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WCW 1991: The Rebirth Years By thegodcomplex


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I kind of forgot all about the Thrillers when I began to re-read this diary again. But now that they are here, I still don't like the names "The Legend" and "The Future." Just never found either to be really good for them. Mostly, due to the fact that they both are on the same level, but Jericho has a name fitting of him being far more advanced than Storm when that shouldn't be the case. But that is only a minor dislike. The team is great, though. I also don't really enjoy the "Even in Canada" catchphrase.

I also never cared for the whole Dragons tag team, especially Kimono Dragon.

And then, of course, I still hate the fact that Garvin is the TV Champion. It goes from Steve Austin to Stan Lane to Steve Austin back to Stan Lane and I enjoyed all four title changes. As they were a good storyline involved. Now that Garvin is here, and takes the title from Lane, I do not like it.

Am I missing something or did you just misstype the names of 2nd Generation and just called them Generation Next by mistake? Generation Next was Scott Putski and Erik Watts. WHy would Jarrett, Malenko, and Owen go by that name now? Unless I am completely forgetting how that came about, it doesn't make much sense to change their name over to an already existing name.

Keep the good work coming. I enjoyed re-reading the COTC:TTT fully written show.

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I kind of forgot all about the Thrillers when I began to re-read this diary again. But now that they are here, I still don't like the names "The Legend" and "The Future." Just never found either to be really good for them. Mostly, due to the fact that they both are on the same level, but Jericho has a name fitting of him being far more advanced than Storm when that shouldn't be the case. But that is only a minor dislike. The team is great, though. I also don't really enjoy the "Even in Canada" catchphrase.

I also never cared for the whole Dragons tag team, especially Kimono Dragon.

And then, of course, I still hate the fact that Garvin is the TV Champion. It goes from Steve Austin to Stan Lane to Steve Austin back to Stan Lane and I enjoyed all four title changes. As they were a good storyline involved. Now that Garvin is here, and takes the title from Lane, I do not like it.

Am I missing something or did you just misstype the names of 2nd Generation and just called them Generation Next by mistake? Generation Next was Scott Putski and Erik Watts. WHy would Jarrett, Malenko, and Owen go by that name now? Unless I am completely forgetting how that came about, it doesn't make much sense to change their name over to an already existing name.

Keep the good work coming. I enjoyed re-reading the COTC:TTT fully written show.

Thank you Fitzy, as that was a mess up that I never caught really. It has been fixed. And Watts and Putski are Next Gen.

Thanks again.


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WCW Slam Packed Wrestling

Friday July 05, 1991

Announcers: Eric Bischoff and Jesse "The Body" Ventura


The Omni, Atlanta, GA

Chris Benoit(with Mr. Bob Backlund and Tom Zenk) vs. John Hawk(with Bobby Duncum Jr.)

With The Texas Mustangs already in the ring, Bischoff and Ventura welcome everyone to WCW Slam Packed Wrestling. As they run down the events of Clash Of The Champions: Tag Team Turmoil. Mr. Backlund and Tom Zenk lead the newest student, The Pegasus Kid Chris Benoit, to the ring. He slides in as Duncum Jr. leaves, and wastes no time attacking Hawk. Three minutes into the match Benoit locks in The Crossface Chicken Wing. Hawk submits very quickly thereafter. Benoit refuses to release the hold, which brings Duncum in. He tries to pull Benoit off, but Zenk attacks him from behind and then locks in The Boston Crab. The ref is threatening to reverse the decision as Mr. Backlund calls his men off. They throw The Mustangs to the floor as Mr. Backlund is handed a mic.




OR: 65

Introducing The Recruits

Mr. Backlund: As everyone witnessed on Sunday evening, another of my students has made his presence felt here in WCW when he extracted myself from a potentially devastating experience. Mr. Brian Pillman flew from the top of the cage with his elbow ready to strike my person in the chest region, but it was not to be as Mr. Benoit pulled me to safety then revealed himself to the world. Within seconds he locked in The Crossface Chicken Wing, my signature move that I have passed on to Mr. Benoit, and Mr. Pillman was screaming that he quit. It was ALMOST a tragedy to see the young man submit so quickly, but in the end all do indeed submit to that most devastating of holds. He is of no exception. Now, alongside myself and Mr. Tom Zenk, Mr. Chris Benoit joins The Recruits. Our goals are simple and straightforward enough. Much as I did myself up north before being unceremoniously kicked to the curb, these two men shall gather Championship after Championship. The Recruits, of which these are but two, shall soon enough have dominion over WCW. As for the whereabouts of Mr. Pillman, as per the norm after he has wrestled a member of The Recruits, he is at home injured. I have heard that his shoulder was separated and his arm broken. I do wish him the speediest of recovery time. When you do return Mr. Pillman, know this well, we shall never stop until you have joined The Recruits. It is my own personal crusade to see you brought to the side of greatness. I shall fix the many things that are wrong with your in ring performance, and turn you into a world class grappler in the end. Now, goodnight.

With that Mr. Backlund drops the mic as the fans are booing with all their might. The three men shake hands and walk out of the ring.

OR: 90

(Chris Benoit gained in over rising from 68 to 74)


James E. Cornette Is Ecstatic

James E. Cornette is in the ring as some of the crowd expresses their dislike.

Cornette: This past Sunday Night was a great night for WCW, Camp Cornette, and you the fans. We saw The Midnight Express get knocked right out of Tag Team Turmoil...

The fans boo just a bit louder.

Cornette: ...The Foundation advanced in it...

Yet again the fans make just a little bit more noise expressing their displeasure.

Cornette: ...And BEST of all, Sweet Stan Lane FINALLY lost the WCW TV Title. Oh, and he lost it to a man who is MORE than worthy of holding it.

The fans boo louder still at this.

Cornette: So, without further ado, I'd like to present to you the man that did me, and ALL of WCW, a HUGE favor. Ladies and gentlemen, your NEW WCW TV Champion, The Man With The Hands Of Stone Ron Garvin.

The music of The Foundation plays, and Michael Rotunda and Thomas Rich come walking out. They step to the side and Ron Garvin walks out carrying the briefcase. All three men, sharply dressed in expensive three piece suits, walk to the ring. Once there Cornette holds the ropes for Garvin as he enters the ring, followed by Rotunda and Rich. Rotunda removes a mic from inside his jacket.

Rotunda: I don't have a whole lot to say. Just one thing really. Congratulations Ron.

He reaches deep within his jacket again and withdraws a rather large, white, and bulky looking envelope. The two men shake hands and Garvin takes it. He lays his briefcase atop the turnbuckle and lays the envelope inside, which also houses cash and the TV Title.

Rotunda: As current leader of The Foundation, allow me to welcome you to the group. It's men like you that make this world go round.

The fans are mostly quiet, but a select few are booing.

Cornette: As you know, it was my plan to give you the rest of this week off, but you spoke in length and with great passion about wanting to be a fighting champion, UNLIKE Sweet Stan, so in tonight's Main Event I have found you the toughest competitor and perfect opponent for you to defend your newly won TV Title against. Later tonight Ron, you will face...

Cornette is cut off as the fans begin to cheer. Sweet Stan slides under the bottom rope behind the men and waits. Rich turns first and it's Too Sweet (Super Kick) right to his jaw. Rotunda turns next as he sees Rich fall back, and he too eats Too Sweet. Garvin leaps over the top rope to the floor, as Cornette scrambles under the bottom rope. Sweet Stan comes off the ropes and delivers a Running Leg Drop to Rich, as Garvin reaches through and pulls Rotunda to the floor. Sweet Stan grabs one of the dropped mics as the fans begin to chant "Too Sweet".

Sweet Stan: Unless you booked me and Garvin in a Cage Match for later tonight Jimmy, you haven't found the toughest or perfect opponent. I want my rematch, my contractually guaranteed rematch, and I want it TONIGHT.

The "Too Sweet" chants have died off, but the crowd cheers this challenge. Cornette is handed a new mic as he walks off towards the back where Garvin has taken Rotunda. Rich is still on the mat in the ring.

Cornette: Well Stan, I have some bad news for you then. While you ARE INDEED guaranteed an eventual rematch, nowhere in your contract, which I PERSONALLY drew up myself, does it say when you get it. So, you just sit tight. I promise you you'll get it, but not tonight. Maybe, oh, I don't know, maybe we can work you in in about five or six months.

The fans boo as Rich slowly gets to his feet. Stan hits him again with Too Sweet sending him to the floor.

Sweet Stan: There, you forgot your trash. Play me all you want Jimmy, you did it during my ENTIRE title reign, but remember that until I get a rematch I'm coming after everyone of you that messed me out of my TV Title and cost Beautiful Bobby and myself our shot at Tag Team Turmoil.

Cornette is helping Rich up on the floor as the fans cheer. Sweet Stan's music hits as he stands in the ring watching the two remaining men walk off.

OR: 73

(Ron Garvin lost in over dropping from 72 to 71)


Tag Team Turmoil Round Two Match: Camp Cornette(with James E. Cornette) vs. The Steiners

Cornette accompanies Austin and Regal to the ring, then he joins Bischoff and Ventura at the announce position. As The Steiners come out to a massive crowd reaction, Cornette explains the rules for Tag Team Turmoil Round Two. All six teams will wrestle in three random matches. The team with the most wins advances to The Great American Bash to face the WCW World Tag Team Champions, to be crowned tomorrow night. In the event that more than one team has the most wins, a Best Of Three Match will be used to determine the winners of Tag Team Turmoil. Inside the ring the two teams square off as the match begins. Scott and Austin start, and it's all Steiner to start. Austin tags out to Regal, and it's much the same, even when Rick tags in. Camp Cornette is being dominated when Scott hits a Hurricanrana on Regal. He goes for the pin, but Austin breaks it up. This brings Rick in, and the two topple to the floor where they brawl. Cornette excuses himself from the announce position, and slides his tennis racket in to Regal. Regal, barely coherent, grabs it, but Scott snatches it away. Cornette calls for the ref, who sees this and takes it from Scott, all the while admonishing him. Cornette takes this time to slide in a pair of Brass Knuckles to Regal, who puts them on. Scott walks back to Regal, who punches him square in the forehead. Scott drops and Regal makes the cover getting the 1-2-3 win. He slides to the floor, while Rick slides back inside the ring. The fans are booing heavily, as a graphic fills the screen:

Tag Team Turmoil Results:

Camp Cornette: 1 Win 0 Losses

The Foundation: 0 Wins 0 Losses

Liger and Muta: 0 Wins 0 Losses

The Diamond Mine: 0 Wins 0 Losses

The Steiners: 0 Wins 1 Loss

The Thrillers: 0 Wins 0 Losses

Back to the ring, and Rick is helping Scott up as Bischoff and Ventura are hyping up tomorrow's World Tag Team vs. US Tag Team Championship Match.




OR: 76

Introducing The Newest Member Of 2nd Generation

Mike Tenay is standing next to Jeff Jarrett, Dean Malenko, and Owen Hart. The fans begin to cheer.

Tenay: This past Sunday Night The Horsemen cost you, Jeff and Dean, your chance to advance in Tag Team Turmoil against The Diamond Mine. After the match a four on two attack occurred until this man, Owen Hart of the LEGENDARY Hart family of wrestling, intervened. I assume he is the third member of 2nd Generation?

Jarrett: You assume right Mike. It's all about timing, and this past Sunday Night was the right time for our third member to make his grand introduction to WCW. What better time and way than to step right into the fire against The Horsemen. Owen?

Owen: Wow, what an entrance into the GREATEST wrestling company alive today. One on four against The Enforcer, Tully Blanchard, Big Kevin Nash, and The Studd Scott Hall. I can tell you Mike, I've never ever been as excited as I was Sunday night as I stood in that ring helping my friends.

Tenay: A few weeks back Dean and Jeff spoke about the longtime friendship that the two of them had, going all the way back to childhood. Is yours a similar story?

Owen: Not at all, actually. Until the day that these two men stepped foot into The Dungeon to complete their training and to get ready for their professional wrestling debut I had never met them. But after a few weeks the three of us became close friends. When Jeff made the call to the two of us and one other guy we all know about coming to WCW and helping him out against The Unholy Alliance there was no doubt in my mind what the answer was going to be. As Jeff said though, it was ALL about the timing.

Tenay: That certainly leads to my next question then, and that's about the fourth member of 2nd Generation. A few weeks back I asked Jeff and Dean about the possibility of Eric Watts and Scott Putski, a Tag Team that has wrestled in WCW a few months ago under the name Next Gen. Are either of those two men the fourth member?

Jarrett: I didn't tell you who it was then Mike, and I don't plan on telling you now. However a good question to ask yourself is this, have either of those two men been active in WCW in a few months? Also, do those two SEEM TO FIT with the motif we have going on with this threesome?

Malenko: I don't think the odds look real good Jeff.

Owen: In the end, The Unholy Alliance WILL find out who the fourth man in 2nd Generation is, but it's going to be all about the timing, just like we've done so far.

The fans cheer as the three men walk off.

OR: 87

(Dean Malenko gained in over rising from 62 to 64)


B]Main Event TV Title Match: Ron Garvin©(with Michael Rotunda) vs. Bobby Duncum Jr.

Duncum is in the ring, still looking the worse for wear following his brutal attack at the hands of Benoit and Zenk at the top of the show, as Rotunda leads the TV Champion to the ring amid no reaction from the fans at all. Bischoff says this is a joke, as Duncum is nowhere ready to be getting TV Title shots. The match begins, as Rotunda holds the briefcase and the Title, and it's all Garvin in this squash. He toys with Duncum for a few minutes, then he nails The Garvin Left followed by The Garvin Stomp to get the academic 1-2-3. Rotunda gets in the ring to congratulate Garvin, as Sweet Stan hits the ring again. The fans cheer some as Rotunda is again nailed with Too Sweet. Garvin again leaps to the floor, but Sweet Stan grabs the briefcase and the Title. He holds them both high, then tosses them to Garvin on the floor. He mouths that the TV Title will be his soon, as the show ends.




OR: 53

(The WCW TV Title lost in over dropping from 77 to 75)


OR: 71



Best Segment: Mr. Bob Backlund and The Recruits

Worst Segment: Main Event TV Title Match

(All in all a decent enough show under the new format for Slam Packed Wrestling, that being MOSTLY featuring the newer guys who have joined, or rejoined, WCW since our tenure began. The only sore spot was some complaints afterwards about how stiff The Steiners wrestled, although that's nothing we haven't heard a few times before. Other than that, The Terrible Trio begin their second six months under contract to WCW as Head Bookers, and the future looks bright indeed.)

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WCW Saturday Night On TNT

Saturday July 07, 1991

Announcers: Jim Ross and Mike Tenay


The Omni, Atlanta, GA

The Recruits(with Mr. Bob Backlund) vs. The Texas Mustangs

The Mustangs are already in the ring to no real crowd reaction as Mr. Backlund's music hits and he leads Benoit and Zenk to the ring. Jim Ross welcomes Tenay to the announce position as the new regular color commentator for Saturday Night On TNT. No mention is made of Tony Schiavone. Tenay thanks him and says that this match is a result of the beating The Mustangs took last night at the hands of The Recruits. Zenk and Hawk start off, and at the outset it looks like Hawk may have a fire lit under him. He simply over powers Zenk at every turn. Benoit quickly tags in, and Hawk is able to counter several of his moves. This ultimately ends, as Benoit gets the upper hand. He and Zenk tag in and out quickly from here on out, slowly and methodically taking Hawk apart. Zenk soon goes for a Missile Drop Kick off the top, but Hawk is able to sidestep it and makes the hot tag to Duncum, who gets his first taste of action thus far. He beats down on Zenk, who is able to make a tag of his own to Benoit. Duncum meets Benoit with a VICIOUS Clothesline, but Zenk hits him from behind with a Standing Drop Kick that has him down on the mat. Benoit crawls over and applies an Ankle Lock. Hawk is pulled to the floor by Zenk, where the two brawl, and eventually Duncum has no choice but to submit. Benoit releases the hold, as the fans boo somewhat. Benoit and Mr. Backlund meet Zenk on the floor, where a downed Hawk is now laying, and the three shake hands and make their way up the aisle to some more moderate boos. Very moderate.




OR: 68

(Not a great opener from a crowd participation level, but the wrestling was there. As far as first time opponents for The Recruits, The Texas Mustangs have played this role quite well for the last six months. Tenay is now the new Color Commentator on Saturday night, replacing Tony Schiavone who had personal issues with Jim Ross that had begun to affect the on screen roles they play. Such issues with one third of The Terrible Trio resulted in his release from WCW.)


Tag Team Turmoil Round Two Match: The Foundation vs. The Steiners

The Steiners come out first to a good reaction from the crowd. James E. Cornette is now at the announce position with Ross and Tenay, and he reminds everyone that The Steiners lost last night to Camp Cornette. Ross reminds everyone that it was due to Cornette's involvement that it happened. The Foundation comes out next to little reaction, and once all four men are situated the ref calls for the bell. Scott and Rich start out, and this is the antithesis of the previous match. The Steiners look strong throughout, dominating both Rich and Rotunda at every turn. In the end Scott pins Rotunda following a Frankensteiner. Cornette is shocked at the level of brutality, but does say it's good to see The Steiners step it up a bit, especially if they want to win and meet the WCW World Tag Team Champions at The Great American Bash in a few weeks.




OR: 71

(Thomas Rich gained in over rising from 64 to 68)


The Horsemen Are Ready For The Unification

Eric Bischoff is in the interview area standing next to The Enforcer Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard of The Horsemen. The WCW World Tag Team Titles are around their waists.

Bischoff: In January of this year the two of you defeated then WCW World Tag Team Champions Doom. Since then you have defended these belts successfully against the likes of The Fabulous Freebirds, The Steiners, Sting and Lex Luger, and Jeff Jarrett and Al Snow. Tonight, you will once again step in to the ring with The Fabulous Freebirds in a match to determine the one and only WCW World Tag Team Champions. Two sets of champions and belts enter, and one set of each walk out.

Tully laughs as The Enforcer steps up to field the question amidst some boos.

