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Crazy Frog Is #1 In The UK...Almost


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Comedy miming has been done a few times, Damon Albarn coked up to his tits doing Theres No Other Way, a few comedy Oasis jobs, and some band played giant inflatable instruments, but I can't for the life of me remember who now.

So, does this mean the song will be performed on Top Of The Pops, or what? They can't avoid it like they did with The Dead Kennedys.

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Suggesting Coldplay deserve anything other than a long, drawn-out death involving several billion scorpions, some antivenom, a giant buzzsaw, six tonnes of peach cobbler, a buzzsaw, a Baywatch DVD, endless Conan O'Brien 'jokes', and a vat of bubbling hot tar to finish things off = wacky

They deserve pain.


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Suggesting Coldplay deserve anything other than a long, drawn-out death involving several billion scorpions, some antivenom, a giant buzzsaw, six tonnes of peach cobbler, a buzzsaw, a Baywatch DVD, endless Conan O'Brien 'jokes', and a vat of bubbling hot tar to finish things off = wacky

They deserve pain.


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Comedy miming has been done a few times, Damon Albarn coked up to his tits doing Theres No Other Way, a few comedy Oasis jobs, and some band played giant inflatable instruments, but I can't for the life of me remember who now.

So, does this mean the song will be performed on Top Of The Pops, or what? They can't avoid it like they did with The Dead Kennedys.

I will personally offer to bare my arse on stage with a ringing mobile phone between my cheeks, just to show the level the UK top 40 has descended to.

When Kurt Kobain was told Nirvana couldn't perform live (but he could sing the lyrics live) with Smells Like Teen Spirit, they did a joke performance of that, with Kurt changing the lyrics, singing in a totally different dirgy style, and Krist "playing" the guitar as he swung it around his head, and the rest of the band basically "playing" in slow motion. Twas pretty funny to see.

And as for Coldplay being bad.....jeez, if you think they are rubbish, I'd like to see what you think of the tonnes of bands that are worse (and believe me, I'm not a massive Coldplay fan by any means, but they are far better examples of shite music than Coldplay, IMO)

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I agree that there are a lot of worse bands out there than Coldplay, but I think it's a sad day for music when most of Britain starts using Coldplay as a musical barometer with regard to talent.

They're so... fucking... boring! I know that Chris Martin's mummy probably paid an awful lot for those private piano lessons, but can't he just bust out some honkey-tonk every now and then to entertain me?

I like blues, darnit, and if I hear a piano I want to hear it being played properly, none of this God-forsaken pseudo-classical bullshit. Don't they have a guitarist? What does he do for half of the live show? Sit around and masturbate?


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What does he do for half of the live show? Sit around and masturbate?

I could be wrong about this, so bear with me, but doesn't he um, sing? Yeah, I'm pretty sure he sings. Cos he's you know, the frontman of the band. So he'll sing. (Y)

There's no point needlessly bashing Coldplay, sure, they suck but you're all missing the bigger picture. The fucking crazy frog is going to be number one. Does it matter who they beat?


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Guest CZW Fan

I will go on a massacre killing anyone in my path if i hear that song again. Join me in a public burning of mobile phones and Chavs alike, with enough force we will be able to destroy the chances of a "song" like that entering anywhere. Seriously if this is the best song of the week then i'll emegrate to Canada!

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Guest CZW Fan

Who else would buy a ringtone like this, come on. everyone hates it and the only people other than chavs are young girls who like the "funny frog"


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So, considering your hatred for chavs, I assume you don't hang around with them, so therefore, how do you know they buy it?

I'm sure it is just young children who think it is funny, rather than chavs, as most chavs probably find it just as annoying as we do.

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