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it´s awsome if you ask me, but i can see people that don´t like the very free style of it not havign fun (the first time i played it i forgot to follow the main plot and just ran around in the world doing warrius quests, very fun but after a while i wondert wen it´s going to move on ^^)

GFXs and Music are kickass aswell.

there are some very cool things in the game, you can become a vampire for example, with all the benefits and habbits.

i hope the upcomming elders scrolls title will be able to stand eye to eye with morrowind.

And jump while you travel, it´s good for your skills. :D

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The game is good, and addictive, and almost too large. You really can forget what the hell your doing just wandering around. It takes a while to get from place to place, and there's alot of NPCs, its overall massive, and you almost feel like your in an MMORPG. Its interesting to say the very least though, I'd definately give it a try and see if its your type. Plus you can mod it some, and I've heard of moogles who can jump extremely high, and thats pretty comedic to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I "got" the Game of the Year Edition, and it's pretty solid.

Back when I actually bought the game, I found it pretty boring. I gave the game to someone else and didn't play it too much, just really coming on every once and a while and crawling a dungeon. I didn't think it compared at all the kind of RPGs that really enthrall me, and honestly, it still doesn't.

The biggest reason is that Bethesda, the people who made it, have absolutely no idea to how make a game. Morrowind seemed like a big test, to make the biggest and most expansive world they could make. Okay, done. They stopped short of actually filling it with anything interesting.

The first problem is that the game frankly looks like ass. The people look like shit, and the textures look dirty, jagged, and generally unnapealing. This is easily fixed with mods. The problem exists that the game is somewhat sloppy, and there are people on GameFAQs who, what, 4 years later, still can't run it even with some considerable PC upgrading. It's not the case for me (though why I can run FPS' and the like and TEW eludes me I may never know), but with mods up and running, it can drag on when it loads. Also, the game crashes about as often as Matzat typos, which takes some getting used to. :P Save often, and before entering any of the big cities (Balmorra, Vivec, Sadrith Mora) or the Ash cities (like Ald-Ruhn).

The second and far more important problem is that the game is FUCKING BORING. It's a lot of fun until you realize that basically every fucking quest is the same. Fetch me this. Kill this person and fetch me this. Go and give this to person x and then fetch me this. FETCH FETCH FETCH. Just get a dog and a stick. The game is best played for the guild quests as the main quest is just boring. This is fixed with mods also, but it shouldn't have to be. It should be enthralling of it's own accord, yet despite the size and scope of the world created, it seems to be filled with uninteresting characters with no drawing power and nothing of any discernable value.

Though, as I said, it's solid, and I do play it. The reason is the mods. Plug a few mods into Morrowind and it's a blast. Nesscessities include the better bodies plug in to smooth out the models (and expose the men's penises), and one of the head packs to make the faces look less retreated (I think I used Loch's head pack). If you're into the undead, Vampire Embrace is a must (I didn't really like Vampires until I realized how fun it was to have a cadre of slaves to your blood). And Balmorra Expanded and Soltsteim Castle, if you can run them, are both good. There are lots of things to get in mods, even some stuff you probably shouldn't be able to. There exists a scatology plug in for Morrowind, and you know when a game supports scatology mods that the modding community is active, varied, and probably a little insane.

So yeah. Play it, just not unmodded. Oh, and get the Royal Guard armor, tell me you don't think Boba Fett.

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The Lys is the only one I have bookmarked, as it covers a lot of the basics. Morrowind Summit has tons and tons of mods if you get around Gamespy's anal retentive nature.

There is a big list somewhere, found easily on GameFAQs or the offical forums. Check it, it's decent.

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Matzat is right though, keep jumping. Hopping up and down as you run is much faster then just running.

Want to break the game? Set athletics and acrobatics as primary skills. You will gain levels rediculously easily, and this will make the enemies you face disproportionate to your ability. Sure death, meet Triplexpac!

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Matzat is right though, keep jumping. Hopping up and down as you run is much faster then just running.

Want to break the game? Set athletics and acrobatics as primary skills. You will gain levels rediculously easily, and this will make the enemies you face disproportionate to your ability. Sure death, meet Triplexpac!

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Guest Grapehead

Don't get me wrong, Sean, I don't want to start a big thing with you like I have in previous topics, I just want your opinion on something. If Morrowind is so crappy, and there's all that crap wrong with it, compare it's bad features to your standards that you've found in another game(ex. Boring quests in Morrowind, I find the quests in Game X to be the style I look for). It seems you just don't like the game, and that's cool, but instead of just saying that you seem to be trying to prove it's a bad game, which in my opinion it isn't. Personally, I enjoyed the game, spent a lot of hours just running around killing this and that and collecting as much crap as possible. Yeah the quests are kind of repetitive sometimes, but then a lot of games I find have a repetitive nature with few variations. I've come to disregard repetitive quests, because I rarely find a game that couldn't be perceived as repetitive. Anyways, hopefully you'll respond civilly so we don't start a fight, and sorry if I've offended you.

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One of the few things I really hate about Morrowind is this:



"But feel free to ask me about all these things:" I ALREADY KNOW ALL OF THOSE THINGS. IF I DIDN'T, I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO CLICK ON THEM, FUCKNUTS!

So yeah, aside from the ugliness and the Borg NPC's that are all part of some Collective and can't be individual under pain of death, it's an ok game. Although the random crashes for no apparent reason annoy the shit out of you unless you save, literally, every five minutes.

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Used to play it religiously on the PC, especially when I got the Bloodmoon expansion and started playing as a werewolf. Awesome stuff. It does get boring after a bit though. I can't go back to play it anymore though now that I have played WoW. I found myself trying it again recently and just found it lonely, being the only one playing on this gigantic map.

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This game is good for people with way too much time on their hands, if you are not one of said people, this game will annoy you very quickly. I know a kid who built a house in the sky by stealing pillows and stacking them up all the way to the clouds. It took him a day. I couldn't even play any of my all-time favorite games for a day nevermind spend that amount of time doing something so useless in a game that is already too long. I've played this game myself a couple of times but since early in the game your character is so weak, I am usually killed by a couple of angry women.

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To be honest, doing stupid shit like that is almost all of the charm. I made a small hut out of empty wine bottles, and then for amusement, set it on fire.

But I have a lot of time on my hands.

The people who make pillow towns by making pillow houses and stealing NPCs are hillarious.

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How does one set glass bottles on fire? :shifty: Surely that's a bit, well, impossible...

...the dust was burning. -_-

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