Anderson: What we have here tonight is a match that's designed for us. We have beaten The Freebirds on several different encounters, and tonight, with the gold on the line, will be no different. The Horsemen and The Unholy Alliance make history tonight.

Bischoff: What about the fact that Missy and Tammy as well as all members of The Unholy Alliance have been barred from ringside?

Anderson: Good. That way Hayes and Garvin don't have any excuses as to why they got their butts handed to them. Now, this interview is over.

The Horsemen walk off as the fans boo.

Bischoff: Well, alright then. Tonight, in the Main Event, it IS Champions vs. Champions as The Horsemen take on The Fabulous Freebirds.

OR: 78


Immediately following the comments by Bischoff a video begins to play featuring Annihilation. The three minute video is old cuts of Sting and new cuts of The Scorpion, as well as Vader joining the group. It ends with Luger downed at COTC:TTT as Harley Race kneels over him with a shot of The Scorpion, Vader, and Cactus Jack looking on.

OR: 89

(The Scorpion gained in over rising from 77 to 78)


Tag Team Turmoil Round Two Match: The Diamond Mine(with Diamond Dallas Page) vs. The Thrillers

The Thrillers come out first, as cocky as ever, as the fans somewhat cheer. The Mine is next, led as always by Page, and as usual their are some cheers and some boos. Mainly boos. The ref calls for the bell as Cornette is again with the announce crew adding his thoughts to the match. Hall and Jericho start off, and the two actually seem to mesh well in the ring together. The opening few moments are a nice back and forth between these two men. Once Nash tags in however the tide turns. He overpowers both members of The Thrillers, using his size and height advantage to overcome the speed and skill advantage The Thrillers possess. Hall is back in, and Storm is able to gain a momentary advantage here. That doesn't last long, as Hall fights out of an attempted Boston Crab. Storm sets up to hit The Future Kick, but Hall leaps forward with a vicious Clothesline that nearly decapitates Storm. Hall then hits The Diamond Drop on Storm, garnering the clean 1-2-3 win. Jericho hits the ring, and Nash comes running with The Big Kev Boot, sending Jericho to the floor. Storm is picked up by Nash next, and a Big Kev Bomb over the top rope to the floor on Jericho ends the after match beat down. Page enters with his men and mocks the Tag Team Titles around their waists as the fans are making some more booing noise.




OR: 77


The Total Package Has The Ultimate Manager

Luger and Harley Race hit the ring right after the commercials as Jim Ross and Mike Tenay wonder what's up. Race TAKES a mic from Bischoff, the ring announcer, and paces the ring as Luger simply looks on.

Race: I brought the man they call Vader to WCW. I went in search of a monster, MY monster, and I found him. A high flying man with the body of a giant. A monster that would not stop until he had decimated EVERYONE in his path. Vader belonged to ME. However, at Tag Team Turmoil The Scorpion SOMEHOW got inside the mind of my monster and took it over. Scorpion, I saw that little video you sent WCW. I saw it and I BEGGED James E. Cornette to air it. Why? Because I wanted the world to see what you did. You stole MY monster. You in fact did just that. What you don't realize is that you also BRED A NEW MONSTER in WCW. Take a look at The Total Package, Scorpion.

The fans cheer as Luger steps forward and flexes. The look on his face is disdain mixed with arrogance.

Race: The Total Package just got the ultimate manager, and it marks a bad day in hell for Annihilation. Vader, you always pushed me to find you some real competition here in WCW, well here you go. The Total Package is just that, and at The Great American Bash he wants YOU. What do you have to say Vader, want to meet MY NEW MONSTER in the ring?

Race hands the mic off to Luger as the fans cheer a bit more.

Luger: Stinger, the day you and I meet again isn't far off, but for now I want Vader, cuz it's time, it's time, it's Lex's time.

He drops the mic and poses some more as Race slaps his chest and smiles.

OR: 79

end of first hour commercials

The Body Shop With Jesse "The Body" Ventura Featuring The Dragons

The Body is on the set of The Body Shop as the fans boo.

Ventura: Quiet down quiet down, I've got a special treat for you all this time out. A few weeks ago I ATTEMPTED to hold a Body Shop with The Dragons. It was a complete waste of time, because as it turned out neither of them spoke an ounce of English. What little we did get was that Kimono Dragon seemed to have a particular dislike for The Four Horsemen, The Nature Boy Ric Flair specifically. Well, tonight The Dragons are back, and it looks like Kimono Dragon learned how to speak some English real fast. So ladies and gentlemen, The Dragons.

Kimono Dragon and Ultimo Dragon walk onto the stage in their masks and full length wrestling gear to a small reaction from the crowd.

Ventura: First of all, last Sunday Night you two put on a GREAT wrestling match with The Thrillers to open up COTC:TTT. What are your thoughts on that match looking back?

The Dragons look at each other, then nod in the affirmative.

Ventura: What?

Again, they look at each other and nod, as the fans chuckle a little bit.

Ventura: You're not going to do this to me again?

Kimono nods in the negative this time, then prompts Jesse to continue on.

Ventura: Okay, let's move to the topic that the two of you wanted to discuss. Why do you hate The Four Horsemen so?

Kimono gives the sign of The Horsemen to some boos from the crowd, then lets his elbow drop and Ultimo gives a thumbs down sign. The fans cheer and laugh.

Ventura: I get it, but WHY?

Kimono does the Flair strut, then "WHOOO's" to the crowd before slapping his knee and laughing.

Ventura: Okay, this is over. Just get the h...

Kimono interrupts Jesse by yanking the mic from his hand.

Kimono: You wanna know why, Jesse? I'll tell you why. Whether it be Antonio Inoki, Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, Terry Funk, or Sting, The Nature Boy disrespects the legends of this sport that have held that title with grace, pride, and dignity. He ALSO disrespects that belt as he cheats and cheats and cheats to hold onto it. The Nature Boy is a joke, and I think it's high time he and The Four Horsemen got showed that. So, right here next week we're challenging The Nature Boy and ANY of his "friends" to a Tag Team Match. All we ask is that The Nature Boy TRIES and wrestle us two on two, not four or six on two. All we ask is for The Nature Boy to come out next week and show the world why he DESERVES to hold that belt.

The Dragons walk off to a nice crowd reaction as Ventura is left standing speechless.

OR: 80


Tag Team Turmoil Round Two Match: Camp Cornette vs. Liger and Muta

As Camp Cornette make their way to the ring James E. Cornette again joins Tenay and Ross at the announce position. He says that JUST like last night Camp Cornette is walking out tonight with another big win. Ross again reminds Cornette that the big win over The Steiners came because of him. The booing from the crowd stops as Liger and Muta rush from the back and slide under the ropes. Camp Cornette waste no time laying the boots to the twosome as the fans again boo. The ref gains some order, and Regal and Muta start out the match proper. The two teams go at it in a nice back and forth match, all the while Cornette is saying that his team is just toying with them, until it's Austin and Liger in the ring. Liger goes up top for a Moonsault, but Austin rolls out of the way causing Liger to smash down hard on the mat. Liger stumbles to his feet as Austin waits, then it's a Stun Gun and a quick cover, with the feet on the ropes for no reason, for the 1-2-3 win. As Cornette laughs and says he needs to go congratulate his team the graphic hits again showing the standings.

Tag Team Turmoil Results:

Camp Cornette: 2 Wins 0 Losses

The Foundation: 0 Wins 1 Loss

Liger and Muta: 0 Wins 1 Loss

The Diamond Mine: 1 Win 0 Losses

The Steiners: 1 Win 1 Loss

The Thrillers: 0 Wins 1 Loss

As Liger and Muta walk to the back, Cornette is celebrating in the ring with Regal and Austin amidst the fans booing.




OR: 84

(Liger gained in over rising from 81 to 88)


The Nature Boy Isn't Pleased At All

In the interview area, The Nature Boy Ric Flair and Ravishing Rick Rude are standing next to Eric Bischoff. Bischoff goes to speak, but Flair cuts him off.

Flair: You just shut up and hold the microphone. I'm The Nature Boy Ric Flair by god, and NOBODY talks to me the way that this masked punk Kimono Dragon did earlier on The Body Shop. Nobody mocks me and NOBODY mocks The Four Horsemen. While you two Japanese NOBODIES were eating rice and watching Antonio Inoki in Japan, The Four Horsemen were racking up the wins and gaining the respect of EVERY wrestler in the world. We took World Titles, US Titles, TV Titles, Tag Team Titles, and we did it because we're the best. The only reason Inoki even came to WCW was to try and measure up to WHOOO The Nature Boy. The only reason Steamboat came back to WCW was to try to be The Man like The Nature Boy. The only reason Rhodes left WCW was because he couldn't beat The Nature Boy. The only reason Sting went psychotic was because he got beat by The Nature Boy. The only reason Race manages today is because he wasn't as good as The Nature Boy. You want to talk about LEGENDS? Well brother, you're looking at the ONLY legend in WCW. Period. End of story. Now you two NOBODIES want to challenge myself and a member of The Unholy Alliance to a Tag Team Match? And you want to try and embarrass us into doing it your way? Fine, you just got your match with The Nature Boy and The Ravishing One. Be careful what you wish for, because you WILL get it when you run your big, fat, mouths. When it's over next Saturday, you'll be learning a whole new set of English words, and they are "Oh Dear GOD, The Nature Boy and The Ravishing One just taught us what it's like to be in the ring with a couple of wheeling dealing, kiss stealing, jet flying, limousine riding, SON OF A GUNS, and we don't like it". WHOOO!

The fans are booing and WHOOOing at the same time as Rude steps up.

Rude: Just like all of these Atlanta idiots here tonight, you two masked freaks are going to learn what everyone who's ever stepped in the ring with either of us knows. That is, when you're in the ring with the best it doesn't necessarily make you look good, it just makes you look stupid.

Flair: WHOOO!

With that the two leave Bischoff alone and walk off.

Bischoff: Well, the challenge has been accepted, and next week right here on WCW Saturday Night On TNT it will be The Nature Boy Ric Flair and Ravishing Ric Rude vs. The Dragons in our HUGE Main Event.

OR: 93


Sweet Stan Lane vs. Tracey Smothers

Tracey Smothers walks to the ring alone, as Tenay explains that Smothers has been touring Japan and Mexico of late prior to his WCW return here. The fans show no recognition whatsoever and make no noise. Ross mentions that he and Steve Armstrong were a Tag Team here in WCW prior to Smothers heading out of the country and Armstrong teaming with his brother earlier this year. Sweet Stan comes out next, and the fans cheer and a SMALL Too Sweet chant begins, but quickly dies out. Ross again mentions the animosity and history that exists between The Midnight Express and James E. Cornette. He says that as long as Sweet Stan is wrestling in singles matches Cornette has barred Beautiful Bobby from the building to insure that he doesn't interfere. Both he and Tenay are amazed at that. Sweet Stan and Smothers shake hands to a little applause from the fans, then the two lock up. The match is slow and rather plodding, but it's also ALL Sweet Stan, who just totally dominates Smothers here in the four minutes the match goes before Stan nails Too Sweet on the groggy Smothers. Smothers falls back and bumps into the ref who goes down, and as Stan goes for a pin Ron Garvin hits the ring, briefcase in hand, and wollops Stan on the back of the head with it. Stan rolls over in pain, and Garvin hits The Garvin Stomp, then rolls Smothers on top of Lane. He leaves the ring as the ref sees the cover and counts the 1-2-3 giving a HUGE win to Smothers in his return match. Garvin then hits the ring again and proceeds to pound on Sweet Stan. Smothers gets to his feet and pulls Garvin up and the two are nose to nose as the fans are now mildly cheering Smothers. However he now lays the boots to Lane as well. The two men lay waste to Lane as the fans boo, then walk to the back smiling.




OR: 73

(Ron Garvin gained in over rising from 71 to 73)


WCW Tag Team Titles Unification Main Event Match: The Horsemen(World Tag Team Champions) vs. The Fabulous Freebirds(US Tag Team Champions)

The Freebirds walk out to a decent enough heel reaction from the crowd, as Ross and Tenay again remind everyone that Missy and Tammy as well as ALL Unholy Alliance members are BARRED from ringside. The Horsemen come out next, and they get booed quite a bit louder. Tenay wonders which team the fans will root for here tonight, as the bell rings and Jimmy Garvin and Blanchard lock up. Blanchard gives Jimmy Garvin a wrestling lesson here, out thinking and out maneuvering him as he tags in The Enforcer. Garvin quickly evades Anderson and rushes to tag in Hayes, who looks less than pleased, but enters the ring. The Enforcer and Hayes lock up, and Hayes hits a low blow when the ref isn't paying attention to gain the upper hand. He and Garvin then tag in and out, working on Anderson's left arm and shoulder. The fans actually rally behind Anderson, beginning to cheer for him as he goes for the tag but is stopped. In an obvious desperation move Anderson hits a closed left hand on Hayes, and lunges for the tag to Blanchard, who rushes in and cleans house on The Freebirds. He hits a Brainbuster on Hayes, then goes for the cover that is broken up at two by Garvin. Anderson is back in, and his fist is wrapped in the chain, unbeknownst to the ref. He lays out both Garvin and Hayes, then is forced to the apron by the ref. Tully makes a tag in to Anderson, who DDT's Hayes, but again Garvin SOMEHOW makes the last second save. The fans boo both teams here, as Hayes is pulled to the corner by Jimmy Garvin, who tags himself in. He rushes Anderson, but he is hit with a Spinebuster. Tully comes in illegally and the two hit their usual Double Brainbuster on Garvin. Tully leaves as Anderson goes for the cover, but before the ref can count the pinfall attempt, 2nd Generation members Owen Hart and Dean Malenko are on the apron trying to get inside. The ref stops them, while Jarrett comes from nowhere and pulls Tully to the floor, laying him out. He slides in as Anderson is getting up and nails a Reverse DDT on Anderson. He slides from the ring, does the same on the floor to Blanchard, then Owen and Malenko get off the apron and meet Jarrett in the aisle as the fans cheer. Garvin rolls over and lays his right arm over Anderson, getting the 1-2-3 to become the NEW WCW World Tag Team Champions. 2nd Generation smile, happy, as Hayes and Garvin are handed their Tag Team Titles, a new set of belts that are bigger and grander looking than either of the other two sets. They hold them high as their music plays, with The Horsemen still down. Ross and Tenay are yelling that 2nd Generation have gotten revenge on The Horsemen for costing them their spot in Tag Team Turmoil as the show ends.




OR: 79

(The WCW World Tag Team Titles gained in over rising from 74 to 76)


OR: 79



Best Segment: Flair and Rude accept The Dragons challenge

Worst Segment: The Recruits vs. The Texas Mustangs

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WCW Slam Packed Wrestling

Friday July 12, 1991

Announcers: Eric Bischoff and Jesse "The Body" Ventura


The Omni - Atlanta, GA

The Dragons vs. The Harris Brothers

As The Harris Brothers wait in the ring, The Dragons come down to ringside amid a small reaction. Once the match starts the fans completely go silent and Bischoff points out that Kimono Dragon looks slightly different and wrestles a different style. The match is quick and painless, and pretty much all Kimono beating up on Ron and Don. Instead of The Flying Crossbody he had been using to end his matches, Kimono downs Ron with a Drop Toe Hold, then leaps to the top rope and flies with The Dragon Wing (Frog Splash) which easily gains his team the 1-2-3. Don looks ready to attack, but he hops off the apron as Flair and Rude hit the ring. Flair nails Kimono in the back with a chair while Rude blasts Ultimo with a huge Forearm Shot, then The Rude Awakening.




OR: 57

(Kimono Dragon gained in over rising from 30 to 36)

The Dragons Plus One

Immediately following The Rude Awakening to Ultimo, Flair locks in The Figure Four on Kimono. Rude is laughing as Kimono, already out of it after the chair shot, is writhing in pain. The fans, who were mildly booing this assault, come to life as A SECOND KIMONO DRAGON races from the back and slides under the bottom rope. Flair and Rude are shocked, and Rude runs forward to attack, but Kimono stops him with a VICIOUS Chop to the chest that puts him on the mat. He rolls to the floor, as does Flair, as the second Kimono waves for Flair to come back. Flair and Rude look shocked as they back up the aisle to the back. The second Kimono never takes his eyes off the two Unholy Alliance members as they back away.

OR: 88

(The addition of a second Kimono Dragon to the storyline propels things in a new direction. The man under the mask, a young man who Jim Ross and myself witnessed in action wrestling a few shows for USWA, goes by the name Robbie V, and has been signed to an exclusive one year commitment to WCW. Many names currently training in our Developmental area were under consideration, but in the end the athleticism and high flying ability of this young star in the making were a great mix with the style Ultimo Dragon has been using since debuting for WCW several months back.)


Tag Team Turmoil Round Two Match: Liger and Muta vs. The Diamond Mine(with Diamond Dallas Page)

Liger and Muta come to the ring first to their usual rather large ovation. The Diamond Mine come out next, and different than usual they receive almost nothing but boos. The ref calls for the bell and the match quickly gets under way with Hall and Liger. James E. Cornette is again at the announce position and he reminds Bischoff and Ventura that The Diamond Mine have a win and Liger and Muta have a loss, and that this match is integral to BOTH teams if they hope to have ANY chance of advancement. The match is just as good as most previous encounters between these two teams have been over the last six months, as they have grown to know each other quite well. In the end Nash hits Liger with a Big Kev Boot that sends him into his corner where Muta tags in. Nash goes for a Big Kev Boot on Muta, but Muta ducks and hits The Green Mist into the face of Nash as the ref is trying to help Liger from the ring. Nash, blinded, rushes back where Hall tags in. Muta meets Hall with a Spinning Heel Kick followed by a Moonsault off the top rope. He goes for the pin and gets the 1-2-3 win. Muta rolls from the ring and helps Liger to the back as the fans cheer. In the ring Page helps Hall up, who looks furious, as Nash is still on the mat trying to clean his eyes out. The updated graphic hits next.

Tag Team Turmoil Results:

Camp Cornette: 2 Wins 0 Losses

The Foundation: 0 Wins 1 Loss

Liger and Muta: 1 Win 1 Loss

The Diamond Mine: 1 Win 1 Loss

The Steiners: 1 Win 1 Loss

The Thrillers: 0 Wins 1 Loss




OR: 78


Another Brick In The Foundation

The Foundation are in the ring with Mike Tenay. The fans are booing a little bit.

