Christian: "So Shelton, shine your title up and kiss it goodbye because Captain Charisma's comin' to take it back. Let's hit it, big man."

Christian and Tomko walked off leaving Maria standing at the Interview position.

EWR Rating: 77%

"AIN'T NO STOPPIN' ME.... NOW!!!" roared over the public address and the WWE Intercontinental Champion, Shelton Benjamin energetically came out to the top of the ramp. He jumped around and raised his arms getting the fans on their feet. Benjamin slapped hands with the fans on his way to the ring before rolling in, unstrapping the title and raising it in the air.

Christian's music overtook the speakers next and he walked out with Tomko right behind him. The C-Man stood on top of the ramp, and with Benjamin staring at him, Christian brought his hands about his waist telling Shelton that his time as Intercontinental Champion was about to come to an end. 

WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Shelton Benjamin© versus Christian

Christian and Tomko circled the ring in an attempt to divert the Intercontinental Champion's attention, Tomko jumped up onto the apron allowing Christian to slide into the ring and get an early advantage on Shelton by attacking him from behind! After some forearm shivers on the back of Shelton Benjamin, Christian whipped him into the ropes and used a basement drop kick on his knee to take him off of his feet in agony. Christian immediately lifted the leg up and began stomping at the back of the hamstring and calf. Christian then used Benjamin's leg to drag him over to the ropes, and continued his assault by setting his foot on the second rope. Christian leaped into the air before coming down on Benjamin's leg, using the ropes to further inflict damage. With the Intercontinental Champion grabbing his leg in pain, Captain Charisma arrogantly did a muscle pose and Tomko talked him up on the outside.

Christian went to go back to work on Shelton's leg, but Benjamin hauled off and used his other leg to kick Christian in the face. Christian stumbled back and against the ropes. Benjamin nipped back up to a standing base, but the pain he felt in his leg was visible. Shelton took the arm of Christian and sent him into the ropes before following it up with a huge spinning power slam! Benjamin hooked Christian's leg, One.. Two.. Christian kicked out. Benjamin got back up and grabbed Christian by the back of the head before walking him over to the corner. He worked Christian over with some knees to the midsection and then used an Irish Whip to send him into the opposite corner. Benjamin charged his opponent and leaped into the air for the Stinger Splash - but no one was home as Christian moved out of the way and Benjamin smashed chest first into the turnbuckle. Christian jumped up and drop kicked Benjamin's back sending him back into the turnbuckle and then onto the mat.

Christian once again grabbed Benjamin's leg and went to work, kicking and stomping at the knee. He lifted the leg up and then dropped an elbow on the side of the knee. Christian stood up and taunted again, then he slapped Benjamin across the face and yelled "I'm Captain Charisma Damn it!"

Christian grabbed Benjamin by his head and attempted to get him back to a standing base, but Shelton brushed off his grasp and punched Christian right in the mouth. Again and again, Benjamin fired right hand shots to the head of his opponent, then he nailed a knee to the midsection and followed it up with a bridging Northern Lights suplex! Benjamin's knee kept him from continuing the bridge though! Christian got up and started choking the Intercontinental Champion prompting the referee to begin counting, at four he broke the hold and looked around thinking of what to do next. He saw Tomko, and their eyes met. Christian smiled, indicating that something devious was in the works.

Tomko walked over to the time keeper and grabbed the Intercontinental Title belt from the area, then he walked over and tossed it into a corner of the ring. Tomko then jumped onto the apron and attempted to get in, but the referee immediately cut him off. Christian walked over, grabbed the IC Title belt and stalked the Intercontinental Champion. Benjamin slowly got back to his feet and Christian Charged - he swung the title belt, but somehow Benjamin ducked the attack, and when Christian turned around he was picked up and brought back down to the mat with Benjamin's T-Bone Suplex! Somehow, even with his worked over leg Benjamin nailed his patented move and he crawled onto Christian for the cover. Tomko was still holding the referee's attention though! The fans counted to well over three but it didn't matter. Shelton hobbled back to his feet, and confronted Tomko and the referee. He swung at Tomko - who in turn hopped off of the apron, and out of no where Christian rolled Benjamin up with a school boy and a hand full of tights! One.. Two.. Benjamin kicked out!

Christian pounded his fists on the mat frustrated after not scoring the pinfall on that exchange. He lunged forward and pounded on Benjamin's back with forearm shots, and then picked him up to his feet. Christian locked Shelton's arms up and went for the Unprettier but Shelton broke Christian's lock and scored with a backslide! One.. Two.. Three! Benjamin retained the Intercontinental Championship!

Winner: @ 12:32 and still WWE Intercontinental Champion, Shelton Benjamin!

-OR:78% -CR:78% -MQ:79%


"Ain't No Stoppin' Me" played once again and Shelton Benjamin was handed the Intercontinental Championship, but out of nowhere Tyson Tomko nailed Benjamin with a big boot to the face! Shelton dropped to the mat, and Christian soon joined Tomko in kicking the hell out of the champion. Christian took the Intercontinental Championship and looked at it, then tossed it on to Shelton's body with a look of disgust. He raised his arms in the air, and then slapped his chest before the feed of the arena cut away.

New Era, Same Kick Ass Tune...

In the back we were taken to a locker room area, sitting on the bench was Marty Jannetty, in black tights with white and red stars on them much in the same fashion as HBK's normal gear. Jannetty was lacing up his boots with red and black tassels on them. Then Shawn Michaels walked into the room, he was in his in ring gear as well and was wearing a black "Source" T-Shirt.

Shawn Michaels: "Marty, Marty my man! Tonight! Tonight it's H-B-K and Marty Jannetty, the Rockers up against Daivari and Hassan, and tonight we finally put an end to their crap!"

Jannetty smiled and stood up, Michaels extended his hand and Jannetty shook it.

Shawn Michaels: "I just want to thank you my man, for being there for me."

Marty Jannetty: "Hey man, I just couldn't sit back and watch an old pal get the snot beaten out of him. And you're right, tonight the Reunion tour gets under way, and the Rockers are going to rock the hell out of Manchester New Hampshire!"

Michaels and Jannetty smiled, then HBK slapped Jannetty on the back.

Shawn Michaels: "You ain't kiddin'!"

They stayed on the screen, both smiling for a few more minutes with the fans cheering and then Backlash faded back to the arena.

EWR Rating: 77%

Marty Jannetty gained overness

Back in the arena Christy Hemme's music was playing and it was time for the Women's title match up. The Diva Search winner came jumping out of the back, and skipping down the ramp. Her "mentor" Lita crutched down to the ring behind her as well. Christy got into the ring and pranced around for the fans, then reached her hand out and received a high five from Lita on the outside.

"muhahahaha... Oh! It's Time to Rock & Roll!" With that, the WWE Women's Champion, Trish Stratus stepped out from the back with a look of arrogance on her face. Trish eyed Lita before she stepped into the ring and raised the Women's title in the air.

WWE Women's Title Match

Trish Stratus versus Christy Hemme w/ Lita

Trish handed referee Chris Kay the WWE Women's title and the bell rang. Trish looked at Christy and just shook her head. Christy and Trish circled each other, then tied up, Trish shoved Christy backwards and she fell to the mat. Trish laughed and pointed at her, and then made fun of Lita who looked on. Trish whipped Christy into the ropes and gave her a few knife edge chops to the chest. Trish took a hold of Christy's arm and whipped her into the ropes. She fired off a Chick Kick, but Christy ducked it and rolled Trish up! One... Two... Trish kicked out. Trish got back to her feet and Christy used her legs to deliver some body blows to Trish's sides before grabbing a hold of Trish and whipping her into the ropes. Trish fired back and Christy took her to the mat with an elbow to the face. Christy grabbed a hold of Trish's neck and applied a sorry looking headlock.

Trish came back though and returned to her feet, she sent Christy into the ropes and this time nailed the chick kick! Christy hit the mat and Trish went for the cover. Lita jumped up on the apron and kept the referee from making the count. This pissed Trish off and she went over and confronted Lita, kicking out her injured leg and knocking her to the floor. She looked back to Christy but Christy was waiting and rolled her up in a small package cradle! One... Two... Close Call! Trish kicked out in time and after reversing catching Christy with a knee to the midsection, Trish nailed the Stratusfaction for the One.. Two.. Three!

