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Lost - Season 2


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  • 3 weeks later...

There is a gunshot heard and as Shannon staggers back into view, she is shown bleeding from the torso. The camera pans back to reveal Ana-Lucia, who mistook Shannon for one of The Others, with a smoking gun. It is not known whether Shannon lives or dies, whilst some viewers have also speculated that it was not Ana who shot Shannon, but perhaps Rousseau or someone else. There is also speculation that one event may not have anything to do with the other as Sayid & Shannon are never actually on screen with Ana and the other "Tailies."

The teasers for this episode have said that someone will be "lost forever", this could also be Sawyer or Cindy, who apparently has been "taken." Shannon was financially abandoned by her stepmother which can be interpreted as another meaning to the title seeing how it was also her flashback episode. After Shannon was allegedly shot and the camera pans back from Ana-Lucia, Sayid's look is one of murderous rage; Ana-Lucia's one of shock and adrenaline.

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Yeah and while they weren't on screen at the same time, Ana, Michael, and Jin are all clearly seen walking up at the same spot where Shannon saw Walt and ran after him at. Looks like people just reading too much into the fact that they weren't on screen together when the reason for that is most likely simply because it's more effective to have it cut between the two different parties because of the distance.

I really liked Shannon, if not just for the fact that I find Maggie Grace incredibly hot, but still...and her flashbacks and actions in this episode was making me like her even more, but I expected her to bite the bullet, so to speak here. I do find it interesting that at the end of this episode, it's kind of unclear which survivor is "lost forever" whether it be Shannon, Cindy, or even Sawyer at this point. I tend to believe Sawyer is going to be fine, and Cindy may be irrelevant since she's one of the "taillies" and to be honest with, I must've not been paying enough attention to them because I can't even remember which one she was.

So while its not really clear if Shannon lives or dies, I'd say if she wasn't yet, she probably wouldn't last much longer given the nature of where she was shot and the fact that I don't think even Jack could save her.

Poor Shannon :( I hope Sayid shows Ana Lucia the methods of torture he gave Sawyer in Season 1.

And I'm glad they're giving us this "from the beginning" look at the other survivors, just so we can get some more understanding on their personalities and such so that we can have more feeling for them...cause like I said, I didn't even know who Cindy was and could really care less at this point about her dissappearance.

And I'm guessing "extended" episode means it'll run over a couple minutes or so (I think they did that a couple times last season), because there was still a preview for Invasion's next week.

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Yeah, she was. She was the one that gave Jack the alcohol "against regulations".

Anyway, another brilliant episode. Was kinda obvious that Shannon would die seeing as it was her (first) flashback for the show, but oh well.

And yes, hopefully we get kickass Sayid back. His character went downhill in my opinion ever since the Shannon romance began.

Edited by Rebby Likes Anal
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I wasn't a fan of this episode. It moved way too fast. 60 minutes is hardly enough time for one or two days like it is in a normal show. Adding four extra minutes was rather pointless plus showing 48 days in those 65 minutes was just not enough. It felt rushed and just a filler episode.

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I kind of liked it especially the end with the beating and all the things we've seen before going in slow mo. The Goodwin thing though was pretty well set up with Nathan being from Canada and all. I guess that's where Ethan got his story from.

And who played Goodwin. I recognized him from somewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really liked that episode. The ending with Michael interacting with the computer was an awesome scene: "Hello?" "Hello?" "Who are you?" "My name is Michael. Who are you?" "Dad?"

It's going to be interesting to see what they do with that when they return on January 11th ( :( That's too long ).

I also liked Locke asking Michael and Mr. Eko if "You want to watch it?" I thought that was funny as if Locke just loves to watch it (and we know he does, what with him having to end up splicing the film back from watching it so much before). Eko was just his usual awesome self. He has the best facial expressions that he doesn't even need to speak that often as you know exactly what he is thinking. Eko is quickly becoming one of the best characters on the show.

Someone on TSM pointed out that Syaid was on the TV in the Arm office where Kate went. I didn't notice it, but I am going to go back and watch the tape to catch that. I wonder what that is all about. We did see Hurley on the TV in Jin/Sun's flashback at there house in Korea and later found out why. If this is true, I am sure we will get a Syaid flashback about it. But 6 weeks is too long to wait for another episode. :(

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