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PS3 Question?


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I haven't heard anything about it being HDTV manditory. As for the price, there was an article on engadget where they reckoned it would start at around 40,000 yen or around $400 American. This was the starting price of the PS2 although apparently it was launched for only $300 in America. All estimates are just that though as Sony hasn't announced anything yet.

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Yeah, I haven't heard anything about HDTV being needed.

I hope it isn't, or else chances are I'll have to buy a new TV 'cause even though mine is big for a TV in a bedroom, I got it in like 03 and I don't think it's got the right capibilities

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I would doubt any of the next gen systems will be HDTV only, very little of the population knows what HDTV is let alone has one. So your just limiting your fanbase if a company were to go HDTV only.

And a price would be a complete guess, until Sony annouunces one you can take any figure said with a grain of salt.

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Console companies always take a massive loss in the first year of a console release, I think with the PS2 they lost around $500million as the main aim for the company is to get market share, and then make money the following years as production will become cheaper (mass production, better developed) and off licence fees.

I think Sony have predicted a $1 Billion loss in the first year of the PS3, which is something they might not recover because when the PS3 comes out, Microsoft will probably reduce the cost of the 360 by a considerable amount.

One figure that amazed me a while ago was that Sony had spent $1.83million on developing the Cell processor alone. Just the processor alone, nothing else, I'd love to see the figure on what they've actually spent developing the whole thing.

I still think it'll be a massive hit, but will be a loser for it's first two years instead of just one, but after that it should be huge as they're aiming for a shelf life of 10-12 years.

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They'll make plenty back in their share of game profits, but as LBTN said, most companies make a loss in year one in the past three generations, in the case of Dreamcast it made too much of a loss, so SEGA cut it, trust me, Sony know what they are doing and they won't make as much of a loss as every consumer who has read a magazine dies to point out.

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Guest Grapehead

They'll make plenty back in their share of game profits, but as LBTN said, most companies make a loss in year one in the past three generations, in the case of Dreamcast it made too much of a loss, so SEGA cut it, trust me, Sony know what they are doing and they won't make as much of a loss as every consumer who has read a magazine dies to point out.

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They'll make plenty back in their share of game profits, but as LBTN said, most companies make a loss in year one in the past three generations, in the case of Dreamcast it made too much of a loss, so SEGA cut it, trust me, Sony know what they are doing and they won't make as much of a loss as every consumer who has read a magazine dies to point out.

Are you suggesting the $1 billion number LBTN pointed out is just him 'dying' to come down on Sony? Cause it's Sony's own prediction, I've read it more than once. It's only a prediction, yeah, but wouldn't they know best?

I was backing up LBTN actually, and stating that that is Sony's predicted loss for the console, but that DOESN'T take into account the games rebute. Try reading buddy.

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Guest Grapehead

They'll make plenty back in their share of game profits, but as LBTN said, most companies make a loss in year one in the past three generations, in the case of Dreamcast it made too much of a loss, so SEGA cut it, trust me, Sony know what they are doing and they won't make as much of a loss as every consumer who has read a magazine dies to point out.

Are you suggesting the $1 billion number LBTN pointed out is just him 'dying' to come down on Sony? Cause it's Sony's own prediction, I've read it more than once. It's only a prediction, yeah, but wouldn't they know best?

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