Winner: @ 4:21 and still WWE Women's Champion, Trish Stratus!

-OR:62% -CR:78% -MQ:27%

the WWE Women's Title gained in image


BOOM! Fire like pyro exploded on the stage immediately after Trish received the victory and Kane came marching down the ramp, none too happy about what Trish just did to his "wife." Trish quickly grabbed the Women's Title and with Kane chasing close behind she made her exit through the crowd. (88%)

From there the cameras focused on Jerry Lawler and JR at the commentary position beside the ramp.

Jim Ross: "Well King it's been one hell of a show so far."

Jerry Lawler: "Oh man did Trish look great or what JR!?"

Jim Ross: "King I'll remind you I am a married man. But folks tonight may be the last night you get to see certain superstars on the RAW Brand."

Jerry Lawler: "That's right JR, tomorrow night five RAW Superstars will be going to Smackdown, and five of their guys will be coming over to RAW!"

Jim Ross: "It's the draft tomorrow night on RAW, Eric Bischoff promised a shake up, and that's what will happen. For some superstars, tonight is indeed their last night to make an impact here on RAW."

"You Think You Know Me." BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Edge's unique theme and pyro display sparked his entrance, and the winner of the Money in the Bank Ladder Match hopped out to the ramp. Edge was treated to boos from the fans but he didn't care. He had a lot on his plate tonight, for two weeks Benoit had scored wins over Edge and tonight it was time for Edge to verify his statement that he was better than Benoit. He slid into the ring and raised the briefcase in the air, and talked trash to the fans. For Edge it was game time.

“Whatever” by Our Lady Piece began to play and the arena erupted in applause for the Rabid Wolverine as he stepped out through the curtain.

Jim Ross: "A standing ovation for the Rabid Wolverine here this evening, and King this is going to be one hell of an intense battle!"

Jerry Lawler: "I'm not going to argue the fact there JR!"

No Disqualification Match

Edge versus Chris Benoit

Benoit looked right at Edge as he walked down the ramp and into the ring, he didn't want to take his eyes off of Edge - he knew full well that Edge would jump at any opening.

The two men met in the center of the ring and a massive stair down ensued. Edge talked trash as Benoit stood with a cocked expression on his face. With everything set the bell rang, and Edge pushed Benoit backwards. Edge swung at Benoit, but the Wolverine quickly took Edge to the mat and tried to lock on the Crippler Cross face! Edge luckily reached the ropes and rolled outside of the ring before Benoit could do so.

Edge returned to the ring and lunged at Benoit - locking the two men into a collar and elbow tie up. Both men circled around the ring with each trying to overpower the other. Edge backed Benoit against the corner, but Benoit reversed, and pushed Edge into the corner of the ring. Benoit lit Edge's chest up with a knife Edge chop evoking a "Woo!" from the crowd. He went for more but Edge pushed forward into Benoit. Chris stumbled back and Edge locked up ounce again, with a knee to the midsection Edge gained control and after taking Benoit by the back of the head and tights, he sent him through the ropes. Edge followed Benoit to the outside and went to lift Chris up, but Benoit pushed Edge up against the barricade. He uses the time to light up Edge's chest with some more Canadian fury before rolling his opponent back into the ring.

Edge was back to his feet when Benoit slid into the ring. Chris stood up and Edge took a swing. Benoit ducked down and went behind Edge, tried for the German Suplex but Edge was able to lock his leg into Chris Benoit's enabling him to lift his body up. Edge landed a couple of elbows into Chris' head, but Benoit broke his grip before hitting some forearms to the back of the Mr. Money in the Bank. With Edge more submissive, Chris locked his hands around the waist again but Edge reached his arm in between Benoit's and his side - using a switch he went behind on Benoit. With Chris Benoit in a waist lock Edge attempted to lift him into a German of his own, but in doing so Benoit rolled through the legs and landed on top in a weird a pinning combination. One … Two … kick out with authority from Edge.

Benoit picked up Edge and in Dynamite Kid fashion, took him down with a Snap Suplex. Benoit dropped to the mat, grabbed a hold of Edge arm, and wrapped his right arm around Edge's neck applying a neck vice. Benoit worked over the neck and arm as Edge tried to punch and kick Chris' head. A third shot landed on Chris' face, and Benoit slammed Edge's body to the mat before going for the cover. One... Two... Kick out! Edge rolled onto his stomach and Benoit reached down to grab his head. Edge took Benoit's legs out from under him. He lifted Chris' right leg up and stomped at his hamstring and knee. Edge then held the leg up before dropping a leg of his own on it - further torturing the knee joint. With his free leg, Chris kicked Edge in the face again and again until he broke the hold. But Edge didn't let Benoit get to his feet. He turned his attention to the upper body of his opponent instead and dropped a knee into Chris' back while applying a chin lock. Edge ripped back on his jaw and head. Benoit summoned his inner strength and managed to get to his feet. Edge tried to keep the chin lock applied but after a few elbows from the Rabid Wolverine, it was soon broken, and Benoit took a few steps backwards into the corner after regaining a standing base.

Edge followed Benoit, and Chris was visibly feeling the effects of the hold as he rubbed his neck in pain. Benoit and Edge locked up and Edge applied a side headlock. After a few moments, he backed Benoit into the ropes only to be pushed off the ropes and into the opposite set. Edge bounced off the ropes and headed for Benoit who was on one knee. Benoit stood back up and missed Edge's knee, allowing him to bounce off the ropes again. Edge fired back and was floored with a dropkick from the Rabid Wolverine. Chris Benoit stormed over to Edge and picked up both legs. He looked around to a massive amount of cheers from the fans, it appeared he was going for the Sharpshooter but Edge freed his right foot, locked Benoit's right leg and rolled a bit catching Benoit's neck on the way down and rolling him up into a small package! One.. Two.. Benoit kicked out much to the relief of the fans in attendance.

Edge returned to a vertical base and pounded on Benoit's back as he tried to stand up as well. With Benoit standing back on his feet, Edge punched Chris in the head. He grabbed Benoit and whipped him into the turnbuckle. Edge followed it up squashing Benoit against the corner turnbuckle post. Edge backed off a little and soaked in boos from the fans, and then he lifted his hand and delivered a knife edge chop to the chest of the Rabid Wolverine. Another stiff chop to the chest of Benoit, but Chris didn't even act like he was feeling them, and he seemed to be begging Edge to give him another. So Edge wound back and delivered another chop to the chest. It was a mistake as it after it connected Benoit came back in a fit of rage. He grabbed Edge by the hair of his head and threw him into the turnbuckle. It was Benoit's turn to do some reddening to a chest and with a stiff knife edge chop the chest Edge was feeling his wrath. Another one followed, and another until Edge's chest looked like hamburger. Benoit whipped him across the ring and used double fists to the throat to bring Edge to the mat. Benoit dropped down and looked for the cover once again, One.. Two.. Edge got a shoulder up.

Benoit dragged Edge to the center of the ring and lifted his left leg into the air before forcing throwing it down hard and forcing his knee to smash right into the mat. Benoit He did this a few more times and then ran the ropes and used a low dropkick to Edge's head. Edge rolled onto his stomach and Benoit looked around the ring and made a slit the throat motion with his thumb telling everyone he was going to bring an end to the match. The Rabid Wolverine climbed step by step onto the turnbuckle until he reached the very top. Chris measured Edge up and then leaped into the air.... connecting with the Diving head butt! Benoit grabbed his abdomen in pain, and with the fans shouting encouragement he placed an arm on Edge's chest as he laid motionless. One.. Two.. Edge barely lifted his shoulder in time!

