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Overrated/Underrated: Film Edition


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I'm going to go against the grain here and say I enjoyed X-Men 2 far more than X-Men one. Better villain, better selection of characters, and far less slow.

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Agreed, speaking of a group with super hero powers, I sure do hope Sky High lives up to my expectations.

To be honest, I've only ever seen TV adverts for that film, but it looks totally boring to me. It's like one of those cheap foreign toys that are supposed to be Marvel superheroes but they couldn't get the copyrights so it looks like a weird ripoff.

Just from the ad alone I've noticed Spiderman, The Thing and someone else I've forgotten (>_>) ripoffs, it's just so totally meh to me.

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Overrated: LOTR - Never EVER worked for me what so ever. Just didn't click, get's way too much praise IMO.

Star War's - Entire Series - Same as above. Find this majorly overrated. Enjoyable, yes, amazingly great like hyped? No way.

Underated: Titanic - It's not underated a tonne, but nowadays I'm always seeing people blaring over how it's not all that good. I think it's one of the greatest and most emotional movies I've ever watched. Deserves more praise than it gets, simple because I feel it's one of the best movies ever. Amazing performances from Winslet and Leonardo as well.

Dog Soldiers - Cant say I hear many people going on about this. Enjoyed this movie so much, just had a very good feel to it.

The Beach - Probably my favourite movie to date. Brilliant all around, doesn't get half as much praise as it deserves IMO.

Edited by JohnnyPerfect
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Underated: Titanic - It's not underated a tonne, but nowadays I'm always seeing people blaring over how it's not all that good. I think it's one of the greatest and most emotional movies I've ever watched. Deserves more praise than it gets, simple because I feel it's one of the best movies ever. Amazing performances from Winslet and Leonardo as well.

People shit on it because they realised they'd seen it all before, it's not that hard to cry and that's basically all they did to eminate that "amazing performance". Seriously? It's just a cliché within a cliché.

The Beach - Probably my favourite movie to date. Brilliant all around, doesn't get half as much praise as it deserves IMO.

Damn straight, I've seen it twice but both times I genuinely adored it, it had some nice twists and turns and the ending always make me smile.

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Guest clarencepool

I felt as if the X-Men were far too weak in the first film. They seemed to be getting their asses kicked left, right and center. I'm yet to see the second film.

I think True Romance is very underrated. For me, it has everything. The original Matrix film seems strangely underrated, people put it alongside the more commercial Matrix 2 & 3 which doesn't really do it justice.

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I felt as if the X-Men were far too weak in the first film. They seemed to be getting their asses kicked left, right and center. I'm yet to see the second film.

I think True Romance is very underrated. For me, it has everything. The original Matrix film seems strangely underrated, people put it alongside the more commercial Matrix 2 & 3 which doesn't really do it justice.

Was I the only one who though Reloaded was better than the original? Sure the original was revolutionary but I thought that the way Reloaded explained a lot of stuff made it far more entertaining.

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Guest clarencepool

I felt as if the X-Men were far too weak in the first film. They seemed to be getting their asses kicked left, right and center. I'm yet to see the second film.

I think True Romance is very underrated. For me, it has everything. The original Matrix film seems strangely underrated, people put it alongside the more commercial Matrix 2 & 3 which doesn't really do it justice.

Was I the only one who though Reloaded was better than the original? Sure the original was revolutionary but I thought that the way Reloaded explained a lot of stuff made it far more entertaining.

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Overated: The Matrix. Another one of those films that you hear so many great things about, but when you watch it you feel SOOOO let down. That's what this was to me. I found the story to be ok, the special effects were (obviously) awesome, but I felt as if the film was simply a vehicle for the special-effects, and I HATE HATE HATE films like that. Of course, whenever I said to anyone that I didn't like it, I got the "you just don't understand it" line. Crap.

Underrated: Daredevil. Yeah, god knows why I'm saying this but it wasn't as bad as everyone said. Was Ben Affleck mis-cast/crap as Daredevil? Hell yes, but other wise it was a good film. Also, doesn't hurt when Jennifer Garner's looking hawt.

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I felt as if the X-Men were far too weak in the first film. They seemed to be getting their asses kicked left, right and center. I'm yet to see the second film.

I think True Romance is very underrated. For me, it has everything. The original Matrix film seems strangely underrated, people put it alongside the more commercial Matrix 2 & 3 which doesn't really do it justice.

Was I the only one who though Reloaded was better than the original? Sure the original was revolutionary but I thought that the way Reloaded explained a lot of stuff made it far more entertaining.

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