Tenay: I was asked to come out here by The Foundation, but to be honest I don't know what for.

Rotunda, Rich, and Ron Garvin all smile, all three men dressed in their expensive suits, as Rotunda steps forward.

Rotunda: To hold the microphone for us Tenay. Now, as EVERYONE saw last Saturday Night, The Foundation has added another brick to the ever growing wall of power that we are creating here in WCW. Along with the power of The York Foundation, which gives us the money to pursue our goals here, we also have a special relationship with James E. Cornette and his men in Camp Cornette and The Rock-N-Roll Express. However, even with all of that it's never enough. You can never have enough. The Foundation is never strong enough. So, much as we added The TV Champion With The Hands Of Stone to the Foundation last week, now, this week, we formally add Tracey Smothers.

The Foundation music hits as Tracey Smothers, wearing a similar suit, walks from the back to the ring. He shakes hands with Garvin and Rich, then is handed a large manila envelope from Rotunda. The two of them then shake hands as well, as the fans stay deathly silent.

Rotunda: You can all stay as shocked as you are, and I know why, but nothing changes the fact that The Foundation is just a little bit more powerful here today. If you don't believe me, just ask Sweet Stan Lane.

The foursome then laugh and exit the ring to a smattering of boos from the fans, while Tenay exits the ring himself.

OR: 44

(Michael Rotunda lost in over dropping from 70 to 68)

(Tracey Smothers lost in over dropping from 70 to 69)

(Not a well done segment at all, and NO fan response either. Plans may need to change to give The Foundation a proper mouthpiece, as Rotunda isn't cutting it at all.)


The Midnight Express Need To Settle Some Scores

The Midnight Express are in the ring, ready to wrestle, as the commercial break comes to an end. Sweet Stan has a mic.

Sweet Stan:Over the last few months myself and Beautiful Bobby have had issue after issue with Jimmy Cornette's Camp Cornette. Whether it be with Condrey and Rose, Regal and Austin, or now The Rock-N-Roll Express, Jimmy has done EVERYTHING he can to make our lives unbearable. Add to that his so-called "special" relationship with The Foundation, how they STOLE my TV Title, and how Smothers STOLE a win over me last week, and it's getting a bit hot. We dealt with Regal and Austin on a Scaffold Match a few months ago. We lost, thanks to The Rock-N-Roll Express. We had our sights set on them, especially after they cost us our shot at Tag Team Turmoil, but then The Foundation had to get involved. The fact of the matter is, while we KNOW we're the best Tag Team in wrestling today, we also know that even WE can't fight seven men at once. So, with that said, we want Morton and Gibson out here, and we're not leaving until they come out. Two on two, let's do what we've done for years all over this country, and we'll beat you two ONE MORE TIME.

Sweet Stan drops the mic as the fans cheer a little. That cheering turns to boos as James E. Cornette leads The Rock-N-Roll Express out from the back. However halfway to the ring he stops and produces a mic.

Cornette: Well, while I LOVE the idea of Ricky and Robert beating you two idiots one more time myself, I learned a VALUABLE lesson many years ago from Mother Cornette. Never give your enemies exactly what they want when they want it. So, the four of you WILL meet at The Great American Bash. You will not, however, meet tonight.

Beautiful Bobby grabs the dropped mic as the fans show some displeasure over that announcement.

Beautiful Bobby: I don't think you understand, Jimmy. We ain't asking for a match tonight, we're TAKING a match tonight.

With that he and Sweet Stan rush from the ring and attack Morton and Gibson in the aisle. Cornette rushes to the back as The Midnight Express throw the two into the ring and proceed to beat on them some more. A ref rushes down, slides in, and calls for the bell.

OR: 68

The Midnight Express vs. The Rock-N-Roll Express

Once the ref has sent Morton and Beautiful Bobby to the apron the match proper begins. Sweet Stan STILL has the upper hand here though, as Gibson can't quite seem to recover from the beating from before the match began. He tries to get to Morton, but instead he walks right into Too Sweet. The fans cheer as Stan then tags in Beautiful Bobby who goes up top. He flies with The Alabama Jam, but doesn't get to make the cover as the entire Foundation hits the ring. Rotunda and Rich attack Beautiful Bobby, and inadvertently Gibson as well, while Morton helps Garvin and Smothers lay it to Sweet Stan. The fans are booing as the ref calls for the bell. Tenay announces the official decision as a No Contest Due To Interference, while Cornette stands near the back entrance laughing and smiling.

WINNERS: No Contest Due To Interference



OR: 78


OR: 70

TV RATING: 5.82 (Highest Rating EVER for a WCW program on TNT, or since our regime)


Best Segment: The second Kimono Dragon saves The Dragons from Flair and Rude

Worst Segment: The Foundation adds Tracey Smothers

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I'm not one for throwing praise around like confetti at a parade *cough e-2o crew cough*, but this is some excellent stuff here. I probably should blame you for making me spend two hours or so reading everything in one sitting, but that would be petty <_<

I like pretty much everything except some of the fictional tandem names like Annihilation and 2 Cold 2 Snow, but those are easily forgivable. But, my one complaint might be that there are a bit too many matches marred by interference or that end in a beatdown. Now I realize that the real NWA was booked that way at the time, but I didn't really like it then since I always wondered why the good guys never brought back up when they KNEW they'd be outnumbered.

Aside from that, the only thing I hope to see is a commitment to keep this going for the next few months of real time. Keep it up.

Edited by naiwf
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WCW Saturday Night On TNT

Saturday July 13, 1991

Announcers: Jim Ross and Mike Tenay


The Omni

Atlanta, GA

Tag Team Turmoil Round Two Match: Camp Cornette vs. The Diamond Mine

The show starts with Ross, Tenay, and James E. Cornette at the announce position. Cornette reminds everyone that tonight every team but The Foundation and The Thrillers end their involvement in Tag Team Turmoil Round Two, as Camp Cornette walk out from the back to a good amount of boos. As The Diamond Mine come out, minus Page, it is again stated that Regal and Austin are undefeated thus far, and unless The Mine can stop them they are GUARANTEED to advance to The Great American Bash to meet The Fabulous Freebirds. The match starts off with Hall and Regal, and it's a nice, even affair with neither team able to get the upper hand. The tags are fast and furious, and the fans stay into it, making Hall and Nash the "fan favorites" by default. Nash gets The Big Kev Bomb on Austin and goes for the pin, but Regal comes in and lays boots to him. Hall comes in and the two brawl, as Nash gets up and waits. Hall whips Regal into Nash, but Regal ducks the Big Kev Boot, hitting a Swinging Neckbreaker instead. Nash rolls to the floor, as Hall and Regal go toe to toe with punches. Austin finally gets to his feet, and it's double team time on Hall, as the ref seems intent on checking on Nash on the floor instead of watching the match. At this point Diamond Dallas Page rushes to the ring and gets inside. Austin turns to face him, and Page hits what Ross calls The Diamond Cutter, a move that Hall has used from time to time. Hall Drop Toe Holds Regal to the floor through the ropes, then picks Austin up and hits The Diamond Drop. The fans are cheering, while Cornette drops his headphones and heads for the ring, as Hall makes the cover. Nash, now to his feet, points it out. The ref makes the 1-2-3 just SECONDS before Cornette makes his way inside. Cornette is arguing with the ref as Nash gets back inside the ring and celebrates with Hall and Page. Regal has Cornette's tennis racket, and he lays out all three from behind with successive shots. The ref threatens him, but the damage is done. Regal helps Austin to the back as Ross and Tenay discuss that Camp Cornette and The Diamond Mine are tied at two wins and one loss apiece, and WILL meet next week in the Tag Team Turmoil Finals Match.




OR: 84

(Big Kevin Nash gained in over rising from 72 to 73)

(The Studd Scott Hall gained in over rising from 70 to 72)


The Nature Boy And The Ravishing One Will Outsmart The Dragons

Bischoff is with Flair and Rude, both of whom are already dressed to wrestle and holding their belts.

Bischoff: To start...

Flair glares at him, then cuts him off.

Flair: To start shut your mouth Eric. I told you last week, you hold the microphone and we'll do the talking. Last night The Dragons tried to pull a fast one on The Nature Boy and The Ravishing One. Three of you now? Two Kimono Dragons? It doesn't matter if there's ten of you, tonight you THREE will lose just as you were always gonna. You can't even walk in our shadows, let alone lace our boots or hold our jocks. You three, all three of you, you're outclassed, you'll be out wrestled, and you're definitely going to be outsmarted.

Rude steps up, patting his title.

Rude: The Nature Boy is The Man for a reason, and that reason is that he THINKS things through. Last week you challenged us to a match where you said we needed to play fair tonight. Then you go and show us your WHOLE HAND in advance last night. Like the World Champ said, you three STILL aren't in the same league with us. You've shown us your ace, now later tonight, we'll show you our Royal Flush. Beat THAT.


The two walk off as Bischoff stands alone, again.

Bischoff: Back to the ring I guess.

OR: 100

(Ric Flair gained in over rising from 96 to 99)

(Rick Rude gained in over rising from 94 to 99)

(These two men are UNIQUE, and it shows. Five minutes of talking got them over with this crowd in a way that we rarely see in wrestling, period. The Main Event Match tonight should be awesome just based on these two alone, never mind the fantastic wrestling skills of The Dragons.)

The Fabulous Freebirds Throw A Party

Instead of cutting to the ring, the scene cuts to some other location where The Freebirds, Tammy, and Missy are having a party. A banner reads


The Foundation, The Rock-N-Roll Express, Bad Brian Lee, The Macon County Outlaws, and The Harris Brothers are all in attendance, along with MANY women and Jesse "The Body" Ventura. Ventura is holding a mic as three GORGEOUS women play with his boa.

Ventura: I had planned to have the WCW World Tag Team Champions in The Body Shop tonight, but they had a better idea. So here we are...

Woman: At The Party Shop!

Everyone laughs as Michael P.S. Hayes and Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin walk up, all smiles.

Ventura: Okay, that works for me. Champs, first of all congratulations on a HARD fought victory over The Horsemen last week. However, could you have done it without the help of 2nd Generation?

Garvin: Well of course. We had those two EXACTLY where we wanted them, and that's BEATEN.

Hayes: Thanks Body, but in regards to your question, Jimmy Jam said all that needed to said. We're The Freebirds baby, and with or without their intervention we had it in the bag.

Ventura: As we all saw just a little bit ago, we now know that Camp Cornette and The Diamond Mine will be in Tag Team Turmoil Finals next week, with the possibility of other teams as well. Your thoughts on your POSSIBLE opponents for The Bash ?

Hayes: It doesn't matter to us. We beat Camp Cornette just a few weeks ago. We've beaten The Diamond Mine in the past as well. Actually, with the exception of our friends Rotunda and Rich and The Thrillers, we've beaten EVERY team in Tag Team Turmoil. And no offense to The Foundation, but we'll beat them too if we have to.

The crowd at the party "oooh's" and laughs.

Missy: Enough of this, we'll worry about then when it happens. This is a PARTY.

With that her and Tammy pour champagne on Ventura, Garvin, and Hayes as everyone whoops it up.

Ventura: Okay, work's over, it's party time for The Body.

OR: 63


Tag Team Turmoil Round Two Match: Liger and Muta vs. The Steiners

Liger and Muta enter the ring first to a great response, followed by The Steiners, who likewise get a good, solid, reaction from the crowd. The four men shake hands, and soon enough the match is underway. Cornette is once again on commentary, and he is still upset that The Diamond Mine stole a win over Camp Cornette. He said that NEXT week Austin and Regal would get revenge. The match itself is excellent, although most of that comes from Liger and Scott, who spend the majority of the time in the ring. Muta and Rick are tagged in, albeit for a VERY short amount of time, before Liger and Scott come back in. The end comes when Steiner goes for a Frankensteiner. Liger is able to maneuver himself to the ropes and hold on, and he winds up Powerbombing Scott down instead. He comes off the ropes with a Moonsault and gets the 1-2-3 to win. Ross and Tenay make mention that NOW next week's Tag Team Turmoil Finals come down to THREE teams




OR: 82

The Dragons Speak...Sort Of

Bischoff is at the interview area with all THREE Dragons.

Bischoff: Welcome gentlemen. Let's get it RIGHT out of the way. We have Ultimo Dragon and TWO Kimono Dragons now?

The newest Kimono Dragon, who is a little skinnier than the other, shakes his head in the negative, as the other steps up.

The Dragon: I am simply The Dragon. I DID go under the name Kimono Dragon over the last few weeks, but the TRUE Kimono Dragon is here now.

Bischoff: Okay, and which two of you will it be tonight? Or do you plan on wrestling in a Handicap Match against The Nature Boy and The Ravishing One?

The Dragon: We wouldn't ask them to fight fair if we didn't plan on doing the same, now would we? To Ravishing Rick Rude I have but THIS to say. You don't know WHICH two of us it will be, how do you know ALL of our cards? Tonight I PROMISE you all that you will be shocked and amazed, and once we have beaten them both, we'll talk about our plans for The Great American Bash.

The Dragons walk off together.

Bischoff: Up next we'll see the debut of Owen Hart and Dean Malenko together in Tag Team action.

OR: 66


Annihilated Again

Luger and Race come from the back to a good ovation from the crowd and make their way to the ring. Race asks for a microphone as Luger stands posing for the crowd. Before Race can say anything Cactus Jack slides under the ropes yelling "BANG BANG!". He attacks Luger from behind, as Race rushes over. Cactus lunges at Race as Vader and The Scorpion also enter the ring. The Scorpion pulls Cactus off of Race by the hair as Vader lays the boots to Luger. He picks Luger up and Chokeslams him to the mat. The Scorpion tosses Race through the ropes to the floor as the fans boo. Vader hits The Vadersault on Luger, then comes off the middle rope with a Vader Splash. Cactus rushes over and bites Luger's face. Vader then picks Luger up and Piledrives him to the mat hard. The Scorpion is smiling as HE now has the mic.

Scorpion: Consider this our acceptance of your challenge to Vader for The Bash. But Lex, and I must say seeing you a heap on the mat is starting to look pretty normal, but Lex, how about you meet Cactus next week as a "tune-up" match for Vader. Once you wake up you be sure to let the WCW Official idiots know, okay? Your time is up Lex, you will be Annihilated.

Vader scoops Lex up one more time, as Cactus climbs to the top turnbuckle. They Spike Piledrive Luger this time as the fans boo. Once again Ross and Tenay wonder why WCW allows The Scorpion to be here when he's been fired.

OR: 73

end of first hour commercials

2nd Generation vs. The Macon County Outlaws(with Robert Fuller)

The Outlaws are already in the ring with Fuller as Owen and Malenko come from the back to a pretty decent reaction from the crowd. The ref calls for the bell, and it's Bart and Owen to start. 2nd Generation EASILY dominates this short match, although you couldn't tell it from Bart, who doesn't sell much at all. With all four men in the ring, although Malenko and Jesse are legal, Malenko applies a Sharpshooter to Jesse while Owen applies a Sharpshooter to Bart. Fuller is screaming at the ref and tossing his cowboy hat about as BOTH Jesse and Bart quit in tandem. The fans applaud a little as 2nd Generation stand in victory. With that, AA and Blanchard hit the ring, with chains, and begin to beat the hell out of the two youngsters. Anderson hits a DDT on Owen, then he and Tully hit their trademark Double Brainbuster on Malenko, as Ross and Tenay are yelling that Jarrett is out of the country. The camera picks up Anderson saying that they have a third man, and challenges 2nd Generation to a match at The Great American Bash. With that Barry Windham returns to WCW after his broken ankle and slides into the ring. He hits a HUGE Lariat on Owen, then Chokeslams Malenko on top of him. The fans are making more noise than they did during the entire match as The Horsemen and Windham walk off, all smiles.




OR: 63

(When The Outlaws debuted against The Thrillers last month they blew it so bad that they easily helped put on the WORST match of the year. Bart, who was seen as MOSTLY responsible for this due to his bad attitude and his lack of selling, was warned as the team was put on jobber duty. This match here takes them OFF of jobber duty and lands BOTH men back in our Developmental camp. Jesse, who has worked hard, may find himself called back up soon, but the foreseeable future sees Bart gone, at least until his attitude changes.)


WCW TV Title Match: Ron Garvin(with Tracey Smothers) vs. 2 Cold(with Al Snow)

2 Cold is accompanied to the ring by Al Snow to a pretty decent ovation from the crowd. Garvin next comes out with Smothers, who is now holding the infamous briefcase, to a pretty decent heel reaction. Garvin puts the TV Title into the briefcase, which Smothers holds onto, then gets inside for the match. While 2 Cold dominates this match from the offset, clearly out wrestling Garvin, Ross and Tenay can't help but make mention that ONCE AGAIN Cornette has chosen a competitor who ISN'T a viable contender for the title due to being a Tag Team wrestler of late. Mention is ALSO made of the fact that Garvin has only defended the title twice now, as opposed to how Sweet Stan was forced to wrestle EVERY NIGHT for months, sometimes in multiple matches. Garvin is set up for a Splash by 2 Cold, but Smothers reaches up and grabs his ankle sending him to the mat hard. Snow rushes over, and Smothers clocks him in the head with the briefcase. He lays it on the apron, then pounds on Snow some. With the ref distracted, Garvin grabs the briefcase and clocks 2 Cold in the head with it as he was getting up. He then hits The Garvin Stomp and gains the 1-2-3 to retain the title. Smothers slides into the ring and he and Garvin BOTH work on 2 Cold now. Snow is up and he climbs to the top turnbuckle and flies off with a Double Clothesline that sends The Foundation members to the floor. The fans cheer a little, as Garvin and Smothers, with the briefcase, hobble to the back.




