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The 2005/2006 Hockey Season Thread


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Sutton rode Tucker from the blue line; it was intent to injure

A perfect example of overblowing. Tucker was driving the net of his own power. Sutton grabbed him on the goalline. Watch the replay again.

I won't argue that it's not an ATI. It is. He deserves a suspension. But it's not like this is the kind of thing that has gone unsuspended before. And the fact that you can say "I didn't see it, I don't care" is pretty atypical of Leaf fans.

Any Make-be-leafs player goes down, instantly the whole nation of Ontario wants to have the opposing coach, the other teams goons, and the other teams owner extradited so they can be publically executed.

Bob Hartly has a history of this? Give an example. I heard Tie Domi say it (for all the weight that holds) but between them Beyak and Kouleas had no examples of such conduct. Neither could back up the assertion that Hartly is a "bush league coach". I'm sure that this morning we will get a ton of journalists bailing you out but when two pro guys can't come up with an example on the air after the incident, it tells me more then that a bunch of Leaf marks who happen to write for newspapers will come up with an excuse to bail out their hotheaded enforcer and enforcer-coach.

And speaking of being typical, look at you being a typical Leafs apologist. Overblowing things and just generally being a fanboi painting his team with no bad words. Yeah, Domi lost it a bit? We're talking about the same guy who jumped off the bench (illegally) and started trying to pick fights after one of his teammates got an accidental puck to the face. The same guy who beat the shit out of a fan at a game in Philly. The same guy who threatened to kill a reporter for comments about his wife. This is a certifiable idiot with a liscense to punch, but because he wears the blue and white, it's "his job" and it's "fine by you". If you ever want to be anything more then a sterotypical, one dimensional GTA homer, let me know. Until then your opinion on hockey is really pretty much irrelevant.

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Guest Grapehead

I love you SDM, and I honestly don't know why anyone tries to argue with you in this topic. I must agree, Leafs fans are a bit tedious to deal with, but being a lifelong Sens fan, I've pretty much developed a filter for fanboi Leafs dribble.

Sens/Bruins tonight, I think it will be good, even if it's not I'm sure the Sens will lay another beating on a hopeless division rival.

Edited by Grapehead
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Sutton rode Tucker from the blue line; it was intent to injure

A perfect example of overblowing. Tucker was driving the net of his own power. Sutton grabbed him on the goalline. Watch the replay again.

I won't argue that it's not an ATI. It is. He deserves a suspension. But it's not like this is the kind of thing that has gone unsuspended before. And the fact that you can say "I didn't see it, I don't care" is pretty atypical of Leaf fans.

Any Make-be-leafs player goes down, instantly the whole nation of Ontario wants to have the opposing coach, the other teams goons, and the other teams owner extradited so they can be publically executed.

Bob Hartly has a history of this? Give an example. I heard Tie Domi say it (for all the weight that holds) but between them Beyak and Kouleas had no examples of such conduct. Neither could back up the assertion that Hartly is a "bush league coach". I'm sure that this morning we will get a ton of journalists bailing you out but when two pro guys can't come up with an example on the air after the incident, it tells me more then that a bunch of Leaf marks who happen to write for newspapers will come up with an excuse to bail out their hotheaded enforcer and enforcer-coach.

And speaking of being typical, look at you being a typical Leafs apologist. Overblowing things and just generally being a fanboi painting his team with no bad words. Yeah, Domi lost it a bit? We're talking about the same guy who jumped off the bench (illegally) and started trying to pick fights after one of his teammates got an accidental puck to the face. The same guy who beat the shit out of a fan at a game in Philly. The same guy who threatened to kill a reporter for comments about his wife. This is a certifiable idiot with a liscense to punch, but because he wears the blue and white, it's "his job" and it's "fine by you". If you ever want to be anything more then a sterotypical, one dimensional GTA homer, let me know. Until then your opinion on hockey is really pretty much irrelevant.

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I can't believe your actually defending headhunting Sean. The Domi hit on Niedemeyer was a headhunting incident sure I'll admit it but it happened once. You didn't have players going after guys with head injuries or riding faces into the board or hitting players when they weren't near the puck.

Wade Belak, a former Hartley pupil in Hershey when he was Colorado Avalanche property, echoed the charge that Hartley was capable of sending his his players out on head-hunting assignments.

"You be up 5-0 and he'd do that," Belak said. "I feel sorry for their players. They're expected to do that."

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There ya go, from the mouth of a boy who's played for Hartley :P

Okay, here's the deal:

The Leafs are not saints. Tucker is a pest who has done cheap shots in the past [Michael Peca!], Domi is an enforcer who's taken MANY cheap shots in the past [uLF].

Leafs fans are like the fans of ANY OTHER TEAM who would have reacted THE EXACT SAME FUCKING WAY IN THIS CIRCUMSTANCE.

You put the Flyers out there and have Atlanta do what they did to Philly, and you can damn sure bet Sean would be calling for the head of Andy Sutton. You put the Sens out there, you bet Grapehead would be hoping for the death penalty.

It's a natural fucking reaction.

