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Guest The Timelord

OK guys its good, but it ain't that great atm.

ECW is turning massive, and I don't really like it. I mean guys like Nunzio, Credible, Spike, The Dudleyz are OK, but stealing practically every guy who was ever under an ECW contract at one point in their life is way too much IMO. Also, I don't like the fact that you have taken big names out of possible big storylines on RAW and Smackdown- such as Jericho and Benoit. These are massive stars, who yes, they worked for ECW at one stage in their careers. But who really remembers Benoit for his ECW work, or Jericho. Jericho is known for being the first-ever Undisputed WWE Champion, and Benoit is known for having fantastic matches with Triple H, Angle, Jericho and Eddie Guerrero. This, I don't like.

RAW and Smackdown are fine, though RAW seems like the better brand. It's just a better read I find, and has better storylines IMO.

If I had to mark this diary using star ratings it'd go:

RAW- ****

Smackdown- ***

"ECW"- *3/4

It's good guys, but I think ECW needs to calm down a little bit.

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Guest Mattitude_983

Okay, while I certainly think that you bring up some valid points; I think that the future potential of the storylines is ripe with potential.

I guess that they were thinking that since Jerico and Benoit appeared at the ECW "One Night Stand," PPV then why not throw them in? I really just think that they were sitting and thinking "What would really happen in this situation?"

Besides, its not really a nestalgia thing like the "One Night Stand," was its a potential ideal situation of the future of ECW as a brand.

So, I guesss that we'll just see what happens.

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OK guys its good, but it ain't that great atm.

ECW is turning massive, and I don't really like it. I mean guys like Nunzio, Credible, Spike, The Dudleyz are OK, but stealing practically every guy who was ever under an ECW contract at one point in their life is way too much IMO. Also, I don't like the fact that you have taken big names out of possible big storylines on RAW and Smackdown- such as Jericho and Benoit. These are massive stars, who yes, they worked for ECW at one stage in their careers. But who really remembers Benoit for his ECW work, or Jericho. Jericho is known for being the first-ever Undisputed WWE Champion, and Benoit is known for having fantastic matches with Triple H, Angle, Jericho and Eddie Guerrero. This, I don't like.

RAW and Smackdown are fine, though RAW seems like the better brand. It's just a better read I find, and has better storylines IMO.

If I had to mark this diary using star ratings it'd go:

RAW- ****

Smackdown- ***

"ECW"- *3/4

It's good guys, but I think ECW needs to calm down a little bit.

Edited by Hailtothechimp
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The final Smackdown before the gigantic Summer Slam pay per view kicks off live! We go to Michael Cole and Tazz at ringside.

Cole- Ladies and gentlemen welcome to what promises to be a great show. Tazz, the superstars of the Smackdown brand are going to go all out tonight!

Tazz- You ain’t kiddin’ Cole. Tonight, being the final stop before Summer Slam, should be huge!

Psychosis vs. Sylvain Greiner

The Match

The show gets started quickly with in-ring action. The sounds of lawn mowers fill the arena as the tag team champions make their way down. Last week Greiner got a win over Juventud, this week he faces off against Psychosis. Speaking of the Frenchman, out he comes. The match starts with Greiner acting very cocky towards both tag champions. They lock up, and Greiner shoves Psychosis off. Psychosis charges him and a huge brawl ensues. Greiner gets tossed to the outside, where Juvi is there to stomp away at him, much to the delight of the crowd. Inside the ring Psychosis takes a suicide dive, taking out Greiner. Greiner gets tossed back inside, and Psychosis follows. On the top rope, Psychosis looks for a leg drop. Nobody home! A quick roll up by Greiner only gets a two. In honor of his injured friend Greiner does the French Tickler dance before taking a run off the ropes. He nails an elbow and goes for another. This time Psychosis moves and is on his feet quickly. He hits a spinning heel kick on Greiner, then hits a few arm drags. Greiner charges, but is set up crotch first over the top rope by the waiting Psychosis. Then he is stomach first over the rope. Psychosis heads up top, and hits his leg drop, sending Sylvain back into the ring. Cover, 1-2-3!!