OR: 75


Tag Team Turmoil Round Two Match: The Foundation vs. The Thrillers

The Thrillers come out first to a small but approving reaction, followed by The Foundation, who get booed. Cornette is back at the announce position, and he says that by the luck of the draw these are the ONLY two teams left in Round Two, and that they will meet here tonight, then again next Friday as well. He says each team DOES have a chance here. The match itself is short compared to most every other Tag Team Turmoil Match thus far, and The Thrillers clearly dominate throughout, as The Foundation just seem to be off of their game tonight. The end comes when Storm hits The Future Kick on Rotunda. Although Rich TRIES to make the save it is to no avail as Storm gets the 1-2-3 to give The Thrillers the win. Storm and Jericho roll to the floor as the Tag Team Turmoil graphic hits again.

Tag Team Turmoil Results:

Camp Cornette: 2 Wins 1 Loss

The Foundation: 0 Wins 2 Losses

Liger and Muta: 2 Wins 1 Loss

The Diamond Mine: 2 Wins 1 Loss

The Steiners: 1 Win 2 Losses

The Thrillers: 1 Win 1 Loss

Cornette says that IF The Thrillers can defeat The Foundation again on Friday that they too will be in Tag Team Turmoil Finals, if not it's going to be Liger and Muta vs. The Diamond Mine vs. Camp Cornette with the winner meeting The Fabulous Freebirds at The Great American Bash.




OR: 69

(The Future Lance Storm gained in over rising from 56 to 58)

(Legendary Chris Jericho gained in over rising from 57 to 59)

(Michael Rotunda lost in over dropping from 68 to 67)

(Thomas Rich lost in over dropping from 68 to 67)


Brian Pillman Is Back

The fans erupt in cheers as Brian Pillman is standing next to Eric Bischoff at the interview area.

Bischoff: Welcome back Brian. It's been a few weeks since we saw you last. How are you doing physically?

Pillman: I've been better. I saw how Mr. Backlund said I was a mess with broken bones and a separated shoulder, and all I can say to that is that he exaggerated. I am back, I am well enough to go, and next Sunday Night I want to go with Chris Benoit. This guy thinks he can waltz in here and cost me my match at...

Pillman is cut off as Mr. Backlund, Zenk, and Benoit walk up. The fans boo as Mr. Backlund smiles and looks at Bischoff, who puts the mic in his face.

Mr. Backlund: My young erstwhile friend, I can see the tendons and muscles in your arms bulging and straining, but The Recruits are not here to engage you in a physical confrontation. We are pleased to see that you have made a miraculous recovery, even though the bandaged arm signifies that you are not yet at top condition. With that said I would be remiss in my role as a teacher if I did not TRY to talk you out of your challenge to Mr. Chris Benoit, my star pupil in EVERY way. He will simply tear that arm from it's socket should you even attempt to grapple him next week.

Pillman laughs as the fans boo.

Pillman: Well I'll tell you what, Mr. B, I'll take my chances. I defeated your last "star pupil" there, and I'll defeat this one too. Then, once I've defeated ALL of your pupils, I'm coming back at you. We're not through, not even close.

Mr. Backlund shakes his head as he frowns.

Mr. Backlund: No, we're not. Then on behalf of Mr. Benoit, I accept. Perhaps after he has demolished your limb you will finally come around to our way of thinking and join up. The things I could teach you Mr. Pillman, the things I could teach you.

With that Mr. Backlund and The Recruits back away, as all four men stare.

Pillman: At The Great American Bash it is I who will be doing the teaching.

Pillman walks off to a great ovation.

Bischoff: . Another match is set for next Sunday LIVE on PPV. Up next, our Main Event.

OR: 90


Main Event Match: The Dragons vs. The Nature Boy Ric Flair and Ravishing Rick Rude

All three Dragons come to the ring as once again Jim and Mike wonder which two it will be. Flair and Rude come out next, without Paul E. Dangerously, to a momentous heel reaction. The ref gets all five men in the ring, then asks which two of The Dragons it will be. With that the three men all look at each other before Ultimo and The Dragon leap forward to attack. Kimono slides to the floor as the ref tries to maintain some order and gain some control. Finally he does and it is Ultimo and Flair. It's not long before The Nature Boy has gained control, and he and Rude make quick tags in and out as they alternate between working on the legs and the upper back and neck of Ultimo. The Dragon and Kimono get the fans to rally behind them, as Ultimo hits a desperation Enzuguiri on Rude and crawls for the hot tag. Rude gets to Flair, who rushes in and ALMOST stops the tag, but not quite as The Dragon leaps into the ring. Flair begs off, but The Dragon will have NONE of it. The Dragon is on fire, whipping Flair about and laying some HARD Chops down on both him and Rude. Dangerously makes his way down with his cell phone, but Kimono comes leaping though the air and hits an Enzuguiri of his own that levels Paul E. The Dragon comes off the top rope with a Flying Cross Body, as the fans cheer. He gos for the cover, but Rude breaks it up. Ultimo comes back in and he Clotheslines Rude over the top to the floor. He then hits a Moonsault onto Rude on the floor that leaves BOTH men laying. The Dragon works on Flair's legs, then, as if to mock him, locks in a version of The Figure Four. Flair is screaming. On the floor Rude tries to get inside the ring, but Ultimo holds his legs. The Dragon is putting all kinds of pressure on Flair, who in a desperation type move tries to rake the eyes. All he winds up doing is ripping the mask off. The fans cheer as The Dragon turns out to be Ricky Steamboat. Flair is in shock, as Steamboat releases the hold and climbs to the top. He hits a second Flying Cross Body Block and gets the somewhat surprising 1-2-3 win clean. Rude drops his head to the mat as Ultimo and Kimono rush inside the ring. Flair rolls to the floor where Rude and Dangerously help him towards the back. The last image of the show is Steamboat pointing to Flair and mocking a belt around his waist at the same time, while Flair STILL looks shocked, and Tenay and Ross are selling Steamboat as the biggest surprise in wrestling history.




OR: 83

(The Dragon Ricky Steamboat gained in over rising from 83 to 86)

(Ultimo Dragon gained in over rising from 48 to 50)


OR: 77



Best Segment: Flair and Rude hype for the Main Event

Worst Segment: Tie between The Freebirds celebration and 2nd Generation vs. The Macon County Outlaws

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I think we are looking at close to 10 more shows before the new stuff emerges. The rest of July, The Great American Bash, and two shows for August that were previously posted, then it's shows that have never been seen before.

The previously announced possibility of a Best Of Three Match for The Finals of Tag Team Turmoil never materialized, as I realized that was taking a concept that was slightly convoluted already and making it more so. Consider the announcement that never got another word mentioned regarding it similar to who drove the white Hummer, who raised the briefcase out of Austin's reach, and who broke Edge's neck. It was announced, it was ignored, it was never mentioned again.


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WCW Slam Packed Wrestling

Friday July 19, 1991

Announcers: Eric Bischoff and Jesse "The Body" Ventura


The Omni

Atlanta, GA

Tag Team Turmoil Round Two Match: The Foundation vs. The Thrillers

The show starts off with all four men already in the ring going at it. Rich and Jericho are fighting while Rotunda and Storm are locked up. The ref tries to get some control and finally does when he forces Jericho and Rich out. With the ref's back turned, Tracey Smothers rushes into the ring and attacks Storm from behind with Ron Garvin's briefcase. He rushes off again as Rotunda tags Rich in. Rich comes off the ropes with a Running Leg Drop, and scores the easy and quick 1-2-3 as Jericho tries to get into the ring. Jericho is quite upset, as Cornette, with Bischoff and Ventura on commentary, says that tomorrow night it's Camp Cornette vs. The Diamond Mine vs. Liger and Muta for the right to meet The Fabulous Freebirds at The Great American Bash. Jericho spins Rich around and delivers a Standing Drop Kick that sends him to the floor. Rotunda rushes in, and Jericho hits a Drop Toe Hold, then locks in The Legend Killer (modified Boston Crab). Rotunda is screaming. Finally Jericho releases the hold and Rotunda rolls to the floor with Rich. Storm gets to his feet and the fans do some applause for the twosome.




OR: 71


The Total Package And The Ultimate Manager Want Some Revenge

Race and Luger are with Tenay at the interview area.

Tenay: In two days you, Lex, get a chance to go one on one with Vader at The Great American Bash. First, however, you face Cactus Jack tonight in a "tune-up" match.

Luger: Quite a tune-up, huh? Cactus may be insane, and more so since he returned to WCW with my good buddy The Scorpion, but that won't help him beat me. He's unpredictable and out there, but I have the greatest mind in pro wrestling in my corner. Harley?

Race: Later tonight Lex Luger will show the world why he is The Total Package. He can beat Vader, of that I have no doubt, and he can definitely defeat Cactus. With my help we'll get inside the head of that crazy so-and-so, and we will show him and the rest of Annihilation why you don't want to upset The Total Package.

Tenay: Lex, how do you feel after that BRUTAL beating you took just last Saturday?

Luger: I'm a little sore, but I'm also in peak physical condition. A few Piledrivers and some Splashes won't put me out. Something Cactus will learn tonight, and Vader will learn on Sunday.

Tenay: Thank you gentlemen.

OR: 77


Bad Brian Lee vs. Terry Taylor

Bad Brian Lee comes out first, and absolutely no mention is made of where Dangerous Dan Spivey is at. The fans boo a little bit, until Terry Taylor makes his return to WCW after an eight month absence. The fans cheer his return, surprisingly, and he makes a small note of it as he smiles and nods his head. Bischoff and Ventura say that Taylor, last seen in WCW in December taking on The Foundation members, has been in Japan and other areas of the United States, but that he's back in WCW now for the foreseeable future. The match begins, and to start it's Lee using his size and strength to overcome Taylor. That soon changes as Lee misses a Leg Drop, and Taylor begins to methodically work on the legs of Lee. The culmination of this is when Taylor locks in The Figure Four Leglock, called Taylor Made by Ventura as it's a lightly modified version of the hold. Lee holds on for a bit, but soon quits loudly in the center of the ring. Taylor releases the hold as Tenay begins to enter the ring with a mic. However Lee gets to his feet and attacks Taylor from behind, sending Tenay back out. Lee hits a Piledriver on Taylor, then lays some boots to him before limping off to some boos.




OR: 63

(Terry Taylor gained in over rising from 69 to 72)

(A nice return to WCW from Japan and Developmental for Taylor, who joins the recent cast of young up and comers who have a bright future in WCW. The absence of Spivey wasn't, and won't, be explained due to the circumstances. Spivey was scheduled for an on sale date appearance with Jeff Jarrett and Missy and Tammy, however he failed to show up. When confronted with it he grew defensive and angry. Behavior of this kind is STILL unacceptable, and Spivey found himself sent home for 30 days in a mini suspension. He will return in August, hopefully with a better attitude.)


The Dragon Has Some Plans For The Great American Bash

Mike Tenay is in the interview area with a mic.

Tenay: Welcome back to WCW The Dragon Ricky Steamboat.

The fans cheer as The Dragon comes from the back with his two masked friends Kimono Dragon and Ultimo Dragon at his side. They all shake hands with Tenay. Steamboat waves and smiles to the fans who give him a standing ovation.

Tenay: Last Saturday Night you not only got unmasked, but you defeated the WCW World Heavyweight Champion The Nature Boy Ric Flair in a decisive and impressive fashion marking your return to WCW. What is next for you, Ricky?

The Dragon: Thank you very much for this time, Mike. I come from a different time in this sport. Ric Flair ALSO comes from this time, but he seems to have forgotten about it. In the time I come from if you defeat the World Champion in ANY way, you get a shot at his title. I know Flair as well as anybody. In 1977 the two of us youngsters met and it was The Dragon who walked away with the NWA Mid Atlantic TV Championship. In 1982 and 1984 we met again, this time for the World Title. In January of 1989 I joined up with Eddie Gilbert to take on Flair and Windham, and once again The Dragon came out on top. In February of '89 the two of us met and I walked away with the World Title this time. We wrestled all over the country for months, until May when Flair won the title back. The two of us have been back and forth for decades now only to move on to someone else. We always wind up back in the ring together though. Recently I've been paying attention as Flair has mocked Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk, Sting, or The Scorpion I suppose now, Harley Race, and myself. He tries to make himself look better by mentioning that he's beaten us all, including Antonio Inoki and Jeff Jarrett in that list, and that all any of us are about is trying to be as good as he is. Well you know what, I've beaten Flair as many times as he's beaten me, and I'm back now...

Steamboat is cut off as the music of The Nature Boy starts up. He walks out with Rude on one side and Paul E. Dangerously on the other. The three men walk to the interview area and stand opposite The Dragons.

Flair: WHOOO! How many times do I have to come out here and remind EVERYONE that I'm the WCW World Heavyweight Champion?

The Dragon: You don't have to remind me, Ric, that's why I'm here.

The fans cheer.

Flair: The ONLY way you beat me last week was because I was unprepared for YOU, Steamboat. If we were to go one on one in a match I was prepared for...

The Dragon: Excellent point Ric. I say we do it this Sunday at The Great American Bash for THAT belt.

Steamboat points at the World Title.

Tenay: Champ?

Flair smiles after some hesitation as the fans start a small "Dragon" chant.

Flair: I had a nice conversation with Paul E. and James E. Cornette earlier. We all knew this was coming Steamboat. The end of that conversation was this decision. You JUST returned to WCW, and aside from losing some Tag Team Turmoil Matches and winning ONE match on Saturday, you've done NOTHING to deserve a title shot. It doesn't matter what you WERE and what you DID, all that matters is what you do NOW. So, WHOOO! We'll be seeing you.

Flair turns to leave as Rude laughs, but Steamboat stops him.

The Dragon: Then how about we do it TOMORROW NIGHT in a Non Title Match. I beat you, I get my match this Sunday. You beat me, I start at the bottom.

The fans cheer a bit for this, as Paul E. Dangerously and Rude confer with Flair. They all smile, then Flair shakes his head.

Flair: You got it, Steamboat. Tomorrow Night, Main Event, The Nature Boy WHOO! Ric Flair vs. The Dragon Ricky Steamboat in a NON Title Match. You got it.

The fans cheer as The Unholy Alliance members walk off.

The Dragon: Your biggest mistake has ALWAYS been your cockiness Flair. That will once again be your undoing tomorrow night.

The fans cheer some more as Flair and company ignore the comments and walk to the back. The Dragon's music hits next as the three men leave.

OR: 78

(Ric Flair lost in over dropping from 99 to 97)


An Open Challenge For The WCW TV Title

Ron Garvin and Tracey Smothers are with Mike Tenay at the interview area.

Tenay: I know you have a few things to say here, but we have a Main Event Match to get to.

Garvin: This will ONLY take a second. Since I won this WCW TV Title last month I've won MANY hard fought battles against some of the best in WCW. However I've QUICKLY run out of top notch opponents. With that said, and with the approval of the WCW Championship Committee Representative James E. Cornette, I have issued an open challenge for ANY WCW wrestler that I have NOT ALREADY BEATEN to meet me at The Great American Bash this Sunday for the belt. So, no Sweet Stan, no Texas Mustangs, and no 2 Cold 2 Snow. ANYONE else can sign up in the back before the end of the show tonight and they will receive a chance of a lifetime.

Tenay: Anyone?

Garvin: Anyone except those already stated. Well, them and anyone who ALREADY has a match for Sunday as well. So yes, really, anyone.

Tenay: There's always a catch with you guys isn't there? Okay, we need to head to the ring for our Main Event, but good luck on your challenge.

Garvin: Thank you.

OR: 70

Cactus Jack(with Annihilation) vs. Lex Luger(with Harley Race)

Cactus, "Bang Bang"ing all the way, is led to the ring by The Scorpion and Vader. Cactus gets in the ring and sits in the corner screaming as Vader and The Scorpion grab chairs from ringside and sit to watch. Luger is out next led by Race, as the fans cheer. Luger gets in the ring and Cactus leaps to his feet to attack as the bell rings. Luger hits a HUGE Clothesline to Cactus, then proceeds to literally just toss Cactus around and beat the hell out of him. The end comes when Luger hoists Cactus into The Human Torture Rack, then drops him down hitting The Human Torture Drop (F5) to get the relatively easy win. The Scorpion hits the ring with his chair, but Luger is ready, punching the chair into The Scorpion's face. Vader is inside, and he and Luger exchange blows back and forth, with Luger gaining the upper hand. That ends as Cactus gets back up and clips Luger's leg from behind. Vader takes this opportunity to Vaderbomb Luger on the chair, with his head and neck being what hits the chair. The Scorpion locks in The Scorpion Death Lock, as Cactus keeps Race from coming into the ring. The show ends with Luger unconscious in the hold while Vader is pounding his chest looking on.




OR: 78

(Lex Luger lost in over dropping from 80 to 79)


OR: 73

TV RATING: 5.83 (NEW Highest TV Rating ever)


Best Segment: Tie between The Main Event and the Steamboat challenge to Flair

Worst Segment: Bad Brian Lee vs. Terry Taylor

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WCW Saturday Night On TNT

Saturday July 20, 1991

Announcers: Jim Ross and Mike Tenay


The Omni

Atlanta, GA

Bad Brian Lee vs. Terry Taylor

The two men make their way to the ring as footage airs of their last match from the previous night, complete with the Bad Brian Lee beat down after. The fans show little interest in the match itself, popping and booing for the entrances only, even when Terry Taylor works over the knee and eventually locks in Taylor Made on Lee. Lee has no choice but to submit here. Taylor is quickly to his feet, ready for an attack again, but this time none comes, as Lee pounds the mat, then rolls to the floor and limps off in disgust.




OR: 56

(Terry Taylor gained in over rising from 72 to 73)

Taylor Made For The Foundation

As Taylor is about to leave the ring the music of The Foundation plays, and Ron Garvin, Michael Rotunda, Tracey Smothers, and Thomas Rich walk from the back to the ring. They all get inside as Taylor looks on. Garvin asks for a mic, as he hands the briefcase off to Smothers.

Garvin: Last night I laid open a challenge to anyone in WCW to step up and take a shot at me and at my TV Title tomorrow night on PPV. I must say, I was surprised at how FAST you, Terry Taylor, stepped up. However, I was even more shocked when Michael Rotunda filled me in on your own history with he and Thomas Rich prior to your leaving WCW for a few months. Late last year you stepped up to the plate again, this time to defend WCW from the attempted corporate takeover of The Foundation. Of course you failed, but you tried. What makes you think you have what it takes to take the WCW TV Title off of me, the fightingest champion EVER?

