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Crazy Frog Is #1 In The UK...Almost


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It went to number one because of the record companies, you only need to get rid of 16,000 so records to get the number one spot, if they want a number one they can get it.

The album won't take off.

16,000? I think you underestimate the current charts. Yes, they are lower than they used to be, but nowhere near that low! I'm just reading that Crazy Frog sold approx. 150,000 copies in its first week to get the number 1 spot. Last I read, it was outselling Coldplay at 4-to-1, so if we go by that, then Speed Of Sound sold 37,500 copies to get to number 2.

The fact is that a large number of people are buying it, it's not at number 1 on the basis that you only need to sell a low number of copies to get there. I work in Woolies and their entertainment distributors also service places like Tesco and MVC, and they have stated to us that not enough copies were pressed in time for release (believe me, I could have sold twice as many as I did), and that more were on order to arrive soon. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this was at number 1 for longer than the 7 weeks that Amarillo was and became the biggest selling single of the year in the process.

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All of Blink's stuff sounds very similar to me.

All heavy rock and metal sounds similar to me as well!

I'm only vaguely standing up for Coldplay though....I do enjoy listening to them...

And as for the Frog.....mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha music is now OVVVVVVVERRRR in the UK....And in January everything looked so promising!

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As we've all established, its fucking boring, theres no peak, its just there like a bad smell.

Plus the main 'riff' is near identical to that of Clocks. They could at least be original and bad, instead of ripping off their last single and being bad.

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Ah, but nobody suggested Blink 182 or the 'Cotton Eyed Joe' people were anything other than overhyped comedy acts, did they? Well, a lot of kids did with Blink - although I did like their last 2 albums, the 'grown-up' ones - but still...

It just hurts my soul when people verbally felate Chris Martin for having had 1 half-decent album, 1 over-produced soulless piece of commercial twattery, and what looks set to be a third album full of riffs stolen from their own songs.

Yet this man breaks America? Egads.

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I never said other bands didn't do the same. I was just refering to Coldplay as lots of the talk in this thread has been about Coldplay. I agree the rest of the song is not the same, but the riff gets on my nerves as it's just Clocks slowed down. And maybe what RK said was a little ove rhte top. We've only heard 1 song, there's no basis to say the restof the album will be full of regurgitated bits of old songs. I'm nota fan so I doubt i'll be buying it though.

For the record.........

Cotton Eye Joe was a shitty comedy song, and I enver knew they had a second one. (However listen to a version of Cotton Eye Joe by The Knuckledusters, it's funny as fuck "Where did you come from where did you goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Cotton Eye Joe" pure hillbilly music)

As for Blink, yeah lots of the stuff sounds similar. But I found that was mostly circa TOYPAJ (First Date/The Rockshow are quite similar, and I get confused between the two, but I don't like the either). Unlike RK, I like old school Blink (Buddha, Cheshire Cat and even Dude Ranch), it's a lot more rough around the edges but on the recent albums I believe they've got incredibly complacent. The only songs off the new album I liked were Violence and Feeling This (Because it's so god damn catchy). And the only song I really liked off TOYPAJ was Stay Together For The Kids. They've got boring, the songs have absolutely no thought to them anymore. In fact the entire song I Miss You is probably the worst song i've ever heard, it's only got 8 bars repeated for the entire song (4 for the intro and verse and 4 for the chorus). It's horrible.

Yes I know I said this was about Coldplay and then went on to talk about the other bands mentioned. Sue me. I only brought it back up as the manner in which Johnny Perfect said I was wrong, came across dickish (The big hearing problems bit).

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