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December Contest!

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Theme: It's Christmas time and everyone's happy, jolly, and full of giving. Typically around this year, people are happy about the goings on in their lives. We've got a lot of feel-good movies, but what about a feel-bad one? A Christmastime horror story? Not one of those cheesy b-grade ones... a horror story. An actual thriller. Got the idea now? Okay, good... now make a movie poster for it, and make sure it's a good scary one. (Hopefully this is more clear)

Restrictions: You must show your sources (Photos used, etc...link to'm.) Other then that... nothing. You do NOT have to use Christmas icons if you don't want, but make sure a reference to Christmas is involved ('Jack Frost' being the name of a serial killer during the winter would be one example)

Size: No particular size needed, but it'd be appreciated if the poster wasn't too small or too large.

Posters can be done in landscape or portrait style.

Now then, for your do's and don'ts:


...use a reliable host, as the contest won't be judged until AFTER the deadline, and any images that don't appear, or have been swallowed by the dreaded red X, cannot be judged.

...link to your entry, IF you feel that the poster size is too large to post. I think that, other then some of our slower users, we can all handle several graphics of moderate sizes being posted--however, for the love of God, if the graphic is large...don't post the picture, just post a link to it.


...enter more then once. You can make corrections on your graphic, you can replace it with a NEW graphic, but the fact is you only get ONE entry. However, all edits/replacements/corrections can only be made BEFORE deadline. If any graphics are caught changed post-deadline, the user will be disqualified.

...post about wanting to be a judge. I would rather people participate in the contest itself. I'll contact people about judging this thing when the time comes, and if I have a shortage of judges, I will ask someone in the contest if they'd be willing to withdraw and be a judge, simple as that.

Edited by Norris Scott 27
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Why not just general Christmas rules? I think it's best if we all get into a good mood, rather than a dark one.

I'm promoting doing something different here though. There were a few people who IMed me asking for me to change the Christmas theme year as they were sick of it, but I wanted to keep it somehow, so I did this.

Just a fun little thing, I thought it'd prove to be interesting.

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Screw it, I'm up for a laff....


Pink text of dooooooooom~!

I got the guy by searching "Zombie elves" or something like that on Yahoo.

The background by searching "Winter" and the 18 certificate circle by searching "18 certificate"...

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster27
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I don't think they're bad rules, I just think he's done a shitty pretentious job of explaining it.

'Make a movie poster about a film with a negative take on christmas'

Would have summed it up nicely, and we wouldn't have had three zombie santas in a row.

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Admittedly, I had the idea planned out nicely in my head and it didn't come out as great as I wanted it looking back on it.

To the people who've entered, keep in mind that you can change your graphic before the deadline. I'm going to edit the rules to make them a bit more clear for those who're mis-interpretting them.

It's supposed to be a horror movie... not a cheesy low-budget film :P

Legit horror movie based around Christmas... seriel killers dressed as Santa going into people's houses, etc.

Get a wee bit more creative then what's been done so far.

There, HOPEFULLY the rules are easily understood now. Sorry for the confusion everyone.

Edited by Norris Scott 27
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Guest 6(sic)6

Its not the best but I tried to do what I could with what I currently have. I had to use Macromedia Flash Fireworks because thats all i currently have but if ya ask me this turned out fine.


Used Ghastly Goul font and found the pic on Yahoo under a Killer Clown Pics search.

Be gentle, haha. I cant use brushes because I dont think you can with Fireworks so thats why its so basic but once I get the hang of everything it will all be better.

Edited by 6(sic)6
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