Both men lied motionless on the mat, and forced the referee to begin a ten count. At six Benoit returned to his feet and picked his opponent up. Edge held onto his shoulder where the head butt landed, and Benoit lifted his left leg in up and tucked it to his side. Edge began to hop around and try to free himself but Benoit took him to the mat with a dragon screw takedown. He didn't let up either and quickly lifted Edge back to his feet. Edge went for a kick, but Benoit got a hold of the leg once again. Not wanting to be taken down again Edge attempted an enziguri, but Benoit ducked down and his foot missed his head. Edge's face smashed off of the mat, and Chris Benoit still had a hold of the leg. He rotated his position and applied a half crab on Edge. Edge was in deep pain and the referee kept asking him if he had enough, “NO!!!” was Edge's reply as he tugged at his long blonde hair that was stuck to his face. Edge showed great tenacity by using what strength he had left to himself up, and tuck his head before rolling over his shoulders and breaking the hold. Edge rolled out of the ring and the fans gave him hell for staying alive in the fight.

Benoit followed Edge to the outside of the ring. Edge had been waiting for him, and he popped up and took Benoit to the floor with a short clothesline. He grabbed Benoit by the head and pulled him to his feet before whipping him head and shoulder first into the steel ring steps. The steps crashed apart, and Benoit held his body in pain. Edge walked over to the time keeper’s position and pushed Lillian Garcia before taking her chair. He folded it up and looked over to Benoit with a crazed look in his eye. Benoit reached his feet, and Edge brought the chair down across his back. CRACK! Benoit quivered in pain and dropped to his knees, two more times Edge brought the chair back across his back.

He tossed the chair into the ring, then rolled Chris Benoit back in. He followed close behind, and with Benoit down on the mat Edge crouched down in the corner to a massive amount of boos, waving his hand and shouting for Chris to "Get Up!" Benoit did so, and Edge charged out of the corner - connecting with the spear! Benoit was down and out, and Edge hooked the leg.. One.. Two..  BENOIT KICKED OUT!

The fans roared in approval as the referee held two fingers in the air, Edge pounded his fists on the mat. He couldn't believe that Benoit kicked out and in a fit of rage he grabbed hold of the referee, and punched him right in the face! Chad Patton dropped to the mat - this was a no disqualification bout and there was nothing anyone could do about the attack. Edge walked over and picked up the chair before returning his attention to Benoit who was slowly getting to his feet. Edge lifted the chair over his head and was going to bring about an end to the match crashing the chair over Benoit's head - but Benoit lunged forward with his shoulders in Edge's midsection! He backed Edge into the turnbuckle and delivered a brutal set of shoulder thrusts. Edge dropped the chair and Benoit whipped him into the ropes. Edge swung at Benoit on return, but Chris caught his arm and Edge soon found himself locked in the Crippler Cross face right in the center of the ring! Edge moved about frantically, but it didn't matter. If Benoit chose to disobey a rope break there was nothing Edge could do. Edge tried for the next best thing, to break the hold. The fans were going nuts as Edge tried to roll over and break the hold, but Benoit followed and had it locked in tightly. Edge began pounding the mat again and again - had the referee been conscious Chris Benoit would have been the winner at this moment!

Benoit realized that the referee was still out of it and broke the hold. He walked over to Chad Patton and shook him, he even slapped him across the face and soon enough he was back into consciousness. Benoit returned his attention to Edge, but he was no longer lying on the mat. Edge charged off of the ropes and when Benoit turned to face he was leveled with a second SPEAR!!! Benoit hit the mat hard and Edge wasted no time hooking the leg. One.. Two.. Three! Edge had defeated Chris Benoit!

Winner: @ 24:43, Edge!

-OR:81% -CR:85% -MQ:74%


-:END PART 1:-

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Edge raised his arms in the air, and then rolled out of the ring. He grabbed the brief case, and Chad Patton raised his hand. The crowd booed as Edge walked up the ramp and the PPV went to Jerry the King Lawler and Jim Ross once again.

Jim Ross: "One hell of a match King, but you have to admit Edge has to thank his lucky stars for that win."

Jerry Lawler: "That wasn't luck JR, Edge had it from the beginning. I knew Edge could do it, I knew it!"

Earth To Chris Masters, Y2J Owns...

The "Masterpiece's" music started to play, and Chris Masters came out to the top of the ramp way in a blue and gold robe. He held his arms up after dropping the wear, to a shower of sparks behind him. Masters flexed and showed off his physique before entering the ring. After being announced he snatched the microphone out of Lillian Garcia's hands.

Chris Masters: "Last week on RAW, I'll admit it. I'll admit, Chris Jericho caught me by surprise, but he didn't beat me. Nope.. you see I walked out on my own accord, I put a halt on that match to go and prepare for it at another time."

Masters paused, and looked around. The fans had begun chanting "Y2J! Y2J!" He shook his head and brought the microphone back up to his mouth.

Chris Masters: "Oh shut up, would ya? Last week Chris Jericho just caught the "Masterpiece" by surprise! There is no way Chris Jericho is better than me, and tonight... tonight he WILL NOT escape the MASTERLOCK!"

"Break down the walls".... Y2J's music interrupted Masters' in ring rant, and Chris Jericho came out from the back with the support of the fans - and a microphone in hand.

Chris Jericho: "Whoa.. just hold it right there, jerky!"

Jericho stepped into the ring and continued on with Masters watching him.

Chris Jericho: "First off let Y2J remind you that... BACKLASH IS JERICHO!!"

The fans popped for Y2J but Masters just frowned and rolled his eyes.

Chris Jericho: "You call yourself a Masterpiece, huh? Well after I get done with you, everyone will realize that your nothing but a piece... of crap! And"....

EWR Rating: 76%

Chris Masters gained overness

Chris Jericho versus Chris Masters

BAM! Masters planted a hard shot to Jericho's face forcing him to drop the microphone, and fall against the ropes. The bell rang, signaling the official start of the match, and after a few more blows Chris sent Jericho into the ropes before leveling him with a hard polish hammer to the face! Jericho hit the mat hard, and Masters dropped down for the cover with his forearm across Jericho's throat. One.. Two.. Jericho kicked out. Masters hooked the leg again but only got a one as Jericho kicked out again. The Masterpiece picked Jericho back up, and walked him to the corner. He smashed Jericho's head off of the turnbuckle, and then tossed him into the corner back first. Masters planted some elbows to the side of Jericho's head and then made the mistake of taking the time to taunt the fans.

That gave Jericho the opportunity to mount his comeback. He took it to Masters with clenched fists, rocking the big man backwards. With Masters stumbling, Y2J spring boarded off of the side ropes and took Masters down with a missile dropkick. Masters rolled over, and Y2J ran the ropes again, this time he connected with a basement dropkick to the head of Chris Masters. The Masterpiece rolled out of the ring grabbing his head, and Jericho raised his fist in the air while running in place - telling the fans something of not was about to come. When Masters returned to his feet on the outside, Jericho charged and jumped over the ropes before taking Masters back down to the floor with a plancha! The fans cheered and the Y2J chants started up again. Jericho lifted Masters back to his feet, but the Masterpiece powered out and smashed Jericho's head off of the apron. He rolled him back into the ring, and then taunted some fans behind him.

His posing caught up to him again because when Masters went to get into the ring Jericho drop kicked him in the head. Masters fell back off of the apron, and it seemed to piss him off. He slid back in quickly, and once again Jericho was ready. He hauled off and kicked him in the head. Masters was helped to his feet, and Jericho sent him into the ropes, he went for a dropkick but Masters evaded the move. Jericho hit the mat and stood up with his back turned - Masters snuck up and went to lock on the Masterlock! Jericho hammered him in the head and broke free before Chris got the lock on, Masters leaned against the ropes and Jericho took him over the with a clothesline!

Jericho raised his arms in the air and the fans cheered him on, but Masters had seen enough and ripped a chair out from under Lillian Garcia. He slid back into the ring, and jammed the chair into Jericho's ribs before lifting it up and crashing the steel over Jericho's head! The referee had seen enough and called for the disqualification!

Winner: @ 7:23 via disqualification, Chris Jericho

-OR:71% -CR:72% -MQ:69%


Masters crashed the chair over Jericho's back a few more times, and then tossed it aside. "You Suck" chants started, and Masters lifted Jericho back onto his feet before locking on the Masterlock! He tossed and threw Jericho around like a rag doll with the Full Nelson and then slammed him face first into the mat. Masters soaked in the fans reaction with a smile before heading to the back.