The crowd lightly boos this comment, even getting a slight "Sweet Stan" chant going. Taylor waits, then asks for the mic. Garvin hands it to him.

Taylor: I drove Rotunda and Rich right out of WCW for about five months didn't I? How did I fail in stopping the corporate takeover of WCW from The York Foundation?

The fans slightly cheer here, as Rotunda rips the mic from Taylor's hand.

Rotunda: The Foundation, we're just The Foundation. You failed because here we are, and stronger than ever before. That's how and why you failed.

Taylor smiles, as Garvin is given the mic back.

Garvin: I have no problem wrestling you tomorrow night, Terry, but I'd MUCH rather do it with you as a member of The Foundation. You DID wrestle both Michael and Thomas to some GREAT matches last year, and I happen to know for a fact that we'd all be honored to have the man that MANY in this sport feel is the "Next Big Star" in wrestling to be my business associate in The Foundation.

Taylor looks to the fans, who are now booing, as he is handed the mic.

Taylor: I don't quite know what I will be, but I do know what I am, and that's a free agent. No, I don't think I'll be joining up with The Foundation. Not now, and certainly not...

Taylor is stopped as Rich, who had walked behind him, lays him out from behind with a big forearm shot. Taylor drops, and all four men proceed to lay the boots to him. Rotunda holds Taylor up as Garvin kisses his left fist, then plants The Garvin Left right on the jaw of Taylor, who drops to the mat out cold.

Rotunda: And you won't now, or EVER, beat The Man With The Hands Of Stone either. See you tomorrow night, loser.

The Foundation exit the ring, as Jim Ross and Mike Tenay discuss how incredibly HARD it's going to be for ANYONE to get the WCW TV Title off of Garvin when it's really FOUR MEN defending it.

OR: 62

(Again, a segment involving The Foundation on the mic gets little reaction from the crowd. Plans are in the pipe NOW to change this, as The Foundation need a mouthpiece in a major way.)


The WCW Championship Committee Representative Has Some Business To Attend To

Once the commercials are over we return to the interview area where Eric Bischoff is with James E. Cornette.

Bischoff: Welcome Mr. Cornette. You asked for this time to make a few announcements?

Cornette: You know I did, so don't act like an idiot. First of all, our next match will be The Midnight Express against my good friends Michael Rotunda and Thomas Rich of The Foundation. I call this a warm up for tomorrow night at The Great American Bash when they face The Rock-N-Roll Express. In fact, we have SEVERAL warm up matches for later tonight, most of them designed to get the wrestlers ready for WCW's HUGE PPV tomorrow night. What we also have tonight is Tag Team Turmoil Finals, the end to my great design to bring honor and prestige to our Tag Team Division here in WCW. So far we have succeeded, and I expect tonight to be no different, as MY Camp Cornette take on The Diamond Mine and Liger and Muta in a First Fall Match. The team to get the first pinfall or submission will advance tomorrow night to meet the WCW World Tag Team Champions, The Fabulous Freebirds. In addition, we have Ric Flair taking on Ricky Steamboat in a NON TITLE MATCH. If The Dragon can defeat The Nature Boy he will get a World Title shot tomorrow night. If not, he can go back to wherever he crawled up from. Finally, we ALSO have another HUGE match here tonight. Ravishing Rick Rude is the reigning WCW US Champion, but he hasn't been doing a lot of defending of his belt as of late. That changes tonight, when we decide a clear Number One Contender. Two men, both of whom hold pinfall victories over Rude, will meet tonight in the ring to see who meets him tomorrow night for the belt. Those two men are Antonio Inoki and Jeff Jarrett. I'm sure WCW wishes them BOTH the VERY best of luck. Now, let's get back to the ring.

Cornette walks off.

Bischoff: He's one of the bosses, so you heard the man.

OR: 75

The Foundation vs. The Midnight Express

Rotunda and Rich come from the back again, this time dressed to wrestle, to a small but hateful reaction. However, once the music of The Midnight Express hits the fans cheer. Sweet Stan and Beautiful Bobby race to the ring and slide in, wasting no time going to town on their enemies. Cornette is on commentary, and he says that Lane and Eaton have NO CHANCE of beating HIS Rock-N-Roll Express tomorrow night. Inside the ring, Eaton and Rich are legal, and Eaton is clearly dominant here. He tags in to Sweet Stan, while Rich tags Rotunda in. This is much the same, as this time it's Sweet Stan who is the dominant one. Ricky and Robert soon make their way out, and they provide a good distraction for Sweet Stan. Rotunda attempts to attack from behind, but Sweet Stan is aware and he ducks, instead sending Rotunda face first into the turnbuckle. Rotunda is wobbly, and he walks right into Too Sweet and the academic 1-2-3. The Rock-N-Roll Express hit the ring, as does Rich, but SOMEHOW The Midnight Express are able to fight off the three men. Rotunda gets to his feet again after Rich, Morton, and Gibson have been sent to the floor, and it's Too Sweet again that sends him over the top rope to the floor. Cornette is LIVID and he storms off with his men.




OR: 62


2 Cold 2 Snow vs. The Recruits(with Mr. Bob Backlund)

2 Cold and Snow come out first to little to no reaction, but The Recruits come out to a decent heel reaction. The match is quick and mostly a glorified squash, as Zenk and Benoit BOTH get plenty of time to dominate here. Halfway through, when Benoit is working over 2 Cold, Brian Pillman wanders out from the back. Once the fans see him they respond. Mr. Backlund also sees him, and smiles, as Benoit locks in The Crossface Chicken Wing. 2 Cold tries to hold on, but he ultimately has no choice but to submit to the painful submission hold. Snow helps his partner from the ring as Pillman smiles, applauds, then sprints down and slides in. He low blows Zenk, sending him to the floor, then lunges at Benoit. The fans cheer, but it is short lived, as Benoit is able to get Pillman into the Crossface Chicken Wing as well. Mr. Backlund laughs as Pillman is screaming in pain, really selling the torment of the hold. Soon enough he can be heard screaming he quits, but Benoit refuses to release the hold. Mr. Backlund and Zenk get back into the ring and Mr. Backlund tells Benoit to let him go. Once he does Pillman rolls on the mat holding his already injured shoulder, as Mr. Backlund leads The Recruits to the back, while a few referees come out to help Pillman out.




OR: 62

(It's one of those odd nights that hits every so often when everything is there, but the show just isn't clicking. The sad thing is that this match and the after match attack were great, but for some reason the whole package just felt off. Too bad.)


The Total Package And The Ultimate Manager In The Ring Tonight?

Luger and Race are with Bischoff at the interview area.

Bischoff: We already heard from WCW Championship Committee Representative James E. Cornette about some of the great matches in store for tonight's show, but there is one he left out.

Race: You know there is Eric, and it's my return to the ring for ONE NIGHT with my man Lex Luger to take on Cactus Jack and my FORMER client Vader in a HUGE Tag Team Match. You know, my name has been brought up a lot here in the last few months by the likes of Ric Flair, Jeff Jarrett, and Ricky Steamboat, but I've let it go by the wayside, mainly because I am RETIRED from the ring. However, I've watched for the past month as Annihilation has made one cowardly move after another to my NEW client The Total Package, and I've finally had enough. The truth be told, they can't beat him one on one, so they have to double and triple team him. Well tonight that comes to an end, as I'm lacing up the boots one more time to help him out.

Bischoff: That is HUGE news indeed. Lex, what are your thoughts on this?

Luger: Eric, in the past year I've done a lot of things here in WCW, but NONE of them mean as much as teaming with my friend and PERSONAL HERO Harley Race. Whether it's JUST for tonight or a return to greatness for the man I consider to be one of the all time greats, I'm just honored to be here when he decides to do it. Oh, and Scorpion, buddy, pal, watch close as we DESTROY your freaks Jack and Vader, because once we're all done with them we're coming for you. YEAH!

He and Race high five and walk off together.

Bischoff: An already stellar night of action just got better.

OR: 72


WCW US Title Number One Contender Match: Antonio Inoki vs. Jeff Jarrett

The music of 2nd Generation hits, and out comes Jeff Jarrett to a good reaction from the otherwise lackluster crowd tonight. He slaps a few hands on his way to the ring, as Tenay and Ross mention that WCW Championship Committee Representative James E. Cornette has banned the other members of 2nd Generation from ringside during this Number One Contenders Match. Jarrett gets in the ring and waits, as Inoki's music signals his arrival next. He also gets a good reaction from the crowd as he enters the ring. The two men shake hands as the ref calls for the bell. A lock up to start, and Inoki whips Jarrett into the ropes. Jarrett ducks under Inoki and comes back off the other ropes only to be hit with a swift kick to the stomach that downs him. Inoki moves swiftly and attempts to apply The Octopus Hold, but Jarrett scuttles under the ropes for a breather. Back in, and Inoki is able to begin work on the left arm of Jarrett. Jarrett with a Side Russian Leg Sweep takes Inoki down, then Jarrett rolls to the corner holding his arm. Inoki back up, and both men again lock up. Inoki again with the advantage here, as out of nowhere he drops Jarrett and applies The STF. Jarrett remains in the hold, obviously in pain as his screams can be heard. The ref asks repeatedly if Jarrett wants to end it, but Jarrett is heard screaming no repeatedly. After almost two minutes in the hold, and with the fan's excitement waning, Jarrett quits screaming and struggling. The ref tells Inoki to release the hold and calls for the bell, as Jarrett is unconscious. Inoki stands back, as Ravishing Rick rude hits the ring and lays Inoki out from behind with an Axe Handle off the Middle Rope. He stomps on the upper back of Inoki as the ref rolls Jarrett to safety until Dean Malenko and Owen Hart race from the back and hit the ring. Rude leaves, his US Title in his grasp, smiling as he walks up the ramp. Tenay and Ross hard sell the US Title Match for tomorrow night on PPV against Rude and Inoki, plus teasing an unseen clip from WCW Slam Packed Wrestling featuring 2nd Generation.




OR: 68


Tag Team Turmoil Finals Match: Camp Cornette vs. Liger and Muta vs. The Diamond Mine

Cornette joins Ross and Tenay at the announce position, and as Hall and Nash come out to another mixed reaction he says that he has barred EVERYONE but the official and the wrestlers from ringside. He says that NO ONE will interfere in this match, and we will have clear cut Number One Contenders for The Fabulous Freebirds. Liger and Muta are out next to a great reaction from the hot and cold crowd. Finally Regal and Austin come out in their robes, and the fans boo heavily. The ref makes sure all six men know the rules, before calling for the bell. Cornette says that this is an odd match in that three men, one from each team, are allowed in the ring at one time. He makes sure to mention AGAIN that the first team to score a pinfall here will win and move on to the PPV match. The fans stay into the match, which starts off with Hall, Liger, and Austin going at it in a three way brawl. The tags are fast and furious, and since there is an odd man in the ring at all times, it's near impossible for any man to pin another. This goes on for 15 minutes like this, until it's down to Liger, Austin, and Nash in the ring. Nash decides to attack Muta on the apron, and winds up getting a face full of Red Mist for his troubles. As he is blindly swinging lefts and rights Austin grabs him and hits The Stun Gun. He goes for the cover, but Liger comes off the ropes with a Twisting Senton Bomb that wows the crowd. He rolls to one side as Hall rushes into the ring. Liger Drop Toe Holds him through the ropes to the floor, where Muta meets him with a Leg Drop off the apron. Regal is next to come after Liger, but he surprises everyone when he uses Green Mist to blind Regal, then hits a Standing Drop Kick that sends him to the floor also. Austin is crawling towards the corner where his partner USED to be as Cornette is screaming on the headset, but Liger leaps off the middle ropes with a Moonsault that crushes him. Nash is to one knee now, wiping his eyes, and Liger comes off the ropes again, this time with a midair kick to the back of the head that levels Nash. Liger looks at both men, then shrugs his shoulder before rolling Austin up. The ref makes the count, and Liger and Muta get the 1-2-3 to win Tag Team Turmoil. Liger slides to the floor as Cornette rushes to the ring. He and Muta walk over to the interview area where Bischoff is waiting. Before Bischoff can say a thing however The Freebirds and Missy and Tammy rush from behind the curtain. Jimmy Garvin lays Muta out with one loaded purse shot, while Hayes lays Liger out with the other. The fans are booing as Hayes picks Liger up and launches him THROUGH the set at the announce position as Tenay and Ross scatter. Missy and Tammy are grinding their heels into the face of Muta as Garvin is whipping him like a dog with his belt buckle. Finally Hayes comes back over and the foursome stand over Muta with their arms high and the Tag Team Titles likewise held high.




OR: 73

(A truly spectacular match that was capped off nicely by the complete destruction of Liger and Muta by The Fabulous Freebirds. All eight men involved in this did a great job, proving why they are four of the top teams in the crowded Tag Team Division.)


From Last Night At Slam Packed Wrestling...

Ross and Tenay are standing off to one side of what USED to be their set as there is still a ton of commotion with Liger and Muta who are still downed. Ross says that they are going to show a piece that occurred after a non televised match from last night at WCW Slam Packed Wrestling when Owen Hart and Dean Malenko had beaten The Harris Brothers.

The scene cuts to the taped footage, and Owen and Dean, with Jeff at their side, are walking towards the back when The Horsemen and Barry Windham come from the back. Almost INSTANTANEOUSLY referees come out too to keep the six men apart. Jarrett is trying to get at Arn, while Owen and Dean are trying to get a piece of Tully and Barry. Paul E. comes out and stands behind his men with a mic.

Paul E. Dangerously: We know that Jeff has been hiding in Japan for most of the month, but he's back now and we want an answer to our challenge from LAST WEEK. Do the three of you, the so-called 2nd Generation wrestlers of this sport, have what it takes to step into a ring with three of the most brutal men in the history of wrestling?

Mike Tenay is now standing next to Jeff, Owen, and Dean with a mic of his own.

Jarrett: You (BLEEP) believe we do. The three of us against the three of you at The Great American Bash, and it's going to be child's play to beat you three senseless.

The pushing and shoving starts again until the footage cuts back to the studio.

OR: 67

(Arn Anderson lost in over dropping from 85 to 83)

Annihilation(with The Scorpion) vs. Lex Luger and Harley Race

Race and Luger come to the ring to the loudest pop of the night, and it's not that great, and get into the ring. Soon enough the weird lighting and music that signals the coming of Annihilation hits and The Scorpion leads Cactus Jack and Vader to the ring. The two get right in, and Luger lays a Double Clothesline to both men as Race gets on the apron. Vader goes to the floor as the bell sounds. Much like the previous night, Luger just kills Jack here, hitting every power move in his slightly limited arsenal on the man. However Cactus isn't who Luger wants, and he throws him into Vader's corner and begs for the tag. Vader obliges, and the two large men circle each other before finally locking up to a huge reaction from the crowd. Luger takes the immediate advantage, but a huge forearm shot to his neck, which has been Piledriven repeatedly in the last few weeks, drops him to one knee and Vader takes control. Vader seems to be playing with Luger, but the crowd rallies behind him. Vader gets him up for a Vaderbomb, but Luger delivers a flurry of fists that causes Vader to drop him. Unfortunately Lex hits the top rope in a variation of The Stun Gun, causing further damage to his neck. With both men down The Scorpion begins to rally Vader. Vader is to his feet first, and he grabs Luger by the hair, but Luger rallies back again with another flurry of fists and then comes off the opposite ropes with a huge Clothesline, and again BOTH men are down. Luger is the first to move however this time, and he starts to crawl towards Race, who is HOT for the tag. Vader gets up slowly and then lunges to stop Luger, but Lex does a last minute lunge himself and tags in Race, who gets into the ring and goes toe to toe with Vader, delivering punch and Chop after punch and Chop. Vader begins to rock back, as Luger gets to his feet behind Race. Race turns and out of NOWHERE punches Luger in the jaw. The fans boo as Race grabs his own partner and then delivers a picture perfect Piledriver on Lex in the ring. He points to Vader to go up, and Vader climbs to the second rope and delivers a Vadersplash onto Luger, grapevining the leg to get the 1-2-3 to gain the win. The Scorpion slides under the ropes, and he and Race shake hands. The Scorpion makes the motion again for the Piledriver, and Race obliges now, with Vader grabbing Lex's legs to spike him down. The fans are booing as Annihilation and Race walk out of the ring leaving Luger downed and not moving.




OR: 72

(Lex Luger lost in over dropping from 79 to 78)


Main Event Non Title Match For WCW World Heavyweight Title Shot: The Nature Boy Ric Flair© vs. The Dragon Ricky Steamboat

The music of The Dragon plays and the crowd EXPLODES for him. He makes his way to the ring amid the cheers and "DRAGON" chants. The Nature Boy's music hits, and the cheers turn to OVERWHELMING boos as he walks from the back alone in the gown with the WCW World Heavyweight Title around his waist. Tenay and Ross spend the time it takes Flair to enter the ring to really begin the build for this feud that has so far spanned 14 years. The ref calls for the bell and the two lock up, and the commentators spend a good portion of the match continuing to detail the feud up to this point. The fans stay loud and into this match the whole way through, as the tide turns back and forth between the two legends. Flair goes for his patented Chops, but Steamboat counters with Chops of his own, the last of which sends Flair to the floor. Steamboat chases, but Flair slides back in and as The Dragon slides back in Flair lands an Elbow Drop on his back. Flair then spends considerable time working on the legs of The Dragon, before finally locking in The Figure Four in the center of the ring. Steamboat yells in pain, but he does not submit. As the fans chant his name he rolls the move over, forcing Flair to break it. Steamboat is on wobbly legs, but he mounts a comeback. Flair is able to clip the leg however, and Steamboat drops fast and hard. Flair reaches down to grab him and bring him up, and Steamboat goes for a Small Package here. Flair kicks out, then gets to his feet and drops a succession of Elbows on Steamboat's legs. The fans are chanting "DRAGON" louder than ever, but he seems to be down. Flair goes to the middle rope and comes off with a Flying Fist, but Steamboat gets his hurt legs up and slams his feet into Flair's chin, sending him back and down hard. Steamboat hobbles to his feet and climbs to the top rope slowly. Flair gets to his feet, and Steamboat flies off with a Flying Crossbody Block, but it only gets a two count. He gets up slowly again, then he smiles and locks in a Figure Four Leglock of his own. Flair is screaming in pain, but this time he is able to rake the eyes and break the hold. Both men are on weak legs, once again exchanging Chops. Steamboat drives his knee into Flair's midsection, then hits a Fisherman's Suplex on Flair and gets the 1-2-3 win here. The fans EXPLODE again, as Ross yells that Steamboat gets a World Title Shot tomorrow night at The Great American Bash. Flair is quickly to his feet and he AGAIN clips Steamboat's legs from behind. He locks in The Figure Four as the fans are booing and the show comes to an end.




