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Is this for real ?


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i don´t think it´s real becaus if it was it would have been so much over all the gaming sites that everyone would know it. (and why would it already need to be called special edition if they havent even released a pic of the real thing ;) )

but even that it dossent matter, i like this one, black would be better, it´s like i said in one of the other new console topics a few days ago, i´ed like to have a console that fits in my stero tower, but as i said back than, that will never happen so this is fake !

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If it is real...it's one sexy mother fucking console, well, minus the controller.

Actually, looking again, doesn't look real to me at all.

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Personally I hope they make the ps3 like the slimline ps2 , the disc tray doesn't slide out the lid just pops up , makes cleaning ti alit easier , but yeah looking at the pic now it does look fake

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It looks cool, I'm going with PS3 for sure just to stick to my PS platform and then later on (like few years after there all out) I'll buy either 360 or the Nintendo console like I did with the current 'generation' of systems.

The system real or not looks cool, I hope it's fake though because I hate big controlers...hence me not having an Xbox.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

Why would they stop using a standard disc and start using the cartridge disc holder similar to the PSP and old school CD-ROMs on PC's? its a blatant fake, once again I doubt they'll change the controller much (its some what of an icon these days.

They'd release an actual photo too, or at least a computer generated image that looked more real and less animated, its bullshit & it sucks.

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Looks like it could be true.

It is going to have seven controller slots. Imaigne playing seven player, that would suck. Unless you are Shaq O'Neal and can play on your wall TV. Also it will have 6 USB slots and you can access the internet and stuff through it.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

You say it could be true, then you say it'll have 7 controller slots and 6 USB slots, then you look at the picture and realise that it has 2 of each.

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