Jerry Lawler: "Well he finally did it JR, he got the Masterlock on Y2J!"

Jerry Lawler: "How do you condone those actions, King? That was just sick! Chris Masters couldn't accept the fact that Chris Jericho was on his way to beating him, so he grabs a chair and beats the hell outta the guy! It's just plain despicable!"

Muhammad Hassan and Daivari's music played, with that the Arab Americans came out from the back to heavy heat from the crowd. In Daivari's hand was a rolled up carpet, the reason for having such a device no one knew. Hassan was in his turban and tunic, and they slowly took their time to get into the ring.

The Rockers music blasted over the arena, and Michaels and Jannetty stepped out through the curtain with smiles on their faces. After saying something to each other, they both sprinted down the ramp and slid into the ring.

Tag Team Match

Hassan & Daivari defeated Michaels and Jannetty

Once they hit the mat, they both returned to their feet and nailed a double dropkick on Daivari, sending him through the ropes and to the outside! Muhammad Hassan quickly came at both men, and Jannetty & Michaels answered it with a double hip toss followed by a double elbow drop! The crowd popped huge for the team work by Michaels and Jannetty but referee Charles Robinson directed one of them to take a corner and Michaels obliged.

After some regrouping, Marty and Daivari started the match off with a collar and elbow tie up. Jannetty whipped Daivari into the ropes and ducked down for an attempted back drop, but Khosrow leap frogged over and bounced back off. Jannetty dropped down to the mat and Daivari hurtled him. Back off of the ropes and finally Jannetty caught Daivari with a hip toss. Daivari jumped back to his feet and charged, but Marty delivered an arm drag that flung Daivari into the corner. Jannetty had out wrestled him on every exchange and he wasn't happy. He reached up and tagged in Muhammad Hassan. Hassan came in pointing and talking trash to Jannetty, and then grabbed him in a side headlock. He whipped Marty into the ropes and then dropkicked him to the mat. Hassan got on top of Marty Jannetty and looked to be summoning ala with his arms extended, and then he began to punch him in the face several times. Hassan picked up Jannetty and whipped him into his corner. He ran in with a running knee lift that left Jannetty gasping for air, then he reached out and tagged Daivari back into the match. Hassan distracted referee by arguing with Michaels as Daivari got down off the ring apron, and grabbed Jannetty's legs and took them out from under him. Daivari pulled Jannetty's legs so that he was straddling the post, and bounced Jannetty's knee right off of the cold steel! Daivari rolled back into the ring and Hassan left.

Khosrow covered, One … Two … Michaels broke up the count. Michaels stomped several times at Daivari's head, he got up, but Charles Robinson forced HBK out. Michaels argued with him, but this allowed Hassan to come into the ring. They began stomping away at Jannetty, but Muhammad left as Robinson returned his attention to the match on hand. Daivari kept a front face lock and made the tag out to Hassan. Muhammad grabbed Marty by the hair and charged, tossing him out of the ring.

Michaels again tried to get into the ring and Hassan taunted him while Daivari went to work on Jannetty outside of the ring. He smashed Jannetty into the steel steps then rolled him back into the ring. Hassan returned to Jannetty who was visibly in pain. Muhammad lifted Marty up and grabbed him before he locked him in an abdominal stretch. With Robinson out of position to see, Hassan reached back and Daivari grabbed his arm applying even more pressure on Marty's ribs. Charles checked to see what was going on, and Daivari quickly let go. Once he returned to checking on Jannetty their hands locked again. Then the third time he spotted them locking each other’s hands and kicked the arms apart, Jannetty finally escaped with a hip toss on Hassan. But he was feeling the effects and lied on the mat holding his ribs.

Hassan went over and tagged in Daivari. Jannetty was slowly creeping over to his corner, and the fans were cheering him on. Just before Hassan could grab him, Marty tagged in Shawn Michaels to an explosive pop from the crowd! Michaels came running in hitting a clothesline to Hassan. Daivari came back in and Michaels had one for him as well. He picked both of them up to their feet and grabbed the back of their heads before smashing their heads together! Daivari and Hassan fell to the mat, and Michaels and Jannetty took to separate corners. They leaped off and Jannetty hit and elbow drop on Daivari while Michaels took out Hassan with the same move. The crowd popped for that. Jannetty returned to his corner as Michaels made the cover. One … Two … Daivari made the save. Daivari pounded on Michaels back with clubbing blows, and then he hooked his arm and lifted him into the air for a suplex. Jannetty entered the ring and grabbed Michaels, sliding him back down and to his feet. Daivari turned around and in unison Michaels and Jannetty landed a super kick that took him off of his feet! The crowd popped huge for the classic Rockers move!

Michaels made the cover, but the referee informed him that Daivari was not the legal man! Hassan side swiped Jannetty and tossed him outside, Michaels argued with the referee about not making the pin and in the confusion Muhammad Hassan snuck up and nailed him with the Downward Spiral!! HBK landed face first into the mat, and Hassan quickly made the cover. One.. Two.. Jannetty was almost there for the save... Three!

Winners: @ 12:11, Muhammad Hassan and Daivari!

-OR:71% -CR:74% -MQ:69%


Hassan was quickly pulled out of the ring by Daivari and Charles Robinson followed them out. He raised their hands in victory, as they scored a HUGE upset here tonight. Jannetty pulled at his hair mad at himself for not being able to make the save while Michaels looked to be in disbelief.

All Things Well For The GM, Or So He Thought...

"I'm Back" hit the Public Address and the fans booed as Eric Bischoff made his way out from the back. The RAW General Manager had on a black leather jacket, and black pants. He entered the ring and took the microphone after being announced.

Eric Bischoff: "Wow, tonight I really deserve a pat on the back; I mean I really have topped myself. Not only has RAW destroyed the competition here tonight with the show, but it's not over yet. We still have a HUGE Main Event to come."

Bischoff walked around the ring with a smile on his face, and then brought the microphone back to his mouth.

Eric Bischoff: "And above all that, I solved a little dilemma of mine, a certain little problem that I've had recently. You see my new hired gun, Matt Morgan and a bunch of Manchester's finest have done their jobs well. Not once, not ONCE have we seen Rhyno here tonight."

Bischoff smiled again and paced the ring, but before he could say another word the Titan Tron came to life showing Matt Morgan laid out in the back, and the door wide opened. Bischoff looked around in shock, and suddenly Rhyno's music and entrance video overtook the speakers. Bischoff looked like he was about to soil himself, but after a few moments no one came out and the music stopped. Bischoff looked puzzled, then smiled and brought the microphone up to his mouth.

Eric Bischoff: "Ha, ha! Very funny guys, you're such"....

Bischoff turned and his eyes widened while his jaw dropped. Crouched in the corner was Rhyno who slid into the ring behind him, and before Bischoff could even think about running, Rhyno charged and flattened him with the Gore! Rhyno stood over Bischoff and pounded on his chest, then slid out of the ring and disappeared through the crowd. With Bischoff flattened in the ring, a video package hyping the Main Event began to roll.

EWR Rating: 74%

"Time to play the GAME," Motor head's anthem blasted over the public address marking the entrance of the ten time World Heavyweight Champion. Triple H stepped out from the shadows with the Nature Boy close behind, and the fans reception was anything but welcoming. He walked to the ring with a frown on his face. Flair took to the outside as Triple H spit the water out and entered the ring; you could feel the anticipation for this one; with the richest prize of RAW on the line.

The World Heavyweight Champion was next, and the crowd exploded in approval as the "Animal" flexed and posed his way out to the top of the ramp. He roared holding the World Heavyweight title in the air, and pointed at Triple H as he walked down the ramp. It was about to begin, the WrestleMania 21 rematch between RAW's top two stars.