Winner: Psychosis





Backstage we see John Cena lacing up his wrestling boots. Into his locker room comes JBL. Cena is quickly on his feet preparing for a fight.

JBL: Whoa John, I’m not here to fight you now. I’ll wait for the main event. I just want to tell you what Shawn Michaels is planning for Summer Slam. If you think you have a chance in hell of walking out this Sunday as champion, think again. You’re gonna make Bret Hart at Survivor Series look like Sesame Street.

Cena: Listen JBL. There ain’t nobody here, except your little Cabinet believes a word you say. Stirring up crap is just as inviting to you as a buffet table is to Blue Meanie. Speaking of that, have fun getting your ass kicked at Summer Slam!

The two stare each other down as Smackdown goes to break.



When the show returns Muhammad Hassan is in the ring with a microphone. He shuts the crowd up and speaks.

Hassan: This Sunday I finally step into the ring with that big red monster Kane. I know you people don’t believe me but I’m looking forward to this. Kane, you probably figure I’ll head into Summer Slam expecting a butt kicking. Well guess again. I’m going in with a plan, and I plan on embarrassing you and all of America this Sunday!



With that short message Hassan leaves the ring to many jeers from the crowd. WE immediately cut to the backstage where Shawn Michaels is standing with Todd Grisham.

Todd: HBK we are just days away from Summer Slam. This is a big event every year for WWE, and this year you play a huge role.

HBK: Kid, this isn’t my first rodeo. Now I know my track record as a referee hasn’t been that great. But just give me a chance! But you know, there’s something I’m ver good at. That’s wrestling. Tonight, I prove why I’m the Main Event!

Shawn leaves the interview area. Smackdown goes into another commercial break.



Smackdown returns to give the fans more in-ring action. The sound of someone spitting an apple is heard. Carlito comes out with his gay little sidekick Matt Morgan. They get in the ring, and await Carlito’s opponent. CAN YOU DIG IT SUCKAAAAA!!!! Booker T comes out and sets his pyro off. As he gets in the ring, the match begins.

Booker T vs. Carlito-US Title Match

The Match

In the opening minutes both men look very evenly matched. Then Booker starts to take over. He gets Carlito into a corner and unloads with chops and punches. Carlito is then sent from one corner to the next, falling flat on his face due to the impact. As he gets back on his feet, Booker clotheslines him over the top. As Booker follows him out, he meets Matt Morgan. Morgan stands in front of Carlito, and dares Booker to make a move. The referee gets out of the ring to separate the two. While Morgan distracts the referee, Carlito nails Booker with the US belt. The dead weight of Booker T gets brought back into the ring by Carlito. Cover, 1-2-kick out! Carlito is furious, and takes it out on the ref. They argue and get into a shoving match. The referee threatens to DQ Carlito, which forces Carlito to turn his attention back to the Book Man. Booker grabs Carlito into a Book End. He drops Carlito down hard, and goes for the win. 1-2-3!!

Winner: Still US Champion, Booker T





Backstage Juventud and Psychosis, the WWE Tag Team Champions, are standing in front of the camera. Juvi speaks.

Juventud: Already tonight the Mexicools have proven that we are the dominate force on Smackdown. But we’re not done. Randy Orton, tonight you fall to the Juice! Your not Mexican or cool. But us…

Both men speak at the same time.

Both: We’re Mexicool!


Juventud gained 2 points of overness from this segment.


We head back to the arena with Cole and Tazz.

Cole- I don’t quite think The Mexicools know what’s in store for them. Tonight they have to deal with JBL’s Cabinet.

Tazz- Speaking of that group Cole, we have a short video package highlighting the history of this group JBL has put together.

