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Prison Break

Guest Ringmaster

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Guest Ringmaster The Living Legend

Beaty was right, its not as intense, last night was like, okay, he's getting executed and they're all sad. I don't care. He'll probably make it out alive next week.

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Charlie Brooker sums up my thoughts better than I ever could.

Charlie Brooker sums up why I hate critics and never read anything they write anymore.

Because you happen to disagree with them? :huh:

Of course, yes. Tattooing blueprints of the prison you designed on your body, robbing a bank with the intention of getting caught, somehow getting sent to the very same prison you designed, and using your tattoos to help escape the prison with your wrongly-convicted brother is all highly realistic. :shifty:

But that's not enough... hell no. Of course, this being America, the vice-President has to be involved in the plot somehow. Not only that, but we need FBI guys in suits and shades to go around murdering innocent people in the name of justice, just to make sure that the truth is never found out. :unsure:

Wait, that last bit is actually believable.

No I hate them because they are all sarcastic assholes kind of like you were in this post. The show is totally unrealistic I agree, but who cares if it's fun to watch?

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Charlie Brooker sums up my thoughts better than I ever could.

Charlie Brooker sums up why I hate critics and never read anything they write anymore.

Because you happen to disagree with them? :huh:

Of course, yes. Tattooing blueprints of the prison you designed on your body, robbing a bank with the intention of getting caught, somehow getting sent to the very same prison you designed, and using your tattoos to help escape the prison with your wrongly-convicted brother is all highly realistic. :shifty:

But that's not enough... hell no. Of course, this being America, the vice-President has to be involved in the plot somehow. Not only that, but we need FBI guys in suits and shades to go around murdering innocent people in the name of justice, just to make sure that the truth is never found out. :unsure:

Wait, that last bit is actually believable.

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Guest Ringmaster The Living Legend

But, based on that article, he's unoriginal and doesn't even get his facts right >_>

Edited by Ringmaster The Living Legend
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Admittedly, that article isn't one of his better ones. He's not really about traditional criticism, per sé, more about parody and surrealism than anything. Check out his G2 article on Friday's or the Guardian website, or his work on TVGoHome.com.

Plugging over, back to regularly scheduled discussion >_>

Edited by Skumfrog
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've seen a ep or two and it isn't bad.

And that article from the Guardian is poor, imo.

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