Main Event: World Heavyweight Championship Match

Batista© defeated Triple H

Batista stared straight into the eyes of Triple H, and raised the World Heavyweight title high into the air as the fans chanted "Ba-Tis-Ta!" Triple H scowled at the Champion and the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair looked on outside. Referee Earl Hebner took the Championship and after holding it up once more for all to see he called for the bell. Triple H stepped up and joined Batista in the center of the ring, and the two men stared nose to nose. They shouted in each other's faces until Triple H shoved Batista backwards, and the Animal hauled off and nailed Helmsley with a clubbing clothesline! Triple H quickly got back up to his feet and raced toward the Champion tying him up in a collar and elbow tie. They tried to out power one another across the ring, but Batista backed Triple H into the corner and Hebner quickly intervened, telling them both to break their tie. After some more trash talking back and fourth, and Batista telling Triple H to come on, another try at the lockup ensued. Batista clearly overpowered Triple H on this exchange by pushing him into the corner. The Champion smashed some knees into the midsection of Triple H before grabbing a hold of his arm and sending him across the ring with a whip. There was such force that the impact of Triple H's back colliding into the ring post sent him stumbling out of the corner, and after bouncing off of the ropes Batista once again leveled him with another clothesline! Triple H went to the mat hard, and rolled out of the ring to regain his composure. As Flair came to his aid Batista raised his arms into the air with the crowd roaring in approval.

After regrouping with the Nature Boy, Triple H slid back into the ring, and the two men began circling each other. It seemed as though they'd go for another tie up but Triple H quickly locked Batista into a side headlock. Triple H squeezed and wrenched on Batista's head, dropping the Champion down to one knee. Seeing the opportunity, Triple H released the head lock and put Batista's head between his legs before locking the double under hooks. It seemed to be pedigree time - but Batista quickly stood up and tossed Triple H over his back. JR commented on Batista's great strength and Triple H just missed landing on his head. HHH got to his feet and was met with some more heavy blows from the champion. Batista sent Triple H for the ride again, and with a back body drop, Triple H was back down on the mat! Once again the Game rolled outside of the ring and conversed with Flair. Helmsley pounded on the apron obviously upset at the fact that Batista had come ready and was answering everything that the Game had thrown at him.

Back in the ring after a pat on the back, Triple H guesses that brawling is the way to go and hammers the champion with some closed fists but Batista soon fought off the punching and nailed Triple H with a side slam. He kept a leg and Hebner slid into position. One.. Two.. Triple H kicked out. Batista mounted Triple H and continued his dominance with heavy blows to the face. Earl Hebner counted to four and made him break the attack. The referee kept Batista to a side and explained he called the shots in the match. Batista went back over to Triple H and grabbed him by the hair of the head to pull him back to his feet. He whipped Triple H into the ropes, and nailed him with the massive spine buster! You could literally hear the air come out of Helmsley's lungs as Batista returned to his feet and let out a roar while showing the thumbs down!

The fans were on their feet as Batista grabbed Triple H's hair once again. Flair jumped up onto the apron red faced and arms flinging prompting Earl Hebner to take action. As Batista went to tuck Triple H's head in for the Batista Bomb, the Game dropped to one knee and nailed an uppercut right between the legs! The fans booed as Batista dropped to the mat suffering the effects of the low blow and Triple H took a few moments to catch his breath. Flair jumped back off of the apron, and Triple H now mounted the Champion before delivering stiff shots to the Champion's face.

The Game returned to his feet and walked Batista over to the corner before smashing his head onto the turnbuckle pad. He worked the Champion over with knees to the midsection and fists to the face before grabbing Batista's arm and whipping him into the ropes. As Batista's back connected with the ropes, Flair took a cheap shot at Batista's kidneys weakening the Champion. As Batista writhed in pain Triple H connected with a Harley Race like knee to the face. Batista lay on the mat while Triple H climbed to the second turnbuckle and landed a forearm to the face. Helmsley made the cover, One... Two... kick out from Batista! Triple H shouted "Three damn it" at Earl Hebner, then he grabbed Batista's head and pleased him throat first against the ropes. Triple H placed his knee on the back of Batista's head. He grabbed the center rope and began choking the champion out, Flair yelled in Batista's face on the outside, and then took another cheap shot connecting with a slap to his cheek. At four, Triple H stopped choking out the Champion and absorbed the massive amount of boos from the crowd. He then used his leg to roll Batista to the outside. 

Triple H grabbed Earl Hebner and began talking things over - making sure that the referee's back was turned to the events going on outside of the ring. Flair laid the boots to the champion, and then lifted him to his feet. He grabbed hold of Batista and pulled back in an attempt to whip him into the steps - Batista didn't budge. Another try, to the same effect by HHH. Once again but this time Batista leveled Flair with a clothesline, and after shouting in rage returned his attention to Triple H in the ring.

Batista slid into the ring and Triple H cut him off. He dropped a knee to his back, and punched the Champion at the back of the head. Batista powered to his feet and Triple H continued to land punches. He whipped Batista into the ropes and hooked on the under hooks before dropping down and slamming Batista's face off of his knee. Batista stumbled around holding his face and Triple H connected with a kick to the gut. He hooked Batista up for the pedigree again and the fans began booing, but Batista slid his head loose and sent him into the ropes, Triple H came back... and planted HHH with a powerful spine buster! The fans erupted as Batista returned to his feet and held the thumbs down once again. Triple H stumbled back up, and Batista shouted at him before he nailed the Batista Bomb! He hooked the leg, One.. Two.. Three! Batista retained the World Heavyweight Title in dominating fashion!

Winner: @ 16:34, and still World Heavyweight champion, Batista!

-OR:83% -CR:91% -MQ:67%


Batista finished off the show raising the World Title over his head, posing in the turnbuckle as the credits rolled and Backlash came to an end.

Overall Show Rating: 77%

Best Match: Benjamin versus Christian

Worst Match: Christy versus Trish

OOC: I squeezed in a few extra segments into the show using some past Heat slots, there you have it WWE Backlash is in the books. Next update will be some news and notes before the RAW that sees the DRAFT.

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And the Results to the Backlash predictions contest are...


Match Order: 0 points

Match Winners: 6 points

Tie Breakers: 1 point

Total: 6 Points (+1 tie)


Match Order: 0 points

Match Winners: 6 points

Tie Breakers: 2 points

Total: 6 points (+2 tie)

TAFKA Castroneves

Match Order: 3 points

Match Winners: 6 points

Tie Breakers: 1 point

Total: 9 points (+1 tie)

Heroin Bob

Match Order: 1 point

Match Winners: 6 points

Tie Breakers: 1 point

Total: 7 points (+1 tie)


Match Order: 2 points

Match Winners: 7 points

Tie Breakers: 1 point

Total: 9 points (+1 tie)


Match Order: 3 points

Match Winners: 3 points

Tie Breakers: 0 points

Total: 6 points


Match Order: 2 points

Match Winners: 4 points

Tie Breakers: 3 points

Total: 6 points (+3 tie)

TAFKA and Gooner4Life both came in with a tie, so I'll be sending both of you a PM with a sneak peak of the DRAFT. Thanks to everyone that posted their predictions.

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WWE RAW Brand News and Notes

For the Week of April 25, 2005

*Matt Morgan debuted this past Monday as Eric Bischoff's "Hired Gun" to deal with the whole Rhyno situation, though he played strictly an on air role on RAW and at Backlash he is expected to step into the ring soon.

*WWE higher ups are said to be high on the recent microphone work of Simon Dean, many expect Maven and Dean to continue working as a tag team in the coming months.

*Shelton Benjamin and Christian impressed alot of people with their match at Backlash, some would even say that their Intercontinental title Bout stole the show. Benjamin has said that he's content wrestling at the level he's currently at - just below the Main Event, but no doubt neither man would be offended with a call up.

*Despite the outcome of their match at Backlash, it isn't likely that Chris Jericho and Chris Masters will continue their program any further. Jericho himself has admitted that his character is becomming stale and would like to head over to Smackdown, whether or not this happens we'll have to find out tomorrow night when the DRAFT is held live on RAW.

*Angel Williams and Alexis Laree are expected to be called up to the active roster soon, but in Laree's case she has been hearing this for all of a year.