OR: 83

(The Dragon Ricky Steamboat gained in over rising from 86 to 88)

(The Nature Boy Ric Flair lost in over dropping from 99 to 97)


OR: 70



Best Segment: The Main Event between Flair and Steamboat

Worst Segment: Terry Taylor vs. Bad Brian Lee

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TGC I been reading these and I gotta say I'm enjoying this diary alot, I started off with the recaps and I liked most of what's been going on. I loved the way you had Steamboat debut with the Dragons, As well as tag team tourmoil. Backlund's group is another nice touch and their feud with Brian Pillman has been great thus far.

I liked how you used the Television title as well, The debut of Owen Hart was well done too. I like the way you handled Sting's turn and hopefully you won't job him to Luger.....

Anyways looking forward to seeing more shows, Great work :D

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WCW Great American Bash Pre-Show

The pre-show opens with Jesse Ventura and Eric Bischoff seated on stools in front of a WCW Great American Bash banner. The two men do a quick rundown of the card, then go over each match one by one showing important recent events and finally detailing whom they each think will win, and why.

The Midnight Express vs. The Rock-N-Roll Express

The highlights show how The Rock-N-Roll Express reformed to aide the reformed Midnight Express earlier in the year against Camp Cornette members Stunning Steve Austin, Steven Regal, Dennis Condrey, and Randy Rose. The highlight of this four team war was at Superbrawl '91 when The Rock-N-Roll Express cost The Midnight Express a Scaffold Match against Austin and Regal and joined Camp Cornette and James E. Cornette. This of course led to the two teams being in Tag Team Turmoil, where they both cost each other matches to advance, before being signed for this match tonight.

Bischoff: In my opinion we have two of the greatest Tag Teams in the history of wrestling once again going at it. However the difference maker THIS time will be the fact that James E. Cornette is now in the corner of The Rock-N-Roll Express and NOT The Midnight Express. I have to give this one to Ricky and Robert.

Ventura: Well said Eric, and my thoughts exactly. I have nothing more to add.

WCW TV Title Match: Ron Garvin© vs. Terry Taylor

The highlights here show how Ron Garvin made his return to WCW as The Special Guest Referee that screwed Sting over, all the way to his defeat of Sweet Stan Lane for the belt at Clash Of The Champions: Tag Team Turmoil. The celebration of Garvin being ruined by Sweet Stan and how he got put at the BOTTOM of the contenders despite having a rematch clause for the belt is shown, as is Terry Taylor's return to WCW and his sign up for, and beating as a result of, the open challenge for the belt that Garvin made.

Bischoff: I think this may be a trend tonight, but I can't see Ron Garvin, who has THREE other men backing him up in The Foundation, losing his belt, no matter HOW talented Terry Taylor is. Cheap tricks may be involved, but I see Ron Garvin holding on tonight.

Ventura: I was inclined to disagree with you, until we just saw that beating that Taylor took on WCW Saturday Night again. No way is he 100%, and as you said, Garvin is a smart and wily man who has back-up AND that briefcase. Garvin all the way

2nd Generation vs. The Unholy Alliance

The footage here goes all the way back to WCW WrestleWar '91 when Jarrett debuted and was laid out by Ravishing Rick Rude and Nikita Koloff and his immediate union with Sting, Luger, and Al Snow against The Unholy Alliance. The footage goes through his wins over Ric Flair by DQ, and how Flair set first Koloff in his path and then Arn Anderson, who actually cost him his first loss in WCW. This led to Jarrett bringing in Dean Malenko and Owen Hart to form 2nd Generation to help him against The Unholy Alliance, and the three of them costing The Horsemen the WCW World Tag Team Titles against The Fabulous Freebirds. The return of Barry Windham to help Arn and Tully beat down on Owen and Dean also led to tonight's match, and the confrontation at WCW Slam Packed Wrestling is aired when the match was accepted.

Bischoff: Six of the best wrestlers in WCW today, all in one match, as it's Old School vs. New School in what I KNOW will be off the charts. With that said, I just have to go with the new school here, as these three men in 2nd Generation have something to prove.

Ventura: You may have lost your mind Bischoff. You have Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and Barry Windham, three of the GREATEST in our sport to NEVER hold a World Title, and you think three young punks who have LINEAGE are going to beat them? How many WCW TV, US, and Tag Team Titles do The Unholy Alliance members share between them? There is no way 2nd Generation are going to do anything but lose here.

The Total Package Lex Luger vs. Vader

Most of the footage here details Sting's turn into The Scorpion over the first six months of 1991, and his build to Annihilation and his plan to destroy WCW by becoming the worst offender of them all. The night that Lex came out to "save" Scorpion from himself is shown, as well as how he wound up submitting that same night, only to be joined a few weeks later by Vader and Harley Race to help him. Vader's turn at COTC: TTT and Race's turn on WCW Saturday Night are all shown, as the last image is of a downed Luger rolling on the mat holding his neck.

Bischoff: I've said it countless time, WE'VE said it countless times, Body, but WHY is The Scorpion allowed to be here in WCW? With that said, I think The Total Package needs to walk away from this match tonight and recover. His neck has GOT to be half destroyed, and he's now in a four on one match whether he knows it or not. Vader is going to KILL Luger tonight.

Ventura: Absolutely correct Eric, even though Vader doesn't need the help of ANYONE to annihilate Lex, he can, will, and should use it. My prediction is simple, Luger is going to be OUT of wrestling after tonight. Oh, and don't forget that Vader has NEVER been pinned once in all his time in WCW, and it isn't going to start tonight.

Brian Pillman vs. Chris Benoit

As has been the case with many of these newer feuds, this footage spotlights the entire seven month issue that Pillman has had with The Recruits, starting with Zenk and Mr. Bob Backlund, and winding up with the debut of Chris Benoit as the referee at COTC: TTT that led to Pillman losing to Mr. Backlund. The beat down at the hands of The Recruits from Saturday Night is the last image.

Bischoff: Much like The Total Package, Brian Pillman is in NO shape to wrestle tonight. His shoulder and arm are torn up, and whatever healing HAD occurred was damaged again on Saturday when Benoit AGAIN locked in the Crossface Chicken Wing. Mr. Backlund's Recruits seem to have the upper hand going into this one, and I see NO WAY that Brian Pillman can overcome the odds

Ventura: Well, we're back to seeing eye to eye. Give this BIG win to Chris Benoit, because Brian Pillman has no chance. The only issue I have is that Mr. Backlund NEVER made it about Pillman joining The Recruits like he should have.

WCW US Title Match: Ravishing Rick Rude© vs. Antonio Inoki

The majority of this package is both men's introductions into WCW, in February and April respectively, and how they almost immediately found themselves on the road to gold. After this we see Antonio Inoki's defeat of Rude in three separate matches in June, all non title, as well as the match on WCW Saturday Night yesterday between Inoki and Jeff Jarrett for the Number One Contender shot.

Bischoff: These two men should put on what MAY very well wind up being the match of the night, but in any event I think this one is going to Inoki. He WILL defeat Rude here to take the WCW US Title...

Ventura: ...to Japan? I can guarantee you that there is NO WAY The Ravishing One is going to allow Inoki to go home with our US Title. No way. Rude is walking in and OUT the US Champ.

WCW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds© vs. Liger and Muta

The footage here isn't so much about either team per se, as it is about Tag Team Turmoil and the HISTORY making tournament that changed the Tag Team Division in WCW forever. The highlights are of The Freebirds defeating The Steiners for the US Tag Team Titles, then defeating The Horsemen for the World Tag Team Titles, as well as Liger and Muta winning Tag Team Turmoil Finals and getting beaten down HORRIBLY by The Freebirds.

Bischoff: This, the finale to the two month long Tag Team Turmoil Tournament that saw some stellar Tag Team action here in WCW, should be off the charts good. Simply because I can't see them losing after this seven month long journey to get here, I have to go with Liger and Muta.

Ventura: Well I have to disagree. The Fabulous Freebirds ALSO fought all year thus far to become WCW World Tag Team Champions, and this NEW team of Liger and Muta aren't going to do what the Steiners, Doom, The Diamond Mine, and even The Horsemen couldn't do, and that's stop them. No chance.

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match: The Nature Boy Ric Flair© vs. The Dragon Ricky Steamboat

This is the longest of the video recaps thus far, as it details IN LENGTH and EXTREMELY VIVDLY the 14 plus year feud that exists between these two, capped off this Saturday Night when Steamboat defeated Flair CLEANLY to get this World Title shot.

Bischoff I think I misspoke earlier, as this is almost GUARANTEED to be The Match Of The Night, and very likely The Match Of The Year in ALL of wrestling thus far. These two know each other better than I think ANYONE else, and this match tonight may be the biggest of all their previous encounters. The Dragon has The Nature Boy's number as of late, and I can't and don't see Ric Flair being able to stop this streak. The Dragon Ricky Steamboat is taking home the gold.

Ventura: No way, no chance, and no how, Bischoff. This is The Nature Boy Ric Flair, and The Dirtiest Player In The Game we're talking about. He can and he WILL take it to Steamboat and walk out victorious. Besides, how many times over the years have we all seen The Champ with his back against the ropes only to have him pull out the big win at the last second? I'll tell you how many times. Too many to count. The Champ REMAINS The Champ here tonight.

With that the two do a last second reminder to order the PPV, as the pre-show comes to an end.

OR: 82

WCW Great American Bash '91

Sunday, July 21, 1991

Announcers: Jim Ross and Mike Tenay


Nashville, TN

The fans go nuts as the PPV opening leads into Jim Ross and Mike Tenay seated at ringside at their announce desk.

Ross: Welcome one and all to WCW Great American Bash LIVE from Nashville, TN. I am Jim Ross, and beside me is the best color commentator in the business today Mike Tenay.

Tenay: Thank you Jim, and thank you to the fans here in Nashville and at home for allowing us to entertain you this evening. And what an evening of entertainment we have for you, as the BEST wrestlers in the world today are here tonight to do what they do best, wrestle.

Ross: No doubt, Mike, as tonight isn't about who's the biggest or the strongest, but who's the BEST in these eight HUGE matches we have for you. Speaking of which, let's head to the ring where our new Ring Announcer, the legend himself Bob Caudle, is ready to announce...

The Midnight Express vs. The Rock-N-Roll Express(with James E Cornette)

The Rock-N-Roll Express, Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson, walk out to a decent heel reaction as James E Cornette slowly walks behind them, all smiles. They all three get into the ring, where Cornette gives some last minute advice to his men. The music hits for The Midnight Express, and they come racing from the back, no robes and a look of seriousness covering their faces. They slide into the ring as Cornette is bailing out the other side. Ricky and Robert lay the boots to them, but they shake it off and QUICKLY get to their feet all the same. Ref Robinson calls for the bell as the four men lay hard rights and lefts to each other. The fans are chanting "Too Sweet" as he nails Too Sweet to send Morton over the top ropes to the floor. He then turns and Gibson sees he is alone and tries to get out of the ring. Beautiful Bobby and Sweet Stan race to catch him, but Ref Robinson steps in the way telling them that ONE of them needs to leave the ring. As those three argue, Gibson huddles with Cornette, while Morton remains half dazed on the floor. Finally Sweet Stan leaves the ring and Gibson re-enters it. Morton makes his way to his feet, but the look on his face is one of confusion. Gibson and Eaton lock up, and Gibson uses a knee to the gut to gain an advantage. He works over Eaton for several minutes, before finally going to tag in Morton, who looks a lot better now. Morton and Gibson then make Beautiful Bobby "The Face In Peril" here, as they quickly tag in and out, using the five count to their advantage. Sweet Stan is livid, trying to rally the fans behind Eaton, but nothing seems to work. Cornette calls for his men to finish it off, and Gibson Powerslams Eaton, then tags in Morton who climbs to the top rope. He comes off with a Flying Fist Drop and goes for a cover, but he jumps up of his own accord after the one count. He smiles, then climbs to the top rope again. Cornette looks nervous as Morton flies with an Alabama Jam. At the last second Eaton rolls out of the way and begins to crawl to Sweet Stan. Gibson is screaming for the tag from Morton as the fans are cheering. Morton gets the tag to Gibson earlier, and Gibson races, tripping through the ropes in his excitement. He leaps to catch Eaton's foot, but it's too late as the tag is made. The fans cheer as Sweet Stan leaps over the top rope and lays fist and Chop after fist and Chop to Gibson. He whips Gibson into the ropes and Backbody Drops him. Morton comes rushing in and he too gets Backbody Dropped for his efforts. Cornette climbs on the apron, and Sweet Stan, with one fluid motion, turns and hits Too Sweet sending Cornette crashing to the floor as the fans erupt in more cheers. Eaton, now to his feet, sends Gibson over the top ropes to the floor, then climbs on the apron, while Sweet Stan waits, watching Morton. Morton gets to his feet, looks around, and then turns and walks right into Too Sweet for the second time tonight. He goes down fast and hard as Sweet Stan makes the cover. Ref Robinson makes the count, and the 1-2-3 victory goes to The Midnight Express. The fans cheer as Sweet Stan and Beautiful Bobby hug, then exit the ring. Cornette is leaning against the ring scowling as the twosome walk towards the back, clapping and shaking hands with the fans.




OR: 83

Time: 15 Minutes

Pro Wrestling Illustrated Rating: ***3/4

(As most of them are, this match between these two teams that know each other so well was a great match, perhaps the best either team has had since rejoining WCW earlier this year. The fans stayed solidly behind the match, and the ring work was off the charts good. There's a reason why these four remain such valuable players in our WCW, and this was it. A fantastic opener that achieved EVERYTHING we wanted it to.)

Ross: What a way to kick off WCW Great American Bash '91.

Tenay: Indeed it was Jim, indeed it was. The Midnight Express looked better than I think they have in years. Perhaps James E. Cornette should have KEPT ON forcing Sweet Stan to wrestle seven days a week.

Ross: Perhaps he should have. And speaking of that, as we can see Cornette and Gibson helping Morton to the back, I think now we MIGHT just see a refocused Sweet Stan trying to get back his WCW TV Title, one way or the other.

Tenay: I can see that Bob Caudle is ready for his next ring introductions so let's...

WCW TV Title Match: Ron Garvin©(with The Foundation) vs. Terry Taylor

The fans settle in as Terry Taylor makes his way to the ring. Once inside he is followed by The Man With The Hands Of Stone Ron Garvin, who is flanked by Rotunda, Smothers, and Rich. Smothers has the briefcase in his hand, which seems to be his current job with The Foundation. Garvin takes the title from the briefcase and hands it to Ref Alphonso, then slides into the ring. He offers a handshake to Taylor, who accepts, then smacks him across the nose hard as Ref Alphonso calls for the bell. Taylor is infuriated, and he starts laying Chops to Garvin's chest. Garvin makes it to the ropes to break the momentum, as The Foundation members clap. The fans make a light amount of noise, but for the most part are silent. Terry Taylor waits, and once Garvin is out of the ropes he rushes forward, only to be met with Elbows to the jaw that stagger him back. Garvin goes for a Small Package, but it only gets a weak one count before Taylor kicks out. Taylor quickly regains his momentum and controls the match, but at every turn he has to deal with The Foundation members on the floor, who either trip him up or distract the referee. Taylor can't seem to catch a break, even though he is CLEARLY out wrestling Garvin, but it soon comes to a head. Ref Alphonso has had enough, and he leaps from the ring and ORDERS the other three Foundation members to the back. Smothers lays the briefcase on the apron, as the three men are arguing, but heading back. Taylor is watching this, and he misses seeing Garvin grab the briefcase. He turns and gets clocked in the face with it. He tosses the briefcase to the floor, then starts yelling for the ref. Ref Alphonso runs back to the ring as Garvin is doing his Garvin Stomp to the downed Taylor. The fans are FINALLY booing here, as Garvin goes for the cover and gets the 1-2-3 to retain his belt. Garvin is up, and he is smiling, as the fans start to really cheer. From the back Sweet Stan runs down and slides in. He trades some punches with Garvin. He is setting up for Too Sweet, but Garvin hightails it from the ring, grabbing his briefcase in the process, and runs to the back. Sweet Stan helps up Taylor, as the fans cheer a bit.




OR: 64

Time: 8 Minutes

Pro Wrestling Illustrated Rating: 3/4*

(This match nearly killed a crowd that was red hot to start, and that's NOT good. Thus far Garvin's one month reign as TV Champion hasn't been anywhere near as successful as either Sweet Stan's or Stunning Steve Austin's reigns as champions. For whatever reason, the fans simply can't get behind Ron Garvin as a viable champion. Not good at all)

Ross: Sweet Stan makes the save of Terry Taylor, but only AFTER the damage was done by The Foundation and that blasted briefcase.

Tenay: It's a shame that a belt that held SUCH prestige earlier in the year is now being worn by a man like Ron Garvin, Jim. However I think you stated it correctly when you said Sweet Stan would now set his sights BACK on the TV Title, as it looks like he MAY have done just that.

Ross: Up now we have a match I've been highly anticipating for the last weeks...