And while I don't like Darcy Tucker, Andy Sutton deserves to be suspended for that hit. Grabbing Tucker's head and forcefully shoving into the board while disguising it as riding him out is fucking pathetic, ESPECIALLY from someone like Sutton, who has a known history of cheap shots. Jason Allison would know about this, since it's a Sutton cheap shot which begat his injury woes in LA to begin with.

Domi was on the ice already when Boulton threw the elbow. Boulton and Exelby had been throwing big hits [some would say questionable, I would say hard and heavy] all night, and had been looking to start something with both Belak and Domi [both pairs were seen having words at various points during the game]. Boulton's elbow was most likely trying to gaud Domi into a fight, rather than trying to kill Lindros.

Domi's crosscheck to the face was uncalled for, as a simple shove and drop of the gloves would've worked. However, the actions of Garnet Exelby out of this are what truly disgusts me. Grabbing Domi from behind and holding him for Boulton to take cheap shots is just fucking pathetic.

Basically, while I believe the Leafs were on the receiving end of some cheap shots, no one was seriously hurt, save for Tucker's stitches, and it was really just a lot of fun to watch. It's not as if hockey is a game void of any cheap shots outside of Bob Hartley to begin with, and it's especially not like the Leafs have never done this before.

But for anyone to say, "Oh there goes those Leafs fans whining again" take into consideration if this was your team. You know that you'd be all over the Thrashers and Hartley for this. So kindly shut the fuck up.

Oh, and SDM, Toronto is hardly a team of old men this year. Granted, our goalie is fucking ancient, and Domi is getting up there, but otherwise, everyone is 34 or under, with Steen, Stajan, Wellwood under 22, and Tucker, Kaberle, Berg, Belak, Kilger, Wilm, Tellqvist, Pilar, Ponikarovsky, Antropov, O'Neill all under 30, and Allison at 30.

Sundin [34], Domi [36], Czerkawski [35], Belfour [40], Lindros [32], Klee [34] are our only guys 31 or more.

..whereas your boys in Philly have Hatcher, Rathje, Therien, Desjardins, Savage, Forsberg, Knuble, Brashear, and Stevenson at 31 or more.

So uh shut up twice :P

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For all the verbal barbs exchanged, for all the mayhem on the ice, when all is said and done, the only player who will be suspended as a result of Friday night's game between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Atlanta Thrashers is Atlanta defenceman Andy Sutton.

TSN has learned the NHL had a disciplinary hearing with Sutton on the telephone this morning and will announce a suspension, probably this afternoon, of four games or less.

As a rule, disciplinary hearings held via telephone result in suspensions of four games or less. Those hearings held in person usually result in a suspension of five or more games. There are occasionally exceptions to those standards.

Sutton's suspension is for banging Leaf forward Darcy Tucker's head off the glass and cutting Tucker for 20 stitches.

Sources say the NHL hockey operations department has reviewed Atlanta forward Eric Boulton's hit on Eric Lindros, which triggered much of the mayhem, and determined that it was a 'hockey hit' and does not warrant any suspension or penalty.

Some of the Maple Leaf players said today in Montreal that Boulton told them he was sent out to get Lindros, but sources say the NHL is satisfied there’s no hard evidence to back up that claim, so there will be no discipline to the Thrashers beyond Sutton.

That is not likely to sit well with the Maple Leafs, especially head coach Pat Quinn and players such as Tie Domi, who accused Thrasher coach Bob Hartley of being a goon coach.

Hartley countered by calling the Leafs 'whiners.'

At the end of the day, though, the only suspension or disciplinary action coming is against Sutton.

Edited by Super Clawson
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He was trying to shove the ref out of the way, and they both lost their balance. That's more than "incidental contact" and was the true reason he should've been suspended. While the elbow on Lindros was dirty, it wasn't too horrible and not worthy of a suspension.

Boulton deserves at least a one gamer for coming in contact with a ref, be it accidental or not.

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I agree with GYS. He makes some compelling arguements. And I could never disagree with Wade Belak.

I still think Leafs fans and media fanbois are overblowing this, but whatever.

And I also think Bolton should be suspended for pulling down the ref. Even if it was unintentional, contact with an offical of that nature needs to be dealt with in a decisive, discouraging manner.

And I watched the hit on the replays again this morning. Tucker actually played the puck just about on the goal line, so the claim Sutton rode him in from the blueline is just completely proposterous.

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Leafs beat the Canadiens! YAY! :D

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Anyone see that Havlat kick to the gonads?

Oh man. You want to talk about cheap shots...

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Good game the Leafs vs Habs was. Sucks that Montreal lost again at home. But was a fun game to watch to the end. I loved how much Montreal hates Eric Lindros. I will give credit where credit is due, Lindros was playing top notch last night. And Belfour was outstanding.

I'm liking the play the teams in your own division 8 times. It really makes the rival team games feel special.

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I really hate that the Leafs won't get to play teams in the West for up to three years, but the rivalry games are a lot of fun and will create big atmosphere later int he season, when every win against guys in you own division could count big time towards play-off standings and home-ice advantage.

And glad you see things my way, SDM. :P

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