The video airs highlighting the past Cabinet. The Bashams, Orlando Jordon, and JBL are shown. Then we switch to JBL’s announcement of a brand new Cabinet. The new additions being Tyson Tomko and Randy Orton, replacing The Bashams. Then all of the sudden the screen goes blue. The bWo symbol appears as we go to break.



When we return Juventud is already in the ring. The sounds of JBL’s music hits, followed by Randy Orton’s theme. The Legend Killer strikes a pose before heading to the ring. The bell rings, and the match is on!

Randy Orton vs. Juventud

The Match

Orton warms up a huge lugy to spit at Juvi’s face, but gets slapped and the spit goes straight up into the air. Juvi then unloads with punches, backing Orton into the corner. Randy fights back with a high knee into the gut, followed by a European uppercut. Juvi goes down, and gets stomped nearly to death. The referee tries to create distance between the two, but Orton proves to be relentless. He picks Juvi up, and tosses through the ropes and to the floor. High flying moves are not Randy’s thing, and he proves that by attempting a plancha over the top rope. Nobody was home, and now Juvi has taken control of the match. Only shortly however as Orton reverses an Irish Whip into the barricade. Juventud is now favoring his back heavily. Orton rams him back first into the ring post before getting him back into the ring. Quick cover, 1-2- Orton just let him up. He gestures over towards Psychosis, as he waits for Juvi to get to his feet. RKO!! Cover, 1-2-3!

Winner: Randy Orton





Orton celebrates as Juvi is helped to the back. Suddenly we hear “BWO”. All members of the bWo come out, and surround Randy. Stevie smiles a sinister smile at Orton, before the lights in the arena go completely out. When the return several seconds later the bWo are all gone, and Orton is covered in blue paint!


Randy Orton lost 2 points of overness from this segment


We cut right away backstage. We are now with The Cabinet. JBL is furious over what happened.

JBL: These bWo punks think they can intimidate us. Well quite frankly all they’ve done is piss me off. Let’s show them what we can do!

The four of them leave the dressing room. Smackdown then goes into it’s final commercial break.



John Cena & Shawn Michaels vs. The Cabinet(Orlando, Tomko, and JBL)

The Match

After the break The Cabinet are just getting out of their limo. Randy Orton’s absence is obvious, as is JBL’s angry state. As they get into the ring, we hear girls screaming. HBK Shawn Michaels comes out to the ramp. He gets down on his knees and readys himself for this match. He then waits, as does the entire building, for the arrival of WWE Champion John Cena. Trumpets sound and out he comes. The roof blows off the arena as Cena and Michaels charge to the ring. Cena goes right for JBL, and Shawn takes out both Tomko and Jordon. Jordon is sent over the top rope, and turns to Tomko. He gets a boot in the face for his efforts. The number game then gets to Cena and HBK. As order finally gets restored it’s Tomko and Michaels as the legal men. Shawn is beaten down pretty bad from the beginning brawl, so Tyson has pretty easy pickings. Orlando is then brought in to continue the beat down. He tries a vertical suplex on HBK, but Shawn manages to land on his feet. He rolls OJ up into a pin, 1-2-kick out! Jordon pushes HBK right into the corner of The Cabinet with that push off. This leads to a triple team, as Cena argues with the referee. Tomko is then tagged back in, but his speed is no match for Shawn’s. HBK charges at Tomko with a clothesline, at the same time Tomko gets his arm out. Both men are down, crawling towards their corners. Cena is tagged in, as is JBL! Cena comes in like a house of fire, and takes out JBL. Then Orlando, then Tomko. Cena pumps up his sneakers, and puts JBL up on his shoulders. Suddenly Orlando gets in the ring. This brings in Shawn, who starts tuning up the band. Cena hits the FU, and gets back to his feet. Just in time to see Shawn charging at him. Cena ducks and Jordon gets nailed with the sweet chin music! Cena pins JBL, 1-2-3!

