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The 2005/2006 Hockey Season Thread


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Wow, I had missed this thread completely.

1) First off....Fuck. Neidermayer leaving really hurts for New Jersey, but it's totally understandable why he left. It's just a shame Lou couldn't bait Anahiem into a trade that brought Rob over to play with Scott. Hopefully Rafalski can step up and become the #1 D-Man that NJ needs right now.

2) The signings Of McGillis & Malakhov (Welcome Back) are good editions to the defencive core. The only thing i'm a bit weary about is Malakhov getting injured, i'm pretty sure he's been injury prone in the past. Although, not to the likes of someone named E. Lindros or Eric. L though. :shifty:

3) Taking a look at their roster, they seem to have alot more grit for the upcoming season than in the past. With guys like Madden, McGillis, Oliwa, Marshall , Sean Brown & Darren Langdon, they could potentially be alot "scrappier" so to speak.

Lets just hope the almighty god that is Scott Stevens decides to re-sign, would be nice to have him back, espcially after the concussion he had in the last season.

EDIT: On another note, good to see that The Flames re-signed Kiprusoff (Spelt from memory) to a new contract.

Edited by KRC
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I also read on ESPN.com that if the Devils don't do good this season you could probably expect to see Broduer, Rafalski and Madden all out of New Jersey if the team starts off on a negative note which at this time many is expecting.

It doesn't help when you don't know if Elias is going to play since he got Hepatitis i believe it was C while over in Russia during there off year. Losing Stevens if this rumor is true will put the knife in General Manger Lou Lamoriello heart as losing a quality player (even though many disagree), and losing a great captain to a winning franchise, thus starting Lamoriello's rebuilding period.

For the article here it is:


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I uh just saw this now, but fuck you again Clawson :P

SDM was right about Wellwood. While he's been a proven AHL scorer - so are guys like Sarno and Gamache and Darren Haydar and Davig "Bling Bling" Ling. However, when they come up to the NHL, they suck.

The thing with Welly is, he's not a great skater, he is barely adequate defensively [in the AHL!], his shot isn't strong. He has GREAT vision, his skating has improved [but is still not what it should be for someone so tiny], his passing is amazing, and he's a great stickhandler. However, with his size and the fact that his over-all game hasn't improved all that much since he's been in the AHL, there's absolutely no reason for him to come to the NHL and rot on the third line getting no powerplay time or true development time. The NHL is NOT a place for someone to learn defence.

Belak is in the NHL because he's a reliable hitter and fighter who will stick up for his teammates, beat the shit out of some people to stir up a crowd, and is not afraid to lay it all on the line. Will he score? No. Will he get assists? Not likely. Will he take a shitload of PIM? Yes. Will he DO WHAT HE IS ASKED TO DO? You most definately know it.

If Belak was ASKED to go out and produce points, he would not be able to. But that's not what he's ASKED to do. He's an enforcer. Every good team should have one - Belak just happens to be GREAT at enforcing and hitting and bad at everything else. I don't understand what's so hard to see about all of this. New Jersey has Darren Langdon AND Krysysysyaytofffff Oliwa, and yet no one is saying SHIT about them, even though Belak could smoke 'em both [well, Langdon is iffy, but he's taken out Oliwa].

Besides, the Leafs have no depth. What are their lines AS OF THIS MOMENT?

Best possible scenario for me is:

____ - Sundin - Lindros

Tucker - Allison - O'Neill

Ponikarovsky - Antropov - Stajan/Domi

Belak - Kilger/Stajan - Domi/Kilger

Kaberle - McCabe

Klee - Berg

Khavanov - ____

And who else would you put there? Wellwood with Poni and Antropov? Yeah, why don't you just make a line of overrated [by Quinn] forwards! Or maybe we can have him center Belak and Domi! Yeah, that'd make a lot of sense.

What are you, nuts?