*Independant worker Mike Kruel signed a Developmental Deal over the week, Kruel is 24 years old and technically sound. He's spent the last year or so developing his craft in Jim Kettner's East Coast Wrestling Association and should join OVW by the end of the month.

*WWE is keeping a tight lip on things as far as the DRAFT is concerned, be sure to tune in at 9:00 as the draft will span the entire two hours of RAW.

*WWE recieved a 1.46 buy rate for Backlash, the show was attended by 16341 people. $3650000 rolled in from pay-per-view revenue and $980460 from ticket sales.

That's all for this week, be sure to check back next week for more news and rumors.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I just needed a little break from this for a while, but after doing some reorganizing, and planning I'm once again syched about this diary, without further adue here is the DRAFT.

WWE RAW Results:

Monday May 02, 2005

live from Boston, MA

RAW kicked off with a video package briefly highlighting the events of last night's Backlash Pay Per View, after Batista was shown holding up the World Heavyweight Title after a successful defense over Triple H, the package switched to highlighting the big event that would go down tonight, the DRAFT lottery. The State of the WWE would change forever tonight as the slogan stated and the cameras went live into the arena where two podiums were set up on opposite ends of the entrance ramp.

And the Draft Begins...

Theodore Long, Smackdown's General Manager was standing behind one and as RAW's theme ended "I'm Back" overtook the speakers. Eric Bischoff stepped out through the curtain. He took his spot at the podium as two stage hands wheeled out the lottery boxes beside Bischoff and Long. Bischoff was holding his midsection, still feeling the effects of RhYno’s Gore the night before. Matt Morgan was absent from his side.

Eric Bischoff: "Well, lets get this show on the road, huh?"

Bischoff smiled and looked over at Theodore Long.

Eric Bischoff: "Ah what's wrong, Teddy you look like you've lost your best friend. Well I don't know about that but one thing is for sure, you'll be losing some of your best superstars tonight!"

Bischoff laughed, as Long took off his glasses and wiped them with a cloth.

Theodore Long: "You seem a little TOO happy, Eric. Is it because the Smackdown superstars are so much better than RAW's?"

Long smiled as Bischoff's smile disappeared and the fans booed.

Eric Bischoff: "Let's get this going, shall we?"

Theodore Long: "You first, playa."

Bischoff seemed happy to go first and grabbed hold of the handle. He turned it quickly, sending all of the balls jumbling around. Bischoff popped open the box and reached in grabbing a single ball he looked at it for a few seconds and then smiled.

Eric Bischoff: "On behalf of RAW, the first DRAFT pick and Smackdown Superstar going to RAW is.... Charlie Haas!"

The cameras went to the Smackdown locker room where all of the Smackdown stars were setting. Each had on blue Smackdown! T-Shirts. Haas stood up and actually looked happy about making the move. He shook Hardcore Holly's hand and then left the room. Eric Bischoff unveiled a red RAW t-shirt as Haas' profile showed up on the Titan Tron. He's a former multi time WWE Tag Team Champion, and All American Wrestler. Haas stepped out and shook Eric's hand before trading his Smackdown shirt for a RAW one. He shook Bischoff's hand and then went to the back.

Eric Bischoff: "Well I hope you can top that one, Long."

Long took his turn spinning the lotto box. He reached in and seemed satisfied with the ball he drew.

Theodore Long: "Well Eric, the first RAW Superstar to go to Smackdown is none other than Matt Hardy Version One! And Eric, when he returns from injury he suffered on Raw, you betta' bull'eve Smackdown's gonna use him to his fullest potential!"

Eric Bischoff: "Alright, alright, you can take Matt Hardy. (Bischoff reached into the lotto box once again and drew out another name) The next Smackdown Superstar coming to RAW is.... hey there's something for everyone.. Dawn Marie!"

Dawn's music played and she came out in tight tie dyed pants. She teased the fans with taking off the Smackdown shirt, then she did so much to their delight, and the King's who seemed to be having a heart attack with RAW's latest acquisition. But she was wearing a shorter tie dyed top, so don't get you hopes up too much.

Eric Bischoff: "Dawn... welcome to RAW, I'm sure we can use all of your, um skills."

She smiled placing the RAW shirt on and then headed to the back.

Long once again turned his attention to the lottery, and spun the balls all around. He popped it open and withdrew a ball.

Theodore Long: "On behalf of Smackdown, and much to your liking I assume Eric, Smackdown's next DRAFT pick is... Rhyno!"

Eric Bischoff smiled and applauded, his hopes had come true. The Rhyno problem had just solved itself, or so he thought.

Theodore Long: "Nah, I'm just playin' playa'!"

The crowd burst our laughing as Bischoff looked both shocked and angered.

Theodore Long: "You wanted this draft so that managers and their clients get picked together, but Bischoff I'm bettin' you're gonna kick yo'self in the ass now. Smackdown's next pick is both Hassan and Daivari!"

EWR Rating: 71%

If He's Leaving, He Wants to Go Out on a High Note...

Hassan and Daivari's arabic theme played over the loud speakers and the two men who last night at Backlash defeated the Rockers came out and shook Long's hand. Neither man was in a RAW t-shirt; neither man placed the Smackdown shirt on. Hassan grabbed had a microphone.

Muhammad Hassan: "Theodore Long, on behalf of Daivari and myself.. we are glad to be moving to Smackdown! Because word of mouth is.. that the Smackdown side of the WWE.. is far.. far less prejudice and racist than the RAW side!"

Hassan and Daivari marched down to he ring. Hassan, still with microphone in hand stood in the center and brought the microphone back up to his face.

Muhammad Hassan: "And if this.. is our final night here on RAW.. then we're going to go out with a bang. We're going to make a statement.. and just like last night I want to show Shawn Michaels who the superior athlete is! I pinned you last night at Backlash Shawn, and tonight I'm calling you out so I can do the same!"

"Ooh, Ooh Shawn!" Hassan didn't have to wait, as Shawn Michaels came out with a look of focus replacing his usually cocky expression. Michaels was without his chaps and flashy entrance attire, sliding into the ring and going right head to head with Muhammad Hassan.

EWR Rating: 80%

Muhammad Hassan versus Shawn Michaels

Michaels and Hassan began slugging it out with HBK getting the upper hand and dumping Muhammad over the top rope and to the outside with a back body dropped. Michaels followed Hassan outside of the ring, falling for the age old trick as Daivari caught Michaels off guard with a kick off of the steps. Hassan distracted the referee while Daivari beat on Michaels outside of the ring before sending him back in. Hassan went for the cover but only got two. He placed Michaels in a chin lock in an attempt to wear him down which didn't quite work as Michaels found himself battling out. After a scoop slam and flying elbow from the top HBK set Hassan up for the Sweet Chin Music, Daivari tried to interfere but Marty Jannetty ran to the ring, grabbed Daivari by the foot and knocked him off of the apron. Hassan got to his feet and HBK nailed him with the Sweet Chin Music! Michaels made the cover and scored the victory, and thus giving Hassan his first pinfall loss on his way to Smackdown!

Winner: Shawn Michaels (via pinfall)

-OR:80% -CR:83% -MQ:74%

Michaels and Jannetty joined hands in the center of the ring as Daivari consoled Hassan on the outside, the Rockers may have lost last night at Backlash but Michaels retrieved some sort of retribution tonight. With that RAW went to a commercial break.

She Wants To Be Useful...

When the show returned from commercial, Dawn Marie's music was once again playing over the loud speakers. RAW's latest Diva came out to the top of the ramp with a microphone.

Dawn Marie: "You know, I was just sitting in the back and a thought just popped into my little ol' head. Why not make myself useful here on RAW? I'm sure all of you wouldn't mind seeing ALOT more of me right?"

More whistles and cat calls flew here way, and she smiled.

Dawn Marie: "That's what I thought! And since the current time keeper just isn't as HOT as me, I've decided that for tonight I am the new time keeper!"

Dawn walked down to the ring and took her seat where the usual time keeper would sit. Jerry Lawler went nuts saying that Dawn was his favorite DRAFT pick so far, the crowd wasn't so responsive.