Winners: HBK & John Cena





There is no celebration after the match. But rather Cena confronts HBK about him trying to knock Cena out with the superkick. Shawn tells him he was aiming at Jordon. Cena argues, and HBK defends himself as Smackdown goes off the air. Summer Slam this Sunday live on Pay Per View!!

Show Rating:76

Ok guys I'm gonna have to back out of this diary. I just don't have time.A diary as great as this one deserves better attention.So I hope Chimp and efwa can find someone who will do SD proud. Again,I'm very sorry about this guys.I wish you the best of luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Note: I put the newsbit and the last Extreme TV before Summerslam all in this one post. So here we go.

News reported from WWE.com

Big news involving the Extreme Brand there show, Extreme TV. The deal with Spike TV was inked down this morning as Vince McMahon and Paul Heyman signed a deal to bring Extreme TV to the primetime slot on Saturday Nights for Extreme TV. The stars of Extreme TV had got word of this a couple of weeks ago as most of them had been shorted time on the show in recent weeks.

Extreme TV will come on 9pm Eastern/8 Central. It has now become the center for Spike TV’s upcoming Slammin’ Saturday Night, which will feature Extreme TV followed by The Ultimate Fighter followed by MXC followed by the Big Kung Fu Movie of the Night.

Heyman was seen to be very excited in the back. This comes just before Summerslam this Sunday and you can expect several hype videos for it this week. This could be the big leap to make Extreme TV be actual compition to its counter brands, RAW and Smackdown.

Be sure to tune in this Saturday for some great Extreme action and than get ready for Summerslam which will start at 8pm Eastern/7 Central.

Edited by Hailtothechimp
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As you saw, Legend_Killer is stepping away from this diary and we are currently looking for a replacement. If you are interested pm me and let me know. hailtothechimp and I will decide after I post SummerSlam who will be the replacement.

I plan on posting SummerSlam sometime on Thursday, so get your names in the running as soon as you can.

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Raw, SmackDown! and Extreme present


August 28, 2005

The New Charlotte Arena

Charlotte, North Carolina

Attendance: 20,626

Buyrate: 1.91

~ We go straight to the New Charlotte Arena as the United States Navy Ceremonial Guard is here and Lillian Garcia is going to sing the National Anthem. A big USA chant then breaks out as we go to the opening video for SummerSlam! The fireworks then go off in the arena as Jim Ross, Tazz and Joey Styles welcome us to the show. The announcers are sitting at ringside.

J.R.: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to SummerSlam 2005! This is the first joint brand pay-per-view since the edition of the Extreme Brand and I am here with Tazz and Joey Styles.

Tazz: That’s right J.R., I’m here to represent the SmackDown brand of WWE programming.

Styles: And I am here to take things to the Extreme!

~ With that we hear the theme music of Muhammad Hassan as he and Khosrow Daivari walk out in traditional Arabic garb. Daivari has a piece of carpet rolled up and held under his arm.

Lillian Garcia: Now coming to the ring, being accompanied to the ring by Khosrow Daivari, hailing from Detroit, Michigan….Muhammad Hassan!

Tazz: Hassan has been calling out everybody on the WWE roster for a while now, guys, and Kane has been the first one to jump at the chance.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, weighing in at 326 pounds, the big red machine, Kane!

~ Fire shoots from the entrance ramp as Kane walks out from the back and stalks his way down to the ring. Hassan and Daivari leave the ring and have a little discussion before Kane climbs up in the ring. Kane raises his arms in the air slowly and brings them down quickly causing flames to shoot out of the four turnbuckles. Hassan is cowering behind Daivari as Kane stares a hole through him.

Styles: It’s about time we got this show going!

Kane vs. Muhammad Hassan w/ Khosrow Daivari

Referee: Charles Robinson

~ The bell rings and Kane climbs out of the ring as Hassan drops his turban and runs around the ring as Daivari hides behind the timekeepers table. Kane chases Hassan around the ring before Hassan slides back in the ring. Kane rolls in behind him and Hassan drops a forearm across his back.