Anyway, onto other matters:

I'm glad the Pens are doing something this year, but my infatuation with them being lovable losers is over. Washington is far too pathetic for me to vest an interest in, so I guess I'll have to settle for Toronto and Calgary.

I just heard that Roman Hamrlik signed there - so expect Toni Lydman to be traded shortly, unless they go nuts and trade a defensive defenceman [although .. they just re-signed them all, so that'd make them REALLY nuts].

I also heard that Toronto signed Mikael Samuelsson, but uh, that might be for the farm team rather than the big club, since he's sort of an iffy kinda guy, NHL-wise.

Thornton back in Boston, with all of their re-signings, is going to be scary. They're one of the few teams who looks basically the same as the last season, with a few great additions, in Leetch, Zhamnov, Scatchard, and McEachern. They really haven't lost anyone of value outside of Gonchar, Knuble, and Rolston, but their signings make up for that. Go Boston.

I'm excited for hockey, and it's fucking August! WOOOOO.

Oh, and Clawson, when did Rick the Temp change his name and become a hockey player? :blink:

Edited by grind your soul
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I donno if you can call Boston a cup contender, but they sure are looking like one.

Yes I know I hated on Thorton the other day, but .. he's a good player I'll admit it.

...uh, what?

Lets look at who Boston has under contract.

Joe Thornton is probably one of the best players in the league, sure.

Glen Murray, not so much. He is getting older and a little slower, and a year off might have really done him harm.

Alexei Zhamnov... honestly, as a Flyers fan, I can tell you this guy is way overrated. He is so out of shape.

Brian Leetch is kind of in the same boat as Murray. He is not getting any younger.

Sergei Samsonov is pretty good but I don't think he's an elite guy... not like Thornton.

Dave Scatchard.. seriously, what the fuck...

Brad Isbister...are Boston thinking? Isbister and Scatchard are both terrible. In their last season they combined for forty two points in 112 games. That's way too slow for guys who will be, wih the players under contract, second liners.

Beyond that you have Axellson and Bergeron. Raycroft isn't even under contract(though I had heard reports that he was, he isn't listed anywhere), so don't hand them the Stanley Cup just yet. They will challenge for a Playoff spot, but against the Flyers, or the Lightning, or the Devils, I don't give them a long run...

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I donno if you can call Boston a cup contender, but they sure are looking like one.

Yes I know I hated on Thorton the other day, but .. he's a good player I'll admit it.

...uh, what?

Lets look at who Boston has under contract.

Joe Thornton is probably one of the best players in the league, sure.

Glen Murray, not so much. He is getting older and a little slower, and a year off might have really done him harm.

Alexei Zhamnov... honestly, as a Flyers fan, I can tell you this guy is way overrated. He is so out of shape.

Brian Leetch is kind of in the same boat as Murray. He is not getting any younger.

Sergei Samsonov is pretty good but I don't think he's an elite guy... not like Thornton.

Dave Scatchard.. seriously, what the fuck...

Brad Isbister...are Boston thinking? Isbister and Scatchard are both terrible. In their last season they combined for forty two points in 112 games. That's way too slow for guys who will be, wih the players under contract, second liners.

Beyond that you have Axellson and Bergeron. Raycroft isn't even under contract(though I had heard reports that he was, he isn't listed anywhere), so don't hand them the Stanley Cup just yet. They will challenge for a Playoff spot, but against the Flyers, or the Lightning, or the Devils, I don't give them a long run...

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Zhamnov is a pair three defensemen in his shape. Those players, BTW, are sorted by contract value annually, so Zhamnov is getting paid more then Leetch, Slegr, any of the Bruins defensemen under contract. That is saying something.

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Lets just hope the almighty god that is Scott Stevens decides to re-sign, would be nice to have him back, espcially after the concussion he had in the last season.

I heard a rumor about Stevens going to Toronto on a one-year deal. While I don't really want him it would be enjoyable to laugh at your pain.

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The Flyers won't make it past the first round of the playoffs.

...here we go again.

