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Shadow of the Colossus


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Anyone else buy this game yet?

I can only describe it as HUGE.

Its incredibly unique and really beautiful. Each Colossus brings about a different challenge and puzzle, most involving just figuring out how to get onto the giants.

Definately worth at least renting, if you liked ICO, it's a must have.

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The game looks really friggin cool but unfortunately its for PS2 and I have Xbox. Maybe one of these days when the price of the PS2 drops to $100.00 I'll pick it up but until then, I'm going to have to pass.

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I've never been able to track down ICO. My girlfriend learned about it and thought the concept was cool and all the vast amount of praise for it made me want to play it... but no store in this city has had one copy ever. Except one EB that had a used copy that was scratched to hell.

This also strikes me as great but my luck again no store will probably carry it.

Is there decent replay with it? I hate getting games that are good for only one play through.

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it is an awsome game, it is very short (i think it took me like 6 houres to finish the first time) but wen you play it the second time you get subtitle to the language spoken (wich is something you can´t understand while you play it the first time, no matter how manny real languages you speak) so there defenetly is something for you to find out and a good reason to play it again, i personaly love playing it again every now and than becaus it is just awsome looking and the story is just of the charge awsome (you will have to read betwen the lines, it´s nothing like MGS were you have more cutsceens than actual game) - it is very easy to finish

i could fully understand people not liking it or not playing it over and over again, if you just want to game this issent it, you need to have some brain to get whats going on behind the fassad (to get the idea of the game) and have to be able to get lost in it.

oh, i just saw that play asia got the ico soundtrack for very few monney, you might want to get your hands on that aswell, i just ordert it 8-) (video game soundtracks in japan usualy are on price levels that cause hardatacs even among the fittest)


Edited by Michael Matzat
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According to all the reviews I've read, SotC has a lot of stuff to find on your second time playing than you can access on your first, as all the strength you acquire from fighting the Colossi stays with you after you beat the game and start anew.

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  • Admin

I want this game, I need this game.

With Zelda being delayed until God knows when, I need a game that will at least have a Zelda feel that I haven't already completed 20 times.

wen you go for that also get your hands on god of war ( http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/godofwa...tml?sid=6120758 )

Are you a mind-reader? I want that too, lol. Was going to buy it yesterday but I'm just gonna wait and get GoW. SoC and SvR at Christmas.

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I want this game, I need this game.

With Zelda being delayed until God knows when, I need a game that will at least have a Zelda feel that I haven't already completed 20 times.

wen you go for that also get your hands on god of war ( http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/godofwa...tml?sid=6120758 )

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Ico is an amazing game that everyone should pick up nuff said.

Shadow of the Collosus... I picked it up day it came out and have only played it a bit played it a bit more today and am currently on the 4th one (horse) and am stuck. Either way though everytime I take a collosus down I feel like I have accomplished something which is something all games need.

Anyways people should pick this game up because it is incredibly fun and a beautiful game.... now I must go and try and beat the said collosus from above.

EDIT: Just found out that you can actual grab onto birds and hold onto them while they fly around.

Edited by CKN
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The only thing that is stopping me from buying this game is that I've heard it can take 20 minutes to get to another colossi. I don't have the type of patientence for that, but is it really that noticeably when playing?

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