Tazz: Hassan just suckered Kane right there.

J.R.: Hassan looks to be running like a scalded dog.

~ Hassan continues to drop forearms across the back of Kane. Hassan now picks Kane up and whips him across to the opposite ropes. Hassan ducks his head for a back body drop but Kane comes up and hits him with a DDT.

Styles: That DDT came out of nowhere.

J.R.: A move of desperation there from the big red machine, Kane, who was just trying to get Hassan to back away from him.

~ Kane sits straight up to the approval of the fans. Kane gets back to his feet and picks Hassan up. Kane hoists Hassan up to his shoulder and powerslams him down to the mat. Kane then climbs through the ropes out to the apron. Kane then climbs to the top rope and waits for Hassan to get back to his feet. Referee Charles Robinson is checking on Hassan as Khosrow Daivari jumps on the apron.

J.R.: Damn that Daivari! He shouldn’t be involved in this match.

Styles: What did you think was going to happen when he showed up at ringside J.R.?

~ Daivari tries to throw Kane off the top rope, but Kane kicks him in the face. Daivari stumbles off the apron and falls to the floor. By now Hassan is back to his feet and he runs at Kane, but Kane jumps off the top rope and hits him with a flying clothesline.

J.R.: Flying clothesline by Kane! Delivered as only the big red machine can.

~ Kane goes for the pin. 1…………………………2…………………….kick out! Kane picks Hassan back up to his feet as Daivari just now starts to get back up to his feet. Kane whips Hassan into a corner and backs up into the opposite corner. As Kane starts to charge towards Hassan, Daivari reaches out and grabs Kane’s foot causing him to trip and fall on his face. Hassan stumbles out of the corner and approaches Kane who is down near the corner. Hassan drops an elbow across his back. Hassan then climbs to the top rope as Kane starts to pull himself back to his feet. Hassan comes off the top rope with a missile dropkick knocking Kane back down to the mat. Hassan climbs on Kane’s back and slashes his thumb over Kane’s throat before he applies his Camel Clutch!

J.R.: Camel clutch! Camel clutch!

Tazz: Hassan is trying to cut off the circulation of blood to the brain and cause Kane to lose consciousness.

~ Kane slowly starts to get to his knees. Kane then gets to his feet as Hassan hangs on his back. Kane backs into the corner causing Hassan to release his hold and fall off his back. Kane charges into the corner after Hassan, but Hassan gets both feet up and kicks Kane in the face. Kane stumbles around and Hassan climbs to the top rope. Hassan comes off and hits Kane with a tornado DDT!

Styles: Tornado DDT! Hassan has taken back control.

~ Hassan now grabs referee Charles Robinson and pulls him back to the corner and starts to argue with him. While that is going on Daivari grabs his carpet and climbs to the top rope with it.

J.R.: What the hell is going on here?

~ Daivari unrolls the carpet and flies off the top with his Flying Carpet Frog Splash!

Styles: Oh my God, J.R.! Did he just use a flying carpet?

~ Daivari grabs his rug and rolls out of the ring as Hassan climbs on Kane to go for the pin.

J.R.: No! Not this way!

~ Robinson starts the count. 1…………………………2…………………………3!

WINNER: Muhammad Hassan

Match Quality: 63

Crowd Reaction: 75

Overall Rating: 71 *

~ Hassan rolls out of the ring as he and Daivari embrace on the arena floor before heading to the back. Hassan stops at the top of the entrance ramp and falls to his knees. He places his forehead against the metal and then raises his head slowly extending his hands high overhead.

Tazz: What an upset! Muhammad Hassan has just defeated Kane!

J.R.: And what a way to start the annual extravaganza known as SummerSlam.

~ Kane gets back to his feet and leaves the ring as we see a retrospective video package of SummerSlam.