Peter Forsberg is one of the elite forwards in the league. If he stays healthy, he is dominant.

Mike Rathje is probably overpaid, but he's a young, mobile defensemen with an edge.

Derian Hatcher is just a mean motherfucker. Expect him to continue killing people.

Keith Primeau showed in last years playoffs he can be a big game player. He almost single handedly defeated the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Eric Desjardins is getting older, but he's still a good quarterback, and he can still contain well.

Kim Johnsson is still young and can still become a priemere player for the team.

Michal Handzus isn't that good, granted.

Simon Gagne a few days ago you said Gagne was one of the best players in the league. I'll stick with that description.

Beyond that, you have Kapanen, Therien, Esche, Mike Richards, Jeff Carter, Timander, Pitkanen, and Seidenberg. The Flyers are basically the only team with 6 defensemen under contract, they have 7 NHL capable guys in Desjardins, Rathje, Hatcher, Johnnson, Pitkanen, and Seidenberg, a good NHL fill in guy in Timander, and they also have a good top pair of forwards in Primeau and Forsberg, although both are centers. You have two good, young, quick wingers in Gagne and Kapanen, and a US National Team goalie in Esche, plus the impressive Ontario Nittymaki fresh off his Calder Cup. To say that the team will not contend for the east is perhaps the stupidest thing you have said yet, and you have compiled a lengthly list of stopid things you have said.

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The Flyers are a better team than the one that made the Eastern Conference Finals last year. But, then again, so are a lot of other teams in the East. That said, I think the Flyers are one of the 3-4 elites in the Eastern Conference.

EDIT- And if you are curious, I fucking hate Philadelphia with a passion. So I'm not supporting them because I'm a fan. I'm supporting them because they are a good team.

Edited by damshow
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The Flyers won't make it past the first round of the playoffs.

...here we go again.

Peter Forsberg is one of the elite forwards in the league. If he stays healthy, he is dominant.

Mike Rathje is probably overpaid, but he's a young, mobile defensemen with an edge.

Derian Hatcher is just a mean motherfucker. Expect him to continue killing people.

Keith Primeau showed in last years playoffs he can be a big game player. He almost single handedly defeated the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Eric Desjardins is getting older, but he's still a good quarterback, and he can still contain well.

Kim Johnsson is still young and can still become a priemere player for the team.

Michal Handzus isn't that good, granted.

Simon Gagne a few days ago you said Gagne was one of the best players in the league. I'll stick with that description.

Beyond that, you have Kapanen, Therien, Esche, Mike Richards, Jeff Carter, Timander, Pitkanen, and Seidenberg. The Flyers are basically the only team with 6 defensemen under contract, they have 7 NHL capable guys in Desjardins, Rathje, Hatcher, Johnnson, Pitkanen, and Seidenberg, a good NHL fill in guy in Timander, and they also have a good top pair of forwards in Primeau and Forsberg, although both are centers. You have two good, young, quick wingers in Gagne and Kapanen, and a US National Team goalie in Esche, plus the impressive Ontario Nittymaki fresh off his Calder Cup. To say that the team will not contend for the east is perhaps the stupidest thing you have said yet, and you have compiled a lengthly list of stopid things you have said.

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Well, I'm a Flyers fan, but even so, when you compare the Flyers to playoff teams in the East last year... Boston lost people, Tampa lost their starting goalie, Toronto lost people, New Jersey lost people, the only one really who still looks good is Montreal. Atlanta could make a run with the talent they have maturing, I have my doubts about Heatly though. Florida is in the same boat and they could make a run. The Rangers are in ruins, the Islanders still have no chemistry, I don't think the Pens have the depth to make a serious run, the Sens could contend if they get their contracts sorted out, The Sabres are a few years off, as are the Hurricanes, and Alexander Ovechkin cannot do everything, although I do predict he will have a better season then Sid the Kid.

And that's how I think the east will go.

Philly Ottawa Tampa, New Jersey Toronto Boston Montreal Florida/Atlanta.

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