EWR Rating: 71%

Shelton Benjamin versus Tyson Tomko w/Christian

The match was basically a continuation of the Benjamin Christian feud, with Christian at ringside as his Problem Solver took on the Intercontinental Champion. Christian got involved one too many times and was sent to the back allowing Shelton to nail the T-Bone Suplex and cover for the three

Winner: Shelton Benjamin (via pinfall)

-OR:66% -CR:68% -MQ:64%

The Next Draft Picks and a Match is Made...

The cameras returned from commercial break to find that once again Eric Bischoff and Theodore Long had returned to their respective places atop the ramp way. As his spinning of the lotto hinted, it was Theodore Long would be picking again. Reaching into the bucket and reading the ball, Long's face lit up as he held the name out to Eric Bischoff.

Theodore Long: "Well playa', say goodbye to one of RAW's hottest tag teams, 'cause afta' tonight La' Resistance is no mo'. Smackdown's next draft pick is... Sylvain Grenier!"

The La' Resistance theme played up on the audio for what could be the very last time, and the cameras went to the RAW locker room where Sylvain Grenier looked shocked and upset. Rob Conway kicked the folding chair Grenier had been sitting in, and begged Grenier not to go. Conway was even on his hands and knees which earned him some funny looks from the rest of the roster. Grenier patted Conway on the back saying good bye, and then left the room. It took a few moments for him to get on stage as his profile showed up on the Titan Tron (and on the screen for those viewing at home.) Grenier stepped out through the curtain and took off his RAW t-shirt. Bischoff wasn't looking impressed as Long Grenier traded the red for blue signifying his jump to Smackdown.

Theodore Long: "Welcome to Smackdown, playa'!"

Grenier headed to the back and Bischoff shook his head before shuffling around the balls in the lotto.

Eric Bischoff: "Enjoy it, Long.. enjoy it."

He reached in and felt around before pulling out a ball.

Eric Bischoff: "Ha! With your last pick you may have split one of RAW's best tag teams Long, but with mine I add one of the toughest men in the entire WWE to the RAW roster. RAW's next pick is none other than... Hardcore Holly!"

"How do ya' like me now!?" was commanded over the speakers, and after a quick capsule profile of Hardcore Holly's career he had already made his way out to the stage. Before Bischoff could speak, Holly snatched the microphone and RAW t-shirt out of Bischoff's hand.

Hardcore Holly: "You're wrong Bischoff, I'm not ONE OF the toughest men in the WWE, I AM THEE toughest man in the WWE! I'm pound for pound, and Hardcore to the Bone! I'm more of a man than your Champion here on RAW could ever dream of being... I'm a big shot and it's about time I started to get treated like one!"

The fans booed Holly's statements toward the World Heavyweight Champion, and he just looked around and rolled his eyes. Bischoff looked quite surprised, and took the microphone back.

Eric Bischoff: "Is that right? (smiling) Well... Hardcore if you say so,  I can't help but I agree with you. A superstar like you deserves much more than meaningless tag team matches on some B-show, (looks over at Long) and you say you're a big shot, well how about tonight you get your chance to prove it when you go ONE ON ONE with the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION BATISTA!?"

The crowd roared at the mention of Batista's name and Holly smiled.

Hardcore Holly: "Bischoff, I'd like nothing more than to show your fluke Champion what a real man is! You've got yourself a match."

Holly smiled and walked off, flinging the RAW t-shirt over his shoulder. He was heading to the RAW locker room, leaving many to hope for Holly's sake that Batista had his own locker room for tonight.

EWR Rating: 64%

The Best of Impressions...

From there the show went Back stage where Chris Masters was shown looking at himself in a mirror. He flexed and posed with a look of satisfaction on his face. Then in the mirror, another man came up and placed his hand on Master's shoulder. The mirror didn't catch the man's face, so the camera spun around.


It was Ric Flair, stylin' and profilin' in a grey business suit. He caught Masters by surprise.

Ric Flair: "You! You my man, you are one impressive physical specimen!"

Masters questionable expression turned to a smile at the compliment of his physique. He rubbed his chest and flexed his bicep.

Ric Flair: "And you! My Man! You have been going out there every night and destroyin' people! Look what you did to Chris Jericho last night at Backlash, you may not have won that match but you showed Y2J who the man was didn't ya'?"

Masters smiled and Flair placed his hand on his back, leading him down the hall.

Ric Flair: "And you know what, my man? We've been"...

Flair and Masters walked into a room and closed the door behind them, a close up of the door revealed that it was Triple H's private locker room. Funny that Triple H and others are getting private locker rooms when the two entire rosters are supposed to be in only two locker rooms for the draft. Anyhow the question is, why is Flair talking to Masters?

EWR Rating: 95%

Maven and Simond Dean versus Hurricane and Rosey

A few clips from last night's tag team title match at Backlash rolled before the match. Ross said that Hurricane and Rosey could claim a shot at the tag titles with a win here since Dean and Maven were technically still the number one contenders. The match went back and fourth in the beginning until Maven and Dean segregated Hurricane in their corner while using double team moves, quick tags and cheap tactics. A hot tag to Rosey seemingly had the match in the bag, but a low blow from Maven, who was the illegal man allowed Simon Dean to roll up Rosey for the win. Hurricane chased the two off before anymore damage could be done while RAW went to commercial.

Winners: Maven and Simon Dean

-OR:69% -CR:68% -MQ:71%

The Powers That Be Just Won't Stop Screwing Him Over...

The show came back on in the backstage area, where RAW interviewer Maria was standing next to "Mr. Money in the Bank," Edge. He was wearing a black coat, and his trusty brief case was in hand.

Maria: "Edge, with the draft happening tonight many fans are wondering.. what will you do if you are drafted to Smackdown? I mean if you do, you won't be able to use the title shot that you earned at WrestleMania since, well since you won't be on RAW anymore."

Edge took off his glasses and had an offensive expression.

Edge: "Woah, what do you mean I won't get my title shot?"

Maria: "Well Eric Bischoff said, if you get drafted to Smackdown you will no longer have a shot at the World Heavyweight Title."

Edge's face turned beat red with the news.

Edge: "That is bull sh*t! Once again they find another way to screw Edge, once again I may get screwed out of the title shot that I EARNED at WrestleMania! I'll tell you what if Theodore Long draws my name out of that lottery he'll wish he hadn't. And Maria"...

Edge got really close to Maria's face making her uncomfortable then he shouted.

Edge: "You can bank on it!"

Maria wiped the spit off of her face as Edge walked out of the interview spot.

Maria: "Back to you guys in the arena."

EWR Rating: 86%

And Rounding Out The Draft...

In the arena the cameras went where not so surprisingly, Eric Bischoff and Theodore Long stood behind their respective podiums. Bischoff already had a ball in his hand.

Eric Bischoff: "Well... this is a big one! It certainly is, because Theodore when he returns from injury in a few months this man, RAW's latest draft pick will indeed be "Mr. Monday Night" Rob Van Dam!"

The fans popped big at the mention of Van Dam who obviously wasn't in the building being injured and all. Long spun the lotto, then reached his hand in.

Theodore Long: "I'll give ya that, playa. RVD is a fine wrestler, but I think Smackdown's next pick more than makes up for the loss. Because, Eric Bischoff coming to Smackdown is none other than the man who defected from Smackdown last year to win your World Heavyweight Title... Chris Benoit!"

Bischoff looked like he was hurt by the loss of Benoit. His music played over the speakers, and Benoit stepped out through the curtain, he didn't look quite happy to be leaving RAW either. Benoit shook Long's hand and replaced the RAW shirt with a Smackdown one before heading to the back.

Theodore Long: "Now how 'bout we finish this up?"

Eric Bischoff: (In a rather precarious tone) "I'd love to."

Bischoff reached into the lotto once more fumbling around and finally picking a ball.

Eric Bischoff: "The fifth and final draft pick for RAW... (Bischoff's face lit up) And a man I know very, very well... Booker T!"