Clips are shown from the Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon ladder match (1995), Texas Tornado vs. Mr. Perfect Intercontinental Title match (1990), Shawn Michaels vs. Vader WWE Title match(1996), Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (2002), Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior vs. Sgt. Slaughter, Col. Mustafa & General Adnan (1991), The Randy Savage/Elizabeth wedding (1991), Power & Glory vs. The Rockers (1990), Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker w/ special guest referee Shawn Michaels (1997), Randy Orton vs. Chris Benoit World Heavyweight Title match (2004), Demolition vs. Hart Foundation (1988), Razor Ramon vs. Diesel Intercontinental Title match (1994), and Demolition vs. Hart Foundation 2 out of 3 falls World Tag Team Title match (1990).
Edited by efwa4life
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August 29, 2005

Richmond Coliseum

Richmond, Virginia

Attendance: 10,029

Rating: 6.04

~ The show opens with the new opening video package followed by a slow shot of Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff is shown. We see pictures of what happened last night at SummerSlam.

~ Daivari unrolls the carpet and flies off the top with his Flying Carpet Frog Splash!

Styles: Oh my God, J.R.! Did he just use a flying carpet?

~ Daivari grabs his rug and rolls out of the ring as Hassan climbs on Kane to go for the pin.

J.R.: No! Not this way!

~ Charles Robinson starts the count. 1…………………………2…………………………3!


~ Sabu climbs back to the apron and slingshots himself over the ropes and legdrops Rhyno. Sabu goes for the cover. 1………………………..2…………………………3!

Styles: Sabu is the new Extreme Television Champion?


~ Triple H hits Batista with his Pedigree on the ladder! Triple H rolls off the ladder and positions the other ladder under the World Heavyweight Title. Triple H slowly climbs the ladder as Batista lies motionless on the ladder bleeding profusely. Triple H reaches up and unhooks the World Heavyweight Title and falls off the ladder clutching it against his chest.

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Greetings from under the ole black hat from an Oklahoma Sooner who is anxiously awaiting the first Barely Legal pay-per-view event in nearly five years. Let’s get this Sooner Schooner rolling…

SummerSlam was a hell of a show, highlighted by that big match with Batista and Triple H. Everybody brought their “A” game for SummerSlam and I was honored to be able to sit ringside and call the action with Joey Styles and Tazz, two of the classiest professionals in this business.

Speaking of pay-per-view, Paul Heyman will finally get to bring back his vision of professional wrestling when the Extreme Brand presents Barely Legal on September 25.

Expect to see Rene Dupree back in the ring on SmackDown very soon as he has been given clearance to return to wrestling. Viscera, however still won’t compete for a while, putting him on the shelf alongside Rob Van Dam, Dawn Marie and the recently injured “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, who injured his ankle.

Mr. McMahon recently celebrated his 60th birthday, and I would like to wish him a happy birthday and hope he has many more happy days in the years to come.

Speaking, of Mr. McMahon, I hear that he has a special announcement to make on the next episode of Raw. When Mr. McMahon shows up on Raw, nobody knows what to expect.

There has been a lot of people being vocal about their position in the company lately. Among those who have been most vocal are Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, and Eddie Guerrero.

This Saturday my Sooners look to take on the TCU Horned Frogs, and I hope they start the season off right with a win.

I’ve heard rumors about a lot of contracts coming close to ending, included in those are Rob Van Dam, Joey Mercury, Yoshihiro Tajiri and Dawn Marie.

It was great to see Extreme TV be so successful in it’s move to primetime. But let’s see how it can compete with the primetime staples that are Raw and SmackDown!

Justin Credible showed why he was given a chance to run with the ball at SummerSlam.

Paul Heyman has been putting word out that he is going to make a special main event for Barely Legal. I wonder what the “Mad Scientist of Wrestling” has up his sleeve for his return to pay-per-view.

There could be some noticeable changes coming up for SmackDown, stay tuned for that.

Enjoy Barely Legal Sunday September 25 on pay per view! I’m personally looking forward to this event as it’s the first Paul Heyman run event on pay-per-view in some time. Take care all.

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