2nd Generation vs. The Unholy Alliance(with Paul E. Dangerously)

The fans erupt into cheers as Jeff Jarrett, Owen Hart, and Dean Malenko walk from the back. They head to the ring as the music of The Horsemen starts up, and Tully Blanchard, The Enforcer Arn Anderson, and Barry Windham walk out led by Paul E. Dangerously. The fans boo heavily for The Unholy Alliance members. Referee Nick Patrick keeps the six men separate as he TRIES to go over the rules for the match. He sends Owen and Jeff to the apron as well as Arn and Barry, and Dean Malenko and Tully Blanchard start the match off as the bell sounds. To say that these two put on a technical showcase to start is a bit of an understatement. Tully is able to keep up with Malenko, as the first full five minutes are holds and counter holds that have the fans breathless, and include MANY near falls already. Tully breaks this up, however, as he rolls to his corner and tags in Barry. Dean does likewise, and Jeff Jarrett makes his way into the ring. The wrestling here is a LOT different, as Barry almost immediately goes for power moves, knocking Jeff around like a doll. He scoops Jeff up and looks to be ready to a Piledriver, but Jeff shifts his weight and slides down Windham's back, where he rolls Windham up for a quick two count. Windham is livid, and he jumps top his feet, where he gets Dropkicked by Jarrett, sending him back into his own corner. AA tags in blind, as Jarrett also tags in Owen. Anderson and Owen immediately lock up with a test of strength that Owen is winning. The Enforcer lands a low blow that Ref Patrick misses, and the momentum of the entire match shifts right there. Arn spends the next 5 minutes just beating on Owen as Malenko and Jarrett, and the fans, try everything in their power to rally Owen. He finally hits a Brainbuster and goes for the pinfall, but seemingly from out of nowhere Owen kicks out at the last possible second. The fans cheer as Arn looks on dumbfounded. He tags in Tully, who also works over Owen for several minutes, before he too hits a Brainbuster. The fans are deflated, as they seem to know what HAS to happen now. The cover and the count, but at the last possible second Owen gets his foot on the bottom rope, and again the fans cheer. Tully drags Owen over to his corner, where Barry is tagged in. Barry, not the most limber and agile of the six in the ring, lays boots to the face of Owen before lifting him up and hitting a Sidewalk Slam. He does it a second time, then picks him up for a third. This time however Owen reaches out and grabs the ropes, and Barry sort of falls awkwardly onto the mat. Again the fans cheer as Owen holds himself up by the ropes. Barry is up and he goes for a running Clothesline, but Owen ducks and Barry flies to the floor. Arn and Tully, obviously upset and getting tired of this, both enter the ring and lay into Owen. This brings both Dean and Jeff in, and the match goes to hell as bedlam ensues. Tully and Dean square off as do Arn and Jeff, while Owen holds on, barely, to his footing. Barry gets to his feet on the floor, his forehead now bloody, and he is handed the cell phone from Paul E. Barry gets on the apron and smashes it into the back of Owen's head, dropping him. Ref Patrick is busy trying to get the other four out of the ring, and he doesn't see Barry pull a chain and wrap it around his fist as he re-enters the ring. The fans are booing, as Jeff and Arn are now on the floor exchanging fists, Barry grabs Owen by the back of the head, which is now bloody too, and lifts him to his feet. He rears back to smash his fist into Owen's head, and Owen punches him in the chest, which Tenay calls The Hart Punch, then Headbutts Barry three times. Barry drops the chain, as Owen downs Barry and locks in The Sharpshooter as the fans cheer. Ref Patrick ignores Tully and Dean still in the ring and races to Barry. Dean trips up Tully, locking in The Texas Cloverleaf to keep him from breaking up the count, while on the floor Jeff cinches in The Figure Four Leglock on The Enforcer. Barry holds on, as Paul E. tries to scramble into the ring. He trips and falls on his face as Barry, with a look off utter disdain covering his face, is forced to quit to the painful Submission Hold. Owen releases the hold and then drops head first to the mat. Dean releases his hold and pulls Owen from the ring to the cheers, as Jeff meets them. Paul E. gets into the ring with his thoroughly defeated team, while Barry lies on the mat, blood dripping from his face, looking extremely upset.




OR: 77

Time: 26 Minutes

Pro Wrestling Illustrated Rating: **3/4

(Jeff Jarrett lost in over dropping from 87 to 86)

(Another stellar match that almost brought the crowd back after the WEAK TV Title Match. The only issue we had with this one was Barry, who struggled and tried to fight losing his first match back after his ankle injury, especially to Owen Hart, whom he felt didn't deserve the "honor" of getting a win over him. Barry eventually did the job, but NOT happily, as we reminded him that we put Sid in HIS place for the same reasons, and he was a MUCH bigger star at the time that Barry is now. Another case of a guy who looks at himself as being bigger than he is, which is a shame.)

Ross: Another GREAT match that lived up to the hype it has received. And what a HUGE victory for Owen hart, defeating a workhorse here in WCW.

Tenay: I don't know if you saw the look on Windham's face or not Jim, but something tells me this issue is FAR from over between The Unholy Alliance and 2nd Generation.

Ross: Oh i saw it, and I tend to agree. So far these six men have each won a battle, but the war will rage on I'm sure.

Tenay: Speaking of WARS...

Brian Pillman vs. Chris Benoit(with Mr. Bob Backlund)

Pillman, wearing wrestling tights and a HEAVILY bandaged arm and shoulder, walks from the back to a crowd reaction that is EASILY the biggest of the night thus far. He gets into the ring with Ref Walt Williams, as Mr. Bob Backlund leads out Chris Benoit to a modicum of boos. Benoit, stoic and determined looking, gets into the ring and goes nose to nose with Pillman. Some trash talk takes place as Ref Williams calls for the bell. The two talk some more, then Pillman punches Benoit square in the face, knocking him back. Pillman is relentless to start, pummeling Benoit in this obvious FIGHT as opposed to a wrestling match. Mr. Backlund is yelling about the closed fists, but it all changes when Benoit punches Pillman right in the shoulder, dropping him like a lead balloon. The fans boo, as Benoit then goes to work, applying Arm Bars, Dropping the shoulder on his knees, stomping on it, and wrenching it. Pillman's face is a contorted figure of PAIN, but he continues on, taking the beating the whole way. Benoit goes for The Crossface Chicken Wing, but Pillman is able to counter out of it, Drop Kicking Benoit face first into the turnbuckle. The fans cheer as Pillman, of his own accord, rips the bandages off to reveal a red and swollen shoulder. He uses the tape and bandages to choke Benoit repeatedly, always breaking at the four count. Mr. Backlund gets on the apron, and Pillman grabs him and launches him into the ring, knocking Ref Williams down in the process. Pillman climbs to the top rope and flies with a Top Rope Headbutt that sends the fans cheering more. He then scoops Mr. Backlund up and launches him to the floor, as Benoit gets to his feet. Pillman holds his shoulder, but is able to miss being hit with a Clubbing Forearm. He Belly To Back Suplexes Benoit, then locks in The Crossface Chicken Wing himself. As Benoit is screaming Tom Zenk slides into the ring. He kicks Pillman in the shoulder, then picks him up and Belly To Back Suplexes him, dropping him RIGHT on the shoulder. He slides to the floor and helps Mr. Backlund up, as Benoit now climbs to the top rope himself and nails a Flying Headbutt of his own, right on the shoulder. He pins the arm behind Pillman's back, then slams him down hard on it as Ref Williams gets to his feet, groggy. Benoit then locks in The Crossface Chicken Wing and Pillman wastes absolutely NO TIME submitting. The fans erupt in boos as Benoit is joined by Mr. Backlund and Zenk in the ring. Benoit holds Pillman up, and Mr. Backlund screams in his face, before twisting the arm behind his back and driving him down with a knee to the back. Mr. Backlund then applies his OWN Crossface Chicken Wing, as Pillman soon passes out from the pain. Mr. Backlund's Recruits, as Ross and Tenay now refer to them, exit the ring to boos while medics rush down to check on Pillman, who isn't moving.




OR: 86

Time: 25 Minutes

Pro Wrestling Illustrated Rating: ****

(Chris Benoit gains in over rising from 74 to 84)

(EASILY the current Match of The Night, as these two, and Zenk and Mr. Backlund, just let it all go, delivering a technically sound wrestling match, but also getting into the ever popular brawling and fighting. Pillman, a true locker room leader to be sure, was excited as all get out about helping to build up Benoit tonight, and he really sold his heart out, putting him over in a BIG way. The crowd reaction to Benoit was 10 times louder once the match was over as it was when it started. The feud between these two rises in Heat from 63 to 73, and it still has a LONG way to go.)

Ross: You have to congratulate Brian Pillman on trying here tonight, and fighting through the injury and pain, but he just wasn't ready to compete. Mr. Backlund is a GENIUS in that ring, and it showed as he had Chris Benoit, and Tom Zenk, work on that shoulder and arm the ENTIRE match.

Tenay: Mr. Backlund is a genius, and Chris Benoit DID wrestle a great match, but keep in mind that it was Tom Zenk that gave Benoit the win here. Hurt shoulder or not, I really believe Pillman had the match won if not for his old enemy Zenk.

Ross: Excellent point Mike. Up next we have another match where one of the competitors isn't really up to getting into the ring in my opinion as...

The Total Package Lex Luger vs. Vader(with Harley Race and Annihilation)

The lights dim to their odd, off white color, then the creepy music plays that signals Annihilation. The Scorpion and Cactus Jack enter from the back, then the music changes to announce the coming of Vader, led by Harley Race. The fans boo, even louder than the previous match, as Vader walks to the ring with his cohorts. He has no chance to enter the ring, however, as Lex Luger leaps over the barricade where the fans are at and begins pummeling Vader from behind. He sends Cactus' head into the ring post REPEATEDLY, then ducks a Scorpion Splash that has The Scorpion throat himself on the barrier. He picks Vader up, still on the floor as Referee Rohn Jericho calls for the bell, and hits The Human Torture Drop on the floor. Luger pops up, as the fans are going nuts here, and he turns to face Race, who is begging and backing off. He doesn't see Vader get to his feet, completely no selling the vicious move. Vader clubs Luger in the back, then rolls him into the ring. The actual ring time of the match is VERY short, as Vader just pounds on Luger's neck with super stiff shots. The ref lets it go, as Tenay and Ross wonder if Ref Jericho isn't a little bit intimidated by Vader. Vader then scoops Luger up, who is a quivering mass of muscles, and Vaderbombs him onto the mat. He rolls him up and gets the academic 1-2-3 as the fans, quite a bit quieter now, still boo. The Scorpion is in the ring, and he locks in The Scorpion Deathlock as Cactus DDT's the referee. Race is in next, and The Scorpion tells him to do it. Race laughs and Piledrives Luger twice. Luger is out of it, and about to be SPIKE Piledriven by Vader and Race, when the fans cheer a bit as Stan Hansen, last seen being KILLED by Vader and Race a few months ago, races into the ring with his bull rope and cowbell. He lays Scorpion and Jack out with it, then Swings it at Vader, who slides to the floor, as does Race. Annihilation stand on the floor outside the ring looking on as Hansen stands tall, offering to let them back in the ring. Annihilation walk off, with Vader NEVER taking his eyes off of Hansen.




OR: 84

Time: 10 Minutes

Pro Wrestling Illustrated Rating: ***1/4

(Stan Hansen gains in over rising from 73 to 74)

(Lex Luger lost in over dropping from 78 to 77)

(The Scorpion lost in over dropping from 78 to 77)

(A short match, but one that played to the strengths of those involved. The fans stayed behind Luger, but the ending here was never in doubt really. The fans seemed to lose a little respect for Luger after the match, but the return of Hansen, fresh off of a run in Japan and in Developmental for a month working with The Texas Mustangs and The Harris Brothers off and on, was a pleasant surprise that they seemed to enjoy. The Heat here did drop a notch from 90 to 89, but we hope to build it back up in the next few weeks. A nice, if not technically pretty, match.)

Ross: Stan Hansen is BACK in WCW, and you just know he's looking to get revenge against Vader and Race for what they did to him a few months ago.

Tenay: Indeed Jim, but look at Lex, as Hansen leaves the ring, holding Luger up. His neck could be broken.

Ross: Well, considering how Hansen is manhandling to the back, let's hope not. I'm sure we're on the verge of seeing some more classic and BRUTAL matches between Vader and Hansen, in a rivalry now that I don't think WILL end until one of these two is dead.

Tenay: Valid point Jim. I also think that Vader and Race, especially, have now made a lifelong enemy of Lex Luger. Once he returns he won't stop until his revenge is had, no doubt.

Ross: Annihilation may be in for a long, bloody, painful journey.

WCW US Title Match: Ravishing Rick Rude(with Paul E. Dangerously) vs. Antonio Inoki

The fans start to cheer again as Antonio Inoki comes from the back to his music, as usual looking serious and all business. He steps into the ring and disrobes, as Rude's music plays and he is led to the ring by Paul E. He disrobes once inside, swivels his hips, and turns to show his multi colored tie dyed tights with a picture of Inoki on the back, bleeding. Paul E. removes the title and hands it to Referee Randy Anderson, who holds it high then calls for the bell. Paul E. is on the floor, a new cell phone in his hands, as Rude gets in Inoki's face and talks trash. Inoki slowly starts to smile, then gets slapped across the face by Rude, who wipes sweat off his chest and flings it at Inoki. He then turns his back to Inoki, posing for the crowd. He turns back to face Inoki, and gets dropped with a Chop ten times louder than anything Flair has ever produced. Rude screams in pain as the match begins with Inoki immediately locking in The Octopus Hold. Paul E. is awestruck here, as Rude is in the center of the ring with nowhere to go. Somehow Rude is able to get free, something Tenay says he doesn't think he's EVER seen before, and Rude rolls to the floor. Inoki follows, something Ross says is uncharacteristic of the Japanese Super Star, but he winds up getting stopped by Paul E. He chops Paul E aside, but meets a Running Clothesline off the apron by Rude. As Ref Pee Wee makes the ten count, Rude DDT's Inoki on the floor, then rolls in breaking the count at eight. He waits, as Ref Pee Wee starts the count anew. Inoki makes his way inside at seven, but he's obviously hurting here, as Rude makes the most of it by working on the neck relentlessly. After almost fifteen minutes he signals for The Rude Awakening as Paul E. smiles and cheers him on and the fans start an "Inoki" chant that grows and grows. It seems to do the trick as Inoki counters out of the hold and hits a Running Bulldog on Rude that leaves both men out. Rude is up to his feet first, and he is handed the cell phone in plain sight of Ref Anderson, who attempts to get it away from him. Rude struggles with him, then nails The Rude Awakening on HIM, as the fans boo. He goes to nail Inoki with the phone, but Inoki counters with a Drop Toe Hold that sends Rude into the ropes. Inoki hits some martial arts type kicks, then locks in The Octopus Hold again, ad Paul E. scrambles again to get into the ring. Inoki releases the hold and meets Paul E., dropping him and sending him to the floor. He then locks the hold back on Rude, who submits JUST as Ref Charles Robinson slides under the ropes. He calls for the bell as he instructs Bob Caudle that Inoki is the NEW US Champion. Ref Robinson gets the belt and gives it to Inoki as the fans cheer, but Referee Pee Wee is back up to his feet and he grabs the belt from Inoki, who looks quite confused. He and Ref Robinson confer with Bob Caudle, then Pee Wee hands the belt back to Rude, who is also confused. It's Caudle who clears it all up.

Bob Caudle: As the result of a Disqualification due to Rick Rude laying his hands on Senior Referee Randy Anderson, Antonio Inoki is the winner of this match. HOWEVER, by the laws and rules of World Championship Wrestling, the belt cannot change hands as the result of a DQ, therefore the WCW US Champion is STILL Ravishing Rick Rude.

The fans boo as Rude smiles and rushes from the ring and to the back with Paul E., who is shaky but laughing the whole time. Inoki stands in the ring looking dejected, then walks towards the back to a round of applause from the fans.




OR: 88

Time: 30 Minutes

Pro Wrestling Illustrated Rating: ****

(Antonio Inoki gained in over rising from 86 to 87)

(The WCW US Title gained in over rising from 89 to 91)

(New Match Of The Night, as we've been able to capture the crowd and keep them involved. The Rude and Inoki feud drops in Heat from 90 to 89, but again we know these two will build it back up over time. These two work QUITE well together, and this entire feud came about as a result of both men REALLY wanting to work together in a program. Who are we three to deny the fans what could produce some of our best matches since we started this in January? Most impressive.)

Ross: Those dirty scoundrels Rick Rude and Paul E. Dangerously got EXTREMELY lucky here tonight.

Tenay: Lucky? They out and out cheated to retain the belt. The Ravishing One SUBMITTED, and by ALL RIGHTS should NOT still be the champion. This is a horrible turn of events, and knowing Antonio Inoki as I do I can only IMAGINE how he must be feeling. I can assure you he will NOT let this drop, not like this.

Ross: I know he's a friend Mike, but settle down, we have to remain impartial out here.

Tenay: I know, and I'm sorry. Moving on to...

WCW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds©(with Missy and Tammy) vs. Liger and Muta

Liger and Muta come out first to a good reaction from the crowd, but perhaps smaller than they have been receiving lately. They hit the ring and wait, as soon The Freebirds music hits and they walk from the back, the World Title around their waists. Missy and Tammy escort them down, purses hanging off their shoulders. The Freebirds get to the ring, and ORDER Referee Patrick to remove Liger and Muta from the ring. The challengers oblige, as the foursome enter the ring and play up to the mostly booing crowd for close to five minutes. Finally Liger and Muta have had enough, and they slide into the ring and whip Hayes and Jimmy Garvin into the ropes, as Ref Patrick is calling for the bell and the girls scramble out, then Back Body Drop them BOTH to the floor. The fans cheer, as Missy and Tammy help their men up. The fans cheer even louder as, from the back, Rick and Scott Steiner come walking down to ringside, not dressed to wrestle. They both grab one of the girls and start walking towards the back with them. Liger, Muta, and Ref Patrick look on confused, as Hayes and Garvin start to follow, looking upset. Liger rushes off the ropes and flies with a Suicide Plancha that sends the champions down hard. Liger then grabs Hayes and rolls him into the ring with Muta. Garvin contemplates going after Missy and Tammy, but he finally runs back and gets on the apron as Muta is flipping around Hayes. Muta and Liger keep basic control of the match, and the champions, for a long duration, until Garvin uses a Back Mule Kick that Ref Patrick misses on Liger to gain the obvious momentum for his team. Garvin and Hayes use their patented double team moves to keep Liger away from his corner as the fans, who seem tired now, sit back and occasionally boo. Finally Liger is able to hit a Powerbomb on Garvin that surprises and shocks the fans, and both men are down. Garvin gets a tag to Hayes first, and as he's coming into the ring Liger leaps up and flies across the ring to make a tag to Muta, who leaps onto the top rope and comes off with an Enzuguiri onto Hayes. Garvin is still in the ring, and he receives an Enzuguiri himself that sends him to the floor. Muta prepares himself, and with Ref Patrick busy getting Liger out of the ring, once Hayes is to his feet he gets The Red Mist in his eyes. He drops, while Garvin is trying to get onto the apron. The fans cheer as Muta turns to him and blasts him with The GREEN Mist. Muta then comes off the ropes with a Springboard Moonsault directly onto Hayes. Ref Patrick makes the count and Liger and Muta win the match and become the WCW World Tag Team Champions. Hayes rolls to the floor, as Liger and Muta are handed the titles. They hold them high, hug each other, then simply bask in the adoration of the fans, who are once again cheering.