The crowd cheered as "Can you dig it? Sucka!" blasted over the speakers. Booker T looked surprised, but glad to be heading back to RAW, and JR and King hyped that Booker was a great athlete. He came out, minus the Smackdown t-shirt and grabbed the RAW one.

Theodore Long: "Alright then playa, Smackdown's next Draft pick is Captain Charisma…… Christian!"

Booker T had already left the ramp, when the cameras went to the RAW locker room where Christian looked shocked, he held onto Tyson Tomko who just shook his head. Perhaps Christian wasn't happy about having to leave with unfinished business with Benjamin. The RAW locker room didn't seem like they would miss him as he walked out the door. Like the others Christian grabbed the t-shirt, but then butted into Long's microphone.

Christian: "This is bogus, man! I was going to get back the Intercontinental Championship, this is Unfair. and"...

Long covered up the microphone and pushed Christian away slightly, Christian was still upset as he headed to the back. Before RAW went to commercial break a shot of Batista stretching out in the back was shown. He grabbed the World Heavyweight Title and seemed to be headed to the ring. A shot of Hardcore Holly doing the same was shown, with Ross and Lawler hyping that the Main Event was next RAW went to commercial.

EWR Rating: 78%

Non Title Main Event Match

Batista versus Hardcore Holly

Batista came out to a huge ovation while Holly stood in the ring ready and waiting. The two locked up with Batista overpowering Holly into the turnbuckle but Holly had a chip on his shoulder and took it to Batista as well. They told a pretty good story in the ring, each shot looked to be legit as they traded blows. The match seemed to be focused on getting Holly over as a tough guy, yet Batista wasn't shown to look weak either. Holly took out the referee and tossed some weapons into the ring. He used a trashcan on Batista, but the Champion seemed to be impervious to the pain as he begged for another and another. A riled up Batista nailed his huge spine buster on Holly, but Hardcore kicked out just in time. Holly gained control for a short time with a dropkick Ross deemed the best in the business. Holly slammed Batista to the met and went for the elbow drop off of the second rope. It failed to connect and Batista mounted his comeback, after nailing another spine buster Batista lifted Holly up and planted the Batista Bomb for the victory! Batista grabbed the Heavyweight Title and held it into the air after the intense battle and left the ring, Holly had made the Champion earn his keep tonight.

Winner: Batista (via pinfall)

-OR:73% -CR:74% -MQ:74%

The Triple H Show, or So He Thought...

After Batista and Holly had cleared the ring, Ross and Lawler talked over the happenings that had gone on tonight, then "The Game" by Motorhead took over the speakers igniting a mass chorus of boos, and Triple H along with Ric Flair walked out with smiles on their faces. Flair was dressed in business slacks and shirt as usual, while Triple H wore black workout pants and one of his t-shirts. After the spitting of Dasani, Helmsley clawed into the ring and took a microphone.

Triple H: "That's right, that's right! I'm still here. Everyone of you ungrateful pieces of crap were hoping for Theodore Long to draw out my name weren't you?"

He paused for a moment and the fans began chanting "Asshole."

Triple H: "Did you actually think I would be going to Smackdown? I mean come on, really!? This is my show, RAW whether you llike it or not.. I frankly don't give a damn, is MY show! The Draft can't change that, and you people can't change that! And soon enough I will once again be wearing the World's Heavyweight Championship, MY World Championship. Batis"-

"Can you dig it!? Sucka!" Triple H looked upset at the interruption, as Booker T came out to the top of the ramp and played to the fans. He walked around the ring and grabbed a microphone before joining Flair and Helmsley in the ring.

Triple H: "What in the hell are you doing out here, this is MY"-

Booker T: "Triple H, would you please... SHUT THE HELL UP!?"

The crowd cheered as Helmsley became furious, and Booker T just looked at him.

Booker T: "I couldn't help but over hear ya' out here sayin' 'dat RAW is yo' show. Well Triple H, 'da Bookerman is out hear tellin' ya... RAW bein' yo' show ain't happenin.' 'Dis ain't yo' show, this is da people's show!"

The fans began cheering Booker as he carried on.

Booker T: "And Triple H, in case ya' can't hear, ya' had 15,000 fans callin' ya an Asshole! Ya see, Hunter these fans, they don't hate the playa (pointed at himself) they hate the Game!" (Pointing at Triple H)


Out of nowhere, Flair chop blocked Booker T's legs out from under him, and Triple H tossed the microphone to aside. they began stomping away at Booker T. Chris Benoit, having been drafted to Smackdown earlier in the show came running out to Booker T's aid. Just as he was getting an upper hand Chris Masters came into the fold, and before you knew it the entire RAW and Smackdown locker rooms had rushed the ring. Smackdown and RAW, just like the night of the previous draft lottery were going at it in an all out war as RAW went off the air. Guess you can dress 'em up but you can't take them out.

EWR Rating: 82%

Overall Show Rating: 75%

Best Segment: Flair meets with Masters

Worst Segment: Second draft segment

Quick Results:

To RAW from Smackdown... Charlie Haas

To Smackdown From RAW... Matt Hardy

To RAW from Smackdown... Dawn Marie

To Smackdown From RAW... Hassan & Daivari

Shawn Michaels d. Muhammad Hassan

Shelton Benjamin defeated Tyson Tomko

To Smackdown from RAW... Sylvain Grenier

To RAW from Smackdown... Hardcore Holly

To Smackdown From RAW... Chris Benoit

To RAW from Smackdown... Rob Van Dam

To Smackdown From RAW... Christian

To RAW from Smackdown... Booker T

Maven and Simon Dean defeated Rosey and the Hurricane

Batista defeated Hardcore Holly

Sunday Night HeAt Taping Results:

- Simon Dean defeated Rosey

- Val Venis defeated Seth Skyfire

- Viscera defeated Ken Anderson

- Victoria defeated Molly Holly

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Trades made after RAW left the air on Monday Night!

Straight from WWE.com, it appears that after RAW left the air on Monday, both General Managers Bischoff and Long sat down and discussed making trades for their respective brands. The following trades went down Monday Night;

To RAW From Smackdown... Luther Reigns, Shannon Moore, & Miss Jackie for;

To Smackdown From RAW... Lita & Kane

To RAW From Smackdown... Billy Kidman for;

To Smackdown From RAW... Gene Snitsky

WWE RAW's latest Roster Acquisitions:

Billy Kidman - 64 over, Heel, Midcarder

Booker T - 88 over, Face, Upper Carder

Charlie Haas - 72 over, Tweener, Midcarder

Dawn Marie - 70 over, Heel

Hardcore Holly - 72 over, Face, Lower Midcarder

Luther Reigns - 73 over, Heel, Midcarder

Miss Jackie - 75 over, Face

Rob Van Dam - 90 over, Face, Upper Midcarder

Shannon Moore - 54 over, Face, Lower Midcarder

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WWE RAW Brand News and Notes

For the Week of May 2, 2005

*Many suprise transitions went on during the trade, namely RAW's loss of Chris Benoit and Christian who was in a program with Shelton Benjamin. To no one's surprise Matt Hardy was drafted to Smackdown, as many thought Hardy switching brands was the best idea with the Lita/Edge situation, but after RAW on Monday Lita and Kane were traded to Smackdown as well! How Hardy handles himself on Smackdown after he returns from injury we will have to wait and see.

*Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty are expected to continue to tag together, officially joining the title scene in the upcoming weeks. Many people questioned why Michaels was given the pinfall victory over Hassan on RAW, with there being no way for Hassan to get his heat back from Michaels.

*With Christian gone from RAW it'll be interesting to see what happens to Tyson Tomko. On the same note, what will Rob Conway do without his partner Sylvain Grenier?

*Many people were surprised that Chris Jericho didn't switch brands, Jericho himself has stated that his career is becoming stagnant on RAW and Smackdown would have been fresh territory for Y2J.

*The Rhyno angle is expected to be continued this week, after being put on hold last week with the draft. Look for both Morgan and Rhyno to be involved in one way or another on RAW.

*Hardcore Holly's recent push was probably just a teaser as WWE has a record of using him only when they feel like it.

That's all for this week, be sure to check back next week for more news and rumors.

Edited by Idolized
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