OR: 80

Time: 22 Minutes

Pro Wrestling Illustrated Rating: ***1/4

(Liger lost in over dropping from 88 to 87)

(The WCW World Tag Team Titles gain in over rising from 76 to 78)

Ross: What a HUGE win for Liger and Muta, a team that have worked their hardest since pairing up in January. What an excellent new beginning to the saga of the WCW World Tag Team Titles.

Tenay: And the fans love it, Jim, as our NEW champions are heading towards the back. The one question left unanswered here is WHY The Steiners came down to the ring and, well, abducted Missy and Tammy?

Ross: I think we, and The Freebirds, will get an answer to THAT this coming weekend on WCW TV on TNT, Mike. But now, the match we've all been waiting for...

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match: The Nature Boy Ric Flair© vs. The Dragon Ricky Steamboat

The music of The Dragon hits, and the fans EXPLODE as he makes his way towards the ring, slapping hands along the way. He gets into the ring, where Ref Pee Wee is, and stands waiting. The music of The Nature Boy hits, and this crowd explodes into boos now, as Flair comes from the back, a spotlight directly on him, and stops. He opens his robe, the World Title firmly around his waist. He smiles, as about fifteen women walk out behind him and then escort the WCW World Heavyweight Champion to the ring. He steps into the ring, kisses a few of the women goodbye, then disrobes and takes the title off. He looks at it a bit longer than normal, then hands it to Ref Pee Wee, who holds it high as he's walking around the ring. Bob Caudle finishes his introductions by proclaiming that this match is one fall with TV time remaining. Ross and Tenay figure out that leaves ROUGHLY forty minutes here on PPV for us to decide the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. The rules are laid out by Ref Pee Wee, then he calls for the bell. Flair struts, then "WHOOO!"'s right in the face of Steamboat, who steps back, smiling, then does a strut of his own. He ends his strut by Chopping Flair repeatedly across the chest and the fans go nuts. Flair wobbles backwards as Steamboat is relentless. He then whips Flair into the turnbuckle, and the Flair Flip over the turnbuckle and run across the apron occurs, but is cut short by a Standing Drop Kick by Steamboat that sends Flair into the guard railing. The fans explode again, as Steamboat climbs to the floor, Chops Flair a bit more, then rolls him into the ring. Steamboat follows, and Flair begs off. Steamboat smiles, but he knows his adversary well, and he doesn't get too close, instead he backs away and waits. Flair gets to his feet, the fans booing, and he and Steamboat circle each other for a minute, before they finally lock up. Flair wins this one with a cheap knee shot to the solar plexus of Steamboat, then he continues with about eight more of the same. Flair gets Steamboat into a high Vertical Suplex, then he drops him down hard. Flair sells his own move for a second, then goes for a cover that only receives a one count. Flair then begins his patented work on the leg of Steamboat, as everyone in the arena KNOWS what is coming. Flair soon steps over and grabs Steamboat's leg, then twirls and twists and soon he has Steamboat locked in The Figure Four in the center of the ring. Steamboat screams, but in an AMAZING test of endurance he holds on in the painful move for almost four minutes. He seems to pass out and drops down on the mat, causing Ref Pee Wee to make the count. The fans are cheering like crazy, and at almost three Steamboat pops up and has a look of determination on his face. Flair looks horrified, and he starts to slap Steamboat, who no sells every one. Steamboat then Chops Flair's chest relentlessly, and soon enough Flair releases his own hold. Steamboat rolls around on the mat in pain. Flair comes over to lock it in again, but Steamboat Small Packages Flair , getting only a two. Flair jumps up livid, and he goes back to work on Steamboat's leg. Ross points out, as Flair is ONCE AGAIN applying the Figure Four, that twenty minutes have passed by. Steamboat is once again in excruciating pain, screaming and trying with all his might to roll the hold over. Finally he does, and Ref Pee Wee breaks the hold as Flair grabs the ropes. Flair walks off the effects of it, as Steamboat is rolling around, holding his legs. Flair comes over and goes to stomp on Steamboat's left knee, but Steamboat grabs his foot, tripping him up and sending him down to the mat hard. Steamboat then mounts his nemesis and delivers lefts and rights, as Ref Pee Wee makes the five count. Flair gets free, gets to his feet, then does The Flair Flop. The fans explode as they seem to sense a shift in the momentum of the match. Steamboat works to get to his feet, but he finally does. The fans are rallying behind him, chanting "Dragon" as he limps around the ring. Flair gets up and Steamboat locks in a Sleeper Hold. The fans cheer, but soon settle down as Flair begins to weaken. His arm drops once, his arm drops twice, then it almost drops a third time, but Steamboat is nailed with a Reverse Mule Kick by Flair that causes him to release the hold, and both men collapse to the mat. Steamboat is up first, and he slowly climbs to the top rope. The fans are cheering, as Steamboat flies off the top with an Elbow Drop squarely to the chest of Flair. A cover gets two only. Steamboat does it a second time, and again a cover only gets two. The fans start to boo, as Steamboat begins to get frustrated. He goes for a DDT, but his knee gives way and he stumbles, which allows Flair to hit a variation of The Fisherman Suplex. This only gets two, as the fans let out a collective sigh of relief. At this point Paul E. Dangerously hurriedly comes down to the ring, his cell phone in hand. He pounds the mat, as Ross announces that thirty five minutes have expired. Steamboat and Flair get up at the same time, and they begin to trade Chops. Flair backs off, and again does The Flair Flop. The fans cheer some more as Paul E. is pounding the mat harder. Steamboat looks to the crowd, then points skyward. The fans erupt as HE SLOWLY climbs to the top rope again. Flair gets to his feet and Steamboat connects with a Flying Cross Body Block. Ref Pee Wee makes the count, but AGAIN it's only two. Paul E. looks scared. Steamboat then surprises everyone when he locks in The Figure Four Leglock in the center of the ring. Flair is stuck, his screams of pain can be heard throughout the arena as he is shaking his head no that he does not give up. Ref Pee Wee looks to the announce position as Flair begins to shake his head yes, RIGHT as the bell rings. The fans are on their feet screaming, as Steamboat releases the hold, all smiles. Paul E. is shocked. It's Bob Caudle who once again sets the record straight.

Caudle: As a result of the expiration of the time limit, this match is declared a DRAW. Therefore STILL WCW World Heavyweight Champion, The Nature Boy Ric Flair.

Paul E. looks stunned as the fans boo vehemently. Paul E races over and grabs the belt, then drags Flair from the ring as Steamboat is telling Ref Pee Wee that Flair SUBMITTED. Flair is helped to the back by Paul E.




OR: 94

Time: 40 Minutes

Pro Wrestling Illustrated Rating: ****3/4

(Match Of The Night, let alone YEAR thus far for WCW as these two legends told one hell of a story in that ring. The fans don't go home happy here, but the tale is left to be finished another day. The Heat in this feud rises from 91 to 92, which is always a good thing. We knew bringing Steamboat in was a good move, and these two have shown us why yet again that they are two of the very best in this business.)

Ross: I don't believe it. Flair gave it up, JUST BEFORE the bell rang, Flair gave it up.

Tenay: I think Steamboat got cheated here for sure Jim, as Referee Pee Wee Anderson was looking over here at us and the Time Keeper, and NOT at Flair as he shook his head YES, he gave up. A travesty, a damn sure travesty.

Ross: We're out of time, we're out of time. BE sure to tune in to WCW Slam Packed Wrestling and WCW Saturday Night this weekend for more on this. For Mike Tenay, I'm Jim Ross, and thank you for joining us this evening.


OR: 83



Best Overall Match: Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat

Best "Smart" Match: Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat

Best "Mark" Match: Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat

Worst Match: Ron Garvin vs. Terry Taylor

(Overall this was the best PPV we have put together since we started in January of last year, which is especially odd since we felt that there were so many last minute matches added that it wouldn't fly. We were wrong. MVP's of the night are most definitely Flair and Steamboat, with Rude and Inoki playing a close second, but overall the entire roster showed themselves capable of going to that next level quite nicely. Still, the ONLY match of the night that truly FAILED to deliver was the TV Title Match, and right now the failure is being placed SQUARELY on the shoulders of Ron Garvin, who has simply failed to capture the audience despite having a great gimmick. His place will be reevaluated very soon.)

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:( I like Ron Garvin.

Overall the PPV was very well done. You know I'm an old school mark so Stan Hansen coming back more than works for me.

Funny, your comments at the end pretty much sum up how I felt about it. The card on paper seemed rushed and 'thrown together' as a whole, BUT it worked out. That's just good booking. The people 'thrown' into matches worked well together which helped out tremendously.

The finish of the Flair/Steamboat match has shades of so many other old school finishes that as much as I want to say it was borrowed, I absolutely loved it. It more than continues the feud, and increases the 'heat.'


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WCW Slam Packed Wrestling

Friday July 26, 1991

Announcers: Eric Bischoff and Jesse "The Body" Ventura


The Omni

Atlanta, GA

In Case You Missed It...

The show opens without the normal Slam Packed Wrestling opening, but instead with footage from WCW Great American Bash '91 this past Sunday Night. While every match is covered, the MOST time is spent on Rude and Inoki, The Midnight Express and The Rock-N-Roll Express, and Flair and Steamboat.

OR: 84

WCW Championship Committee Representative James E. Cornette Has Some Ideas

Cornette is with the new WCW Interviewer Bob Caudle after the footage ends, and he is flanked by not only Austin, Regal, and The Rock-N-Roll Express, but also The Foundation.

Caudle: Well, this is certainly an ODD way to start my first show with WCW Slam Packed Wrestling, but here I am with...

Cornette: Unless these drunk idiots here in The Omni are blind, they know who I am, and they know who these eight men around me are. Camp Cornette, The Rock-N-Roll Express, and The Foundation, ALL NOW have the Managerial expertise of myself, James E. Cornette. The owner of The Foundation called me over the week and asked a favor of me. That being for me to help him, or her, out and guide his, or her, investment here in WCW. I agreed, because quite frankly, who WOULDN'T accept the offer that I was given? Welcome one and all to The Foundation, led by James E. Cornette.

Caudle: Wow, what a...

Cornette: Shut up Bob, I have WORK to handle here. This past Sunday at The Great American Bash we had some odd endings to some high profile matches. As the representative for the WCW Championship Committee I am here to address those. Senior WCW Referee Randy Anderson was at the center of BOTH of these matches, and while none of us feel it was anything OTHER than a coincidence, we can't have it looking like it was. So, with that said, in four weeks at WCW Fall Brawl we will see Ravishing Rick Rude once again defend his WCW US Title against Antonio Inoki AND WE WILL ALSO see The Nature Boy Ric Flair and The Dragon Ricky Steamboat wrestle for the WCW World Heavyweight Title. Referee Anderson will NOT officiate either match. Furthermore, the World Heavyweight Title Match will now be a 60-Minute Time Limit Match. I have PERSONALLY handed the referee duties over to Referee Nick Patrick for BOTH matches.

Caudle: Huge news.

Cornette: Yes, it is isn't it? We're not done though. Sweet Stan Lane has been a thorn in The Committee's side for MONTHS now, and he made himself such AGAIN on Sunday as well when he felt it necessary to include himself in the final moments of the WCW TV Title Match. Well, seeing as how I now represent the champion, Ron Garvin, I have some issues with this, more than I did before. Sweet Stan has petitioned The Committee for weeks to get his TV Title Rematch, and he's finally got it. However, that won't happen for roughly sixty days, at WCW WarGames '91. This month on PPV The Midnight Express will meet Muta and Liger for the WCW World Tag Team Titles. I may not LIKE that decision, but it is the decision of the WCW Championship Committee, so it will happen. Now, let's all get ready for a rematch of sorts from Sunday Night. Up next, Owen Hart will meet Barry Windham, the man he made give it up, one-on-one.

Cornette and The Foundation walk off without another word as the fans cheer these announcements.

Caudle: Big announcements here tonight, and right after these commercials we will see Owen Hart and Barry Windham.

OR: 83


Owen Hart(with 2nd Generation) vs. Barry Windham(with The Horsemen)

Owen is led to the ring by Jeff Jarrett and Dean Malenko to a good reaction from the crowd. Barry comes out next, flanked on each side by Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, and the crowd lets their negative feelings be known. Barry gets into the ring, and before the ref can even call for the bell Barry begins to punch Owen on the bandage on his head. The bell is rung and it's all Barry here as he pounds on Owen for minutes. Hart ducks a Lariat, and comes off the ropes with a Spinning DDT that leaves both men down. Hart gets up and backs towards the ropes, where Anderson grabs his foot, tripping him up. This IMMEDIATLEY brings Jarrett and Malenko over and the four men get into a brawl on the floor. Owen and Barry are both back up, and the action from the floor spills into the ring, where the ref loses all control. He throws his arms up as the six men brawl, and calls for the bell. The official announcement is made and the match is thrown out. The six men continue to brawl until 2nd Generation is able to toss The Unholy Alliance out of the ring. 2nd Generation stand to some cheers from the crowd as their enemies back off, trash talking the entire time.




OR: 77


2 Cold 2 Snow vs. The Diamond Mine(with Diamond Dallas Page)

2 Cold and Snow are in the ring already out of the commercials as Hall and Nash are led to the ring by Page. The crowd out and out boos The Mine for the first time in a long time, not that they seem to mind. The match starts with Hall and Snow, and as usual when Hall is in the ring with almost ANYONE, the match is above par. Snow and Hall really click together in the ring, and the fans get solidly behind Snow. Snow tags out to 2 Cold as Nash is tagged in by Hall, and the match slows WAY down here. 2 Cold tries his aerial maneuvers, but Nash either swats him away or catches him. 2 Cold is soon dominated, and it's not long before Hall is back in and hits The Diamond Drop on 2 Cold to score the 1-2-3 and win the match. As Snow is helping his partner from the ring Regal and Austin slide in and attack Hall and Nash from behind with tennis rackets again, laying them out. Page backs off, but he is soon caught by Regal, who rolls him into the ring to an awaiting Austin. Austin hits The Stun Gun on Page as Regal practically drags Caudle towards the ring. Austin rolls to the floor.




OR: 78

Camp Cornette Doesn't Like Anyone...Especially The Diamond Mine

Regal shushs Caudle who was about to speak.

Austin: How many months ago was it that I debuted here in WCW and IMMEDIATEY won the WCW TV Title by defeating a Z-Man?

Regal: Quite some time ago.

Austin: Almost eight months to be exact. When was it that you and I joined forced Steven and brought to WCW it's most DOMINANT Tag Team in ages?

Regal: Just a short time after both our debuts.

Austin: March of this year to be exact again. Since that time we have defeated The Midnight Express, the CURRENT Number One Contenders to the WCW World Tag Team Titles, and EVERY OTHER team WCW has thrown in our paths. Why are WE NOT the Number One Contenders?

Regal: Because of those three bloody pillocks in that ring.

Austin: That's EXACTLY right. Those three in there cost us the chance to meet The Freebirds on PPV, and because we came off looking weak they cost us getting the nod for Fall Brawl. Well, Studd, Big Kev, DDP, we have our sights set FIRMLY on the three of you, and we won't be stopping until we destroy you all and send you back where you came from, wherever that was.

Regal: Land of the bloody munchkins I think.

The fans are booing these two with all they have, despite their fury being directed at another team they despise.

Austin: I'd be watching my backs if I was ANY OTHER team in WCW, especially The Diamond Mine.

Austin pie faces Caudle back and he and Regal walk off to a tremendous amounts of boos. The camera cuts back to the ring, where an enraged Nash is sitting up looking on.

OR: 96

(Steven Regal gained in over rising from 84 to 87)

(Stunning Steve Austin gained in over rising from 91 to 92)

(Austin and Regal have been the basis of discussion for some months now, but the way they have gotten and remained over with the crowd despite doing nothing of real importance for months now is almost mystifying. Austin and Regal are BOTH Main Eventers just waiting for the right program to cement them.)


Main Event Six Man Tag Match: The Midnight Express and Terry Taylor vs. The Foundation(with James E. Cornette)

Cornette leads Rotunda, Rich, and Garvin to the ring, while Smothers walks behind carrying the briefcase in his usual role as of late. The smattering of boos is barely audible. What is audible however is the reaction The Midnight Express get. Terry Taylor waits a few seconds, then he comes out too, and the reaction dies down a bit. The fans then settle in and simply WATCH the match unfold, making very little noise throughout. There are some "Too Sweet" chants whenever Sweet Stan gets in the ring, but for the most part they remain quiet. The ending comes when Sweet Stan and Ron Garvin are in the ring. Sweet Stan goes for Too Sweet, but Tracey Smothers hops on the apron to distract the ref. Stan pummels him with a forearm as Cornette slides the racket in to Garvin. Sweet Stan is laid out, as Rich and Rotunda keep Taylor and Eaton busy, and Garvin hits The Garvin Stomp and makes the cover. The ref counts the 1-2-3 and The Foundation win it. The Foundation back away, as Cornette smiles and points at The Midnight Express.




OR: 67


OR: 78



Best Segment: Regal and Austin's "interview"

Worst Segment: Main Even Six Man Tag Match

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